[00:04] Last message repeated 1 time(s). cools pics masta anyone home? I'm home, but not alone anyone know how much it costs to get into LWE? Action: mdean shrugs Action: chillywilly csn now put a face to jamest and jcater ;) im home um $0 exhibits are free if you pre register the other stuff is very $$$ unless you work in the gnue booth :) then you get a free pass :) heheh ouch your little ones are heart breakers ;) staroffice takes about a full 60 seconds to startup on a pIII 500 w/ 128mb RAM thats painful yea Star Offce is Java though what did you expect ;) it is pretty nice though Java apps are painful and functional SO != Java you sure? ja I read areview that said it was Java, but what do they know It has support for Java - I guess for the built in browser, but it is not required nope - not Java native app it is still a pig fat resource pig yup - it's huge much smaller than M$ Orifice, tho true dat it does require java iirc but is not fully java chillywilly: originally they were going to write corel office or whatever it is called in all java does not require Java I don't think it requires it does it? You can just have it use the jvm that was going to be frist 'productivity suite' to be in 100% java yea they got half done and it was so slow they canned the project (iirc) SO asks you for a path to your JVM during install, but you don't need it heheh mdean: hmmm when installed it looked for a jvm and bitched when it didnt find one yes - but it is not required so said was going to install sun's i think ack Action: derek thinks its probably just way for sun to get thier jvm installed on linux machines :) cancel!, cancel! chillywilly: i think i did say no hehe it was late when i installed it Action: mdean has JDK1.3.1 installed so it might not have even tried to install it i have a jvm somewhere on here for limewire (yes i know its not free) grrr it is just a gnutela client i really do deserve lashing for it gnutella Action: derek has a real problem with some free software get a Free one especially free software that doesnt install wont install gtk-gnutella works for me or has butt hole maintainers heheh did you see the Ask /. post today? whatever cold you be talkking about i couldnt get a 'free' gnutella to work for me could about collaboration? that wasnt 45 years old my latest frustation is gnucash :( 1.4 worked fine when i wasnt using it :( well gtk-gnutella isn't as old as the page claims i tried to go to 1.6 and yikes no way in hell its working on this machine (rh6.2) so will ahve to wait until i move my laptop to debian or get x to work on my debian box mdean: didnt read article doing so now Action: chillywilly checks it out too funny thing is staroffice is pretty snappy its just starting it up that kills you so if you treat it like an OS and keep it open all time yeah - it's that way in NT too might not be too bad :) like emacs ;)? vim? just make emacs your login shell or someting vim starts up fast emacs isn't as bad as SO it certainly does dru (upmpgj@ left irc: Read error to dru[]: EOF from client I'd use xemacs if there was a decent HTML/JavaScript/PHP highlighting mode it would be nice to have that problems here mdean: there is php major mode iirc that is quite nice for emacs Action: derek is sufficiently addicted to emacs i even have my window manager keymappings and such set to emacs like bindings you are hardcore! it is on todo list to set gnue as such as i get really angry when C-x C-c doesnt shut a window :) its habit you should see me swear at notepad at work hehe the TODO will have *configurable* key mappings, right? yes cool i started work on it when was working on gnue full time cause I'm emacs-challenged and jamest and i discussed how to go about this as well as configurable menus and some other things but i didnt get to it it wasnt high priority hehe I just use winblows alt-f4 to close my windows but that idea is cooler and faster btw: the article is interesting, im glad we dont accept ideas or patches can you imagine if dcl did that btw - is there a good doc on getting the various GNUe projects setup into a working environment? how bad would that suck ;) define a. good doc b. working environment c. setup I wish we had this problem of ppl sending patched in patches ;) we have that seriously where? benno and rafter and madlocke and ibm ibm? and others have sent patches out of the blue what did ibm do again? hell our db2 drivers came from someone that we have never talked to by email or by irc or mailing list ah yea just one day in email i got a db2 drivers heh a. gives me enough info, b. I can run the working projects of GNUe, c. installation walkthrough I want to RTFM, but I couldn't find TFM ok FORMS - usage doc gnue/gnuef/doc/techref.lyx - install doc gnue/gnuef/INSTALL, README, FAQ - small samples gnue/gnuef/samples/samplename/README GEAS heheh - usage doc http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/ (module guide link) - install