[01:05] Last message repeated 1 time(s). reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: Read error to psu[manorcon.demon.co.uk]: Connection reset by peer Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away sacha_ (sacha@chime-a-207.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Ping timeout for sacha_[chime-a-207.conceptual.net.au] dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) left irc: Read error to dtm[m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com]: EOF from client sacha_ (sacha@chime-a-130.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) joined #gnuenterprise. sacha_ (sacha@chime-a-130.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Client Exiting roby (nospamjpro@APh-Aug-102-1-3-124.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p12-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p12-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch (me@p12-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ chillywilly (danielb@d176.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p12-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p12-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch (me@p12-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d176.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d176.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client danielb (danielb@d176.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. does anyone know of any Free OLAP servers? l6r er, l8r even danielb (danielb@d176.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to danielb[d176.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client jcater (jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-222.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater[HubA-mcr-24-165-193-222.midsouth.rr.com] jcater (jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-222.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. morning hello captain please beam me up there's no intelligent life down here :) :) Thanks for beaming me up. Oh no, there is no intelligent life here either, now what do we do? lol anything exciting happening arround here lately? not really a lot of people asked for the geas forms driver lately :) are some of you looking at the any-gui initiative ? and the interest there might be for gnue ? roby: can you give us an url? sure, http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-anygui/ for an intro jbailey (jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: i hope to fine GNUe time starting this weekend jamest: cool lol A popular joke about Java is that it is "write once, debug everywhere." ANSI C - The *true* write once, run everywhere system. ;) jbailey: i couldn't agree more no kidding this looks interesting wonder what kind of license roby: i am not sure if i understand where the difference between this anygui and wxWindows is i always thought wxWindows does exactly this anygui supports curses which is something we're trying to do in forms reinhard: it seems that any-gui will load the gui toolkit that's available on the plateform this report your problem of managing different gui, like curses and wxwindows, leaving this to anygui ok i would be curious how they do it with curses reinhard: "DAMNIT, this STUPID windows !@#$ing toolkit!" I'll be quiet now =) :) they haven't done anything for curses now but they seems to plan something with interactive text based q&a mode yeah i read that not even curses but simple stdin/stdout that's it something like please select field to change fields available 1. name 2. street 3. zip 4. state 5. country please select > 2 street > gnue road 1. update record 2. undo changes please select > or like that Would you localize that? (To say 3. Postal Code 4. Province in the case of locale==en_CA or such?) sure jbailey: i am the localization poliece for this project ;) police reinhard: Excellent. Americans seem to forget such things, so I'm glad GNUe's got someone. don't forget ra3vat there satisfying him is even harder than me as i use iso-latin1 at least :) Is he a UTF-8 guy? cyrillic not sure what character set he uses or what encoding we should have someone using traditional chinese ;) Oh wow. UTF-8 might be the best solution. I've been reading up on it, to try and learn what's the best way to do it. I just cringe at having to use wchar_t's in my code. I have to remember that Java's being a pig on strings is probably not the fault of the conversion to unicode internally. will i know a very small spattering of traditional chinese and might be able to test, provided i could use forms? :) jcater_ (jason@sirion63.memphis.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. argh! jcater what are you doing here? ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt: that's easy! forms doesn't require a datasource for testing :) but i cant run wxPython, i think that might be a problem :( ah :( buts its being worked on anyone here remember (and play) Doom? by others so its just a matter of time what platform you using? jamest: I remember getting very, very ill playing doom. jcater_: mac OS X It has been released for my son's Game Boy Advance I remember when friends of mine didn't have enough PC to run Doom full screen and now a hand held can run what sounds like a basic port (w/o much optimizations) gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by niven.openprojects.net danielb (danielb@d10.