[00:19] Last message repeated 1 time(s). ajmitch (~me@p10-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: chillywilly -> cw-sleep Nick change: cw-sleep -> chillywilly hi chilly and all ello Hey hey nightie night g'night nigdh reinhard (~rm@N816P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard Action: chillywilly is reading the new parser code hello chilly comments? ummm, most of the flex and bison stuff makes no sense to me ;) we should just rewrite geas in C++ ;) hehe (I can dream right?) GAES should be an infrastructure so that objects of any language can interact. ummmm, you should be able to write a client in any language nickr: right, and we are lucky in the way that this _is_ actually so :) You should be able to impliment object methods in any language also. we only support 2 right now I don't think it is very flexible though to add more languages Action: reinhard wonders where mcb30 has gon gone yea at least I still hang around ;) I know some ppl wouldn't mind if I disappeared (those who like to program bots ;P) j/k I would mind, then i'd have no one to amke fun of I mean bounce ideas off of heh Action: chillywilly gets his trout ready spec writing sure is a chore it sucks I like drawing diagrams though. hehe lololo Hrm, I wonder if its possibly to selectively replace parts of the DSSSL sheet I'd rather it rendered the oo interfaces as a table that looks like UML rather than as the language looks like a lot of work though ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly (danielb@d141.as9.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: later taters ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-3-ip210.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201024.flinthills.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hello jbailey (~jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3640431.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (alexey@ left irc: Ping timeout: 182 seconds ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" holy crap it happened ximian has started to REALLY go propreitary not just speculation this is really really really really sad Unlike the open source Ximian Desktop software (including Ximian Evolution), which are licensed under the terms of the GPL (General Public License), Ximian Connector for Microsoft Exchange add-on products will be sold and distributed under a proprietary license. i hope RMS flames them to same degree he did Qt seeing how like 4 of the memebers of gnome foundation (gnome being a gnu project) happen to be part of the company releasing prop. add-ons Well, it's hardly a surprise... When someone makes a company, it's pretty inevitable that they'll go proprietary. Most of us don't do much beyond apt-get install packages, so it's hard for them to make money. this makes me very sad it supports the voices that tell that you can't run a software business successfully w/o prop software btw i _still_ believe you can build a business on free software sell, develop and support free software jbailey i disagree i _still_ believe it although the world is trying to prove me wrong :) companies that take a CRAP LOAD OF VENTURE CAPITAL, are DOOMED to try to recoupe that money and deperate people do desperate things yes i DO NOT think that means that one can not make a company that does free software but a company that lives to 'sell software' is doomed in free software world if the principals of ximian were foolish enough to think otherwise SHAME ON THEM! i would fully expect one could build a company around say 'gnue', that gives back to gnue by doing patch work and some new development but makes its bread and butter on the customization, installation and support of gnue and other free software packages dneighbo: look at bytewise in 5 years and you'll see if it worked :) will they be rich ferrari driving studs? probably not, but i assume they could more than adequately feed their families :) dneighbo: ferrari no ford yes ;) my frustration lies in fact that the 'media' and many people look to ximian to be a shining example of a free software company and will be used as a barometer i.e. if they sell out, then it will be expected that all free software companies at somepoint must sell out or if they go belly up then it will be thought that all free software companies will just go belly up :( im sorry but i am really pissed at miguel and nat as i think they misrepresent our community for the glory of the almighty dollar :( i would say its time to quit whining and write a free software version of the connector but honestly gnome code is so fugly, i pity the bastard that goes there :) jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds jbailey (jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3640431.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) got netsplit. Isomer (dahoose@210-86-56-90.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) got netsplit. mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) got netsplit. dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@210-86-56-90.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. roflmao List: Gnue@gnu.org From: tcubr@private.21cn.com Subject: Don't Bogart That Joint... Reason: Post by non-member to a members-only list i dont know if i even want to see what that email says or how it relates to gnue :) Maniac (darryl@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) got netsplit. dres_ (dres@ got netsplit. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac (~darryl@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. dres_ (~dres@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. i hit a quote from work by ceran about true genius is making complex things simple (or something like that) and had a chuckle at thought this was good quote: Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. though i find a gem in the following because of the ximian talk and think it speaks true of this nation that tried to build itself on venture capital instead of HARD WORK! No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. Action: jcater is away: lunch um the link to geek goods is down? wthf works for me that's my line la jcater you here? i had request for speaker at nashville LUG for GNUe jamest you really cant get to the link? nope can't bbl hmmm reinhard (rm@N816P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds reinhard (~rm@N816P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N816P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Ping timeout: 192 seconds reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jcater is back (gone 00:59:54) dneighbo: when and where? ... and how did that come about? can you go to jail for choking stupid people? jcater: it is in nashville, i dont know when i know in december (17th) john 'maddog' hall is speaking for them so i woudl assume january or febuary basically i run a site that uses phpslash the maintainer of phpslash happens to like the site and knows i work on gnue and is interested in gnue or something like that um who is maddog? he is also involved with the users group in nashvill (nlug.org) and said they say you were in memphis and wondered if you could come speak sometime in nashville :) he is a bigtime linux guy been with linux from beginning I have no problem with that do LUG's usually meet on weekends or weekdays? ok will give him your info so he can set something up i think they meet on wednesday's but i know for maddog thye moved it to a friday so im sure there is 'flex' how far is nashville 2 1/2-3 hrs Motown (~pirch@ip165-bamf.216-115-67.dyn.webbernet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Motown (~pirch@ip165-bamf.216-115-67.dyn.webbernet.net) left #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "bbiaf" Hello people hello dsmith some here asked where a dictionary for things like haX0r and 3l33t and m4d was at does anyone here know? It *won't* be in the jargon file specifically the question was where is a dictionary for 'old' people that read slashdot :) i pointed to jargon file and geek code stuff but didnt find anything for this other style of hacker speak It's not hacker speak, it's "leet speak". For skript kiddies. ah yes l33t sp33k or such knew i had term wrong :) It talks about it in that jargon file, but with derision and scorn. "bah!" but where is the dictionary for it? google for leet or l33t Here is the jargon file: http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/jargon/ Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. Can't seem to access it right now. This dialup conection really stinks. re I think I'll go home and use my cable modem psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. http://www.cscentral.com/features/l33t/ Bah! I'm going home jbailey (~jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3641773.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. GNUe Kernel Cousins #5 is out I've emailed gnue-announce & am trying to retrieve my p/w to announce on website dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds Should show up on linuxtoday as well soon Ok, I am a bozo followed the instructions at http://www.gnuenterprise.org/user.php & I now have a confirmation code to retrieve my p/w where do I type it? If I type in top box (user name/password) it says login invalid iirc right hand side somewhere at the bottom if I type in bottom box it just sends me confirmation code again oh ok I knew I should have taken easy route & posted as anon i am logged in permanently (i think i got a cookie) It is, I suppose, possible that no-one has ever tried to retrieve a p/w before so i don't even remember where i initially logged in (2 months ago) and it's a bug Action: psu has lost his cookie have you ever typed something, then looked at it again and had to think about what you meant? Ok, one more try or mr. anon gets it aha! "something different just happened" used to hear that a lot when I was doing support... :) psu quite possible it doesnt work :) woohoo psu: i didn't see "bozo" user in user list got it ok Action: psu is just incapable of reading instructions properly i'm happy that i have helped you (is what i usually say in such situations) :) Action: psu needs someone to authorise the news posting Nick change: psu -> psubozo psubozo should be done (story promotion) Nick change: psubozo -> psu jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater hi howdy Action: Yurik is listening JCSS Anybody alive? yip alive and kicking (but I'm not gonna say who I'm kicking) Can anybody describe thow GNUe objectstore works in few words? (I don't want to read >20k code :-))) ) Can anybody describe how GNUe objectstore works in few words? (I don't want to read >20k code :-))) ) i can try Yurik I mean its idealogic organization and main features and misfeatures :-) chillywilly (~danielb@d106.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik: the idea is that it takes objects and stores them in an SQL database it actually does 2 things reinhard it is clear, heh :) reinhard: I am going to purchase the ODMG book when I get paid at the end of the week here...so if anyone else is interested I will make you a photo copy of it 1. convert a "object-oriented" interface it has against the caller into an sql-commands it issues to the database or maybe I can get it in electronic format reinhard I want to know following issues: whether it used to store only Python or "any" objects? Any special algos used? for this it uses oql to construct the sql like scan it in or something and convert it to text ah ok reinhard have it something common with ZODB? dunno though that's probably going to be a copyright voilation ;) violation Yurik: it stores objects of the type "dataobject" defined in geas i don't know ZODB it does not sture python objects or c objects reinhard: did anyone ever see that email I sent that odmg guy? it stores geas objects did it make it to the list? chillywilly: yes i saw it I never got a reply :( chillywilly: it is even mentioned in the kc really? ok and even the reply made it to the list reinhard does geas object have python "mappings"> no kidding reinhard does geas object have python "mappings"? reinhard: hmmm Yurik: not 1:1 reinhard: man I must've mussed that then' doh reinhard I mean can geas object be represented as python one? there is a idl for geas objects reinhard: gnue-geas list yes i mean Yurik: yes but there is only one class in python for all classes in geas reinhard: the latest KC form last week? from like you have 10 fields in geas Yurik: and you can do python call "object.getField("fieldname"); so the geas object fields don't correspond to the python object fields not sure if i am understandable... chillywilly: today's kc ok reinhard clear. Does GNUe plan to use something to store pure python objects or make a real Python mapping or anything like this :)? no chillywilly: and i don't remember which list ok well I have it in my "sent" folder Yurik: not really so I can figure it out oh, ok, clear. thank you. Yurik: because of performance issues Yurik MAIN REASON: not portable reinhard: thanks much dude :) one of our requirements is to support more than python dneighbo what is not portable? between languages? storing things as python objects hurts that :) perhaps i shoudl clarify object databases have been proven to be bad in practice for ERP solutions we do not want an object 'database' we want a relational database that can be treated like an object db to get best of both worlds before you flame i have worked for large companies that tried to use OODB to do ERP so i speak from experience not from my jowls :) in a 'perfect' world all starage would be OOP in fact, as you can remember, I like rdbms, too. And do not want to use only one method of object storage. dneighbo: what about an object->relational mapping? but we arent in that world :) like ODMG chillywilly thats what im saying ok :P relational storage object representation for application usage Does GNUe objectstore support complex objects? well if you design it right you can have whatever type of storage you want, file, database, pickled/serialized objects, etc. i.e., a persistent framework and you should not have to know they are actually in a database are a file or whatever s/are/or chillywilly right :) there's one in my softaare design book, but if ODMG is as nice as a standard as it looks I would love to implement it software although I have top read that guy's email cause if it is not "Free" then I will roll my own dneighbo Does GNUe objectstore support complex objects? Yurik: it does our gcd syntax is similar to odl syntax chillywilly so it stores any object with any possible structure? yes you specify the object in a gcd file look in gnue/packages if you have cvs checked out ok, clear no, I have no cvs checked out i've only geas downloaded :-) cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@sibversions.gnu.org:/cvs co login er cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@sibversions.gnu.org:/cvs login cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@sibversions.gnu.org:/cvs co gnue woops that's subversions not sibversions Action: Yurik opened a new bottle of juice Yurik: cvs is pretty safe to run atm chillywilly ok you can even have both C and python methods now at the same time started checking out cool :) Action: chillywilly sees the guys reply now soh! Remosi (~isomer@210-86-57-236.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. doh! btw, initially I thought about cooperation on object storage but now I see that our ways are slightly different. :)) rtfl Yurik: I think ODMG is the way to go with regard to object storage http://www.odmg.org The ODMG Book? Or specification will be enough? yep or you can peek at the JDO stuff (Java Data Obects) I would like to have GObject bindings for odmg but I can't find even standard we like C ;) but I can't find even standard (specification) you have to purchase their book sorta sucks chillywilly actually i don't want to buy something to take an idea about it :-) well then you can check out JDO stuff chillywilly and comparing with local salaries... :-))) uh? the book is a one time fee...it's not that big of a deal as it is still an open spec chillywilly ? read our list archives ;) I asked the main guy behind the odmg about it gnue-geas@lists.gnue.org may be, may be... :-) hmmm, if you are not buying the spec form the ODMG does this mean I cna get it for free form them ;) morning chillywilly sorry, what do you mean? :-) I can't understand you exactly :-) ajmitch morning just taking out loud er, thinking Action: Yurik looks at clocks, "should I say, night? :)" almost midnight eh? chillywilly yep :-) Action: Yurik is crazy for last week, sleeping one time per approx. 2 days. But now Yurik have more spare time, and it is great >:-) not for me Action: Yurik is out for few minutes to smoke... Action: Yurik is back Action: Yurik is exploring checkouted gnue.. By the way, insert-en-country-codes.geas use common notation for countries or GNUe-specific? psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. and insert-en-ISO4217-currentcy.geas?.. In first, I've found that Ukraine and Russia has inproper country codes and in second that russian rouble is named as USSR Rouble (SUR), and it should be Russian rouble (RUR) and there is no Ukranian Hrivnya (UAH) :-) also minor troubles in insert-ISO639LanguageCodes.geas :) Anybody alive? :-) yes I dunno who did that support but we do have a couple russian developers ra3vat is russian I know ra3vat so is madocke (who is not here right now) oh, ok chillywilly: madlocke is german :) he was on _visit_ in russia :) ooooh my bad open mouth insert foot any kiwi developers left? btw i consider these files as samples or something like that nah we threw them out ;) j/k so, anybody will make a changes to get these files in proper state? :-) they defected ajmitchq even the country code for austria is wrong there if you want you can change things I said, and I can say what is wrong with language codes :-) Yurik: i would think it would be better to have an authoritive source somewhere where we know _everything_ is ok not sure if you can download those code lists from iso or something fixing one or two codes out of hundreds and still not knowing if the others are correct is void work imho reinhard it is right, too. but as a temporary solution you can believe me on ukranian and russian issues :-) ok chillywilly: would you be so nice to fix that in cvs? i am just about to leave for today thanks :) night all eh? jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "[x]chat" where? chillywilly: Yurik has some corrections to those files with the codes reinhard you can get the iso lists for country codes chillywilly yes I do :-) sorry to put you to work let me dig them up for you dneighbo: cool sorry must really leave now reinhard bye must start work again tomorrow early :( night all reinhard (rm@ left irc: "Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est. -- Aurelius Augustinu derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "Leaving" chillywilly if you want to correct files with languages/currencies/country codes for Ukraine and Russia, I can say you what you should do :-) http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/ http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1/db_en.html if you want something that is importable to a db http://www.bsi-global.com/Technical+Information/Publications/_Publications/tig90.xalter for currency codes Yurik: ok this might make da masta happy as I have not committed anything in ages :( Yurik: where exactly are you talking about? in the scripts that populate data in 'gnue-config' you mena packages ;) or where ever it is now (i assume) mean hehe ok i woudl use the data from links provided danielb@obfuscation:~/src/cvs/gnue/packages/base/language/defaults$ ls CVS/ insert-ISO639LanguageCodes.geas found it nb (~norbert@pop-zh-24-1-dialup-49.freesurf.ch) joined #gnuenterprise. hey nb hi nb i think jason is very close on the RPC abstraction piece Hi everyone! i.e. to point where it can be 'proofed' at least with python i think up front it will work with corba, soap and xml-rpc Action: chillywilly would still like more hi nb :) like say a remote object model that supported any transport This is very good. corba, soap and xml-rpc are probably the three most important ones to support. Action: chillywilly is hyper Yurik: you going to help me with thise country codes? those I can make the changes whenever you want Action: Yurik is back chillywilly yes, I'm going what is this goofy thing az~Nri there's a squiggly in there effects of different char set? first, packages/base/currency/defaults/insert-en-ISO...geas :-) k go ahead 'SUR' should be changed to 'RUR' and the description should be 'Russian rouble' ok then, 'UAH' currency should be added and the description should be 'Ukranian hrivnya' ok psu: KC doesn't have the little "icon" in the title bar thats so common these days with mozilla Remosi: that bothers you? ;) then, packages/base/location/defaults/insert-en-country-codes.geas ajmitch: no, I just thought I'd comment on it russia code is 'RU' and the easiest way to comment is mention it in here with "psu: " on the front :) ukranian code is 'UA' k one sec but not 'RS' and 'UP' :-) k Yurik why not makes changes in your copy do a diff then send to chilly so he can commit too late dneighbo i'm too lazy :-)) and it seems that chillywilly made most of changes already :-) already made then changes this kind of contribution is 'general' knowledge so im not concerned with assignment and languages :-) I was gooing to say that though (btw files seems to be corrupted) but we would love you to make bigger changes, though that would require an assignment not ukrainien but ukranian :-) in the country codes? not, in languages ack subversions is down? danielb@obfuscation:~/src/cvs/gnue$ cvs up ssh: subversions.gnu.org: Temporary failure in name resolution cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) subversions is working hmmm not for me though your dns however isn't? man this sucks go stick the ip in /etc/hosts :) I had problems reaching non-us.debian.org too chillywilly :) your cable company hasn't turned themselves off have they? :) yes I did a "host" comannd Action: chillywilly has a dialup wonder why dns is so hosed hmm what uses port 137? dns? er dns is 53 Action: chillywilly is looking at his netfiler log 137 is netbios thought so oh heheh that's me connecting from the winvlows machine upstairs winblows right Action: Remosi reads KC PNG is very definately NOT vector! heheh SWG is the vector format IIRC SVG so I've got an accent :P so sue me :P nah I'm Canadian, we're not in the habit of suing people. =) (looking nervously around the room) Remosi: you probably speak normally, unlike the rest of these people ;) hehe who knows LaTeX? Action: chillywilly raises his hand :) now I can reach subversions hrrrrm weird chillywilly I don't remember how can I get table (\begin{table} ... \end{table}) be centered? oh yea! Packers on are tonight woohoo psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly almost forgot hi psu psu hi hi cw cw: in the networking community there is a little worry that the root DNS servers are becomming overloaded, dns issues may be a sign of this Monday Night Football baby Remosi: hmmm, ok psu! 'tis I psu: nice KC :) good work cheers I'm especially proud of the headquote Yurik: what is you full name? we should get bradley to pop in more often I want to gie you credit for the patch & say something inspirational in the cvs log an email would also be nice email address chillywilly Yurii A. Rashkovskii psu: I like the head quotes :) psu: I was somewhat disappointed that they weren't random from a large selection of cool headquotes :) chillywilly yrashk@yar.com.ua k tnx tnx, too :) np btw easiest way to make a patch is cvs diff > file.diff ;) not much work involved there mpav (mpav@dhcp216-12-237-111.bccr.aus.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi: irc.gnu.org -- setting up another network is kinda pointless and the overhead is quite large for the value, piggybacking on someone else is a much better idea. OPN is an obvious choice. Action: Yurik is out for few minutes.. hi mpav I havn't been able to get a clear idea of what the goal of GNUe is.. he dneighbo to rule the world :) just kidding we have 3 major goals dneighbo :-) heheh.. 1. Provide an application framework that is free as in libre for businesses to use to rapidly build business applications why would i want to use GNUe vs Java+JBoss+Tomcat, etc? because Java has freedom issues ;P and the GNU Java projects are lacking I like a lot of GNU software; however, I refuse to live and die by the GNU sword 2. With that framework build applications that are collectively put together to do something like an ERP 3. assemble in one place all 'Free Software' targeted for the enterprise so businesses can have a single entry point into GNU Solutions mpav the why not use java there are a few reasons.... I am charged with designing, developing and deploying an enterpise back end software solution for a new company a. we have used java and honestly until only recently java was for Sun and Windows only (the vm's elsewhere SUCKED) i can code C and Java, so I have the flexibility to go either way linux vm is decent b. Sun owns java and can cripple unduly anyone who uses it, look what they did to J++ and standards set forth for EJB etc... i agree w/ Sun's potential for causing licensing issues c. Java is a standard you hae NO say so in and can fall on the sword at anytime because of it however, java is very mature, i can find developers who can code it for very cheap dneighbo: Java: Write once, debug everywhere! mpav: gnue is nearly 3.5 years old a decent linux jvm (much less a free one) didnt surface until last 16mos dneigbo: interesting.. mpav: lastly the reason GNUe exists is for freedom and that is its primary reason all developer sign copyright to free software foundation psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. all code is GP: the application server... is it geared to be a truely middle ware system? ie you can connect fat clients along w/ web clients to it? GPL mpav yes sweat.. so when i hear, i can hire java developers cheaper i can say, i cant put a price on my freedom :) i think you will find good programmers can work with any language i agree i have yet to find (though im sure they exist) a developer that has used python for something 'real' and not pretty much fallen in love with it we have had a few ex java programmers say 'this is java done right' :) but im not here to beat up on java really however, most free software people cannot make the jump to understand the a companies succes has little to do with whether or not it used the technically superior technology in fact to prove it :) i will tell you that several good java tools exist in the free community enhydra, jboss, kaffe, gnuclass path to name a few while doing things the "right" way can save in re-code costs and hardware.. but has little effect on the bottom line i can even point you to at least one solution similar to gnue (though less modular) all written in java, it is called kontor hmm basically some people really like java and believe in EJB and J2EE i think it is very mature we dont discount that, but rather prefer the freedom and flexibility we think we will provide however, i do not like the idea that it is heavily geared towards web based presentation fwiw: technically you could use java as your biz rule language with our appserver i want both and RMI as your method transport MicahY ([u4dhbQ3YX@ joined #gnuenterprise. the question is not Java vs. C. it is J2EE vs GNUe we are developing our web UI driver as we speak mpav: in fact, J2EE is a constructor, but ERP solution like GNUe or E/AS are aimed to be a constructor with very useful and big blocks for making the business solutions delivered easier, as I can understand :-) we find our customers are more happy with robust real clients than web clients but we value a good web architcture as well GNUe guys, am I right about GNUe? :) Yurik yes interesting.. Yurik you hit onthe piece pepole over look about j2ee i don tknow many companies that use j2ee that want to 'share' what they are coding in GNUe everything developed for it is shared so if i go and make some killer classes and such they become avaliable to your company so when you talke about reuse j2ee has this yes, but generally only internal to company are any of the core developers working on this full-time (ie paid by some corporate entity?) gnue is looking to have this worldwide between all companies using gnue mpav: not core team jcater is CTO of his corp and works on gnue a LOT though he isnt a dedicated programmer to gnue hmm.. B2B that would actually work. many of his staff use the tool as well we have 1 developer full time in lithunia that is just starting and we have 2 interns starting soon i for a few months was paid to work on gnue full time as well what areas need work the most? we do have a few clients that are using gnue or ar egetting ready for currently we need to start building our application base i.e. using the tools to write applications for mass consumption and our application server needs some work the other big items are get report server functioning as a 'server' how does the licensing effect if someone uses GNUe as the basis for their back office; however, does not wish to release their application? and get our integration tool up to snuff GPL is only applicable if YOU DISTRIBUTE so if you download gnue you can customize to your hearts content and never give back a dime of code AS LONG AS YOU DONT DISTRIBUTE to ANYONE OUTSIDE YOUR ENTITY yes, i know.. however, would using it in a company be classified as distrubuting? no ok.. so it stays in, you are good. hmm. there has been debate, but i believe the official position is that it goes by 'entity' i have a feeling i am re-implementing a lot of things you have already done.. so your 'company' is an 'entity' thusly a single thing :) possibly we would love to work with you :) put it this way we never set anything in stone logging service, database abstraction, etc.. we are not arrogant cocky jerks (or at least we tell ourselves that) haha rofl so if we get suggestions that make sense we try to make sure to fold them into what we are doing we also take HUGE precendence in adding features for people that are using in real life GNUe - the freindly GNU project :) not just playing with gnue hmm.. HR application would be huge Commercial HR applications suck ass don't integrate with anything else.. haha Action: jbailey is away: Buying a soundcard ie.. you hire an employee and enable basic network services.. GNUe - software for your business that doesn't suck ass mpav im working on it real time like.. email, etc.. Action: Yurik is listening CATS :-) i have two entities asking for payroll yesterday payroll would be good too.. start small.. then move up the chain to things like customer service app, trouble ticket system, etc.. chillywilly: you get anywhere with the whole object store thingy? odmg etc? mpav my goals are basic HR and then start adding payroll to it as you have to have hr data to do payroll :) well at least name and ssn :) right.. we also have lots on front for basic Maniac: ummm, no I have no cash to buy the spec yet accounting, inventory, purchase orders will have to wait until friday plus I am busy with this other thing of mine JDO spec is available yes, I was about to try and dig it up you got a url? otherwise I will have to go a looking myself however neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ai did go to the sun web pae page and their JDO spec looks to be proprietary they want you to click some stupid agreement to view it which turned me off dneighbo: thanks for the info.. i will be back.. ok dneighbo: do you have developer's FAQ, including coding styles, API's used, etc? yeah but they are scattered currently oh, well i clicked ok :) hmm.. yea I did too jsut for shit and giggles click user docs in the top left corner of http://www.gnuenterprise.org/ but it did not like galeon maybe it will like the newer one ;) dneighbo: is the code for the HR app in CVS? no mpav: nope a proposal is one of the last news items we will start to turn that into a package very soon :) k. hr proposal is posted to the webs site neilt: you just do that recently? http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/GNUe_HR_Package.txt yes, yesterday awesome #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. neilt: I amabout to commit some changes to the country codes and currency stiff pointed out by Yurik stuff what changes this stuff has been discussed russian and ukranian stuff what changes typos i think neilt like country codes and currencies in the default sql files are wrong russia code was rs when its really ru they are ISO standard that kind of thing no big deal hmm where did you get the iso form in our db i checked the iso standard are the changes local custom or ISO standards and they werent what chillywilly said was in there I didn;'t say anything about it I am a mere pawn i told him to go off the links i gave for the iso standard :) Yurik siad it was wrong I took him for his word as he lives in that part of th eworld chillywilly: that may or may not be good enough well I haven't done anything yet the default SQL files were loaded directly from the ISO data sources neilt: you want the patch so you can check it? or is it supposed to ne iso compliant? ok In fact (I don't know exactly) ISO may differ from my proposed changes, but when the world (and business!) use RU, UA / RUR, UAH - it says something to you? :-) neilt there was "USSR roubles" - what can I say?! :-) Yurik: not opposed to having local modifications, the question is where they belong neilt USSR was broken in 1991 :) and if they are ISO or not we just have todo the homework to determine the propoer place not questioning the need and there were NO ukranian currency at all :) shall I post the patch to gnue-dev@gnu.org and let you guys hash it out? and there was NO ukranian currency at all :) Yurik: the ISO stuff is usually a little behind for lake breaking changes so should you use an outdated standard or not? neilt but ten years passed? :) its just if its not ISO then we will put it in a separate sql files so people can decide if they want it or not Yurik: yes or longerr USSR roubles will stay because it was a standard once for historical reason so the code wont be reused Anybody using USSR roubles? :-) haha neilt: how do you handle localizations then? what if your are doing historical inflation analysis you might have to have a database in russian rubles how do you propose to do it depends on the changes if you send them to me I will check ISO it si 4 lines neilt ok. but RUR and UAH should be used for current currencies :-) ok if they are ISO they go in if they are local adaptions then I will create a new sql files with an explainition header so the implementor can decide to load or not it will not be useful for ukranian/russian companies to use ERP without their currency, eh? :) Yurik: no disagreement here but this is not about use or not use its just about where it goes so we can maintain the files if we just put whatever in our standard files, we will have chaos neilt imagine you are a usual manager and trying to install GNUe and you MUST know that he must do something unusual to get your currency installed. Yurik: not at all because the russian installer will put it in if you are installing in russian neilt ok. You're in U.S. But you are working with Ukranian customer... :-) there will also be no need for US states in russia neilt: sedn the patch to neilt@gnue.org? this is a general problem that the installer must deal with send chillywilly: sure working with customer outside of U.S. - normal thing. (Our company works with companies in U.S. :-)) ) of validate that the changes are ISO Yurik: ok, for international company yes but a local company may not need it s/of/or neilt not for international only, I think. chillywilly: my only concern is that we check the data first neilt U.S. company can use ukranian/russian (p.e.) offshore software development companies to get develop their local software :-) neilt: whateve rman I wash my hands of this as this is not my doing anyway ;) you get to deal with it...it's your stuff man ;) Yurik: by definition any company that trades internationally is an international company because it raises the bar in terms of software requirements chillywilly: cool neilt ok, you may say so. neilt but at the start of the solution installation company may not to know whether it will work with other countries or not, right? Action: Yurik got an SMS i certainly would know if i were doing the installation but that does not limit the use or not in our design there are very few differences but there is different data loaded so if you configure as a local operation and then decide to branch out a sysadmin would load some adidtional data if it was not loaded initially crap i dont understand the problem crap? ok. I think that this conversation on a very slight change is very funny, to too big for the size of the problem... As for me, I've just proposed to change currencies and codes to their current state. You may include change or not - it is your task :) but, finally, I think this kind of solution (loading additional changes) - is not good one; as I can say from my experience. ok our current design is that the sql files are ISO standard designations neilt: thought you were in my aliases and we allow for local modifications neilt: had to resend with your while email no biggie s/while// Action: Yurik tired to explain, and finishing to do it. It is your area to decide whether update or not :-) Action: jbailey is back (gone 00:31:20) wb jbailey tx Yurik: it shouldn't be that big if deal it culd be just the matter of saying oh the ISo says your currency is this but we have a local module that say this....which do you wan tto use....and they click the button Yurik: thanks for the info not trying to be a pain, but we have to have some order to how we make changes a no brainer plus old ppl are ornery anyway and they don't liek change ;) Action: chillywilly runs chillywilly: :) chillywilly: keep that in mind next time also duely noted jbailey (~jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3641773.sympatico.ca) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Action: Yurik is on www.iso.org ... neilt was 4217:2001 used? Yurik: 4217 was used jbailey (~jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3637823.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. but its not looking like 2001 it may be a bit older neilt so, it is clear now, I suppose it was really outdated :-) when i erased i drive i may have erased the link i am looking now Russian Federation Russian Ruble RUR 810 Russian Ruble RUB 643 and what about Ukrainian currency? Ukraine Hryvnia UAH 980 Yurik is right ;) yes, its right. But it is not in files that are in GNUe :-) had someone said we checked and it iso there would have been no questions s/it/it is/ ummm, you usng an old iso? then it is your fault ;) j/k Action: Yurik found 4 hryvnias under the monitor :))) and decided to go to smoke :-) Action: Yurik is back btw, how old GNUe is? about 2 years btw is rouble susposed to be spelled ruble? rouble == ruble Yurik depends... current incarnation like 2.5 years i think my vocabulary say so :-) Yurik: cool thanks well maybe not that old, maybe going oin 2 years the project existed about 8 months prior to that then at least a few months before that it existed as two separate projects gnu gl and obelisk you can get full details at the history of gnue site :) dneighbo clear, thanks :-) http://www.gnuenterprise.org/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=8 looking at history i guess current incarnation is only like 19mos old though it seems like its been longer :) total project time about 2.5 years btw: neilt thanks for puttin together that history page :) must leave now dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) left irc: "[BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.0c18 for the Apple Newton today!" Action: Yurik is out to chin on the bar for approx. 1 minute :-) what is the chf to usd conversion? anyone know what is chf? swiss frank? the pdf version of the iso 4217 standard costs 116 CHF nb? ajmitch: yes? fil_c (~username@host213-1-165-168.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Yes, CHF is Swiss Frank. neilt i convert approx. ... about $70, if I'm right for a 33 page pdf document now that is a load of crap $70 is too much for such document, as for me :-) stupid ISO extortionists don't they get enough money from their member orgs? nickr :) Boycott them! 1.65 CHF to 1 USD so thats about right fil_c (username@host213-1-165-168.btinternet.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" 70 USD :) btw, as I see ISO have a bad practice to publish prices in CHF :) better to use EUR or USD :) Yurik: They're probably just waiting for people to actually use the euro. Maybe it'll change early next year. jbailey may be Action: Yurik want Ukraine be united with Europe to use common currency passport... and no visas :-)) Action: Yurik want Ukraine be united with Europe to use common currency, passport... and no visas :-)) Action: Yurik is out for another virtual desktop... they should use EUR nickr ISO? Action: Yurik is sleepy yea just so long as they're not using MS Passport jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "homne" Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Remote closed the connection Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re. changed the computer.. nb (norbert@pop-zh-24-1-dialup-49.freesurf.ch) left irc: "yawn" jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater! neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: "later all" Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "BitchX-1.0c18 -- just do it." Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re once more ajmitch! :) rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-243.