Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi Mr_You I wonder if that was gun shots very far away, but rapid it needs to integrate with outlook, lotus notes, etc... you'll get no where if it can't do that for linux on the desktop think so?> oops heh the gun shots need to integrate eh for the most part i suppose i should get some sleep or rest at least ill be back later Nick change: derek -> dnAway Mr_You_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( got netsplit. Mr_You ( got lost in the net-split. hmm chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. I need to write/find an email script that will forward based on "rules" procmail? ahh yeah.. procmail can do it for ya just might take some rtfming ;) I just have it fileter my mail you want something like that or more complex? yeah, right now I just want it to try to filter anything without "re/Re" to two addresses with Re: to one ok you want my config then? you can haxck it your heart's content ;) what did you used to filter mail with? I would've thought you to be a procmail kinda guy ;) actually my mail is really low volume never had a need for it ok so do ya want it? can you take a dcc? yeah.. thanks tired no problem me too ok this is a tar ball of my .procmail dir a bit slow eh? heh I think my log file is rather large ;) there we go hmm I dunno.. what I want is too difficult how so? procmail is pretty easy I almost just need to manually edit aliases.. you wanna filter Re: messages? well that might not be good actually you can filter by address that's what I do I am on a ton of mailing lists I have exim+procmail+mutt for my email needs er actaully fetchmail+exim+procmail+mutt very UNIXy I think of GNUe ths way too you have a bunch of tools that you can use any which way you need ;) we are very UNIXy ourselves hi dan what are you up to hacking GSIm GSim even GNU Sim a discrete even simulation library event written in C++, multi-threaded neat i have no idea what that is. it sounds good. uhoh a nw kernel new 2.4.10-pre5 whuh dan dont do it. time to compile a new one ;P no! must ... resist....... source code. gotta support my habit Linux obfuscation 2.4.10-pre4-xfs #1 Tue Sep 4 02:46:12 CDT 2001 i686 unknown no dan you can't try a new kernel until I install my first 2.4! Linux boombox.lightsaber 2.2.17-21mdk #1 Thu Oct 5 13:16:08 CEST 2000 i686 unknown hehe HAHAH THERE! that's what you git! hehe unF I got kernel debs but see you use Mandrake there real man use debian men that's on my soon-to-be-no-more ia32 host ;) i shall have it destructicated Debian GNU/Linux hehe we do have debian here too on a 200+ GB file server dbina runs on ppc booted from nfs root, ironically debian even yes my roommate has debian on his powerbook doesn't ppc hardware cost more? no but there isn't a whole lot (if any) junk ppc hardware Action: chillywilly 's old code has too many race conditions so some people will delude themselves into thinking that it's more "expensive" :( not deluding just wondering ppc is RISC isn't it? it's far more valuable in most cases than comparable ia32 yes it is like virtually everything else heh, this might be interesting although Dennis Powell is usualy not my favorite author -> most things are risc-like or whatever, at least at th ecore IA64 has a risc core with IA32 legacy glue on shite hmmm yessir :P it's probably not really possible at all to scale without it afaik CISC is gay yes it's wicked obsolete and a bitch to program sometimed it's better to move complexity into software :) sometimes Action: chillywilly has programmed many an 68hc11 s/an/a although some people have atomic cultural roots in things that simply dont make sense -- and their mob psychology makes it look like it does make sense that little chip rocks though they can put lips on a chicken, etc PICs are nice too ahh well aren't you the edumacated one/ ? well one time i personally designed a high performance microcontroller we installed it into the security system guarding the President oh wait that was a tomato and toast sandwich nm can you forgive me, dan? I used to work for L. S. Resaerch which eas founded by LARRY Schotz the guy who developed the fm receiver did embedded systems development there for a while cool you're my hero dan didn't i already say that? dan, you're exactly the kind of person i hang out with so as to make myself seem more capable. and i just really appreciate it. I dunno I am no hero you tolerate me. that's just a really honorable thing. i'm nothing without you, dan. hey do you like NES or SNES? sure you read that article? no i could do that if you want me to This means that the department will ask a judge to enjoin Microsoft from conduct that promotes and extends its monopoly. Some of the interim provisions under consideration include: * Requiring Microsoft to make its APIs available to competitors. This could well include its application file formats. * Prohibiting Microsoft from employing designs