where? in orbit linux doesn't like my 1mb vid card, and windows doesn't either but gives me a better color and res :) it's bigbrother isn't it? the CIA owns em oh, hehe jcater: on satellites, in space, hence the "orbital" and "satellite" words ;) really? I thought that horrible show Big Brother owned them orbital mind control lasers: beaming you your thoughts, every day http://www.grawk.net/~nick/proj/sites/personal/old/public_html/pics/lasers.gif http://www.deltasoft.com/graphics/screenshots/gem3accs.gif this looks interesting orbital:circling::satellite:remote... hmm, orbital+satellite = circling remote? ah, you lost your remote control? gem! nickr : have you used it / err...? No know anything about it ? but I recognize it um, its a gui from way back so it's like win3.1 is to dos ? er, ye but for opendos, or any dos well, I'm afraid I have to run away, now, people.. for cp/m I think. andrewm: run, run andrewn run! there were some handhelds that used it irrc jcater: before I get glued to the chair? :) yes! anyway, good luck, people, and I hope you remember me when you're all rich and famous :) gem was heaps cool well it sucked but you know.. cool at the time I am trying to find a nice DOS that is free, freedos crashes too much, know of any ? andrewm (andrewm@ left irc: Famous saying: "Rincewind, he say 'Goodbyeeeeeeeee'" :) debian dos we debian gnu\linux but just call it dos and you wont be disappointed ok, I tried to find opendos, but caldera is denying the ownership, so I cannot find it :) negotive: the tar/gz doesnt work on windows currnetly unless you 'hand' install it but it does work I can warez you a copy of NovellDOS back when it was ndos, after it was drdos before it was opendos and before it was drdos again ;) drdos.. my first OS nickr : no that is alright, I have MS-DOS somewhere here, but I can't find them, I put them in a safe place so I wouldn't lose them :-) well calling it an OS is pushing it but anyway DRDOS always seemed less evil than msdos the Blue Screen of Death was my first OS, but I think the official name is Windows 95 :-) pcdos baby Action: benno remembers calling it Doctor DOS for a long time :) pcdos seemed more evil yea we called it dr. dos anyway, just cause its funny Action: jcater misses his commodore 64 man I thought there were only like 3 versions of dos around :) Action: jcater *really* misses his TSR-80 jcater : right on, mine died last month :) mine still runs I used mine too much, only for games, I don't know how to code for it :) derek : I can't find a debian dos lol I think someone is pulling my leg here :) Rafterman (tim@lister.sesgroup.net) joined #gnuenterprise. negotive: yes was teasing basically saying install debian and you will NOT be disappointed :) hehe, I tried, but couldn't install from an ftp :( hi Rafterman hi negotive so I am sticking with slackware right now negotive: i will gladly send you cd's hu all heya derek, havn't seen you in a while :) s/hu/hi/ if bandwidth is an issue Action: derek hates to see people suffer from not running debian :) derek : just that my burner died on me so I can't burn the iso until I get a new one Rafterman / negotive did either of you have gnue questions? nah, just came to check things out #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ i'm reading on gnue atm. Rafterman: are you familiar with us? derek : you mean gnue is not the same as gnu ? and how did you hear about us negotive: nope GNUe == GNU Enterprise we are a GNU project so we are affliated with GNU never mine, I got confused taht is why I asked teh tar/gzip question :) cool we will gladly answer GNU related questions many of us work as volunteers for FSF in one capacity or another anyhow is there a gnue site that I can read up on ? http://www.gnue.org derek: heard about you from benno. you friggin communist GNU hippies are all alike :P chillywilly: thats Rafterman == benno.brother CRACK SMOKING, communist, GNU Hippies to you! lol haha derek: you forgot GOAT LUVIN derek : it's more like a poor crack smoking communist gnu hippie :) derek: who would be the best person to send patches to if/when i patch some of the docs? chillywilly (baumannd@d182.as1.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart... negotive (negotive@c966965-a.salem1.or.home.com) left irc: work just say no to goat love you could make GNUe tshirts that say that Rafterman (tim@lister.sesgroup.net) left irc: [x]chat Rafterman (tim@lister.sesgroup.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Rafterman: send to info@gnue.org cool as that goes to more than one person is(benno.brother.age > benno.age) nope 18 vs. 21 me is suprised university students interested in gnue Action: derek thinks its cool, just am suprised well, not really interested in it as uni students, more for work chillywilly (baumannd@d156.