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Is there a chrystal reports type of deal being written for GNUe? danielb (danielb@d10.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout for danielb[d10.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net] I'm not sure if your reporting is going to that extreme.. danielb (danielb@d88.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. danielb (danielb@d88.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout for danielb[d88.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net] danielb (danielb@d18.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. anybody home? what is the sequence of calls to connect detail datasorce to master? ds=GDataSource() ds.setConnectionManager(self.connections) ds.database='pg' ds.type='object' ds.table='addressbook__country' ds.initialize() ds.connect() ds.referenceField("name") ds.referenceField("year_budget") ds.referenceField("id") ds1=GDataSource() ds1.setConnectionManager(self.connections) ds1.database='pg' ds1.type='object' ds1.table='addressbook__person' ds1.initialize() ds1.connect() ds1.referenceField("id") ds1.referenceField("name") ds1.referenceField("addr1") ds.masterlink="countrycode" ds.detaillink="id" ds.getDataObject().addDetailDataObject(ds1.getDataObject()) is not working DB000: File "/home/seva/src/gnue/.cvsdeveldir/gnue/common/dbdrivers/_dbsig/DBdriver.py", line 244, in _createResultSet DB000: raise GDataObjects.ConnectionError, err DB000: gnue.common.GDataObjects.ConnectionError: error 'ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "from" DB000: ' in 'SELECT id,name,year_budget, FROM addressbook__country' variants: ds1.masterlink="id" ds1.detaillink="countrycode" ds.getDataObject().addDetailDataObject(ds1.getDataObject()) and: ds1.masterlink="countrycode" ds1.detaillink="id" do not work too master table - addressbook__country, detail addressbook__person you coding something against the db drivers? yes postgresql {'_fieldReferences': {'id': 1, 'name': 1, 'year_budget': 1, '': 1}, '_detailfields': [], '_masterObject': None, 'type': 'object', '_defaultValues': {}, 'table': 'addressbook__country', '_unboundFieldReferences': {}, '_detailObjects': [[, None]], 'masterlink': '', 'detaillink': '', '_DatabaseError': , '_masterfields': [], '_resul detailfileds attribute does not get get detailfileds attribute does not get set hmmm it works in forms it not works in my code you are not specifying ds.master scratch that the correct variant should be ds1.masterlink="id" ds1.detaillink="countrycode" ds.getDataObject().addDetailDataObject(ds1.getDataObject()) but I'm not sure why it's generating invalid SQL statements current: ds1.referenceField("id") ds1.referenceField("name") ds1.referenceField("addr1") ds1.detaillink="countrycode" ds1.masterlink="id" ds.getDataObject().addDetailDataObject(ds1.getDataObject()) ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Exiting __dict__ of dataobject: {'_fieldReferences': {'id': 1, 'name': 1, 'year_budget': 1, '': 1}, '_detailfields': [], '_masterObject': None, 'type': 'object', '_defaultValues': {}, 'table': 'addressbook__country', '_unboundFieldReferences': {}, '_detailObjects': [[, None]], 'masterlink': '', 'detaillink': '', '_DatabaseError': , '_masterfields': [], '_resul and the same error '_masterfields': [] '_detailfields': [] is that ds._masterfields or ds1._masterfields? ds master i, found it ds1 - datasource masterlinks/etc must by set for dataobject ah, yes ok, it works I think if those attributes are present in the datasource before the initialize(), then the initialize() copies those over but if set after the initialize, the datasource doesn't know to transfer it for attribute in tagAttributes.keys(): if hasattr(self, attribute): self._dataObject.__dict__[attribute] = self.__dict__[attribute] seems like that but as for me its not too logical, that you need to set some fileds, and call addDetailDataObject logically it must by parameters of addDetailDataObject method or call to addDetailDataObject must be done automatically on initialize, if masterlink/etc is set are you using cvs? yes hey are you guys letting that one dude do a GNUe Kernel Cousin? sevik: actually we do need to move that call to the initialize area i think so too currently, most of our tools don't use GDataSource directly, but subclass it... all of the subclassed GDataSources automatically handle this during init but if it always happens, then it should happen at the most basic level :) I agree :)) forms has DataObjects too? danielb: of course is that how triggers are supposed to work then, they are methods od the DataObjects becausre this would correlate wirh GEAS too then forms use GDataSource which has embedded DataSource s/od/of danielb: not exactly forms use GDataSource which has embedded DataObject well I still wanna work on a library to do plugins for various languages, but for GEAS these methods are business object methods Nick change: danielb -> chillywilly danielb: tcl first please :)) heh python will be forst of course :P :)) sevik: is TCL a big deal for you? I have to go back to being my old self are you you being sarcastic? jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: Ping timeout for jamest[hobbes.math.ksu.edu] jcater: I write most of scripts/etc in Tcl :)) I'm trying python for some days :)) is there a standard TCL library that can be easily linked to an application? of course does TCL support concept of "objects" (even if rudimentarily?) rudimentary Action: jcater_ hasn't done much with TCL the new glib is sexy though as it has GTypeModule to add new types and load then from dsos BUT developer demand will dictate which languages get implemented quickest :) but there are many pure tcl implementations of objects and some C extensions i.e., if we have someone helping with the project and they want TCL, then TCL will be high on the list :) itcl - official implementation xotcl - my preffered :)) we just wanna share method and object code right? obviously, python will the the first trigger language (since we are in python :) er, method and trigger doh I'd think so really tcl implemetation of obect very similar to pythons sevik: what's special about xotcl? object is simply array(tcl)/dictionary(python) and namespace for procedures xotcl - dynamic loading/creating/destroing of classes itcl - static in xotcl you can redefine class at runtime in itcl - you cant ah, cool jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. I have working project on xotcl related to computer telephony jamest: yesterday we decided we need a GNUe developer's conference ... in Vegas! and there are impossible to shutdown service for reload :)) jbailey (jbailey@ left irc: Client Exiting sevik: may I ask what you're coding w/ gnue-common? jcater ;) or at least the db drivers jcater :) Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away jamest: you may not ask anything :P you're not allowed and obviously he's not talking :P :) btw chillywilly were you looking for free ldap? olap ah, nevermind then someone asked about this on the FreeDevelopers list hell I am not very sure what olap is only that masta tried to explain it to me one time something to do with data warehousing well if masta explained it, it can't be good rofl i'm back :)) i'm need working geas like server :)) so, while i'm not to fluent with python, a started from more simple tasks :)) related question - what is the status of geas dbdriver and perspektives for it to by working ? heeeeey um er Action: jamest hides :))) i haven't had time to work on it for about um, a month or so i hope to get a chance this weekend ok :)) may be in some timei'll look at it too :)) about embedding of tcl: roby (nospamjpro@APh-Aug-102-1-3-124.abo.wanadoo.fr) left #gnuenterprise. Tcl_FindExecutable(argv[0]); interp = Tcl_CreateInterp(); if (Tcl_Init(interp) == TCL_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"Tcl_Init failed"); return -1; } ends = Tcl_Merge(argc, argv); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "argv", Tcl_DStringValue(&argString), TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY ); */ Tcl_SetVar(interp, "argv", ends, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (Tcl_EvalFile(interp,"init.tcl") == TCL_ERROR) { Tcl_Eval(interp,"puts $errorInfo"); return -1; }; it's all that you need for initialization and simply: sprintf(buffer,"something in tcl"); Tcl_Eval(interp, buffer); where you need executing of tcl tcl has embedding in mind from begin Action: chillywilly trout slaps jamest oh boy I'm cross-posting this in case some of the people working on building wxMac might have some input. I have been able to successfully compile the latest CVS of wxMac and wxPython on Mac OS X 10.1. (Thanks to all of Robin's hard work!) In wxMac, most of the samples compile and run fine. However, when I we are almost there booyah it freakin' compiles yet again chillywilly: it never has compiled on mac, so this is a milestone bbl neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: I was talking about something else doh aaaaaah silence :)) http://www.pythontech.co.uk/torb/ - tcl corba binding :)) Version 0.1 (7 June 1999) :)) re hi mr I must be doing something wrong with these kernel-image debs Mr_You: why? it complains about no root device.. even when I specify "root=/dev/hda1" Action: chillywilly has too many kernel debs on his box ick I think I need to go to kernel compilers anonymous kca all I'm doing is apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.10-586 Action: chillywilly is an addict Action: sevik does not have any debs, rmps and etc :)) I'm use to compiling the kernel, that has no problems, but I need kernel images make-kpkg apt-get install kernel-package lets you make a deb well I figure I would just try whats available for now don't need to build my own ok apt-get install kernel-image-foo then add do_initrd= yes ] to /etc/kernel-img.conf then switch to /boot and make sure /boot/initrd points to the initrd for the kernel image you installed edit /etc/lilo.conf and add yes to all initrd=/boot/initrd now having said all that hmm the one in lilo.conf got removed that initrd is under the specific image not global also i have an Abit VH6-II here at work that kernel-image 2.4.10 refused to find the ide devices thus it'd never find root so I stuck w/ 2.2 on that system for now i haven't tried 2.4.12 which was recently added do I need to do anything after editing lilo.conf? yip maybe thats my problem, no ide devices with 2.4.10 here goes wait yeah first make sure you've not screwed up lilo I've got # Boot up Linux by default. # default=Linux image=/vmlinuz label=Linux read-only initrd=/boot/initrd as my first image entry then as root run lilo lilo so it installs the new config then reboot here goes same thing it seems I guess I'm having the same problem you were you running 2.4.10? trying ;-) 2.4.12 is available in woody and might fix the issue i haven't tried it's easy to see if it's the problem though as it never detects