[00:19] Last message repeated 1 time(s). jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201168.flinthills.com) left irc: [x]chat nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) left irc: [x]chat nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout for derek[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net] dres (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout for dres[] dres (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) left irc: night derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Sacha (sacha@chime-a-235.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. Sacha (sacha@chime-a-235.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Ping timeout for Sacha[chime-a-235.conceptual.net.au] Sacha (sacha@chime-a-235.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. Sacha (sacha@chime-a-235.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Killed (NickServ (This nick is reserved by another user)) sacha_ (sacha@chime-a-235.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. sacha_ (sacha@chime-a-235.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Ping timeout for sacha_[chime-a-235.conceptual.net.au] uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. derek: A week or two back we had requested for registering into the gnue team and were told that we would receive a communication from you but we have not received any mail derek: could you please look into the matter where can I find the gcd file format information derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout for derek[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net] derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. can someone help me find the gcd file format information uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: Client Exiting uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uday: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/GNUeModuleGuide/main/x369.html reinhard: thank you uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: Client Exiting ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ reinhard: should the methods of business objects be written only in C/Python? uday: we plan on adding support for more langs i think C support may be going away in geas key word is _think_ jamest: what other lang are being considered at present? I can't speak for the geas coders but we were at one time shooting for an easily extendable method extention system so you could plug in lang of choice yeah what jamest says is correct from my point of view sorry for not looking but i have kids today :) best is to write in python but be aware that method handling is broken at the moment neilt is working on it reinhard: I was getting errors with methods too today other than python we will probably support ubiquitous guile maybe perl for the freaks and of course logo for jamest :) uday: yes please you have to be a _little_ patient hey reinhard i hope within a week or so we can fix methods don't recall if I told you that geas-server works on solaris at least it runs you told me that it compiles it runs thanks but :) good news :) did the passwd option in geas.conf go away? i see ref to a shadowpw file in the comments not sure how this passwd stuff works all i know this security stuff is only alibi and not real so i simply ignore it till we have a _real_ concept but this password is what gives logon access to geas i agree that security is very _important_ to the backend database but not _urgent_ not the user passwords into geas roflmao ah did you guys see the list of banned songs mentioned on slashdot jamest: this option for the db password is still there iirc ah no crap how did that work?? you must look at it can it be that i don't need a password to connect to the db? reinhard: depends on the db and your settings, but yes i jsut give the username to connect to the postgres db ok so i probably have set it up like that Along with all rage against the machine songs you have such flith as Frank Sinatra "New York, New York" Cat Stevens "Morning Has Broken" John Lennon "Imagine" hmmm reinhard: you here ? hi guys are you folks working on integrating ldap into gnue??? jamest: yes REM "It's the End of the World as We Know It" ToyMan: I wanted to see an ldap driver and eventually user/config info in ldap ahhh. good but that's a ways down the road ink Floyd "Mother" Pink even it would be nice to have a centralized repository reinhard: at home i get a geas server running here i get euler$ ./geas-server Trying to open config file '/usr/local/etc/geas.conf' nope, so trying config file 'geas.conf' Loading aliases from file 'geas-alias.cfg' so all that data entry could be used by other programs easily and it hangs jamest: you have latest cvs? oh man this list is really... Bangles "Walk Like an Egyptian" yes, as of a few minutes ago at home last night I could get farther into the system could be method issues methods code is being worked on at the moment ok, no biggie so you could try to remove all calls to *method* functions in geas-server.c was just wanting to play a bit or you could configure with --enable-debug ok Yager and Evans "In the Year 2525" this is great most of these songs are actually ANTI war songs or have nothing to do w/ war at all don't you just love it can't have any of that vile peace and love crap occupying peoples thoughts Nina "99 Luft Balloons/99 Red Balloons" that's even a german song didn't think you know that at all in the u.s. of course they listed songs describing violence as well guess they want our little heads filled with no thoughts at all probably worried that sales of N-Sync and Backstreet Boys albums would drop if people started to use their heads hehe as for 99 Red Balloons it was really popular here quite a few years ago both english and german versoins were on the air uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: Client Exiting xavier_ (xavier@uu212-190-122-70.unknown.uunet.be) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: xavier_ -> ghunt hi all hello anything interresting today ? not that I'm aware of seems there's not much activity down here all depends on the day most of us have real jobs that keep us busy they seem to think we should work at work for some reason :) lol you've been in here before right? yes mainly interrested in cost analysis ah you played w/ any of the existing tools yet? will be the subject of my memoire not yet i'm a trainee in an open-source-based-solutions-business to devellop a cost analysis "module" so if what i do may be usefull ... derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout for derek[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net] ghunt: cool what's cool ? i thought you were suggesting that you might do the cost analysis and let us look at it module well in fact, i do not program ... i will create the method based on the DB i'm in a commerce school ... not in an IT school ah this why i asked yesterday if a DB schema was available and reinhard told me geas does it on it's own (no sql) what would have been usefull :-) jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. howdy [09:46] Last message repeated 1 time(s). chillywilly (danielb@d75.