ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: [x]chat chillywilly (danielb@d104.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d104.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: chillywilly (danielb@d104.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Dan. reinhard (rm@N802P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. dtm! reinhard: ello my good man how is you GNU/Linux system running today dtm? :P yes I know I am a bastard oh it's just great! hehe why, i used GNU just now : sudo sh -c "time cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda9" isn't that fancy? and it was allowed to execute by the graces of Linux how glorious also one thing I have though about is wrt the naming issue is that Linus never minds getting all the credit even though he only wrote the kernel this fine free software always executes without a hitch it is a 2 way street isn't it? Linus is not so pathetically petty so as to consider the name to bestow credit. particularly the name used in trivial, disposable convenient social context he sure does take the credit easily though i find that to be a particularly absurd claim if not strictly quantified I never hear him give props to GNU for anything correct me if I am wrong oh well! basically, he's usually above the issue. It's simply petty. nah he's ready to bash RMS at every whim and that's a different issue just like most Open Sourcers linus is usually extraordinarily gentlemanly and considerate in public unlike many open sourcers well ok, he's not as bad as say ESR ;) but in any case, this outward behavior and calling something by name, are both totally different than giving credit there's my line; i just drew it :) you're talking about all or nothing and getting irritated because it's basically impossible or irrational people deserve and achieve credit by their accomplishments, not by the volume or positioning of their trumpet you're talking about turning grassroots energy into cheap slimy domination-based marketing well GNU accomplishments are getting put on the back burner...cause thy ay I see it their philosphy is one of the greatest accomplishments the FSF's splintered social skills dig itself into a hole you equate RMS == FSF which isn't toally true their philosophy is _NOT_ an accomplishment. how it's upheld is an accomplishment, and their antagonistic, contrarian, petty, materialistic behavior is against their own philosophy which is that of freedom and of sharing the end doesn't justify the means -- indeed their means can't possibly accomplish what they purport it to, because they're often offending more people than educating it is an accomplishment in regeard to all the software that has been built and inspired by it no that's someone else's accomplishment or it's their accomplishment in an implementation you only get anywhere by standing on the shoulders of those who have come before you May his ideas live on to inspire us. And additionally, may he, one day, be a giant on whose shoulders I stand. the FSF's philosophy has been a gigantic advancement for civilization and their additions to their initial philosophical achievement have been pretty useful like pointing out what's potentially wrong with all these new open source licenses like APSL and SCPL and the traditional ones like BSD a quote form Neal but it's not a perpetual accomplishment well ig decided to use the GPL it will be becaue of RMS's philosphy and vision he has inspired me and I call it GNU/Linux to honor them and gove them credit for creating the foundations on which this system is running your perspective on the issues of credit and achievement is based so squarely and vertically on so much fallacy, confabulation, and "ends justify the means" pseudophilosophy that i wont bother to point out the symptoms too much :) I see their message of freedom, the GPL, etc. the most important things go ahead so you're just trying to connect a real initial achievement, with a real potential problem, by stirring around a giant global mix of facts, confabulation, and subjectivity and that process does not achieve what you think it can where's the evidence? right now you are just doing circle speak it's not just uncompromising. it's blatantly offensive for no good reason. it is only offensicve to those who wish to write the FSF off as a bunch of looks and/or people who just get hungup on RMS's personal quirks the only circle is in trying to follow you, dan. i'm not going to retype what i said in /msg last night and i certainly wouldn't fill up this channel's logs with it. others dont wanna read it either :) loons i love the FSF and RMS and i would and have done a _lot_ for em, so i'll just continue doing that rather than butting peoples' heads. i can agree to disagree as long as I dont have to clean up too much of a mess :) this is justa civil discussion...I am not the one who is getting all crazy about it I'll stop picking o you now mmhmm tha's nice dan :) ;) prrrrrrr I lve the way