ide devices during a boot blah just make your own deb Action: chillywilly is away: soda might need to bah, who needs ide support real men use scsi :) this from a man running diskless? what's that make you? :) rofl nuts? heh ltsp is about to do a 3.0 release :) Action: jcater_ dances a little jig although I'm slightly perterbed in that I did a slackware install port and they didn't include it :( thats what I'm working towards, ltsp with woody sounds fun roommate installed some creative labs software on XP and it hosed the system.. so he went back to 98/2000 .. heh. he really wanted those special effects.. and extra toolbar ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:22:33) heh, you should gte him using a Free OS Mr_You what is ltsp? http://www.ltsp.org the set of hacks :)) kewl' jcater you use ltsp? he does yes I do you csan run X too with ltsp? oh, yeah\ we have ~40 X stations courtesy of ltsp at our callcenter kewl call center eh? it is tres cool yes what does a call senter di dude? s/di/do er, cente are fscking xchat it's where all our telephone reps are located we have a telemarketing group and a customer service group at the call center it's 1-900's i think ah ok 1-900-hot-geek or something heh 1-900-4-a-geek course, that's better than 900-hot-goat ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Exiting :) Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard I just heard from madlocke ok he'll be back 4th of nov. he's in russia now back whre? ;-) jcater_ (jason@sirion63.memphis.edu) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater_[sirion63.memphis.edu] jcater_ (jason@sirion25.memphis.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. home end pg up :) thanks jamest, it was the same problem you had jamest: where is he from? brb changing computers reinhard (rm@ left irc: Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinus Mr_You: did 2.4.12 solve the problem? yeah I don't recall where madlocke is from reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. that 2.4.10 must be a bad image Mr_You: madlocke is from germany iirc from the former eastern part ok cool he is from Augsburg, not sure what part is it oh so i must have mixed up something augsburg is bavaria - western part l8r dudes be back on line when I get home chillywilly (danielb@d18.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: ToyMan (caryk@c5300-1-ip70.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (caryk@c5300-1-ip70.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Exiting ToyMan (Stuart@c5300-1-ip70.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ (jason@sirion25.memphis.edu) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater_[sirion25.memphis.edu] jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: [x]chat jcater_ (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. well, maybe it's not back up :) wotsat? my internet ah how are you online now? thought is was finally back up after 5 days um we have 40 ppl on a single dialup :) LOL that's gotta suck that's an understatement :) dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) left irc: Read error to dtm[m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com]: Connection reset by peer use a squid proxy cache ;-) IRC and Email don't do too well w/cached data :) actually, we are using squid but more for its restrictive capacity than its caching :) cool you have dialup failover? ra3vat (ds@ left irc: [x]chat I remember discussing that with someone.. dunno if it was you no I just rigged a machine to act like our NAT and unplugged our BSD firewall from the network ahh ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d23.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. since it had the same IP address as the old firewall, it fit neatly into our network :) messy but better than no service yeah jbailey (jbailey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jeff Heya Daniel. whaddup y'all? Hey chillywilly, why isn't commit-gnue listed on the mailing list page? uh oh I dunno yell at jamest one of these days psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater_[w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net] hi all still working on a Kernal Cousins summary of the IRC logs Excellent! should have something ready to rumble by the end of the weekend Biggest problem at the moment is that the KC format indexes on real names I can get from IRC nick to e-mail address fairly easily chillywilly's real name is "Penguin Boy" =) but not necessarily to the name dude chillywilly is a penguin don't you know? maybe he doesn't :-P heh Action: chillywilly whips out his trout and commences the beatings hey, if it was easy, someone would have volunteered before psu: you the KC dude? chillywilly is a cool penguin too oops, if I'd know it was trout time would have stayed clear Zack Brown is the head KC honcho ok psu: The nice part is that this channel seems to be full of regulars and people who show up once and don't say anything worth logging. =) yea, that name is familiar I'm just a lowly serf doing some KC stuff Action: chillywilly made it into the Hurd kernel cousins before ;) having been recruited by jailey jbailey oops have no fear, penguin lord, thou shalt be in teh GNUE KCs probably all the time even if I do have to cut all the trout slapping doesn't really count as "development" Action: chillywilly has some GEAS hacking to do (except for the trout, natch) some day I'll get around to doing it