chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[] Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[] chillywilly_ ( left irc: gnuebot ( got netsplit. dnWork ( got netsplit. gnuebot ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dnWork ( returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by Rafterman ( left irc: [x]chat chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. galliwog ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajbusy ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch galliwog ( left irc: Client Exiting Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy ajbusy ( left irc: Ping timeout for ajbusy[] chillywilly ( left irc: ajbusy ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch madlocke ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ jamest ( left irc: [x]chat jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ Nick change: ajmitch -> ajzzzz jamest: hi gnuebot: can you talk? hi jamest: you have some time? um, not much a little maybe but I'll be choppy hm... ok maybe better we talk tomorrow... then i have more time too no plans for the night ;) madlocke ( left irc: Client Exiting Nick change: dnWork -> derek jwalls (jwalls@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi jeff Hi jwalls (jwalls@ left irc: using sirc version 2.211+4KSIRC/1.1 galliwog ( joined #gnuenterprise. bonjour hello Comment t'allez vous? ca va ca va bien i haven't downloaded the cvs tree yet i forgot to ask you some things u told me u had a couple of firms using gnuE yip what do they do with ? um one does some management of students ( i believe ) the other one is doing a call center application and another doing inventory and invoicing stuff so these just use the framework and develop for their own needs ?? yes ok they want to help develop the BASE and applications ok but had immediate needs so 'hacked' something to meet thier needs until the 'official' stuff was ready Qui vous a indiqué que vous pourriez cesser la programmation? thats the 'saying around here' i know there are french people working on gnuE Qui vous a indiqué que vous pourriez cesser la programmation? : ???? nekhem technologies is most prominent Who told you that you could stop programming? also at one time midgard was looking at using our application server i understand the sentence but whats the meaning ? though i think they might be rolling thier own now its a joke, basically saying programming is more important than anything else ok so if someone starts asking questions or doing something 'fun' are there still frenchies working on gnuE ? one joking would say 'who told you that you could stop coding' - lame american humor ;) um you are french :) yeah i know eric and thierry are still working on it i think or wanting too they dont ? and we have a few 'french' canadians as well they do ok just havent been around for a bit Action: derek needs to email them last i talked to them was right before bordeaux free software meeting u were there ? no i wasnt there, was trying to get them to go on behalf of gnue but i didnt get informed in time, so couldnt procure a spot for them :( maybe next year i have to run to work be back in an hour ok Nick change: derek -> dnWork i probably wont be there then so seeya later galliwog ( left irc: Client Exiting jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dneighbo -> derek #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ Nick change: jcater -> jcLunch chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. anyone home? man I got a head ache hey we got a bug report on the gnue-savannah list cool Nick change: jcLunch -> jcater chilly i imagine perhaps that this form is busted will look when i get home Internet Explorer users need to upgrade to IE 5.01 or higher, preferably with 128-bit SSL or use Netscape 4.7 or higher is kind of funny coming from the group that INSISTS you must maintain lynx compatiablity chillywilly ( left irc: Read error to chillywilly[]: EOF from client chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: [x]chat Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly Action: chillywilly sees that derek has replied tot he bug submission Nick change: jcater -> jcAway nickr ( left irc: Ping timeout for nickr[] chillywilly ( left irc: now thats what i call a cool virus at least its humorous ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi stu Nick change: jcAway -> jcater jcater ( left irc: brb galliwog ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi galliwog hi so derek where should i begin when i wanna help u ? decide what you want to work on i.e. existing tool new tool base for applications or applications then talk to the lead of that item and get direction on how to be put to good use :) i dont really know what all these tasks involve ... i went over yesterday