derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi derek hi derek hey jamest didnt expect you to still be up yip major crisis at home today......... 3 year old tipped car seat over while on our kitchen counter to see her brother he wasnt buckled in oh crap so catapulted him across the kitchen onto our nice tile floor so mom had a 'slight' panic attack ;) the flying mastany family all is well now, but got to spend some time sitting in ER did get me out of a boring ethics class though :) hehe ah, they had to treat her blistered bottom eh? :) nah the 3 year old didnt do anything wrong i know kids are kifs kids was accident mommy should have strapped in car seat, the ole it only takes a second rule you know :) ah! mommy got the blistered bottom then Action: jamest thinks that derek would need ER work if he really tried that one though rofl um i think in the west tehy call that a mortuary :) but i could be wrong Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy jamest ( left irc: [x]chat derek: whoooooa so was this child in the ER from your family? Mutiny (trivial@ left irc: Ping timeout for Mutiny[] Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch eugene (eugene@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. eugene: hello ra3vat: hi where are you from? russia my name is Dmitry. Vladimir, Russia русский проходит? Проходит, че только народ увидит :) достанет - скажут! Основные через несколько часов проснутся. Будут читать логи. let's do some chat? help somebody pls! what is 'shadowpw' file for GEAS and how am I to make it?! Nick change: ajmitch -> ajzzzz at_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hi Nick change: ajzzzz -> ajmitch at_ ( left irc: Read error to at_[]: EOF from client ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Client Exiting Nick change: ajmitch -> ajzzzz ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout for ra3vat[] ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. brb, kde is behaving like it was coded in Redmond jamest ( left irc: [x]chat jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ ahhhh sanity has returned to the desktop brb ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hi [10:02] MSG541 anyone have experience with wireless DSL? hi all hi derek ToyMan: i have wireless broadband but its not DSL i dont think wireless DSL exists does it? DSL = Digital Subscriber 'Line' yeah, it exists 30 mi range do you mean wireless 802.11b or wireless microwave i have wireless broadband but its not DSL 1.5MB Up and downstream the ISP puts up a tower who is the provider/ you have a small digital dish at your location sounds like microwave that i have they're just down the road and what to use me as the proto cust mine is 10Mbps down and 28k up (no phoneline) the uplink speed makes me want to cry :) could be, I see lots of sites that come up in a 'wireless DSL' google search though this is full speed both ways cool anyway, the receiver costs $850 which I think is a bit steep all broadband here is pinched but land line DSL cable is 3Mbps down and 256k up don't know what the bandwidth will cost yet just wondering if anyone knew of cheaper receivers if its same equip that my wireless the hardware can be obtained for under 200 bucks from that site ( i didnt see any info on the service naw, not yet they're just getting it set up it's big news in this small town no other broadband available so this at home or the office office for now, I hope both soon Action: ToyMan dreams of telecomuting hey that's all - just...hey?? hey we're the monkees always.... ill spare you the rest good - painful childhood memories are best left alone.. Action: derek thinks stu still has some monkee paraphenalia hanging around and just wont admit it ohmygod - don't ask me about my Peter Nesbitt poster! rofl better that you fessed up now, before we got it of your wife :) ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout for ra3vat[] ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: derek -> dnHome Action: ToyMan is back damn this thing! !@#!#%$ Away damn it! Away! Action: ToyMan is back hopeless bbl ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Client Exiting Action: ToyMan is back just hey dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Ping timeout for jcater[] Mutiny (trivial@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mutiny (trivial@ left irc: Ping timeout for Mutiny[] jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. at long long last I'm getting Windows ME'd for real I turned on machine went to windows update and started to apply all needed system patches/updates If I've counted corrctly so far i've experienced 1 crash and had to reboot 5 times so far (to apply updates) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: make that 6 reboots you guys see slashdot? business want a new 'profitable' internet? wtf? so shitty business models are the internets fault? this is the age old power struggle the big business want a predictable internet so they can have their authoratative control and predict how profits will happen etc. and us hackers like the chaos and decentralized internet where no one *rules* and I like mt dew mmm, mt dew is good too I like the red stuff the best though ToyMan ( left irc: Read error to ToyMan[]: Connection reset by peer Nick change: ajzzzz -> ajbusy make that 7 reboots Action: jamest has yet to install any software on the #!@!