Nick change: alexey__ -> alexey alexey ( left irc: "[x]chat" alexey ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 190 seconds dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Isomer ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( left irc: "BitchX: its not your ordinary stick of gum" Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly Action: chillywilly is away: work derek: You awake yet? chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout: 182 seconds Sacha_ (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left irc: "" ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds dsmith ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds alexey ( left irc: "[x]chat" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning, gnue friends morning ok, time for sleep ;) morning woohoo, I'm pimpin this morning... ... just got an AT&T Globalyst 200 laptop ? you got rid of the one you had at SF? with a whopping 486 75Mhz w/20Mb memory and 340Mb hd :) complete with it's weight saving feature called "missing screws" no, still have that lol I still need to reinstall those screws I love google I search for at&t globalyst 200 and "Installing Linux on the AT&T Globalyst 200 pops up as first hit :) jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. jack-e ( joined #gnuenterprise. re hi jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" Nick change: dres_ -> dres jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: you here? jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest: yes here jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). |darks| ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ooooh imap rocks my socks <|darks|> :) <|darks|> hi ... ? howdy hi dars :) s/dars/darks .. jamest: how can i help you? i can segfault geas i _think_ what is happening is that if I create a empty query object and then tell it to execute query geas server segfaults the driver in the gnue-common-0-1-0-patches against the user.gfd geas sample will do it IIRC as it doesn't build the query but it executes it what is the best postgres-python-module for use with forms/designer ?? jamest: this is well possible i will have a look at it dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. egads its busy in here i find 4 different adapters in gnue-common: popy,postgresql,psycopg and pypgsql .. which one should i use ??? I'd recommend either pypgsql or psycopg ok let's try ... pypgsql is the one I have used lately the one that has the most testing and that I recommend the least is postgresql :) as it's based upon pygresql which has issues psycopg is the best pypgsql is most tested :) psycopg doesn't have a win32 install IIRC er s/pypgsql pygresql jamest: i think you are correct there i would suggest odbc :) while you can get pygresql driver that is native and works on windows odbc is a little cleaner and no dependency :) ? you said psycopg doesnt have win32 i was just saying if you need postgres on windows, i would use the odbc driver hmm, I'd use pypgsql on win32 (Though i guess it is a dependency as you have to get the odbc driver (duh) lol jack-e as you can see we cant agree :) but thats the great thing about gnue, its all about choices :) that's why we have so many working choices :) jcarter: you're working on gnue-common ?? hmm depends i guess i liked the odbc driver as i was seeing it as not another dependency :) if it's broken, then know err, no :) if you love it, then yes :) jack-e: I suggest that you not follow dneighbo's suggestions though as he always seems to trip up bugs mainly becuase my machines already have the odbc driver installed for other things i use postgres for i'm new to gnue and browsed through the cvs sources and saw that the sapdbdriver needs some help .. jack-e what jamest is really saying, is if you want to know if something 'really' works ask me :) :) only the sap driver? i'm willing to contribute but i will need help understanding the dbdrivers concept .. wow, we're improving. argh! are you getting errors with sapdb? (we haven't had a tester with it before) btw, if you are good with python and sapdb, i did some work with pydo related to sapdb (database inspection and the like) and i think this could be transfered easily if i understood what you are doing ... we really could use someone to write the schema introspection code for it i havent yet tried .. i just try to find out if gnue fit's our needs and one thing is, that our product will be based on sapdb .. i just saw: #### untested driver #### need voluteers here :)) in the sources .. Action: dneighbo is curious what jack-e's needs are reinhard: if gnue fit's our needs er re not reinhard (dumb autocomplete) hmm .. i have done some work with pydo and wxpython that is some office contact and finance-management in one project and another that does user-account/network-managment in heterogenous networks based on corba .. cool it looks like gnue could save a lot of work ... that can i say after reading docs and played around a bit with gnue .. you looking to do stuff just internal for your company/clients w/ GNUe or looking to put GNUe applications out for public consumption and how did you hear about gnue? you have to excuse my stupid questions, but i try do some of the marketing and such so like to understand the where, when and why's to help us grow freshmeat first .. then i looked at it a few times and even tried it month ago .. but i only tried geas and it didn't compile at my first try .. so i left gnue and came back yesterday to investigate it more closely .. the