doc gnue/geas/README, INSTALL internals - gnue/geas/doc/* - other docs gnue/geas/docs (i think) ok - other docs gnue/geas/doc (i think) and irc :) we are working on a unified installer to make things more easy k - so there is no dependency between them? and are starting to compile faq of things 'bump thier head' on no dependencies among them su doh! cept designer requires forms be installed and gnue-common installed gnue-common is required for forms, designer, reports (and soon geas) and forms is required for designer other than that no interdependencies as tools were designed to work together or apart alrighty! danke! biggest pain is of course the other dependencies like python, wxwindows, dbdriver stuff, etc I think I've got python and wx squared away but compared to ximian type products they seem trivial :) lots o' python stuffs hehe and the setup programs are pretty good about notifying you if you are missing things GEAS need glib, uuid from e2fsprogrs dev or on debian uuid-dev, orbit,...uuuh that's all I can think of yeah - I got those on my initial install/configure attempt pain in the arse to find the right RPM in Mandrake apt-cache search is my friend reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. morning hi chillywilly mdean (mdean@arc10x28.kcnet.com) left irc: Ping timeout for mdean[arc10x28.kcnet.com] hi sup reinhard looking at the photos chillywilly / reinhard you both christians right? first time i see jamest yep well at least for me mind talking in this channel on viewpoints? curious to hear your opinions on how US should react to what has happened Action: derek is preparing mini sermon for tomorrow service you're preaching? and would like to say gnomesword is pretty nice chillywilly: i do that on occassion :) darn i used to be the youth pastor at our old church I wish it would install here hey rich bodo looks cool a few debian apckage are missing is that what you look like reinhard? chillywilly: no long hair and bear? heheh no beard ah http://www.bytewise.at/Team.html now he breaks out the pics the upper one ;) seems to have broken netscape obviously ;) is that your wife then? yep so how did you sucker such a lovely lady into falling for you again? lo lol i will ask her derek: my personal view of this stuff is hey chillywilly you told me reinhard was like 75 or something what gives no I didn't he said neilt was the oldest well you said 'older than dirt' he's a grandpa i figured you meant over 70 ;) no I didn't you are just tryin' to get me into trouble i find it horrible that some muslims do preach in their churches that people should be killed for some reason and i would find it great if christians wouldn't do it i was reading lamentations and jeremiah's thoughts after the destruction of jerusalem they're not true muslims if they believe that afaik hmmmm eeriely similar to present day situations interesting chillywilly: its fundamental islamic that believes that "fundamental" is not the appropriate word for them, imho how about "radicals" or "nut cases" :P derek: what were jeremiah's thought s reinhard: you need pics of the kiddies well in his case he felt the destruction of jersalem was do to disobendience to God chillywilly: they didn't fit under "the team" :P in many ways he felt the people had turned against God but in chapter 3 he specifically says amid the destruction that because of Gods love we are not consumed that Lord is sufficient and that is hope in him it then goes on to say where in lamentations is this? Let him offer his cheek to the one who woudl strike him and psalm 37 says similar things yea based on the trials of David in time of such devestation 37:1 Do not fret2 when wicked men seem to succeed!3 Do not envy evildoers! 37:2 For they will quickly dry up like grass, and wither away like plants.4 37:3 Trust in the Lord and do what is right! Settle in the land and maintain your integrity!5 37:4 Then you will take delight in the Lord,6 and he will answer your prayers.7 37:7 Wait patiently for the Lord!11 Wait confidently12 for him! Do not fret over the apparent success of a sinner,13 a man who carries out wicked schemes! 37:8 Do not be angry and frustrated!14 Do not fret! That only leads to trouble! 