or day before the tools we have and which were written in which language Forms - Python Reports - Python yeah i remember Integrator - No Code ok teh base applications and teh applications i said i would be interested in the backend stuff are all written using the framework ok you want to talk to reinhard or neilt currently the big items that im aware of are a. getting method code redone (chilly is starting this) b. getting forms working w/ methods with geas (jamest was going to look at that) for now i would say first step would be to install all the tools and get them working ok it will let you know what exists and what parts are what and then you will have a cvs version :) probably pretty quickly you will see room for improvements :) how many people do work on this project ?? once all installed then we can put you to work :) um we have like 25 or members i think with assignments of which about 5-7 actively code thats not much for such a huge project :) we have several hundred that 'follow' the project ok galliwog we have had lots of people saying they want to help but end up not having the time i dont know yet if ill have time to help most projects get written by a group less than 5 even really large ones for now im on holidays for 4 weeks so ill try until they are widely adopted then ill begin to work and i dont know yet how it will be i assume as soon as our first 'shrink wrap' applications hit the internet we will grow like nuts ok im just downloading the cvs tree derek: how do u do to conciliate your job and your work on this project ? at work i dont really do gnue its a project separate from my day job as is the case with many others ok, but how many time do u spend working on gnuE ? galliwog, lately not much a few hours a week at most jcater has been pulling most of the weight :) jamest too, but he also has gotten busy ok some one should post this to so it doenst look like im the only poster :) its a good article that shows strength in gnue :) i think chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi chillywilly hi dude window 98 blows trying to download ghostview for window via the win 98 box upstairs and it really sucks ass i use gv on windows had to connect with GNU/Linux down here just to download something the gv program is on time lock :( :P it expired for me the viewer that is so when i want to use it Alladin? er Aladdin i change my system date and it works fine yeah then change it back when done they have the AFPL i use SO rarely I wonder if that is a free software license gsview or whatever is the program heh yeah Aladdin gsview an Aladdin ghostcript wait until I get my network up then I can print to the printer upsatairs remotely upstairs for me is 6 floors well I am at home of course I ain't got no job actaully the thing I am printgin is a cover letter ;) er, wanting to print I should check out this AFPL license I just wish they would develop GNU ghostscript and release under GPL artofcode LLC and Artifex Software Inc. are pleased to announce the release of AFPL Ghostscript version 7.00. Notable new features include embedded ICC color profiles, support for the PDF 1.4 transparency and blending imaging model, and a new API for invoking Ghostscript from other applications. Traditionally, at the time of each major AFPL release, there is a corresponding GPL release of the previous major release. This time, we plan to release 6.51 under the GPL, even though it contains significant features (particularly in PDF generation) over 6.01. The 6.51 release is scheduled for later this month so we have time to make sure the release will be fully polished. This is the first major release since artofcode LLC has taken over maintenance of Ghostscript development. I look forward to continuing to work with the entire Ghostscript community to make Ghostscript even better. why don't they just use the GPL to begin with ? chillywilly stupidity what's that? Action: chillywilly is dowloading ghostview an dghostscript I'm already lagged gawd this connection blows is a work domain? ToyMan ( left irc: [x]chat huh? where you are at dude you think you are invisible ? :P: is not valid to best of my knowledge btw: im not invisible just highly spoofed heh where does that domain come from then nevermind I;ll look it up hehe look at the admin er, contact LDC, Inc. (I14412-OR) isn't that Jade? derek r u there ? Action: chillywilly pokes derek with a stick chillywilly: i hav a probleme installing geas yeah its jade chillywilly can you help galliwog, im knee deep in issue here chillywilly: i have a problem while running ./configure the scripts tells me *** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found *** If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in *** your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG environment variable to