you keep repeating my name as if you are pointing out that I am some sorta warped individual :P i appreciate calling people by name and vice versa it's a manner of respect and as with any trivial cosmetic gesture, other people do just the same as a derogatory thing ok, dan well I should've guessed with the smiley there kind of like abbreviating a product's or project's name for convenience my bad it's an issue of mutually valid alternate perspectives i.e. "we're both right" how can you say that or something. when you never agreed it is the GNU system in the first place you dont really know what I think. coz you're stating quite the opposite of it :) huh? oh you're confabulating what?! i know what "GNU system" means. I just said huh? how's that "confabulating"? the prior sentence was. "I can read what I said before" --- dtm :P uh huh. sorry, I like to pick at people when I am in a mood just teasing that's about one of the most self evident statements i've seen in weeks i should say "obvious", rather oh geeze here we go again penguinppc.org is down and i need kernels! use intel my linux software raid doesn't work! oh yeah i'll just do that! you mac ppl need to geta grip anyway right. I think you have judged me even before you have really gotten to know me dtm you probably dont know how your euphemism of "teasing" actually affects people eh dan? :) you have no idea what i've judged or how, dan :) I just quoted you it was just me answering you with your own offensiveness mmmhmm i think i'm gonna go somewhere and do something now. make my software raid work, and stuff. aw come on you give up that easily I only abuse the ones I love :P i know you do no you don't i know lots of that kind in the ppc linux community you proabbyl think I am tryint to be mean i get lubbed REAL GOOD no i dont think that in #mklinux and such, a couple of em lub me so good i can't walk right afterwards but they dont mean to hurt! heheh we're jessss tawkin', tha's awl! you sound resentful though poor dtm i get quickly tired of having virtual grip marks in my shoulders you can dish it out but can't take it eh? i dont dish that out. you were just tellig me I was utterly rediculous a few seconds ago confabulated even you can get my full and actually productive attention elsewise :) ok, and what was that dtm? I rest my case :P you're just not as crass as some people which is cool mmhmm I admit it I like to push buttons sometimes I don't. i get verbose and silly and occasionally aggressively so, but i dont hold contests well did just take a poke at me this is not a contest it's definately not very suitable public material for #gnuenteprise :) i caught two raccoons in my backyard this week why you worrying so much? coz it's irritating to myself and others we have filled th logs up with more joyful banter yep i have my logs of the "GNU gum" phenomenon I am irritating you now just by talking to you nosir i'm highly empathetic and i know what you mean, and you're not boxing at me right now so basically I shouldnever bring up a topic that you find offensive right? if you dont know how to talk about it in a fully empathetic way, then that's probably not a good idea in general empathetic and self reflective, etc that's probably not good for much how was I not empathetic? if I disagree...er, I disagree btw, did you just wake up or something? no but i'm kinda tired ya 5hrs sleep today I hearya @)!#@) software raid must refuel frozen dinner the joys of GNU/Linux NO! pizza i'm concentrating squarely on editing the state of just Linux at the moment :) the goats got you today man and one might say i've got a slightly futile pursuit there's no hope for dtm? I have never played with RAID because next to this powermac 8500 with its two 2GB scsi-2 disks i wanted the raid1 on, is a 2U 200+ GB hardware raid engineering sample which fell offa truck from VA so I'm not much help but it's ia32 which is an unhappy proposition otherwise I would help you I have spent many a hour helping da masta highly unaesthetic, to understate it in here great so I'm not all basd bad even ill be sure to come back when we can jam on something ;) k Action: chillywilly is drinking his liter of code red (not the virus) :P man I don't think it is helping much seriously though dtm, I like ya a lot I won't pick on you anymore Action: chillywilly pokes reinhard with a stick I nam oving onto someone else now ;) j/k eye glub choo too dan i would try this 'code red', were i to magically procure such aaaaaw Action: dtm reheats digiorno pizza with extra cheez tis the red mountain dew and nectar of the geek gods mmmmmmmm I want some reheated pizza is damn good i originally learned Slackware in the presence of much Dew also pepsi some gummi savers yes! that was standard fare I loooooove pepsi 1liter choke it back,baby you drinkk coke at all? I hate coke blech gluuuuuuub gluuuuuuuub coke's alright sometimes pepsi and coke are both pretty sharp but pepsi is the best imho coke is just icky this is kinda