37:9 Wicked men15 will be wiped out,16 but those who rely on the Lord are the ones who will possess the land.17 37:10 Evil men will soon disappear;18 some really goood stuff there ;) http://www.netbible.org is a cool site yes that will be good portion of my mini sermon this section :) i think (iirc) this was an address to those in bablyonian as they were seeing those with wicked hearts and ways succeeding thus the dont be 'envious' Action: derek really needs to read his bible more as i shouldnt have to say (iirc) it is sometimes hard for us to feel that jsutice will be served by the lord because we get caught up in this life here on earth derek: Pat Robertson and others say that the US is probably paying for its secular ways the head of the christian coalition I was watching the 700 club that time I told you that just was flipping through the channels and caught it yes my original thought on tuesday was if we dont do 'anything' we will be open for more of this but the more i think about it i wonder is that really any more true than if we do something? and should blood be spilled? i often say im against death penalty as much as am against abortion with the argument being 'why do we kill people to teach people, killing people is wrong?' I am against both too, that you are not god and you don't have th right to say who loves or who dies lives Action: reinhard is happy to read this lately i heard on the news often i see people from families of those on death row being executed and they are so bitter and angry and glad to see the person that killed thier loved one being executed I don't see how more death soves things solves and all i can think is how sad, and i weep for them U.S. is one of countries with most executed death penalties as this 'execution' wont bring back thier loved one and they still are bound by that anger yep, they are consumed by hatred among china, iraq, iran, and afghanistan not sure if you feel well being in that group i had a moment of introspection and had to ask is this any different? will retalation bring back the victims? or will it only create other victims? should we be angry or sorrowful? sorrowful and fearful of the lord if we take vengence anyhow this isnt proper channel for this true so i apologize, just happened to be in the 'word' at the moment nevermind who's gonna stop us ;)? and have been thinking about these things and figured you two may have an opinion so i was curious j/k good topic to talk about on sunday mornings :) i dont think it hurts anythign just dont want to offend anyone not that goat sex couldnt be seen as offensive :) rofl lol my mind is really slipping i know that in NT it states if two or more are in agreement it shall be done but i cant recall the verse either of you know http://www.biblegateway.com btw: reinhard it would be really cool to see a bible in german or any language for that matter other than english :) woops http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible? lets you search for stuff then again sword does too I think derek: i remember something like "where 2 or 3 are together in my name, i am among them" not sure if you meant that oh I know reinhard: yes that would be it do you know book / chapter? it si something like whenever 2 or more gather in the field I will be with them my sunday school teacher knows he used that in class a while back I'll ask him derek: i think it's one of the evangeliums (sp?) and it should be very late where the twelve are sad because jesus tells he has to go iirc yep ah found it host to be on eof the gospels matthew 18:20 yes thoought it was in matthew but wasnt sure there ya go Where two or three are gathered together in my name - That is, to worship me. I am in the midst of them - By my Spirit, to quicken their prayers, guide their counsels, and answer their petitions. Action: derek is going to call for people to pray as the band leads worship for the victims, family of victims, rescue workers, those that are to rebuild, our leaders, those that may be called to war and most of all for those misguided souls that did this derek: matthew 18:21 and 18:22 reinhard: that only applies to non americans that arent angry you see Action: derek is suprised america hasnt come out with the 'politically correct' bible actually i think there is one that converts the he to she or something so i might stand corrected you know whats really funny how God talks to people i was pretty angry about this my daughter came home from school (she is six) yep, his message always gets through and it has a way of just smacking right upside the head and said some kids at school said kids in palestine were cheering about the buildings in new york she asked me why i went on to explain about muslims jews the angst over there and how they see things differently she understood most of it but what a jew and a muslim were i told her that jewish people didnt believe that Christ was son of God and they thought real messiah had not yet come and that muslims believed in a book other than the bible Koran and that they believed in Mohammed etc what got me is we then prayed about things her prayer never once mentioned america the people that were suffering the victims her prayer was simply please help the jewish people and the muslim people know jesus. let them know you love them anyways ;) boy made me feel like a self righteous pompous ass WWJD there is something to be said in 'have the heart of a child' derek: you know the Koran is very similar to the bible anyway? reinhard: yes specifically i think the penatauch yep or first 5 books it's the two sons of abraham correct the muslims are the descendants of ismail, his