[00:03] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Action: derek is away: sleepy time jcater (jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" MicahY ([P8c2otniL@ left irc: "[x]chat" Remosi (isomer@210-86-56-222.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) left irc: "EPIC! Accept specific limitations on WHO" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds psu, around? derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 186 seconds tis I alexey_ (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" tis so Hi Isomer dres (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. eek hi Google now has a 20-year news archive hi aj all my old posts back to 1993 are there Never remembered posting that much... Action: psu feels such an old-timer with young'uns like aj around ;-) anyway, off to earn a crust... psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. Sacha (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Sacha -> SachaS hi ppls hi reinhard Action: SachaS should read the gnue docs hi hi ajmitch i just read report 6 on linuxtoday. when i look at gnue as an application server i see gnue again different. ok i see designer/forms as gui related things and geas as an application server can you confirm this ajmitch? SachaS: that is correct yes and gnue-common as abstract database (whatever db is behind). is this correct? should be so. ok. SachaS: not quite gnue-common is more like a general python library it should contain not only the db abstraction but also other things but yes this is a part of it SachaS (sacha@ left irc: Ping timeout: 185 seconds ajmitch (me@p24-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds Maniac (darryl@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds ajmitch (~me@p40-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi. just got disconnected. i post my text again: ebxml lists "buying-selling a product or service" as the most common business collaboration "buying-selling a product or service" is what most businesses do with other business. company A supplies: wood , company B produces: furniture. So company B buys wood and company A sells wood. now with have the most common business collaboration: "buying and selling of a product or service" the most common business process is: ``order-fulfillment-payment'' company B orders wood. company A ships the wood. company B pays the wood .... Business Process and Business Information Analysis Overview 1.0 at www.ebXML.org ... is the document I cite here. ok. i never new how someone can define such a process, because i thought they are very complex. then i read the "ebXML Businss Process Specification Schema Version 1.01" also at www.ebxml.org ...... only the second part got pasted .... sorry guys. i just start again. i am studying ebXML (electronic business XML so today companies already use erp systems. the ebXML specifications provide a framework to get a global electronic marketplace. ebXML emphasis on collaboration (inter-enterprise business -> b2b). the most common collaboration is (after ebxml doc): "buying-selling of a product of service". and the most common business process is: "oder-fullfillment-payment" s/oder/order company A is wood seller company B is a furniture producer company B orders some wood from it supplier company A company A fullfills the oder and ships the wood company B then pays the wood. pretty easy and straight forward. the ebXML Business Process Specification Schema Version 1.01 shows how such a business process can be modelled in UML and then converted to XML. in ebXML each of these two companies will define their business processes in XML document and send this XML docuemnt to a registry. the XML document is called Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP). so there are two CPP in the registry. When company B does not know company A yet, company B looksup the registry. In this example company B finds company A. company B then downloads the CPP of company A company B then creates a new XML docuemnt which is derived from the two CPP documents (CPP of company A and CPP of company B). in this new XML document, called Collaboration Protocol Agreement. in this new XML document the business process (which is the same for company A and company B, except that company A is the seller and company B is the buyer). is defined. now it comes: at both sides (company A and company B) the ebXML software gets configured with this CPA XML docuemnt! the ebXML software (called Business Service Interface in the ebXML docu) parses the CPA and configures itself. so the ebXML software knows the business process involved. to recall: the business process defines the roles (buyer, seller), the documents which have to be sent (order, shipment notice, bill etc) and in which order. where is gnue??? lets assume at company A and company B what i need now is a gnue-ebxml convertor. i assume, that i have gnue running as my erp system. .... at company A and B the ebXML software knows which documents to send BUT not what data to put into the documents. the ebXML software knows that there is a field called: address, quantity, value etc. but the ebXML software does not know the content of these fields. .................... i think if there is a Business Process Engine within gnue (geas) where I can model business processes the gnue (erp) to ebXML convertor is straight forward. i hope i did not lose anybody, here , i appologies. don't worry, it'll all be in the logs :) reinhard: i know there can be business objects in geas. so i guess we could get something like a business process engine. reinhard: I want to investigate here and do my masters next year in this area. I cant wait to see you in february to get insight information on how to do it. SachaS: I am reading although not too closely i am at work actually and rather busy no problem reinhard. i will see you in february and we can discuss it. however i'm not sure if individual business process modeling is practical my experience is that every company tries to have a single business process that is valid for all customers or all vendors etc. not to have their own business process for every customer which is what i understand ebXML would result in ok. ebXML allows you do have different business process. but it wants users to re-use business proceses. the idea is, that the ebXML registry is filled with COMMON business processes and that companies re-use those business processes. and there are a lot of common business processes. even ebXML targets Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) it looks like bigger companies will profit of ebXML first. ajmitch: could you understand what i wrote? SachaS: no, because i'm not into that sort of thing but you could compile geas compared to me ..... we might be a good team. lol heh i'm looking at using GNUe in much smaller installations i think :) ajmitch: after compiling it, i wanna have (or program) first is a small gnue application with some sample customers and some sample products ajmitch: i will be happy when i have that first. right not sure how well the geas db driver works at the moment, you'll have to ask jamest when he's around if you're wanting to use forms, that is ajmitch: did you try the forms? ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS: yes, but not with geas ajmitch: with the designer you can select a db, table and the fields you want and place it in the gui? yes ajmitch: ok. can you do something like this: if the user enters a value into a integer field (on the gui) multiply it by 10 before you insert it in the table? not sure, haven't played with tose things ;) ajmitch: ok. neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. hello all hi ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 182 seconds ajmitch (me@p40-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds ajmitch (~me@p40-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: "later all" dsmith (~dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds SachaS (sacha@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds chillywilly_ (danielb@d141.as14.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds chillywilly_ (~danielb@d167.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) hey, are you guys using transaction logs or just writing straight to the table? this just came up here at work my Access db dumped yesterday but, for inventory at least I used a transaction log dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. so we just had to go in and uncheck the 'applied' field and voila! all data restored not sure this would be much use in all cases but it's been totally great for the inventroy files alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Ping timeout: 182 seconds alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" <|darks|> hmmm, /me is confused jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201191.flinthills.com) left irc: "[x]chat" reinhard (rm@ left irc: "There's always one more imbecile than you expect" dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. i love linux.... for first time my operating system outlasted the compenents :) i installed linux on this box 16X days ago this morning i come in and power is off, i figure cleaning ladies bumped it instead found dead power supply... have hot swapable drives so in about 30 seconds have machine back up and running (moved drive from one case to another) :) i have had components die on me before but NEVER before the operating system had at least crashed once :) dneighbo: bah! I've had more crashes from hardware than an os. But I've been running linux/freebsd for about 6 years. anyone know of a good backup mx provider? good=cheap :) alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. mx? mail dns record thingy Nick change: dsmith -> dsmithtohome dsmithtohome (dsmith@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds <|darks|> hi, got a small question: how do i define integer fields with the designer ?!? there should be a "typecast" attribute that you can set to numeric Action: jcater is away: food alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" <|darks|> hmm and how do i change that field .. except in the gfd file ?!? Action: jcater is back (gone 00:11:43) you can right-click an entry widget and select "Properties" which should bring up a property inspector <|darks|> yip .. sure .. but i can't change the typecast field :P what OS are you running on? psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. <|darks|> linux GNU/Linux ;-) <|darks|> well not an embedded version :) couldn't resist - but i ought to know better than to jump in before reading the log <|darks|> designer 0.1.0 if that helps ... does the property inspector not let you change values ? <|darks|> right .. the typecast property should have a combo box does it look like it's entering an "edit" mode when you double click, or does it do nothing at all <|darks|> it looks like a editing mode .. <|darks|> but i can't edit anything .. and it's not a combo box .. at least here <|darks|> ahh curso up/down does the trick :P bbl psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. <|darks|> jcarter: thx for the help :) sorry I couldn't be more help... you kinda helped yourself :) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re dsmithtohome (~dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dsmithtohome -> dsmith <|darks|> jcarter: well you said it's a combo box .. never thought of that possibility :) |darks| i think wx has screwed up painting so on the combo boxes it 'behaves' like a combobox, but it doesnt 'look' like one :) screwed me up too ;) <|darks|> yip .. could be .. maybe the sizing is wrong ... i think its cause its a combo box in a grid <|darks|> hmm, i don't know that much about wx .. jcater if you can confirm this is a wx thing i can send (or you can) something to the wx lists see if we can get it fixed there whole grid system is botched (and they know it :) I think we are the only major project using them (most others implement their own) but I had them displaying right at once, so it may be something I did its jamest fault btw: where is the 'old man' today anyhow? Action: dneighbo thinks perhaps his calculus professor chewed him and spate him out yesterday. ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-3-ip137.albany.thebiz.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). |darks| do you work with .... crap i cant recall his name now... ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all |darks| do you work with jack-e (me remembered his name now) hi ra3vat, how goes the russian arm of gnue :) arm? ra3vat hi army? faction group segment... all those frozen I think winter is here little cold there eh? its very cold for here.... i think it might be about 18 C here :) which is cold when during summer it gets up to about 48 or 49 C :) here is -3..-15C :-)) what is a - (negative) sign mean when its in 'front' of a temperature ;) Action: dneighbo lives in the desert negative temperatures dont exist here :) :-)) Action: dsmith pities dneighbo please dont, i LOVE it if its below 70 its too darn cold out poor, poor dneighbo hah! if it's above 75, it's too hot! ;^) we have "Feels Like: -5F" here hot? hot is 115 and above 95 - 100 is about perfect bah of course with our 5% humidity Ah well. where are you at dsmith? Near the shores of beautiful Lake Erie. if its a 'muggy' state i can understand why you dont like the heat :) Hinckley, OH as 80degrees w/ 80% humidity is satan's lair i remember going to orlando and about dying Tell me about it. it was only like 89 degrees out but like 90% humidity i felt like i was going to DIE Action: dsmith likes fall time best. the smells, the colors. Ahhh. came back home to like 115 degree weather with 5% humidity and it felt GREAT :) yes 'seasons' are a 'nice' concept but you get used to only having 'hot' and 'cold' after a bit :) actually here they have compensated dec-jan = cold/winter I get tired of winter and snow right about the time spring starts. feb/april = rain (cause thats the 3 days we get rain in) april - jun = summer jul-aug = monsoon season aug - nov = are we in hawaii? sigh Action: jcater lives in the humid south :( maybe I should move to gilbert oh, wait masta's there nah you want queen creek or casa grande Action: Yurik is drinking coffee more rural, but has high speed net :) broadband and cattle in same place gotta love america lots o cattle in queen creek and gilbert too that is biggest agriculutre in my area 'dairy farming' farming fairy or fairy farming :) rofl ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-3-ip137.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@N816P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan hi reinhard hi hi Yurik its toy man :) i ended up spending time with family last night, hope to get some time tonight to start chugging away ToyMan: how's the christmas season treating you? busy, I hope :) Action: Yurik is going to reboot, will be back shortly Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "[BX] Time to make the donuts" Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re well, yes, busy. gotta go though ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-3-ip137.albany.thebiz.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). chillywilly_ (danielb@d167.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) chillywilly_ (~danielb@d171.as3.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "BitchX: the NEW form of birth control!" Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re what is the prefix before run? i'll take 'the GNU you' for 500 alex. Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hello pattieja: hellow is this the pattieja from LTSP? hellow = hello :) jcater: yes what brings you to GNUe land? I was told to find an open source project that does Payroll hope I came to the right place? Action: dneighbo raises hand Action: jcater is away: phone hello dneighbo pattieja where are you located? and what are your base requirements St. Louis, MO well, we currently have written a web-based CGI application for time keeping pattieja do you have an RFP or RFQ for what you need payroll to do nope :) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. damn users shopping w/o specs again ;) hey. I resemble that remark. if you haven't seen it, you might take a gander at SandSurfer resent? sandsurfer.sourceforge.net it's an open source time keeping tool we wrote we were either wanting to replace it with something better or integrate a payroll system into it (or export to a payroll system) how mature is GNUe? the website looks pretty good pattieja : we dont have payroll done BUT Remosi (~isomer@210-86-56-222.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. i have customers needing it so i would be willing to make it priority cool you could definitely integrate or interface to your current system we have a GPL time app too (though i dont think i have told anyone here) is timekeeping a part of GNUe currently? if not, would it fit? yes it would fit cool I would definitely love to look at what you have and if it makes sense maybe make it part of gnue go for it and start writing some gnue management utilities against it (as i dont care for web apps) it's strictly backend CGI scripts written in Perl right but i see value in web based 'time entry' i.e. clock in clock out we have somethign all done in php exactly what it does called timekeeper so you're the ones that stole our original name, ahah! it allows clock in clock out for a warehouse company hehe i wrote this evil little php reporting tool that allows you to use excel as a reporting engine ewww! for this reason mostly is why we never released to public :) but it was a 'requirement' at the time reinhard (rm@N816P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "All things being equal, fat people use more soap" and it made dealing with ADP for payroll easy hmm. maybe you're not, then. Cause there's already a TimeKeeper project out there. SandSurfer has client billing included and some other company related features cool definitely worth looking at if of course you are open to incorporating it into GNUe I don't see why that would be a problem or being flexible to someone adding stubs where necessary to interface to GNUe only problem i see is its written in perl :) we wanted to rewrite the whole thing anyway yep python! python! python! is GNUe primarily C++? oh sorry... ORB? python? wow. python is just so friendly we are working on a UI html driver too for gnue so maybe rewrite it in gnue :) I saw that in the picture graph the ncurses and html frontends psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. Action: jcater is back (gone 00:24:49) Action: dneighbo needs to see how complex this perl thing is and see if its best to move with it or dig timekeeper out of cvs hmmm looks pretty similar only you guys have some more 'payroll' stuff does your stuff do any notifications? as i recall what we had was it email notifying the payroll leader when people had uncoupled time hey there was a new wxWindows release so that they could beat the person or fix it also there was time edit request system via email so if you needed to 'amend' your time you filled it out, and it went to a queue where the administrator could then approve or modify it jcater : btw: you have any need for this kind of thing? "The biggest changes in the development version is that the Mac version is now 90% ready for production use and supports MacOS 8.6 or higher as well as MacOS X or higher. " http://wesley.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~wxxt/ chillywilly 2.3.x i think is a 'development' release dneighbo: not immediately at least still OS X is almost there ;P jcater how do you do time cards current? will make neilt appy at least happy dcl is good for tracking time, but not for 'hourly employees' i.e. its good performance metrics tool, but not a hard core when are you at work when aren't you tool we use ETC time card it has credit card like things w/a magnetic strip ah w/PC software so you bought something (evil you) well the idea was time keep instead of 'swipe' any terminal with a webbroswer could clock you in hmm we have a hard time getting ppl to understand at the warehouse this worked well, BUT i was going to get a card reader and try it out at one point "swiping" much less web-based stuff hwy I almost worked for the city of milwaukee here on their time keeping app for the city...it was a java app...they had 1GB ethnet netwokr what we did for timekeeper was put a pc at front desk (running linux) that was OLD like 486 and have it with browser open to page btw, the time card machine uses a text-based serial protocol it was 'login' click the button logout so it'd be easy to integrate w/another solution which did take some time dneighbo: and it you were smart, you used LTSP to