like comparing between different seasons of "Friends" or something though nah they're all pretty sick when ya really think about it they have distinct tastes oh i know that coke is more mellow and gaseous pepsi is sharper i'm just saying that they're both in no way good for us not really made of anything good true producing no value tasets good though constant destruction highly motivating in the short term yep phosphoric acid weakens your bones barf my roommate is literally addicted to Diet Coke and caffiene is addictivce blech physically and psychologically addicted to the taste but especially caffeine that's even worse I have been drinking less and less he did a chemical analysis of it in college chemistry class its acidity was off the chart plain ol' water has been my drink of choice for a while wow oj's my fave oj is good for ya he says you can clean _anything_ with Diet Coke heheh eats it right of eh? so it is like drinking battery acid? yep cool !good :P clean off metals, coins, linoleum, concrete, etc can permanently stain concrete kewl at least it is useful similar food value to Twinkies mmmmm twinkies it's an edible science experiment uuuuuuughughguhguhg I just had some hohos a while ago neat you got anything on those? "yes they are mad from the lard in a rare breed of sheep: made even negative but there is http://twinkies.com http://www.twinkiesproject.com/ hmmm my connection licks diet coke :P brb I gotta go deain it drain hehehehe those URLs timed out aaaah much better so dtm are you a KDE user? Action: chillywilly forgets cause there's something else we can argue about i've never used it other than being at VA yes it is aw darn that was a guy in #phpgw then i have read about it and am surrounded by people who use it well Gnome 2.0 will never some out as they are not getting along come although i require more background info as to the nature of the projects of gnome and kde commit wars and such yeah i dont know what's going on oe group is in love with bonobo yep the other is not and libgnome, libgnomeui kee getting changed and unchanged and changed again by different ppl i see I dunno what th deal is...if it is a CORBA issue here's how they should sove it amazing make bonobo wupport more than just CORBA support even mmm we are gonan support more thn just CORBA eventually yep but we can only do so much! I would NEVER want to work with Miguel hey now dont play his game it is his way or the hight ay hey i point out that we're publicly logged I know this form experience for all time! ah so what I know that diplomacy is key it is not key if he won't cooperate with you anyway one must compensate one's subjectivity, the unknown, potential bias in others' perceptions of onesself and one's group, etc e.g., DotGNU and Mono it ain't gonan happen diplomacy is especially key when someone wont directly cooperate it hasn't happened it's about leadership by example also a core issue is project management skill there are projects that are managed with tons of peopel with diverse experience and divergent opinions you love to argue aganst me don't you? :P it's not an argument against anything; it's merely a discussion it's a gift well I would work with him on a project but not directly you give me your view, i give you mine or at least idle info/jabber sometimes with usage instructions attached sometimes necessity is the mother of invention i donut have the luxury of forking or coding anything but i would still be diplomatic on principles principle well lets address another issue here what do you think about the glibc thing? so i gotta be extremely cooperative or just leave and wait i dont know much about glibc; i only read slashdot comments but there were some good ones you saw the release notes right? the glibc maintainer was being highly inflammatory and irrational not nice man without proof or supporting info just laying flames so you;re not gonna kick RMS for a change ;) accusations i dont ever kick rms well there real deal is i wouldn't dare risk offending him they were RedHat specific changes that were incompatible if he gets offended at something i say, it's purely an accident :) I hate it when ppl let too much corporate interest get in the way mmhmm plus it wasn't professional of him to put that stuff in the release notes I didn't read the slashdot comments (I rarely rad it anymore) read but I would imagine there were some saying that RMS is trying to dictate things to coders very unprofessional, bad mark on the community especially at this point in time ? RMS has a special talent for getting people to think that he's a dictator yeah, but what power does he really have? uhhhhh huhuhu :) he can't really force anyone to do anythgin what power does the GPL have over people who literally say it "FORCES" them to release their code? the GPL kicked in their friggin door and dragged out their kids, man they can just not use t it sure it did :P "force" <--- amazing they actually use the word "force" in the face of