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. dru (naguep@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest! hello how are u? fine, and you my xchat colour is out of sync good. a bit hungry you awfully quiet he's never really there.....:P god is well that goes without saying yes I'm almost here honest so is god anyway Action: jamest is about to make a change that would require python 2.0+ in gnuef which we all seem to agree upon being OK licencing is fixed but I'll give everyone one last chance quick do it. as it'll be a major PITA for people that use distros w/ 1.5.2 aka - every stinking one of them if you change it quick enough no one will notice. well thats how i regard major system changes. jamest: if ppl used slackware, they'd have 2.0 so nah package with python version 2.0. you have the bandwidth. use it i have 56k modem that != bandwidth well server does external 56? cuase you can squezze a bit more out them ok, how do people feel about jumping to 2.1? ok now your jumping a bit far though i'm nto one to comment how much should it be in version 2.1 and not 1.5? is it cause of a bug? or is it cause of a design flaw? 1.5 has issues we've got kludges in the code to cope and a huge one is typecasting well that goes without sayingdebian sid has both versions woops foo = 10L that's a long int debian sid has both versions str(foo) in 1.5.2 = "10L" does debian sid have 2.1 or 2.0? str(foo) in 2.x = "10" how big difference between 2.1 and 2? jcater: 2.0 argh crap i have to leave for a while NO hav efun jamest: Just say no to the users do what you think is best damn whatever else thinks gdb calls. i must be off dru (naguep@ left #gnuenterprise. is there deb packages for gnue ? reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: hi what are the essentials of gnue? geas and common ? ghunt: sorry just being mad goat raped today why sorry ? think i got like 30 phone calls over the last 2 hours sorry for not having time to answer your questions np you be on later this evening? if you are belgium you are same timezone than me nope : following from traineeship at home, have a 56.6 modem uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. and comm costs are high in Belgium :-( ok so in a nutshell each component can be used standalone or in combination so no essentials for gnue like you ask "what are the essentials for ms office" word, excel, or access... thanks each one has it's job and can be used for itself k so what you should look at depends on what you want to do will testb each FOR THE LOGS: we really need an overview on the website that explains questions like these --------- agreed :P k thanks don't we have a FAQ? guess not I had started on this some time ago: http://ash.gnuenterprise.org/~jcater/blurb.html ah try this : http://www.gnuenterprise.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index heh, just saw the recent news post Java == baaaaad for Free Software? as java is not totaly free !!! or J2EE == baaaad well the thing tha sucks about Java is it is more then a programming langauge it is an entrire environment and most of that code is not Free Software unlike python ;) how are you gentlemen. and C and C++ are only languages fine thanks neilt (neilt@sdn-ar-004varestP231.dialsprint.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: can't java be used only as a language, like C? without an environment? if you use a binary compiler maybe? hello all neilt: hi reinhard: you around neilt: on the phone :( Nick change: neilt -> neilt-lunch i'll be back in 30 minutes or less neilt-lunch (neilt@sdn-ar-004varestP231.dialsprint.net) left irc: Ping timeout for neilt-lunch[sdn-ar-004varestP231.dialsprint.net] dtm: sure and there are Free projects like GNU Classpath and Free JVMs, but that takes time uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: Client Exiting ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) got netsplit. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. how can i get it started ? get what started gnue-Common derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: what do you know about wxListCtrl? little it's poorly documented and not fully implemented in wxPython well damn it how can i fix designer then but I was kludging around w/it in designer im thinking maybe grid would be better than list in one spot (though i have no idea how well grids work in wx) grids are a new addition IIRC so are still very buggy but I am successfully using grids in places so it depends on what you are doing neilt (neilt@sdn-ar-001varestP146.dialsprint.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this documentation blows you have a list box and you do lstbx.insertcolumn(0, stuff) lstbx.insertcolumn(1, stuff) lstbx.insertcolumn(2, stuff) which gives you a list box with three columns HOWEVER lstbx.InsertStringItem(0, 'some data') puts data in colmun 0 as desired BUT neilt: is there a trikky way to launch GNUe modules or am I too bad in IT ? lstbx.InsertStringItem(1, 'some data') puts data on row 2 column 0 i tried ghunt: not sure what you mean lstbx.InsertStringItem(0, 'value 1', 'value 2', 'value 3') at first ghunt: you need to point geas to gnue-config neilt: well i got the 4 available modules installed but can't get them running ! right now all we have are class definitions none the forms are done because the geas driver for forms os BROKEN but they will load in geas neilt: how do i get him point ? you need to have this in gnue.conf # where to look for GCD (Gnue Class Definition) files # classdir /usr/local/share/geas # classdir ../examples/businessobjects classdir ../../gnue-config ls sorry note that the # is a comment so you really only need the last line that would be gnue/geas/src/gnue.conf assuming that you are running geas from cvs and have the same directory structure as cvs reinhard: you here neilt: yes Action: derek kicks wxWindows dont they have cvs online somewhere i have modifications to methods that are not checked in i am solving the naming problem and should be finished on friday can you check to see if methods compiles for both versions and let me know if you have any other problems with current cvs neilt: i can only check if it compiles or should i try to run a method outside a module? can you check the c methods to see if they still work or do they have the same naming problem ok i can i think they have same naming problem i will look this evening ok thanks, i will not be around much today or tomorrow but will be spending a full day on GNUe on Thursday or Friday cool later all l8r neilt ghunt: did you get it working? neilt (neilt@sdn-ar-001varestP146.dialsprint.net) left irc: bbl tonight neilt: not yet (but trying hard !) seems my structure is not the same as cvs will continue trying tomorrow getting home bye all ghunt (xavier@uu212-190-122-70.unknown.uunet.be) left irc: getting home Nick change: jcater -> jcLunch dres (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout for dres[] dres (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcLunch: I BEAT THE wxListCtrl i dont know what they are thinking maybe its a python thing, but its just silly on the InsertStringItem method it appears you can only set one column so then you have to do SetStringItem to do subsequent columns let me know when you are back i have a question directly for designer now Nick change: jcLunch -> jcater derek: I am back if i go to create another template type __init.py from templates calls forms/reports which __init__.py states def GetAvailableTemplates(): import Simple return [Simple.TemplateInformation] for getavailabletemplates is that correct? i.e. do i need to make it def GetAvailableTemplates(): import Simple import OtherSimple return [Simple.TemplateInformation] er return [Simple.TemplateInformation, OtherSimple.TemplateInformation] the return is what has me concerned why so? actually, hang on... unfamilar with python i suppose currently TemplateChooser does nothing but waste your time it's hard coded to call Simple.py Getting TemplateChooser to work is next step (I was wanting to get wizards in general tested, that's why I committed and asked y'all to test it) what I intend to do is make GetAvailableTemplates() automatically determine what is in for template in package.GetAvailableTemplates(): correct im looking to extend this the templates/form/ directory i have the list box working correctly now how so? was going to add another simple stupid template but looked and it appeared hardcoded :) thats why i was asking :) but if i hardcode another one will it work? if so i will do that to test something to answer your question, for now, yes, add the import AnotherSimple and [Simple, AnotherSimple] addition then can make it to scan a directory to get that list chillywilly (danielb@d75.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d75.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client but also, if you look at TemplateChooser.run() it always runs Simple.py :) chillywilly_ (danielb@d75.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. doh as I didn't have lists working yet that's why I said TemplateChooser wastes your time right now :) well i think i about have lists working just need to add another template to verify that :) for now, add your code to forms/__init__.py ok and you should be able to verify it whoo hoo suns a biziotch it dun work coolness still long way to go ? we need that frame bigger and ability to sort them etc etc all piddly little UI crap as currently we have like 5 columns but the form is barely big enough to display name and desc :) my long-term intention was to have a smaller list box (or no list box at all, but icons) no list box? and a static text area below the list i think the list box is good that showed all the properties in a readable format i was wondering on the tabs though at first was thinking ditch tab for the currently selected list item and do image - templatename - desc where image showed if it was a report or a form Action: jcater likes the separation me too more i think about it derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout for derek[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net] derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. is this your hardcoded run if completed: from gnue.designer.templates.forms import Simple return Simple.TemplateInformation else: return None in template chooser? yes here is my change dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/designer/src$ cvs $GNUECVS diff TemplateChooser.py Index: TemplateChooser.py =================================================================== RCS file: /home/cvs/gnue/designer/src/TemplateChooser.py,v retrieving revision 1.5 diff -r1.5 TemplateChooser.py 112c112,116 < ctrl.InsertStringItem(0,template['Name']) --- > ctrl.InsertStringItem(0, template['Name']) > ctrl.SetStringItem(0, 1, template['Description']) > ctrl.SetStringItem(0, 2, template['Product']) > ctrl.SetStringItem(0, 3, template['Author']) > ctrl.SetStringItem(0, 4, template['Version']) dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/designer/src$ so that it populates all the data in the listbox argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! derek's in the code again! i am out of time and have to smack on hcs stuff now but i suppose now its a matter of tying an event to the listbox so it knows what you select and handing back template.templateinformation why is that hardcoded? well we woudl be un hardcoding it jamest: It's hardcoded because I am a control freak first step i think is to get the event and pass the info YOU WILL ONLY RUN WIZARDS APPROVED BY ME so that you can hard code __init__.py mwahahaha and still use multi jcater: i like your attitude the second step woudlb e to fix __init__.py to intelligently scan one or more dirs for templates IMHO derek: can you (gulp!) commit your changes and I will look at other aspects or we can just leave it all hardcoded :) shapr (user@p-c2fbab2e.easy.inet.fi) joined #gnuenterprise. done jcater: argh! do you realize what you've done? Action: jcater is breaking a sweat now its my evil plan btw derek I'm about to commit something that makes python 2.0+ required i start committing changes and jamest/jcater get nervous enough to code like hell to keep me out :) jamest: naturally so all us poor 1.5.2 users are about to be s.o.l after i just downloaded and installed wx* for python 1.5.2 about 10 minutes ago requiring python2.0 will help for reports i think as i think the xslt stuff is better supported in 2.x what about jumping to 2.1.1 ? jamest: if you're gonna bleed, you might as well gush btw: the dudes in south america that wnated to write workflow that were gonna be sponsored by thier govt they informed me they are undergoing a civl war right now, but they hope to start soon Action: jamest is dumbstruck ok, so no one is going to yell about 2.x right and 2.1.1 might be ok? works for me :) going once um 2.1.1 might be pushing it what is in woody? 2.0 and that is frozen? if so we might want to stick with 2.x depends on the definition of frozen :) if not 2.1.1 might not be too bad ok, I guess we can live with 2.0 but 2.1 has L33T FEATURES(tm) or something Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly is this madlocke? ENTERPRISE Michael Maluck if so his assignment is verified i saw that i'll be mailing him today my poor reports engine it has been rape, pilmaged, and generally fscked up the mad branching goats did it! damned be those goats can you get the older copies from cvs? pre-branch stuff? I dunno I'm all confused it wasn't touched in the branch so that's not it i vote we blame derek ok derek: damn you btw - cvs no longer works on 1.5.2 i told you I'd do it but you didn't believe me why didn't you believe me!?!?! (fwiw it's a simple += usage in a single line) so if too many people scream we can roll back easy :) ooooh I'm excited about that new feature :) of course, now I have to upgrade everything :( thanks jamest you're a rela pal real even jcater: I thought you were using 2.X? at home chillywilly: no problem, we kept talking about it so I decided I'd like to be the ass that broke things for people Action: jcater has 5 machines w/cvs that I develop from jcater: same here on home systems 2 are on 2.x Action: jamest is looking forward to python over 56k :) jamest: I think you have problems wiht taking out tou luser frustrations on us s/tou/out ok... think I have it figured out cvs reports is most current jcater: the answer is 42 my local copy was severely fsck'ed up Action: chillywilly hopes the lusers are good to jamest jamest: naturally you commit that about 2 minutes after i send a last and final email to gnucash list about dependency no no's :) Action: chillywilly wonders why removeing old python packages made it upgrade fetchmail ahh.............the abuse chillywilly: we can't seem to make python2 the default in woody Action: chillywilly flails wildly at jamest hrrrrm removing 1.5.2 removes a proverbial shitload of stuff including things like xchat *joy* haha! upgrade to sid then :P hmmm, just took fetchnmailconf with it aw sheeet there goes xchat damn you why are you uninstalling? gnucash went too I dunno cause I am mental like that I guess jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Read error to jcater[w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net]: Connection reset by peer ouch how did you do python2.0 then? i thought you said python2.0 was in woody? it is in woody so is 1.5.2 they coexist you just can't remove 1.5.2 jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly reinstalls it now weee bah I am getting a new xchat now 1.8.3 ooooooh aaaaaaaaaah jamest: ok thats a GOOD thing in fact makes me more comfy in saying need 2.x as people can keep 1.5.2 for the stuff they need just make them all use debian anyone know of a website that when you click a link it opens a new window? ;P derek: http://www.bytewise.org/Links.html derek: http://www.bytewise.at/Links.html of course we should code GNUe bytewise or something one byte at a time :) mind me borrowing some code :) in asm, blind folded, while the goats have theor way that's jamest's punishment I think brb chillywilly (danielb@d75.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d75.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client chillywilly (danielb@d75.