first project is internal managment .. the second should be for sale when it's ready .. we use opensource widely in our company and are willing to contribute back parts of our work that is of common interest cool the tools are GPL so any mods you make to them if you distribute you will have to give the chagnes back (but i think the tools fall under 'common good' so i assume you planned that anyhow) yep .. wtf: i cant believe this i was actually very interested in perhaps procuring a sharp zaurus (which fricking RUNS LINUX) and i go to their site w/ galeon at get this To fully experience the Sharp USA site, you need to have Version 4 or above of Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator Version 4.x. Download Internet Explorer i love how it says i must have nestcape OR IE but tells me to DOWNLOAD IE to fix the problem obviously someone gave them crap : Attention Netscape 6 Users: The Sharp-USA site uses DHTML and other advanced techniques supported by Netscape Version 4 and Internet Explorer Version 4 and above. We are in the process of upgrading so that Netscape Version 6 will be supported. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. lol I'm getting a lot of that :( I had to install netscape on debian :( a lot of my online banking sites do that jcater: yeah its sad, seeing how they site DHTML as the reason when mozilla (netscape 6) is the one that is 'closest' to the published spec :) in this case i thought it ironic, because they are releasnig a product that runs embedded linux I think there was a major bug in netscape 6, tho I could be wrong so with their own toy you wouldnt be able to see their site jcater : you are probably right, netscape 6 sucks compared to mozilla wrt: to critical bugs and thigns ajmitch ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds baumannd ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: baumannd -> chillywilly chillywilly ( left irc: Client Quit Good afternoon, anyone awake yet? not by choice :) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Client Quit ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. re derek: Who was it that you thought was in the cleveland lug? Somename Kuhn ? psu ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly hi hi cw hey dudes screen rocks Action: chillywilly is logged into his serv and form there into his laptop remotely server emacs i one screen, irc in another, and mutt in the third s/i/in weeee time to play NBA Jam :p hi all anyone know if there are any more #gnuproject discussions planned with the good folks at dcl, dotgnu, phpGroupWare, GNUComm or was everyone too traumatised by the first meeting? ;-) btw, Kernel Cousins #6 is now up I don't think there are any formal times currently so I'm not sure when the next will be fair enough I have done a small web page as a pointer to the logs & the summaries but unless it's going to happen again it's probably just a historical curiosity If it's going to become a regular thing this probably needs moving to an appropriate part of ok derek will better know that Of course, gotta get my FSF assignment in first :) thanks jc hmm after i got compiled postgres and pypgsql .. i have now some trouble configuring it that I'm able to log in .. can anyone give me some hints (postgresql on linux-box) ?? first, make sure postgres is running w/tcp-ip enabled i start it with: /usr/bin/postmaster -i -p 5432 -D /var/db/pgsql/data well, that should do it :) can you connect with psql? it says that it has no entry in pg_hba yep .. i created the databases and the user gnue with createdb and createuser ... have you edited a pg_hba.conf file? if not, you have to set to something like: several times now :) .. but without success .. local all trust host all crypt host all reject ah Action: jcater is no postgresql expert ... just relaying what I had to do :) so i need to use crypt ... i tried it with trust and password yet .. let me try again :) password should have worked hmmm can you do a psql -h localhost gnue ? i get: No pg_hba.conf entry for host, user gnue, database gnue jc: yep .. i get the sql-prompt without error and my entry in pg_hba.conf: host all password where is my "localhost" whoops that's your netmask whoops i misread what you wrote :) can you psql -h gnue ? um dsmith bradley kuhn is who i wondered if you knew from cleveland lug no .. there is the problem :) dneighbo: Thanks. jack-eare you running gnue on the same host as the postgresql server yep oops, forgot my ":" :) you might want to use "localhost" or "" as your host instead of your external ip at least for testing jc: i'll try .. just a moment .. as I don't know why isn't working Action: chillywilly trout whips jcater jack-e: is this a multi-ip host? just because jamest: nope jamest: it has 2 names but only 1 ip bbias jcater ( left irc: "rebooting" is this a debian box or something else? lemme rephrase jamest: it is a gentoo-linux box :)) is your postgresql install from some type of package jamest: compiled from scratch ahhhh ... it works with localhost in connections.conf :)))))) installed in /usr/local/pgdata? er /usr/local/pgsql ? jamest: gentoo uses prefix=/usr, datadir: /var/db/postresql/data i used a previous build-script for 7.1 and modified it for 7.1.3 ... psu ( left #gnuenterprise. the trick with gentoo is, that you don't have packages but only the buildscripts that automatically fetch,patch,compile and install your package .. so it might be an error there as well ... kinda like *bsd ports then but for now .. this works good for testing gnue .. i'm new and wantet to try all the features .. but this is not very interesting without any supported database .. so .. i'm off for testing now .. thanks for your support :) i'll be back jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Connection reset by peer Yurik ( left irc: "BitchX-1.0c18 -- just do it." skywarper ( joined #gnuenterprise. skywarper ( left #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi all ToyMan ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds ok i got gnue in 2-tier working now .. how about 3-tier ?? i have my geas-server running and connected to the database (psql) when i configure a connection in gnue-common with provider geas .. it says that there is no provider for it .. what do I need to do to get this working ?? jack-e - I know that until recently there have been "issues" with GEAS ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. to the extent that even the designers pushed people towrds 2-tier rather than n-tier HOWEVER I also know there has been a lot of activity wrt GEAS recently so a lot of those "issues" may have been resolved esp if you are using the latest CVS version best people to ask are probably reinhard and neilt I know I'm being about as useful as the proverbial chocolate teapot here ;-) psu: yes i have heard similar things yesterday .. and i'll try cvs-version of all the tools first :) thanks jack-e in gnue.conf file i think there is a variable that points to where you idl for geas are located or where geas server is you probably need that configured to recognize things dgneighbo: the thing is, that gnue-forms complains about the dbdriver that it does not find .. i tried "geas" because the driver's name in common/dbdriver - dir .. jack-e: the geas driver is broken very broken I've been working on it but it's still 99% useless :)) ok .. no chance to see geas with forms working together ?? not unless you roll back to forms 0.0.6 or something which I do not recommend :) unfortunately it'll be several days before I can work on the driver again "real life" and all that jazz ok .. then i will first play around with 2-tier .. i can wait a few days :) a few days he says :) :) jamest: are you familiar with the sql-drivers as well == ?? #include-std "2-tier is all you need for a proof of concept, anyway" what driver do you want? somewhat familiar I just want to ask, what is missing at the sapdbdriver .. the schema functions are empty .. are they used to retrieve table/field info from the database ?? yes and we don't know how to do that for sapdb i have done db-inspection of sapdb for use with pydo .. perhaps i could contribute this .. that would be cool it is usefull when i want to use gfdesigner .. right ?? yes yes it is necessary for the 'wizards' to work also anyone wishing to use common outside of gnue forms would find useful ok .. then i'll give it a try .. it is quite similar to oracle's way to store tables and references and even within forms people might want the ability in triggers... so is the oracle driver good enough to learn from ?? we do require copyright assingment/disclaimer for any work come back into the cvs tree jack-e oracle/postgres/mysql i think all have the instrospection working i think postgresql drivers would be the one to learn from i would say it would be best to get the 'basic' functions 'confirmed' with sap db however there are only two functions IIRC i.e. make sure you can use a forms client with sapdb yes, definately we support tons of db drivers that _should_ work then when that is working move to the introspection functions (not they arent important, but they are less critical) however went testing the 4 different postgresql drivers we found quirks in each yes .. i'll try the db-connection first .. and then start working on introspection .. let's see what happens :) dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. sounds good, do you want me to send you the assignment paperwork? dneighbo: yes .. gnue looks definitly interesting and I'll contribute this for shure .. we need this for our testing. dneighbo: is my email jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) cool :) .. like and need OS .. heavily use Zope and contributed there as well .. chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). jack-e ok its sent thanks jep .. and got it :) dneighbo - are there any more #gnuproject meetings planned at the moment? I've hacked togther a webpage to link to the logs & summaries of the meeting from 26th Nov but I'm not sure if these were 1-offs or not fine .. basic zipcode-example works with sapdb .. now off to the introspection-thingies :) cool! :) so the sapdb driver didn't work out of box? python-dbi 2.0 is fine :)) i havent yet tested dates and the like .. but i have a really good working from the sap-developers .. so i expect not many problems with this .. are dates handled with mxdatetime internally ?? jamest: it worked without any modifications .. which dates? but only tested with zipcode-example yet ... date datetime timestamp ... does a dbdriver get an mxdatetime or a string or what when it should store dates ?? IIRC a string i saw some words about dates in the docs but they did not tell about common but geas .. jcater was adding input validation/typecasting feature to common with dates as his testcase I'm not sure where he's at on that we'll see .. when retrieving the schema there is not information collected about relations .. right ?? ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all relations? you are talking about primary/foreign key relationships? jamest: i have code that extracts foreign-key relations yes .. ah, no, it does not do that ok i need to specify the relations when using the datasources with the designer/or xml .. you could extend the driver IIRC there is a var that you set to allow the drivers to tell what structures they support the designer designs UI not the table layout at this time Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly will probably need to look into _dbsig.* for that ?? Action: dneighbo likes teh 'atthis time comment' :) sevik ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds psu: i think there will be more talks but i dont know 'when' sevik ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( left irc: Ping timeout: 184 seconds schema discovery is a new feature of the dbdrivers and is not mature or complete jamest: i found this feature very useful with PyDO .. setup your db, call a script, do your real work :) ... what we have now is setup your db Action: chillywilly has a gnome 2 development environment now ;) weeee run a wizard in designer that looks at a single table and autobuilds a simple form manipulate that form to get what you like :) wizards can be written as plugins and I hope to see master/detail wizard someday we can extend the dbdriver model to meet our needs if people find it lacking yes .. this feature will need information about relations .. so save it for later ... the 0.1.0 release marks a new dbdriver model that I'm sure still needs hashing out and our upcomming support of OO based datastores (like geas) will be sure to have an impact so neilt yesterday told me, that geas will use common as db-layer as well .. sounds promising :) we'd like it to however we're what you might call "slow" :) i need to leave, my ride is here :) cu i'll try and log on tonight and be off and on for next few days l8r jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo - no problem oh yay miguel is in #gnome Action: chillywilly holds back the urge to trout slap him hopefully you bowed to his holiness sic wtf does sic mean? suck it cuz ;) j/k Rafterman ( left #gnuenterprise. well? Action: chillywilly pokes da masta psu ( left #gnuenterprise. sic is a term used after a word denoted that it was 'intentionally' done that way so i might say LinuxWorldExpo (sic) indicating that i would say GNU/Linux but in this case i am referencing somethign that is 'wrong' but want to make sure you dont misinterpret me k so did you see that new article about linux(sic) in the workplace uhuh I seee so i was teasing by doint a holiness (sic) trying to reference that 'there was prior reference to his studliness' that i was denouncing by adding the sic ;) yea you just have to excuse my 'dry' humor :) reinhard ( left irc: "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate" Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: It's always so much funnier when it's explained in excriuciating detail. dneighbo: ;^) dsmith dont know if you are teasing or not, but in either case blame chillywilly he asked :) Action: dsmith just learned about the modinfo command and is shocked he never heard of it before dneighbo: I'm teasing. dneighbo: It was an attept at humor on my prart. so you didnt know brad? Action: dneighbo is pretty sure he was in ohio, but might not have been cleveland no. He's not from around here, far as I cna tell. The guy who wrote bash is a professor at case though. Gaaahh! My son has a concert tonight! Bye! The Cincinnati GNU/Linux Users' Group, that is where he was from :) you are cleveland right? too many C's in ohio i guess dsmith guy who wrote bash == brian fox correct? Action: dneighbo thought he was in menlo park area, but who knows dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds lchillywily ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly! chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. no more irc summaries in the KC? :/ fooey might as well not have a KC then Action: Remosi thinks we could do IRC summaries if we flag interesting conversations with "PSU KC" j/me rebuilds gnome 2 development platform yet again woops my html converter supports some of this but it still takes time chillywilly you interested maybe in helping do the summary? as its a time thing for peter, he isnt in here all the time and its too time consuming for him to go back and read hrrrrrmmmmm I'd rather be writing code ;) what does he use to do the KCs with? Remosi ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. hello all hi neilt Action: dneighbo shackles neilt to the desk jack-e dont be suprised by this, just ignore it nothing to see here, beating coders/analysts isnt against the law in irc..... neilt i started reading the hr proposal want feed back? dneighbo: .. i'm not new to irc nor to coding :) yes but i just added what Mark started jack-e but you might be used to seeing coders getting beaten, chained, starved and other wise properly rewarded :) ok i did a little work without :) thinking on ghe gcd's 3.1.8, 4.1.8, 5.1.8 are all duplicates, assume this was cut paste error..... 1.1 should read GNUe Human Resource_s_ package (i think) what are you looking at o gotcha GNUe Human Resource Package Proposal v1.4 2001/12/09 15:24 on the .1.8 i think it shoudl be resources not resource (but i could be wrong do TriggerExtensions in dbdriver need to have getTimeStamp() ??? in the title we and 1.1 we say resource but later in 1.1.4 and elsewhere we say human resources dneighbo: ok will make it resources for 1.1.4 i agree that planning, time and expenses and project management belong elsewhere :) in 1.1.6 we say industry packages, i think we might wan tto say industry templates in 1.1.7 the first sentence say for modules in teh sales function i assume this is another cut and paste boo boo btw: sorry for being anal onthis one, but it was my 'literature' for the morning while visiting the throne, so it got a good looking at :) in 1.1.7 there is word whos when it should be who's Sacha_ (sacha@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds 1.1.7 there is example of warehouse business object and location business object Sacha_ (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. we might want to make that an HR sample, just to not confuse someone only concerned with HR reading this document no-one has defined templates how will these be done ? 1.1.8 i dont see 'posts' in the glossary and i dont know what it is, im not an HR expert but i deal with it some, i am assuming others will wonder what it is :) we have not fully defined how we will do templates but lets stick to this document for now :) (not that we dont need to discuss the other) :) i am reluctant to refer to something we have no idea how it will work we need a conceptual framework for templates 2.1.1 #1 should state personal employee details instead of just personal neilt absolutely we do and that will potentially drive modifications in all packages 2.1.2 maintain employee absence details maintain employee disciplinary details by framework we need an implementation framework not a conceptual framework we have a conceptual framework in the stuff that sklein did maintain employee.... i.e. i would explicitly say its 'employee infomration' in sectino 2.1.2 and 2.1.1 neilt i agree, believe me i agree but we have discussed quite a bit and until rest of the core team is ready to start discussing it doenst do a lot of good :( cenceptually we all agree we need the next step :) as i think in past we have made some good headway, but then got anyone to move on it so we lost a lot of good knowledge we just need to point our python code machine at the problem :) rofl Action: dneighbo asked for lots of batteries for xmas wife couldnt figure out why, i told her the gnue 'ai engine' needs more juice hehe i didnt get a chance to fully go over the class information (gcd's) but that was grammatically editing of such its a good start thanks i want/need some of this stuff, but having in all gcd is killing me as i cant implement a gnue solution that way today :( so i either have to undo the gcds into a relational format or roll my own :( or just get forms interface working hoping jamest can get a decent forms/geas driver, but its not lookign promising why? lots of performance and holes in some things early in the week lots of troubles getting thigns to compile and run but i think reinhard and jamest hurdled that one fairly quickly good now i think might just be some instability or questions in flexibilty to the query system the query system sucks i think thats about what reinhard had said :) we are just waiting for someone to tell us what they need might even have said the EXACT same thing :) btw: not saying thigns are hopeless just saying it sucks to be sitting on some pretty good stuff (base packages, sales, hr, etc) but having hands tied wrt implementation it will all work out in due time just i want to writing some apps :) Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. where can i find out more info's regarding supported database-type in gnue-common .. half way of introspection-support for sapdb ... not sure waht you are askign when you say database-type do you mean what databases are supported dneighbo: thanks for the updates, i already did some of them, the rest will wait until tomorrow night later all or what 'data types' are supported cool neilt ( left irc: "later all" night .. i need to convert the sapdb-database type e.g. DATE TIMESTAMP LONG RAW ... jcater ( left irc: "home" ok so you are talking data-types dont know if there is a doc on this or not so i need to know if e.g. there is a distinction between timestamp and datetime for example probably no docs, but it would help to know which file i need to look at :) Remosi ( left irc: Remote closed the connection 214 if rs[2] in ('int8','int2','int4','numeric', 215 'float4','float8','money','bool'): 216 attrs['datatype']='number' 217 elif rs[2] in ('date','time','timestamp','abstime','reltime'): 218 attrs['datatype']='date' 219 else: 220 attrs['datatype']='text' 221 222 if rs[5] != -1: 223 attrs['length'] = rs[5] looks like this is some conversion rountine for getting schema but thats probably not what you need dont know from pypgsql/ .. yes i just need to look more closly ;-) yes it helps :) that is from yes, but i think postgresql one i think the 'data types' in GNUe Forms are pretty 'limited' in the oracle driver "LONG RAW" is mapped to "number" this is strange ... Remosi ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. its jcater fault typically i bet for a mere glazed donut you could get the answer out of him :) jcater why is LONG RAW mapped to 'number' inthe oracle driver? will be hard sending my frozen glazed donut through the irc .. Action: dneighbo check your donutfactory account for said payment man gtk+ takes forever to compile i'm not really into oracle .. but is long raw a number ?? atmospheric crack levels? jack-e we opened up an 'account' at the local donut shope for good ole jcater they accept paypal now.... Action: chillywilly nots he cannot play NBA Jam while compiling as it is too sluggish and the computer kicks my ass then j/k of course :) s/nots/notes jcarter: do i need to implement getSchemaByName to be able to choose the fields in gfdesigner ??? it is not yet implementet in the oracle-driver ... I think LONG RAW is a numeric type i thought long raw was just how ellison preferred 'it' ;) Action: chillywilly wonders if it is good to be using a script with the word "vicious" in it i was just asking .. sapdb is very similar to oracle and there long and long raw is not a numeric type jack-e oracle users are too cool for wizards :) :) I could be wrong... never had to use one myself i'm lazy by default :) vicious-build-scripts.....hmmmm, that's sorta frightening gtk+ source, even more frightening :) right now i can choose my table within the widzard but it then asks me to tell the fields that i want to use dneighbo: you have looked at it? with the pypgsql-connection i was able to choose the fields from a list ... i dont have to its done by gnome developers :) therefore their reputation precedes them :P dneighbo: why doe sthat mena the code will be frightening? dneighbo: because you cannot grasp OO? :P nope im too stupid, you got me i think i liked jack-e's comment im 'lazy' by 'default' :) OO is lazy poorly written code is bad for us lazy folks how is gnome poorly written? OO code in C/C++ is NOT for lazy people I stand corrected im teasing you you know you are just biased from using beta evolution code " LONG RAW Raw binary data up to 2 gigabytes (cannot be a key)" poor masta, stay away from the beta code that's what i meant :) and you won't get hurt and the only difference between the implementation of pypgsql-driver and oracle is, that oracle does not implement getSchemaByName ... i dont think gnome sucks i like it, and use it exclusively KDE must be crap too all that OO C++ BUT i dont think its perfect and i think the 'key' developers (Some not all) are taking it down the toilet and that makes me sad :( i didnt say C/C++ OOP code was CRAP i said its was NOT for LAZY people :) BIG difference well I think you are wrong...they might be doing some crappy stuff idealogically, but technically Gnome is miuch better these days we can agree to disagree i think they are suffering from an ailment that plagues mankind in general corba rocks, what can I say and its called 'repeating history' both failure and success jc: is there a hook for converting longs to e.g. stringio ?? sapdb needs to handle long-fields with some .read() method .. what is their 'failure'? they are running down the same paths that microsoft and apple already have with the concept of 'yeah but we are free software studs' so we are better no they aren't, M$ never built components based on an open standard jack-e: not presently we haven't implemented blob-like support yet chillywilly : sigh you are them :) so you are saying sigh more to do :) COM failed because it wasnt a 'standard' jc: ok ;-) well dood they own 98% of the desktop when COM came out i dont know how more STANDARD you get than that and COM still sucked hairy nuts the concept was GREAT, REVOLUTIONARY, EXCEPTIONAL dneighbo: and corbas sucks hairy nuts? but in practice it just falls short in this little thing called the 'real world' and yes corba sucks hairy nuts to a degree too anyone who things there is just some 'magic' pill to fix things is 'whacked' dneighbo: bonobo is about using corba as the transport for components hmmm DCOM was about using an rpc layer to transport COM objects smell anything similar please before we discuss another ounce of this but is it an open standard? jack-e: you might want to put a # TODO: comment in there saying that those types weren't implemented because you need buffer-like capabilities (or something to that effect) read a book by Don Box called essential COM nah he also has two other component books out I'll read the corba spec thank you these were written in early 90's and believe me jc: will do .. you would laugh if you read them and then read what gnome team is crying about and problems they are tackling and how i think that michael meeks and miguel are STARTING to see this only rather than address in a good way dneighbo: and KDE built their own component model they say well what is m$ doing to fix it and the answer is .net so ximian starts mono.... what about DCOP? eh? see any similarities there DCOP, COM, ..... my point is there is no ULTIMATE ANSWER every answer to one problem inserts another problem elsewhere DCOP is not a component model by any means its like a glass of water no one said there was, but components are good for code reuse pour it on the floor and you dont have any less water its just in a different place i guess i get sick of hearing that these RPC or object models are going to save teh computing world.... when history seems to be against them for example beginning of computers was mainframe with terminals then went to pcs then networked pcs yes, but you use one right now dneighbo it's called DOM you parse the form as a DOM now starting to move back to mainframe with terminals but of course peer to peer is the answer..... maybe im just a cynic why are we building a wrapper to talk to these object system/components? i like gnome, but its starting to turn into a dependency hell very much like COM what's the point? if components are lame hell we should just go back to writing it all in assembler where you have to have versino xxx.xx.xx of blah.dll for one app but the other app requires blah.dll xx.x..x..x also gconf is looking sadly like a registry only with a different name dneighbo: but that has been fixed....the main probelm was using