something that can only be used for freedom hehe I don;t think RMS would ever outlaw proprietary software if he could a GPL advocate can have a forceful manner, and i suppose one could leverage the GPL or any other legal entity which doesn't just have wide open non-restrictions i dunno then again I have seen him day that th law should conformto ethics and those are his ethics :P i'm sure his attitude would be different all around if so much of his empathy for the outside world wasn't so synthetic ;) I think he dosn genuninely care he's just not good at expressing it not good at all he is very misunderstood, imho the fact is that RMS is not in charge of such things as general laws, and .. when a person has that kind of lack of experience and is in a zone they design for themselves, their perspective is different when the rubber first meets the road which is his fault most of the time i knwo that he cares ... i'm talking about his empathy in actual active performance i'm talking about his ability to fully understand and give real active support for something he's never experienced the likes of like having a normal job in the middle of nowhere or anywhere he had a normal job when he worked at MIT professors are that way too wouldn't you say? i wouldn't call being a sysadmin for the AI lab at MIT, very normal :) so professors do not have normal jobs either? he wasn't a sysadmin he was an OS developer wasn't he? ITS hacker he was the approximate equivalent back before the contemporary idea of the 'sysadmin' I don't think a sysadmin changes the coee of the operating system code bah back then, they did that was a _long_ time ago all my mailman monthly mailings are pouring in you can access you account by going to blah blah fdiskolo (fdiskolo@ip-a1-37024.keycomm.it) joined #gnuenterprise. fdiskolo (fdiskolo@ip-a1-37024.keycomm.it) left #gnuenterprise. i'm just saying there's a common phenomenon of people in pedantic, pedagogical, idealistic positions such as churches, politicians, professors, and the FSF, to not be quite as totally skilled at random given situations and configurations I just don't see how that is fair to RMS he does live in the same world as us especially for people who tend to have a nice touch o' the ol' autism! the engineering stereotype lower on social graces, etc tolerance for truly foreign ideas thanks Action: chillywilly clutched his engineering degree clutches hahaha :) i dropped outta mine :( i mean, it's good that i didn't stick around for that one but i woulda liked to have had one ;) what field? of engineering computer science and info systems ah which was in the engr college at KSU it's not really an engr curriculum imho heheh jamest works there they pulled it from the Arts & Sciences college yes i worked virtually in the next room from him and didn't know it heh that's where i cut my teeth on sysadminhood, going 0 to 60 :) http://www.msoe.edu that's where I went i had some pretty unbelievably good mentors there sysadmins are totally in that stereotype i mentioned each of the fields i mentioned have their own version of the same stereotype and they have to hone a relationship with those who aren't in it but most of the geeks that I find are very socially oriented people yeah i'm talking about _a_ stereotypical phenomenon I mean look at the guys here yeah GNUe is typically an exception we're all susceptible to it so is the Hurd guys the gstreamer follk I could go on and on and you knwo what my theory is? tolerance and true compassion under adversity is one of the harder pinnacles of humanity so far what's that because it is Free software they tend to draw more people who are in the middle cause they care about other things than just the technology or the money just what I am gathering there are some who act liek their shit don't stink :P yep liek they are "superior" those people rub me totally the wrong way and they tend to act like jerk to people too RMS is this way sometimes my perspective is based on commonality and tolerance, etc so how's starting up your own thing doing? sorry didn't mena to change subjects just curisou i accept that we're all equal but unique, just on principle so i try to find and enhance what's shared under all circumstances oh yeah it's not the easiest thing to do it just like i want it why's that? well it's like making a complex sculpture without much practice,training, example,etc http://mmmgood.net/fcc heheh hmmmm that's my current rhetoric k i have a complex approach to getting people to use free and open software and that page is just the lure you gonna take advantage of Free software? ah ok sorry well that's what the whole thing's based on that's the whole point typed after I read what you said yep and i'll tolerate compromise from there on is that the issue then? the ethical issue? like the fact that some proprietary software does stuff that free stuff simply cant' do for now well for server stuff I don't see a problem i'm all about migration paths but GNUe may help you in th elong run ;) definately I wanna form a group with some people I think just need to find some people for now i have to deal with the likes of Quickbooks and possibly http://appgen.com :P or maybe I'll get a regular job for while gonna leverage dcl and phpgw at all? what exactly do you mean by migration paths? totally based on it switcing fomr one system to anohter? switching from radical change is usually unstable and unsurvivable and in business most people wont allow it coz they're neat like that I see you mention legacy systems hopefully they have rational criteria any clients yet? or is that stiill very preliminary boy I am typing like a drunk :P so one's clients needs migration from a legacy system like from all windows and certain macos facilities, and one's own practices need to migrate more into one's own ideals so i use a lotta samba and web apps which is legacy compatible k makes it easy to switch things, one by one if necessary the hard part is always data conversion imho and funneling that blood money into free software development so it _will_ be better :) yes the data's captive i have one current client, am working on getting more I had setup this for MSOE's TRIO Porgam http://sourceforge.net/projects/trioweb/ Program converting the data form access and pumping it into postgres hmm i guess Trio is a standard university app TRIO is a fedrally funded program ahh http://www.trioprograms.org so you're wanting to get away from it? :) umm, no I haven't leveraged it oh i'm sorry; you're web enabling it, right? I actaully could use it to make some money I suppose yes it is a web system isee so they can provide servoces to prpgram participants via the web it is not well designed imho....but it works however it is very much tied to MSOE specifically we didn't have enough time to do ti properly imho I am hoping to rerplace it with a GNUe solution so there;s my perosnal interest in GNUe however, I feel that is a long way off I should just polish up that code I dunno uday (kotuday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. the thing si it started out as a custom thing for just MSOE's TRIO ppl then I decided to make it mor egeneric kinda hard to go backwards ya know specific --> egenric er, generic GNUe is being done the right way form th eground up GNUe may be eaier to depliy fir them the MSOE web pppl and PR ppl gave us a lot of shit about the look of the web pages etc was a huge pain plus they were tryint o claim they had startdards but they didn't show up until after the project was completed :P whatever you there dude? I am not sure if they are using it now or not twll ya the thruth I got disgusted with the UNIX admins they kept claiming my configure script would not work on the digital UNIX box but ai tried it myself and it worked fine I think I am gonna check up on them and see what I can do to get things rolling again or them' anwyay I should go to bed not sure if you saw all that buh-bye chillywilly (danielb@d104.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[d104.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net] Hello!can anyone tell me when I can get derek? uday: you can email him uday (kotuday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: edwardamZzZz (edwardam@ left irc: Client Exiting neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ good morning all hello neilt can you give me in a nutshell how [] lists are handeled in gcdparser? shure all references are handled in post processing all references and lists completely after the parse i have the problem that for [] lists the odl_field.sourceclass is not set not sure i know how this should be done during the parse a list is just stored in the structure and not processing occurs at the end of odl_load_files() all types are resolved, and then references and lists are processed this is the code odl_link_all_to_tree ((odl_base *) newtree->root, newtree); odl_process_compound_types ((odl_container *) newtree->root); odl_process_references_lists ((odl_container *) newtree->root); - reinhard: in looking at sourceclass that should be filled during the parse except that new entries are created during the post parse, so I am not sure where you are having the problem, which end of the [] is the problem neilt: i think that which is done in the parse sourceclass is set in odl_resolve_implicit_list correctly it must be reset somewhere else accidentaly Action: neilt cant even find where implicit lists are parsed in the structure the parent should be the source class so it is not sit during the parse s/sit/set/ in looking at the parse routine for new field new_field should sit sourceclass? and it does not new fields are not treated as references or lists yet new_field could sit sourceclass? and it would not hurt - ok reinhard: you want to look at odl_reprocess_fields() in gcdparser.c that is where it should be set during the parse this routine does too many things, its all comming back to me know neilt: ok now neilt: thanks for help and sorry for delayed response no problem, did you find your issue ? not yet but i think i will i think i got it how the system should work but debugging code and playing with children at same time is not very efficient ;) :) reinhard: odl_reprocess_fields() is a mine field you can see that i have already moved code out of it but not cleaned it up yet i think now i am a step further reinhard: i hope you mean a step closer odl_resolve_implicit_list receives a odl_field neilt: yes probably :) and then it creates a second odl_field and sets the original to IT_ignore yes, that bad code again i never understood why not use the original but did not have time to lookinto it but for some reason the _old_ field is used later and the old structure has no sourceclass set only the new structure there is probably a find routine that does not check for IT_ignore yep i don't like that anyway me either yeaH how was that? "good code is maintainable" :) "good code is understandable" if we are dont with the object then remove it or re-use it neilt: exactly s/dont/done/ butif re-use then do it immediately sure funny thing is for * references the original is reused (afaict) :) for [] a new structure is created will i would know the cause of that if 2 programmers were working on it maybe andrewm was schitzophrene ;) :) reinhard: but i hope that was a native spelling it was a mixture between native spelling and how i guessed it could be in english :) ok, i got the meaning neilt: thanks for your help i think i can fix it now (somehow) ok later, i have to go l8r we have company this weekend so i will only be on for short periods randomly you here from derek, tell him he has email to respond to later all neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ hello again reinhard: i noticed in the code that you committed you removed some print statements i would really prefer that these are commented out, instead of being removed they have helped me understand the code many time, with the limited comments in the code i did? which file? @@ -2450,7 +2450,7 @@ case IT_class: if (item->filename != NULL) { - fprintf(out, "[%s]", g_basename(((odl_container *)item)->filename)); + fprintf(out, " [%s]", g_basename(((odl_container *)item)->filename)); } l = item->parents; if (l) never mind this is a change not a removal apart from that i did not do this hence the never mind those commit list messages are only crap since we switched to branch i seriously think about merging back to HEAD until chillywilly _really_ delivers some code i guess when browsing your changes i see things like this @@ -664,7 +664,6 @@ hacklist = (GList *)oc_get_object_userdata( ob ); hacklist2 = hacklist; - printf( "should be %d objects, found %d\n" , length , g_list_length(hacklist2) ); while(hacklist2) that is what started me looking at the changes ah ok those were _active_ printf's which made geas output ugly but ok next time i will comment out instead of remove thanks i agree they should not be there but 2 options really exists tie them to the debugging level or comment them out reinhard: have you tested [] and * recently if so and they work i will clean up the code in odl_reprocess_fields() later all neilt: not really you have not tested neilt: ra3vat reported a problem that made me find this error against the examples the examples do not use * and [] i cant run the gui to test against so can we change the examples to test * [] ? we really need a good test example maybe i can talk somebody into doing that an example that uses all features of geas that excercises all of the major parts of the syntax exactly yeah and inserts, deletes, modifies data then checks if everything is ok right now i cant get orbit-python to link i have multiple symbols once i get that fixed i should be able to run non-gui test programs probably wont get that fixed until next week well we have enough known problems now no use in putting effort into finding even more problems ;) :) j/k i had assumed that testing would only pass everything as OK i agree such a test is a precondition for 0.1 silly me later neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. i'm off for today, we have guests l8r all reinhard (rm@N802P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: chillywilly (danielb@d169.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d169.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[d169.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net] chillywilly (danielb@d10.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d10.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d10.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client chillywilly (danielb@d10.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is away: food Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:01:17) anil (anil@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hey hello all you're nto the anil that I know are you? which anil do you mean ? the one who lives in India and is web master for FreeDevelopers.net with Ross sry,that was not me ah well btw, i have successfully installed geas kewl and i want to develop a client application in C k where can i get the necessary documentation ? hmmmm I should know this :-) but I haven't tried to develop anything with it yet ;) lemme see I can find something to help you waiting........................... you get HEAD form cvs or 0.0.6? 0.0.6 is probably the best way to go ok our docs suck, imho do u mean the doc in the package ? geas/doc/* has some stuff it is not very well orgranized and all text files geas/doc/api has some stuff as well are there any tutorials ? hmmm there's the module guide in the docbook dir gnue/docbook in cvs GNUeModuleGuide actaully there' lots of stuff in there only thing is I am not sure how up to date it is if neilt were here he would know but that's where most if the stuff is oh danielb@obfuscation:~/src/gnue/docbook$ ls CVS/ GNUEnterprise/ GNUeModuleProposalTemplate/ Proposals/ global.ent* DevelopersIntroduction/ GNUeFormsTechRef/ GNUeObjectServer/ articles/ old/ GDAQuickHackersGuide/ GNUeModuleGuide/ GNUeReportsProposal/ chapters/ shared/ I think theses are pretty much up to date probably the most important thing for you is to knwo the GCD syntax to describe the objects also you can tlak to the treshna guys sry i am having 0.0.5 they are using GEAS for a couple clients right now get 0.0.6 we changed the gcd syntax they have a c client talking to GEAS AFAIK methods support is lacking but you can do methods in C....I am designing a whole new methods server with various langauge plugins methods of the business objects you understand GEAS at all? we descrube the object using our own object definition langauge (GCD) GNUe Calss Definition I remember there being a doc that describes GCD syntax somewhere you want me to find it? i just know that geas runs a daemon and clients connect to the server uhuh we also have our own forms client and geas creates business objects depending upon the odl (GCD) it uses an xml GUI description yes we are able to install the python stuff gfclient? there's also a graphical designer but we dunno scripting languages, python and a reports somponent python is easy but the designer did not work for us read th tutorial we are comfortable with c you can pick it up in an couple hours hmmmm I wish more guys were here the doc says that it is possible to develop client application in C what was wrong with the designer? sure that's definitely possible you can do it how you want that's th emina goal here flexibility ............... you are not locked into one enterprise solution btw oh wait there might be stuff in gnue-config to help you that's where our packages are accounting, supply chain, etc. which have gcds, forms, reports, etc. lemme look there for a sec btw, have you posted to our mailing list? gnue-discuss then you will get mor ehelp ok i will try as everyone will see you ;) Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch I am sorry I a have just not tried to do much with GEAS yet....just hacking on it ;) I need to get mor eintimate with things still a gui for geas will be more informative yes an admin GUI or you thinking of somethign else? an admin GUI is in our TODO ;) I think the module guide may be helpful but be carefuul as things are a little bit dated should give youa good idea though we have a developer's intro too basically if you check out cvs you can go into those dirs and do db2html main.sgml it will build that book gnue/docbook/* ok and gnue/geas/doc/* is helpful too where can i find this gnue directory ? (in geas package or gnue-common, Forms ) ? well right now we have it all in one module I dunno why it is stupid everything is under gnue CVS designer docbook geas gnue-common gnue-config gnuef jforms license_header.txt reports www all under a gnue dir I think I am gonna tlak to the guys about making all of these separate modules biut you don't have to worry about that right now ;) just do by the way, how to use CVS ? cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@subversion.gnu.org:/cvs co gnue er cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvs co gnue Unknown host subversion.gnu.org. that was the error message when i run the above subversions an 's' on the end there that's why I retyped it ;) I messed it up the 1st time just hit enter for the passwd Action: chillywilly is away: must get more food brb any one there Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:03:28) neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ hey hey can help anil out? he wants to use GEAS and a Cclient C client is the module guide up to date? where's those docs on gcd syntax? yes, module guide is up to date ok, so if someone was gonna use GEAS what docs would be good to read? www.gnuenterprise.org/doc ;) do those build form cvs? from http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/GNUeModuleGuide/main/gnuemoduleguide.html yes all docs