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dang is it as easy as target="_blank" ? I got 1.8.3 now reinhard: btw what do you think of the gnucash discussion we have been having chillywilly: write me a python plugin for xchat gnucash discussion? that reads current window typing from any user xchat does python scripts and if they say linux w/o the gnu/ oh heheh it auto responds to them "You really should say GNU/Linux" and i will install it :) lol RMS would love me then right? chillywilly: no, because you weren't using scheme darn well xchat only does python and perl no guile plugin I'll call it the GNU's Not Linux plugin ;) lol so any death threats heading my way yet? Argh! reinhard: your link page saved me hours worth of fighting javascript thank you :) jamest: you may wish to NOT open any 'suspicious' mail in the following weeks derek: :) :) heheh kinda weird my first programming app in years is a bofh daemon ;-) now everyone can laugh at my silly skills seems like I have to relogin more than I use to and it doesn't remember my username doh yahoomail it torments the users? derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Read error to derek[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net]: Connection reset by peer reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Read error to reinhard[N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at]: Connection reset by peer derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. it torments processes for now.. I'll be damned if it becomes some bloated perl app like interchange tho ;-) deletes random files? changes their passwords no, basicly just renices run away processes automatically to keep them from killing your system, then it will eventually kill them if you want it renices the processes? heheh well that's not malicious I thought this was a bofh daemon hehe it has the power of bofh ;-) k I needed a cute name.. its the best one ;-) tty_pty on #unix efnet suggested it have a name to suggest? ;-) k ummmm jamest you here? reinhard / jcater? have critical quesitons um, no realnice originally wazzup? sarcastic what was wrong with realnice? it is sorta snappy spiffy gnue tshirts we wanting to do zippy and do we think we can sell any :) reinhard (rm@ left irc: Ping timeout for reinhard[] fsf i think is willing to pay someone to design and draw up our design well you could extend it.. and lots of admins would like bohfd ;-) reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. and pay for an initial run of shirts I want the savannah gnu in the suit chillywilly: but would you buy one for 20 bucks :) that wass the coolest idea, imho you need to get those guys to draw one for ya though heck yea why would it cost 20 bucks? i figure if we can get 5 people to commit to a 20 shirt that should go along way towards initial design etc chillywilly: thats what we would sell them for 20$? hahaha oh as they are a tax deductable donation to GNUe well yea I think it would be really nice i.e. its a fund raiser thing :P Action: derek releases 20 for tshirt is on the expensive side er realizes not releases the chillywilly fund? heheh Action: derek would prefer polo shirts with embroidered logo if I get some income I'll buy one for $20 easily but those have a much steeper entry cost yeah that sounds good Action: chillywilly holds his virtual tin can out and rattles it chillywilly and Mr_You fund derek: no time to talk, I'm abusing jcater! collard polo-like shirt I'd buy one for $20 if it were a really nice tshirt like ultraheavy cotton nickr: it woudl be standard hanes type tshirt I'd buy a polo-like GNUe shirt for a donation price of $40 bleh. the cost isnt cause its a great shirt, but cause its a donation if we did it all ourselves without FSF get me one of those we could probably get the cost down nickr: you no the floating GNU, imgaine him ina a suit or something looking all business-like derek: you'll sell more non-t-shirt I think and maybe do shirts for 18 or 16 derek: or have the option ;-) Mr_You: i agree BUT it costs a lot more out of pocket for the polo type shirts i would like to offer both bah galeon won't compile grrr well $40 donation cost sounds good to me.. just take orders in advance just gimme the hires print-ready image and access to a color laser printer and some of that xfer paper.. make a prototype um $40 is a little steep :) well.. considering $60 is about the going rate for a cheap polo, and you are donating ;-) but just buy the t-shirt version for $20 ;-) I'd prefer the polo if it looked good also if they are designing image I'm ok w/whatever we need to make sure we can get it digitally for our site I'd prefer polo as well (I might actually wear it then) :) same here :) Action: chillywilly has an extensive t-shit colection are er t-shirt the idea is its not about the shirt, but that you are donating to a project.. ;-) but anyways.. what else could we give away thats a funny typo :P hats socks arm bands condoms ties heh let's give away chillywilly everything gnue must go no one wants me though I could use a houseboy hey I'm tired of doing dishes you can't even give me away how about we give away something on a CD nickr: but then you'd have to feed me ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: [x]chat chillywilly: we have pleanty of table scraps t-shirt, CD, printer documentation Action: chillywilly also comes with a nice lady and a little 4 year old too chillywilly: and you coud dance on the street corner for quarter s/r/d oops well i plan on making CDs if we do online sales that 20 will get you a tshirt and the CD :) woohoo that seems more reasonable anyhow if you all want to think of what might be cool designs i like the idea on tshirt for GNUe logo on front (small pocket area) and on back the savannah gnu with a suit and breifcase would be good gnu (like floating gnu) on back either standing in suit with briefcase or sitting at desk in suit that would be cool if done well but if its a large plastic-like logo material it sucks in the summer.. what would it say? can put text on bottom or on top or both or no text GNUe Coders ... do it grid style GNUe doesn't smell like ass i think a clever slogan or saying would make it more 'hot' GNU Grows Up? I have a bud who is awesome at drawing scenes.. if we want a scene drawn up for free.. might need to have it scanned in and touched up GNUe - The GNU's are Going Corporate chillywilly: stallman woudl kill us :) Free Enterprise jcater: score jcater: that's not too bad derek: kidding so just free enterprise? or Free Enterprise GNU Enterprise GNUe at the top and FREE ENTERPRISE at the bottom Free The Enterprise Mr_You: I like thst better GNUe Gives New Meaning to Free Enterprise that's [retty good actually, that'd be a good press release opener :) GNUe: Free Your Enterprise Mr_You: we have a winner ding Action: chillywilly smells a new poll w/ a gnu in a suit i like yeah new poll let the ppl vote "All dressed up and GNU where to go." how about: "GNUe Man!" "Here to FREE THE ENTERPRISE!" "National 'Take your GNU to Work Day" Mr_You: that will be in the second running jcater: i like that i REALLY like that yea, that GNU guy is our GNUe man right? oooh what is that slogan? derek: I picture a guy with a suit on holding a briefcase with his shirt torn open with a GNUe logo milk its not just for breakfast? he could have his shirt open and the wind blowing hand a little gnu logo on his t-shirt GNU isnt not just for hackers? under his button shirt you dig? chillywilly: :) I could have a bud draw that up hehe like clrk kent to super man exactly yea not for this run, i do like it for another one that is a cool idea GNUe Man is our mascot ;-) haha GNU... Not just for your teen's PC yea! GNUe/Man you all didnt like the "GNUe's not just for hackers"? or GNU Enterprise "It's whats for business" well i blame it all on neilt he started the GNUe man craze :P oh GNU Enterprise nice "It's GNU for Business" oooh, I likes that umm good thing we have logs chilly: I mentioned GNUe/Man ;-:-P oh did you sorry I just know that neilt was using it in his article ok, then it's Mr_You's fault oh cool do we alienate ourselves by using GNU for new? lol, not to change the subject but gnuef now supports pygresql, psycopg, popy, and pypgsql drivers nah, I like "GNU for Business" cool hehe i like its triple meaning a. spin of 'beef its what for dinner' jamest: you're not biased or anything are you? b. spin on word GNU -> Its New For Business chillywilly: I'm chasing bugs c. real meaning of GNU Business software but i want something that will move off the shelves and it takes about 2.5 minutes to write a gnuef driver that is available to python db api 2.0 spec jamest: you are bound and determined to make sure no one can say they didnt use postgres cause xxx wasnt supported huh :) we need the floating gnu in a tux playing a flute w/a python coiling out of a woven basket... jamest: so where are my interbase and informix drivers? "GNUe... What else would you use Python For?" derek : can you test them? rofl thats next go around :) derek: if you can get us the db's we can get you the drivers jamest: i can probably test interbase for you interbase against windows derek: today? actually interbase is free for linux jamest: not today im at home today at work we have some interbase somewhere also if you make a mssql driver (gag) I like "GNUe its whats for Business" i can magically find a way to test it same with a msaccess (triple gag) driver Action: Mr_You & I think a lot of those slogans were good, but that lat one is nice too last gnuebot: The fusion of technology and livestock to propel your business into the 26th century ? derek: I am seriously gonna do the gnl script ;) wow, 26th century gnuebot???? i type GNUe: and get gnuebot: gnl == gnu's not linux nickr: damn straight saying the 21st century is only good for 100years I don't like the unnatural use of goats in 26th century technology and there's no way we'll be done by then ok new poll up would you buy a tshirt to support gnue? yes no maybe if there is any kind of response here we may act :) maybe I should sell tshirts and can go to the poll for logos 'would you buy a tshirt to support nickr?' rofl No lies...it's for beer rofl jamest: :) jamest: was i with you when that guy had that sign? the GNUe Beer Fund iirc there was a guy on the pier that had a sign er the GNUe Beer Foundation "No Lies Its For Beer" - with a hat out in front heheh yes No lies, its for rent and food /dcc nickr 2 quarters, 1 dime nickr: you are in NY right? Hmm, how appropriate would gnue be fore a medical database? Yea nickr: depends mental health database nickr: pretty appropriate depending on what kind of mdical db how reliable does a medical database REALLY need to ne jcater: rofl Hahaha If patients are lost, it only saves money jcater: he was thinking drug dispensing application to highly agitated criminals in memphis area mental health units galeon is going to compile right? Well a customer wants something like openmdb or whatever I wish I could remember the actual product name nickr: this is a consulting gig? Yea i think it would be good fit personally if its patient data type stuff yea the forms thing is also very important if its biochem type application to do drug studies etc probably not really good fit No, this is a organization that supports DD people like training, living space etc yeah i think its a really good fit then but they need exhaustive information about all the clients we have oracle support if they want real exhaustive data storage requirements :) Heh. Well theres this mental htealth clinic here that developed their own db for this sort of thing and released it gpl but I'm thinking gnue might be a better fit, more flexible in the long run. Just how much python do I have to know to impliment business objects and forms and crap? read the tutorial I think our methods are busted right now ToyMan (stuq@c5300-2-ip245.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. well I been through the db on a query with no name ToyMan (stuq@c5300-2-ip245.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: [x]chat wheres the tutorial? it felt good to get out of the rain? http://www.python.org off of that page Uh, thats the python tutorial no, there's a link off of that page I am sure you can find it Hmm. you find it? I was reading it again the other day No, I was reading the intro thing. argh!!!!!!!!!! when is a spec not a spec when its a dott man chillywilly (danielb@d75.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[d75.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net] danielb (danielb@d183.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: danielb -> chillywilly chillywilly (danielb@d183.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout for derek[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net] chillywilly (danielb@d183.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. what is a .vob file? anyone know? thats old mainframe archive format (short for 'very old bastard' this is in the video section for the FSF video about some award they got actually i think its mpeg2 http://audio-video.gnu.org/video/ is mpeg2 patent free or something? does gnue have any sort of authentication or whatever? bah, very cheesy authentication we have no real security right now 2-tiers forms auth's against the db GEAS has this password thingy which isn't really secure nickr: our current security is called a "circle of trust" lol haha jcater: rofl can we put that in the marketing? why don't you whip up a security server that does RBAC for us ;)? rbac? http://csrc.nist.gov/rbac/ Really Brutal Ass Crunches roll based access control derek: rofl s/roll/role yes... you have to do rolls to get in jcater: rofl Action: derek wondered why earlier adopters were sending gift certificate for free rolls to info@gnue.org btw, is it possible to have a secure connection with the forms client? how difficult would that be to develop? via SSL or whatever jamest was supposed to test that today neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ jamest? beuller, beuller, beuller boooyah here thread, thread, thread Action: chillywilly is doing some threads and they are getting out of hand woops race condition yipee Action: chillywilly whips out a mutex That's a king crock right thar hey reinhard geas is gonna be multu-threaded right ;) multi even i was to test that? whoops so how is it supposed to work ? forms secure conneciton that is a forms ... postgresql supports ssl connections now k at least that's my understanding how do you make it do that? gfclient --fucking-secure :) jamest: i was saying needed that vpn you said or ssl to ask you tomorrow Action: derek thinks you were still mucking with popy (based on the why does popy need libssl comment earlier in the day) Action: derek assumed that meant today and work you were going to test it chillywilly: no that would be gfclient --with-condom (to get secure fucking) aaaah :P when you install forms on winblows does it make a nice icon for the lusers? anyone know of bruce m. from greatbridge (and postgres stud) has gone elsewhere yet? chillywilly: no darn thats what BoFH are for yea, but if you got ppl downloading and installing off the net then they might not be smart enough to know how to invoke it say a "participant" of the MSOE TRIO Programs sitting in their dorm or whatever they might not be apt enough to know how to use it is there anything you guys do to make it idioit proof, or do they need to invoke it fomr the dos command line? from dos command line right now I suppose they get no entry in their start menu either is it possible to make them a nice luser icon? that execs gfclient form.gcd i have postgresql installed with ssl support but have no idea how to make it work ;( hmmm, I do have a winblows box right in forn tof me here (not mine) maybe I should get forms running on here for the heck of it neilt: i have to excuse i will probably not keep my promise wrt testing of methods this evening reinhard: no problem, what are you doing still awake i have been fighting a phantom for about 6 hours now at real work :( "phantom"? are the goat getting you reinhard? goats seems like that what would you say if you had a nice win machine connected to a netware server you have a file on a netware volume it is all right and ok you copy it from x_umsa to y_umsa on the same volume never j/k this is interesting "Role-Based Access Control for the Web" (Barkley, Kuhn, Rosenthal, Skall, Cincotta, 1998), and voila y_umsa is corrupted and you double check and voila x_umsa is corrupted too but in another way so after i copy a file the copy and the original are different I would say netware sucks and neither