gtkobject chillywilly :???? have you USED any apps that rely on libgtkHTML? YESS :))) it works :)))))) every friggen one is dependent on a SINGLE specific version btw: i have NEVER said components are lame i have NEVER said RPC is lame hell i never said gnome is lame i merely stated they dont seem to be learning from history, but rather are hell bent on repeating it dneighbo: yes but having a registry with readable entrues is good and if you only have to restart a daemon you've already beaten M$ at least you don't have to restart your damn computer um yeha until the first time gconf 'barfs' (come corrupted) and ALL applications that rely on it are TOAST mdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" before you spout about how this doesnt happen, in an upgrade of galeon, it upgraded my GConf and did 'toast' things dneighbo: ok what should they do about config stuff for apps then? luckily i think i only have like 2 apps that use it chillywilly i dont say i have all the answers but so far individual files for each application hasnt killed me samba, apache etc all have own conf files but it is slower to read text files hmmmm see unix USED to have a philosphy ppl bitch about having config shit all over something to effect of give speed up in favor of stability so it might take LONGER to configure and might be SLOWER to run but i'll be damned if ever editing my apache config file brings down my samba server :) well dude my gnome has been stable for ages....yes I too got bit when galeon went gconf, but you don't have to upgrade if you don't want to now mind you microsoft win3.1 was fairly stable for me .... and I have never had gconf die on me unless I did gconftool --shutdown but then they started sacarficing 'convenience, speed, and bad object models' :P ah yes, you are now a TRUE gnome disciple the best argument: ajmitch: doesn't kde have comething for config stuff? yeah, text config files 'it has never happened to me', if it happened to you then you need to go rtfm I get most help from #gnome or #galeon if something is severly toasted I usually can fix it with their help rofl, i hope you are kidding actually #galeon has been VERY helpful and good guys #gnome is also helpful and btw: i think its one of the BEST gnome apps #gnome is on par with #debian in my opinion no way heh one **big** problem with the gconf model is doing network-based setups #gnome is mainly for developers, not user help it's doable for single-use workstations but setting up a multi-user system SUCKS fine then go to #gnome-help it is the same way jcater: what you want the GNOME 'Network' Object Model to be NETWORK friendly :) jc: does common use sequences for uid's ?? gack, i often hope not or do i have to write this with triggers ? in 2-tier, w/triggers ok.. dneighbo: so Havoc is crazy for writing gconf? not crazy i think he brings up some 'valid' points for problems that exist i just think that perhaps the solution is a little too close to a 'registry' for my liking and this database should be multiuser the gconf database and introduces problems that perhaps in many ways are worse that the ones it was trying to solve it is xml files, iirc anytime they start to straytoo far from the unix philosphies i start to wonder believe me a lot of times i think man this is fscking dumb how unix does this i will test the sapdb-driver tomorrow .. and if this all works fine .. how can i contribute the modifications ??? but then later down the road i 'get it' and im like damn the simplicity and 'truisms' of unix saved my ass how is it not UNIX when it is a daemon? jack-e: send to ok .. btw, GNU's Not Unix damnit say what you want its unix :P cu guy's .. that's enough for today :) you ver use the Hurd then? it breaks unix tradition all the time becayse a lot of it is stupid now Linux wants to be more Hurd-like jack-e ( left #gnuenterprise. and do file system sin user space rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: no offsnse, but I doubt the hurd is even within the radar scope of most linux developers jcater: well even Linus has admitted Linux was never designed Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. re also plz tell me why so many big companies are backing Gnome if corba and component technology is so lame? same reason they back MS umm, they aren't backing M$ umm, yeah I guess there's so much software for MS Windows because companies turned their backs on MS?? I am talking about Sun, et. al. IBM market pressure why not pick KDe though? relatively the same licenses many of the members of the GNOME foundation are also members of the KDE Alliance chillywilly: I can assure you that gnome wasn't picked on its technical merits... that's never the case maybe they thought that if Ximian could goat-rape Gnome like it does, so could they in the future ?? Action: jcater must work now yea whatever ajmitch ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds ajmitch_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly likes how jcater resorts to FUD when confronted with a situation heh fud fud, glorious fud! fud? one to talk, there :) hehehe :) how is Ximian goat raping Gnome? roflmao you are the one who always brings that up Ximian != Gnome no Ximian is a "corporate entity" "backing" gnome no I think they are doing some shitty stuff by making prop. software like how you were describing Sun & IBM I really should do something productive here so should I jcater (~jason@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. rats I thought I could get some peace around here Action: chillywilly is away: dinner Yurik ( left irc: "[BX] Hey, where's the cream filling?!" Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. re l8r all must pick up rugrats dneighbo ( left irc: "BitchX: so real, you'll wet yourself!" Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:27:18) Sacha_ (sacha@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. Sacha_ (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( left irc: "BitchX-1.0c18 -- just do it." Action: derek is away: Reloading Crack Pipe Action: derek is back (gone 00:00:02) no lol go home you gnome nazi we don't need your kind here :P yeah thats me hmm we have no more room for AI sympathizers (sp?) ;) Action: chillywilly thinks he just may have made that word up bah nah Action: dsmith has an old moog sympathizers in his attoc hey I spelled it right AI? AI == jcater he's not really a person just a sophisticated machine ah one that writes code and runs on donuts ;) Action: chillywilly pokes jcater Action: chillywilly waves a donnut in front of jcater donut even Action: chillywilly retracts a bloody stump :P jcater: would you kill for donuts? derek: our head marketing lady has the neatest poster... it's an Arkansas guide to computing "Click"... "This sound a shotgun makes" "Double-Click"... "The sound a shotgun makes when you *really* mean business" it's a bunch of stuff like that Action: jcater needs to scan it for you hehe Action: chillywilly wonders if the AI is ignorin himg ah well it's only an AI chillywilly: the AI probably only parses correct english ;) ajmitch_: yea none of that kwii wannabe queen crap kiwi Action: chillywilly stuffs ajmitch_ into a wooden crate sigh, such racist comments horrific, really ships him off to the "home" land just int time for "tea" about as horrific as your face jcater: definitely need that one :) it really rocks the click and double-click were the stalest ones on it "stalest"? does eveything have to be a donut reference ;)? "Logon"... "Adding a log to fire when it's cold" "Logoff" .. "Taking a log off when too warm" "Mousepad"... "Wut dem dar hippies call a mouse hole" i htink i might have seen this one before in something my mom sent Action: chillywilly trout whips all who choose to ignore him from the local lug: On Monday 10 December 2001 17:26, Vic DeValmont wrote: > Does anyone know about any Open Source application servers out there??? > > Greg Try these: __________________________________________ i wasnt the one that responded here :) coolness Action: derek is away: dinner hehe Action: derek really runs to eat now, put off too long.... :) Action: chillywilly has sparked a little flame war in #gnome about Evolution Connector ok heating dinner now jcater: you might get a kick out of this one i open the fridge and its PACKED cookies, cake, lunch meats, leftovers you name it, just gorged.... i got all happy and warm inside and the following came to mind: Happiness is a full refridgerator.. roflmao A full life is a full refrigerator heh there you go... Action: chillywilly life is pretty damn empty then.... ok micro dinged be back when im too full to get up ;) *sigh* I really needed that um thanks derek that doesn't jive Action: Remosi sends cw some donuts to fill the fridge hmm we have two full fridges at home hmm planning for reincarnation? Remosi: at least someone gives a crap hmm chillywilly: you could fill your freezer with ice cubes? bye Remosi: send some food down this way ;) Sacha_ (~sacha@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Action: chillywilly jumps off a bridge ajmitch_: there's plenty of trout lying about... :) blackened trout is to die for :) hmm... especially if the trout's been lying around for weeks then it's *really* "to die for" hehe Action: Remosi watches as cw tries to jump of an ethernet bridge, falling multiple centimeters before hitting the floor jcater: and how many of those trout have you been beaten with? buggrit, have to go offline in a few min buggrit? what kinda NZ slang is that? bbl ajmitch_ ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds hmm theres a TV ad in NZ with a farmer who's got himself a new ute who keeps discovering it's too good eg: he's pushing a fence post upright and ends up pushing the fence over Action: chillywilly finds it funny how #gnome is al in a rickuss now and then says "bugger" as the fence falls over from here to the horizon etc it's quite funny lol do you guys seriously think that anyone can make money on Free Software without selling out? like Ximian or whoever chillywilly: I think so yes although I'm not sure companies like Ximian are going about it anywhere near the right way ajmitch_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( left #gnuenterprise. |darks| ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds ajmitch_ ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac ( left irc: "Client Exiting" hmm ok micro dinged be back when im too full to get up ;) one wonders just how many of those microwaved dishes a derek can eat? it's been awhile :) hi jcater Action: chillywilly is having his fun arguing wiht the resident bsder on our lug list :P I dunno why he hangs out there chillywilly ( left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds lchillywily ( left irc: Ping timeout: 187 seconds alexey_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. rdean ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jcater (jason@ left irc: "nite" ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "[x]chat" Maniac ( joined #gnuenterprise. |darks| ( joined #gnuenterprise. --- Tue Dec 11 2001