[00:04] Last message repeated 1 time(s). SachaS (sacha@chime-a-78.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) left irc: ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet? reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) left irc: dying chillywilly (danielb@d138.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: reinhard (rm@ left irc: Ping timeout for reinhard[] reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (ajmitch@p13-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) got netsplit. dres (dres@ got netsplit. SachaS (sacha@chime-a-78.conceptual.net.au) got netsplit. dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) got netsplit. nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) got netsplit. derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) got netsplit. reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (ajmitch@p13-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ returned to #gnuenterprise. SachaS (sacha@chime-a-78.conceptual.net.au) returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+oo gnuebot derek' by zelazny.openprojects.net SachaS (sacha@chime-a-78.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Ping timeout for SachaS[chime-a-78.conceptual.net.au] SachaS (sacha@chime-a-218.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout for derek[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net] derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ reinhard: thanks for the comments later neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: SachaS (sacha@chime-a-218.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Ping timeout for SachaS[chime-a-218.conceptual.net.au] SachaS (sacha@chime-a-37.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. duff (bdusauso@uu212-190-122-70.unknown.uunet.be) joined #gnuenterprise. duff (bdusauso@uu212-190-122-70.unknown.uunet.be) left #gnuenterprise (Client Exiting). jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ hey jamest did you see i fixed geas compile problem for solaris yesterday? nope I'll try again now did you see conversation last night regarding comm channels? um i saw a lot of conversation last night but i didn't read in detail the log of last night was about as long as the log of a whole week lol it was the latter part search for that's why I'm asking chillywilly for input :) and it follows that jamest: ok Action: jamest wants/needs input btw - this all started with me looking at a enhanced geas driver in case you wonder why this even came up btw - geas builds on solaris jamest: to be honest i think it's too early thinking about this stuff now i would rather want to see a system that works w/ a single protocol than a white paper that works w/ multiple protocols of course when implementing we have to keep in mind what our long term goal is to have multiple ways of communication SachaS (sacha@chime-a-37.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Ping timeout for SachaS[chime-a-37.conceptual.net.au] i really didn't think we'd have anything fancy now but a nice feature list and general idea of direction could save us work down the raod road jamest: i'm not sure but imho the decision of where gnue will go is actually your decision especially when talking about philosophy when you decide whether you want to support multiple ways of communication or only corba you can't say the one thing is right and the other is wrong it's a matter of philosophy like the decision whether we want to be portable or we prefer to be linux only ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. (well i thought i know what decision you made in that point) :) like the decision whether we want to be easy-to-install-plug-and-play or not reinhard: I'm lost sorry didn't want to confuse or distract you initially i joined the project because i liked some of your basic concepts the platform specific forms clients, even for curses the application server with downloadable methods the database independance those were good goals imho and it's correct to define the goals first and then look how to achieve it it's incorrect imho to look what we can achieve and then define that as our goal and what use was it to discuss for over a year which orb to use to find out now that we will support multi orb ;) j/k ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip123.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (neilt@user-2ivem20.dialup.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ wow welcome from our nations captial everyone hear about the world trade center dodging airplanes yet neilt? yes i am everything shut down i bet airplane crashed at the pentagon i hear also yip just heard the white house was on fire too about 20 miles from me or less man we cant get any information cnn is down msnbc is down now just got a call from my wife slashdot has a article :) that i should look the headlines in the internet reinhard: you probably cant get any headlines on the internet right now neilt: of course washington post not responding austrian news service latest news 15:54 which is 11 minutes ago they say it was a passenger airplane which was hijacked with normal passengers man, all the normal news sites are down this is almost histroy making history making welcome to the internet age a net while D.O.S great unless something happens where is my ham radio while = wide where is my shortwave :) wall street journal is still up brb Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away neilt: couldn't find a article on qsj.com er wsj.com wsj front page came up, but article is not loading sigh http://interactive.wsj.com/articles/SB1000212502674494065.htm argh! npr is down too jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. howdy hey jcater heard about the world trade center/pentagon yip scary why use a bomb eh? holy shit one of the towers collapsed yes and the other's on fire argh! all the news sites down? my net news feeds are all down Action: jamest needs input! geas forms geas forms geas forms - jamest: i guess that all you need to know :) will later all neilt (neilt@user-2ivem20.dialup.mindspring.com) left irc: a car bomb just exploded outside the state department plus another plane has been hijacked where? it's headed towards NY too really? not sure where the plane originated from Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard hey what's this is this war or what ??? i really don't like that what's happening there looks like some folks really went insane went insane=got incredibly organized some folks=some insane folks the ministry of foreign affairs is on fire, too the other tower just collapsed !!!!! [09:29] Last message repeated 1 time(s). reinhard: where at? jamest: ?? which ministry of foreign affairs washington man this is nuts Action: jamest has no radio or tv access can you play realplayer feeds? yes but I can't find a url to connect to www.wbur.org never mind... it was just slashdotted gack a large plane crashed 80 miles southeast of pittsburg not sure if its related but it just happened :( my god, our airport is already overcrowded... planes are landing here as fast as they can I wonder how many planes are in the air at any given time wow i just woke up what the hell is going on ? jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: Ping timeout for jamest[hobbes.math.ksu.edu] good morning derek: no clue? i read immediate log is our country at war? someone hijacked 2 planes and crashed into world trade center passenger planes cnn.com etc are all down both towers crashed they no longer exist holy crap plus the pentagon was bombed yikes and it's unconfirmed, but a car bomb went off at state dept and I think the white house is on fire all flights are being grounded they think at least 2 more planes have been hijacked dflp has committed jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. all hell is breaking loose derek: yes, we are at war we just don't know with whom democratic front for liberty of palestina or something like that i read the dflp shortcut dflp shortcut? and whoever is doing this i assume is behind the net outage democratic front for liberty of palestina i have the tv on the net outage is from the flood of ppl im debating on not going to work jcater: ah most governments are shutting down, so I wouldn't be surprised if you don't need to go in these are some organized bad boys reinhard: where's this dflp shortcut? I wanna read man this is just nuts they arent sending us home from work :( so i guess i should head to work ick but it will suck as no cnn.com there :) jamest / jcater : that sample.gfd i sent bombs with latest cvs snapshot as well please look at it if you have time will be back in an hour or so derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: [x]chat jcater: a tv news in abu dabi (arabic city) mentioned that Action: jcater is really nervous about being in Memphis they got a call from somebody of the DFLP who said they were it we are a centrally located airport, so a LOT of flights are coming here jcater: all airports are closed from what i read jcater: ouch plus i would not worry all fights are being civerted to canada they don't crash airports reinhard: trust me, we have flights right and left Action: jcater is not too far from airport they crash important political and economical buildings reinhard: yes, but who is coming into memphis that had planned to go elsewhere??? jcater: seriously, i wouldn't feel too well if i was in the U.S. at all http://KCRW.com/grid/ has functional live realaudio feed an aircraft has crashed at camp david you're shitting me where you getting this from? NBC news on the web? our local fm stations are playing a live feed from nbc correspondents ah, i took my radio home last week or a little before as realaudio was all I needed NOT! you know...being the optimist I am..... imagine if these nutballs had a small nuke i know you get everyone focused on the wtc then bam! get all the resuce efforts underway yip no kidding F16's are on a search and destroy mission around NY and Washington even if they are passenger planes this reminds me exactly on the start of the film "the day after" :( they are shooting down passenger planes? IF a passenger plane is flying towards that area and appears to be hijacked, then yes manhattan is being evacuated all we can do now is pray and hope that neilt is ok yes the pentagon has collapsed what!! well at least parts of it are you serious? "was seen in CNN" i am relying on a local news feeder probably 10000% better reachable as any global one Action: reinhard is soooo happy that austria is a neutral country Action: jamest is soooo happy that 90% of the world hate (l)american you know, this pisses me off because we provoke people like this all the time then don't understand when someone retaliats oh, wait, no I'm not I'm listening to others here in the office "we should have nuked them too" we don't even know who the hell it is jcater: yes this is what i worry most NUKE EM ALL! as an "outsider" of this thing apparently there is a bomb in a high school whether this becomes a war or not we'll ride out the resulting nuclear winter in our SUVs does now depend on how mr. bush reacts reinhard: how easy is it to become a citizen of austria? jcater: you are lucky we stopped like any arrrg.... what is that called when you let other people in your country imigration? immigration yes we stopped all immigration whoops, i have class to go to bbl except for computer experts :) seems dflp don't care their business disturb some neutral citizen btw- I was joking about the NUKE EM ALL thing it's for reinhard jamest: figured that much that's the attitude I see a lot of, though most people hate (l)americans in general and that's what gets us into this mess we do do a lot of things wrong and we never get credit for the things we do right like the m$ of the world I guess :) you mean like forcing our views on others? :) ra3vat: you must always see that they are fanatic I mean like giving humanitarian aide to places like mexico after earthquakes, or helping out france after the war and ignoring the debt etc etc america == bad is what they have in mind no one helps us out after an earthquake or huricane like not so many years ago somebody had jewish == bad it's all the same thing but we do suck in a lot of ways bbl gotta make dinner for my kids in case you believe in god over there i pray for you in case you don't i pray for you anyway :) Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away Action: ra3vat is unhappy to see all this happen reinhard: i do believe and pray too bbl ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Client Exiting for those who have no tv available http://www.vol.at/Pubs/Redaktion/Seiten/flugzeugcrash/Flugzeugcrash-82302.shtm and click on the photo camera symbols at the left side thanks Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard jcater: btw not sure if austria is the country you look for we are surrounded by 6 other countries of which 5 are NATO members iirc so anything happen while I was gone dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: not that i know of want the local report? from govt employee sure we are on full lock down in state of arizona which is one step below declaration of war our downtown looks like a police state full police swat on every corner surrounding our federal and local 3 city blocks all parking shut off and streets continually patrolled by police our elected officials offices have full security with armed undercovers manning the area really rather frightening looks like something out of a bad movie we have two air force bases and a nuclear powerplant here in phoenix and masta reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Ping timeout for reinhard[N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at] reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. you gotta love our elected officials all the blathering and posturing one just ripped into the FBI and CIA claiming they failed america didn't commit enough resources was too complacent yada yada yada wonderfull 20/20 hindsight there senator bubba and who has more control over the amount of resources availabe to them than the people that set their budget and how in the hell is any group of people supposed to track the activities of all the possibly bad people on an entire planet i hate to say that i hope this is like oklahoma and is done by someone internal to US Action: jamest is looking forward to the future as then its find and execute like mc veigh other wise we WILL be declaring war on someone and that will not be a good thing :( this is touted as being worse than pearl harbor or equivalent instead of DUI checkpoints good old USA Inc will instigated Body cavity checkpoints the whole thing is horible but the "solutions" proposed cannot be good what did I miss? was donating blood I'm already hearing things about US citizines can expect lifestyle changes wouldn't be suprised to see things like carnavore being promoted as tools to protect us from things like this time to beef up my donations to aclu, eff, et al I'm speculating but I tend to look at things as "what does this gain the people in power or with money" jamest: I would hardly call what you are saying "speculation"... I'm already hearing that kinda crap I nailed the gas prices increases when I told people you'd see Bush push to open up Alaska wildlife refuge to oil drilling I find it amazing how "shocked" everyone is and "why would this happen to us" oil wanted in there, they bumped up prices, (l)americans whined, bush (as much as he distances self from oil :) gave people a solution now we'll see the same thing wrt our rights I was joking w/Bush supporters around here... "so, you think he'll get big oil's opinion before acting on this? " yes this kind of stuff has MANY MANY ramifications the first will be a declaration of war on someone which only feeds to a ;bigbrother; state in the name of our 'protection' it will get worse before it gets better :( yip what's sad is I'm raising these issues at work, and ppl look at me as "unpatriotic" "Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for temporal safety deserve neither to be safe or free." - Benjamin Franklin how true im lucky the guy at work here agrees that this is just going to really be a sacrificial lamb to freedom Action: dneighbo vows to carry vaseline at all times must be prepared for those body cavity searches then there's Bush ... "we will retaliate" this is good... someone retaliates against us, so lets re-retaliate against them... hmmm, what will happen next? neilt (neilt@user-2ivek88.dialup.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ neilt: you back at home? everything ok with you and yours? nope, washington dc for a while total chaos? yes everythng locked down fighter jets flying ober over all roads into dc closed or at least all major roads "We don’t know anything here. We’re watching CNN too," said an official at the National Security Council. jcater rofl neilt what is the scene like there? how will you get home? do you need us to call your family? as im sure phone lines are screwed there Action: dneighbo really feels for neilt being trapped in DC with all thats going on Just got email from USA Today and The Boston Globe asking if I was going to continue anonymous proxy operations. I shut down the public proxy earlier today. Various anonymous service operators are already emailing out closure notices on anonymous email services. already talked to family but thanks ok good i extended my reservations as soon as i heard about this stuff are you in downtown DC? nope, by dulles ah thats probably worse as good fortune would have it as everyone stranded probably looking for place to stay :) good thinking to quickly extend reservation :) i hear downtown dc is completely closed we have jet fighters flying overhead here all planes grounded and the traffic is mad out here, i cant even imaging downtown schools are locked up not letting kids in or out and not letting anyone in that is not known police scanners are reporting another bombing at the FAA site here probably just rumor which are flying wild chillywilly (danielb@d77.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: neilt -> neil-away I wish I could find a pic of the collapsed towers I've heard it's only the top I've also heard it is both towers completely to the ground jamest i want picture too, are we sick and twisted? yes, but not because of this both of them went all the way down thats what i heard, but i only find pictures of tops misisng missing i think we should rebuild them even larger as a momument to the victims make them the tallest buildings on the planet by a large margin it's hard to believe that the KS bombings were 8 years ago KS? oops, wrong city oh, and I guess it's only been 6 years my neural nets are degrading Nick change: neil-away -> neilt Action: dneighbo calls tech support to research the problems with AI's recharger, as he seems to be outputting inconsistent data ;) Action: chillywilly quickly hacks up an extra layer of nuerons for jcater neilt so how goes it you are our life blood to the 'action' that should help fine tune your nueral net but you have to let things propagate for while so you can "learn" ;) neural networks are cool....we built one in a little game in AI class neilt: i am _really_ glad you are ok i feel with you all as much as i can as somebody watching only through tv will be off for today reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. reinhard: thanks where are you neilt? washington dc about 20 miles from the pentagon still chaos there? ooooh or settled down? who knows i.e. tanks driving through the streets eyt or you just hanging out in the hotel most businesses are closed a lot of roads closed so i thought i would skip the white house tour tonight nope at client what is climate like there at the client office/ they gave people to the option of going home if necessary but this week is (was the busiest week of the year) neilt i imagine most people are staying at work seeing how traffic is probably an utter bitch im not getting much done here as too interested in whats going on its dying down some most main roads into dc are closed at the pentagon people were told to run and forget cars mass trasit was closed down not sure if it has opened up yet if you are in dc you are happy to be able to get to your car because it will make a relatively nice place to sleep wow dc was declared a state of emerg so the guard could be called out the mayor has ordered everyone to stay home if not on essestial business like picking up kids or emerg worker Pres. Bush is now in Omaha, Nebraska ? must figure it's the safest place to be as no-one wants to spend time in the middle of the US Omaha has a big SAC base IIRC SAC = strategic air command don't you know that America deserved this? America is the devil or smething....some of thses slashdot posters make me sick Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: we are bastards chillywilly: we're pretty giving bastards at times well I am not happy with the state of our fucking country if takes something tlike this for people to give a shit about each other but americans should accept that our global policies and attitudes don't make us the most loved country in the world our court buildings just got sent home makes sense now that we're about one knee jerk reaction away from a police state we really don't need the judical system :) chilly: what are you talking about? umm.. terrorist didn't attack us because of our policies and attitudes i didn't say they did I said our policies and attitudes don't make us the most loved country in the world yeah.. well just making that clear ;-) they attacked us because they see us as an ally with israel and we're "the devil" Mr_You: what do you mean what am I talking about...how many ppl really care about each other theses days, in fact do people even have a vioce anymore...the only time america ever comes together or cares about anything is when tragedy occurs I think it's more deeply rooted than us simply being an "ally" chillywilly: sorry, not from my point of view jcater: deeply rooted in what? we prokoved others a little too much err, provoked this was no surprise how did we provoke this? appauling, yes but no surprise thats a big surprise.. we provoking terrorist provoking cultures who retaliate thru terrorism there's a difference I'll never get it unless you're specific it's not as simple as "we are good, they are bad" if anyone is against our capitalist ways we squash them dead I still need to hear something specific there ya go ummm ok, dunno what that has to do with provoking terrorism Mr_You: we jerk other country's arround to met our political goals Mr_You: we use resources like we're the only country on the planey we don't the corporations do, imho we have no voice anymore in this country chillywilly: you can't blame a faceless corp indirectly you could say an apple falling off a tree provokes terrorism, but I really don't see how directly the US is provoking terrorism.. chillywilly: we as a nation are a microsoft the middle eastern countries support the terrorism.. that is one problem.. Mr_You i think there are several dyanmics ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip123.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: [x]chat i dont think anyone is 'excusing' the behavior think of it this way... in their culture, they were patriotic. when we retaliate, we will be "terrorists" simply put the US has political agendas that behoove them and it pisses people off same here.. but saying we provoke terrorism without giving a specific example to explain is outrageous IMO some of those people happen to be terrorists Mr_You: there is no SINGLE defining event our announced support of israel jamest: are gov't is bought by the corporations and I could go on and start naming a few of them but the point is this country is not of the people anymore yet we pay for our so called gov't's actions with our lives Mr_You you want a specific jcater: we attack terrorists not innocent people.. THEY (the innocent people in their country) KNOW we are attacking terrorist last week at the summit ( i cant recall which one) the one thtat was basically a rant against jews yes.. we bowed out of that did not show up as we were showing our support for israel I don't see those actions as provokation of a terrorist attack well you arent islamic :) indirectly it obviously could have had a reason i dont think cutting off oil to japan in 40's was an 'act of war' ie. if you're islamic, its could be seen as provoking.. but they felt it was and pearl harbor happened but if you're ANY SANE PERSON its obviously NOT ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip123.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. lemme guess, ANY SANE PERSON=American as stated i dont think anyone is 'defending' thier actions they are not sane rational ppl, sane ppl don't crash planes into building tryint o kill as many ppl as they can just stating it shouldnt be a 'suprise' dneighbo: exactly jcater: pelease its like when the guy at the post office who is a little bit 'bent' we're not some innocent little country who had bullies pcik on them and everyone thinks hes nuts then he gets fired and when escorted out the building yells you will pay for this and a week later when he goes 'postal' people go 'wow what a shock' jcater: ummm.. what is the reason for terrorist attack then? i equate this as being similar retaliation I'm sure everyone knows these groups are 'bent' jcater: a bully is the perfect example of terrorist activity tehy have threatened jcater: for what?!?! and now when something happens we say 'gasp, shock, wow cant believe it' thats my point anyhow heh, those palistinians are celebrating int the street is how can we act so 'suprised' its not retaliation.. its an offensive attack NO!!!! yea, we are sooo innocent not! suprised maybe that they were able to do so much damage so easily, but suprised that they attacked no we see it as offensive i think they see it as defensive those ppl in the middle east are whacked though i think its in the eye of the beholder Mr_You: it could be anything... we as Americans do not respect other cultures and their values... we push ours on them and when they fight back for what THEY believe (say, the same way we did against Britain) its "terrorism" and an "offensive move". dneighbo: thats some EXTEREMELY poor defensive attack I'd dare say the terrorists" are heros in their culture right now Mr_You: how is that poor defensiveness? they couldn't have been more successful jcater: yeah.. sorry that most of the sane, humane world sees murder as a bad thing.. sorry if WE'RE ALL BAD because we don't understand their "values" omg whoever "they" are um looks like good usage of resources they maybe lost 4 people per plane um yeah, we don't murder so 12 casualities on their side say, over oil resources :) compared to say 1000s on our side jcater: umm.. a defensive attack would be one that attacks offensive powers.. such as military bases.. they shut down the largest air network for over 24 hours well, from their point of view, what is attacking them? and brought 2 of 3 largest cities to thier knees give me a break, I can't believe I'm arguing this and it probably cost them under 500,000 and 12 lives? i would hope our forces could be so efficient maybe the almighty dollar just isn't so important after all and some countries realize this yet we kick them hard until they do it our way this is so rediculous.. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) left #gnuenterprise. heh Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. oops so desert storm and vietnam were defensive right? and we didnt attack anything but military installations? umm war and terrorism are too different things Action: Mr_You is getting overly frustrated like usual. nobody likes the most powerful nation on earth, its all because of envy last i saw vietnam and sudan never attacked teh US those were 'political' wars and if you are a dictator that is screwing your people you have to have an enemy anyhow i dont want to sound unamerican why even bring that to this conversation? does not matter who just simply put its easy to wear rose colored glasses at times has no relevance Mr_You it does have relevance if you dont have an enemy then the people will revolt and the dictator will lose you stated a 'defense' had to be on military installations war != terrorism last i recall terrorism == effective war wrong neither desert storm or vietnam was ever declared a war here in the states we call them wars people are terrorists because they don't have the resources to be in open war we are a convienent enemy and it does not matter about our policies or practices war != terrorism but i do not believe in either case it was official declaration of war nickr: no war usually involves military only neilt i agree with your point to a certain degree as well this is no the same america my ancestors died for so I am not being unamerican either just america isn't what it used to be or should be and others hate us for pushing our might around so there was no revolutionary war Mr_You ? military fighting against military dneighbo: give me a break as that was a war of citizens vs military? perhaps they were terrorists i mean they used non conventional fighting methods at that time lets try to use common sense or I'm leaving I'm sure we were terrorists in Britain's eyes to defeat the british because they didnt have the numbers or arsenal the brits did Mr_You: it's nothing personal Mr_You im trying to understand your position W ewee most certainly terrorists to the british dneighbo: ask your question it appears your position is if its your side its ok if its not your side its not ok btw: this is not personal for me either if it was from the palestinian liberation front, what do we think the "liberation front" part means? well I have no idea what the argument is now sense its been brought back to the revolutionary war i brought that up it is the state of america because you stated war could only consiste of two military bodies i was disagreeing and siting the revolutionary war as an example you guys keep eggin that the U.S. is just as bad as the terrorist.. thats what I 'm reading revolutinary war did consist of military bodies that this was provoked the continental military im not saying they are just as bad DIRECTLY PROVOKED saying i see what motivated the terrorist that doesnt mean its right, but i understand example if someone raped a friends wife Mr_You: I never argued that it was DIRECTLY provoked, only provoked sure I understand why those damn idiots commit their crimes.. i could UNDERSTAND him killing the attacker i cant say i think its the right thing to do ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip123.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: [x]chat but i can UNDERSTAND it so i think this act of terrorism is horrible should be punished for it etc heheh guy on TV just said he was not surprised but i cant say, 'golly beave, i dont get it why they doing this' lol i dont agree with why they are doing it gee wally I don't get it either omg, dneighbo and I are on same page with something... that's scary but i understand to a degree thier vantage point I don't think anyone is really "surprised", but they are "surprised" that it has happen today Sept 11, 2001 chillywilly: but he said that after the fact, not before lol what a bunch of crap tv that is jcater we really do need those neural connectors checked :) Mr_You: that's not the attitude I get around town we've all heard about biological weapons, etc, etc.. no one should be truely surprised Mr_You: most ppl are genuinely "surprised" jcater: I would say they are more shocked jcater: or maybe they live in a bubble Mr_You: I commonly call it "denial" Mr_You i agree with jcater here i think the first thing is people are suprised they say i dont get it we didnt do anything to anyone Well its hard for people to believe imperminance, violence, death, etc well lets just analyze this till its dead 'ie they arent reading in the paper we are ready to go to war' i feel sad, and shocked, but not as bad as i would if i lived in the mideast right now! they have to put these things out of their mind to live everything comes full circle who in the world would not be surprised that 4 planes would be hijacked to crash into buildings??! Mr_You i think its different i think everyone should be shocked and horrified many in the US are not really "surprised" when an embassy gets bombed.. but then after the wow i cant believe that happened i think people were and are still mystified at why anyone would do this its the complete design of the plan that is surprising thats the part im saying with a little insight into world politics should not be a shocker dneighbo: not mistified, justed pissed yes lots are just pissed i read local message boards i think we will be in a state of war very soon ppl are hurt, angry, and shocked the problem is who will we be at war *with*? and why i said i hope its a mcviegh type group that is local to this country sometimes you have to look beyond what people are saying.. so that we can just prosecute and execute if someone says they are "surprised" that could mean about 10 different things I fear for the people of Palistine :( nickr: why? and not go to a more sophisticated and deadly war that we lose innoncent lives on both sides or Afghanistan Mr_You: because they are the obvious scapegoats Mr_You: and they have been so abused by Isreal nickr: scaprgoats from who? if its the one faction i feel for afgahnastan war solves nothing I don't want any more ppl killed dneighbo: war?!?! there is no way a war will come out of this as because thier govt chooses to hide him unless you want to call us going and blowing up benladen their citizens will pay which I don't consider a war.. dneighbo: also very true thats a defensive attack dneighbo: that will all play out in the future.. btw: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. dneigbo: we busted up his camp before.. just missed our targets.. its time to "nuke" his ass is definition of terrorism the US by this definitino engages in terrorism frequently dneighbo: indeed. A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties. is definition of war by what "force" and "violence"? as you stated going over and bombing them is war even if it is in defense its war by that definition.. the U.S. going an proactively attacking a "terrorist organization" is not a terrorist attivity that was my vietnam point no one here called it a 'war' but it certainly was and is called that now that its history at the time it was a 'conflict' I'm not talking about vietnam i guess my position is we cant say we necessarily have 'clean' hands its not like we were sitting on the corner and minding our own business indirectly and all of a sudden wham the bully hits us with a bat not directly you can only have clean hands if you live in a clean world once again i will not say i condone this groups actions we should be speaking softly and carrying a big stick not being niosy and bashing ppl over the head at every turn in reality in any way shape or form chilly: far more complicated nor am i saying directly the us acted incorrectly just saying perceptions by others may see it differently most people dont like reality though neilt considering we could probably overthrow most nations and make them bow to us and we dont says a lot about our nation in reality oh greeezz what is the oh geez i figured you would agree with that you gotta be kidding im stating for the most part US stays of peoples way unless they feel directly threatened or asked to intervene the U.S. has never had a possibly of just overthrowing most nations and making them bow to us hahaha Mr_You i disagree see ya later Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) left #gnuenterprise. now doing them all at once i would say no way he's so open minded but doing one at a time certainly guess im crazy nah it was never personal shame i like debating Mr_You is just not one for debates I like it too :) Action: jcater tries to avoid debates i figured you went to the doctor who? after finding agreed with masta on a political issue, probably was thinking they took a little too much blood this morning :) yip daviAway (davi@79-LASP-X13.libre.retevision.es) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: daviAway -> davi either you or jamest get to look at that master/detail inside one table issue? Action: jcater does not hold popular views in my area of country :) yah rebel..... jcater: ;) pun intended Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. prime minister just said this has nothing to do with israel.. uggh stupid politicians for what it's worth I can see it as a retailitory strike in the eyes of foreigners (if it was a foreign group, we don't really know) in their eyes yes, because they see civilian attacks as an everyday event in their minds , we are the devil Maybe I arrive late and this is a off-topic. Anyway, what effects on FreeSoftware (economy) and FD will arise by the attack cause? last I knew the WTC was a major hub of the econimic engine that enables american children to enjoy their happy meal toy while riding in the back of an SUV while the children of several countries slave away in service of that engine Interesting point of view jamest What about the RMS, Tony, etc conference? jamest: thats to an extreme Will stop the world to work? Mr_You? why? jamest: obviously child labor is a problem, but the WTC has some purpose besides child labor causing child labor i think to them its a 'symbol' its easy to spin something as negative much like microsoft is a symbol for the free osftware movement well, it's just like us and Microsoft... they are a symbol or positive is microsoft the only one oppressing software users? hell no ppl are resetful because we are so selfish...I am sure they are dow... dneighbo beat me to it :) but they there 'symbol' for what it is to oppress software users resentful chilly: an example of this selfishness? having a gulf war to protect our precious oil supply? uhh.. and maybe a small country? having an outrage over price of oil when oil has not in any way kept up w/inflation from an idiot dictator with biological weapons? makes sense to me but f you want help from america that helps comes witha shit load of political strings honestly the WTC is interesting target as it hurts more than america you must realize these buildings house most of the major world banks i.e. deustche bank, suisse credit etc etc in essence they are hitting a world source for economy flow they are hitting the economy engine dneighbo: probably went for publicity included.. i hope you realize the impact of shutting down all US stock trading it hurts more than just us yeah its crazy the UK stock exchange fell more than like 400 points in a single 3 hour span freezing the stock market might not be too bad haha thats more than it has tumbled in like 40 years Mr_You: our polution spreds to other countries yet we don't care, we push to "save" the rainforests yet loging in US is going strong crude oil in thier market went from like 27 to 35 a barrel in like 40 minutes Mr_You: we consume 80% of the world resources jamest: US forest and rainforests are a bit different how so? jamest: our population "spreads" we are humans.. humans roam.. we have a SHIT LOAD of legal and illegal immigrants what right do I have to tell country A that they can't use their natural resources the way they see fit jamest: rain forests are much more precious because of the rare findings in them.. when I do what I like with my resources jamest: the number of species in a rain forest is FAR GREATER than your average U.S. forest rainforests are destroyed forever and there were no such rare findings in the forests of america before they were cleared ? US forests can largely be recovered its a big difference except for minor things like the spotted owls eh? you just can't compare, sorry its the same side of the coin IMHO why????? we got where we are by using our resources we tell them not to yes, the spotted owl might have to die at the expense of a rare cure for a disease that might be found in the rain forest that's selfish its life er sigh, you were the one asking for examples of american selfishness nothing is perfect, but we can make an effort i gave you one such example jamest: thats not a good example.. rain forest and U.S. forests are different yeah, one is ours to exploit the other isnt' only a few americans actually want to do a fair solution by purchasing the land so they can dictate usage instead of painting the 3rd world country as insensitive to the environment I don't know anyone who does that actually you could say their insensitive, but they have needs just anyone else right! thats my point they have needs that we aren't helping meet yeah, but we need an exmaple of U.S. selfishness ;-) yet we want them to stop cutting the forests which they cut to meet their needs I wouldn't say thats a U.S. thing.. the world generally wants the rainforest well, the natural resource examples should meet your needs of an example... we have forests, crude oil,... yes natural resources perfect example our country has finite amoutn of crude oil we consume WAY more than we have but we buy it so then we bully countries with surpluses umm.. no and get angry when they drive up price Mr_You: at an extremely unfair price we work with OPEC the easy answer dont consume more than we can produce and the problem goes away OPEC determines the price for the most part of course we are spoiled americans and we will be dmaned if we cut our energy consumption unelss we are FORCED to if anything.. thats the selfish seller.. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip217.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. greedy for our money 'ie rolling blackouts' 'ie gas costs so high we wont pay' Mr_You: it has in no way kept up with inflation jcater: its at its cheapest cost in years compared to inflation so because someone has something you want, but you dont have anythign he wants he's the selfish one? umm.. dude he wants our money so the crack addict that cant afford his fix and robs me to get the money no, we want their resources i should blame the drug dealer right? we _KNOW_ our polution levels are above other countries, we _KNOW_ our polution rains down upon other countries, but we're not willing to do a dman thing about it derek.. obviously they want our money i mean he is the selfish one right? cause he wants teh crack addicts money? jamest: we are doing things about it.. jamest: we didn't sign a world agreement because it appeared unfair Mr_You: we are all show compared with what we expect OTHERS to do as it is lol unfair! Mr_You btw: i agree the oil dealer is being selfish in wanting to 'drive' cost we're the major source of polution we should have to clean up the most dneighbo: its OPEC DUDE! but i believe we are being selfish in demanding to get soemthign for virtually nothign that is not a 'necessity' OPEC rules oil prices!! and production! jamest: but it is not economical for us to clean up OPEC dneighbo: umm.. oiil is necessity it runs our country and we pay for it the whole middle east is annother example of american (and IIRC britsh) selfishness oil is a necessity only because we want it to be so natural resources isn't the a good example ;-) I can see us being selfish when there is conflict and we want influence IIRC a lot of the country borders over there were drawn up by brittan and US to encourge countries to not get along after we stepped in to help them out I would say U.S. is VERY selfish when it comes to influence Mr_You how can oil be a necessity? it is a luxury civilations thrived w/o it in the past because logistics of business just like electricy is a luxury in todays world not a necessity in any case we're also a very giving people in times of need even in todays world it is a luxury jamest: as long as they agree with us :) in todays world electricity is very much a necessity case in point poeple in africa have no electricity and seem to be able to survive or south america all software companies would not function with electricity with out it might not be 'pleasant' living compared to what we are used to then electricity is a necessity for "software companies" but we manipulate countries to meet our needs w/o regard to their ways Mr_You last time i checked computers were not vital to nourshiment, shelter just because we use money instead of a gun doesn't make us without guilt jcater: which in turn employ thousands and provide society to continue ok employ thousands what is 'money' dneighbo: living in the stone age is not an option today is money necessary? no? i grow a garden in my back yard today and could easily raise livestock this is a modern world.. can't compare it to living in the stonage to sufficiently feed my family of 5 w/o electricity or money it wouldnt be pretty or fun and certainly would be different dneighbo: mean while, someone has come and robbed and killed you're entire family to take over your land/house :-P but it certainly is doable my grandparents lived on a farm until last 10 years cause thats what would happen if your scenario suddenly came to relization that didnt have 'running water' only a well electricity or money might be a necessity for our current culture to survive, but not a necessity for us to survive, if that makes sense and pretty much grandfather didnt work lived off his land jcater exactly jcater: I assumed that obvious i think it would be a rash culture shock my_you: you're assuming no electricy = anarchy one most woudl not like to handle Action: Mr_You is realistic. but certainly people could live (i.e. not die) due to lack of oil but im not even going that far my original statement dont consume MORE than we can produce jamest: no... I'm assuming by the time we are living with cows and gardens.. the crime rate has shot up dramaticly last i checked we could produce a fair amount just not enough to keep up with our OUTRAGEOUS comsumption why? jamest : mr you has never been to witchita :) my parents just left the city to live with cows and a garden they don't even lock up their house at night jamest: because most people don't/can't live with cows and a garden? crime rates are higher in the big cities and that would completely freak out most people.. hence crime rate rises Mr_You i think your point is taken that if electricity were immediately shut off urban areas would probably expect some anarchy there would be short term chaos but think what good is a hiested stereo dneighbo: no, my point is that if we are living with cows and gardens that are society has completely collapsed.. I doubt many will take this lightly but in general we'd probably work less each day and live in small clusters TV etc if you didnt have electricy? what good is a COP without electricity? um you never been to tombstone AZ :) back in teh wild west they had sheriff's w/o electricity doesn't mean someone won't come into your house and kill your family and cow? ;-) human nature will always produce one or two bad seeds Mr_You thats possible with electricy so i see no relevance doesn't mean crime will drop.. considering average home has no gun.. I'd say its likely to rise WHY? long term why would it rise? i would expect crime would remain similar right now we spend less time with each other not more its not obvious that a collapse in society == a rise in crime? possibly drop as things would be harder to get away with jamest: no jobs, etc, etc.. much harder to rob a bank w/o a get a way car etc etc a collaspe in TODAYS society would = a short term rise in crime long term there would be no difference or maybe less crime jamest : i agree today houses are built without front porches anarchy to start w/ a fall out soon after once tehy realize that its not 'gaining' them anything look at per electric american houses (that isn't that long ago on the timeline) huge front porches i.e. if i go and steal my neighbors food or the grocery store once im out of food im screwed people gathered, families lived close to one another, communities were tight someone must 'produce' it all of this w/o electricity therefore it becomes un advantegeous for me to destroy those producing things I dunno.. lots of people without jobs is a logical rise in crime to me why would you have a loss in jobs Mr_You we agree there, just that it would be short term dneighbo: short term being 4-6 years i assume jobs would just shift you might not find a computer job manual labor would require more workforce to support the same population Action: Mr_You can't even imagine the "shift" for example but there would be much more 'production' labor available going idle Mr_You: there has been a shift in last decade or so how do you think farmers feel now? or factory workers with the shift going to high tech trade? (or computer programmers :) jcater: in this scenario "shift" is very inappropriate jcater yes or factory workers? jcater: more like collapse you think the railroad didnt collapse with invent of air travel and with highways? or, look at the shift leading up to the railroad when the railroad collapsed it killed iron and steel factories and the assembly line did crime rise during the depression? killed most manufacturing processes by the way i think we can safely say these are educational type discussions i dont think anyone is advocating we not have electricity though we could perhaps all be better more efficient consumers of it stock market closed through wed neilt (neilt@user-2ivek88.dialup.mindspring.com) left irc: Ping timeout for neilt[user-2ivek88.dialup.mindspring.com] they purposely chose big planes Mr_You if i was trying to smash big buildings i would choose big planes but thats just me :) I was just stating a fact, yeah its obvious its just interesting to know all the details yes interesting indeed Action: dneighbo wants to know how can florida have a system that cna tell criminals BUT our major airports cant tell terrorists? im talking POST events ie. from security footage passenger lists etc is our intelligence so poor at this point that we really 'dont' know who did this? if we dont know we are a sad country if we do know and its not being disclosed Action: jamest wants to know when the made for tv movie "Death towers fall" will be out im wondering who the american public should really be angred at I give the industry about a year jamest: several people here have said this jamest: 2 weeks from wednesday at 7:00 which is just sick but its so evident of our culture that's why I brought it up :) btw: sick that they make the movies not sick that people joke about it :) americans should be angry with palesteniens who caused the issues at the racist conference.. and the terrorist just as we should be angry with israel for being racist from what the media has presented to us racist: what are the details of those claims? jcater I mean oh heh ? Mr_You: you just summarized another one of my peeves w/our culture: "from what the media has presented to us" I don't know the details of the racist claims against israel.. there are "too many" jews in office than not jews? jcater: oh same here completely and it must be stated often thats the only real claim that I hear against israel being racist only one that the media has mentioned which is a reasonable accusation, but the media presented the racist conference as an Israel is racist conference (palasteniens mentioned as accusers) which pissed off the U.S. which brings us to our earlier discussion of provokation bbl dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) left irc: [BX] Wouldn't it be great if the dog could walk itself? brb jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: rebooting dres_ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout for dres[] davi (davi@79-LASP-X13.libre.retevision.es) left irc: Client Exiting jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. the last building just collapsed nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) left irc: Ping timeout for nickr[sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net] Mr_You: which one? building "7" of the trade center ah hey following your discussions is really interesting seeing what different points of view exist inside the U.S. the internet is so weird all local news stations were fighting for getting anybody of the U.S. on the phone and i was talking with 3 americans over irc just as it happened people are talking about Osama bin Laden having organized this we are definitely an opinionated group :) you hear about that? yeah.. his time is up yeah, we are hearing that too now that is really weird if it was really him wh? you know whose money it was which founded the attack? funded the training for the attack? etc? yes lots of people he is a saudi arabic billionaire but you have a name? osama bin laden all his money comes from (drum roll) yeah, but he gets funded from some leaders/billionaires americans buying petrol I GOT IT! reinhard: its funneled, he doesn't own any oil companies AFAIK wasn't this whole thing an episode of that crappy TV show "The Lone Gunmen" spinoff from Fox where the american military did it be keep their budgets high? jamest: iirc orson welles did something similar once he broadcast about an invasion from space in radio and all people thought it was real no I mean that's where idea came from ah I swear that is the same building they were going to hit in the tv show it does make you wonder, in respect to what derek was saying.. if we had not become dependent solely on foreign oil, if funding would have been available.. it was a really bad show Mr_You: i don't know about bin laden, but i can't imagine where a saudi arabic should get his billions from but bin laden is in trouble.. IF he did it we don't know Mr_You: sorry but from an outside point of view for all we know it was some pissed off airline pilots well the rumors are flying... it's not bin laden who is in trouble actually imho and then if we can every catch him "Officials: Strong indication bin laden involved" rumor air tower over heard middle eastern accent during struggle reinhard: thats who we have been targeting.. we missed last time catch him? we just blow him up afghanistan didn't do jack Mr_You: bin laden is not the devil reinhard: you said it and if you kill him you won't extinguish hell reinhard: he's the leader of a terrorist group.. not sure if you understand me you never solve a problem by killing somebody reinhard: obviously, but it may put a dent in organized activities this is just what the others are trying to Mr_You: or even provoke more there will be another bin laden.. but right now he is symbol just as U.S. citizens are so you are saying we should make an example out of him??? he is a symbol to his people yeah the U.S. attitude toward terrorist is for them to be dead he would become a great martyrian Lets buy him a pony! its really wide open for the U.S. to target a single individual in regards to terrorist activity Then he'll like us! let's give him a big hug reinhard: yeah.. yet another martyr everyone needs a hug its just like an army.. you can damage the army.. its up to the people to make the change tho.. hmmmm....maybe a prostitute too hehe relive some of that tension well, ya never know ooooo we'll find one with herpes that way it'd never get pinned back on us I wish they would stop comparing it to perl harbor didn't you know... herpes is a disease the US cultivated to get back at j/k jcater: lol reinhard: the hard part is watching it unfold on TV Mr_You: it must be hard for you i think it's hitting you americans just into your heart I dunno.. just as hard as watching any other event suddenly kill thousands of people before your eyes i would really like to know what strikes you hardest the minimum number is 10k people so far the fact that thousands died the fact that nobody (fbi/cia) knew heck about it what gets me was today in class teacher mentioned it the first of course.. the U.S. Airports are not secure at all alot of the class didn't seem to care the fact that like 12 people can get 2 of 3 biggest cities down to their knees jamest: this is crazy not sure if this is because i consider you (jamest/derek/chilly/neilt/etc) who are americans as some sort of frieds but for 7 hours i can't think of much else than why this had to happen if arafat did more for his people and worked towards peace people might care more about living life than fighting for a life Mr_You: not sure if you have this saying in english, too omg, I was just told gas here has risen to $5/gallon it needs two planks to make up a cross jcater: haha haha? jcater: yes bin laden needs money again j/k sorry probably not funny reinhard: it is true.. Israel is a part of it jcater: why would that happen? Action: jcater rides a bike fear jcater: yes this is true no other reason imagine when gulf war started here in austria you didn't get any flour in the shops as people bought like crazy if gas doubled in price, now that would be interesting out of fear when the war was some 1000 miles from us 1000 miles isn't too far away people can be so unlogical some 1000 miles but we have the same thing happen when there's a snow storm warning ;-)) not 1000 miles 1000 km? ;-) like between you and brasilia or something like that ok Action: reinhard is not good at estimating distances Mr_You: look it up yourself ;) me either really no milk or bread when snow storm warning comes.. even if its just a little must go look if something's new on tv the people were jumping out of the building :-((( figures they'll use anything to jack up the prices? ? = . gotta be dumb to buy into that My favorite movie quote... "A person is smart. People are dumb." gotta run (with gas prices, that may be more accurate than I realize :) lol l8r crap we were joking how our intl airport has one commercial intl flight to: canada us army is bombing afghanistan now just saw on cnn what? hehehe. it does have many commercial flights tho are you serious? they are not sure what it is but there are a lot of explosions in kabul jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: later which is the capital of afghanistan Action: reinhard thinks jcater just ran to his tv yeah I see Action: reinhard goes back to tv, too that would be awesome if we retaliated so soon I dunno why we would hit the capital of afghanistan tho it wouldn't be awesome!!!! why? the last thing we want is for this thing to build momentum hehe.. true.. makes good tv tho nukes and bioweapons aren't exactly limited in availability foo hits bar bar hits foo george desides nows the time to smack ben WW3 ok, that's a stretch bin laden has issued denials but still we don't want it to build reinhard: you're serious about the bombings? confirmed from US planes? derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. no not confirmed for those that dont have tv tv's too slow they have said anti-aircraft activity we have reinhard afgahnastan is getting the crap bombed out of it im getting live feed and its like watching starwars pitch black who's doing the bombing? and just streaks of white and red why are they being bombed? jamest: they havent said started on the feed with about one bomb per minute were reporting it was the airport in kabul flashbacks of the CNN footage from IRAQ then like 3 minutes ago holy flurry of bombs like the mother load jamest: it is just like that on CNN live the city started to light up like a christmas tree they have not confirmed that it was US please don't be us hmm.. thats weird.. it is apparent that it was definitely bombs/missiles and apparent they were returning anti aircraft all i can say is if it us they better level them i mean level level them like all night long until a building isnt standing level them level the terrorist... they shouldn't attack the gov't so much... sigh, must leave now jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: [x]chat im not trying to be cold hearted they are saying it could be the civil war im just saying if we 'flex' muscle we need to flex it big enough that only the largest of countries would consider real retaliation Action: derek is moving to a hut in montana till this is done I agree... I think we already flexed our muscle the first time and this time its time to take'em out Mr_You: they are saying it could be internal civil war who knows thats what I just said ;-) was awful short and abrupt for US attack Mr_You: yes was trying to confirm that not be first to say it :) what a day reinhard: what are they saying there in austria? i mean what is the position there? they are just feeding the pictures of cnn is US the big ugly enemy in the media thre/ no you must consider or is it more like worry most part of western/middle europe is nato member the video is like watching a choppy real player connection it is very much feeling for the victims that it might spread into much more than just terrorist attack on US and minor retalation on said nations? i.e. is there worry there that it could be the start of something larger than US going after a small band of terrorists? derek: not yet or maybe they just don't dare to say it on tv :( ok so right now its more like audience at tennis match they talk about feeling sorry for the victims they talk about ridicule for fbi and cia watching the two players go back and forth :) GW looks freaked out yes fbi/cia/intelligence REALLY dropped the bomb big time er ball not bomb GW? they talk about america loosing their self confidence George W? yeah reinhard: i dont think we have lost our confidence per say publicly speaking reinhard: confidence in what? derek: i just tell you what tv tells in europe confidence that u.s. is not vulnerable per se :) I think the confidnece in airport security has always been low well if we ever thought we were not vulnerable we were stupid (er arrogant) confidence that u.s. is _the_ powerful nation of the world ;) reinhard: anyone who is surprised by being attacked (not by the method) hasn't been paying attention brb must pick up daughter derek: i think many people thought so I'm surprised by the method, but thinking about it, its the obvious weakness in our "security".. cause in reality we don't really have any security.. back to tv no country is secure against terrorist attacks IMO neilt (neilt@p241.usnyc6.stsn.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ hello all reinhard: most people i have talked to are just pissed, not lost confidence anyone that has flown in the us and outside of the US would not be suprised there is no way to keep terrorist off of planes What we have to do now is make sure that everyone understands and feels the pain if they support terrorists it makes you wonder how they got in the cockpit tho have you every flown no the door to the cockpit is paper thin ahh all you need to do is push on it in fact you dont even need weapons I hope that changes all terrorists have to do is get 7 or 8 that are trained to fight with hands and there is no way a 22 year old female flight attendent is going to keep the plane from being taken over this is not about changing security if it were more dificult to get in the cockpit its now about making it very painful for countries and people that support terrorists sadly yes back i dont want steel doors on my plains neilt: just to clarify derek asked me what tv news tell today in europe and that's what i told him MrChumple (mrchumple@ joined #gnuenterprise. it's not my personal opinion ahh ok in fact i must say that i am really happy to see you discuss here i have heard that 40,000 people worked in the world trade center see the different opinions neilt: yes here they said 50.000 yep This is an attack against freedom and we should not change our open ways but should just swing a big stick. swing a big stick? yes, unfortunately, it now has to be painful for those that support terrorism who supports terrorism? the ones who give them money more people just died in the US than did at perl harbor afghanistan, iraq, iran all terrorism is state supported pakistan nobody will want to paint a bullseye onto their foreheads today though in spite of what you here hear by claiming any kind of involvement... then make them all feel the pain neilt: i come back on this what i said before they get the money from oil most of them probably iow from the people that buy the oil iow from the u.s. they get money from governments neilt: yes but those governments don't print the money themselves if people have oil and they sell it, there is nothing wrong with that but terrorism can not exist without government support sure it takes money yes a lot but that does not make money bad there are all kinds of other things that can be done with money like schools hospitals maybe i am radical saying that everybody driving a car is supporting the iraq etc neilt: sure i agree there money is nothing bad per se it's bad if bad people get it --do we buy oil from iraq?_- so the problem is that governments I would imagine we wouldn't be buying from them... We don't even buy cigars from cuba MrChumple: if not directly then indirectly we buy things from france and france buys oil from iraq neilt: exactly It's hard to avoid that kind of purchase We'd be closing doors to many other countries... the purchase is not the problem france is not the problem its the government of the states that support terrorists the government of those states is bad their goals are wrong their spirit is sick its true they are trying to take over the world its hard to comprehend that kind of hate we must stand together and fight them so we can delete that spirit out of the world we = all free people regardless of local issues and other differences ... that was probably exactly what the terrorists were told about the u.s. before they started must be careful not to generalize that spirit onto a whole people though... agree, this is not a race thing i hope you get my point its a government issue yes i don't say foo is bad bar is good and i don't say foo is good bar is bad i say hate is bad no matter who hates who reinhard: exactly we can all agree to that i'm sure i say kill is bad no matter who kills whom or for what reason but i'm getting on thin ice to discuss this here i guess live briefing from the pentagon really have to get some sleep now l8r all reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. MrChumple (mrchumple@ left irc: Client Exiting mdean (mdean@arc10x18.kcnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hello mdean you missed a fun log of lots of politics #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by derek!derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net: GNU Enterprise -> Transforms To -> GNU Politics. Will your safety come at the loss of your freedom? neilt (neilt@p241.usnyc6.stsn.com) left irc: ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip217.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Ping timeout for ToyMan[c5300-4-ip217.albany.thebiz.net] mdean (mdean@arc10x18.kcnet.com) left irc: Ping timeout for mdean[arc10x18.kcnet.com] chillywilly (danielb@d77.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[d77.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net] dead in here now guess they all found tvs :) dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres_[]: Connection reset by peer mdean (mdean@arc11x14.kcnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. DiegoWS (DarioWS@modem239-as6.capfed1.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. hi DiegoWS (DarioWS@modem239-as6.capfed1.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: 8,1 IR0cap 046.999 14,14 1,10 9http://0www.ircap.net 14,14!15,15! jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201056.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. sigh my xchat is fried i can't see my typing but hey! looks like I may be making less typing errors! heh - ASSERT(LOCALECHO == SUPERFLUOUS); you know what is an abxolute killer the US wants to spend god knows how many millions on a missle defense system to take out icbms carring warheads that could be shipped across the border in trucks and these dude do an amazing amount of damage with knives and boxcutters anyway I'm off had a nasty little suprise dumped on me tonight l8r jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201056.flinthills.com) left irc: [x]chat chillywilly (danielb@d42.as5.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (ajmitch@p13-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p13-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch (ajmitch@p15-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (mdean@arc11x14.kcnet.com) left irc: Ping timeout for mdean[arc11x14.kcnet.com] SachaS (sacha@chime-a-63.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: see ya dres (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. --- Wed Sep 12 2001