run the 486 :) but it was saviour in sense that memphis location needed something too and needed reported to corporate so this solved that and even the memphis boys figured er out :) but i still think value in making a time swiper too to do metrics you have to have a terminal though and everyone is starting to do metric so i imagine slowly it will be the way pattieja did we lose ya? if you are serious about using gnue we can probably focus some attention to a solution if you needed something yesterday and only want something that is ready now today out of box, then gnue wont work :) dneighbo: no. this will be a process of growth my boss wanted to incorporate payroll into SandSurfer, but wanted to check to make sure that there weren't systems out there already so we wouldn't reinvent the wheel yet another time. We also have a web-based accounting system which is open source as well called XIWA (XIWA Is Web Accounting) hmm havent heard of that xiwa.sourceforge.net if you want to check it out any reason you didnt use sql-ledger/ Action: dneighbo is just curious as it seems popular and is perl (iirc) or you can just go to pcxperience.org to see all the open source projects we're working on how long has it been around? never heard of it dont know but its all the rage right now people coming here generally say do we a. use sql-ledger now b. use gnucash and hope we get business features added later c. contribute to gnue and grow with it hehe. I found this project because of gnucash http://www.sql-ledger.com/ wow i still cant imagine doing books via a web interface, but i suppose if you are low volume you could do so w/o tearing your hair out yeah. we had to craft some pretty intricate SQL stored procedures to increase the speed that Perl wasn't giving us its not that so much as data entry in a stateless environment has to hurt how so? it's single user at the moment :) well often times data is dependent on other data with out state you have to 'refresh and submit' to get this or load a ton of stuff into javascript example if i choose department X yep maybe only accounts a and b are available if i choose account a (expense codes 1 2 3 are ok) but if i choose b (only c and d are ok) then when you create account X, you have to propagate it into the dropdown or whatever etc etc etc yep yep when you get 'nested' validations doing in javascript is a bitch as you have to load a ton of arrays etc :) so most people put on the 'next page' etc which becomes CUMBERSOME to do data entyr i.e. fill out the whole form and we will tell you if you had an error opposed to telling me up front i had an error :) yep you might want to checkout XIWA not to mention the concept of redrawing the screen after every 'action' while no big deal at a second or two per redraw if you enter say 10 invoices a day we're attempting to get a server going to host a demo but at one shop here they enter approx 300-500 invoices a day between like 2 people they would LYNCH us if they had to use a web interface :) so how do you do the html frontend in python for GNUe? it woudl have the same issues and such and handled similar way the difference is it become optional w/o recode hmm so if i make a gnue form for something it can be used web, curses, gtk, win32 yep so the folks doing 500 invoices can use gtk or such and not suffer penalty win32 ... ewww :) but for a same disparate organization they can use the webforms i.e. you are tied thats why i said are you against us making admin forms for sandsurfer in gnue :) you did I did? like the edit/add/deletion of users etc etc as i could make that form in problably 10 minutes and it would take seconds to add 20 to 30 users compared to half a day using a web form i have a huge list of todo's tonight unless GNUe were to use Java or Tcl on the web forms but if i get unburied some, i might install sandsurfer pattieja im not suggesting 'replacing' just adding a choice you can checkout the online demo, if that's easier i looked at online demo hmm. that too. cool :) what'd you think? im thinking of grabbing it writing the gnue screens for management and having you look at them go for it i.e. forcing you to install gnue :) as the logic thought for me is if you are normalized enough in your structs i might be able to take our hr spec and whip up employee screens which would be the basis of your user tables coolness i.e. you create and employee and it 'autocreates' them a login er rather their login references their hr record for like thier name, job title etc sounds neat I'm takin' off, but I'll definitely try to install GNUe tomorrow Action: pattieja is away: Bible study + dinner (mmmm :) drahc (~pointone@24-196-85-224.jvl.wi.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. er sandsurfer doesnt have downloads :( Action: dneighbo hates not being able to get cvs trees from work firewall? do you have a proxy? both are the cvs ports open on a the proxy? s/a// I think you can make cvs use a proxy' um dont know but not open on firewall :) only thing open (and this is funny) 21 - ftp 23 - telnet 80 - http 21 and 23 being fairly insecure applications :) telnet?!? yea especially telnet goats is listening on 23 to convert/map to ssh so i ssh out of here on 23 to goats for translation otherwise i couldnt use ssh either :) fooey you need to trout whip the admins ;) drahc (pointone@24-196-85-224.jvl.wi.charter.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Id it me or do the diffs on the commit list look different dude like they are not in universal format anymore I'm in love why? rsync rocks my socks heheh that it does I never paid attention to its potential but my backup strategy is about to change :) hehe :) I've been backing up some of my minor unix boxes via nfs Action: jcater slaps himself oh yes i love rsync too :) figured i woudl 'try it' to update my personal webpage now im tempted to run two machines with huge drives and just nightly sync some dirs as a 60 gig drive at 80.00 is cheaper than any backup solution i can think of jcater: you didn't even let me get it out l8r Action: chillywilly is away: supper I'm setting up all my machines to mirror each other :) jcater you almost have to i mean i think DLT machine and how slow it is and what it costs and its like take a 486 machine put a few 60gig drives in it and you ahve a superior backup solution out of box what's cool is we have a frame relay link to our other office normally doing a tar across that bites the big one but rsyncing is a different story oh yeah rsync being ftp etc w/ compression is jsut like studly :) dlt drives are bad. They just are. Action: dsmith get paid to do tsm consulting. dsmith knows. bad as in reliability? yes but they are common in low-end hardware (wintel boxes) <|darks|> so what about vxa ? Ahh. xva. The scsi interface is horrible, but the tehnology is really cool. Unsupported by tsm though. I tried. <|darks|> *hehe* well their lib works .. at least here :) Yes. We use one in the office. (drive, not library) <|darks|> tsm .. tivol storage manager ?!? yes <|darks|> ahh .. we have that at the local computing center .. with some storagetek powderhorns :) I'm probably the top (non-ibm) tsm guy in the cleveland, oh area. Or so they tell me. jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" tsm guy == the stupid masochist guy? heh Action: dneighbo is debating do i back up my laptop and upgrade to debian tonight..... or do i get work done and do that another day i think it probably needs to wait till another day, but red hats time is definitely limited Nick change: dsmith -> dsmith-away Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:24:35) dneighbo: hehe Action: chillywilly hasn't used redhat in FOREVER well me either in one sense put it this way i installed the current version on red hat when it was brand spanking new that is version 6.2 ok nearly 2 years ago? Action: dneighbo is trying to remember woah ;) so while i use red hat 'regularly' like a LOT i do so only because upgrading is a painful thought upgrading to anything :) even a newer red hat im firm believer you shouldnt really have to upgrade all the time unless there is a tool like debian apt that lets you update VERY regularly so you arent upgrading your whole damn system at a single time of course apt will let you do that too :) hey chillywilly you are mr. kernel how come sid has kernel yes? er? Linux version 2.2.19pre17 (herbert@arnor) (gcc version #1 Tue Mar 13 22:37:59 EST 2001 because debian is like compile your own kernel i.e. installed potato on this machine biased then i did dist upgrade to sid figured it would be 2.4.x something at least you can install one of the binaries and was suprised it was still in 2.2.x series one of the kernel-images dneighbo: if you use the xfs disks you can get a 2.4.x kernel hmmmm if i was more of a stud or you should be able to install a binary i would try xfs (or some journaling filesystem) and 2.4 kernel probably not something i want to tackle w/ laptop upgrade, will have enough issues to fight htere :) dont need stuff never seen on top of it BUT if i get a pc at home soon, i will probably do that type of install well doing xfs was not fun it took too much time :P well not really I made myself go down to school and use the T3 ;) when I last reinstalled my buddy just b0rked his kernel the one that came over and we installed debian on his machine but I told him to be careful ;) I'll have to go help him fix it :) hey its SNOWING in phoenix WOW that only happens like every 10 to 50 years cool of course it melts when it hits the ground :) heheh cept 1 year when i was bout 12 it got like half inch and STUCK it was kick butt jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-92-70-201.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. seeing snow on cactus is kind of funny dneighbo: heheh, too bad I am no stranger to snow ;) it was like 45 degrees earlier in the morning must have cooled down considerably in the west valley or something that's a warm spring day ;) time to head home hasta senor's l8r you know you will be back ;) er au revoir mon frere's later dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) left irc: "[BX] Hey baby, come sit on my lap. We'll talk about whatever pops up." heh nice quit message Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "BitchX: cleaner, drier, protects even better" neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. howdy neilt chillywilly: hello Action: neilt wakes up doing email sorry Maniac (~darryl@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. heh Rafterman (tim@lister.sesgroup.net) joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ello mdean howdy chillywilly lo all ajmitch (me@p40-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds Action: mdean thwaps Maniac with the Thwap of Justice heya Action: Maniac thwaps mdean with the ThwapMaster 2k ooh twapmaster snazzy (tm) mdean knows the thwapmaster well doesn't hold a candle to the BFTM10k Maniac: are you sitting down? mdean snazzier acronyms but mine has more impact mdean: as a matter of fact i'm standing you'd better sit I have news ok i'm kneeling hehe I made a commit to phpgwapi the snazzier the better oh, i saw the emalii to dev list mdean: this commit was for your work tho so no fair hehe whatever - provides no direct benefit to me, so it's fair by *direct* you mean it does or does not affect work? or you did it @work and thought you would let it filter back into the *community* by direct, I mean I do not benefit from the code well, you generated good will blah! you know me better than that and some karma! oooooh will that carry over to my /. karma? since I practically have none mdean := (mdean) + (karmapoints); := ??? thought you were a .py man now? old habbit :) object factories are easy in .py btw are in php too ever have any luck finding some apps using webware? they are a hastle in c++ no there are a few sites most are not public you mean pyGroupWare will be the first? Action: Maniac giggles ok so are you goignto help with pyGroupware? Action: Maniac spell checks his fingers ok i have to go do some work (tm) i'll bug you later do you want to start the project? mdean: would it go anywhere/ ? why wouldn't it? who would participate? I would on the webware devel list they go all esoteric regadring user authentication and management tons of emails but no code there's a wiki page but i really have to go or i will get in trouble :) bbl Action: Maniac is away: I'm busy hmm pyGroupWare? was he serious? what's not to love? ;-) neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: "later all" object factories are easy in loosely typed languages C++ is not loosely typed ;P well, I dunno in order for me to do C++, I have to be loose from liquer or something :P heh \/me is doing C++ right now oops so that involves "loosly typing" see I must be drinking ;) not sure if that's the same as "loosely typed" to be typing like that and coding C++ :D Dave is a real c++ guru (tm) feh, no one laughs at my lame jokes Action: chillywilly thought the drinking joke was funny ah well Action: jcater didn't get the Dave reference jcater: does this mean Mr. Sugar is a drunk ;)? chillywilly: only if I'm doing a C* language you know Dave Sugar that guy whose code I am a using GNU Common C++ weeeee ok our "telephony" server author doh! :) Action: jcater is not good w/names ajmitch (~me@p42-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. hey ajmitch derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. wb derek thankyou we missed you it was too quiet ;) Action: chillywilly ducks first it's trout then it's duck sigh ducks eats trout ;) maybe it should be "GNU Barnyard" instead of "GNU Enterprise" I am moving up the evolutionary latter Action: jcater slaps chillywilly with a quacking duck ouch! rolf jcater: Peking duck packs more punch er rofl rolling over laughing flounders? no rolling on laughing floor if thats confusing, you havent had enough crack :) Action: chillywilly takes a hit off his crack pipe can never have enough crack Action: mdean gets his crack from php derek: who's rolf? ;) Mmm phpCrack piano playing dog on the Muppet Show lol Action: chillywilly forgot about him Remosi: I prefer pyCrack Action: chillywilly prefers crack++ rofl pyCrack's much better, instead of this watered down MSCrack. hmmm MSCrack is extreme powerful but nearly as addictive as pyCrack gnuCrack doesn't cause you to crash as harrd as MSCrack gnuCrack's got the recipe printed on the side objCrack is for apples yes, but any improvements to gnuCrack has to be given back to the community lol Reused gnuCrack, Mmmmm gnuCrack can also be freely distributed (re)distributed even problem with MSCrack is you have to take it anally at least by MS's standards you're allowed to charge for gnuCrack (it comes in tape boxes), but the dealers can give it away for free jcater: with a scoop of Skippy Extra Chunky then there's sharedSourceCrack... you know at least part of it is real :) with gnuCrack you are allowed 4 central freedoms: 1) * The freedom to use the crack, for any purpose (freedom 0). Action: mdean has too many copies of DCL installed... how hard is an upgrade 2) * The freedom to study crack is made, and adapt it to your needs (freedom 1). Access to the crack recipe is a precondition for this. study how from like 3 months ago cvs to 1209 release? * The freedom to redistribute the crack so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2). derek: such an upgrade requires massive doses of SqlCrack * The freedom to improve the crack, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits. (freedom 3). Access to the source code is a precondition for this. derek: as easy as running a few sql scripts, moving the new web source in place and using it as normal er, crack recipe mdean: really? cool derek: it's all explained poorly in the UPGRADE file ;-) 1210 is the latest btw and I'm readying another release for the nagging IE cookie problem ok Free The crack!!!!! i think i need to upgrade at work noe more crack hoarders the gateway is in there too :) i have some date stuff with the tickets (fixed work orders) that im pretty sure i saw as fixed in newer release and i think i saw the ability to flag things as closed (i.e. instead of hardcoded to a position) yup statuses now have a type (open, closed, deferred) basic i had sent like 2 or 3 bugs and a few feature requests :) i think you hit those and now i need to upgrade :) I should have acted like a proprietary vendor and sat on them for a couple years first ;-) no kidding fits our 'upgrade' schedule :) i.e. i have wanted to upgrade at every release but keep getting pulled to do other things Action: mdean knows the feeling... Action: derek is hearing an msn commericial in the background and laughing.... have problems, msn will solve them.... gnue should be rewritten in varaq yea they have those on busses here ajmitch_ (~ajmitch@p42-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. roflmao.. we just had chinese and this was my fortune: "Promote literacy. Buy a box of fortune cookies today." it's marketing everywhere! lol that's like Dr. Pepper a few years ago hi all "Try Again. Drink more Dr. Pepper." rofl haha Action: Maniac is back (gone 01:28:14) pyGW tastes great but less filling Nick change: dsmith-away -> dsmith |darks| (nobody@pD950F796.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds Remosi (isomer@210-86-56-222.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) left irc: "EPIC! Accept specific limitations on WHO" ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d171.as3.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 181 seconds chillywilly_ (~danielb@d178.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. smelly trout isnt that a double something i mean is there such thing as a non smelly trout? i think it means really smelly trout that has been lying dead in the sun for a day or two eeeew Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater (jason@HubA-mcr-24-92-70-201.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "nite" alexey_ (alex@ns.techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: you ehre? yea always eternally hi nickr: briefly looked at docustore proposal good start, will probably need more fleshing out as we go Maniac and mdean are looking for dm so you might have some victims here soon if we get this rolling :) hehe Heheh Ah, fresh meat no to speak Yea, there are several areas that need things written in them i asked neilt to get up on official site and we will blast to mailing list and web site news to get some feedback and get the ball rolling further that'd be amazing jcater is making headway on gnurpc which should be good for the 'server' communications aspect phpGW is looking pretty cool yea, gnuprc is rather fundimental to this design ajmitch you been drinkiing again? ;) would be useful derek: :P derek: ? why would using phpGW require getting drunk? eh? ;P chillywilly: im teasing Action: chillywilly trout slaps derek hard thats nothing, after being attacked by the thwapmaster earlier toady :) today even Action: chillywilly ducks slaps derek Action: chillywilly strangles derek with the quackmaster chillywilly: we need to put your energy of the trout slap to work time to make you a dcl account and start assigning you tasks Heh. Action: chillywilly drop kicks da masta derek: you got dcl setup for GNUe? yip neat Hows dcl comming? cool nicely It was a little rough last time I used it Action: derek needs to create a 'guest' account so people can see whats there then create a little page so can create an account to 'add' items gooo heeerbieee! i.e. add tickets sounds cool There should be a non-login account for tickets and things or something Action: mdean whispers e-mail gateway... i've got an old DCL setup here, haven't used it really mdean: yes to email gateway BUT tehre are issues i created a guest account so people can view w/o registering i want to allow people to register so they can have security to only create tickets if they dont want to register they just email bugs@gnue.org and it autocreates a ticket :) via gateway the 'advantage' to registering will be then you can get the 'status' of your ticket and status will be mailed to you etc etc etc that's cool ultimately with the gateway it will be mailed to you from account you sent the bug from may need to tighten a few things down for now you can see whats there by using user: guest pass: guest http://www.gnuenterprise.org/dclgw/ obviously most of the people in this channel are gnue team members or core team members so your user/pass will be forth coming best way to get one is email me lots of crap that should be in dcl and i will get sick of entering it and give you an id instead and tell you to enter it :) that or volunteer to do things :) hehe |darks| (nobody@pD950F5F1.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. --- Thu Dec 13 2001