chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[] chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. perlh (a@ left irc: Ping timeout for perlh[] perlh (a@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard good morning hello perlh hi reinhard how are u doing and whats up? i'm quite fine, thanks but totally swamped with real work :( oh ok Action: perlh will not disturb u perlh: it's ok if you have questions please ask i consider gnue as important as my current real work becuase gnue will be my future real work oh ok sorry no problem reinhard reinhard pls i will ask you doubts if any you pls dont bother much about me and carry on ur work i wil ask you questions if i need any clarification thanks a lot reinhard Mr_You ( left irc: night nickr_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr ( left irc: Ping timeout for nickr[] nickr_nyc ( joined #gnuenterprise. nickr_ ( left irc: Read error to nickr_[]: EOF from client nickr_nyc ( left irc: [x]chat perlh (a@ left irc: perlh (a@ joined #gnuenterprise. perlh (a@ left irc: Ping timeout for perlh[] perlhh (a@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: Ping timeout for reinhard[] reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. perlhh (a@ left irc: Ping timeout for perlhh[] gnuebot ( left irc: Ping timeout for gnuebot[] gnuebot ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: Client Exiting neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ ajmitch ( left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[] ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. anil ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi i have developed a geas client application in C, just translated the java code in the examples directory to the C code it might be useful for developers who wish to develop client applications in C cool Action: neilt just realized he has access to the compile farm at sourceforge would you distribute the example in the next example next release anil: have you signed an FSF assigment? nope why didn't jc put those notes into the thing that I started? anil: email and ask for an assigment form anil: we'd be happy to include the example in the next release however we do ask that anil: anyone submitting code assign copyright to the fsf eh, no big deal I'll just copy it over there ok chillywilly: probably did not want to step on your toes neilt: anyone track down that geas segfault bug? nope waiting for reinhard to respond at least no me jamest: did he talk about his vision for GComm or did he just whip up those notes? i.e., is there anything to read in the logs? chillywilly: what notes? neilt ( left irc: Ping timeout for neilt[] jamest: the new notes about GComm jamest: nevermind it doesn't matter anyway chillywilly: i told you he was doing some notes of what was in his head before you started your doc and i told him you were jotting down your thoughts the idea was to get down whats in your heads and merge them into a unified item :) neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ is proud to welcome Apple's latest Mac OS X operating system (10.1) to the compile farm. Press release for this new addition may be found here. so its not that he was blatantly saying your ideas suck or vice versa derek: I don't take it like that anyway derek: it's ok if two worked in an office together it would be one doc :) just want to talk about a few things with him neilt: i hope thier compile farm is not as slow as their site :) see what he thinks its easy to see what he thinks the program that 'runs' him is GPL'd rofl anil ( left irc: Client Exiting that's not a real URL :( hehe neilt: yep saw that yesterday, pretty cool eh? yep, we're gettin there Mac should Free the code of their GUI though ;) er, Aplle Apple why, just use xfree86 it runs rootless now cause Mac has a nice GUI doesn't it? Apple I mean in its own windown right along side of aqua but it if was free it would not be at all what do you mean by rootless? you mean X doesn;t handle the root window? it runs in its own window? yes k aqua is so purty but the qaua gtk theme is too slow and it doesn;t redraw correctly on this machine it does weird things but it is purty' aqua is crap unless they've made major changes to its UI why? well I only used the gtk theme....guess I was assuming it was a nice UI does it still display the red, yellow, green gumdrop buttons on the windowframe? sure jamest: and that's why it is crap? ok, look at that and withing clicking anything (pretend you're a newbie) what does red mean? now don't cheat and click, just tell me what does red mean? but put your mouse over it and it is the same ui as it has always been X = close + = expand does it show the X now? - minimize and the + or - yes then it's improved anytime you put the mouse over it the last one I saw didn't just 3 buttons red, yellow, green and when you put the mouse over any one gumdrop it shows all three Action: derek thinks jamest has always hated aqua cause it doesnt come in 'blue' jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. it now defaults to blue :) i hated it cause it made assumptions I didn't like hello jcater howdy chilly jamest: really its ok, you can admit that you wanted it in blue :) 1) it didn't label the buttons so you had to rely on colors (that meant nothing) and some of us don't see color not anymore jcater: I saw your notes can I put them into the docbook thingy? 