first son and the jews are the descendants of isaak, his second one and what is weird the war between muslims and jews started with king david so to speak i often find it hard to relate to people who are not Christian or educated in religion (i.e. agnostic) as he "occupied" jerusalem when they say they dont get why they cant get 'along' or why the fight over some stupid city etc and the war still goes on since thousands of years actually it never stopped really it never will and the U.S. actually has not been hit now as "somebody standing outside this" I think that is isreal's punishment for denying christ, imho were not issac and ishmail of different mothers? the u.s. army has educated most of those who are now terrorists derek: yes they were ishmail not of his 'true' or first wife sarah? and issac in his old age from sarah? CIA funded bin laden in the war against the soviets its hard to relate to people that things like this are much deeper in afghanistan they sin is carried from generation to generation as is good deed and favor and blessing well i heard someone say that this is all a by product of the cold war I didn't agree of course this is a lot depper than that deeper well I must go to bed I have chruch in the morning :) church even night all god bless chillywilly (danielb@d71.as9.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d71.as9.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: Connection reset by peer well it has been a good talk i suppose i need sleep too derek: a last thought ok u.s. funded afghanistan in the war against iraq, now afghanistan attacks u.s. so to speak in gulf war I, u.s. funded iraq to fight iran then iraq got so powerful that they occupied kuwait so u.s. funded saudi arabia and others to fight iraq now people from saudi arabia (bin laden) fight the u.s. it is like a proof for war produces war or who was that who said after the war is before the war and this is not freedom real freedom cannot exist under pressure real freedom can only exist in a state of peace _real_ peace ok that's it you may go to sleep now :) :) i have seen some good speakers on tv here (non religious leaders) and one thing i liked that they have said is 'we should not teach freedom through war' 'we should not force countries to be free' 'yet we should show the benefits of freedom and teach/aide those willing to be free' reminded me of Christian gospels i.e. you cant save a soul only God can yep you arent called to 'save souls' you are called to be a living example and if you are people will be drawn to that so while i agree sometimes you must fight for your freedom as one must fight for thier faith surely you dont teach freedom by fighting :) anyhow its been good discussion agree its nice to know that there is more to these 'voices' in irc than free software sometimes :) :) Nick change: derek -> dnSleep reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) left irc: night mdean (mdean@arc10x80.kcnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (neilt@p233.usnyc7.stsn.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ dnSleep (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout for dnSleep[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net] dnSleep (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dnSleep -> derek #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ ajmitch (ajmitch@p6-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p6-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz] derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: [x]chat ajmitch (ajmitch@p6-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. hello reinhard boy python methods are a mess hi neilt is the mess python caused or geas caused? yes huh? geas mostly ah ok so at least we can do something about it complete rewrite sounds familiar ;) :) neilt: i have a questions question is it acceptable that in *.gcd files every symbol (class/type) must be defined before it's used? like if you have in class detail no other way around like if you have in class header foo::detail [] detail; then detail must be defined above header no because how do you have two classes that reference each other as we speak we don't have a single case of this then you removed it except in gl_post.gcd cause i created it yes there were some cases that all were in head you have a list of details and in detail you have a pointer to head which is really redundant because in head the list of details in fact creates that pointer implicitely how is that redundant if i do data select on details and then what to backup to the header, how do i do this without a pointer to the header how do i access the implicit pointer back to header? i think there should be a method to do that i agree there is no metod now but there should be one getMaster or something like that i really dont like all of these implicit pointers it should be transparent because they are too hard to use explicitly agree that they should not be used explicitely there are functions missing in the idl we should just do away with the implicit reference and lookup functions and create a better explicit reference and list syntax do away = remove them? or keep only them? yes remove them remove * and [] functions this would improve capatability with 2 tier and would not reduce the functionality of n-tier that would also mean remove the implicit objectid? because it would be of no use then could be, have not thought about that we had an explicit primary key for every relationship and the primary key is non-changeable for existing records i have not thought about that but that seems like it should be kept reinhard: does schema.py work for you? it did when i last tried can try again just for your info geas doesn't compile when you don't configure with --enable-methods=python it includes Python.h even if USE_PYTHON_METHODS is not defined yuck but ok i will fix neilt: schema.py works with help_object2 with help_object1 it bombs when there is no help text that was always the case maybe you encounter the problem now because descr has no help text ok (only desc without 'r' has one) so much work, so little time reinhard: ok schema.py should work and .geas files all updated neilt: cool Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@1Cust121.tnt5.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: ok, you should be able to compile each type of methods now chillywilly (danielb@d130.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@1Cust121.tnt5.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater[1Cust121.tnt5.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net] jcater (jason@1Cust195.tnt6.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@1Cust195.tnt6.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater[1Cust195.tnt6.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net] jcater (jason@1Cust192.tnt2.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: you here? jcater_ (jason@1Cust121.tnt2.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@1Cust192.tnt2.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater[1Cust192.tnt2.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net] neilt: now here what name do i use to call methods um from python the method name i guess if i have module neil callMethod class test methods themethod do i call name "themethod" or "test_themethod" you first have to create or load an instance of the class test or "neil::test_themethod" then do my_instance.callMethod ("themethod") because neil::test is already stuck in the my_instance so in the function callMethod i just use the name yes its not working try: obj = con.newObject( "mod1::class1" ) obj.setField("a_text_field","joe") try: print "Call method: " + obj.callMethod( "helloworld" , [] ) oh disclaimer: what i told you is how it should work imho not how it works currently not sure actually how it works currently how do i define the method in the py file def class1_helloworld (): there is a sample in the businessobjects directory neilt (neilt@p233.usnyc7.stsn.com) got netsplit. Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away will be back in an hour or so uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (neilt@p233.usnyc7.stsn.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly:Were you able to run the java example in the geas server? never tried it or the python ones Did anyone get to run the java example? yes, I can get the examples to work no Java though never tried that one schema.py should work the example test.py works perfectly showing all the classes but none of the others is working chillywilly: in python how are classes represented? as python classes :P I mean are then stored in a seperate file? because I get the error that the - 'test class was not found' when I run the test2.py program all the code should be in that file The code creates a new object of type 'test' and invokes methods on that object- there is not definition given to the 'test' class then the example is screwed up try the address book example Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by ChanServ!s@ChanServ: GNU Enterprise : http://www.gnue.org [If no one is home email info@gnue.org] #gnuenterprise: mode change '-o gnuebot' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ chillywilly: not exactly test has to exist in a gcd file someplace yea that's true and not in the 'test2.py' file uday: what do you have you gcd path set to? chillywillywhere is the gcd path set? Christina (nottelling@ACB72263.ipt.aol.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hiii hi uday: geas.cofn er geas.conf lemme try and run that exampe example Christina: hello chillywilly: I think I found it neilt: I got the python eg working but any clues about the java one? nope we don't have much love for Java here ;) what's neilt up oh tyring to fix methods got some conflicts I think doe sit compile? how so but having java would really make clients crossplatform ah yes conflicts doh i am conflicted with my boss they dont pay me enough :) heheh I thought you did your own thing? i do jcater_ (jason@1Cust121.tnt2.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater_[1Cust121.tnt2.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net] or your clients don't pay you wenough that makes the conflict more painful chillywilly: yes the java example compiles but gives an error only when it starts running? lol not at you uday what error? CORBA related stuff? uday: you will need a java orb btw, we should use /* */ style comments shouldn't we? this si not frwaking c++ :P I think? the error comes when the ior string is 'converted' into the factory object what is the errror? pate it paste Does it not come along with the java package from SUN? dunno chillywilly, what website are you on? er? the project? theproject.com ? website for what? this project here? jcater (jason@1Cust204.tnt1.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uday: that iorloc.cfg file needs to point to the right file the ORB you can get form OMG or soething http://www.omg.org import org.omg.CORBA.*; that's my guess anyway the README is pretty good ;) the iorloc file points to the geas-server.ior file yes you tell it where to put the file in geas.conf The program is able to retrieve the ior string but the problem comes when the factory object is being created using that string yes orb.string_to_object(iorstring) is the problem geas.conf creates ot the that config file needs te right path s/ot/it iorloc.cfg Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard neilt: i am back now sorry i had to leave it is only from iorloc that I can get the file where the string is present. So no problems reading the iorloc.cfg while you were away Action: Christina is away -[ BBL ]- at 01:36p -[ P:On / L:On ]- Nick change: Christina -> Christina[Away] reinhard: i cant get methods to work can you run the examples and see if i broke something neilt: python methods did not work before cool not for classes that are part of a module finding of a method is broken when there is a module name before the class name ok python methods did work chillywilly: yes but only for classes that are in the root:: module oh uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left #gnuenterprise (Client Exiting). Nick change: Christina[Away] -> Christina Action: Christina is back -[ BBL ]- gone 19 min 32 s hiiiiiii hello reinhard: do you know why you cannot invoke methods in another module? yes the code doesn't know about modules so if you want to call method "callme" of class "test" geas looks for a python method "test_callme" which is ok but when the class is "module::test" then geas looks for the python method "module::test_callme" which is probably not a valid python function name k the module name isn't magled then eh? mangled i think andrewm added support for modules after methods was already done and he didn adapt methods after that no it isn#t isn't fwiw the dependency resolver seems to work which means the new parser can already figure out in which order the files should be processed now the only thing left to do is the actual parsing weeee (i.e. the filling of the data structures in memory) and on that note I need another pepsi btw, good work sir :) :) jcater_ (jason@1Cust181.tnt4.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d130.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: jcater (jason@1Cust204.tnt1.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater[1Cust204.tnt1.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net] neilt: btw thanks for all the work you do like updating gcds for reserved words et al sometimes i feel like stepping in a room with dirty shoes and you clean up behind me ok Christina (nottelling@ACB72263.ipt.aol.com) left irc: Read error to Christina[ACB72263.ipt.aol.com]: Connection reset by peer :) Nick change: jcater_ -> jcater reinhard: do you know why we have timers on in geas yes i keep getting SIGALRM when i run under debugger for andrewm's profiling code iirc he added lots of timer functions i don't even know what they do exactly i told gdb to not allow SIGALRM to GEAS i mean i haven't looked close but now when i run under debugger i cant get a corba connections do we have USE_PROFILER flag that removes this from the code? or what ever it may be called #ifdef TIMER_TESTING and it should actually be off is that defined by default so not sure if it's the thing we look for it's not defined AFAIK if it was, we would get tons of timer information messages i guess maybe the SIGALRAM comes from ORBit static CORBA_char * impl_GEAS_DataObject_callMethod (impl_POA_GEAS_DataObject * servant, CORBA_char * methodname, GEAS_Arguments * args, CORBA_Environment * ev) { CORBA_char *retval = NULL; something like a timeout when the server doesn't react GEAS_object_reference *id; timer_start_operation(TIMER_SKELETON,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); trace_functioncall (); does not seem to be a flag #define timer_start_operation(x, dummy...) /* empty */ unless TIMER_TESTING is defined this is from geas-server.h ahh i think i'll sleep() now later reinhard please if you have time look at the code i commited give me your comments and bug reports ;) nite all reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip145.