are in cvs I think it would be nice to setup corn to build the docs that;s not what I mean vuild them form cvs build anywho anil: you still here? doe that guide cover gcd files? I looked at it briefly I think I saw some examples all of the gcd syntax is in the module guide kewl Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) left irc: ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet? so next time someone asks me about using geas I can tell them to use the module guide right? er, read it yes, the module guide is about business objects though, not geas hmmm, yes but what do people need to read in order to use GEAS? or is that lacking gnue/geas/doc they are text files that's not very helpful we need another guid then ;) gnue/geas/doc/faq.txt those docs are terse and disorganizes disorgranized we have been cleaning them up but you are basically right ya we need GEAS developers Guide or something who has tie for that though time we should put that on the TODO better organized docs for GEAS or whatever we have that http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/GNUeModuleGuide/main/gnuemoduleguide.html sorry wrong paste woops multiple clipboards are sometimes useful heheh I like klipper fomr kde http://www.gnuenterprise.org/docs/GNUeObjectServer/ that's one thing I miss in Gnome isn't that pretty old? yes sept 00 i would suggest that actual todo is to update that ya I agree btw, don't you think it would be easier if we moved thngs out into their own modues instead of having them under gnue? gnue serves no real purpose does it? sure it holds everything together yeah but there's nothing in the dir you don;t see Gnome etc. hacing everything under a gnome dir you can checkout parts from cvs if you want will there are several things in gnome that i hope we dont copy :) not everyone wants all of gnue so check it out separately i dunno I think it would make things less hariy how so because for branches etc ah well I am not going to argue the point i am just tyring to learn the benefit, not argue and i dont understand what we would gain if you only want part you just checkout "cvs co /geas/gnuef" for example gnue/gnuef hehe actually i think the first / is left off correct well I am not sure if it matters but just seems that no one else does it that way...there has to be some reason people do it that way separate modules that is I don't have a good enough argument ok, i dont mind that, but lets understand the reason, rather than just do it because someone else does it that way feel free to ignore me ajmitch: what did you say to me about it the other day? [16:45:07] why should we break GNUe into separate modules again? [16:45:10] am just passing thru [16:45:17] makes it cleaner when branching this doesn't mean things cannot be tied togethe via installing things into the same places and looking for config files in a common place can someone please explain how it makes it cleaner for branching and why the commit email are comparing aginst the wrong files they are? huh/ ? yes the commit email dont represent the changes for what? when reinhard makes a commit the email has diffs that he did not do hmmmm well that's interesting so it is everything but hs changes or just the wrong diffs? his changes are in the email plus some other changes i have not looked into it enough to get an idea what changes are screwed up weird wierd even he was taling about merging everything back since you have not committed your code :) to try and figure it out hmmm as a matter of fact it would probably help if you commited some of your changes so we can see whats going on I do't have much ok has anyone seen derek is the show still on you can go ahead and stick things back in if you want or is he driving back it won't hurt ok, i'l talk to reinhard on monday about it he is gone for the weekend i think ok I have an old UML diagram lying around big wooopdee doo :P just if aI don;t get this one thing done soonnI will be screwed heh so I should get back to work get working chillywilly yes sir! :P Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: chillywilly (danielb@d10.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: booting new kernel chillywilly (danielb@d38.as1.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is away: dinner Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:31:36) Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. mmm.. smoked fish Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy Mr_You: who smoked fish? that's bad for your health there are over 4000 chemicals in fish smoking. but the hatcheries DONT want you to know that. uday (kotuday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uday (kotuday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: uday (kotuday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uday (kotuday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: wow, they made some on Iron Chef ;-) er? Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch smoked fish