jcater (jason@ left irc: "nite" laurie (~laurie@ joined #gnuenterprise. anyone here use mame before reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. brb, must switch to gnome, cant handle kde anymore :0 laurie (laurie@ left irc: "Client Exiting" laurie (~laurie@ joined #gnuenterprise. much better :) hey laurie what have you done to derek? ;) locked him in the closet where he belongs lol btw just for the logs that dumb jerk tried to make me use KDE today, can you believe that? i believe that porting geas to windows IS a priority btw: what are you doing up so early? or so late? ;) for the logs? hmmm guess i should tell derek to read those huh :) um it's 8:16 a.m. for me laurie: tell derek i appeared so he knows its time to go to bed reinhard: gack its 12:30 here i thought it was like 22:00 and was thinking man reinhard is in early this morning :) :) s/12:30/00:30 Nick change: laurie -> derek man apt is addictive in fact it makes things so clean at times i think debian should just ship with kernel and networking out of box and just apt-get things as you 'need' them :) derek: i no problem with 12:30 i can handle am/pm :) reinhard: im sure you can but slowly im breaking my bad american habits one of which is telling time stoopidly :) it seems silly to have to say am / pm it leaves ambiguity when you leave it out and is 'confusing' and makes it more of a pain to do math on time diffs spanning the 12 hour blocks ex: i worked from 4 to 8 how long did a work? well was it 4:00 to 20:00 or 4:00 to 8:00? anyhow... americans are dumb when it comes to time and measurement we made systems that are harder to do caluclations : :) the most illogical thing for me is that after 11:59 am there comes 12:00 pm and after 12:59 pm there comes 1:00 pm :) my analog wrist watch is has dials for 24 instead of 12 so getting used to it though my wife hates when i recite time now that way :) im doing upgrades so cant readily browse web, what was the geas discussion? that had to do with a windows port? my 2 cents um there were some ppl that said that a windows port was important windows port is mandatory (some day) and others that said its not priority but geas needs a LOT to get to production usage state i agree and i say that those efforts take all priority over portablibility (in my mind) it needs a lot i.e. a geas that works on nothing is no good and while doing this lot we have to consider portability i mean when i now work on geas and write new code a geas that works on something but with a little work could work elsewhere is much better :) yes i take care that the new code is easily portable i dont think we should 'ignore' portability but for now i don't actively "port" it exactly the BEST situation would be someone that is a good C programmer in WINDOWS to come along with interest and actively just try to compile and fix things that are issues on windows i still have 170 installs of my old prop software that i support that wouldnt normally be submitting 'code' to geas of which i guess about 100 will converted to gnue someday and of these 170 about more than half are single-user single-machine windows installs :) well i took a different stand on client (forms) sure as i thought working on both almost from beginning was very important as i suspect the majority of peopple using gnue will have 'some' if not 'all' windows clients _everyone_ will probably have some windows clients somewhere yes what you said :) asking them to get ONE server for linux isnt the end of the world asking them to replace every desktop isnt reasonable :) but as soon as a company has more than 2 computers already they can run geas on a os but none the less geas should run on windows :) and those only owning a single pc must run geas on windows... exactly ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds sigh of course doing debian upgrade and my modem decides to run abnormally slow.... bbt Nick change: derek -> dnZzzz heh Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly Action: chillywilly drank a whole pitcher of beer tonight I knew my words would get twisted around of course I believe in writing portable code just saying that to put energy into porting to windows is not a priority but whatever who the hell am I anyway read: put enenrgy into right now ;) but actually porting to windows should happen and it should not be a PITA so in essense I agree with you ppl and to assume i don't is to make an 'ass' of 'u' and 'me' ;P goof night fellow gnuers night chilly happy hacking chillywilly (danielb@ left irc: alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Client Quit alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Client Quit alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" l8r all reinhard (rm@ left irc: "All things being equal, fat people use more soap" ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds Isomer (dahoose@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Client Quit Isomer (dahoose@ left irc: Client Quit Isomer (dahoose@ joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@ left irc: Client Quit Isomer (dahoose@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@ joined #gnuenterprise. wtf? why don't I get a goofy domain name anymore weird chillywilly_ (~danielb@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@ left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_!~danielb@ Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: chillywilly really needs to write the Linux to GNU/Linux script ;) hm? for your IRC client? chillywilly: xchat allows this trick easily yep oh yes and you can do it in python ;) what more is there to love? alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: :) heh jeromes (~jerome@ joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds jeromes (~jerome@ left #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. hey jcater Nick change: dnZzzz -> derek can someone explain how Red Hat 6.2 i run sndconfig and it finds my sound card and makes work no issues and i get brand new debian run sndconfig on SAME machine and it tells me it can find the card but doesnt know where it is er what it is and so that it wont work ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. derek: always complaining :) SachaS (~sacha@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ got netsplit. jcater (jason@ got netsplit. chillywilly (danielb@ got netsplit. Maniac (most@ got netsplit. ra3vat (~ds@ returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@ returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Maniac (~most@ returned to #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@ left #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: something like that its just ruining my plans to get wifey off windows :( ah i would try alsa but i dont even know where to start :( i just want plug and play sound for her machine :( sorry dude I haven't gotten sound working under linux yet (on any machine) so I'm no help :( i have had it working on EVERY machine i have ever had running redhat w/o an ounce of fuss the 3 debian machines i have had ZERO luck Action: jcater has never actually tried :) and i KNOW its not hardware as all 3 debian machines had redhat before that owrked just fine :( are you loading the modules into the kernel? I think it does work at my workstation at work, but I had to go into modconf first and select my sound chipset Action: jcater is shooting in the dark here :) sigh sndconfig on redhat did that for me i think here its not 'autodetecting' when it comes to kernel i dont even what to go there when someone says 'load modules' into the kernel Action: jcater didn't even know about sndconfig :) to get BASIC devices to work i think (linux is not ready for home user) :) I never said it was :) derek: what is your sound chipset? beats me i shouldnt HAVE to know that :) is it built in to the mb? yes you have the mb manual? or another thing to try is cat /proc/pci hahahaha manual hahahaha Action: mdean thwaps derek Bus 0, device 12, function 0: Multimedia audio controller: Unknown vendor Unknown device (rev 16). Vendor id=13f6. Device id=100. Medium devsel. IRQ 5. Master Capable. Latency=64. Min Gnt=2.Max Lat=24. I/O at 0xec00 [0xec01]. nice what kernel version? laurie@grapevine:~$ less /proc/version Linux version 2.2.19pre17 (herbert@arnor) (gcc version #1 Tue Mar 13 22:37:59 EST 2001 /proc/version (END) d00d! no wonder! i was running an OLDER kernel under rh when sound on this worked : d00d thats the kernel from SID :) 2.4 has much better sound support tell me how to upgrade the kernel and i will chillywilly has a debian kernel howto, doesn't he? I've only done it via source BUT be warned i plan on writing an article that says linux is NOT even close to ready for a desktop not administered by someone else Debian is not for the desktop UNLESS you have 'friends' to help Mandrake is much easier to set up ok then tell me the tool .... and is pre-configured to the hilt what tool? btw: i used sndconfig on redhat and use it on debian and it doesnt work so what is the diff ? i.e. if mandrake is easier... to setup sound do an "apt-cache search kernel-image-2.4.16" what tool do they use i will try it Mandrake uses kudzu I think latest redhat uses kudzu too or does it not? which is a general purpose hardware config utility jcater: I think it does kudzu's a bitch tho on a server as unplug the mouse and kudzu comes up :) Mandrake tends to try and be redhat compatible heh chkconfig --del kudzu ;-) dudes i've got a question if i have a date field and i enter no date kernel-image-2.4.16-k6 - Linux kernel image for version 2.4.16 on AMD K6/K6-II/K6-III (i am talking about geas btw) is that what i want jcater? if you have a k6, then yes what would you expect in the database to be stored in the respective column? um, null NULL 0/0/1 12:00 a.m. or NULL NULL ok null that was my guess too model name : AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor reinhard: :) is K6 no? derek: yup yup however geas stores 0/0/1 12:00 a.m. Action: derek HATES hardware, i just program the machines we pay someone else to make them run :) jcater: stop it! sorry didn't mean to ;-) so just apt-get install thatimage and im done? but i am happy that you agree that that makes no sense yip reinhard: are you testing against mysql or postgres? will i have to reboot? i read it from the source derek: yes it does so for all db backends ah Action: derek is nervous this is first 'kernel' upgrade w/o installing a new versin of redhat : ) if it works derek: well, hopefully it will keep a safe bootable image for you and then sound works yeah, it does my writeup will be very good in one aspect :) it will create a LinuxOLD lilo option so you can reboot into old kernel jcater: cool - that'll come in handy as being able to upgrade the core of a machine w/o having to 'reinstall' is a foreign concept ;) even for redhat users I've done tons of kernel upgrades, coming from a slackware background does that to a person I've put a 2.4 kernel on all my debian machines using that apt-get (unless they now have some nifty kernel util other than source) and they all worked right the first time btw, you need a 2.4 kernel to do iptables jcater: its me we are talking about iptables wrox! and I recommend a basic iptables for every machine NOTHING works 'the first time' even your wife's mdean: yeah, I've only been an iptables convert for a few weeks but it rocks my socks have either of you gotten mame working? no time :( mame seems to work, but every rom i try seems to fail when I'm not gnueing, derek: hehe - I just compiled it this morning my wife expects me to spend time with her :) jcater: me either, but my wife is a VIDEO GAME JUNKIE go figure SO a working mame with her favorite games will help soften the 'transition' derek: are you sure mame knows how to find the roms? im doing i.e., they're in a place mame is looking? xmame rom.zip won't work derek: btw, for your article, it's EASY to do stuff under debian... the problem is you DON'T KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN! they have to be in a certain directory and it seems to unpack them on the fly but then about half way through claims it cant find things bbl reinhard (rm@ left irc: "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" jcater: generally i agree :) mdean: only docs i was finding were fro win32 :( i thought mame started on linux derek: did you go to the xmame page? but if you look at their stuff you wouldnt even know that it ran on linux xmame all their stuff is windows windows windows xmame i went to mame.net xmame as thats where MAN XMAME told me to go :) x.mame.net? cool btw: how hard is it to get joysticks to work under ;linux; mdean: xmame? :) the best port of mame was on BeOS Action: derek shudders at the thought derek: never tried - don't have games that use joysticks and I use keyboard in mame what is this You are attempting to install an initrd kernel image (version 2.4.16-k6) This will not work unless you have configured your boot loader to use initrd. As a reminder, in order to configure lilo, you need to add an 'initrd=/initrd' in your /etc/lilo.conf I repeat, You need to configure your boot loader. If you have already done so, and you wish to get rid of this message, please put `do_initrd = Yes' in /etc/kernel-img.conf. Do you want to stop now? [Y/n] ram disk sigh that's the one manual task I had to do hehe is put "initrd=/initrd" in my /etc/lilo.conf you might want to do that, btw :) it doeesnt exist in mine where do i add it? sounds like it ;-) anywhere... it's not part of a "section" OK ASFASDJF:LKJ WHAT THE FSCK put it up top MY CAPS KEY AINT ON BUT I AM ALL CAPS derek: stop yelling it will get better ;) shift key stuck? your ; came out : yip dont know how smacking it hard 5 or 6 times 'undid' it be sure to rerun "lilo" after changing lilo.conf :) ja - that is very important otherwise you'll wonder why you keep booting the old image ;-) initrd=/initrd is added at top now save and just run lilo grapevine:/home/laurie# lilo Fatal: /initrd: neither a reg. file nor a block dev. [1]+ Done emacs /etc/lilo.conf grapevine:/home/laurie# that doesnt look good grapevine:/home/laurie# lilo Fatal: /initrd: neither a reg. file nor a block dev. grapevine:/home/laurie# is that normal? Action: mdean doesn't use initrd... initrd=/initrd did the apt-get finish? is in my lilo no it didnt i didnt say continue yet ah well say continue sorry :) ok if i dont come back for a while you know things didnt go well :) it'll be fine ;-) do i need to edit /etc/kernel-img.conf derek: worst case, I can fedex you a windows install cd :) um I didn't derek: be sure to /sbin/lilo first to add do_initd = yes no i guess thats only if you KEEP getting that message AFTER you fix lilo /boot/initrd.img does not exist. Installing from scratch, eh? Or maybe you don't want a symbolic link here. Hmm? Lets See. I notice that you do not have initrd.img symbolic link. I can create one for you, and it shall be updated by newer kernel image packages. This is useful if you use a boot loader like lilo. Do you want me to create a link from /boot/initrd.img-2.4.16-k6 to initrd.img?[Yn] yes or no? yes hehe - "Installing from scratch, eh?" vmlinuz.old is not a symlink, not clobbering A new kernel image has been installed, and usually that means that some action has to be taken to make sure that the new kernel image is used next time the machine boots. Usually, this entails running a ``bootloader'' like grub, SILO, loadlin, LILO, ELILO, QUIK, VMELILO, ZIPL, or booting from a floppy. A new kernel image has been installed. LILO sets up your system to boot Linux directly from your hard disk, without the need for booting from a boot floppy. WARNING If you are keeping another operating system or another version of Linux on a separate disk partition, you should not have LILO install a boot block now. Wait until you read the LILO documentation. That is because installing a boot block now might make the other system un-bootable. If you only want to run this version of Linux, go ahead and install the boot block here. If it does not work, you can still boot this system from a boot floppy. You already have a LILO configuration in /etc/lilo.conf Install a boot block using the existing /etc/lilo.conf? [Yes] i have win on here too but i had lilo on mbr before how should i answer? then I'd accept the yes yes didn't hurt my win install :) joy i have all the luck An error occurred while running lilo in test mode, a log is available in /var/log/lilo_log.8923. Please edit /etc/lilo.conf manually and re-run lilo, or make other arrangements to boot your machine. Please hit return to continue what's in the log file? grapevine:/home/laurie# lilo Fatal: /initrd: neither a reg. file nor a block dev. grapevine:/home/laurie# is error i get running lilo at that is content of the log file as well grapevine:/home/laurie# less /var/log/lilo_log.8923 hmmm Fatal: /initrd: neither a reg. file nor a block dev. /var/log/lilo_log.8923 (END) oh in my lilo.conf initrd=/boot/initrd.img is in each linux image= section must still be using a Mandark kernel ;-) go ahead and let apt-get finish then rerun lilo maybe it hasn't gotten to the initrd install i did sigh you amaze me derek: is there a /boot/initrd.img ? grapevine:/home/laurie# ls /boot/ System.map-2.2.19pre17 boot-menu.b chain.b map System.map-2.4.16-k6 boot-text.b config-2.2.19pre17 os2_d.b boot-bmp.b boot.0300 config-2.4.16-k6 vmlinuz-2.2.19pre17 boot-compat.b boot.b initrd.img-2.4.16-k6 vmlinuz-2.4.16-k6 grapevine:/home/laurie# ok in the image=/boot/vmlinux-2.4.16-k6 section add initrd=/boot/initrd.img-2.4.16-k6 and remove the other line (the one you added) image=/vmlinuz label=Linux read-only # restricted # alias=1 image=/vmlinuz.old label=LinuxOLD read-only optional # restricted # alias=2 are the only ;images; i have no image=/boot.... so is /vmlinuz a symlink? crap told you wrong it should be yes initrd=/boot/initrd I just looked at my config file to /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.16-k6 jcater: he doesn't have that, so should he do a symlink? grapevine:/initrd# lilo Fatal: open /boot/initrd: No such file or directory [1]+ Done emacs /etc/lilo.conf grapevine:/initrd# jcater: sorry no dice :) /initrd does exist its just empty dir make a symlink from initrd.img-2.4.16-k6 to initrd or specify the full name of initrd you have me lost now ln -sf /boot/initrd.img-2.4.16-k6 /boot/initrd /sbin/lilo grapevine:/initrd# lilo Added Linux Skipping /vmlinuz.old Added dos * grapevine:/initrd# bingo NOW tell me why debian muffed this skipping the .old? wonder why? its a 'fresh' deb install, i havent 'customized' it :) no init for it could be a bug in the installer i would probably have to make an initrd.img-myold kernel dare i try and reboot? guess worse case i reinstall debian bbs derek (laurie@ left irc: "Client Exiting" hmmmmm vmlinuz.old would have been nice for a "just in case" :) sigh he worries me sometimes hehe I've never seen such luck laurie (~laurie@ joined #gnuenterprise. Linux version 2.4.16-k6 (herbert@gondolin) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011006 (Debian prerelease)) #1 Wed Nov 28 10:34:08 EST 2001 /proc/version (END) Action: laurie bows to the jcater and mdean many thanks no problem i swear it seems faster maybe im nuts/ does /proc/pci detect the sound device? 