[00:00] Last message repeated 1 time(s). hi dan nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: DAN chill0r reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) left irc: Ping timeout for dtm[m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com] dtm (dtm@m206-221.dsl.tsoft.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Read error to dres[]: EOF from client dres (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. sevik (seva@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) got netsplit. reinhard (rm@ got netsplit. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) got netsplit. ajmitch (me@p27-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) got netsplit. ajmitch (me@p27-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ returned to #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '-o gnuebot' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ #gnuenterprise: mode change '-o jamest' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) left irc: Killed (NickServ (This nick is reserved by another user)) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. SELECT "foo", "barney", "powerpuff" FROM sometable or even more so SELECT "sometable.foo", "sometable.barney", "sometable.powerpuff" FROM sometable dnWork: you cant do it last way: uni=# select "obj.obj" from obj; ERROR: Attribute 'obj.obj' not found but: select "obj"."obj" from obj; works sevik (seva@ left irc: Ping timeout for sevik[] sevik (seva@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Exiting sevik (seva@ left irc: Ping timeout for sevik[] mdk2 (bob@modemcable031.91-201-24.mtl.mc.videotron.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. mdk2 (bob@modemcable031.91-201-24.mtl.mc.videotron.ca) left #gnuenterprise (Client Exiting). reinhard (rm@ left irc: Ping timeout for reinhard[] reinhard (rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d174.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d174.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client chillywilly (danielb@d174.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly notices how galeon crashes and burns after the debian upgrade...time to recompile chillywilly (danielb@d174.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: restarting X chillywilly (danielb@d174.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. http://segfault.org/story.phtml?id=3bc468ff-0228efe0 chillywilly (danielb@d174.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d174.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client so did derek get a life or what? not sure what you mean with "life" never heard that word ah, sorry so did derek just quit hanging out in IRC? :) has anyone tested the mysql forms driver? lol digging through the mailing list archives is fun Reinhard Mueller reinhard.mueller@bitsmart.com Wed, 29 Mar 2000 17:48:27 +0200 * Having a little bit of both, technical background and experience as a consultant for ERP-systems, I would volunteer for beta-test and/or localisation to Austria (BTW: is there any localisation for Germany already? - Maybe I could also do parts of the text translations). Reinhard was my first post to the list jamest and javaguy are the only still active members that have earlier posts all other earlier posters are gone now Action: jamest is feeling old Bad when I was a boy GNUe didn't have any of this fancy software crap you youngun's keep whining about. bad = back yeah i remember when you actually started to write code i thought "code? have they gone totally nuts now??" ;) bbl reinhard (rm@ left irc: Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinus jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout for dres[] roby (nospamjpro@APh-Aug-102-1-1-63.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (baumannd@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. omg, nickr lives! we need a no-work fiday again er, friday lsmod oops and you knwo what the bad part about that is? I am using putty on winblows anyone alive?!?!? heeeeeeelllllooooooo! Action: jamest is undead does that count? yea undead ~= alive you all can burn in hell then see if I ever come around again :P yea right Action: chillywilly is an IRC addict ok, back to work la la la la la la poor chillywilly we're all too busy to come out and play :) ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. bullshit it is friday "if you don't have a breskie in your hand you might as well be wearing a dress" er, brewskie or so to brewski s/so/is s/to/it blah this keyboard is possessed f*** you all then!!!!!! Nick change: chillywilly -> crazymike roby (nospamjpro@APh-Aug-102-1-1-63.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!s@ChanServ crazymike (baumannd@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: BitchX-1.0c17 -- just do it. neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: Ping timeout for neilt[dialup-] neilt (neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp294197.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: you here? yip i have two picture I would like to update on the web site its at http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/GNUeGEASArchitecture.png and http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/GNUePkgArchitecture.png the current pictures are already in the screenshots area in the GNUe section ************************* * the new forms drawing has been added to the screenshots http://www.gnuenterprise.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=NS-My_eGallery&file=index&do=showpic&pid=29 * ************************************ sevik (seva@domino-web.kiev.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. later all jamest: if you get a chance please update the pictures for me, thanks neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. if anyone's interested, transactional support is in the gnue-common mysql driver now (and is used by default if mysql-server was compiled w/transactional support) oh, yeah... andwe work w/the MySQL 4.0 release cool jcater reinhard (rm@N801P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p27-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p27-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz] bbl (sabine needs computer to do my accounting :) ) reinhard (rm@N801P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinus ajmitch (me@p27-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d123.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: high hey man f I catch that fucking cat it is going to die reinhard (rm@N801P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. just to clarify today i wrote in a mail that i expect incompatible api changes in geas within the next months this is because i expect jamest and jcater to _request_ api changes as they write the geas driver for forms/reports and i expect myself to fulfill those requests i will _not_ make api changes w/o agreeing with jamest/jcater (as the other side of that interface) just like i don't make changes to gcd syntax w/o agreeing with neilt (who is the main person on the gcd authoring side) -- sevik_ (seva@ joined #gnuenterprise. hrrrrm Action: chillywilly is away: pick up caroline from work sevik_ (seva@ left irc: Ping timeout for sevik_[] sevik_ (seva@ joined #gnuenterprise. night all reinhard (rm@N801P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinus jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. later all jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:38:17) sevik_ (seva@ left irc: Ping timeout for sevik_[] gemcat (gary@p31-ras6.rtol.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: mdean-zZzZ -> mdean your site looks nice enough - i notice a lot of tentative 'enterprise' things on sourceforge lately. jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp294197.sympatico.ca) left irc: Client Exiting tsk tsk - are you all coding? or something i am looking at your architecture diagram chillywilly (danielb@d123.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error to chillywilly[d123.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]: EOF from client i think you could generalize your model by adding an investor interface - that way you could fit many more business models including non-profits I don't understand, whats the url that you are looking at? http://www.gnuenterprise.org/modules/NS-My_eGallery/gallery/GNUe/GNUePkgArchitecture.png well #1, I think this drawing is *very* generalized.. I'm not sure what you mean by investor interface theoritically you could customize GNUe to fit any business model well you have 3 packages - 2 have external interfaces - in a non-profit the other package would also you are considering "customer" and "supplier" interfaces? yes those are just entities that interact with their respective frontend functions this drawing is an example of GNUe architecture I am familier with sybase sure, you could create an "investor" entity that had specific functionality, just as the "customer" and "supplier" have been described what kind of hardware is necessary for a reasonable experiment? generally an investor only needs prepared reports AFAIK gemcat: any pentium w/ 32MB should do I'd say really? sure, unix/linux OS don't require much resources is there a book or tutorial out there? on what? the development cycle mainly nothing on GNUe I have been studying pb but dont like the licencing whats pb? pb is sybase enterprise development environment ahh powerbuilder oh ok, heard of that that and the full features are only available on nt/w2k servers the pb looks like vb but it does most things right hehe database support in vb is not plesent pb is very good at database - but you end up on a solarus or win2k server solaris is good well true, but not a regular box either nah without a book it will tke me too long to figure out the package well its still in alpha development and you can create 2-tier apps, which isn't too complicated looks promicing anyway - I think you should pick up all those little odd projects at sourceforge somehow as modules what projects? there's a lot of projects on sf that are dead too there are several new ones in very early stages one i looked at was for forums, one for fundraising yes - i am prayin for project management so i can escape windows dcl.sf.net could be used as a good project manager, mdean is the author of it there is also #dcl I have talked to him at #dcl I am a P3 jockey for more than a decade what is P3? is high end scheduling - i have a 105million project derek has also created GNUe screens to DCLs database tables I am impressed - but i am still too ignorent to get much out of it we use Expedition also - which is high end document control but any enterprise system can do that with not too much programming well bbl Action: Mr_You & I will download the gnue and see what it looks like its dangerous for a planner to have too much time to think thanks gemcat (gary@p31-ras6.rtol.net) left #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-222.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: jcater -> jcMovie ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip165.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Exiting javaguy (ian@dyn1-tnt1-90.columbus.oh.ameritech.net) joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (mdean@mkc-65-26-66-55.kc.rr.com) left irc: Ping timeout for mdean[mkc-65-26-66-55.kc.rr.com] jcMovie (jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-222.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: nite --- Sat Nov 3 2001