the *** full path to glib-config. and *** The orbit-config script installed by ORBIT could not be found *** If ORBit was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in *** your path, or set the ORBIT_CONFIG environment variable to the *** full path to orbit-config. all this stuff is installed ... elGodz:/home/manu/Dev/GnuE/binaries/geas-0.0.5# whereis glib-config glib-config: /usr/bin/glib-config /usr/share/man/man1/glib-config.1.gz any idea ,? ummmmm sorry was printing some stuff gonna fax it tomorrow no probleme probably do your configure / autogen --with-prefix=/usr/bin/ or something lemme see its really strange it doesnt see those programs that are in the path that or update path or add the variable for GLIB cdpath should usually contain /usr/bin s/cd// manu@elGodz:~/Dev/GnuE/binaries/geas-0.0.5$ echo $PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games I doubt his box doesn't have /usr/bin in the PATH what distro you using woody deb hmmm geas deb? ? most developers here are using that nevermind Action: chillywilly is running debian sid chilly did mr-you finish the debs? maybe we could just try the debs? I dunno well I am not sure where they are do you know? --with-glib-prefix=PFX Prefix where GLIB is installed (optional) --with-glib-exec-prefix=PFX Exec prefix where GLIB is installed (optional) did he check in --with-orbit-prefix=PFX Prefix where ORBIT is installed (optional) --with-orbit-exec-prefix=PFX Exec prefix where ORBIT is installed (optional) i have tried one derek: it's not incvs ah thats what i wsa looking for the --with-glib-prefix== no success darn ill try again ok what's in config.log? you sure glib is installed ok? can you execute glib-config from that dir by hand? yep what's config.log then? nothing interesting hmmm the only failure appears with python i have to install some packages i think k well I gotta go eat brb is what i saw on the debs ajzzzz ( left irc: Ping timeout for ajzzzz[] looks like a quick hack at making debs anyway I'll bbl I promise Action: chillywilly is away: dinner galliwog ( left irc: Client Exiting jamest_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey its jamest's evil twin jamest_ bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha, soon you all will bow to the might of XP um yeah sure what you said Action: derek needs a nap isn't that what you gov workers do in AZ? KS thought all us gov workers got to nap all day ks = i nothing compared to the lethargy in state employees ;) Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:18:03) it's only toped by our apathy topped? or is toped some big word that I don't know anyone know how I can fax something form a GNU/Linux box? usign a plain old modem toped = go by foot to ped lol chillywilly: sendfax jamest_: that'll work with a plain old modem? or does plan old modem = modem without any fax capabilities yes I think the one upstairs is s faw/modem s/faw/fax i don't think you can do that and the hardware must negotiate the connection before passing control to computer darn well the upsatirs box is a winders bow box checking it out sir but can you send faxes? bummer yeah yoiu can but looks like yo uhave to subscription to SEND them eh? receiving them is free crap sending cost subscriptiong :( my bad what's a good proggy to this under winders that's cheating anyway as it's only indirectly using the modem :) jamest_: no it ain't FAX is stupid anyway /msg chillywilly shhh, I'm giving derek a hard time there was free one i used i must go get beat up now hehe have fun Action: jamest_ is away: getting what was comming to him hee you ever see the flinestones camera a little bird etches the picture out of ston stone heh ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. sounds like our datacenter ;) the little data operator etches new payroll records on stone tablets oh duh I do have a fax modem cool what is ssome good free fax software ? sendfax? what about helifax? ToyMan ( left irc: ToyMan is checking out the new treehouse... oh you want for unix hylafax GNU/Linux man so I cna fax a cover letter and resume to this place Action: chillywilly goes to see if there's a debian package efax hrrrrm gfax yeah there's lots of them hylafax-client klprfax hylafax-server are waht you probably want bye bye derek ( left irc: BitchX: the NEW form of birth control! chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[] chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jamest_ is back (gone 01:49:55) nickr ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ so you get kung foo'ed up? hey Nick change: dnWork -> derek you guys jnow what this is #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ <_> oo 7 (..) """ jamest_ trying to spell goat luvin in russian? anyone care to guess? i did guess just fyi ajmitch did not know what it is noooo it's a GNU sheesh <_> oo 7 (..) """ thats a stretch no it isn't his eyes are to the left the 7 is his ear the < > are his horns mee err moo (o)(o) any guesses? and the """ is his shaggy beard booo b derek: come one now (.)