2) for those of us used to stoplight color combos red, yellow, green made no sense not anymore good sure as it seemed that apple was more concerned with looking "cool" than providing an intuitive UI jcater: also I want to ask you about some things and/or brain storm witcha i have the same gripes about the quicktime player app chillywilly: now's not a good time.. I just got into work darn jamest: well this is coming from the ppl that thought dragging the floppy icon to the trash was a good way to make it eject ;) Action: chillywilly hides lol derek: you here? neilt: does it still have that nifty feature? im here for about 10 minutes can you send a assignment form to the person that sent the mail to gnue-info (anil) i have one here but can't seem to find it and _must_ get something else done ASAP dont know, never dont that recently done he's made a C demo app that interfaces w/ geas jamest: i alreadly did about 20 minutes ago ah ok Action: jamest is adjusting his mail server Nick change: neilt -> neil-away Nick change: derek -> dnWork Nick change: neil-away -> neilt neilt ( left irc: bbl jcater ( left irc: rebooting dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: i will look at your segfault today i promise actually i planned to do this morning but RealLife(tm) objected :) GNUe is RealLife(tm) s/Real// ; ;) Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard wassup reinhard? must look at jamest's segfault :) uhuh cool 90% of the work is done i can reproduce it thanks to neilt and jamest for their preparation yesterday :) neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ hello all anyone want my old copy of python essential reference? sure chillywilly: email me your address k are the python guru's here? jamest: your segfault is fixed reinhard: what was it the filename part of the return value of getFullClassDefinition it was not initialized for classes that have no filename no filename for internal classes i thought i fixed that and orbit segfaulted when trying to demarshall that you fixed it _somehow_ you didn't access the variable if it was not set but you still didn't set the return value so orbit tried to demarshall a string which was in fact a NULL pointer or even uninitialized cool one of these years i will understand corba lol i updated so that it does not depend on language::help being loaded nickr ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: excellent just one question? what can I now blame for delays in finishing the geas driver? ToyMan ( left irc: Client Exiting neilt ( left irc: Ping timeout for neilt[] um blame the economy its a popular scape goat thanks lol blame da masta he's our best scape goat being anti vi this is funny Action: chillywilly is pro emacs, but not anti vi because I still use it...just not to code vi is faster for me still but you don't even need to "*" rm -fr / woudl work just as well what does that have to so with vi? s/so/do well i run GNU Emacs OS so there is no concept of 'faster for me' I mean typing wise all vi keys are in the home row my virtual lisp machine starts automagically chillywilly what is sad is im a lightning speed typist BUT h,j,k,l, to move around only if its coming from thought if some dicates to me i can type probably over a 100 words a minute well I type like shit give me a piece of paper to type and i probably type like 20 words a minute beat that! :P point being is its an 'unconscience' thing to type for me, if i have to 'think' about what im typing i cant emacs is same way example jcater in SF asked me how to cose emacs and i wasnt 'sure' i had to think for a minute I still do not know all the vi equivalents in emacs yet liek doing a search and replace....still not intuitive nevermind i open and close exacs files thousands of times in a day search and replace is alt-shift-% or M-% :1,$s/string/replace/g is there a shorter way to jump to lines in a file? cause it vim you just type the numer then 'G' emacs I do M-x goto-line then type the number more work chillywilly: :%s/string/replace/g what is '%' for? the whole file? yes oh, well I new there was a quicker way M-shfit-% is faster for that one I think but jumping to lines is faster in vim as to line jumping create a shortcut so you map your key combo to the m-x goto-line in your emacs file dneighbo: typically you compile something and get an error with a line number so you wanna jump there neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ dneighbo: do it is pretty arbitrary s/do/so chillywilly: when you compile from within emacs then emacs can jump to the error line automatically IIRC I use the