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: benno guesses we are at the lower age end of gnue type ppl benno: um chillywilly is your age about as are others Action: chillywilly is 23 Action: jcater hopes you're more mature than chillywilly :)p i wouldn't count on that :P chillywilly: j/k jcater: come on now, just lately I have been actin like a mental case derek: all these yung'uns in here :) Action: derek doesnt know how old jcater is but assumes he is older than chillywilly and younger than jamest Action: chillywilly does derek: that would be a valid assumption he's an old fart :P j/k well, at least the smells gone away :) hehe scary thing is im getting old remember when i was always youngest at things now you're just the guy all the young ppl wish would go away :) j/k Action: jcater hopes the whip's been put up rofl jcater: is that how your guys feel about you ;) chillywilly: yes, they hope the whip is put up and they wish you would go away? yeah, one of them seems to think he'll have my job soon really?!? ambitious little fart of course, he leaves everyday at 5:00 on the dot doesn't realize that real work begins :) when everyone else leaves jcater: and you live at the office right? I usually go home to take a shower but then come back its only possible to get stuff done when everyone else leaves get peace and quite it's amazing how much of a day is pissed away answering questions :P I'll have you know the pepsi supply is overflowing here I am good to go err pepsi.. evil now I just need to get this friggin PHPNuke shit squared away yes pepsi evil no pepso good water is good pepsi water is free water sucks rocks (morally and financially) :) s/suchs// masta evi evil bad masta everything evil Action: chillywilly jump off bridge now bye anyway.... anyway... heh, I win .. I have mor edots ................. ooooooooooo ....................................................................................................... (but mine are bigger) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo poor chillywilly has dot envy nope your the only one thatmentioned size perhaps you should look in the mirror you made it competitive :) doesn't mean I am envious just means I win Action: jcater thinks chillywilly had one pepsi too many; stack overflow masta: can you have one pepsi too many? (as opposed to stack underflow a couple of days ago) eh, I just go trough bouts of depression I ned to get me some good drugs ;) but in my experience life generally sucks no, life specifically sucks existance generally sucks ok, I'll agree there then you die when I get depressed, I program... are you depressed cause I have a lot that needs programming :) hehe nope I'm "ok" a little tired getting hungry too maybe time for midnight snack even thought it's Fri Jun 29 01:14:39 CDT 2001 close enough I'm not picky today is jamest here? I think he's gone after I login as "God" can I chage his password or something? he is in bed fuck! chillywilly: it's not that bad he'll be back tomorrow well who said he could sleep? masta? you're loosing your touch :P chillywilly: he lets us take turns well I must've missed my turn Ok, you're tonight get busy if chillywilly.sleepy: chillywilly.drink(beverage=pepsi) la la la it's the smurfs! s/if/while yeah, that's better code :) and more true to life while chillywilly.isSleepy (): chillywilly.Drink (pepsi) a little code cleanup there eh? ;) nohup jcater > /dev/null 2>&1 Nick change: derek -> dnZzz night l86 all y'all gnue ppl jcater (jack@memphis.ncsmags.com) left irc: ugh, I'm sleepy [nickr wakeup]; Action: chillywilly slaps nickr accross the face with a raw fish :P Ouch penguins always have plenty of raw fish on hand ya know? hrm and sex appearently eh? satisfied penguins at least like tux? fat and satisfied yea Action: chillywilly is away: late night snack Although I think tux looks dumb Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:07:05) chillywilly: check out my cam hey has common and forms been officially released? URL? http://www.grawk.net/~nick/geeks.php?matchf=name&matchv=nickr Action: nickr feels so lame now. ok look into the camera and give me the finger or something I was mostly just showing off the cute raster lines why is it green? cause its 0ld sk00l did you flip me off? I see you playing with your hair like brushing it back It updates once a minute so its hard to do things like flipping off and stuff this is why I need a cron with subminute resolution :P just hold it there then oh? just type with one hand flip off with the other there you go yay! why did you want me to flip you off? just to prove it was live man You didn't believe me? It's just the thing to do I see I should've saved that shot and put that as my printpage err frontpage on my site 3y3 M 2 3133+3, rasters, giving the finger its a classic did you save it perchance? yea nope it was a cool picture I want to make tshirts Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch thierry (thierry@AMarseille-201-1-1-10.