really I will I'd much rather do KC than hack code but them IANAP (I am not a programmer) There's an important place for both. we are good to the non-programmers jcater_ (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. porbably better than any other project ;) "In the free software wars, they also serve who only stand and document" psu: you could just ask ppl what their names are ;) psu: FWIW, I enjoy reading the KCs yep, KCs are great aj - that would ruin all the fun... hehe will do it as a last resort, but to be honest most people are trackable via e-mail address anyway. big bruvver is watching heh heh yeah oh no :o Action: ajmitch searches for 'ajmitch' on google you don't wanna do that well not if your nick is chillywilly that could be an ... interesting google search yep, all the links on the first page for google are for me ;) http://www.mountainsummit.com/chillywilly/ rock on! Action: chillywilly just did a chillywilly google search argh full of java applets I need a t-shirt w/ chillywilly and GNU on it Action: psu is far too ego-shrunk to do a google search anyway, I'm not mentioned until page 4 of 15 chillywilly: how close are you to toronto? screw tux man, I want chillywilly! ajmitch: way far away in Wisconsin ok site sucks cw ;-) I know is chillwilly.org taken? but at least there's a picture of chillywilly I dunno ? 2001 Chilly Time Enterprises. All rights reserved heheh that name is kewl man I gotta restart X heh brb chillywilly (danielb@d23.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: gotta go now bye psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d23.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. where's that dsu guy go? er, where'd just left That's okay, if you say bad things about him he'll read it in the IRC logs. =) So be good. ;) hehe that damn dsu guy is such an M$ astro turfing beotch eh? I am joking hello can ajmitch come out and play? excuse me? is anybody home? nope all the rooms are vacant damn ok, time to hack lol why is that funny? it just is :) chillywilly: you can't fish-slapping in no one at home :) hehe sure I can I just leave it to rot at their door step then (sigh) midnight again just spent 3 hours for a single bug GNUe stuff? missing sign in numerical output no RealWork(tm) :( ouch what di you hack on for RelWork(tm) reinhard? er, RealWork(tm) jcater_ (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Ping timeout for jcater_[w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net] business software :) well that's kinda broad could you be more specific? I think you told me once before Action: chillywilly trout whips himself for forgetting accounting, invoicing, supplychain, stock management interesting where did you learn all about that stuff? for small & medium companies learning by doing especially learning by making mistakes :) hehe i have to get me some sleep l8r all reinhard (rm@ left irc: Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinus chillywilly (danielb@d23.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d23.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres[]: EOF from client dres (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (mdean@arc11x72.kcnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. 'sup mdean? me! how goes it? slowly Action: mdean knows that feeling all too well... ajmitch (me@p12-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p12-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch (me@p51-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p51-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p51-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz] ajmitch_ (me@p7-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout for derek[cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net] ToyMan (Stuart@c5300-1-ip70.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Ping timeout for ToyMan[c5300-1-ip70.albany.thebiz.net] ToyMan (Stuart@c5300-1-ip70.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: [x]chat ToyMan (Stuart@c5300-1-ip70.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Ping timeout for ToyMan[c5300-1-ip70.albany.thebiz.net] mdean (mdean@arc11x72.kcnet.com) left irc: Ping timeout for mdean[arc11x72.kcnet.com] mdean (mdean@arc11x72.kcnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d92.as9.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. wassup ppl? the usual where's my masta? dead channel ;) isn't mdean alive and kickin'? alive and twitchin' too much caffiene? chillywilly (danielb@d92.as9.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) got netsplit. dres (dres@ got netsplit. mdean (mdean@arc11x72.kcnet.com) got netsplit. dres (dres@ returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d92.as9.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. weeeee mdean (mdean@arc11x72.kcnet.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. wb mdean danke jbailey (jbailey@ left irc: Client Exiting sacha_ (sacha@chime-a-188.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. sacha_ (sacha@chime-a-188.conceptual.net.au) left irc: Ping timeout for sacha_[chime-a-188.conceptual.net.au] sacha_ (sacha@chime-a-49.conceptual.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (mdean@arc11x72.kcnet.com) left irc: Ping timeout for mdean[arc11x72.kcnet.com] chillywilly (danielb@d92.as9.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d92.as9.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client --- Thu Nov 1 2001