(.) that is (o)(o) 10 years later :) those are your beedy eyes right nickr ;) (.)(.) oh my god a good meel feels nice and 20 years later (*)(*) UU er eww \/\/ is 20 years later Action: nickr is high \./\./ i guess would be more accurate ASCII art rocks =^^ =^^= =^.^= there, kitty chillywilly ( left irc: Read error to chillywilly[]: EOF from client jamest ( left irc: Ping timeout for jamest[] jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. is that a double dose of jamest I see? oh yeah baby scary thought too much jamest is never enough so how goes it down south fun had my son tonight, so that was cool cool how many more years till he's a code machine like his father 9 months then the cater congitive skillz kick in he just turned 3 give him at least 4 years hey derek can anyone access cvs? chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. huh Action: jamest_ wants to gnue uhhuh but cvs won't let me jcater had just informed me that GPL code was to be 'viral' in nature eh? i had thought i was supposed vile code, not viral but that's no reason to revoke my cvs access :) we revoked your cvs because you are not doing the minimum number of commits required (1 a day) well if I had cvs I may have a commit sometime :) so cvs is working for you guys? fucking hylafax setup script is stupid lemme check chillywilly: that would be a stupid thing to do jcater: lol jcater: haha....dork! thanks chillywilly: hylafax makes you pay dearly for your usage of it how so? it's a royal pain in the ass to setup and it's gotten a lot better than it was hmmm if its pain in ass Action: jcater thinks cvs is down for him too perhaps its the one doing the 'fucking' oh, wait... it's just slow in either case, someone should get some flowers maybe dinner jcater: by slow you mean pre 300 baud speeds I assume as I'm still logging in sigh there was a LOOONG pause in logging in jamest_: you configure it by hand then? but once logged in, it worked normally but that was updating, not committing Action: jcater doesn't have anything to commit Action: jcater has not coded much lately chillywilly: I used the script when it became available cvs works for me chillywilly: prior version I don't remember detail update it bitches about so many things missin and it does not look in the right places i just remember when I when to update I was dreading the setup it is stupid maybe it prefers stable systems and the setup script was nice in comparison to my that experience jcater: grrrr jcater: I'm trying to update not commit jcater: no comments from the peanut gallery chillywilly: you're a debian users right? yes dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/gnuef/samples$ cvs $GNUECVS commit contact.gfd Checking in contact.gfd; /home/cvs/gnue/gnuef/samples/contact.gfd,v <-- contact.gfd new revision: 1.15; previous revision: 1.14 done dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/gnuef/samples$ commit worked too hylafax was apt-get'able last I knew well I apt-got it i use hylafax-client IIRC on workstations right in the rear rofl how apt derek: hehe......dork! jcater: rofl poor chilly no love from the gnue team derek: you plan on releasing something this weekend? screw you guys if so I'll tag cvs prior to the new ds merge um its up to you guys you think its worth releasing or do you want to merge the tree and do a release of the new stuff? next week release this rofl Action: jcater thinks derek enjoys releasing "a little too much" because it gives the illision of something being done lol jesus, this is killing me issue cvs command hey! type password jesus had nothig to do with it man get drink feed fish ponder meaning of life paint bathroom take up a hobby heh it's not going slow is it? of course, you could code more well, I'm doing a cvs status to see what conflicts still exist this may be old news: but it is an interesting read "My non-lawyerly interpretation is that the right to run the code does not appear to be protected by the GPL. So I find nothing to prohibit the seemingly paradoxical situation of freely distributing some code under the GPL, while simultaneously restricting its execution via a patent. " so jamest_ how do you like your tail? rofl well, if it didn't always cause so much trouble on the toilet I'd find it pretty keen lol is that why you were painting your bathroom during the cvs update? :) he was painting it with his tail i heard a new joke uh oh I hate hylafax!!! how many oaf processes does it take to spawn an application? "A gnue programmer walked into a bar..." isn't there anything else I can use?!? answer: i dont know, they wont stop long