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. hi there Action: benno goes off to slug meeting benno (benno@holly.sesgroup.net) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (baumannd@d156.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart... thierry (thierry@AMarseille-201-1-1-10.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Ping timeout for thierry[AMarseille-201-1-1-10.abo.wanadoo.fr] thierry (thierry@AMarseille-201-1-1-10.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (baumannd@d156.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. yuou sure don't go to bed for long, cw ummm, I gotta go bug some people in #mutt chillywilly (baumannd@d156.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart... ajmitch (ajmitch@p6-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p6-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch (ajmitch@p10-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy andru (andru@ left irc: Read error to andru[]: EOF from client Nick change: thierry -> thierry_reboot thierry_reboot (thierry@AMarseille-201-1-1-10.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Ping timeout for thierry_reboot[AMarseille-201-1-1-10.abo.wanadoo.fr] thierry_reboot (thierry@AMarseille-201-1-1-10.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajbusy -> ajzzzz Nick change: thierry_reboot -> thierry Nick change: dnZzz -> derek everyone sleeping Mr_You (car@vpshost2.vitalserver.com) joined #gnuenterprise. bye bye hello you good bye you derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: [x]chat bye jamest_ (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. looks like I forgot to log out again heh mgoetze5 (mgoetze5@hmbg-3e36c67c.pool.mediaWays.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hello hi what's this 'ere channel about? gnu enterprise www.gnue.org business software basically oh, like cloning quicken and stuff like that? argh! :) not quite think bigger more like SAP oh! or Peoplesoft well then... good luck! LOL :) mgoetze5 (mgoetze5@hmbg-3e36c67c.pool.mediaWays.net) left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (dneighbo@alt2.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest has multiplied again :) you're up early yip with some luck this will be good day for gnue why? am pitching something to 12 regional directors for hotels like Hilton etc do me a favor if you're about to sell my soul into slavery make sure the promises are at least physically feasable no more GNUe is better than viagra stuff eh? you have a demo for them? this is not directly a new thing its just a talk? wait a minute! lets think this thur thru if hotels like gnue and like masta(a long shot I know) they might sponser him to work on gnue more which means more bugreports and unreasonable requests just exactly how is this a good thing? heh well remember we are all about the user so for you its holy hell but for the user its a good thing we're all about the user? i thought it was we're about all over the user or was it it's all over for the user WOW nearly 4500 visits adn 167000 hits in about 15 days jamest did you plan on moving old irc logs and old webalizer logs webalizer I didn't as it'd be a bit of a pain old logs yes jamest_ hmm why woudl webalizer be a pain? if you just move the actual lgo files and put in same spot If I can move the static html maybe wouldnt webalizer rebuild from those? but why move static html i I had the logs I could rerun yes thats what i mean but i don't have them get the logs and I'd have to merge my logs in and rerun webalizer the only PAIN woudl be june as i woudl throw out all other ash logs as it was 'setting up' time etc btw -why merge so for traffic at least why not just move static html to oldlog page june would be the only moth as the logs go away after a year anyway um i woudl thik that getting the old logs and runnig webalizer would be easier except for june one is a tarball for me personally the other is me remerging all logs by hand i prefer source history jamest_ why would you merge anything? except for june? webalizer time stamps shit dres_ (dres@ got netsplit. yeah an point? so anything I run thru older won't count I have to wipe the slate and star with huge log file of everything hmmm doesnt understand but i will believe you I've done it twice here and it's not hard but there are other things needed done first/more important lie the mailing lists, graphics for the site, etc, etc i will tar and bring old goats files to my machine if you get the logs and sit on them I'll merge them later dres_ (dres@ got lost in the net-split. madlocke (madlocke@p3EE2067E.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi madlocke jamest, you are there? have an alpha version of the diagam ... Action: madlocke needs some kilos of ice cream... or a ventilator I'm here jamest_: to which mail address should i send the alpha diagram? jamest@gnue.org ok it's on its way madlocke: you poor bastard ;) this thing is huge hey it's your software ;) you wrote this stuff :) looks good what I can see I've only got a 17" monitor i really like this good.... ok for now i have to leave... have to write some docs... will be back tomorrow... cu l8r madlocke (madlocke@p3EE2067E.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Client Exiting is this thing on? jcater (jack@memphis.ncsmags.com) joined #gnuenterprise. yes, it's me whats up jack carter arent you from the movie get carter? surely jcater: hi you doing anything to gnue code today? probably not sorry you doing any gnue marketing today? this weekend ncs marketing today bye thierry (thierry@AMarseille-201-1-1-10.abo.wanadoo.fr) left #gnuenterprise. oh crap gfcvs is a bash script damn bluestar!!! ? our DSL provider (Covad) going under I have to switch to another provider now :( what is this? mine is also covad are you one of the closing COs they annouced months back bluestar service BlueStar == Covad Biz Solutions mine is covad biz solution aka bluestar want me to scan my letter? Dear Mr Cater, sure if you don't mind We at covad would like to take this moment to say "Bend Over" when they annouced closing of a bunch of COs, I ask them if I was affected and they said no Take Care jamest: this is partly also the result of non-paying customers.. not ISPs, but business customers BlueStar has excellent pricing and service IMO It is the result of their wholesale accounts I get 50ms latency across multiple backbones not paying not their immediate customers jcater: they have also specificly mentioned "business customers" I was told that's what they were referring to they could only collect chillywilly (baumannd@d166.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. 30% of their wholesale business that's what I was told by my rep at least re yeah thats probably the main part of it.. I hope my CO is still not affected that's ok, I'm switching to XO for one I'm getting free rent where my servers are and getting 400K service :) I think that'll be enough to host our smaller websites in house (I hope, at least) should be.. I know one site was capable of around 600k-1000k hits per day with around 384kbps.. heavy on the CGI too coolness one game he wrote was so CGI/processor heavy that it would have required a dual or quad box ;-) Nick change: jcater -> jcLunch Nick change: jcLunch -> jcater quick lunch pizza! pizza! hello ppl hello chillywilly hiya scp me some pizza that is I only had two slices (note the *had*) just hoovered them up eh? see the k5 article about the M$ ruling? where hold on http://www.kuro5hin.org/?op=displaystory;sid=2001/6/29/04129/3033 oh here's a good one: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/microsoft-antitrust.html Arguing with an Electrical Engineer is liking wrestling with a pig in mud, after a while you realise the pig is enjoying it! s/Electrical// I'm king of the world! no you're not! Yes I am nope i'm afraid so Can I be the Jester of the World? yes you can jcater: sure I decree it oh wait that's nickr's job king nickr concurs! :) I am the village idiot of the world if you so wish So be it! lksdhvlkjash d;k jhS;KJDH FLKJS HDF ;KJHSDJFKLHLSKJDHFLKSJHDKLJHSDLKFJHLSKJDHF;KSJDHVG those keys sticky again? when keyboards attack it's always an ugly sight neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ no I am alos a crazy village idoit only if t king nickr decrees so though, so it's pending I don't think he has to confirm such unpleasantries. The Jester can vouch for you. We already decreed it hi neilt chillywilly you spillng 'soda' again? jcater: hey dneighbo: what do you call it 'pop'? neilt: what do you call it, being a close neighbor? rofl We decree that the use of the word 'pop' to describe soda will be punnishable by fifty lashings in the town square s/,// Action: dneighbo thinks chillywilly forgot the earlier jokes nope chillywilly: call what? thought you were making fun of me again re: sticky keys, and him spilling his 'soda' chillywilly: again :) you mean always :) scotty spilled iot not me I yelled at him too chillywilly (baumannd@d166.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[d166.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net] note to chillywilly - it's just a keyboard Action: jamest_ dumped about 5 gallons of water on wife's pc once was putting in new tile floor in kitchen and had disconnected dishwasher to get it out of way was using sink when it hit me, the dishwasher drain line ran to the sink checked the line and it was pouring water onto floor, thru hole where wiring came up from basement, running allong a pipe to right above wifes pc then dumping it right on the monitor top to make a nice sprinkler effect I poured water from the keyboard :) everything else survived :) and surprisingly jamest_ came out unscathed (by wife, that is :) yip dres_ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. haha in skimming logs translyvanian gov looked at gnue ? that's funny? Action: jamest_ is slow today well kind first thing I thought of was rocky horror picture show dneighbo: you at home? dres_ (dres@ got netsplit. Rafterman (tim@lister.sesgroup.net) got netsplit. stbain (stbain@linux.pnsinc.net) got netsplit. jamest_ (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) got netsplit. dneighbo (dneighbo@alt2.libertydistribution.com) got netsplit. jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201147.flinthills.com) got netsplit. jcater (jack@memphis.ncsmags.com) got netsplit. ajzzzz (ajmitch@p10-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) got netsplit. Mr_You (car@vpshost2.vitalserver.com) got netsplit. dres_ (dres@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Rafterman (tim@lister.sesgroup.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. stbain (stbain@linux.pnsinc.net) got lost in the net-split. jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201147.flinthills.com) got lost in the net-split. ajzzzz (ajmitch@p10-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) got lost in the net-split. Mr_You (car@vpshost2.vitalserver.com) got lost in the net-split. jamest_ (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) got lost in the net-split. dneighbo (dneighbo@alt2.libertydistribution.com) got lost in the net-split. jcater (jack@memphis.ncsmags.com) got lost in the net-split. dneighbo (dneighbo@alt2.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (baumannd@d48.as0.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. stbain (stbain@linux.pnsinc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. am I here this time? i think so good logs are a funny thing why? jcater (jack@memphis.ncsmags.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jcater throws everyone a fish btw - debian woody still uses python 1.5.2 which I take to mean next debian release will be 1.5.2 based not 2.0 what is newest redhat using? RedHat 7.1 -> python 1.5.2 :( so if we update we're probably going to have a problem :( hold up this is a half and half problem the first real viable on large scale version of gnue i thought you got that from the store in the dairy section probably wont hit until next rev of distros anyhow which will have 2.x woody is the next debian and it has 1.5.2 so we are talking about different group BUT the other part of this is unlike some applications 2.x and 1.5.2 coexist nicely from what i can tell to me it depends on if we are building for future or for now i.e. do we plan mass deployment of GNUe really soon? if we do then 1.5.2 is right choice if we plan on limited distribution now (except to technology people and early adopters) then we are better off using 2.x my point being, that anyone who adopts GNUe for business is pretty much bleeding edge so asking them to use python 2.x shouldnt be to out of the question for example until GNUe its self were in woody should we really say our dependencies must be in woody :) btw: im all 1.5.2 now on linux adn 2.0 on windows so the next effect of this choice has little to no bearing on me :) and they all ran off. :) run away run away Action: jamest yells in his best "ed" voice I'm cool with whatever just pointing out what I noticed does this mean I can use glib 2.0?!? j/k :) gnue system requirements GObject is so much nicer python - cvs 7/15/2001 ah, well glib - cvs 7/14/2001 wxWindows - cvs 6/14/2001 thru 6/16/2001 (nothing newer/older) FAQ #1 - Why does GNUe require cvs everything? neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: bbl because we like ti that way s/ti/it A: You dont like it?! Why do you go crying home to mommy? Loser. rofl just for clarification usually i am against going newer stuff BUT since i think our realistic adoption date for most is > 6months im not too worried but in case of something like a new gnome, glib etc orbit i am more leary if a package cant co exist with older version no seriously though, we are developing this http://sourceforge.net/scrappy and I think we are gonna use Gnome develop libs and development glib too really, who is gonna be installing things? probably sysdamins anyway get this....I pull laptop from drawer (i was last to use it) the poweron username default the password *********** don't you think people could handle compiling a newer lib? i change the name to jamest and press enter the piece of shit remember my password why in the name of all that is good would the damn thing save the password of the last person to use it we could even make it easy for them and package up some things for them to install, if we really wanted to...I dunno I am not advocating going crazy with it though, so feel free to ignore me (not like you don't do that already) ;) i think that ight be pushing a bit chillywilly is'nt 2.0 still cvs only yes, but I'd like to be able to use GObject eventually so GEAS has a more OO feel to it, that way my UML diagrams can be used as is :P some inheritance would be nice doesn't matter now, like I said you can just ignore me I am going to do it anyway :) er, sorry I am *not* going to do it Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by ChanServ!s@ChanServ: GNU Enterprise : http://www.gnue.org [If no one is home email info@gnue.org] someone is playing with services isn;t that nice how to topic stays now? :) :) um yeah real nice too bad we have to reset it weekly cause it dies btw: i spoke with lilo for a few hours the other night really cool guy lilo is a nice guy was asking him about conferencing technologies etc that oculd perhaps be used dneighbo: I know it doesn't always come back say using OPN's network and we started talking (well he started educating me on some of it) really?!? there is a neat project they are doing called corridors that woudl be IMHO a possible way to circumvent current EDI technology and way of thinking so got talking to him about it more i definitely will be keeping tabs on it EDI == Enterprise Data Interface? http://corridors.sourceforge.net/ EDI = Electronic Data Interchange currently EDI is how ALL major retail vendors swap goods there are about 3 to 5 large EDI providers (VAN's) hrrrmm VAN == Value Added Network they cost is OBNOXIOUS to transport documents chillywilly : to put in perspective client here doing maybe 30 million in business is paying next to 35k per MONTH for EDI services mind you this service does NOTHING other than transport data which last time i checked the internet does pretty well so its a routing issue to make sure mailbags of EDI sets go to right place the idea is make a free version of this and use internet as transport and do some nominal fee to cover server costs of the routing hubs BUT you see corridors might circumvent this with its more p2p nature when you bundle a mailbag it goes out in the hall walks down the cooridor and sees if you partner is home if they are then it drops them a mail bag other wise it returns home (oversimplified of course) but now you ahve eliminated the REAL barrier for Free Software to become a stake holder in this game and is costly VAN data centers for routing/hubbing interesting I like p2p technologies they give the power back to the useres in a sense erm unless they are like Napster napster isn't true p2p True, true Hrm, its kind of funky that I always seem to release 'OnThursday' on friday Mr_You (car@vpshost2.vitalserver.com) joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: ? hi Mr_You chillywilly: www.grawk.net/news/ hi why is it call onThursday? called chillywilly: because its supposed to come out on thursday bye all wish me luck dneighbo (dneighbo@alt2.libertydistribution.com) left irc: My damn controlling terminal disappeared! good woop its just hard to get motivated to write it when no one sends any news items luck on what? pitchin GNUe to hotel directors aaaah for that contract job eh? oh I remember now pI dunno he was talking about this the pther day sklein (sklein@1Cust71.tnt36.tco2.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: you there? hi sklein hi chillywilly ajzzzz (ajmitch@p10-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. what's happening? Nick change: ajzzzz -> ajmitch doing a little designing with designer? no, designing the new methods lib for GEAS ahhh what's that? will that handle business logic? the library that takes care of executing methods of the business objects yes sklein: here are you looking at Louis's theory of op stuff? me? when did he post it ? jamest: that was for chilly ummm, theory of op of what accounting stuff? I do not do much with the packages my question for you is this: I think we are getting close to needing a startup screen that switches to various forms er, designing and such just hack the server I just would it be a waste of my time to try and hack the wxPython demo to create something? jamest: did you get my question? chillywilly: I'll get back to you in a bit. Two conversations is an overload for me :) k jamest: did you get my question about the startup screen? jamest: I guess you stepped away. I was asking about the screen -- call it a startup screen or a business process screen -- that controls what forms are brought up I would expect it to contain a menu and a bunch of tables that call gnuef with whatever.gfd BTW, my response was delayed because I got a phone call just as you responded with you are ? :) you are = youre youre = your has Stan, found out you play the washboard the other, thats cool! ;-) chillywilly: Louis posts at pages.infinit.net/chalou His stuff includes theory of op that implies business logic for the accounting system. Thats what I was asking about Mr_You did you see my picture at www.lastchancejazz.com? sklein: I can add that to the todo not quite what we had in mind long term sklein: the modules/package people will be writing the python code to implement the business logic but it ought to be any easy hack jamest: would it be a waste of my time to try and hack it up from the wxPython demo? it would be a learning experience as well I am just making methods so you can plug other languages in there and so it runs methods in another process so methods cannot crash the netire server I don't see any pictures well Action: Mr_You is an aspiring jazz guitarist.. that would be fine, but the demo may be too complex you talking the demo framework Mr_You: you need to look at the LC Jazz Band and then click on tittletattle or just using the demo samples jamest: I would be using mostly the demo main something else to keep in mind and substituting a table for theirs and getting rid of a lot of stuff if we do cross platform gnuef (a must) then a wxpython based launcher is of limited use but I'm not about to stop you from doing it cool how long you been playing those? jamest: you talking about curses based stuff? Mr_You: oh, about 10 or 15 years, but publicly less than that curses yes and eventually html but I'm not sure it'd apply there html? web based later, I guess yes I've been playing guitar for about 12 years total.. starting my jazz phase ajmitch (ajmitch@p10-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: http://www.freedevelopers.net gnuef UI system is via drivers it's undergoing a cleanup soon jamest: I guess we will need two versions then or is it possible to do both with the same code? hmmmm if you keep it clean and not completely bury app logic in the UI is this a "workaround" for the multiple forms in one client request? then we can reuse much of the code I'd hope it's possible to do with same code ideally what you want would just be a fancy gfd file I'd hope to extend it to do business processes but our triggers are not to the point yet we can do this easily where there were steps of the process and you picked the step you wanted to do you're talking workflow right not exactly yet just business processes, similar to what you do with QB or lots of other stuff gotcha click here to enter a sale here to write a check eventually, it could grow or be replaced by workflow etc [15:42] MSG541 jamest: yes exactly man, what would be neat argh hmmmm and you're not talking about a worring about limiting what users see based on who they are well, eventually we could do something like that eventually being the key word :) if it isn't on the screen they can't do it can they :) i wonder if you could just extend the gfd syntax to include a task attribute for forms and if they can't see the gfd they can't do it unless they can hack geas Mr_You (car@vpshost2.vitalserver.com) left irc: home task attribute? then have your app parse forms in the forms dir at sstartup ahhh self-registration right then it just presents a list of tasks defined however, a given form may figure in a lot of business processes if a form doesn't have a task listed then it doesn't appear yes, I'm over simplifying Or so it might be better for the process list to control things have a task.conf in the /usr/local/gnue/etc dir where you could define tasks and forms for tasks that could be the location of the table the business process table It might also be the answer of now I do this without screwing up the clean cvs I just created I'm just thinking if you can do alot of the planning/config outside the app then we can hook into it with anything we need later argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would prefer creating just a table, reading it and going from there. Anything could read it why the arghhh!!!??? what did you do now jamest? ;) windows table in what format? some kind of delimiting, maybe ASCII file naming bothering you? no, windows python is bothering me what about windows python? distutils on windows and distutils on unix don't work the same for a