# thing hehe, I like this response to the more profitable internet thing screw them. its as much mine as theirs and i like it the way it is thanks. go sell your balls somewhere else. well for me they say the net sucks cause its a dumb network to me thats the BEAUTY of it no prop bogged down shit a smart network would only serve to CENSOR people adn since corp has more money than me that means me get bent over :) :) ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: ToyMan is away: logged on to tell us you are away eh :) clera oops wrong window is chillywilly here? yes just wanted to say hey plz don't beat me seems like long time since havent seen you oh.....ummm....hey but you reminded me Action: dneighbo goes to get his whip oh shit j/k Action: chillywilly runs Action: dneighbo wonders when they will learn running a 4.0 40 with an ankle brace with a 39ft chain tends to hurt the ankle hehe jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan are you here or are you gone? dnHome ( left irc: Ping timeout for dnHome[] ToyMan : when you return i have good majority of tables converted still have issues with your data not matching constraints :) i have enough data to play now the bigger question becomes you want me to fix the data constraint issues and move forward or just do proof with data that converted w/o issues? probalby the later Action: ToyMan is away: [17:34] MSG541 weird it used to toggle between away and back now it's just away dneighbo: yes, the latter, er...later forget about the constraints they were a bad idea to start with and I havn't gotten rid of all of them at the table level yet should be done in code or in the form not in the table ok dst_data is converted pretty much to postgres damn schema printing utility doesn work (its an addon) and i just got reinstalled so its not there :( and the techs are gone for the day so me no hvae disky Action: dneighbo needs to print the schemas so i can drop all the linked tables to complete a conversion then bring everythign back as linked postgres sounds good Action: ToyMan is ducking in and out while he cooks dinner grilled eggplant...mmmmm dneighbo: did you use one of the utilities or did you use the brute force method? im not gonna tell less you share the eggplant mmm dneighbo: how do you do your eggplant? brute force or using utilities? um brute force i suppose as i prefer babaganouj when it comes to eggplant jcater what kind of food you like? mmmm I like almost everything (as long as it's cooked; i.e., no sushi fish) no sushi bummer good sushi in SF sorry thats ok i dont do sushi when i travel ;) Action: jcater loves food. period. we will have to pick up some chinese while we are up there though :) Action: dneighbo is off to fight traffic jcater you be around tonight or this weekend/ yes [18:26] MSG541 ok see you tonight then ;) dneighbo ( left irc: [BX] Time wasted: 6h 35m 22s Action: ToyMan grills his eggplant with a sauce of : Action: chillywilly likes his eggplant fried olive oil/sesame oil/tamari cumin/tumeric/chili powder/african chili powder (hot!hot!) served w/ arugula salad on the side anyone for dinner? just head to NYC head due north 100 mi up the Hudson and you're there! Action: ToyMan is away: ToyMan is heading to dinner... ToyMan: good luck ToyMan ( left irc: [x]chat Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch jcater ( left irc: later Action: chillywilly is away: farscape! eugene (eugene@ left irc: Read error to eugene[]: EOF from client jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy dnHome ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dnHome -> derek welcome home, derek hey was out trimming bushes and cleaning up yard while it was cool cool = < 105 Action: jcater was converting his desktop to linux :) I wanted freebsd, but was going to test plex86, which requires linux :( is plex86 a vmware clone ? jamest spoke of it as well stop with the freebsd it really is evil use netbsd instead why? if you must bsd lol I doubt I'll need converting it was really a blind choice I do like bsd and just picked freebsd one of the problems with windriver etc is how they handle patches and code fixes they constantly break things that have fixes etc but mikroft will give you real world examples plus i respect that netbsd has a goal to run on anything opwell, I'm on slack now i think that it could run on a toaster lol slack isnt too bad wish we could get you using debian though ::) eh debian debian ra ra ra Action: nickr has a swirl tattooed on his back. :) jcater: in sf we will walk over to debian booth and you will tell them what is keeping you from using it and they will fix it or get beaten by masta ;) damn man I'll fix it. Right now, anything you want. if I must use bsd, I'm using the wrong one I need to pass the feats of strength anyway. if I must use linux, I'm using the wrong one maybe I need to go back to windoze jcater: maybe you need a mac jcater: and a drool-proof mousepad have one of those just upgraded to os9 icky jcater: you're not driving enough sharp spikes through your frontal lobe to enjoy it. Here, let me help.. jcater: the difference is of course with windoze there is no RIGHT version P:) fwiw: im teasing you about freeBSD & Debian kick butt netbsd :P finally got a wine program to run though on the freeBSD i think you would like netBSD better soon, netbsd|freebsd will be debian too muah ah ah dude! dreamweaver is working in wine :) probably netbsd because it has a lot to offer. At least I hope. Dreamweaker? Ack pht. if quarkxpress will work, I won't need my windows install :) Quark mmm sweet sweet suga Someday I'll have something better than quark. For it will run under [free unixlike] and be a beautiful thing. Action: jcater will be a beta tester :) bbs Action: nickr will jizz. err, did I say that outloud? anybody tried anjuta yet? ? Its an IDE like kproject except for gnome nope I use Kde anyway Someday it seems like it'll be pretty nice what happened to mr project ximian isnt doing a ms project clone (gasp) i thought it was in thier charter to copy anything coming out of redmond? yip anjuta is cute. monkey see, monkey do ms = gorilla, ximian = well, something monkeyish rofl anjuta? you mena kdevelop nickr? mean yea, kdevelop kewl chillywilly: apt-get install anjuta we need an ide but can you embed emacs? I don't know It does integrate glade moderately well It needs a lot of work though kewl ajmitch and I were thinking of starting a project that had an IDE, CASE tools , etc. jcater ( left irc: going home what version yo got nickr? 0.4.1 err 0.1.4 k I think the application wizard is kind of cute. It'd be nice if it integrated glade better like how delphi does it dude I got banned from I don;t knwo why though I didn't do anything hrrrm ajbusy ( left irc: Ping timeout for ajbusy[] jamest ( left irc: Ping timeout for jamest[] jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. argh! chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[] Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly ajbusy ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch jcater ( left irc: rebooting jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise.