anil ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hi so you are not anil kumar right? ;) i am anil kumar !!!! er? you are the FD webmaster? nope i am anil kumar from IIIT leave that !!! ;-) hi anil kumar from IIIT what is a business class ? this is you -> in what context :) ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. a business class in gnue context is a business object and its methods Action: chillywilly really needs to understand GEAS better commonly the method parts would be called business rules or business logic a silly sample might be you have a zipcode object with properties anil: you are not right? latitude, longitude, zipcode, city, state or something chillywilly: yep zipcode.latitude ok zipcode.longitude just making sure zipcode.zipcode zipcode.state there might be a method getDistance(zipcode, zipcode) zipcode.getDistance(zipcode,zipcode) derek: in the sample java code there is a class called test actually getDistance(latitude, longitude) woudl be more app zipcode.getDistance() anyhow all that would be a business class getDistance would be a business rule or business logic anil, i didnt write the java test so i wouldnt know anil: it works for me the interface to the business objects is in dataobject.idl derek: how to write a business class ? gnue/geas/idl/dataobject.idl oh that's doesn't sjhow you how to write them you need to make some gcds GNUe Calss Definitions files Class ra3vat: i am not able run the java example ra3vat: what have you done with GEAS so far? ra3vat: you were building an app? s/were/are anil: is it compiling for you? ra3vat: nope chillywilly: i'm trying to make simple example to store history of currency rate in geas ok ra3vat: The GEAS java classes are not found !! anil with a gcd there is a full doc on gcd writing anil: hold on derek: where? I couldn't remember where it was I tried to help him lat time he was here read this chapter of module guide it should help you a lot ah it is int he module guide I told him to read that last time :P at least I got it right anil: first you should do: idlj -emitAll ../../idl/geas.idl or try to do it being in idl directory like idlj -emitAll geas.idl not sure about idlj switches anil: idlj will generate GEAS module and you can move it where your test is chillywilly: my dayly conversation with reinhard is about this currency_rate example daily I see chillywilly: little problem when using geas.executeQuery() wassat? anyone knwo what the sequence var; idl syntax does? chillywilly: you ask me about that little problem? yes i need some query which on db level looks like after I do methods I am gonna write the GEAS Hackers Guide and GEAS Users Guide to learn the rest of GEAS :P ok masta? select * from currency_rate where cur1="USD" and cur2="RUB" and date="09-06-2001"; ra3vat: trying ....................... currency_rate or curency__rate? geas used upper(rtrim(date," ")) which does not work in postgres for data type date type reinhard fixed that I saw his cvs commit have you updated? there was also issue when table has more than one NOT NULL field and even after that commit i'm having problem with upper(date) ra3vat: i am able to generate the class files ra3vat: GEAS.ObjectList lst = c.loadAll("test"); ra3vat: What should be the class name ? you will just get list of all objects of "test" class using connection object "c" name it yourself like GEAS.DataObject o = lst.getEntry(i); in the same example have you updated? ra3vat: we are getting errors as follows ra3vat: yes, but I am really doing anything with GEAS GEAS.ServerError at at GEAS._ConnectionStub.loadAll( at test.main( chillywilly: seems so as i still was here when reinhard left to get some sleep if you know what it is :) reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. I want to evetually replace this project httphehe: speak of the devil ah hiya reinhard morning woops reinhard: morning that sentence was muttled together he's might be reading his email give him a minute chillywilly: thanks :) no pro prob anil: it is probably more common CORBA error ok here should i read the logs? reinhard: still having problems with upper(date) ra3vat: what exactly is "test" in the argument refer to ? anil: geas class you need geas running yeah !!! its running with loading .gcd which are in geas/examples/businessobjects what database do you use? mine is postgresql i use mysql you can set the path to the gcds in geas.conf code red is a bufer overflow exploit isn't it? buffer there should be "test" table in the database if you loaded gcd's correctry anil: it represents and keeps geas's "test" objects ra3vat: committed a quick fix anyone? wasn't code red a buffer overflow thing in IIS? that's why it does get default.ida? chillywilly: yes as i read about it k reinhard: thanks anil ( left #gnuenterprise. reinhard: can you explain lookups to me wiht an example? is it in the module guide? Action: ra3vat stands with chillywilly chillywilly: it should be what do you think of doing a GEAS Hackers Guide for internal hacking of GEAs and a GEAS Users Guide for ppl wishing to write cleints and/or develop apps for GEAS maybe after we get to a certain point but please regard explicit LOOKUP, LIST and REFERENCE as not recommended i am not sure whether we will keep those they are deprecated then? chillywilly: doc's are evil oh, ok no they are not they are a necessity chillywilly: oh yes deprecated is the word i was looking for :) Free software is too poorly documented as is I do not want to add to the crappily documented projects chillywilly: i meant if you would write docs it would be evil no way :P as i would loose my important position as the one who knows everything and i was j/k btw :) I know ;) so there us a methos to your madness? is a method :) we need 3 docs ooooh 1. for people that want to hack on gnue s/gnue/geas/ k 2. for people that want to build business objects k 3. for people that want to write clients (an api doc) 1. should be in the c files (really, i am serious) but 2 and 3 are pretty related aren't they? 2. is in the module guide and surely could be improved 3. should be extra imho reinhard: no we need UML diagrams showing the internal structure and classes in GEAS imho which I would gladly do if we have x people writing applications and may do it anyway while I am tryint o figure out GEAS we will probably have like x/1000 people writing own frontends that's why i think 2 and 3 should be sepearate well forms ppl need 3 yes I know jamest would like us sure if we did that jcater too anyhow this evening I am doing some purusing of GEAS source and idl files and I am making some diagrams and doing a bit of designing of methods cool bbl do you know how those inter listitem and list classes work? internal I should read andrewm's sprse documentation again :P chillywilly: i don't know if i will keep them really? why? he writes temporary tables to the database they are used I know that much hmmm 3 lashings to all who mention documentation, but dont provide it I would really love to sit down and do a proprer OOA/OOD 10 for those that mention it and do provide it :) of GEAS this is how to do it too and I highyl recommedn the book Applying UML and Patterns. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout for ra3vat[] derek: but masta! don't beat me! reinhard (rm@ left irc: Ping timeout for reinhard[] derek: is that because you only want code masta? man you west coasters sure got it easy it is 2am here and only midnight there Action: chillywilly wants 2 extra hours / get a reference to the specific DataObject DataObject getEntry( in unsigned long index ) raises(OutOfBounds); what is the "index" there/ ? must be a list index nevermind hey derek have you thought much about what it would take to run a church like what GNUe packages? I saw on g4c that is one of the "projects" I would be interesting in helping you with that one when the time comes doesn anyone know idl syntax at all? like what sequnce var; is or does? it's a list right? reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. wb reinhard [01:53:29] doesn anyone know idl syntax at all? [01:53:47] like what sequnce var; is or does? [01:55:15] it's a list right? you know the answer to that one? what's the command for adding a postgres user/? nevermind chillywilly: sequence is like an array thought so ok and try createuser did that ;) k you know how to create a form with designer? we have a designer? uuuuh yea j/k no i never tried it k you ever think about how we can abstract CORBA? to provide for other mechanisms etc. chillywilly: what you looking to do? if yuou have a postgres table already how we would accomplish doing this and you want a form run oooh yea I wann make a 2-tier app real wuick and it will create an ugly form that is TOTALLY functional :) ok then open it with gfdes and make it look purdy if you ahve a postgres table you should be able to make a working application in less than 5 minutes I just created a gnue db i know i demoed it like 45 times :) k do I need a table? yes so create a table in mt gneu db my gnue sure if you are just playing do something like CREATE table foo { fieldone text, fieldtwo text, fieldthree int } or something stupid how would the sql statement for that work? btw you hav eto 'install' designer create table foo... using the ./ devel I have ran it earlier run I am all ready to go afaik /home/dneighbo/cvs/hcs/sql/create_address.sql: syntax error near unexpected token `(' /home/dneighbo/cvs/hcs/sql/create_address.sql: /home/dneighbo/cvs/hcs/sql/create_address.sql: line 1: `create table address (' create table address ( id serial primary key, address1 text, address2 text, city text, state char(2), zip text, created_on timestamp, modified_on timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); that would be a sample create table script uhuh I just haven't done sql in a while not since hacking trioweb is that in cvs somewhere? i get joy of dicking with sql daily where'd you get that um there are plenty in cvs that one if from hcs project im doing hotel one? yip k you got that in your local cvs? can I just make an empty table? oh wait then it won't have any rows or fields bah I'll just uise our sql scripts from trioweb :P oh blah that's got phplib crud in it can you build a decent 2-tier app with forms right now? wow, I actaully wrote a kick ass shell script at one time in my life :P Action: chillywilly pokes derek you still up? I wanna migrate trioweb to GNUe im here sorry been working ass off tonight dres_ (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout for dres_[] hotel stuff right? um you can definitely make decent 2 tier apps dres_ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. jason has his whole call center running on gnue forms 2 tier in production wow kick butt about 40 production call center employees case study forth coming at a later date I am gonna port trioweb to a GNUe 2-tier solution it will be easier to deploy easier than the web to deploy? yep because then I will NOT have to deal with th eweb ppl they are assholes you wont get arguments from me thus the reason it is not even being used Action: chillywilly has no love for the MSOE PR/web ppl all they will have to do is provide them with a database dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres_[]: Connection reset by peer dres_ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. the less contact with the computer ppl there, the better for me at least they druve me nuts plus it gives me a good excuse to play with python ;) gotta read that tutorial again it has been too long since I read it derek ( left irc: Ping timeout for derek[] bah Action: chillywilly likes talking to himself weee! Action: chillywilly pokes reinhard derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. whew you're back ok I run that old pythong script right? python darn I need the pg module Action: chillywilly apt-gets some more stuff Action: reinhard is working python-pygresql - PostgreSQL module for Python python2-pgsql - A Python DB-API 2.0 interface to PostgreSQL v7.x whihc one of these would work? fine then get to work you bumm :P sheesh' we have popy and psycopg too heheh psycopg that's a kewl name man I am hungry Action: chillywilly is away: need food crap you really gone was responding to mails i cant find taht stallman stanco conference/speech at gwu do you know where it is? the damn fd website sucks (sorry but impossible to find thigns) yea speech at where? what is gwu? Mr_You ( left irc: ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet? there's a free software conference ovt. 10th coming up here Oct, 10th anywho I gotta get somethin to eat brb Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:14:43) Action: chillywilly is gonna start up the GWO GNU World Order muuuuwahahahahaa why is the form wizard busted? dres__ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres_[]: Connection reset by peer client/gfdes: line 14: 7668 Segmentation fault (core dumped) python /home/danielb/src/gnue/designer/../gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/ $* designer bit the dust woohoo got it o crash again client/gfdes: line 14: 7723 Segmentation fault (core dumped) python /home/danielb/src/gnue/designer/../gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/ $* derek: you there? I can't run my form with the client ack it won't connect to the database danielb@obfuscation:~/src/gnue/gnuef$ client/gfcvs library.gfd DB000: Traceback (innermost last): DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 160, in ? DB000: GFClient().run() DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 118, in run DB000: self.runForm(formfile, self.disableSplash) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 146, in runForm DB000: form = loadForm (fileHandle, instance) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 62, in loadForm DB000: initialize, attributes={"_app": app, DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 113, in loadXMLObject DB000: object.phaseInit() DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 84, in phaseInit DB000: self._phaseInit(phase) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 95, in _phaseInitDB000: child._phaseInit(phase) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 90, in _phaseInitDB000: self._inits[phase]() DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFObjects/", line 60, in primaryInit DB000: self.initialize() DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 80, in initialize DB000: self._dataObject = \ DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 149, in getDataObject DB000: 'provider'), connection_type, self) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 101, in getConnectionParameter DB000: raise NotFoundError DB000: gnue.common.GConnections.NotFoundError Milosch ( joined #gnuenterprise. Milosch ( left irc: Read error to Milosch[]: EOF from client Milosch_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Milosch_ -> Milosch hi Milosch you are already awake? or still awake? (probably none of the above) :) chillywilly ( left irc: Read error to chillywilly[]: EOF from client awake again actually ;) just working on some dns, ertc s/ertc/etc/ chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch -> ajzzzz chillywilly: hey, don't poke Rein hard! well, not _too_ hard bah, he don't mind he's cool like that gah I still can't get this form to work gonna have to see what jamest says tomorrow chillywilly ( left irc: Read error to chillywilly[]: EOF from client neil-away ( left irc: Ping timeout for neil-away[] jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ wazzzzzzzzup not alot hi there reintoohard jamest: hi dtm: :) hi how's the weather in KS? is it sheer manhappiness? jamest: can you do me a favor and snag some Pizza Shuttle sometime? i'll order ya one sometime lol neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ ToyMan_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan_ ( left irc: ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet? morning all ToyMan ( left irc: [x]chat morning ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. man this day is weird phoned with a customer who told me that he doesn't work with the program he bought 4 years ago because it doesn't work (really he doesn't know how to work with it) but he didn't call us at the hotline because it's too expensive lusers..... reinhard: thats is the 900 hotline that direct bills to the credit card for $24.00/minute of hold time :) :) then next customer talks with me on the phone for 15 minutes and when we are done he says "thank you very much mrs. müller" :) lol maybe even my voice sounds like a 900 hotline number :) no wonder you have many customers lol lol reinhard: it's something in the air I was called mam (sp?) on the phone yesterday by two different people hehe sorry but i often wonder what does (sp?) mean? questionable spelling? aaahhh give me an ideal in this case it should have been ma'am Nick change: jamest -> jamest-sp Nick change: jamest-sp -> jamest dang, i can't add sp? to my nick just use j-no-spell we'll know who that is jamest: since you were looking at assignments does that mean that everyone on the developers page of the web site has an assignment and everyone that has an assignment is on the developers page? ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. phoenixi ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi.. hi what is url of homepage of your project? neilt: not all of themhave assignment as some didn't write any of the current code phoenixi: jamest: if they have no assignment and no code why are they on the developer page? :) hmn.. you have added java support to GEAS? some gave lots of input on older projects some actually are employees of companies that did do copyright I have no idea on some of them :) phoenixi: not that I'm aware of, you can however use java clients w/ geas ok.. phoenixi: you new to gnue? neilt ( left irc: Ping timeout for neilt[] well.. yes.. I visited this channel some time ago.. and I just wanted to know how you are proceeding.. slowly :) but steady :) :) Action: derek is away: Reloading Crack Pipe Action: derek is back (gone 00:00:04) man, 4 seconds to reload....must get a lot of practice or something roflmao i use forms, crack is necessary tell me about it users I'm on phone with tech support one user walks in and starts talking to me like I'm not even on the phone rofl if its really a luser he probably 'heard' you talking on irc and thought you were on hold i finally have to ask them to stop as I can't track two people talking to me simultaneously on different topics sigh have a guy wanting to help with documentation or python code cool want me to forward you the mail? sure or do you want me to give him a specific? ok isn't it ironic I'm having a problem that is referenced in usenet several times w/o any suggested fixes yet MS, Dell, and HP have never heard of the problem I swear that's their std responce jamest: last time i researched a linux-based HP system, it wasn't able to print at _all_ "Windows is a acting like a flaky piece of shit?" Wow, we never heard of this problem before. rofl and on their order page they had a link to some howto like at the LDP, showing the customer how they could individually and manually make it print on their own after they buy it roflmao Its a windows 98 issue well they do use unix call centers so you expect them to understand the problem? jamest: well you're in the right place, buddy. i nominate derek to do your tech support for you! go ahead with your problem. as a Celeron 500 w/ 192MB of ram shouldn't stall out printing to an HP LJ3 btw: the fellow i emailed to you wanting to help i think works for hewlett packard when a P133 w/ 32MB ram could do the job fine with Win95 dtm: im bad at technical support user: it doesnt work the usenet solution was - You don't have enough machine to print derek: sucks to be you that was the common responce derek: alternately, "Works For Me(tm)". :) dont forget the patented BOFH stare the look. I just love people attitude though in Windows newsgroups "You need more hardware" comes up alot yes! well dammit james, it's cheap! so go ahead and outfit your entire lab with it funny thing is this printer worked fine w/ a 486 16MB of ram running windows 95 as well you're not in a third world country; you can drive to a hardware store! no, i found a link on pricewatch where you can get 1/2 GB RAM for A DOLLAR I know its a par. port driver issue i has to be it that's also the standard idiocy btw i'm being sarcastic in case you can't tell :) i can tell ok good btw - a friend of my got a 50" gas plasma display for his bedroom lskjdfjskajs Action: dtm core dumps jamest: in kansas? one of those thin ones you hang on the wall is it ok to hate him now? jamest: I'm watching a show on contemporary global destruction of environment and civilization based on sheer population explosion, so yes. jamest: is he in KS? yes in ks hate him ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Client Exiting hell gack him and take the friggin display, then you can still like him :) Nick change: derek -> dnWork Action: dnWork is away: working jamest: are you talking about a recent screen? the kind that costs ~10k-15k$? i think it was closer to 20k dres__ (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres__[]: Connection reset by peer dres__ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. you can load up images on it so it acts like a picture when not being used as a tv or computer display also can store screen savers which I'm not sure if that'd include something like moving pictures (say a waterfall) instead of a static picture how can he afford this just curious go ahead and send him something from or something :> edmz ( left irc: Running on RealityX IRC 2.0.0 edmz ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi cant run gnuef :/ DB000: File "/home/edmz/code/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 135, in runForm DB000: self.getConnectionManager().setLoginHandler(self._ui.UILoginHandler()) DB000: AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'setLoginHandler chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. darn no jamest is dat masta around? I cannot get any 2-tier apps to work with forms i cannot get forms to work :P whatcha running? deadcat? Action: chillywilly is running debian unstable and it works fine here dedcat ? just can't get it to connect to a database my name for RedHat as rpm sucks, imho mandrake same difference ;) i am running from cvs me too wouldn't have it any other way' then I can hack any code :P what are the requirements for getting gnuef to run ? i think i might have other versions ummm python 1.5.2 and ther various packges xml, pygreql, etc. pygresql distutils y have python2.1 ah s/y/i there might be issues, but that's just a guess would make sense though oh aslo wxpython and wxwindows you got those right? yup IIRC python 2.1 should work what abbout the connections ? do i need them ? yes for the forms ? cp sample.connections.conf connections.conf yes to /usr/local/gnue... ? edmz: install gnue-common then cd /usr/local/gnue/etc /usr/local/gnue/etc yip and make a gnue.conf and connections.conf from the samples yes er woops I didn't realize that was jamest :P hey dude can you look at my error? lemme make a form using that old script i dont have a sample.connections.conf did you do ./ devel? to run it out of cvs? yes, to common do that for forms too ok... still no sample conf should be copied jamest: do you have to install common? probably do not have write permissions do ./ install as root in common but then, connections is only for data aware forms, right ? helloworld must work.... jamest: btw, if you get the properties dialog and go to the event tab and click that quare in the upper left corner you can get gfdesigner to crash every time edmz: you need it anyway I don't think it matter of it is correct unless you are tryint o get data out of the database they are gonna fix the config system though it should be better eventually can anyone paste me a sample connections file ? :) they are in gnuef/etc you can copy them by hand er that's not where they are hold on there is no /etc dir there :) I know gnue-common/etc I was right :P just not very specific ;) did you install gnue-common I am pretty sure that is all you have to do unless sample.mysql is the connections file, then i dont have it :) no er yes [edmz@edmz:~/code/gnue/gnuef]$ ll ../gnue-common/etc/ total 20 drwxrwxr-x 2 edmz edmz 4096 Sep 5 16:11 CVS/ -rwxrwxr-x 1 edmz edmz 3242 Jun 30 13:37 sample-windows.gnue.conf* -rw-rw-r-- 1 edmz edmz 3959 Aug 29 19:23 sample.gnue.conf -rwxrwxr-x 1 edmz edmz 130 May 14 18:54 sample.mysql* -rwxrwxr-x 1 edmz edmz 141 Aug 28 13:00* they are pooly named I was gonna fix that for them ahhh i was looking for sample.connections.conf :P well that's what it shouldbe as you can put as many connections in there to as many databases as you want ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. I am gonna fix that hmmmm maybe I need more params for the databse tag heck I even tried that zipcode sample Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: you are a code machine. contributed so much .cvsignore code over one night :) heheh where are the scripts that fill the db ? just got sick of my update showing all these unknown files that should be ignored edmz: right now you need to use an existing database or use one of the examples with an sql scrupt or make a new one and pump it with dats data but what kind of data ? in what format ? :) as with all 2-tier apps you need your own sql scrupt to prime the pump doesn't matter anything you can setup a form with a database and a data source edmz: if you use gnue-config for your .gcd source there is a script to load some defaults data those aren't good for 2-tier sorry, need to read log first this is how you do it install gnue-common, /.setup devel for forms and designer then indesigner run ./ generate your form based ona databse and a table then rungfcvs with that form gfcvs er no run designer on that form you can edit it graphically then sav ethagt save that then run the gfcvs on the form with a correct connections file wow, thanks :) theoretically ;) heh it doesn't work for me pg module not found :< you need pygresql no biggie even if i dont have postgresql ? :) no you don't need it then errr maybe you do I dunno hehe just install all the python stuf it needs apt-get install python-pygresql woops you have mandrake well I didn't need t to install the mysql stuff I don't think -/reminder: install debian :) hehe debian is not as nice to install though dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. masta! mhmhh pygresql is for python1.5 :< there should be a new one danielb@obfuscation:~/src/gnue/designer$ ../gnuef/client/gfcvs test.gfd DB000: Traceback (innermost last): DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 160, in ? DB000: GFClient().run() DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 118, in run DB000: self.runForm(formfile, self.disableSplash) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 146, in runForm DB000: form = loadForm (fileHandle, instance) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 62, in loadForm DB000: initialize, attributes={"_app": app, DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 113, in loadXMLObject DB000: object.phaseInit() DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 84, in phaseInit DB000: self._phaseInit(phase) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 95, in _phaseInit DB000: child._phaseInit(phase) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 90, in _phaseInit DB000: self._inits[phase]() DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFObjects/", line 60, in primaryInit DB000: self.initialize() DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 80, in initialize DB000: self._dataObject = \ DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 149, in getDataObject DB000: 'provider'), connection_type, self) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 101, in getConnectionParameter DB000: raise NotFoundError DB000: gnue.common.GConnections.NotFoundError danielb@obfuscation:~/src/gnue/designer$ wee! I geta connections error # Sample connections file for PostgreSQL [gnue] comment = PostgreSQL Sample Connection provider = postgresql host = localhost dbname = trioweb database="dtbstrioweb"/> database provider="postgresql" dbname="trioweb" host="" name="dtbstrioweb" comment=""/> from the form Action: chillywilly pokes jamest help me o' forms master get this ximian gets mad someone asks for support on a beta redhat distro here is thier mail and my response > We don't support beta versions of distributions. We never have. Add on > top of that the fact that RPM 4.0.3 hasn't actually been released (in a > non-"test" capacity) and that there are more API changes that make > adding support for it in Red Carpet "fun". For clarification, you dont run beta software you only write it. ;) And yes that was to be a joke. Derek heheh can you help me masta? yeah i can help your form is wrong ok how so? finally. made it work :) kewl thanks brb edmz: good btw, when are you gonna be able to drag the widgets around in designer ;) edmz ( left irc: Running on RealityX IRC 2.0.0 should be based on your connects file you posted here the other option and possibly better one er? is change the line [gnue] in your connections.conf file the databse name is trioweb to [dtbstrioweb] ah I didn't know what that name was yeah the [] what name is that again? header is what is used by forms as teh database anme you need the xml name of the db in []s is that it? whateever i sin [] is what you use for database="" and its case sensitive currently form the datasource right? from yes leave your form alone go to connection sfile and chagne [gnue] to [dtbstrioweb] then tell me if your form works :) okey dokey just tryin tot get the terminology down k i will explain more we used to put the connection directly in the form (and you still can) with the database tag new error B000: ImportError: No module named DateTime need more python modules right? this sucked putting in forms yea config file ia nice so we wanted way to 'globally define' connections yuou can have multiple connections too right? that is why connections.conf exists rather than make it an xml tag we went .ini file style (just as a history lesson) yes you can have unlimited connections in the connections.conf file sure of multiple types with different databases too right? the datetime error is a friggin pygresql error yip see the readme I am gonna make a sample.connections.conf and commit it as it is confusing to have those 2 separate things and sample.mysql or should they just ne renamed? be specifically doesn't hurt to have unused connections does it? Q: I am getting an ImportError on DateTime. 38 39 A: You are using a database driver that uses the mxDateTime package. 40 You can download this package at 41 42 43 44 Note that Lemburg recently changed the directory structure of his 45 packages. If you have installed mxDateTime and are still getting 46 this error, you may need to grab the development version of 47 PyGreSQL as the stable version (as of 05/01) still references the 48 old structure. Grab it at 49 50 oh I know I need another package chilly i think we should have one sample ok I'll fix it that has all the different types of connections in it ok all commented out da masta has spoken :P alrighty and instructions to uncomment the one for your provider type and change the values IMHO but run by jason / jamest they are project leads on forms/common jamest said I could yesterday well what you waiting for? heheh nothin just having too much fun playing with forms I will here once I can get it to work edmz ( joined #gnuenterprise. well now I cannot connect I am a super user myself I don't need a password how do you add passwords to postgres masta? Action: chillywilly memory is way too fuzzy plus we used phplib authentication in trioweb brb ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout for ra3vat[] From 1955 Housekeeping monthly: dude woops I cannot believe this shit M$ has bought the gov't chillywilly do you have postgres setup to accept tcp/ip connections? do I think so pgsql -h localhost trioweb and tell me what you get k guess not danielb@obfuscation:~/src/trioweb/database/debug$ psql -h localhost trioweb psql: IDENT authentication failed for user 'danielb' :P gotta turn that on yip you kwo what file? know um not off hand you on debian right? yip always i thought it did by default me too proably just need to change your pg_hba.conf file to accept tcp connections for users you might have to add -i parameter in postmaster startup (but i dont think so) # TCP/IP access is allowed by default, but the default access given in # pg_hba.conf will permit it only from localhost, not other machines. tcpip_socket = 1 makes no sense to me 317 ? S 0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster -D /var/lib/postgres/data doesn't look like it s on though s/s/is dos your postmaster have a, assuming you have a postgres running somewhere over there ;) what is this ident authentication stuff there's a pg_ident file er, pg_ident.conf dyfet (dyfet@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi dave hi masta help me! should I hack the postgre init script to start it with -i? postgres GoldenI ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: IIRC you only need to add a crypt option to pg_hba how so? at the bottom what's the symtax? oh host all crypt and does that make forms connection ecurely then adjusted for your ip securely no bah only the passwd is crypted do you have a secure sonnection? gnuef supports whatever the db supports pgsql added support for ssl so it should work as trioweb forms will be distributed to all participants in the program and then cas be anywhere on the net ah but I have not tested it in any fashion so then postgres driver does ssl hmmm yes, encryption doesn't belong in gnuef IMHO sure GoldenI ( left irc: Read error to GoldenI[]: Connection reset by peer I mean yes, I agree how do you make the postgres driver do ssl then? i haven't explored it yet i just know they support it well I need a secure connection so... maybe I should fix that ;) you would just need to amke the driver use it right? dsl dsl dsl heeey dsl yay! you got it back nickr? ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. yea covad sucks at least they are still up :( I couldn't cancel an IP change their system doesn't allow it nor does their system allow easy transition :-( yea covad's fault I've lost sevrice for weeks a few times because the line operators went bankrupt my dsl provider is bankrupt and gone... their customer communication is the worse ever ssh...keep it quiet though...they forget to turn the circuit down over labor day :) chillywilly this is waht im needing too :) the "system" will get you postgres from anywhere on net didnt realize they had ssl jamest: maybe thats my solution intead of VPN dyfet: hehe doing postgres ssl connection and crypted password why not a VPN? only allowing connections from certain IP masks i guess nobody came in to turn stuff off, they fired everyone :) Mr_You dont know of free softwasre for windows to linux vpn umm.. Windows does IPsec there is pptp, I think that works with the windows vpn stuff, but I never tried it yeah pptp hmmm vpn is good too but pptp would be ok that requires me to deal more with the MSOE computer ppl...a thing I wish not to do I think it also impliments the broken ms vpn protocols that makes it easy to snoop :) but doubt will talk to linux server TRIO Program already has a databse all they have to do is allow connections let me think.. i am looking for easy over best for SHORT term long term i want to do VPN as it wont be 'general' internet users You can do some vpn like things with ssh... M$ -> Linux VPN should work.. I think Linux -> M$ VPN server is more difficult more concentrated home offices so would rather do VPN well.. i am beginning to think that gnuef is very pgsql biased :) if its short term .. the easiest is to just allow connections from a specific IP.. and just change the password every day ;-) edmz: as opposed to what? to not being pgsql centric edmz: i dont understand the goal is multiple enterprise DBs, postgresql just happens to be the best open-source available DB forms was written based off geas and other db support added later and possibly poorly tested some standard sql inserts could help.... there are some sql scripts, but for postgres sure we all hate mysql we admit it on other hand GEAS was written against mysql and other dbs added later :P edmz: so get to work :-P heh edmz: yes dneighbo: only because of andrewm he was in love woth that evil database mysql god I hate fuckin surprises.. gonna go kick a tree with covad taped on it ./reminder #2: use postgres Action: Mr_You calms down. mysql is under GPL is it evil? it justs sucks is there such a thing as a phpPgAdmin ? I dun like it edmz: why do you think RedHat is going to with postgres? edmz: the idea is we are going to move to xml query language for thigns like insert scripts so one script works for ALL databases we support I think they like its on a BSD license dneighbo: nice this will be part of gnue-common dyfet: I wouldn't say thats the biggest reason infact jcater could possibly have this done already thats why we havent made a bunch of different scrpts dyfet: I hope not....I thing postgres is better for heavy duty stuff and mysql is more for small databses as we know we want to go to one script mentality :) Actually I have to admit, I have worked with both, and I also do much prefer postgres functionally as to mysql mysql is like a file system more so.. we feel it is not enterprise quality database Mr_You: hehe thought it is gettnig closer we plan to add full support for all dbs we support yes yes we aren;t code biased but for now primary focus goes to preferred database and that is postgres just psychologically biased And yes, Postgres has some more upscale things in progress like replication... we gladly take mysql patches :) replication good! mysql bad dyfet: number one reason i quit mysql was table level locking :P period end of story :) postgresql uses about 2-4MB less ram than mysql now also ;-) hehe I think its good for GNUe to be, or tries to be, database agnostic, though... no reason not to run both on the same machine but short of that mysql is much improved and we are database agnostic we do test things against mysql (the tools) dyfet: we need to make our own libGDA but without all the brain dead gnoem dependencies soon our insert scripts etc will work on mysql as well i promise running mysql in a high end environment would be scary I vote for libGDI GNU Data Interface :P edmz hopefully that answers the question? or should we keeo it GEDI keep there is something called pgaccess that is like msaccess for postgres GNUe Data Interfac e way better than phpMyAdmin chillywilly: gnu easy data interface chillywilly: gnu efficient data interface is thta what it stand for I got it ;) dneighbo: very good answer :P hmmm i thought GEDI = Got Enough Data Idiot chillywilly: gnu eats data immediately lol reinhard : i like that one best gnue erupts data intermittently er, gnu dneighbo: how about mine? chillywilly like it too Action: chillywilly needs to turn of his guitar amp it is too far away though damn I'm lazy doesn't bayonne need databse support? reinhard: you know? now it works ra3vat: great :) Yes, there is a BayonneDB server now i can break the next thing ;) It uses a plugin architecture to talk to different backends... dyfet: you don't wanna use our GEDI? :P heheh even though it doesn't exist Mostly it used to pool connections and to sit between realtime telephony services and non-realtime database transactions :) ouch reinhard: what it would be? dyfet: multi-threaded? Yes ra3vat: new implementation of the .gcd file parser Great Bridge ceases operations Open source pioneer closes after failing to identify a qualified investor or acquirer NORFOLK, Va., September 6, 2001 - Great Bridge LLC, the company that pioneered commercial distribution and support of the PostgreSQL open source database, announced today that it has ceased business operations. reinhard: gedi needs to be multi-threaded too shit First my DSL provider, now this :(...glad we didn't contract to do those Bayonne servers for them though... dneighbo: can you connect to a db with forms with no password? i.e, I am a postgres super user greatbridge dying is not a good sign isn't there a better way to tell them that authentication failed other thab dumping the python stack and spitting out an error? no its not... I am so tempted to hack forms a bit is empty same as it always was btw, the GNUe image in th elogin dialog is very screwy looking ohh well, I guess that will be the big slashdot story today... heh, hitting cancels dumps the python stack too cancel i just keep telling myself they reason these things happen is because of the glut of the company why doesn't it just do sys.exit(0)? jamest: you're gonna hate me when I really start using forms :P jamest, dneighbo: where does it pop up the auth dialog? *************************************** **** Note to **** neilt **** *************************************** I have checked in the first version of the new lex and bison source files, as well as some stubs for the new class definitions library. Parsing of existing .gcd files should work mostly, and checking for syntax must ne my theme errors should work, too (not for logical errors). The program test-parse.c parses the file test-parse.gcd, or you can easily build your own test programs from that. Please look at the code and tell me what you think. Thanks *************************************** bbl btw chillywilly you can also look if you want chillywilly: cancel shouldn't stack dump, at least it didn't for me (can't test now) k and anybody else :) jamest: it does though bbl i dont understand 2nd question reinhard (rm@ left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. where on screen or in the code? I dunno just thought ti wasn't exiting properly if it dumps the stack btw I chaned the text in the login dialog and now it is using the defautlt Gnome theme :P GTK thene theme man you need a transparent image for every possible known theme for that image to show up?!? correcctly when I hit cancel is dumps all and does DB000: database=connectData['dbname']) DB000: File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/", line 376, in connect DB000: user = dbuser, passwd = dbpasswd) DB000: _pg.error: fe_sendauth: no password supplied DB000: at the end it has always doe this....I remeber it did this last time I played with it done bah now it is back to my theme interesting.. I'm gonna have to delete a duplicate record.. hafta figure out how to do that Mr_You: how do you set passwords in postgres? sorry chilly.. I have to refer to the reference manual all the time something like (set password='dfd') probably wrong tho ok I'll RTFM ;) basicly.. you just modify the user table for that user k using an SQL statement ok on the image we KNOW we need better transparent image alter user foo with password bar; jamest: would forms let you login without a password show us a graphics person and we will be greatful as to the no password yes, i have no password at home absolutely you can do that IF you have trust setup pgsql _must_ however accept tcp/ip connections instead of crypt (iirc) as for the cancel stack dump I do not get that at home :-( crappy day so far uggh as I was messing w/ it last night so if postgresl -h localhost trioweb does not work I do not have TCP/IP working even if my config has it turned on right? jamest: the dump is cause of something he is doing before the cancel i thik :) gonna finish mowing the yard chillywilly two seconds please I didn't doa nything let me get a linux box just hit cancel oh dudes!!! we have some PURPLE crazy mushrooms outside! would be cool to save them, but that would be silly heh chillywilly: right on the -h thing i think had some real issues with debian postgresql at LWE Mr_You: just don't eat them :P worked fine on one machine but not on jason's laptop no joke ;-) jamest: yeah :( have no idea why yes you need to change something jamest: what about is postmeaster process is not running with -i? i need to go away for a bit cant find friggin pg_hba on RH chillywilly no its not that darn chillywilly: that was the old way of doing it, it may have changed in 7.1 i don't recall oh, ok jamest ( left irc: [x]chat sigh i about give up i hate red hat how can you query an rpm for its files? w/o using gnorpm? hmm its not in your data directory? what data directory? where the db data is located rpm -ql package even Action: chillywilly still remembers hm its not listed there i KNOW i had to change this on this machine there pg config files somewhere on this bitch i just cant find them Action: dneighbo blushes usually in the data dir of the db suppose i should be root before i look for such things either in the data dir. or maybe /etc/ dneighbo: I appreciate you heklping me out :) chilly comment out all the security stuff taht is like host all ip ip something etc k and put just these two entries local all trust host all trust fwiw: this is insecure as all hell but its a START get it working with no security and we can work our way into making it secure uhhuh difference error now different DB000: File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/", line 376, in connect DB000: user = dbuser, passwd = dbpasswd) DB000: _pg.error: No pg_hba.conf entry for host, user danielb, database trioweb DB000: I ned a localhost entry then localhost is messed up on your machine as #local all peer sameuser should I umcomment that one? is there yes you should coment it out it was saying there is no entry for it only two lines you should have are the two i posted oh sorr y I didn't see that doh local all trust host all trust it worked cool Action: dneighbo does the chilly dance must've been the config trust works very well :) boy this form is fugly as stated this is not the 'recommended' way to run postgres ok but it makes so its a postgres problem and not a forms problem :) what is the recommended way? i.e. you will need to talk to a real postgres stud to get a recommend way of doing k this isnt all bad as its only allowing connections from localhost or just RTFM again it has been to long you could try to change trust on both lines to crypt which would force a password entry k that or try changing it password here are the options balh is doesn't lieka no password account though proably not i woudl leave as trust if you are doing local development ya as its less headache .so those 2 lines let you do local connections and connecitons from all as right? # ident: Authentication is done by the ident server on the remote # host, via the ident (RFC 1413) protocol. AUTH_ARGUMENT, if # specified, is a map name to be found in the pg_ident.conf file. # That table maps from ident usernames to PostgreSQL usernames. The # special map name "sameuser" indicates an implied map (not found # in pg_ident.conf) that maps every ident username to the identical # PostgreSQL username. # # trust: No authentication is done. Trust that the user has the # authority to use whatever username he specifies. Before # PostgreSQL version 6, all authentication was done this way. # # reject: Reject the connection. # # password: Authentication is done by matching a password supplied in clear # by the host. If AUTH_ARGUMENT is specified then the password # is compared with the user's entry in that file (in the $PGDATA # directory). See pg_passwd(1). If it is omitted then the # password is compared with the user's entry in the pg_shadow # table. # # crypt: Authentication is done by matching an encrypted password supplied # by the host with that held for the user in the pg_shadow table. # # krb4: Kerberos V4 authentication is used. # # krb5: Kerberos V5 authentication is used. are the types of security you can use each with its own caveats those two lines are saying kewl local or can connect to ALL datbases without supplying a password only valid trusted account if you change the ip masq you could let specific hosts connect or reject specific hosts uhhuh and you could do it by database anyhow back to work i go, for now this should get you chugging so crypt on encrypts the password right? only well expects a crypted password password expects plain text password or somethign i had crypt working i think or password but when tried to have windows work it didnt like so i had to change to trust for testing yuou can all great bridge for technical support phoenixi ( left irc: Ping timeout for phoenixi[] well thanks masta at leats now I can hack up some forms there are forms developers guides right? techref ok in gnue/gnuef/docs/ how do I make it do stuff though i think liek triggers and such (events) hmmm I dun have lyx really the ps pdf should be made :( xforms is in non-free if not in cvs in the 'distribution' I don't have non-free in my sources.list i can get you copy tonight can you export it? but not right now as i dont have lyx on a machine here i left my laptop at home well I could get it too but I do not want to run it btw: this is why i PREFER docbook as no gui needed :) i can get to lots of machines with lyx is it docbook format? just not any that i cant to in x chillywilly no its lyx bah but i think it could be exported to docbook that stinks BUT that requires lyx gui :) yea actually i shouldnt say that perhaps you can do lyx tranformatoins without the gui but never tried I dunno depends on what commands it runs im gettting redy to move all dept here to lyx on windows i think what dept? lyx is evil though wait until you can sue the Gnome GUI :P use reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. MrChumple (mrchumple@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajzzzz -> ajmitch Hi all, is anyone here who knows about the gnue-forms mailing list? I think it's broken... I've tried to subscribe twice, and no subscribe-confirm type message comes MrChumple: you should probably talk to jamest or dneighbo dneighbo: is here but seems not to listen if you hold on he will come back i think :) bah I cannot remove text entries with dsigner designer where can I get developer info about gnuef ? the tech refernce in the doc dir but you need lyx cthanks to read it (was away reading the gnue-geas email) Thanks for hte info -- I'll try to contact jamest or dneighbo I think I wrote an email yesterday to those too-- I was able to subscribe to the gnue-geas list, but the forms one... no luck heh nice nick MrChumple: our mail lists are in AZ so you should bug da masta MrChumple what is your email Thanks - we're both Mr.'s (dneighbo) i will subscribe you right now The email - pault at Thanks! hmm i subscribed you to that last night to geas that is iirc no - to forms all lists should work on own accord except supply_chain it mis behaves I subscribed to geas yesterday, but when I tried subscribing for forms, it didn't send a confirm mesg ok subscribing you to form now Cool - thanks! I found a few bugs/fixes I had wanted to post about the GNUe-Forms stuff when used with MySQL Successfully Subscribed: -- oops, no -- pault doh My friend here at work talked to the GNUe guys at LinuxWorld... who was at the booth? man now I gotta setup php3 and look at what our inteafaces for our system looks like er if that makes any damn sense Action: chillywilly never makes any sense anyway I've got a question about the GNUe-Forms architecture... Is anyone familiar with it? Successfully Subscribed: Awesome! Thanks! MrChumple he probably talked to me MrChumple shoot away Thanks, if i cant answer jcater or jamest will pick it up in the log traffice btw: who stopped by the booth wondering if i would remember him name Ben Bush, from Center7 -- he said he saw a few guys, and somebody had his girlfriend there too-- He said the guy he talked to had some HR stuff working with GNUe at the company he worked for that was our booth, HR? that was me Partially up and running title database (market range study stuff) so not 'real' hr, sub hr :) Title database? yeah title database What's a title databse do? haven't heard of... we have nearly 15,000 employees we have 'compensation' issues Titles for each employee-- i.e. make sure people are paid fair market value like 'Senior Java Engineer II' so we ahve a database that has list of all valid workign titles liek Senior Java Engineer I see -- that's pretty cool and then associated with that is a min, mid, max salary Cool! and then it rolls up to a 'band' 15,000 emps is a lot! like professional, technical, etc... our budget system budgets by title and checks against the max and min and defaults to the mid So you're using geas-server and gfclient to do the forms? -- so if you give a pay raise you cant excede the max pay That's pretty cool -- keep it fair between same titles every year you can request moneies to get your people up to the min and then if you create a new vacant position its budgeted at the mid You have to give someone a better title if you want to pay them more MrChumple something like that, its more complicated than that i.e. a department cant change a title w/o board approval so if you are java engineer and you are at max you dont get raise dneighbo: did tyou see the top slushdot story That's fair enough but your dept cant just change you to a senior java engineer without management approval Of course anyhow, its boring govt stuff I simplified it too much-- though i suppose position control is univerisal issue in large companies but I think it's cool that it's in use True im doing only 2 tier here at county no geas :( i want geas to be used badly here though the issue is this the current forms geas driver is still in infancy it only supports basic object manipulation So only 2 tier, you mean it's only running forms against a database-- and not full inhertance basically limiting the usefulness of geas to nothing more than a data broker That's kinda what my questions were aimed at for forms... the driver is being worked on as we speak to be fully functional hopefully with in a week or two? I was wondering why forms talked to a database at all... we plan to support 2 and n tier mode always all the gnue tools are designed to work together or apart right now functionality wise i think forms is feature complete to oracle sql*forms product only supports more dbs :) anyhow what was the techical question? So, forms talks to all the different databases on its own... It seemed like it could be advantageous if it just talked CORBA objects to geas-server, and forgot all about DBMS And let the geas-server worry about all of the DB stuff Can it be set up to talk to the geas-server alone and not directly to your DB? I'm too new, so I hope I'm not offending by saying anything -- just trying to grasp the big picture-- chillywilly i saw the LWCE summary the otehr day if thats what you meant on slashdot MrChumple absolutely it does that today if you use the geas driver instead of a db driver forms will talk to geas geas to the database dneighbo: Bush said NO to the M$ brekup breakup you must understand as a preface all tools designed to work with or without one another that's what I am talking about i.e. there will be relaly small offices who maybe dont want a middleware server and overhead of corba but gnue forms would be a useful tool for them I was just running through some of the examples -- and found some PostgreSQL specific create_table scripts... all the create scripts are postgres specific it is our PREFERED database we are working on db abstraction for table creation and the likes in xml And I was just playing with it with MySQL, because more of my junk dev happens in it, You are! so write one script works on ALL databases Awesome, that's what I was goign to suggest -- its half coded but not tested or checked in Because it seemed a waste for me to convert the scripts into MySQL scripts (which I did) and then give them to you -- when we have that, we will make all our insert, create, drop scripts xml based thats why we didnt take time to make because some other DB would spring up and then we'd have too many -- mysql postgres That's very cool db2 oracle etc scripts we will gladly take 'patches' of mysql versions if you like and will check them in as a stop gap until the abstraction tool is ready but until then the developers all use postgres so thats what scripts exist :) They're all pretty simple, maybe I'll do that -- I just created a create_all.sql that has all the create tables in it... that works I understand it better now... we do request copyright assignment for any of the tools Python doesn't have something like JDBC for Java? That's fine -- for sql scripts robably not as big of an issue but if you plan on developing on gnue tools we will need assignment ok Copyleft it all I say send mail to and put your email and : give me assignment :) so i dotn forget the assignment is to Free Software Foundation How do I give assignment? I've never done that before all our code is GPL ONLY I know - I wouldn't play with it if it were some funky license... i will explain in the email In fact: we have DBSiG for python and are using it I have been evaluating another product for full-blown (almost full-blown) ERP but they're using some other half-open license and I can't do that you like the GPL? Does DBSig do all of the database abstraction? of course we only use that GPL all the way ok good :) It's the reason Linux is more popular than BSD in my opinion ooooohhhh Action: chillywilly resists the urge Oooh! MrChumple: if you hadn't said that last sentence chillywilly would be your friend for lifetime ;) heheh I'm making ppl angry -- sorry chilly It's sad but true (again, IMO) he would prefer you say GNU/Linux :) MrChumple: it's only kidding I prefer to call it GNU/Linux GNU/Linux i assume that was his urge :) yes :P I am bad MrChumple mind me asking name of otehr package? LiGNUx Wyatt-ERP It's on They're in the area I live, and were plugging themselves over at our LUG So we've been evaluating it -- All TCL/TK stuff, but their whole thing works like magic Only, they've "opened" the libraries but not the modules... And from what I can tell the "libraries" are only a big wrapper around TCL/TK for the forms They have about 40 other "modules" that aren't open source hmm But their argument is that every company needs its own customized ERP stuff, so they just provide libraries to accelerate it bah They've got it doing backflips at their parent company's site why take hafl-assed Free software half mrchumple well forms in two tier will do this now Full CRM, Inventory management, MRP, Financials, almost all of it -- forms is magical too i.e. let you build your own imho Forms is very magical! I love it, actually. we have a 40 person call center that built its whole app using gnue forms 2 tier when we get geas workign with forms we might just have to beat the users away The other day, I was musing over what I would do if I had to develop what Wyatt-ERP was doing myself as i think this will be a real 'killer app' building business apps w/o having to be a C hacker on linux is rather nice I told myself I'd have a server, and the clients would run over XML to client form translations on multiple platforms Action: chillywilly slaps masta's hand bad masta sorry gnu/linux ;P The DB would be abstracted behind the App server entirely, and all of the forms and data would be represented in XML Action: dneighbo needs my xchat and my auto linux to gnu/linux transaltor tou can call ti linux anyway MrChumple you should build gnue :) rofl you da masta and know you won't for get the GNU or freedom ;) That way anytime you had to export/import to other DB's you'd have a generic abstract layer... blahdy blah blah -- but then I found GNUe and you guys were already doing everything I was thinking about yip and we have workign code :) yeah come join us :) I'm really excited about it -- and so is my boss at the executive level next show hopefully we will have disks to hand out with all dependencies and stable versions and some sample applications MrChumple what kind of apps you looking for disks? you mean come CDS? gnue/gnuef/samples/tracking/forms/ or something simiar Center7 is a hosting company, and it has a small GNU/Linux business dev/apps group... has a workign 'contact manager' that is in infant stages MrChumple hmmmm im looking to colocate a server maybe we can work a deal :) And when we saw this Wyatt-ERP stuff, we thought we'd be able to market something like that to small business -- we are getting very close to beaing able to do full n-tier stuffs We might be able to work something like that -- C7 might be able to help donate to the cause in its own way (but that's beyond my ability to promise, of course) So - my boss is a very shrewd, intelligent business-minded guy... And he's excited about an ERP offering like we saw at Wyatt-ERP He's got friends with other businesses, and they're chomping at the bit for that kind of thing well we have a free hosting solution for GNUe i have a need to colocate a businesses server But their only option is either "PeachTree/QuickBooks" at the small end for under $1000 we can discuss offline and on the other end they have "Peoplesoft/SAP/Oracle Apps" running into the millions ouch But nothing that is truly integrated with everything a business needs... plz rape me now :P dneighbo: you said gnuef is being currently used in production ? edmz: most definitely a call center app, right ? yip and some other ones nice... like at the the county i work at and university jamest works at thought those institutions do not PUBLICLY admit it :) ncsmags does heheh what is ncsmags ? the company with the call center implementation ohh DB000: Traceback (innermost last): DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/designer/../gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/", line 132, in OnDeleteObject DB000: Incubator.deleteObject(self.instance, self.instance._form, self.object) DB000: File "/home/danielb/src/gnue/designer/../gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/", line 102, in deleteObject DB000: child.deleteObject(instance, form, child, firstRun=0) DB000: AttributeError: deleteObject I cannot delete text entries in designer gah I just chaged the text of a label and it did not update it in the fprm view heh designer is hurting a bit right because we had major driver changes and not fully fixed in designer though this issue is different are you supposed to be able to drag widgets around? as to deleting you can go to xml file and whack reopen in designer what drivers? thought that was workign though as for the draging you cant use mouse you can with keys simply click in a widget so its highlighted and move with arrow keys alt+arrowkeys makes it bigger or smaller there is wx bug (i think) that say you go to prooperty editor and chagne lable name you MUST hit enter for it to take effect hrrrrm other wise when you exit the field etc it wont change it i dotn have it it running here (cept stable versoins) so cant help much can when i get home ah now the text changes how do I make the whole form bigger? wider go to the form tag plus the form that it initially built is so long and I cannot scroll in the file? then go to property editor adn change the size of width or height and hit enter what do you mean formtag? and form should resize in the left of designer you should see a tag 'tree' Page? yes the top item of that tree should be Form iirc click on that one time then open the property editor Page Layout? it says Page_1 and change its attributes of width and height Mussi (x@ joined #gnuenterprise. ok go to property editor but that has no properties and at top of eidtor it has a combo box there's a blobk block open that combobox list and select FORM k then change prop the onat the top for it right? yip at top of property editor it doesn't have all the elements sign h w/o looking at it i cant help you much there shoudl be a form ToyMan ( left irc: ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet? entry in that dropdown box there's only Page_1 in th eleft one to fix that entry thing can't you just handle the "edit: event and dynamically update? s/:/"/ or is that broke? I can get this baby to crash so easily :P danielb@obfuscation:~/src/gnue/designer$ client/gfdes test.gfd Gdk-ERROR **: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) serial 260217 error_code 9 request_code 62 minor_code 0 Gdk-ERROR **: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) serial 260218 error_code 3 request_code 38 minor_code 0 anoether fun one where's jvater so i can abuse him? jcater jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. dont know actually designer has been real good to me lately so im not gonna complain dneighbo: are you developing gnuef ? heck no he's too busy breaking our perfect code with his vile DN radiation! hehe who is then ? dnWork: uh, the new gnuef made my PC burst into flames jamest: works for me jcater: works for me lots of people oh wait, just gnuef yes that's mainly jcater and myself with (frequently ignored) input from derek heh others have worked on in the past and ra3vat is adding i18n support madlocke a new UI driver for HTML if you look in the authors file I think it's fairly up to date i have made changes but generaly bark at jamest or jcater to make instead its more effective (and break stuff) don't forget break stuff it's your most important function example: one time gnuef could segfault dneighbo's X windows session i dont break it i expose breakage there is a difference :) ok well sometimes i break it yeah, only when you try and use it though we all know he is cursed ;) exactly I'm thankfull CA didn't fall into the sea while we were there edmz: we're always looking for help too! :) hehe i am looking at gnue, trying to get the whole picture and see how each piece fits into the whole enchilada.... ;) since we're talking mexican food...envission salsa installing lyx to read the docs and test what is working..... :) a whole slew of stuff mushed together and smeared arround i am used to salsa :P (/me from .mx) :) chillywilly: you here? i need a java 1.2 jvm for debian for an app a person needs and I can't/won't believe it's not available you can geta sources line for the blackdown one non-free though ah, crud stbain ( joined #gnuenterprise. there are no fre 1.2 compliant jvms afaik free really? dang i thought there were free ones now IBM's is onyl 1.1.8 only stbain ( left irc: dIRC IRC Client - it is $0 but not freedom free Yes, this has been a problem in a number of places... We do need a free (libre) jvm er, not IBM's but the backdown one which is Sun code blackdown big deal Swing sucks anyway :P Kaffe mostly complies with JDK 1.1, except for a few missing parts. Parts of it are already JDK 1.2 (Java 2) compatible. that's one then there's the GNU Calsspath project there's other free JVMs i need jdk 1.2 they are just not that updated on lots of machines :( probably go blackdown I guess you can install the Sun ported on one huh? blackdown is a Sun port to GNU/Linux nite all reinhard ( left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. er, meaning it is a port of the Sun code not done by Sun i.e., has te same issues as the regular old Sun JVM heheh kaffe was ported to the Hurd gawd that would suck a Jav app running on tje Hurd you'd be waiting for a year for it to start even you know another thing that sucks is that M$ is hardly even POSIX compliant...they are suck shits such oops I tried to change the x coordinate in the a text entry and designer crashed ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout for ra3vat[] dneighbo: did designer crash for you at all when demoing? ;) nope it did mess up a file thought :) but no crash you using a stable release? then no was using cvs pre new code :) i.e. before merge of branch ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. you are using cvs post merge and stable is REALLY dated i now am using what you are using but havent used much :) I cannot delete text entries so dont knwo if the problems are the #ifdef user(chillywilly) how do you move th widgets? or if they are broken ah cool the arrows work duh boy it is sloooow what is master and detail stuff? can you add a database? chilly i told you to use arrows yo ucan do alt arrow to resize that doesn't wor though jamest you saw that greatbridge closed its doors right ccause of sawfish I think alt not ctrl if that dont work do ctrl instead of alt 'I know and I have that key combo bound to something I will have to turn it off k oh ultimately we will do key combos config for gnue stuff but later another question can I add menus? no ack not supported in forms yet er? can anyone tell me how to configure a form so that it uses the db ? :) but those example forms have menus err.. configure the db.... populate it :) use the zipcode example uuuuh it is postgres though chilly the forms menus are AUTO built how? they are hard coded is there something I can copy and paste tinto y form? hmmmm and only deal with data navication and saving etc that stinks yes and no this is not gtk development its data business applications the business process menu thing will solve your problem its not written yet I wanna be able to customize my menu with the business process tool you will be able to I thought forms was a UI for now to quote you you have the source :) when did I say that? all the time you have the source, use it or use the source luke when i bitch about things not working on debian well I don't know python very well or the forms design and like i know kernel networking modules :) dyfet question off topic kind of say i want to do the following with bayonne/gnucomm can i? setup card in home pc another thing bring normal analog line to it DB000: File "/home/edmz/code/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/", line 101, in getConnectionParameter DB000: raise NotFoundError DB000: gnue.common.GConnections.NotFoundError can I add a databse connection? have it after x rings pick up and do voicemail yes you can you need the datasource to point at it i.e. voicemail custom fore eache family member or my home office yes you might want to have a menu tree to select who to leave a message for adn then on top of that have it email notification messages are waiting per user if so i might have anew answering machine and lots of questions soon can it do caller id? as well so you do a little ccscript menu. And when it posts the message it can do so thru email by a perl script that builds it as a mime attached document and you could have it then run comsat or smbmsg to send out a notification edmz: what's your connections.conf file look like and what does the databse tags look like in the form? and put that information with the messages or log it somewhere You can do it by caller id by using a Bayonne table map function in your script can yo umake it python instead of perl script? i wont do perl :) Yes i would buy answering machine first :) There is now a Python TGI module that does the same thing for Python that does for Perl chillywilly: i am trying the zipcode demo form hmmm you all mind helping me do this i tried? im looking to put a pc in the kitchen There is also an embedded python runtime module so you can have python pre-loaded rather than invokved thru a shell for web and email for family [edmz@edmz:~/code/gnue/gnuef/samples]$ cat /usr/local/gnue/etc/connections.conf # Sample connections file for MySQL [gnue] comment = GNUe Sample Connection for MySQL provider = mysql host = localhost dbname = gnue would ilke to do phone here too I think I can help you with that... last question can i do phone trickes with callerid i.e. a call comes in i have a list of phone numbers i accept if the number is on that list it rings through other wise it goes right to voicemail? and can i have it page me instead of email me with my messages :) yes, you can do it within Bayonne thru the map function, or you can of course do something externally with python and a database Action: dneighbo is wondering what kind of power this thing relaly has chillywilly: was it right ? to do paging you can have it call something like sendpage. I am also looking at building a native pager support interface in Bayonne what kind of phones do you need to use bayonne ? Well, you normally use Bayonne as an ajunct, so it gets calls to it or forwarded to it from a phone system. It normally sits on analog lines with an analog telephony card, or digital lines if you have a span card (emz's question) edmz: ummm what is the datasource name the [] have to contain the datasource name ouch..... what is a datasource :) derrek, on the script side, you can run scripts when call arrives without answering, so thats how you can externalize the lookup of callerid thru a python module. Answering is itself under script control, when it happens, etc. edmz: it is in the databse tags there should be one specifiying the database and one the datasource e.g. aw crud I lost that form ahh In fact, I would like to build up a set of Bayonne Python scripts and fully test out Python support. dneighbo: is a databse and a datasource the same thing you use the name param of the datase in the [] in connections.conf databse database bah ok.. i see... dyfet: sounds like i need to plunk in a card adn give you ssh access hehe isnt that a little redundant ? and let you work some bayonne magic I dunno I am not the forms srchitect :P there's some point to it I guess I could work with that... istn what redundant? the database tags if you use the connections file to have datasource in a form and in connections... you have the same data, repeated you do NOT need a database tag ohh database tag has been deprecated ah ok my bad it was how we did it PRE connections file see I am just a GEAS kinda guy anyway :P so I can just erase the zipcode database tags, right ? err "datasource" which was redundant as we were having to use the same info over and over I would yake designer no datasource tags stay and start out wiht the new form and then save it dneighbo: so I can just specify a datasource right? in designer you need them to contorl the widgets a database is a ref to a driver chillywilly yip why even run that old cruddy script? um why? a datasource is a table, object, or other referenced via a driver if I can just srart out with a blank form? cause it binds all the widgets for you automagially ah then how does the form know which datasource to use ? ok it certianly isnt necessary but cuts out work IMHO forget that it is a quick wizard you need to tell it the datasources eventually it will be replaced by the new gui wizards jamest: how can I fix the wizard? jamest: is it done? i don't know it's state jamest: I knwo it complains about losing some module/class jcater has unchecked in code of wizard db abstraction loading and i know we need to extend the drivers setup tool :) for introspection [zips] comment = GNUe Sample Connection for MySQL provider = mysql host = localhost dbname = gnue DB000: File "/home/edmz/code/gnue/gnuef/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFObjects/", line 82, in initialize DB000: self._dataSourceLink = self._form._datasourceDictionary[self.datasource] DB000: KeyError: zips in connections you are telling it about database's not datasources so I have things like [prod], [devel], [www] but what is the [name[ then? a name for a database say I have a database server running postgresql yes but this is the xml param and not the real db name right so isn't it really a datasource name? no no what is it then? its a db REFERNCE database = a database i got confused :) datasource = a table in a database keep going ok or an object? in delphi we called them db aliases so I have two databases (both in postgresql) prod and devel so i guess i musnt have deleted the datasource tags in the zipcode example i setup [prod] and [devel] in connections.conf edmz: right thats a bad thing then setup the tables to my project in devel and point the datasources in my form at database="devel" how do datasources work without the database tag?.....ooooh they use the connections thing I see now work all the bugs out let me give an example then resetup the tables in the prod database change my form datasources to database="prod" and release my form my developers can continue to work on next version