[00:18] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) left irc: night anyone home? how can I make an entry field contain the data of the field? Action: dtm debates answering chillywilly because dtm knows he can't help chillywilly with his thingy Action: dtm delays making his presence known out of cowardice rek2 (BBK@ joined #gnuenterprise. hIL HI hello what is this chat room about? GNU? what is gnue? GNU Enterprise http://www.gnuenterprise.org an enterprise application framework -but what is about? is a company? a project? a project cool go check out our site ;) and it have any relation with the real gnu? yep it is part fo the GNU project s/fo/of ohh wait I see is an application I get it now sorry we are actaully a meta project I saw GNU and thought it was a room about GNU #gnu is here Action: chillywilly occupies that channel ;) what is a meta project(sorry I am not a english speaker) just a project that encompasses all sorts of software projects liek GNOME like we specialize in enterprise tools and applications I nsee well I will go better to the GNU channel :D rek2 (BBK@ left #gnuenterprise (lilo: KVIrc). chillywilly: if you are trying to post null data to a field that is 'not null' you have one of two problems a. silly user b. poor table design well why does it not populta eit with th efield data? if you really want to store blanks then make the field allow nulls it should have the book title in there if you dont want blanks it is not enpty so what did I gooof? you said course1 or something how is that a book title oh yea nevermind still my book title isn't in there btw ? the compand.gfd does not work weh thwe form starts up what happens on the company.gfd uuuuuuh hold on I do have states and zips in there too so it should auto-fill the city when the trigger fires zipcode 12345 exceptions.AttributeError in trigger code, value: createResultSet and to prove I have data i believe you gnue=# select * from zipcode; zip | city | state_code -------+-----------+------------ 12345 | ALABAMA | AL 12435 | ALASKA | AK 53218 | WISCONSIN | WI 98745 | ARIZONA | AZ (4 rows) dont know if company.gfd is current to work with 'new triggers' this is from 0.0.9 release cvs is too broken to use right now imho ah ok with 0.0.9 it works your doing somethign wrong i think :) well why dies it not populate my city? entry field maybe its on strike? it should pull albama in there right? I think it is pre-focus-out print "zipcode",self._value #ziplookup.clear() #ziplookup.setField(0,"zipcode",self.value,TRUE) rs = ziplookup.createResultSet({"zipcode":self.value}) rs.getFirstRecord() state = rs.current.getField("state") city = rs.current.getField("city") blckcompany.fields.ntrycity = city blckcompany.fields.ntrystate = state um