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jeff cater! hi ;) aaah, life wouldn't be complete without givin jc some crap got back from my first aikido class... gotta run to a blues jam now Action: chillywilly gears up for MNF go Packers!!! MNF? why do you care about that? :) Packers are playing that's why so anyways.. I still would like to be part of any formal group which will be responsible for creating forms for the applications Mr_You: knock yourself out ;P (not literally though) ;) well there are prerequisits sp such as standards, etc. what standards? Action: Yurik puts soup into the mwave standards for HR and Finance applications, etc.. our own standards for objects, etc.. Action: chillywilly waits for the burritos to heat up ;) Mr_You: aaaah yes well will be back in a few hours I guess.. chillywilly :) Action: Mr_You & % Action: chillywilly % Action: Yurik is listening JMJ Action: chillywilly # Action: chillywilly ^ Action: chillywilly $ Action: chillywilly @ nothing I like more than harassing ppl i noticed dsmith (~dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Yurik is eating soup :) Mmm Soup! you have anything against soup? :-) yep i don't have it :) :-) i don't think you like meatless borsch :-) little warm at the moment here for soup warm? but w/ sprat :-) jbailey (jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3637823.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201024.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is away: Packers!!!! /mode +permanently-away chillywilly :) :) the soup was great! :) zoop Rafterman (tim@lister.sesgroup.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-243.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" does geas in cvs not build dunno could you attempt a config/make you = someone hang on creating cache ./config.cache ./configure: line 551: syntax error near unexpected token `AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)' ./configure: line 551: `AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)' that what you are getting? nope it's configuring for me ok the make fails lol sorry I can't get past the configure you running current cvs? lemme make sure appears so rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-243.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. I do run ./autogen.sh right? yip rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-243.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: Client Quit compiled fine for me a few days ago sigh guess configure doesn't perform sanity checks lemme install orbit you'd be in for trouble if it checked for sanity :) what all do I need installed on debian? wow nevermind I have uuid-dev, libglib1.2-dev for some reason it just built ok Well, I finally was able to read my evolution adressess with python. I just ignored all that bonobocorbawombat stuff. I just used bsd db3 to read the addressboook.db file. Action: Yurik is back thats cheating heh Yes. And I don't want to write to it, either. anyone here get geas working (current) ajmitch (me@p10-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds haven't tried :-) but can do; what should I do ? i dunno ajmitch (~me@p36-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Yurik is thinking to sleep for next 40 minutes but don't sure... :-) Action: Yurik tries to sleep, cu tomorrow.. :) MicahY ([u4dhbQ3YX@ got netsplit. chillywilly (danielb@d106.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) got netsplit. chillywilly (~danielb@d106.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) got lost in the net-split. MicahY ([u4dhbQ3YX@ got lost in the net-split. chillywilly (~danielb@d106.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. MicahY (~micah@ joined #gnuenterprise. MicahY (micah@ got netsplit. MicahY (~micah@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds dsmith (~dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@d183.as11.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d106.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 182 seconds Action: Yurik is back uh oh jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201024.flinthills.com) left #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds jcater (jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" MicahY (micah@ got netsplit. MicahY (~micah@ returned to #gnuenterprise. alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p36-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds Sacha (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (~me@p36-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Sacha (sacha@ left irc: Ping timeout: 204 seconds anyone alive? Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly yep Action: chillywilly just watched the best damn quarterback ever ;) Brett Favre Action: Yurik is back dsmith: i told you so :) remember the first thing i said, get libdb3 and talk to the berkley data :) damn gnome wombat stuff is too convuleted :) derek: you watch MNF? probably would be the way to go if yo wanted to 'write' to it, but for reading :) chillywilly: sometimes did you just watch it now? i saw favre cough up a fumble You missed the best part then and then watched jax cough up one etc etc etc did you see favre's touchdown passes? left church when game was 21 21 they were bullets man so missed the end final is 28 - 21 Packers cool see our church is so cool we watch monday night football together :) hehe we have packer parties at church all the time ;) this is Wisconsin you know ;) we had band practice and just watched second half of game afterwards :) then how could you missed those awesome passes the one on a rope to billy shoerder i saw up until 21 - 21 and the touch pass after the big ahman green run oh and there was a 60 some yarder to freeman alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: Remote closed the connection he was blasting them man well i guess i need some sleep Packers acked them twice to end the game sacked bbl night Action: chillywilly is away: cw-sleep Nick change: chillywilly -> cw-sleep Action: cw-sleep is back (gone 00:00:07) ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. --- Tue Dec 4 2001