of them is like the original was before the copy :P reinhard: think i would puke and then go get a bottle of scotch neilt: good idea :) but then again thats backwards isn't it dirnk scotch until you puke drink think i'll go get me some scotch and some sleep in that order :) nite all reinhard (rm@N802P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. :) remember kiddies WinXX gives you lower TCO than anything else on the planet** **-If you overlook the total chaos and lost productivity our E-Mail worm of the month causes http://www.seul.org/edu/report53.html http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2001-09-18-002-20-NW-CY-0001 hmm, what kind of server vould you need for GEAS? l8r jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: [x]chat nickr: any linux or mac os x system Well, I mean what sort of hardware Action: chillywilly invokes the gnl script on neilt ok will then any hardware that supports linux or mac os X then nickr: it doesn't have to be a big ass monster unless you really need something like that guess i dont really understand the question Well nickr: p266mhz 128mb RAM 1gig HD woudl probably be a minimum Say I have 50 users and there are a lot of forms and objects and such bbl jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: home if you had a larger processor something in pIII line you could probably cut that RAM in half mind you this is GEAS okay the real need is in the SQL side? there might be different requirments if you wish to run X or if you put geas on same machine as your SQL server I was thinking that they'd be separate so in a nutshell your db server or X requirement woudl be greater than GEAS :) geas is where all the triggers and business object type stuff and whatever happens though, right? nickr: yip and it can be on its own server how useful is #debian? chillywilly: very bad if on own server disk size doesnt become too important as you have to only worry about base OS/GEAS/ and forms/gcds/methods is getting an answr in #debian like pulling teeth? Action: chillywilly should found #debian-support Hmm which are flat files that dont take up much space put it this way i have a P90mhz 80mb RAM that is my gateway webserver and has mysql and postgres installed i think i was using it to test geas for a while other than a 10 minute make/make install it seemed to respond ok granted i wasnt pushing tons of data and was single user but most middleware wouldnt even say hello on a machine that size (windoze middleware that is) So hows this, a celeron 500/128mb for GAES et al, a celeron 500/128mb for postgres i think you would do fine with that this is for a moderately small org especially for only 50 users but the workflow is complex lots of data associated with each 'client' how well do we handle multiple users? btw: geas has lots of room for performance improvement er, patient but i think as we start to tune it we will make it infinitely faster w/o making machine requirements great you guys would be interested in having the templates for this sort of org, no? and the places where its slow, i assume throwing more hardware would make it faster but not exponentially yes ash should be running GEAS... maybe not would be nice to have something to beat on chillywilly: it was at one time (iirc) or goats was if its not it needs to be goats would probably be better chillywilly: you could always beat on your .... goat yeah thats it a month ago, ash ran geas ash is the web server right? neilt: this will be a stupid question but did jamest fix it so you can automate docs? to the docs section of the website? hi shapr neilt: any word on that article? did we meet our deadline? do we have a deadline? ;) btw: is the powerpoint still in your home dir? i might convert it to staroffice (me rather likes staroffice now), but it is slow who has root access to goats? no word yet yes in home dir chillywilly: jade ah man it is too hot in here how do you install fonts on linux? I am gonna go into the other room....laptops rule cya l8r hey font boy how do you install new fonts in linux? er gnu/linux apt-get install package-name :P bah apt-get install xfonts-* where * is the completion of many packages there's a bunch of them even transcoded ones gsfonts are nice too I am running all 3 font servers dunno why though I should pick one and remove the others xfs, xfs-xtt, and xfstt derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout for derek[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net] derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201168.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ fyi every business rule gets executed once when it is loaded and then again when you call it just to make sure isn't that just peachy lol you wouldn't have added them if you need want them to be run right? right jamest: fix neilt up w/ docs huh? yes he did, just no time huh?!? Action: jamest is the only crappy speller allowed arround here! from the website Would You By A T-Shirt To Support GNUe? ;) roflmao and no way to edit the damn thing argh can you edit w/sql on that sure you can via mysql rock on ttf working now :) yee haw too bad i REALLY need to wipe this system and move to debian mdean (mdean@arc11x27.kcnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@1Cust49.tnt1.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: there seems to be a problem with method invocations, is the code still under development? uday: yes it is are you using cvs or distro cvs neilt: I got it yesterday methods dont work but it will most likely be the weekend before i check in the corrections the problem is that methods were never finished not that they are broke because of something we did neilt: I had just written a small business object and was trying out method invocation neilt: I have another doubt - what kind of work flow management are you looking at present to include in the server? derek is the best one to talk about on that one we were going to use someones workflow product but i dont know whos i trie to express that i thought workflow was almost the most important part of the server and should be integrted from day one but did not get any support for that jcater (jason@1Cust49.tnt1.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater[1Cust49.tnt1.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net] jcater (jason@1Cust22.tnt1.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uday: you still here? as for workflow managment there are really two issues on is business process flow (which is part of workflow) derek: yeah for that we were looking at XVCL as a wrapper to our UI to have menus and such based on business processes and set security in such a way as well the second part of workflow is notification and approval for that a brazilian university is working on getting a grant to fund research and development of such a workflow to integrate into GNUe they are currently on strike (earlier i said civil war and was mistaken) so it has taken them longer than expected to get things in place, but i heard from them to day if they do not get something, we will put something together or find something to do it like all componenents should work together or apart which means we should support anything that currently exists wftk (work flow tool kit) comes to mind uday: so in a nut shell we arent actively working on it in our group but we arent completely ignoring it either :) i believe i subscribed you to the supply_chain list i apologize i didnt know you were waiting for more info from me (re: todays logs) what do you need to get started :) a. do you plan to use gnue only as a user b. do you plan to develop only applications c. do you plan on helping with the tools/infrastructure ? or did i scare you away? how do i concatenate string in python ? amen-ra (dek@anubis.dti.tsl.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. uday@gdit.iiit.net <-- is this proper address for you uday (its what i have on the supply_chain list) hi amen-ra um carefully derek: yes amen-ra (dek@anubis.dti.tsl.ru) left #gnuenterprise. Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam >>> foo = "my" + "foo" >>> print foo myfoo >>> is one way thanks derek: I would like to work on the development of a base package uday: great we require assignment of copyright to free software foundation for tool/architecture work or gnue 'official' packages would you like me to send you the paper work? short of that, i think neilt is the guy you really want to talk to, he is the team lead for the base package neilt: meet uday, uday meet neilt ;) hold on, i think i have methods working holy smokes, we have a few 'dbs supported' in 2 tier now dont get me started :) derek: yes, (paper work) chillywilly (danielb@d183.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d183.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: No route to host on its way derek: TY uday: its possible that python methods work with cvs as of 1 minute ago its also possible that i broke everything neilt: I will try it in a moment i am about done for the evening do you have any questions uday: before i go neilt: no i dont think the test example that are in cvs work have not checked them but the example that i checked in does work at least for me neilt: works for me principle is ok round here :) see def of stable in gnue glossary stable: works for developer who wrote code ;) cool so i can leave all that cross platform crap for reinhard :) Mussi (x@ joined #gnuenterprise. uday: do you get cvs checkin emails if you do mine has a description of how to test methods if not see the archives later all neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: damn found a prob with the way I was writing the bofhd only the ps command will give me what I want into perl oh well way it goes jcater (jason@1Cust22.tnt1.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater[1Cust22.tnt1.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net] Mussi (x@ left irc: uday (uday@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: Client Exiting danielb (danielb@d43.as9.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: danielb -> chillywilly nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) left irc: Ping timeout for nickr[sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net] Action: derek hates gnome now a days running 6.2 and everything i touch has dependency hell the answer upgrade to 7.2 and im like what is this m$? jcater (jason@slip-12-64-102-138.mis.prserv.net) joined #gnuenterprise. wazzup yo so you got those dbs installed I just got back from pool lol but I've done most of the drivers i hope you pulled them from anything other than postgresql complicated part was figuring out the differences in connect() as some expect password, some expect passwd of course and some don't even have a passwd??? :) cool that was my concern and wait till you run them :) i had to make changes in _dbsig to deal w/ the different pgsql database drivers oh ?? have you committed anything since I've been gone? nothing driver specific no good b/c _dbsig is not driver specific :) i know that but it was expecting things from postgresql that were not quite right 2 DB API 2.0 driver writers read the spec, each read it differently I'm dying to see if the alterations work with all the other drivers jamest: I know you know that... I was teasing I am curious too oracle was working AFAIK although I did find a new Oracle driver besides Digital Creation's which is cool It includes prebuilt win32 interfaces cool i think the more variations of existing drivers we support boy, the documentation among the module REALLY varies the more robust _dbsig will become some don't even include docs or example py code some I had to figure out from C code as long as they adhere somewhat to DB-SIG2 then my main concern was with the connect() variations lol, i had to guess on some of the pgsql ones it was faster than digging into the code :) lol which mwdatetime is required? wxdatetime do you need 2.0 packages for all the other stuff too or what? i think so k Action: derek dreads now getting 2.0 installed based on my recent luck spent better part of 3 days 'upgrading' things Action: jamest makes note.....migrate to 2.1.1 in 4 days egenix-mx-*-2* something like that egenix-mx-base-2.0.2 stupid people shouldnt be allowed to make rpms :) is what I installed this week fsck it i give up sources bitch about more gnome dependencies this is just sick did you get my rpm command? yeah but sources arent compiling i grabbed tarball instead we don't really need to know what you've been grabbing rofl he he heee! especially @ goats.gnue.org! grabs crotch michael jackson style anyone here use sybase? gnome-vfs-mime-monitor.h:28: gtk/gtkobject.h: No such file or directory make[2]: *** [gnome-vfs-application-registry.lo] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dneighbo/downloads/rpms/gnome-vfs-1.0.1/libgnomevfs' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 anyone know how to fix this? anyone here use sybase? I have 11.9.2 installed derek: use kde jcater: doesnt solve the problems jcater: no, i dont i would have to stop using gnome applicatoins all together mdean: I am not familiar w/it, but when connecting, it asks for dsn? i have used sybase adaptive server in the past you know what dsn stands for? Data Source Name ja fwiw: sybase 11.x and MSSQL 6.6 (iirc) were pretty much same product :) er 6.5 ok derek: you have gtk devel packages? um chillywilly: who knows MSSQL 6 and up are M$ only what does data source name have to do with loggin in? derek: ya freak chillywilly: but why didnt configure TELL ME THAT I DIDNT HAVE THEM? oh thats right cause gnome developers lick my left nut DSN contains your database connection information - I think it has to be in the Sybase interfaces file dunno, that happens all the time though ok derek: you're a sick sick man am I the only person that has had to manually find and copy .h files from the mxDateTime package to the lib dir goats and now gnome nut lickers that answers my question :) kind of like an Oracle TNS name exactly gtk+-devel-1.2.10-ximian.9 rep-gtk-gnome-0.15-ximian.4 is gtk+-devel not same thing? ja it be the same well then i have it what is the -I flags and do they point at the gtk headers go fish beats me im sick of dealing with it i.e., if /usr/include/gtk/*, then you need -I/usr/include just install debian ;P that's gonna be my default answer for everything I should write a script for that anytime it sees rpm or redhat it goes, " nick: Just Install Debian" jid jid.py btw this is broken in debian so woudl be no better off man ppl would really love me having that and the gnu/linux script well, I still blame it on you you got ximian packags soooo....I blame them too there's no ximian packages here derek: you noticed they totally removd all references to Free Software form their web site when they redid it? I like havoc pennington and george lebel those guys don't lick nuts they're good guys Michael Meeks isn't too bad even if he is a Ximian monkey Rodney Dawes is a littel jerk though i was teasing about nut lickers really ticked off its this difficult ximian might save me here if im lucky I know you were teasing what i find really funny is i saw evolution thread that said something to effect of we wont support rh7.2 cause its not 'official' Action: chillywilly braces himself i hear rh7.0 no support cause its gcc evil then i keep hearing rh6.2 is older than dog crap must upgrade to rh7.1 hmmm such lovely choices. :) now i know how jamest feels on solaris i.e. works on gnu/linux single distro, single release, on the third and fourth mondays of odd months :) put in context we get suport for IBM DB2 5.0 at work tehy are going 8.x something now i.e. we are at least 10 revisions back and just this last month they said 5.0 will only be supported for another 6 months you need to upgrade to at least like 5.5 ;) btw: i think db2 5.0 could be well over 7 years old ack major suckage jesus mxDateTime is a nightmare hey jesus didn't do it whew it is hot in here! Action: chillywilly goes looking for the fan