[01:31] Last message repeated 1 time(s). reinhard (rm@N801P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. dres__ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ got netsplit. dres_ (dres@ got lost in the net-split. jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ well, I managed to slip past the nice men in the white coats and find a terminal reinhard (rm@N801P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Ping timeout for reinhard[N801P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at] neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. oh no i missed neilt :( Action: derek dials arkham asylum and lets them know they have an escapee dres__ (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout for dres__[] dres__ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinus jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: Ping timeout for jamest[hobbes.math.ksu.edu] dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: howdy hi dres__ (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres__[]: Connection reset by peer dres__ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dres__ (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres__[]: Connection reset by peer dres_ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. http://www.somethingawful.com/news/10-24-2001/anthrax/index.htm jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres__ (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout for dres__[] chillywilly (danielb@d144.as1.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout for dres_[] dres_ (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: [x]chat btw, why are ou guys calling this abstraction thingy GComm when Dave has a project called GNU Comm (GComm fr short)? as far as I'm concerned, GComm is our internal package name... to the external world, it's GNUe Common but that is a good point jcater: i dont have my python books with me you know how to make an md5 string from a normal string? in python? normally i have a php script to do this but left laptop at home import md5 m = md5.new(string) m.digest() I think or, for simplicity, print md5.new(string).digest() :) hmmm it prints funny stuff though '\003\340=W@\226%\227\335\260c\026\254)\237\033' is its output try .hexdigest() if you are wanting hex output ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Exiting argh! any cvs experts here? I fscked up i might be able to help cvs but .hexdigest() gets errors hmm 6e53fcfa862e45bf0167068480d403f6 is more type output im looking for what version of python you using? sigh 1.5.2 this is a work machine as I think hexdigest was added 2.0 ok let me try that BUT from geas/DBdriver.py: def _make_passkey(self, user, passwd, random): m = md5.new(user + '-' + passwd + '-' + random) return self._hexstr(m.digest()) def _hexstr(self, s): h = string.hexdigits r = '' for c in s: i = ord(c) r = r + h[(i >> 4) & 0xF] + h[i & 0xF] return r you can probably adapt that how do I delete a friggin directory in cvs? I accidentally added __init__.py as a directory, not a file :( ah pimp slap, 2.0 works just fine (thanks :)) rm dir er remove the directory in your local copy then remove it in cvs it wont 'delete' the stupid dir you have to 'manually' do that in cvs? yeah :( iirc crap dont quote me on that, but i recall some evil like htat you must be right because I keep trying to cvs delete it and it appears to work also we shoudl fix driver code to use hexdigest but when I update or co, it comes back I'll do that :) doesn't jamest have access to the cvs server? yip he does but he's already gone for the day jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: bbiab javaguy (ian@dyn1-tnt1-29.columbus.oh.ameritech.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hiya javaguy Hey CW. Wassup? CW: you do any Java coding? uh, I took it as an elective...wrote a text editor in Swing Action: chillywilly has sinced graduated from college what is pyro? a punk that lights your shorts on fire for fun? :) CW: that sounds vaguely familiar. Some gnome python app? hey derek dneighbo: looks like some distributed object thingy check out jc's spec for Gcomm pyro is an object system like what gcomm will be by same guys that wrote pygmy the python email client i was talking to jcater about it when talking about pygmy jbailey (jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. bye bye dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) left irc: BitchX: the cure for the common client javaguy (ian@dyn1-tnt1-29.columbus.oh.ameritech.net) left irc: Ping timeout for javaguy[dyn1-tnt1-29.columbus.oh.ameritech.net] jcater (jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-222.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. wassup? sup g yo bbs yo I need a production quality GNUe web shopping cart ;-) either that or I customize interchange so I'd rather work on the former we there yet? ;-) chillywilly (danielb@d144.as1.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: anything is possible I know, but ideally we need to get ideas on some sort of php and GEAS interface guess I'll just customize interchange.. hopefully actually have it done in a few days lo? ;-) Mr_You: howdy hey anyone done any documentation or work on a php interface? um not to my knowledge however I don;t think it'd be too difficult first you'd need php<->corba mappings then I'd think you could access GEAS w/o much problem well at that point, I need to access inventory, etc.. is that possible? I guess anything is possible.. our inventory package isn't completed but if you have an inventory package you should be able to access it via geas IIRC php4 includes a builtin CORBA module I need dual functionality, GNUe Forms client and web functions (btw, I'm not a good person to talk w/about geas as I'm not active in that part of the project; I'm just telling you what little I know :) are you sold on using PHP? not really, but its pretty easy and efficient on resources I know a web interface for GNUe Forms is in the works, but I'm sure you need something relatively quickly well madlocke was working on that, but as you probably know, he's been out of commission (sick) lately my understanding is that it pretty much works but he got quite ill before we got his code that sounds good, I'd love to get my hands on anything in the works well ahh I do know it is based on webware.sourceforge.net which I was checking out today (basically Python-based web application services cool looking not sure if this was any help or not well lets hope he gets well yes my understanding is that he is better, but is currently in moscow but hopefully will return home soon we hope :) ok, how soon, you know? webware and GNUe might be interesting MicahY (micah@c1306879-a.salem1.or.home.com) joined #gnuenterprise. well bbl Action: Mr_You & back hhe heh, derek posted a question about memory test speed hmm um that's an odd question for us yeah http://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/ wonder if that would work for them they need to pay me for research I need the money ;-) lol hehe "Go here" "and I appreciate a small donation" heh heh I might email him hi all hi --- Thu Oct 25 2001