small module installed in the default location you're fine when installing a real app you are oh so toast sklein: the table would be ok but I suggest you look at the modules page on python.org OK, will do as they have lots of work already done for you we're using their config system in gnue-common for the connections file and gead.conf geas.conf and it's dead simple to use OK I'll look at it. If I fall flat, we'll work it out Nothing ventured nothing gained jamest: second item. FYI I'm preparing a tickler email to the group at Singapore U. It's been about a month since I heard from them can you refresh my memory is this the group trying to get into gov They have the paper on XML templating (or what they call frames) I asked for further info. They responded they were interested but that was a month ago since we seem to be escalating progress, I think we need to make progress on templating ok and I think they have the tool, if someone (hopefully them) can port it to Python just an FYI for you and derek at least I want to know more about their XML commands so if we have to do it ourselves we will have a better idea of how they do it well, I need to get going. bye all Action: jamest whipers l8r sklein damn windows get this error Case mismatch for module name GConfig sklein (sklein@1Cust71.tnt36.tco2.da.uu.net) left irc: [x]chat but I can't change it as unix is case sensitive haha hahahah windows is so friggin lame bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. rms (baumannd@tech-200078.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. rms (baumannd@tech-200078.flinthills.com) left irc: [BX] Terminated. l8r jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: [x]chat Action: chillywilly is away: I'm busy Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:01:24) jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201147.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ nickr (nick@sdsl-64-7-6-186.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) joined #gnuenterprise. man compaq is rockin.. why? GPLing Linux kernel patches for clustering opensource.compaq.com kewl I guess they are porting their Unixware (SCO) code to linux Neat compaq is, suprisingly, not such an evil corp well, they are less evil than many of their competators the fact that its going to be GPLed is very impressive kewl I have new respect for compaq I dunno if OpenAFS is GPLed I don't think so Well they also completely funded early linuxes for the iPAQ oand they still host and aid free os projects for the ipaq IBM owns OpenAFS (Andrew File System).. there's going to be a battle for the next-gen network file system I think that Compaq inherited some of the less evilness from DEC for "clustered" disconnected file access nick: yeah yea coda is supposedly the descendent of afs coda addressses a lot of the limitations, actually iir coda itself has its limitations tho intermezzo and some others are trying to do better inter-mezzo whoa, compaq uses sourceforge software thats nifty-keen JFS is GPLed IBM JFS Yes so is XFS yup corps are always so bad ;-) they're coming around hey nickr Hewlett-Packard's Scheduler Plugin System (v6) A system to allow new schedulers to be loaded into the Linux kernel through pluggable modules. http://sourceforge.net/projects/pluginsched/ Neat cool The Open Source Database Benchmark boy I'd love to take that check from Oracle how much $1 million or somethin crazy? heh, that thing won't work with Oracle tho actually the use a patched version of sourceforge.. the patch is available Action: chillywilly is away: I'm busy Action: chillywilly is back (gone 01:48:34) when you generate a gpg key where what s the file name for it? dunno well Anil wants me to send him my key so he can send me a password to the FD box, but I forget which file here is the piblic key and I am not even sure which one it is er, if there is one here I still have you key jamest ;) oh wait don't you need to use gnupg to get at it? doh! time to rtfm again you have to create the key IIRC I have one created how do I sedn him it? I have your key and my jey in my databse database s/jey/key I alos have mutt setup to use keys too i don't recall you pass some args to gpg i think something about amour I should have a mutt macro here that does it for me iirc neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: chillywilly (baumannd@d48.as0.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[d48.as0.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net] chillywilly (baumannd@d156.as5.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (ajmitch@p59-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@HubS-mcr-24-165-213-55.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jcater hi how goes the battle? it's working