derek: you ever try qtella, it should be a good replacement for limewire requires QT though blech lol ah well i dont have qt people are going to die when qt is as free or freer that ximian GTK rofl qt is actually MORE free iirc gtk is LGPL qt is GPL subversions is so moody ah, now it responds Action: derek gives jcater some midol for his subversion mmm.. thanks Action: jamest stares at monitor in disbelief is that a gnuef window!?!?!? mwahahah... I just committed a bunch of stuff, so enjoy a working gnuef while you can I just think qt is fugly can someone go to ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/ximian/ximian-gnome/redhat-62-i386 it has been a matter of taste and get me the gnome-vfs package? its like on perma slow download for me and email it to me? derek: use ash Gnome is not as Free anymore and Ximian is turning out to be a little bitch of a company wget ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/ximian/ximian-gnome/redhat-62-i386 nevermind i think its perking up again mmmmmmm drivers holy moses i think ximian was actually able to FIX instead of CAUSE a problem for me GNUStep could be something cool if worse comes to worse I don't think that'll happen between the two of us, that's 8 new drivers today :) now if only they'd work gasp! did we have a productive day? :) Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) left irc: ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet? Action: jamest is working on geas driver too so that'll make 8.1 Action: jamest knows he wont finish it :) lol but, jamest, we can't have you finishing a driver before the actual program is written :) Action: jcater hides lol gah xchat-gnome is hosed wiht th enewest libgnomeui ah well downgrade is soo nice downgrade works now? omg, did chillywilly use the word "downgrade" Action: jcater rubs his eyes downgrade == cvs current - 10 minutes jamest: you dun remember me showing you that? nope apt-get can downgrade now is you have testing and sid lines apt-get install packages/distro oh yeah i recall that jamest: btw, all my new code also breaks 1.5.2 support :) woohoo cool so you don't stand alone :) (although, if confronted, I'll say you did it :) daw! this is logged isn't it :) rock on! KDE 2.2.1 is out learns the ways of /msg you must strong are thr goats with you Action: chillywilly hisses if only woody would go above 2.1 use the source my son face it you must that doesn't work too well across 40+ machines all with local installs i could rsync it but I'm tired of that game apt-get dist-upgrade is easier :) go for it Action: chillywilly knows that ajmitchie has cron update and compile kde for him every night that's why I love my LTSP setup a single upgrade and 40 ppl are upgraded btw - geas is safe to run as root right? :) Action: jamest dives for cover he would do that with Gnome too, but it dun work s/to run as root// Action: jcater dives w/jamest j/k I saw that python methods are starting to work that rocks! jcater I used to do nfs installs safe as ummm...yes, it is BUgFree(tm) don't ya know but gave that up when 1.6 GB drives were cheep nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) joined #gnuenterprise. it wasn't the cost of drives that made me do diskless ack, it lives once again support issues? yes it does have it's own set of issues of course xscreensaver :) disabled ! [22:45] Last message repeated 1 time(s). that didn't take long every gets their own copy to run right? chillywilly: xscreensaver on an x-term is network hell it is a piggie? chillywilly: you can do local software, but it's actually better not to wow some real pricks in galeon tonight with a fast server a single xscreensaver runs the bouncing lines can saturate a 10MB line easy hmmm wish we could do teleport jamest: no kidding someone would get a class a bitch slap about right now and gnome screensavers eat the hell out of memory for some reason derek: lol derek: what did they do? gconftool --shtudown make install masta er --shutdown you having gconf issues? Action: chillywilly just compiled galeon earlier gconf licks my left nut you rpm -i it? or compile it? I can help you I just wrestled with it I agree it blows they are gonna have a nice gui admin tools for it soon yipee! heheh rpm -i it 0.12.1? give me a minute i might be on to something yes .12.1 just do .12.1 'satans son' gconftool --shutdown killall gconfd-1 ok did that now what oh yeah read the faq ;) blah faq says the same thing you should be able to start it and it should read the galeon settings and start up gconf oaf will start it up neighbo@latitude:~/downloads/rpms$ galeon ** WARNING **: GConf error: Configuration server couldn't be contacted: Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:CORBA/BAD_OPERATION:1.0 ** WARNING **: GConf Error: GConf error: Configuration server couldn't be contacted: Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:CORBA/BAD_OPERATION:1.0All further errors shown only on terminal ** WARNING **: GConf error: Configuration server couldn't be contacted: Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:CORBA/BAD_OPERATION:1.0 ** WARNING **: GConf error: Configuration server couldn't be contacted: Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:CORBA/BAD_OPERATION:1.0GConf Error: Configuration server couldn't be contacted: blah Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:CORBA/BAD_OPERATION:1.0dneighbo@latitude:~/downloads/rpms$ it can't start it same old error gah nice try echo $sysconfdir what do you get when you type that? man it is not set it is usually /etc /etc/gconf that's not a likely error thoughas you don't even get it to start it's not a gconf issue ok my not set either was thinking that might the problem looks like gconf is just busted for me or something oaf can't start gconf gconfd [root@latitude dneighbo]# gconfd-1 & [1] 14705 [root@latitude dneighbo]# [root@latitude dneighbo]# ps -ax |grep gconf 14685 ? S 0:00 gconfd-1 14705 pts/3 S 0:00 gconfd-1 gconf seems to start ok from raw level its a galeon thing :) prolly compile it from cvs :P fsck that just will go back to mozilla or bitch at them after that dick head in #galeon dont have any gumption to really use thier product anymore you can't get that in the faq you don't even know if he's a developer not everyone there is going on 3 hours to get this to work feels like gnucash all over again wow try this oaf-slay derek: did I ever tell you about this great little browser called konqueror? plz konq has its problems too Action: jamest dives, ducks, rolls, and sprints for cover I just thinknredhat is notorious fro a broken gnome ok how can i do this symlink filea to fileb? i always forget which comes first ln -s filea fileb -s source dstination er nickr_ (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) joined #gnuenterprise. -s realfile link nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) left irc: Ping timeout for nickr[sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net] well I am going to bed night all nite Nick change: nickr_ -> nickr dres (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout for dres[] Nick change: chillywilly -> cw-sleep why am i even fighting this? you're masochistic cause everyone wants to use gconf instead of bonobo-conf or something all you're friends are using it heheh something liek that you're = your ok, I am really sleeping now Action: cw-sleep hopes that maybe debian will be updated when he wakes up 5hrs *sigh* kill me now night cw-sleep: i kicked its ass i win yip, it only took 4 hours of pure hell you sure showed it a thing or two :) jamest: rofl there is so much truth in that humor i almost peed my pants btw: i had an old eazel preview of natilus installed it didnt use rpms and included GConf (i think that was a natilus baby) so it was firing 0.3 of gconf ;) once i removed that little demon it all fixed mdean (mdean@arc11x27.kcnet.com) left irc: Ping timeout for mdean[arc11x27.kcnet.com] nite jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201168.flinthills.com) left #gnuenterprise. --- Wed Sep 19 2001