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: Client Exiting apl (dutkiewicz@125.portland-01-02rs.or.dial-access.att.net) joined #gnuenterprise. apl (dutkiewicz@125.portland-01-02rs.or.dial-access.att.net) left #gnuenterprise. uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: Client Exiting mdean (mdean@arc10x80.kcnet.com) left irc: Ping timeout for mdean[arc10x80.kcnet.com] mdean (mdean@arc11x12.kcnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Mussi (x@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mussi (x@ left #gnuenterprise. neilt (neilt@p233.usnyc7.stsn.com) left irc: Ping timeout for neilt[p233.usnyc7.stsn.com] jcater (jason@1Cust181.tnt4.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: later ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip145.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: [x]chat derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (neilt@p233.usnyc7.stsn.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ hi neilt hey Action: derek is so tired, even after 2 hour nap ihave restructured methods in geas and am now fixing them python methods that is getting ready for the new geas driver for forms neilt (neilt@p233.usnyc7.stsn.com) left irc: http://dm.cl.no/monkeybiz/ if you ever need a 'monkey laugh' jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201168.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. l8r jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201168.flinthills.com) left irc: [x]chat mdean (mdean@arc11x12.kcnet.com) left irc: Client Exiting jcater (jason@1Cust92.tnt4.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. argh! I missed jamest you sure did howdy i tell you that darn life keeps interferring time to get rid of it I'm telling you example: I'm looking at those darn copyleft monkeys as we speak btw: saw that wizards look halfway operational rofl are they not hilarious :) :) you test the wizards? no too chicken to check out the code rofl BUT if they are half way functional i will be giving a gnue presentation to our LUG officially in 3 weeks it lets you make single source forms do we have new marketing? both grid style or can we look into getting some :) and with labels to the left of or above the records before next week? so i can hand out at the RMS speech here in the valley :) jcater: sweet I can do next week next step (master detail) :) derek: that won't be difficult to do we have a complete wizard interface nope for any tom, dick or harry to write a wizard :) specially since you have the grids part done err, any jcater, jamest, or derel to do should basically be matter of providing way to ask for master asking for detail you must test it out defining which 'fields' are bound between the two Action: jcater is so proud :) and pressing the magic button i will as soon as i finish up something here on hotel stuff just make sure I I'm not online when you do just in case something's broken these monkeys are hilarious this is so sad :) gotta run.. make sure you run gnuef/setup.py devel again to get wizards working jcater (jason@1Cust92.tnt4.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: night derek: hey thanks for publishing the lwce pics ;) derek: i sent that one of me and Jordan off to our families ;) cool sorry didnt get more i brought camera with ability to hold like 150 pictures and only took like dozen :( Action: derek forgot mostly that i had it hehe who's the little girl in there? which one the one in the red hat? ashley nicole (nikki) is my youngest daughter brittany is my oldest daughter she is so beautiful :) noah is my son i'm not sure i saw any of the rest ashley is the one in the red hat (iirc) of the kids they are pretty cute kids (or so im told) dont know wehre they get it (mother i guess) our oldest (brittany) when was a baby wife sent photo into cutest baby in america contest for pampers and she won grand prize and we got a video camera out of it :) we were dirt poor so it was nice gift at the time :) wow! hehhe good idea http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/photos/ashley.jpg so what else happened? did Pampers use her photo somewhere? is one of my favorits dtm: dont know, they were supposed to, but we didnt see it anywhere yeah that's the first one i saw after a week at the beach house ashley came back with big time tan and that blonde hair she was like typical 'surfer chick' do you use Pampers? :) um most of the tiem we do hehe --- Mon Sep 17 2001