bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. dude! bigbrother: please troutslap chillywilly yes? an eye is upon you! hehe Action: chillywilly trout whips all debian wannabes hey this means you jcater, mdean ;P ajmitch: you're not a wannabe Action: mdean sighs and pets his KDE installation.... hehe Action: dsmith likes apt-get -u upgrade mdean: debian *does* have KDE ajmitch: I know - just ribbing chillywilly it's what I do between lines of code i know, it's running on here ;) I don't care what you run, but I sure as hell got sick of tryin to find rpms when it should resove dependencies for me chillywilly: yeah, I apt-got upgrade on my laptop now my laptop is useless at the moment so I switched to debian and never looked back Has anyone tried the sorcerer distro? and jamest apt-got upgraded ash and look at her now chillywilly: preaching to the choir :-P jcater: but my box is alive and kicking both my unstable boxes my 3 are all running sid you wanna know my secret? /msg apt news #debian goat sacrifices? duh :P mdean: more like preaching to the choir of a church down the street of the same denomination jcater: wtf does that mean? jcater: exactly skeeter: why don't you try it and tell us how it goes? ;-) I would, but I don't have anymore systems to try it with... 9 is more than enough for me.. hehe 9? you beat me by 2! how many here have used/tried GNU/Hurd? ;) I would if I had 9 boxes! Action: chillywilly raises his hand i know nickr & jbailey have maybe Isomer too mdean: but you wouldn't like it, it is an evil debian port hehehe.. if you count the 2 extra devices I have on my network.. an Intel Print Server and my Palm IIIxe.. i know isomer couldn't quite get the install finished the other day I would beat you by 4... damn those debian ppl! the LUG here should be DUNDGLUG, there's so many debian users ok, and the point of this pissing match is? sounds like chillywilly's jealous :) chillywilly: the match is over - wash your hands hehehe nope all I can say is my one is big enough to handle all I throw at it blue? Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho? ajmitch: I use GNU/Hurd!! =) t's my problem... Most of mine are all 386/486 systems.. Action: jbailey waves hands around! jbailey: yes, we know ;) ajmitch: I was worried people might have forgotten. ;) woohoo, 13 day uptime that's because you are da man jbailey chillywilly: you should use Red Carpet instead of apt - convert to RPM Action: chillywilly yawns ewww rpm is horrible chillywilly: time to come out of the closet and ximian can kiss my butt chillywilly: rpm -Fvh chillywilly.i8086.rpm i don't think rpm is too different from deb mdean: time for you to use a "GNU" desktop freak been there, done that don't you have something to do mdean? chillywilly: don't you>? yes - irritate you! ;-) hehe ajmitch: It's not so much the format, it's the policies and the devlopers. hardy har har dsmith: yeah, i know ;) which is why you could get debian-based crap like corel linux corel was lame i have a 1.0 cd around somewhere but does redhat have anything close to apt yet? or are they using red carpet now? I wanted it to be good. Really. RH is evil - they have an update tool, but you have to register Told people how good it was going to be. plus no distro has Free Software guidelines no other that's cool in itself Plus, if all the commercial companies fold, there will still be a Debian. yes built by the community chillywilly: yeah, but if you represent that community, maybe I better get back to BSD land :) plus no other distro has RMS applying to be a developer ;) j/k Action: chillywilly needs to take a nap jcater: man you should wuit your day job and do stand up quit :P I'm here all day, aren't I. Action: chillywilly looks around I don't see any comedians here mdean: i have a dcl package versioned 20010406, i guess there have been a couple of changes since then? ;) ajmitch: when did he do that? I must've missed something chillywilly: mdean did not do the packaging chillywilly: dcl is in sid, it looks old hto tho I'm talking RMS applying to be a debian developer ajmitch: ja - been a few releases since then what package is he going to maintain? chillywilly: you obviously don't follow the news ;) nope who knows? debian lists are too big too much traffic is ti on linuxtoday? s/ti/it it wasn't in the debian lists that i heard oh it was in #hurd jcater: duh! I just noticed the highlight page is XML files for syntax highlighting defs where'd you hear this then and on k and it was on slashdot too, iirc sigh... heh I'll check it out ajmitch: hmmmm - I think 0406 is probably a CVS snapshot, to make things worse ;-) chillywilly: oskuro is his AM, jbailey was advocate (like that took much... ;) mdean: yeah ;) Richard Stallman, Free Software activist, Emacs developer ... Debian Developer? Posted by rob on Monday, November 19 @ 18:17:39 GMT (4678 reads) [Debian] RIchard Stallman of GNU fame, has entered the the NM process for Debian, you can track his progress here. I'm sure he will be warmly welcomed into the Debian community. jeff? what is rms going to maintain? Action: chillywilly pokes jbailey heh 33 comments this should be fun ;P Yes, what package is rms going to maintain? who knows, does he need to maintain a package? woo hooo!!! let's all give jamest_ a hand!!! jcater: why would i do that? i need both to type with ajmitch: no, you don't uh oh.... someone tell that alan clifford guy to change his words before chillywilly gets hold of him... who's that? you'll see ;) rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: got the sedatives ready for chillywilly? ack! jamest_ ( left #gnuenterprise. i don't think I will be the only one correcting him will I? chillywilly: hehe he has the definition of open source wrong anyway chillywilly: depends much less free software it's not about getting it for $0 i know ;) chillywilly: poke? chillywilly: i have been around you long enough to receive the GNU indoctrination ;) ajmitch: I was just stating his error jbailey: what debian package is rms going to maintain? he doesn't actually need to maintain something, although for his application, I think he's packaging Marcus' entropy translator. seriously? jbailey: ah cool why does he want to be a debian dveloper then? same reason as the gnome board stuff/ ;) the non-free software promoting police? All I know is that he wants to be more involved in the Hurd port. I think it's a good thing to have him in there, since it will help tear down some misconceptions that the FSF doesn't care about the Hurd at all. ah kewl :) yes yea plus a lot of people probably don't think of him being a real hacker anymore even considering the massive amount he's done having carpal tunnel doesn't help :( jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Sacha (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" skeeter ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds alexey ( joined #gnuenterprise. rms did not get elected nope nig surprise right? s/nig/big ;) dsmith ( left irc: "later.." Nick change: Sacha -> SachaS Nick change: mdean -> Zdean jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" hi chillywilly --- Thu Nov 29 2001