which break non-Microsoft products. * Prohibiting Microsoft from entering into exclusive distribution agreements with third parties, and from taking action against companies that distribute other vendors' software. * Allowing computer vendors to decide what will boot, and in what order, on the machines they sell, and to determine themselves what will appear on the desktop, including the Windows desktop. * In addition, the DoJ asked for expedited discovery -- the speedy revelation of documents and records -- detailing Microsoft's activities in the months since the verdict was reached against the company. This, department lawyers say, could result in a request for additional remedies against Microsoft. ok that sounds like a BASIC GROUND LEVEL START FOR ANTITRUST LEGISLATION IN 1993. they still can and will us epatents to butt rape ppl that sounds tacky dan i dont like tacky software companies. yeah i think they'll have lots of domination techniques they've built up in the last decade one major achievement is that the whole of society is no longer paranoid about testifying against them Mr_You_ ( left irc: night dude sometimes society is just an ignorant stubborn mule with a death wish and its hooves planted straight down and it will NOT BUDGE no matter what's fixin ta hit it dan do you wanna play SNES? 2 player? via emulation dont lie to me dan if you dont wanna play then give it to me straight sure so i guess you're down with my talks with mdean using what? eh? which? what emulator? oh i've got coz it's the elitest it's the most superior product in the universe on pretty much all platforms AND it's GPL zsnes is ported to GNU/Linux now but it sucks imho and all the ROMs i have are illegally acquired! Action: dtm nods to Echelon so what I got cuper maroi kart here super mario I think i still do so snes9x can do 2 player games over the net? mine can you should check yours i'm using the MacOS Carbon version with opengl and everything is that prop. software? macos is my current device driver that MacOS Carbon yeah :) almost none of my apps are and i'll be switching sometime soon to OSX and/or linux , which is significantly less proprietary you should just install "linux" ;) yeah i wouldn't get very far with that, would i?! hehe but it's got a serial driver, ggi, httpd, and corba! so i guess i'm set. heheh i can cross compile everything else, so to speak hey what does it take to make any given standard software function as a kernel module? like something in just ansi C or whatever dunno does the code have to be aware that it's a module? look at one of the guides I never wrote a kernel module there' some interface it has to expose guides? that sounds technical. it is a HOWTO ;) wouldn't be too hard you know how to program at all? even a little i used to program in Applesoft BASIC all the time various kinds of BASIC and then later i started editing others' code on context oh yeah and Turbo Pascal! k ;) woohoo i make others' stuff work :/ dan i have an adaptoid ( hmmm it adapts the N64 controller to USB! ah kewl but does it work with GNU/Linux? i would think so due to the magic of USB i dont buy stuff on a whim, so i at least thought about it :) linux has a usb joystick layer and this thing registers itself as one i ahven't tried it I always have to be choosey yea yes, that's best to do in the 2.4.x kernels would be nice to be able to pick up anuthing off of the shelf and have it work with GNU/Linux alas the world is far from perfect yep life is heck :) ok, so I will go grab snes9x so we can play or something ;) Action: chillywilly pokes dtm yo [03:36] MSG541 did you get my rom list ah yea gimme your list haven't browsed it though I don't have any roms left on here I didn't save them when I reinstalled :( is your human interface host behind ipmasq? bumer bummer ah well only had a handful bah ah well, ah well. this tar ball is corrupted humbug! which tarball lyx-1.1.6-fix2.tar/gz d0h s/\//./ licks? I need it to read the forms technical reference it sucks htough it uses xforms whihc is non-free Ia m gonna export to ps and commit that file and remove the evil crap :p vrms complains Non-free packages installed on obfuscation libforms0.88 The XForms graphical interface widget library libforms0.88-dev Header files and static libraries for the XForms widge you should NOT ever have to install non-free software to read GNU software documentation that is just wrong there are other UI ports they are not done though well I could install klyx but I don't want to bah I am gonna have to download it again so no game playing yet lemme look at yer list here ;) kewl I had battletoads and abadox you ever play those? Action: chillywilly pokes dtm again hi battletoads@#%P)O_@ yes that was friggin hard no way battletoads rocked yeah and it was hard my dada beat that game s/dada/dad 31337 just when you get to the part when you are riding those little hover crafts hmm! have you played Super Mario RPG