of the form pointing back to devel w/o risking prod(uction) data and yes a datasource can be an object we like objects :P you can also use multiple datasources in the same form right? geas ... objects... you knwo those business objects objects are fine i was just trying to keep example simple the're should probably be forms support for those pesky buggers hey jamest how about those objects? you know those object ;) they rule all in good time ****HINT***** [17:10] MSG541 you want working geas support till then download the last release :) er? I cam not sure I follow that sentence oh the last stable release cvs gnuef drivers are not stable geas are simply fucked you guys rewrote them? i have to run how is it fucked up? bbl you better run will explain in a few minutes jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. cool..... it works now :) kewl the zip code example? yes neat one thing, wasnt importing sys... it crashed once, easy fix wtf happened to gvim's syntax highlighting and menu....this is weird gvim/ are you feeling alright there gnu boy? Action: dneighbo dials the 1800gnucrap hotline to report chilly is NOT using emacs emacs takes forever to start up chilly! I want something fast is it true??! I used to use vim all the time I can use both now I would sya that's the best thing Next he will be saying he uses...pico :) no pico is non-free nano is free but ti sucks Good you do know the difference then :) I code using emacs but it I wann edit a config file and I have no emacs started chillywilly stupid question I am not gonna wait for emacs but IF you are running a gnu/linux box i assume you dont power it down if that is the case I do why do you EVER shute emacs down? this is a laptop I don't leave my laptop on still emacs I don't pay the damn electric bill either isnt in your start up file heheh no it is not maybe I should add it to my gnome sees eh? to start up session there you go then you wont have an excuse ;) I got ssh-add in there ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. you think you are a die hard gnu guy jcater made fun of me at the show jamest had been using the machine for like 2 hours i hopped on to configure postgres so it would work had to install less emacs ssh something else all just to do work :) heheh jamest came back and jcater was like gotta have the tools of your trade he has been at editing a config file for 15 minutes and all he has done is download packages :) :P Action: dneighbo is seriously allegeric to vi and im so used to less infact i dont use ash often as it doesnt have less and i cant find root password to install it so amke jsamest do it or setup sudo ;) Action: chillywilly is lazy he does sudo apt-get install... entirely too much I wish they would put vim-tiny on the debian install disks I think it would fit now but you ain't gonna get fat ass emacs on there maybe vile though er zile that little bitty emacs clone Mussi (x@ left #gnuenterprise. nickr (nick@ left irc: nuthatches wet their nests nickr ( joined #gnuenterprise. hmm if I add a text entry how do I associate it with the data source? Action: chillywilly should read the forms docs where can I find the features of gnuef ? the techref more them likely than can I read the docs without lyx ? nope forget about that :) it is lame like that hrm its hard to find which project to concentrate on reinhard is making me look bad Action: chillywilly sulks they should at least export it to ps I think the grid in designer needs to be smaller ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout for ra3vat[] dyfet (dyfet@ left irc: Client Exiting ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly hates the fact that he has to install non-free software to read docs for GNU software GNUe that is be back in about an hour which is that? xforms for lyx is there a boolean class in idl? er, type the forms techref is in lyx yep it is called boolean schema.idl: boolean isreadonly; // readonly field? schema.idl: boolean allfields; // TRUE if inherited fields are included I am gonna euse it to export to ps and then check that file in then remove the vile thing :P awesome can you have a program impliment only one interface from a module ? can you give an example of what you mean? in IDL you can group interfaces into modules yep I'm just wondering if you can impliment some of the interfaces but not all of them also is it possible to have an optional argument to a call? I don't think you have to do all of them you can pas an argument in a call hm? and optional not specified? one I want one argument to be required and one optional ah, ok is this possible? I think you can setup defaults...then again what you do with the argument is up to you hmmm I am not sure if you can leave some arguments out or not when you make a call I dunno now look vrms is mas at me Non-free packages installed on obfuscation libforms0.88 The XForms graphical interface widget library libforms0.88-dev Header files and static libraries for the XForms widge damn lyx Action: chillywilly hisses s/mas/mad what's vrms? virtual RMS Virtual Richard Stallman? ;) I need some feedback on the DocuStore 'Storefront' interface. yip hehe Is it a program to complain about the presence of non-free software? yip it tells you what non-free stuff you have it is debian specific Oh goodness, that's hilarious! I like it :) lol whgat is an atom? ehat what blah If you look at idl/new-basic-document.xml, this is an example of the document's structure atoms are essentially little chunks of metadata err, user metadata this is a factory class? ? don't you know you patterns? I thought you were an object man I haven't studied the currently prevailing theories oh well for methods but afaik this is not a factory class This is an interface to a system you should get the book Apllying UML and Patterns Applying even I have that book actually. have you read it? Parts of it not the patterns parts the parts relating to xml modeling and use cases and such it is a good book err uml bleh has an excellent design process in there no jamest? was he planning on returning? xml modeling? uml modelling pay attention [18:27:18] the parts relating to xml modeling and use cases and such say what you mean then :P err uml :P Action: chillywilly slaps nickr with a trout anyway ok, my bad when I am doing too many things at once it is hard yo pay attention s/yo/to dneighbo: how can I associate a text filed with a datasource? field thta book has the GRASP patterns in it and in one of the chapters it covers the factory pattern I'm not interested in that right now. whochis one fo the GoF patterns I'm interested in the suitability of this interface. at least I thought it did well with a New() operation I just thought of factory right away Well, the new() operation will create an empty document tree it encapsulates the generation of document IDs essentially brb Action: chillywilly is away: dinner Action: nickr fixes some stupidness. chillywilly come again? what were you looking to do? if you have an entry widget put it under a block let me back up you need to create a block then in the block define the datasource the block uses then take the entry widget and put under the block it uses the data srouce the block uses then put the name of the field in field property and voila you have a bound data entry frield er field personally i dont like blocks i would rather see us put the datasource name directly in the entry widget and not deal with blocks as i nix them for navigatoni (thier original) purpose so they dont buy me much but maybe someday they will I do have it in a block hmmm ok so it is block-level pault (mrchumple@ joined #gnuenterprise. I am building lyx from cvs MrChumple (mrchumple@ left irc: Ping timeout for MrChumple[] is it ok to commit a ps version of the forms techref? pault (mrchumple@ left irc: Client Exiting MrChumple (mrchumple@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi MrChumple you realize between mryou and MrChumple way too many mr's Hi! I pinged out I guess i will go with my hard rock image Nick change: dneighbo -> mrsister Put us together and we are Mrs MrSister! lol MrChumple thats an old 'twisted sister' reference I know twisted sister, but Mr Sister is funnier in thier video i wanna rock the teacher says so 'misterrrr' 'sister....' whatcha gonna do with your life? the answer 'i wanna rock' ;) ;) sorry im an 80s metal junkie please forgive me i kinda remember a video from them i think they were jumping on a bed in an upstairs bedroom that would have been 'we're not gonna take it' that's them isn't it? yipo house bed room - were not gonna take it cool, i have a fun cover of that by some punk band school - i wanna rock 80s metal rules! on car in studio - stay hungry motorcycle - leader of the pack those were thier 'popular' setting - video he thn hits the strings on his guitar and the guy goes flying out the window right mrsister leader of the pack, i think i have one of that too by some punk band mrsister only thing better than 80s metal is 70s punk you like punk Action: mrsister shuffles his mp3s around to get a fix of teh vandals mostly covers they do -- mostly the fun of hearing some old song done real fast or by the wrong gender KMFDM sings madonna's Material Girl, and its kinda funny i like mxpx cover of 867-5309 Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:24:06) Action: mrsister is musically stuck in the 80s im afraid but hell i like sql and unix so its all good right :) tru Nick change: mrsister -> derek cause most of today's music blows i gotta run, but I have some more questions for tomorrow... ok i gotta run too fine get outta here be back later all of you derek ( left irc: [BX] Hey, where's the cream filling?! ;) MrChumple (mrchumple@ left irc: Client Exiting I'm not leaving! You can't make me! Only gnuebot has the power, and he'd _never_ do that. muahaha /nick twistedMr woops chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by chillywilly_)) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout for ra3vat[] ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: [x]chat ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout for ra3vat[] ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. Milosch ( left #gnuenterprise. what a day what a day not one yet either done what's up? frustration with noncommunicating companies but I gained a customer today.. so thats good ah clients? no.. ISPs before making any decision, I'm going to ask over and over "is there anything else I need to know?!" its life my life heh it'll work out ISPs don't work like the good ole days neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ anyone know how to dump a mysql database? neilt ( left irc: chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[] ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout for ra3vat[] ajmitch ( left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[] ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise.