[00:39] Last message repeated 1 time(s). reinhard (rm@N803P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard hey perlh (a@ joined #gnuenterprise. hey perlh hi chillywilly good morning good evening hehe Mon Oct 1 01:05:46 CDT 2001 then i guess it is good morening right something like that ok cool about time for bed or somethin' then did you and arc have any further discussion on vegan nah I like my meat too much anyway I mean I think it is cool and all, but I still feel that man is the superior being ;) somethings they do to animals are stupid though like unecessary testing ans I will not eat veil oh ok s/ans/and my mom is shouting at me when i told that here after i am not going to take milk and other milk derived products heheh she say milk is realy very good for our health water is the solvent of life but pepsi tastes a lot better ;P Action: chillywilly updates debian do you run debian are you there? hi dyfet yes debian sid (unstable) dave is AWK er, dyfet oh ok but he has put that he is away :( well i thought today i can get in touch with dave and know more about bayonee chillywilly: are you there chillywilly: are you there\ [01:40] Last message repeated 3 time(s). yes oh ya well if he ever comes back I am sure he will talk to you ;) oh ok cool no probs chillywilly so what did you do in the week end ummm I can't remember what I did on friday :( saturday night we took scotty to chuck e. cheese how about sat and sun oh ok cool whats special about it why dont you tell me it's a place for kids yu can go eat pizza and play games and such today I watched football :P went to my mom's house and but her grass for her s/but/cut nothing spectacular I guess oh ok grat are you not staying with ur parents no, caroline's parents :P who is that ? for the time being you never told about him fiance her oh cool so ur in love hehe and when are you planning to get married that's funny how you say that when I have some money :P oh ok cool we hav been together for almost 7 years well since how long have you two been in love oh cool I was just a youngin when I met her 17 but still you find her attractive and interesting and she also feels the same on you I am 23 now quiet stranghe not when you've found the one for you perlh: http://goats.gnue.org/~chillywilly/photos/ bah I should go to bed hehe ok fine sure take good care hope to catch you early good night man night all yeah goiod night but tell me at what time yes? shouylf i come to chat with ummm you for more than an hour atleast :( where are yuo again? India right? yeha [01:51] Last message repeated 1 time(s). yeeeehaaaaaw hheh just making fun of your typo ;) :( only kidding man whats the time there in us now almost 2am for th central time zone perlh: what kinda interbet connection you got? internet cable modem? well we are on a 256kbps leased line ooooh why chillywilly? cause my other friends in India have a crummy connection and never stay on IRC long oh ok i get ur point arun... and those guys :) ok cool although I haven't seen one of them in months he has his own company and a acable connection http://www.river-valley.com oh ok let me check it out chillywilly: pls tell me the time at waht time should i come daily uuuuh how about later at night f ryou that is for you you at work right now? yeha yeeehaaaa lol sorry I am goofy when aI do not sleep enough oh ok fine i am sorry if i am the cuase for it ;0 nah Action: chillywilly thwaps dyfet-away with a trout what i meant my trout and thwaps ? it means I wacked him upside the head with a fish a "virtual" slap anyway he deserves it anyway :o he never comes around yeah i also guess so then he gets on and goeas away for hours ;) nah, you stay and talk all th time :)) you're good dave baaaad bad dave anyway :)) I am onlyy kidding with him Dave's a grooovy guy oh so you mean to sat dave is a cool guy ? sat? say yea he's coooool I wonder if dtm is awake I know nickr is awake ? he;s just hiding oh ok how do you know that? well ok but why do they login in and hide Ia m psychic or something call me up and I'll read your future only $9.99 oer minute :)) s/oer/per hehe well actually the only person I know for sure that is awake is reinhard reinhard (rm@N803P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Ping timeout for reinhard[N803P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at] bah I jinxed him :) well ok but why do they login in and hide I dunno most of them are in bed probably ajmitch is at class dunno what happened to dave I think he fell in ;) dres is probably awake though Action: chillywilly pokes dres yeah i agree chillywilly but i am wondering why do they do that dres is a gnucash hacker so you can bug him about any annoing bugs ;o annpyng e, annoying s/e/er oh ok cool gnucash ok cool are ui ther> yea but not for long ok fine tommorow i will come early reinhard (rm@N803P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: [02:22] Last message repeated 1 time(s). chillywilly (danielb@d174.as3.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: :( perlh (a@ left irc: [x]chat perlh (a@ joined #gnuenterprise. perlh (a@ left irc: [x]chat schlegel (schlegel@ken.cs.curtin.edu.au) left irc: [x]chat perlh (a@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (ajmitch@p16-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p16-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch (ajmitch@p27-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (ajmitch@p27-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p27-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch (ajmitch@p15-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. sacha (sacha@chime-a-218.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. sacha (sacha@chime-a-218.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Killed (NickServ (This nick is reserved by another user)) sacha_ (sacha@chime-a-218.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: sacha_ -> SachaS perlh (a@ left irc: [x]chat neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ morning all hello neilt reinhard: hello, you out from under yet just a sec my screen seems to have some problem i am writing blind now basicall y brb reinhard (rm@N803P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinus ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. perlh (a@ joined #gnuenterprise. perlh (a@ left irc: Ping timeout for perlh[] reinhard (rm@N803P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. back jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ SachaS (sacha@chime-a-218.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Ping timeout for SachaS[chime-a-218.conceptual.net.au] perlh (a@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: hello, you out from under yet what did you mean with that? are you done with 36 hour days ah no i expect it to really start soon all up to now was just a preparation to the real thing worst time will be december and january but it's ok for me it gives me money which i need to survive the time when i will help develop gnue and not have much revenues over the next summer Action: neilt goes to check cvs to see if it all works yet :) neilt: you can look at gcdinfo so we have to be done with current changes mid november? this is a start neilt: s/we/reinhard/ ;) yep hi neilt hi reinhard perlh: hello perlh: hi reinhard: i have been tied up for the last couple of days writtting a simulation for scheduling a multi-machine production line hmmm... sounds like a interesting problem i just wish i could remember by stockastic process math and queueing theory classes anyway its all written in Python hehe hehe so myabe some of it will make it into gcd files the problem with all these mathematic theories is oh gr8 that when you learn them you don't believe that you ever will need it in real life :) reinhard: exactly SachaS (sacha@chime-a-133.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. oh man now that i do back to my textbook, i say, "so thats what that meant" from a mail to the gnome mailing list I am current out of the office for an indefinite period due to a military emergency. will its getting scarry we have called up our national guard to be security in airports and our military reserves to go towards the middle east jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp294308.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. like i said before i would not want to live outside of the US right now *blink* hi jbailey Hey'all. =) on another topic my 15" tft just crashed and i digged out my old 15" analogue monitor "crashes" like bounced off the floor? you would not believe the difference jbailey: no, it just stopped working i didn't do any harm to him not even did say rude things or what ... guess you don't say "him" to a monitor in the u.s. :) That's okay. I'm not in the US. =) reinhard: the difference? which is better? :) I *like* my new tft. it's like i can't read the text in xchat any more anil (anil@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hello all reinhard: ok i looked at gcdinfo, looks nice an simple, is that geas code? what is the irc channel for ORBit neilt: lol anil: probably you'll find it on irc.gnome.org not here anil (anil@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: Client Exiting reinhard: surely this wont stay in the code geas_cd_read_gcd ("../../../gnue-config"); dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d29.as14.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dneighbo rubs his eyes chilly it cant be later than like 9:20 there.... Action: chillywilly yawns Mon Oct 1 08:11:51 CDT 2001 you realize the sun just came up a few hours ago Action: dneighbo is worried chillywilly might be ill, that or he hasnt gone to bed yet ;) ya nah, I usually getup early now a days though its only 6:15 here, so i suppose the same could be said here ;) chillywilly: I understand. When I'm employed I can hardly drag my ass out of bed. =) the search must continue... bah plz shoot me Action: chillywilly notices how all these mailman's keep mailing him btw, dneighbo it is ppl like http://www.cgabriel.org that still give me hope for Gnome :) reinhard: gcdinfo seems to run fine just a couple of errors for list and reference key words yes for normal fields the info should be correct types are not yet extended, that will be the next steop step my only suggestion would be to remove one of the double lines at the end or beginning really? i had it like that before yes ok i get vertigo looking at the report vertigo? lose your sense of balance when you look at stripes ah or something to that effect :) ok 2 definitions found From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]: Vertigo \Ver"ti*go\ (?; 277), n.; pl. E. {Vertigoes}, L. {Vertigines}. [L., fr. vertere to turn. See {Verse}.] 1. (Med.) Dizziness or swimming of the head; an affection of the head in which objects, though stationary, appear to move in various directions, and the person affected finds it difficult to maintain an erect posture; giddiness. --Quian. 2. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of small land snails belonging to the genus {Vertigo}, having an elongated or conical spiral shell and usually teeth in the aperture. From WordNet (r) 1.6 [wn]: vertigo n : a reeling sensation; feeling about to fall [syn: {dizziness}, {giddiness}, {lightheadedness}] weee sorry swimming of the head heh chillywilly chris makes good gnocchi too ;) who is chris? Mmmmmm.. gnocchi. now I'm hungry. =) reinhard: and why is the field name prefixed with the classname? chillywilly Cgabriel oh duh Action: neilt leidet unter veritgo, wenn er den Report betrachtet. neilt: this is what we discussed before when different modules extend the same class ahh, ok es ist nicht der Report, sein zu vieles Bier dneighbo: hehe perlh (a@ left irc: uday (wirc2@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uday (wirc2@host-64-110-96-159.interpacket.net) left irc: Better than a quad Xeon @ 1,2GHz w/ 2gigs of RDRAM! WiRCirc.cjb.net dneighbo: leider bin ich nicht ein Biertrinker. es muß der Sprung sein Action: reinhard thinks he has activated the translation plugin for xchat accidentally heheh neilt: der Sprung? the jump? CRACK ah hehe lol did not think it would transalte this is in crack like in "the plate cracked" as in the drug yeah i understand you ppl smoke too much crack as it is ;) now you;re translating it into other laguages Action: chillywilly is worried now :P reinhard: so how do you call crack in german crack :) es muß crack sein ?? yes :) neilt: when we have that internal in-memory data structure that represents the class definitions would you think the automatic fields (like date created, user created, objectid etc.) neilt just goes to prove that crack is 'truly universal' should be in that structure too? or should the completely be handeled outside the classdef library reinhard: depends on how the structure is used i think it should be there, unless ok that's all object meta data right....er, most of it there are speed problems i don't believe there will be me either i see some parameters to gcdinfo in future as well as to the idl introspection methods like include automatic fields y/n yes, could be brb I think the introspection could be improved....it would be cool to do new obj.Class.theName(string) and stuff like that Nick change: neilt -> neil-away dres (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres[]: EOF from client dres (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. - back chillywilly: how do you mean that? I like Java's Interface it is pretty nice they have a class Class but there are some things like returning a list of classes that is GEAS specific so they differ some anyone here successfully get cygwin and xfree32 running? no tried but failed Action: dneighbo thinks we can NOT say that one must have cygwin to run GNUe stuff on windows :) registered winaxe its too painful you can require cygwin if you ship the cygwin.dll and use gtk as the widget set. dneighbo: how is cygwin painful? jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uh oh Nick change: neil-away -> neilt uh oh? just teasing j er, jc moring' err, morning reinhard: actually, if i were doing the formatting i would do the following - printf ("CLASS %s [%s]\n(file %s)\n", geas_cd_class_get_name_full (c), + printf ("\n\nCLASS %s [%s]\n(file %s)\n", geas_cd_class_get_name_full (c), neilt: and remove the =======line? do i did not remove the one ==== line s/do/no/ CLASS person::name_suffix [person__name_suffix] (file ../../../gnue-config/base/person/classes/person.gcd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field name Field Type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- person::language ref. to language::language person::suffix char< 8> =============================================================================== CLASS person::comm_type [person__comm_type] (file ../../../gnue-config/base/person/classes/person.gcd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field name Field Type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- person::descr char< 35> person::code char< 8> person::format char< 70> =============================================================================== sorry spaces were eaten up in the post neilt: please just change and commit ok thanks bbl must visit customer reinhard (rm@N803P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinus Nick change: neilt -> neil-away Action: chillywilly is away: painting the garage jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp294308.sympatico.ca) left irc: Ping timeout for jbailey[HSE-Toronto-ppp294308.sympatico.ca] jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp294308.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d29.as14.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: piss and moan [11:22] Last message repeated 1 time(s). rough day? somethign like that hey what is that free vmware deal? and does it run on windows? so you can make linux inside windows im getting no where fast on cygwin got clearance to move to lyx for docs but only if can make work on windows machines plex86.org or bochs.com not sure which you are asking about jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp294308.sympatico.ca) left irc: Ping timeout for jbailey[HSE-Toronto-ppp294308.sympatico.ca] or, do as I do, VNC to a linux box :) that's the easiest way to get linux apps on windows :) hmmm honestly that might be a solution more than one person can do an session to vnc right? as i would need 3 people to share oen linux machine at that point ajmitch (ajmitch@p15-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p15-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch (ajmitch@p15-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (ajmitch@p15-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p15-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz] dneighbo: I don't know about that but why not just use lyx for windows? nevermind i see why not ajmitch (ajmitch@p15-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. :) i was going to but cygwin + X + TeX on windows is a beast for just my machine no problem to maintain on like 5 machines no way :) jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp294746.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: neil-away -> neilt dneighbo: we have 4 ppl vnc'ing to the same linux box they all have their own session (i.e., I vnc to :1, someone else to :2, etc) jcater: you have to do anything special to do that? or doesn vnc just do it by default? I have an init.d that does a "su - user -c 'vncserver -depth 24'" for each user that starts it up w/their login you will have to help me out when teh time comes :) be a few weeks yet ok that's how we developed w/gnuef (as I haven't been brave enough to run designer on win98) chicken hehe, I never claimed otherwise the thing i LOVE about this statement is how it must sound to a windows admin 'i would rather set up one machine to offer a multiuser simulatenous GUI interface to the users on my network rather than deal with the headache of running something on win98' seeing how remote GUI for one person is nearly impoosible for windows and remote GUI for multiple people is like a 60k dollar solution at best it must sound most odd :) lol But it says MICROSOFT, it MUST be GOOD! ja good at emptying your available budget good at collecting viruses hey now thats incorrect it doesnt 'collect' them it gladly 'shares' them sorry 'breed', 'incubate'. in fact redmond wants to know why RMS has such a problem with windows it has shared code red faster than ANY opensource/freesoftware program to date thus 'shared source' is better than 'free software' in fact those doubting the power search google for code red and you aget about 750,000 sites a search for 'ms office' gets you noly 330,000 therefore can we venture to say its a bigger hit than office ;) rofl jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp294746.sympatico.ca) left irc: Ping timeout for jbailey[HSE-Toronto-ppp294746.sympatico.ca] jbailey (jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N803P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. hi Hi whats new? Action: jbailey is away: Nap time... mmm... nap ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Exiting I've been questioning my sense of purpose with computers... I guess a balance is needed balance . . . . . you have come to the wrong place jbailey you cant take a nap unless you have enought ot share w/ everyone I'm pretty convinced are gov't (and maybe russia) are screwing the human race by with-holding ET technology.. s/are/our/ Extra Terristrial technology? I could point you to the info, but its a very personal subject and some just don't want to hear it (part of the problem) http://www.disclosureproject.org/, majesticdocuments.com gonna finish watching the video Mr_You? a gov't screwing it's ppl? how could you think such a thing its ppl is one thing, the human race is another I' I'm not sure I can see the distinction the purpose of gov is to screw the human race but I'll take your word jcater: two different scales IMO Action: dneighbo thinks you all have it right for once part of me wants to just be ignorant of it all masta is employed to screw people ;) part of me wants to drop everything and do something employed or implored? latter um latter oh jcater: maybe we can talk to maricopia and get his status changed to impaled jamest: im 'classified' employee, so thats not possible at this time sigh, figures we could always call in the fbi, they arrest anybody now days ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. lol chillywilly (danielb@d23.as10.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. uh oh, run! muuuwahahhahaha you get the garage painted? I wish my pcmcis modem didn't suck pcmcia yup it dial and then nogotiates twice and picks the slower speed dials pwd woops ok, time to boogie I'll be back though...muuuwwahahahhaha chillywilly (danielb@d23.as10.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: l8r while (list) { if (!list i guess this is called defensive programming :) :) better than offensive programming :) lol something like that? typedef void QueryData; typedef struct __QueryData _QueryData; if you dont bath is it considered offensive programming? or only if you dont bath and od pair programming? hmmm... if you think not bathing is offensive programming, then stay out of GNUe Reports, you might get offended just kidding... but you will probably get a massive migraine hehe nite all reinhard (rm@N803P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinus ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Exiting Burlington Coat Factory will install Linux on 1,150 computers in its 250 stores over the next 12 to 18 months. "Burlington will run Red Hat Software Inc.'s version of Linux on 1,250 Dell OptiPlex® PCs for office management, to administer its Baby Registry and to handle back-office functions such as shipping and receiving. Dell will factory-install Red Hat Linux software through its DellPlus service on the OptiPlex GX1 computers, giving Burlington the ease and efficiency of PCs that arrive ready to use." that's sweet of em jcater: isn't that an old announcement/ ? I dunno Action: jcater doesn't stay in touch dtm: not sure home depot entire POS system is Linux (iirc) i think burlington did same who is burlington? this might just be a 'contituation' of it oh Coat Factory i.e. first POS now back office, shipping and registries shame Dell doesnt find it 'profitable' to ship Linux on teh 'desktop' ;) jason still woudl like to do a press release on gnue for your subsidary and possibly case study IBM Corp. announced Thursday what it called the biggest ever commercial use of Linux, inking a deal to outfit a Japanese convenience chain called Lawson Inc. with more than 15,000 IBM eServer xSeries running the alternative operating system. and Korean airline uses Linux (ibm) excluseively dneighbo: me too is there a list of business users of linux someplace? neilt: dont konw but would be nice to add to our site :) a 'case studies' section for ANY enterprise with linux deployment i might make a topic of such and then when i run accross these hyperlink to them with a short desc then if someone asks can just click on that topic to get a list jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: [x]chat dneighbo: he got away!!! jcater: he wont get far, unless he gnawed off his foot Action: dneighbo is gonna go to mad max style development chain programmer foot to computer w/ a bomb and give mad max options a. code a release of x in 2 days b. naw through foot in 3 days c. bomb goes off in 4 das er days actually that would be a good commerical for M$ guy chained to burning building lol... "Microsoft Entrerprise Solutions" m$ exec says see that is the new upgrade scheem (points to building) drops a hacksaw you can cut through the cuffs in about 3 days or you can cut through the bone in 2 days upgrade will be here in 3 you choose what you watn to do Action: dneighbo thinks thats about accurate to what position they are taking Action: dneighbo figures most are too chicken to 'cut thier foot off' so instead get 'consumed' but, why wouldn't you upgrade? dont like to be consumed by high intensity fire ;) at least one of my offices is almost an M$-free zone :) I've about decided the other one can burn :) oops, was that libelous? well, maybe libelous was wrong word assuming your not violating any eula's in exercising free speech :) Nick change: dyfet-away -> dyfet no carnivore... stay away... it was a joke!! Action: jbailey is back (gone 02:14:51) Carnivores? Yuck. =) /msg fbi_handler, no that was jcater he's ok Oh, I have some news... A new 0.7.0 release of Bayonne is comming out shortly er...GNU Bayonne :) dneighbo: is it true that we did not release any software in september? heh Now I wish I released Bayonne a week earlier :) Well, it's not too late to backdate the bayonne tarball 24 hours... Nick change: dyfet -> dyfet-away ajmitch (ajmitch@p15-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p15-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch (ajmitch@p9-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: must leave be back in an hour dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) left irc: [BX] I got sucked into /dev/null! ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip38.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Mussi (x@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mussi (x@ left irc: dyfet-away (dyfet@ left irc: Client Exiting dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) got netsplit. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip38.albany.thebiz.net) got netsplit. dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) got lost in the net-split. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip38.albany.thebiz.net) got lost in the net-split. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip38.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (mdean@arc10x108.kcnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip38.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: [x]chat jbailey (jbailey@ left irc: Client Exiting derek: is you there? im here what did you do for account/contact notes? what do you mean ah hold on i have not done it yet :) its just note or notes or something in the tables it needs to be account_notes contact_notes tables like the others i just didnt do it yet i can do now though and send as i had started i think ok - I was going to start putting that together in DCL give me like 10 minutes maybe? have one emergency mail to respond to then will fix and send to you ok jcater: you here? mdean has a project dcl (that you should be using if you havent converted yet) here SachaS (sacha@chime-a-133.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Ping timeout for SachaS[chime-a-133.conceptual.net.au] really? but beyond that i think there is good possiblity for him to use our data manager idea when did this happen? i.e. XML files for update/create/delete of tables at install/upgrade time mdean: is author of Double Choco Latte and he has oracle support now :) oh, I though you were saying he had a different dcl untested yip, we've been using it about a month now (not the Oraclized version) sigh does this mean I'll have to recompile PHP w/Oracle support? jcater: if you arent using oracle support dont :) as oracle isnt free :) but if you wanted to test the install for mdean he would probably like it :) well, there would be advantages to me going to an Oracle install since all our stuff is on oracle (advantages w/backup rotation, custom reports) (although he already gives us perty complicated reporting options :) jcater well i plan on him using our report engine too :) and contact manager um trying to marry gnue and dcl :) /msg jcater and he seems to be falling for it, stoopid sucka well, what's the hold up w/him using our report engine? oh yeah, I haven't finished it sigh... I need more hours in the day mdean: btw, excellent project. I've testing many (many) project management products, and your model provides the most bang for the buck testing=tested IOW: it's actually usable hehe - thanks! jcater: actually expects zero bucks to produce a 'bang' silly rabbit well, given that, it produces one hell of a bang for the money involved mdean: patch on way its just a diff against cvs so it includes other patch as well derek: ok - thanks! i think i just scared the sales man he comes to door with two giant doggies barking and i ask what he has, he says papa john stuff hmmmm ask price and what it is, not letting him do sales pitch... he says free pizza i say how much he says 25 bucks, i say do you take checks and its done.... he was kinda like thinking i have a serious pizza addiction or something :) you mean your giant GNU superhero painted on your driveway and your license plate that reads "ITSFREE" doesn't scare them off automatically a giant 'its free' sticker on my hoopty, would probably lead someone to deduce they meant i was begging people to take the car speaking of which of m$ licensing gets much worse i think i might slap a 'Don't laugh its paid for' on my computers ;) rofl how about "FREE IT" jcater: it was a joke, but seriously even now licenses are so expensive we 'lease' at the county so techically thier stuff isnt 'paid for' yuck Action: jcater wants a license plate that reads either "HOWDY", "HI YALL", or "I DUNNO" btw: the new 'upgrade policy' in first year could cost county over 100,000 in just 'difference' of what was expected wow mdean: so you implementing all these changes ? I think you scared him away i created the tables but havent started the ui's yet I know you'd scare me if you actually sent patches our way :) not quite sure how i want to do it as there are two distinct views one from the company that looks at accounts then derives contacts and one that deals with contacts and then looks at accounts though in this instance we are less of the 'home' user approach so probably better to go from premise you find the account and get a list of contacts Action: derek will mock something up here soon Action: derek needs to hunt some caffienated liquid down derek: http://www.9lupine.com/blogger/dewdeath.html be careful! ROFLMAO there's a faq for caffeine: http://www.cs.unb.ca/~alopez-o/Coffee/caffaq.html roflmao well it would take over 260 cans for me 45 or so 12 packs a day, no problem ;) Probably more importantly, before you ever got this much caffeine in your system the sugar content would put you into an insulin coma. The sugar'd kill ya long before the caffeine did. is classic oh i cant stop laughing Caffeine-Induced Organic Mental Disorder 305.90 Caffeine Intoxication there is a real disorder for caffiene overdose derek: ja - I'm implementing the changes rat now * At least five of the following signs: 1. restlessness 2. nervousness 3. excitement 4. insomnia 5. flushed face 6. diuresis 7. gastrointestinal disturbance 8. muscle twitching 9. rambling flow of thought and speech 10. tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia 11. periods of inexhaustibility 12. psychomotor agitation 8 explains a lot of what i see at the linux world expos :) rofl #2 and #3... and I thought it had to do with the goats get this they are talking about lethal doses One exceptional case documents survival after ingesting 24 grams. The minimum lethal dose ever reported was 3.2 grams intravenously, this does not represent the oral MLD (minimum lethal dose). must have been a programmer 24 GRAMS of caffiene thats one wired bastard a vivarin has 200mg if that puts the 24g in any sort of perspective ouch how in the world do you ingest that much? rob a walgreens after your buddies tell you it's crack? The toxic dose is going to vary from person to person, depending primarily on built-up tolerance. A couple people report swallowing 10 to 13 vivarin and ending up in the hospital with their stomaches pumped, while a few say they've taken that many and barely stayed awake. 10 or 13 and not stay awake? (definitely geeks) i get caffiene gut all the time on saturdays i cant get up and if i hit fridge and tehre is cold two liter of dew i will suck about the whole thing down w/o thinking then get cramped up like all get out if i sludge a donut or two down first no ill effects :) Action: derek wonders why he has trouble 'losing weight' mmm... donuts I was trying to figure out what to do for dinner thanks, derek! Action: jcater is salivating over thoughts of krispie kreme! dew washes down kk quite nicely (imho) rofl: in the faq: How to make your own chocolate Here's the recipe for making a real chocolate beverage. Important steps are in boldface. Ingredients 1-2kg (2-4pounds) of cocoa beans. A manually operated grinder. mmm donuts hehe...OAKLAND, California (UPI) -- Coffee may be good for life. A major study has found fewer suicides among coffee drinkers than those who abstained from the hot black brew. because it causes minor euphoria what they don't mention are people deprived of coffee after becoming addicted (omg, my starbucks closed down! ) rofl coffee is gross yip freaking getting killed by support emails today calagon take me away jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: home derek: if I prefix the table names with dcl_, how much effort does that require to change an existing forms app? just a quick tweak? Action: mdean thinks calagon answered derek's call... jbailey (jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. um lets see gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) left irc: Ping timeout for gnuebot[mail.libertydistribution.com] would have to be chagned to in one spot per form :) gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. derek: cool - I'm going to prefix them then (had a few requests to put prefixes on so multiple apps can be installed in one db) yikes thats bad form not prefixing per say but lots of apps single db about only place i could justify it is something like virtual hosting whree someone only gets one db assigned to htem some people have no choice, tho - like sf.net gives you one db yep yip you know what would be nice well never mind just prefix it was thinking at install time you could give option to prefix or not ja - someone else wanted to be able to pick the prefix, which would be about the same amount of work have you got the XML schema for your DDL tool figured out? or I could start with what I did for the phpgw schema_proc classes dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) joined #gnuenterprise. um we do have it i think jcater should be back very soon he is only 10 minutes from home but was going ot stop by krispy kreme :) he has it ok jcater (jason@1Cust203.tnt5.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek is in tech support nightmare 10th techsupport 'email' tonight.... i think im down to only 3 more left jcater: what is state of our xml query stuff i know you had something dummied up at one point mdean wants to implement in php so if we have a start of an xml spec that we could work from we might have a guinea pig um I'll have to look around it's probably in the reports directory in the reports directory there is a GRSqlToXml.py script in the reports directory if you feed it a SELECT statement, it spits back out an XML markup I'll have to look around for the actual docs, though SachaS (sacha@chime-a-4.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. ah - so you don't have one to do DDL? There were two things I was working on one was an XML-Query spec (what I was just telling you about) the other was a schema markup sounds like you are asking about the latter lemme look ja - do you have a spec for it? I did something similar for phpGW that I could translate to XML i HATE mail problems mdean: well jcater has something even more evil :) it breaks tables into gnue packaging groups mdean: http://www.ncsmags.com/gnue/ExtendingGNUe.txt but i think that is relevant to phpgw at lease least because it would allow to maintain say calendar from contact etc in grand scheme please give us feedback jcater: i think also we could make the package stuff wrapper and the otehr stuff universal mdean: it has not been polished, so any comments are certainly welcome so any ubiquitious datahandling project could reuse the table/column/row stuff... so you could use with or without packaging portions hmm.. I need to move that to ash :) yeah man move your ash how do you plan to handle schema upgrades? say the ap_payment_terms increases description to size 50? it would be the responsibility of the specific db driver to issue an alter table, for example right - but how would you determine the need for an upgrade? and exactly what DDL needs to be executed to gracefully perform it without data loss? course, my example doesn't involve data loss ;-) well, the driver would know how to read the schema details for its brand of database of course, I guess this isn't flawless If the field is a primary key, you can't exactly change it you're not planning on doing a "diff" style upgrade, are you? ja re: pk well, it's not flawless it does require some future planning on the part of the designer If your whole model is changing, this won't provide for a seemless upgrade right It needs some sort of "translation" upgrading, but I suppose this is a "diff" style system or a minimum requirement style definition this is a very important consideration when skipping versions mdean: you are requiring me to think that's not nice :) hehe have you seen what I did with phpGW? no btw, my initial thinking on those specs were "Extending" systems not necessarily upgradingh" yeah - I like the extending part so it is a little lacking in that area im thinking that in the upgrading part for non data loss stuff its straight forward alter table and move along for data loss you need a way to map so that a temp table is created and dumped to original table gets dropped and recreated adn then reloaded with the temporary dump that poses it's own set of problems, of course i didnt say would be easy but it is possible i would say for now we focus on the 'incremental' upgrade not the 'you poor bastard' upgrade :) but we should be thinking about it :) hehe... once we get integrator working, just tell them to keep the old system up and running and "integrate" it with the new one :) btw: mdean we have issues as we have class files, forms, reports etc (on top of just schemas) and of course the tools get upgrades too :) so we need a lot more answers than just this :) as you could feasibly upgrade a tool w/o upgrading your reports/forms/tables etc or vice versa yip... I was new to the project when I wrote that Action: jcater was so naive at the time s/at the time// im thinking we will have something like an apt-get type thing for our stuff eventually yes - it sounds like an incremental upgrade process needs to take place that is gnue specific process == programmatic derek: Thinking of apt, I finally have my gnupg key back. =) yeah roflmao i just went to the potty, i came out and left the lid up my 3 year tells me ' daddy can you fix it, when we go potty we dont like it like that' derek: do we really need to knwo this? sounds just like my wife ;) lol http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/phpgroupware/setup/doc/setup3.txt?rev=1.2&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup hope that works - this is how phpGW handles upgrades - maybe some useful info in there hmmm possibly it seems somewhat similar to the xml way i want to make sure we do an xml way thats useful to any freesoftware project as this is a big issue i hope to make a gui for it as well or use dia etc yeah - I wrote those classes outside of phpgw and use for integrator, but i digress :) difference is that phpGW relies on the developer to write schema upgrades not needed if your "customers" utilize every upgrade but that is a bit far fetched to expect in production environments right im proposing for now we make an xml schema that makes sense and works that is the incremental upgrade (the unrealistic model) for now as it allows those following a cvs type environment to follow along and then we start a more elaborate non-incremental way to deal with things we can use xml-rpc to make it sound cool even ;) lol SOAP Schema(tm) take the xml-rpc foo and wash it with some SOAP to get clean Java Beans. Thus avoiding CORBA snakes without using a .net. hmmmm - I wonder if there's a book for that... yes "Recovering from Crack Addiction" Crack? or Caffeine? yes hehe jbailey (jbailey@ left irc: Client Exiting there's a difference? spelling ah a regional difference perhaps (like pop vs coke vs soda?) yeah I call it crack, you call it caffeine, and derek, well, he just calls it mountain dew rofl i prefer dr.pepper BUT diet mtn. dew tastes better than diet dr.pepper my daughter used to call it Mountain Dude so if coke is on sale its diet coke gives a nice twist to "Do the Dew" if pepsi is on sale its diet mtn dew mdean: rofl we have a kids pizza place here called peter piper pizza (lots of video games and the such) my 3 year old calls it 'peter hyper pizza' which is more 'appropriate' really lol hey i think i just dug out of support email mdean: you have screen shots of what you are doing or care to explain how you see the UI fo rthe contact stuff so i can 'borrow' ideas? no - but I know what I'm going to do ok what you going to do (btw i will build the type table editors first, so you can QUICKLY enter types :) there's the account detail that shows the account table fields then a section each for email, phone, address, notes, etc each section shows either all or some of the items for that account possibly a list of contacts (but would be better in a separate partial list) each email, phone, address, etc has a like to edit/delete or add a new one contacts will be done the same way make sense? hmmm kind of need a visual me thinks i was thinking of doing something like company ___________________________ other info ________________- address ____________________ blah _______________- then doing first name last name phone in a grid or something and if you clicked on the contact it popped up the contact record for that person OR do the account on one tab then have a contact tab and if you go to it it has contacts i can think of about 10 diff ways actually not sure i like any of them too much thats why im asking you :) been LONG time since i saw CRM stuff if you show a contact list, you'll probably want to make the list a partial set and browse through it like 25 at a time or something nite all jcater (jason@1Cust203.tnt5.memphis3.tn.da.uu.net) left irc: later mdean that is all handled via gnue there is a property on datasets called 'cache' it lets you set the 'buffer' and then in the grid it would only show a finite number at one time nice ok im caught up on mail ready to make some screens where are you putting this stuff? so i can make appropriate directories in my local cvs copy nowhere yet - I'm working on DDL ok where do you want it :) gnue forms (gfds) change all pgsql columns to default nextval constraints mdean: you want me to do that, or you are? a gnue directory would be cool I'm doing it or your pissed i did on some ? ok whew pretty much done now merging your contact/account tables into upgrade script cool let me know when done and i will check it out from cvs and create the db here to test as well so you want say ~/cvs/dcl/gnue/ ? oh wait i have that dir already.... hmmm snap i have some .gfd's out there did i send them to you already. ;) amazing what you find lying around what do you use for default dbname? dcl/ yep you want write access to dcl cvs? nah not yet that infers im willing to get blamed :) i have an id on sourceforge if you want to add me to the project hehe - already on it! and then if it gets to be im sending you too many patches it will be easy to turn it on you have working gnuef right? you can just maintain the /gnue directory if you want yep as i might produce an on slaught here in a minute :) you're in - you can maintain the gnue/ directory and send patches for the rest if you like ok crap, i think i have expiremental version of forms right now darn darn darn and getting new cvs will require an upgrade of python maybe i wont be churning it out tonight :( you still on 1.5.x? yeah only cause lazy, not for any techical reason (and only on my laptop, elsewhere im 2.x) I'm on 2.0 on my desktop - d/l ActiveState Py 2.1.1 for my laptop im running activestate at work (winblows) trying to get some com crap to work crap crap crap Action: derek smacks self minor problem boss :) forms doesnt play well with column names as it doesnt wrap the calls with "" so column desc fails but column "desc" doesnt see the issue :) uhhhhh i thought hmm desc is probably bad col name when i did it ah how boot descr or description im a verbose kind of guy either will wrok for more though forms really needs to be fixed to "" the column names ja let me see if thats a 5 minute hack or not not easy change well might not be too bad but need to ask jcater or jamest questions so we can either change or wait till tomorrw probably easier to change im changing now want patch :) i noticed in other tables you spelled description out patch for patch? so iam as well ok yip patch for patch for patch though probably easier to search and replace in emacs than send you a patch i think there are only like 5 occurrances much better one form down another form down chillywilly (danielb@d134.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. darn no neilt? I need to thank him for thie gret book great Pyhton Essential Reference pretty cool he mailed it to me that was very cool of him :) Action: chillywilly fires off an email another one down :) squi squi? s' qui er s'oui not qui :) uh, ok i used to work on as a warehouse manager these guys were really perverted well you see they used to say 'sweet' all the time Action: chillywilly might take his old summer job for a while just so he has some money wow that car is sweet etc then one night they got a girlie magazine called Oui so it went from sweeeet it was french? to s oui oui -- sounds like weeeee so they would say yea s'oui mag yes in french right? all the time yip and its just stuck with me to this day.... Action: chillywilly took french in middle school btw hey I wanna demo GNUe some time at our LUG what di you think o' masta s/di/do night y'all mdean (mdean@arc10x108.kcnet.com) left irc: Client Exiting poop i missed him i think good idea i am planning to do so at mine maybe i will give you the slides or vice versa okie dokie I think I am gonna learn how to do magic point or something i went to play magicpoint (its really cool) but the docs suck etc and i started to think you know what i dont have time for this ok and i got staroffice and its wonderful presentations in seconds very very nice marcus brikmann has a whole Hurd presentation done in magic point he gave the talk at the LSM its very nice I think I'll look at his files i just have no desire to learn hard to learn software that i use infrequently nickr: yes it is nickr: I am really loving thr mach reference guide he threw together....now maybe some of use mortals can understand Mach Yea :) now we only need the Hurd reference Guide updated and then we have somewhere to point ppl and something to use to learn he told me he was gonna take a stab at it Action: chillywilly likes this python ref manual New Riders has some other kewl books heh, I didn't know Havos wrote a book on KDE Development too er Havoc he's got gtk+/gnome gpp development and kde app development s/gpp/app Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) got netsplit. SachaS (sacha@chime-a-4.conceptual.net.au) got netsplit. chillywilly (danielb@d134.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) got netsplit. dres (dres@ got netsplit. Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by ChanServ!s@ChanServ: GNU Enterprise : http://www.gnue.org [If no one is home email info@gnue.org] dres (dres@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) returned to #gnuenterprise. SachaS (sacha@chime-a-4.conceptual.net.au) returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d134.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) left irc: Read error to nickr[sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net]: EOF from client SachaS (sacha@chime-a-4.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Client Exiting nickr (nick@sdsl-64-32-227-138.dsl.nyc.megapath.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ derek: you can't leave my channel no fair huh? [23:08:11] <-- derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) has left #freedevelopers :( Action: chillywilly is channel master there ya know --- Tue Oct 2 2001