enough for the application to print a window bada bing Action: derek made that up rofl lame chillywilly: mgetty? what kinda screwed up oaf are you using? yeah I looked at that with sendfax i think will stand alone I believe hylafax is more feature rich but it's more of a multiuser setup well this setup sucks you caompile th apths in paths chillywilly: gnome is the 'bizy0tch' that likes to spawn oaf processes like mad that faxsetup checks derek: not my gnome gnome philosphy you must be usign some other gnome if one oaf is good two is better if two are good three would be better and so on it is threaded silly Action: derek hugs that ugly bonobo bastard child oaf is going away you should tell ximian bonobo-activation is replacing it that its trhreaded as apparently they are not aware of that ;_) "How many gnue coders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" lots "Two. One to screw it in and one to screw it up." dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/hcs$ mv EmailResume.jpg www/images/titles/email_resume.jpg dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/hcs$ ps -ax | grep oaf 918 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 919 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 926 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 929 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 932 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 945 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 946 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 947 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 948 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 951 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 953 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 955 ? SW 0:00 [oafd] 994 ? S 0:00 gconfd-1 --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:gconfd:19991118 -- 3839 pts/0 S 0:00 grep oaf derek is an oaf(d) dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/hcs$ dude! we get the point 2760 ? S 0:00 oafd --ac-activate --ior-output-fd=9 2765 ? S 0:00 gconfd-1 --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:gconfd:19991118 --oaf-ior-fd=10 20430 ? S 0:00 sh -c ps ax | grep oaf 20432 ? S 0:00 grep oaf rofl your gnome sucks my gnome rocks just wanted to let chilly know that gnome DOESNT understand one oaf is enough :) hmmm bullshit look at my gnome I'm not running avy oaf processes avy = any kde loving goat herder How many windows programmers does it tae to change a lightbulb ? - 391. One to write "WinGetLightBulbHandle", one to write "WinGetLightBulbStatus", one to write "WinGetLight....... jcater: waitaminute jamest_: you're justa KDE punk Action: jcater is a kde punk too aaaaaargggh! Action: derek is on way to being a kde punk you people make me sick why? dont blame us it's a gpl'd system blame gnome 2661 ? S 1:44 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-YVlZL6/ --sm-client-id 11a9cf843e000099720755900000012980002 --no-default-window 2779 ? S 0:00 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-YVlZL6/ --sm-client-id 11a9cf843e000099720755900000012980002 --no-default-window 2780 ? S 0:00 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-YVlZL6/ --sm-client-id 11a9cf843e000099720755900000012980002 --no-default-window 2781 ? S 0:00 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-YVlZL6/ --sm-client-id 11a9cf843e000099720755900000012980002 --no-default-window 2782 ? S 0:00 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-YVlZL6/ --sm-client-id 11a9cf843e000099720755900000012980002 --no-default-window 2783 ? S 0:00 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-YVlZL6/ --sm-client-id 11a9cf843e000099720755900000012980002 --no-default-window 2784 ? S 0:00 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-YVlZL6/ --sm-client-id 11a9cf843e000099720755900000012980002 --no-default-window it's free... what's wrong w/kde? 2785 ? S 0:00 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-YVlZL6/ --sm-client-id 11a9cf843e000099720755900000012980002 --no-default-window 20441 ? S 0:00 sh -c ps ax | grep nautilus its ugly. 20443 ? S 0:00 grep nautilus heh debian unstable's Gnome rules jcater: don't windows coders use MasochistFreak Naming standards (don't recall real name) the whole DFHA&YU!@#$DASDAAName() crap oh, yeah its called err Romanian? something like that what version of oaf you got derek? reverseromanian masochistic bitchstyle naming coventions Hungarian bitchslap naming conventions notation Yea Hungarian notation All functions must begin with the types of args passed, the return value, and the abbriviation for the day on which the function was coded so the return type is denoted in the function name too in pig latin hehe yep Action: jamest_ is having windows coding flashbacks lfSuesdayTay() lol jamest_: my respect for you is even lower now that you are a KDE luser and jcater, know how I feel about you :P what's wrong w/KDE? it's free, is it not? go to #kde and tell them that all software should be free and the GPL protects your freedom, etc. lemme know what they say, ok? I dunno I just don;t like it :P I am only messgin with jamest_ I think it smells funny jcater: the project lead's can't look as cool as Miguel de Icaza jamest_: gotcha jamest_: how about the fact that it is GNU? just think how cool gnue could be if we could get derek to change his name should I go use kontor or whatever? Masta De Desasta roflmao fuck it man....if there's a GNU equivalent than I will us eGNU that's it end of story chillywilly: that's cool screw it I am switching to GNUStep and learning ObjC :) puke gnustep :P objc is cool though. I don't like Ximian though they are little bitches fuck em then arrogant assholes they aren't in charge of gnome every Ximian guy I have ever chatted with on IRC was a jerk they don't impress me I'd love to use gnome if only they'd speed it up what? ah make it stabler GNU is a bit slower with things heh, it seems rock solid for me I know, we're their poster child for timelines :) yeah baby man I feel like crap my nose is running all over thr place maybe I should go to bed early before I get sick or something well I guess I won't be faxing anythig hylafax is a pain in the ass I need mor etie to beat on it time you would think the script would look where debian installs stuff at fix it too tired and feeling crummy anyone have a small woodland creature they're not too fond of handy? Action: jamest_ is getting ready to run merge'd gnue code base im fresh out of squirrels damn eeek yuvk i hear there are some stray cats and some obnoxious kids there in manhattan you merging the brach into the trunk? I'm mergeing trunk into branch in prep for merge back into head ok trunk is HEAD yip that's what I meant usually people keep stable releaes on branches yip all development is in HEAD well sometimes anyway probably should have done it that way but thought we'd be starting UI at same time well you still can the branch can become the next stable release then all bug fixes xan go into the branch assuming you merge it into HEAD sorry I read the cvs book the other day it talked about some strategies for branch management that's what I'm using too one thing we'll need to change in future is the idea that HEAD always works yeah but whrn stuff is so BETA it doesn't matter jamest_ i vote that we use branches properly :) basically you tag cvs head on a release sure then if there is a 'patch' to apply before next release there's a couple strategies though that you can use we create a branch from that tag i don't care how it's done or something similar actually i dont care either as long as its consistent :) but when cvs head breaks people yell at me (or whoever did it) all depends on how you want to manage the tree chillywilly: well i think after 0.1.0 cvs HEAD shoudl be unstable we can have bad head ;) hehe that's sound sexual sounds until then it would be rather irrating to check out tagged versions so lets have head be stable for now until we release 0.1.0 which should be VERY soon assuming this merge goes well then we tag it Action: jcater is HEADing to bed, I BRANCHed out so much today, I'm tired and can manage in a way that head really means you are getting screwed :) rolf er rofl jcater ( left irc: nite lol , this merge will break lots I'm 100% sure of it master/detail is toast but the code is so radically different we have to get this back in HEAD soon be careful of keyword expansion thus my original offer to tag before I merge it yes tags are good you wanna tag the branch whe you merge asd you wnan merge form that point to the tip of the branch er eventaully tag it tag it [23:38] MSG541Action: nickr tags the wall argh if i did a cvs rm somefile and now i want it back but did NOT do a commit how do i get it back i tried a cvs update somefile but it does R somefile and the file isnt there um you should be able to i guess hack CVS/Entrires? did I ever mention that I think cvs sucks? cvs update dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/hcs/www/images$ cvs $HCSCVS update employer.jpg R employer.jpg dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/hcs/www/images$ and the file aint there ah then do cvs add filename emacs CVS/Entries huh remove the offending file and then cvs udpate filename worked just use the add command jamest_ watch out for a commit mail from hell on hcs :) its been about 4 minutes in uploading the changes alone Action: derek is thinking that the diff mail will actually get held because it will be too big there were tons of image changes night nite I feel icky bye bye chillywilly ( left irc: Read error to chillywilly[]: EOF from client