shell I don't compile in emacs usually don't really know how either um you dnt have to compile emacs er sorry chilly i map keys all the time like pgup pgdn end home etc i have mapped so works more like a 'real' editor :) well I know emacs has all sorts of features, but learning how to exploit all of them is a chore :P do this in your .emacs file put at one time I read the whole manual, but I have since forgotten most of it (define-key ctl-x-map "@" 'goto-line) then restart emacs then you can do C-x @ 25 to jump to line 25 is that easy enough? ya I wish emacs could reload ,emacs without having to restart it um it can can you make it do that? how? i think it might be M-x reload-dot-emacs type M-x (tab) er M-x reload (Tab) and see if there is an option nope how about C-h b C-s reload ok add this to your .emacs file witch to the help buffer first ; Edit and reload initial file (.emacs)(defun reload-dot-emacs () "Checks to see if there is a buffer called .emacs, saves it, then loads from the .emacs file" (interactive) (if (bufferp (get-file-buffer '".emacs")) (save-buffer (get-buffer '".emacs"))) (load-file "~/.emacs") (message ".emacs reloaded successfully"))(defun edit-dot-emacs () "Loads the file .emacs" (interactive) (find-file-other-frame "~/.emacs")) er (defun reload-dot-emacs() (interactive) (if(bufferp (get-file-buffer ".emacs"))) (save-buffer(get-buffer ".emacs"))) (load-file "~/.emacs") (message ".emacs reloaded successfully")) on 3rd line remove last paren so then M-x reload-dot-emacs and M-x edit-dot-emacs? and those are called? this will then allow you to load at will or edit at will kewl yip via M-x where did you get those? you write them? rms told me hehe he said you shouldnt use vi, its a sin in the church of emacs lol but you practically need to know elisp to be an emacs expert btw: kidding, i ripped from someone elses .emac file once upon a time either way it is till funny still i ahve thought of making a repository for .emacs stuff as well as repository for emacs plugins supposedly someone else is working on this, thought it sucks :) ok (global-set-key [home] 'beginning-of-line)(global-set-key [end] 'end-of-line) (global-set-key [C-home] 'beginning-of-buffer) (global-set-key [C-end] 'end-of-buffer) (global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char) (global-set-key [?\C-z] 'undo) (global-set-key [?\C-x?\C-g] 'goto-line)are some common ones of course i prefer the @ for the goto-line if I past all that garbles stuff will emacs reformat it if I do C-M-\ after highlighting the buffer um if you know elisp :) C-h x i cant use emacs w/o this (background-color . "black") as it just look weird w/o it to me i.e. the default is white cool i love reading others .emacs files found way to kill startup message :) yea, I have a white background now and way to turn off ~backup files I hate those plz share backup~ you mean right? (setq make-backup-files nil) dude one thing I want it to do is set the column width to 80 I tried various things set this too (transient-mark-mode t) always uses 70 so when you do a ctrl space I have transient set on and move it highlights the region you are selecting you showed me that before yup (setq fill-column 80) for col width 80 iirc dneighbo: will that work for all modes though? I have various mode hooks i think it will, but not certain ;; Turn on auto fill when in DocBook mode (add-hook 'sgml-mode-hook (lambda () (turn-on-auto-fill))) ;; Turn on auto fill when in C mode (add-hook 'c-mode-hook (lambda () (turn-on-auto-fill))) ;; Turn on auto fill when in C++ mode as it might be possible a mode could 'override' it (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook (lambda () (turn-on-auto-fill))) auto-fill is a minor mode (set-fill-column 80) er, that doesn't seem to work though lemme try it your way werd hmm this is a cool one i could use some what's a quick way ti join lines? (defun insert-date-string () "Insert a formatted date." (interactive) (insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))) then create a key binding for it it wil insert the surrent date for you then? current (global-set-key (kbd 'C-c i") 'insert-date-string) yip neat so to put todays date on something you just would do C-c i uhuh or you could od M-x insert-date-string if you put those functions on there no way kick arse i didnt know you oculd do indirect buffers where each buffer has own major mode so say you are doing php work and you have myfile.php a lot of it is html and lot of it php you can create an indrect buffer (i.e. split the file into buffer pieces) and have the php mode for php buffer and html mode for html etc very cool yea, someone was talking about that before I think it was this guy in #hurd edrx I find this one useful ;; don't automatically add new lines when ;; scrolling down at the bottom of a buffer (setq next-line-add-newlines nil) i use notepad.exe its easier ya man but it is nothing compared to wordpad wordpad is da bomb! wordpad is too slow no way dude actaully a cool winblows