nope role playing mario bors? bros that sounds goofy I do like MUDs though you pay those much? play not for a long time i did just a bit Super Mario RPG is bad ass it's one of the coolest SNES games ever the cartridge was loaded with extra media hardware coprocessors, etc ok i played a german MUD once with a german math teacher you have the ROM? back when i used to learn stuff yes hmmm eye habit doe sit play on the snes9x emulator? yessir you should take a look okey dokey 1 1/2 min until lys is finidhed dling s/lys/lyx heh then I hope it compiles cause fix3 has issues do you want it then or now :) so now I am getting fix2 can you muti-network-play it? multi brb Action: chillywilly is away: nature calls ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:01:30) hi all chillywilly: hey you know what? chillywilly: you and I should invest in real estate howdy why? deriously? seriously? we should buy crack houses for $0 down and fix em up for a $15,000 turnaround heheh there are LOTS of crack houses in Wisconsin according to jhaas you're in WI, right? yes and I don't agree with that see? crackhouse central. oh well ok maybe it was just one crackhouse. I don't think so you mena ALs Angeles Las hmm Milwuakee is the biggest city mmhmm and the inner city isn't even that scary see we just do a "quick flip", as the experts call it Milwaukee heheh Chicago has many more crack houses that's a bout 2 hours away gonna go pay my guitar while this compiles play bbiab ok back you still up? I think I finally got lyx to compile great bbl ra3vat (ds@ left irc: [x]chat lyx's docbook support is shoddy though shit I should just take this docbook export and hack it up to work :P hmm! i dont know what docbook is. i'm familiar with the concept of writing a document in one markup language and outputing it to many other markup languages and display formats like html, sgml, postscript, dvi, etc latex docbook is an SGML DTD hmmm I wonder which version of forms is usable as the cvs one is broked maybe I'll try 0.0.9 neat chillywilly: so you use xfs eh? got any ext3? yes nope *hiss* Action: dtm hisses ambiently Action: chillywilly slaps dtm with a trout are you having a lovely evening, dan wow using these latest releases really shows how badly cvs is broken ah well time for bed night chillywilly ( left irc: Read error to chillywilly[]: EOF from client dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres_[]: Connection reset by peer dres_ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ neilt: you here? yep cool I'm starting cleaning things up :) noticed on the site that someone posted my sentiments entirely I got the link from OSX apps! OSX should be taken a little more seriously guys! what is Current state of os x support or would you feel like replying to that current state is excellent if you dont need gui so geas runs fine where is that and i will respond yes geas runs fine on the current poll Action: neilt goes to look at poll the reply to the second to last main post re: more choices will i released geas to the mac community and you neglected to even mention macs on the poll :( actually I jumped derek about that the minute I saw it i wish we could edit polls but we can't oh yeah, I'm updating ash today major updates so let me know the second things things start to get weird sorry, i cant find it ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. hey ra3vat neilt: maybe you should mention it as a main post on the poll page so more people see it helo hello did you get cvs working? yes, thanks ok did response saw that? ? = . talkign about self in 3rd person eh? :) anomyous :) jamest: i guess it would be generally bad to put the 1.6 meg zip code data file in cvs? i think so :) jamest: where can i put it on ash that will get backed up we have no backups of ash :( it's raid only at the moment and I don't have the space to raid user home dirs btw - the backup problem is something else I'm working on ok what dir can i put it on for raid are we talking the zipcode db? but converted for geas use ah! ok just a sec and i am going to be building a couple of other multi megabyte data files for testing purposes ouch ok so they will need to go in the same place Action: jamest may need to put more $ into ash soon :) I'm in the middle of update on ash so I can't verify but I believe our downloads section is mirrored do i have permsiiion to write download dir you have admin to php-nuke right? if so you just upload via the admin screen unless you want this stuff private it should not be private everyone should be testing yip, the downloads directory is mirrored and has 2.3 GB free :) then use the upload manager ok cool where is the upload manager? found it bbl ra3vat (ds@ left irc: [x]chat neilt: could you log onto ash and test building the docs sure, why? most of the sgml packages are updated want to make sure nothing has broken ToyMan_ ( left irc: ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?