chillywilly (baumannd@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy chillywilly (baumannd@ left irc: Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch ajmitch_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[] Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Read error to jcater[]: Connection reset by peer jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch -> ajzzzz ToyMan ( left irc: [x]chat nickr ( left irc: Ping timeout for nickr[] Nick change: ajzzzz -> ajmitch chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy Nick change: jcater -> jcStore nickr ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcStore ( left irc: Ping timeout for jcStore[] chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[] chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. gnuebot ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch jcater ( left irc: Ping timeout for jcater[] derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: are you really here? hi derek masta! hey guys hows it going anything good happen this weekend? went to the church picnic and state fair yesterday heh on saturday there was a concert at the apostolic church that rocked we have a cool band at church that some members put rogether together GST - God SizedTask er, Sized Task this was a band called 'The Lads' that are touring this part of the country I play wiht them sometimes with cool Action: ajmitch should send chillywilly an 'end of discussion' cd ;) :) Action: derek plans to put the christian alternative station we were running back up sometime soon today was a very sad day a church it was the pastor's last day oh he was all choked up people were crying :( he's going back downt o Texas your singing that bad :( lol this is a suthern baptist church derek southern wheredo you think we geta ll the pastor's from? :P dont they grow pastors on trees? yeah, in Texas they do ;) chillywilly: how methods coming along :) better yet how is life going along? could bet better er, be jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. su jcater er s/su/sup you talk to jamest at all this weekend nope just hooked up my kitchen computer though :) rofl thats on my 'todo' list believe it or not a kitchen computer? looking for a theme at to match my kitchen :) hehe yip but it is down I guess list 1. get etherboot card so you can eat and code at the dinner table? 2. get flat screen 3. drop cable chillywilly: recipes 4. get gnome office, xpdf, evolution, xmms and galeon working actually, it's sad I just spent last hour standing up at countertop chillywilly: its email/internet station for the family reading slashdot when my regular machine is ten feet away think of it like a telephone / letter writing station ok Action: derek might look into making it be my answering machine with bayonne as well ;) anyone ever use bootp? why would you use bootp? i use booty all the time ;) er s/use/get I dunno ajmitch what whould you use? should wait, im married, suppose i cant get you to believe that lie nope well doesn't dhcp do what bootp does I was assuming you meant your wife you're married? ;) maybe aI am confused on what bootp is ah well I am justa confused kinda guy I use bootp for my diskless stations to remotely boot them right? chillywilly: as confused as i am? ;) Action: chillywilly is smoking crack too much lately :P I gotta get off of that Action: ajmitch doesn't smoke crack ;P that's debateable hey! lol I need to go to bed early I am tired kids really where you out haha it's gonna be 95F tmorrow chillywilly: you're getting to be an old old man ;) this is rare for WI I went to bed late and got up early to go to church so I am tired so? and scotty ran me around all day playing soccer i went to bed late & got up early as well don't make m ebeat you ajmitch hah you couldn't, you can't move that fast with your walking frame ;) how do you know how fast I can move? ya little punk not as fast as me, anyway :P suuuuuure you can run but you can't hide then again if masta shackles you you can't run either hah, masta wouldn't shackle me ooooh I wouldn't talk like that if I were you why not? you'll see sure, sure... Action: ajmitch is real scared now... Action: ajmitch watches chillywilly hobble after him saying 'dang these young folks of today. in my day....' Action: chillywilly beats ajmitch with his old man cane Action: ajmitch grabs the cane & guides chillywilly back to the rest home no respect these young punks of today, no respect noy even for the masta] chillywilly: why shackle someone on an island smaller than most US cities? you MUSt fear the masta havent you seen CASTAWAY? Action: ajmitch trembles lol he is screwed unless an outhouse washes up i've seen castaway thats it I am gonna call you giligan or little buddy from now on :P Action: ajmitch wonders what to call chillywilly ajmitch: hey little buddy heeeeeeeere on giiiiillligan's isle Action: ajmitch farts in chillywilly's general direction you're disgusting gilligan too bad those island winds blow it back in your face Action: ajmitch thinks chillywilly's grasp on sanity is growing weaker by the minute Anth is the skipper how's thr hut building going little buddy? you knwo derek, now NZ ppl make sense to me, you have to be mental to live on a desert isle lol, you think this is a desert chillywilly? did't you see my desktop background? no, I am a deserted isalnd derek lives in the desrt desert hehe so his name is now wileee Action: jcater lives in the dessert no you don't icecream? I thought you lived in...ummm tiramisu eh? wtf is that (sp?) Action: ajmitch gotta go to uni a tasty dessert cya Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy little buddy I think I am just gonna go around and change people's name where do you really live jc? Memphis, TN I know it's in the south ah yes you like country music? eh I'll listen country music sucks Action: jcater prefers the musical stylings of Smash Mouth and peers you gotta liseten to the good old stuff Action: derek likes smashmouth Jimi Hendrix man Led Zepplin Pink loyd Floyd Rush Action: derek you sure you arent 40? anyone ever listento Humble Pie? naw but my dad turned me onto the good stuff just one of the side effects of having a cool dad gues who taught me how to play the guitar? my dad was a Hank Williams Jr type of guy ick The Who is a cool band too I of course like newer bands too but a lot of them all sound th esame and Metallica broke my heart the greedy bastards the Hurd rules man just check it out sounds cool but sounds slow it is buggy' needs work it is built on mach so, message passing is a bottle neck but they need to get it stable before they can improve performance ppp works now but select() is very borked you working on hurd? I did th einital port of user space ppp from freebsd cool it has been redone to make the maintainer happy now not by me though chillywilly: you can be the hero that fixes select nickr: sure man chillywilly: I think several people would personally kiss you heh with tongue. rofl yeah sound ssooooooo tempting ahaha that requirs glibc hacking right? requires probably both glibc and pfinet 2 daunting monsters nah masta would beat me as I still have not produced any code for GEAS methods Action: chillywilly hides Action: derek is too busy being slave to HCS to beat coders today ;( the hotel system ? yeah how far are you? um far later jcater ( left irc: Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream chillywilly: you know how to in cvs get a listing of files you have out of sync w/ the server? currently i do cvs commit and then it tells me and i abort the commit but im thinking there has to be a more efficent way uuuum man my brain is not working oh just do cvs update it will tell you it'll say M for modified or ? if it doesn't hav the file in there or A for you need to finish adding the file, etc. anyway, I'm going to bed cya chillywilly ( left irc: Read error to chillywilly[]: EOF from client