editor is notespad with an "s" notespad forever! dneighbo: you see the Oracle Tech Network? GTK+ 1.3.9 is out API freeze dneighbo: you will enjoy this comment: chilly i really do want to write an article on teh silliness to me i DONT mind dependencies really in fact i like that it means softwrae is being REUSED the two issues are a. mandatory deps b. incompatiable upgrade paths a. is what he is discussing here or in my gnucash example why should i need guppi if i dont wish to do graphing or say in gnue why should i require ncurses if i only plan on gui etc the concept of 'plugin' needs to be more realized in such situations the other more irrating one to me is incompatiable issues you grab lastest app X and then you need latest foo library Y however if you get library Y newest version it breaks 15 other apps so you are required to upgrade those as well which then requires newer versions of other libs sometimes equating to unresolvable differences where you are told you can run x or y but not both hmm, but debian tends to care of all of that nicely....but I do see the point.....a guy just said to me that free software tends to have to think everyone has a development box and that they can compile options in when they should be configurable by the app and many maintainers no moving to this it works on distro x versoin x.x.x with desktop version x.x.x and /me has flashback to windows debian is not immune to this but generally pretty good about it but then people 'bitch' that debian is older packages etc they only handle it through having so many volunteers well and they have pretty stable packaging if libfoo vx.x.x breaks all the crap in tetsing you neeed an army to keep things sane and packages fixed and working then libfoo doent go to testing until the other packages use foo get upgraded which is unique as say for redhat yes, the package pools thing rocks project X relies on foo they insteall it on red hat and have to upgrade 20 packages and they do so and it works then they release the rpm now every fool that has redhat must do this debian on the other hand does this then fixes dependendices and has someone test so when it goes into 'testing' not only do project X and foo go it go in but all the stuff it forced to upgrade got resolved or upgraded as well so the debian user doing apt-get install project-x doenst have to 'deal' with it red hat doesnt have this 'luxury' as its release cycles are not nightly like debian testing is but potato has this problem :) yea jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. nite all reinhard (rm@ left irc: Those who say it can't be done should never stop those who are actually doing it. Nick change: neilt -> neil-away howdy so gcomm done yet? are you on crack? silly question... oh, ajmitch is here Action: ajmitch smacks chillywilly around morning :) you ever use Gnomemeeting? nope i've had no reason to :) i probably will sometime tho wanna use it why? for the hell of it cause I am bored i'd probably have to install it I need to find the mic though where the hell did I put it apt-get install gnomemeeting apt-get is busy hehe apt-get is finishing off a dist-upgrade Action: ajmitch wonders if he has a microphone Action: ajmitch doesn't know where it is tomorrow, maybe? i've still got to have a shower, and i've got an assignment to do by tonight ah, bother Setting up mozilla-browser (0.9.4-3) ... /var/lib/dpkg/info/mozilla-browser.postinst: line 29: 734 Segmentation fault regxpcom >/dev/null 2>/dev/null dpkg: error processing mozilla-browser (--configure): Action: ajmitch thinks he remembers the fix for that Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. has my BOFH Daemon ;-) Nick change: neil-away -> neilt chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[] chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( left irc: bbl l8r jamest ( left irc: [x]chat dneighbo ( left irc: [BX] *SUBLIMINAL*MESSAGE* USE BITCHX *SUBLIMINAL*MESSAGE* jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ chillywilly ( left irc: Read error to chillywilly[]: EOF from client mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. Mussi (x@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mussi (x@ left #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( joined #gnuenterprise. drawing a blank.. is it "business logic" which GEAS will handle? whats the common phrase? workflow neilt ( left irc: Ping timeout for neilt[] neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ Mr_You: business logic is business rules workflow is different Nick change: dnWork -> derek what will GEAS do? business rules today workflow in the future derek: what is the status on the workflow engine um the fellows from brazil plan on getting a grant from brazilian govt to develop at university wasn't there someone that we were going to use for workflow however the university is currently on strike. :( so that is stalled righ tnow they wanted to write workflow for GNUe there is XVCL which is kind of process flow definition (for menus) but not true XML er workflow its more XML process definition i still think that workflow should be integral to geas server and be integrated into all necessary business objects i think it HAS to be separate (i.e. work with or without geas) but it should be able to get down in the guts pretty good how can it be separate? because someone should be able to use GNUe Workflow w/o geas or any other parts of GNUe similar to say pegasus workflow (or other commericial workflow engines) there is a free software engine currently that might be worht looking at called wftk (work flow tool kit) if the brazilian folks dont go somewhere wftk looks promising derek: i understand the desire to make everything plug and play (tm) but you end up adding a lot of duplications and slowness to do that neilt: its the unix way for something that should be integral how about we do it the smart way :) i think that it is the smart way not that i know what smart is right now have you done done anything like implement workflow using notes on top of SAP? i have not nope, but i dont think notes is a good example of workflow either but i hear its a real support nightmare notes is 'groupware' what is a good work flow with some kludged concept of workflow all the banks used pegasus systems for workflow as workflow misrouting could cost them millions of dollars none of the programmers liked it cause it was boring to code in, but it was very effective i think bea also produced a similar product well i looked at wftk and with the time and effort we will spend adapting to the xml api would could write a workflow processor using native geas structures i guess i dont get it let mw look at the code a bit more is ibm's implementation i just said wftk was a free workflow kit that seemed promising was not suggesting per say we adopt it i thought workflow was just a set of process definitions that had objects that were passed along the processes to match the people processing (or participating) in the process yes and no i see many parts to workflow one would be the process definition itself :) xvcl looked interesting for that (though i didnt study much) the other compenent becomes notification (whihc products like lotus do as kludge via email or such) the last compenent becomes 'triggers' so to speak at least thats how i see it agree I don't see any problem with "seperating" GEAS functions into seperate daemons.. i have yet to see a product do all three well i assumed the need for triggers and notification Mr_You: i dont see a problem with that either as long as we have an option to use native geas objects neilt: fwiw, im VERY open in this area, as i have never seen a 'good' workflow solution :) integrated or otherwise such as GEAS:Workflow, GEAS:Business Login, and GEAS:Security and Authentication all seperate daemons communicating when needed i do want to use unix/GNU philosophy to try to make it so others can easily reuse our work w/o having necessarily use all of our components i agree that it should be separate module s/Login/Logic/ Mr_You: i agree partially i like the idea of options to be separate deamons or integral to geas that would be excellent you could maybe just do compile options ;-) btw finding there is standards body for this i like the goal of keeping our options open i think it will pay off in scalability might be worth digging around their site for a bit someday to get ideas im generally not real hot on vendor created 'standard' bodies that cost 1,000's to belong to, but they are a good idea to get a plus on things only $350/year membership what about creating a workflow layer? neilt: wow not too bad, must be a hoax ;) we all know a REAL standards group cost at least 10k a year to vote ;) that was non voting voting = $3500/year ah that sounds more like it :) bbl derek: in your vision of workflow does the client interface with workflow server using a separate protocol or using the geas idl? meaning is it parallel connection or thru geas it could do either i.e. say you are using 2 tier forms the forms client could talk to workflow in n-tier i woudl expect geas to talk to the workflow engine i.e. geas would be the 'client' to the workflow server dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres_[]: Connection reset by peer dres_ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: homebound hehe.. getting over a hundred downloads I'm sure.. of my bofh daemon on currently ahh slid down already well bbl neilt ( left irc: jamest ( left irc: [x]chat dtm ( got netsplit. dtm ( got lost in the net-split. gnuebot2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. gnuebot ( got netsplit. Nick change: gnuebot2 -> gnuebot Possible future nick collision: gnuebot dtm ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdean ( left irc: Ping timeout for mdean[] Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by ChanServ!s@ChanServ: GNU Enterprise : [If no one is home email] #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ --- Fri Sep 28 2001