2.4 is faster though i suppose having something OPTIMIZED for k6 probably makes a significance diff especially with added speed of 2.4 and AMD K6's need all the help they can get tell me about it this thing is a dog Bus 0, device 12, function 0: Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8338A (rev 16). IRQ 5. Master Capable. Latency=64. Min Gnt=2.Max Lat=24. I/O at 0xec00 [0xecff]. yeah oh yeah let me try sndconfig now sndconfig still barfs sndconfig may need to be updated ah ok Nick change: laurie -> derek suppose when done i should do a apt-get upgrade on everything wtf i dont get this at least ten times this AM i ran apt-get uppgrade packagename and EVERYTIME 1 package to upgrade and its konqueror i dont get it hehe poor Konqy doing an apt-get update to see if that helps says 8i have newest sndconfig Action: mdean heads to update Mozilla nightly hmmmmm apt-get upgrade after the update 1 package to upgrade... and its konq ;) they update that thing every 2 seconds or what ? do you have 2.4.16 under the /lib/modules directory? grapevine:/lib/modules# ls 2.2.19pre17 2.4.16-k6 grapevine:/lib/modules# ok let me see what the module name is for your sound chip muhahaha i did sndconfig --no-probe and found the chipset listed in the choices and i think i have sound : ) ah that works! closest thing I see is cmpci.o does it come up in lsmod? exit doh! sorry copying an mp3 to tes i dont see anything in lsmod weird hmmm sound card 'plays' but it sounds like shite and lsmod is void of info? what version is your lsmod? no it has info Module Size Used by Not tainted cmpci 23840 0 (autoclean) soundcore 3556 2 (autoclean) [cmpci] tulip 36896 1 rtc 5336 0 (autoclean) unix 13700 61 (autoclean) ide-disk 6560 2 (autoclean) ide-probe-mod 7968 0 (autoclean) ide-mod 129068 2 (autoclean) [ide-disk ide-probe-mod] ext2 30240 1 (autoclean) grapevine:/lib/modules# hmm it seems there now :) wsant the first time before it was only stuff after tulip ok now its gone strange if i run sndconfig and have it open and choose that BEFORE i play the 'sample' well, it's autocleaned, so it's unloaded if nothing is using it ah modprobe cmpci should work too i wonder if it detected wrong cause it SOUNDS like CRAP but sound comes out Action: derek wishes he had written down what driver redhat had used does dmesg say what messages the sound module spit out? PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device 00:0c.0 cmpci: found CM8338A adapter at io 0xec00 irq 5 cmpci: unloading cmpci: version $Revision: 5.64 $ time 10:54:20 Nov 28 2001 PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device 00:0c.0 cmpci: found CM8338A adapter at io 0xec00 irq 5 isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards... derek: could be the music you're listening to isapnp: No Plug & Play device found :) ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996 ad1848: No ISAPnP cards found, trying standard ones... cmpci: unloading cmpci: version $Revision: 5.64 $ time 10:54:20 Nov 28 2001 PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device 00:0c.0 cmpci: found CM8338A adapter at io 0xec00 irq 5 cmpci: unloading cmpci: version $Revision: 5.64 $ time 10:54:20 Nov 28 2001 PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device 00:0c.0 cmpci: found CM8338A adapter at io 0xec00 irq 5 jcater: true - crappy mp3 ;-) grapevine:/lib/modules# jcater: yeah i grabbed something 'automagically' and it was well (gulp) wham - wake me up before you go go NOOOOOOOO! so no matter what it will sound 'bad' but this is really bad even for wham :) derek.... like he said, could be a bad rip of a bad song nope it plays fine on another machine and the 'sample' sndconfig play says crappy too (though it always did to me ) ;) this is why I get nothing but Creative Labs ;-) hehe sigh yes when i build a machine i will i bought this machine pre me using linux at home does ALSA have support for that chip? i will be back must boot into windows dood i cant even find where to start with alsa it scares me more than a kernel upgrade :) alsa isn't that bad doesn't it have deb packages? grapevine:/lib/modules# apt-get install alsaconf Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done The following extra packages will be installed: alsa-base alsa-utils Action: mdean fires up Mozilla 2001121506... The following NEW packages will be installed: alsa-base alsa-utils alsaconf 0 packages upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 63 not upgraded. Need to get 120kB of archives. After unpacking 594kB will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] apparently cool - doesn't say the version, eh? Starting ALSA sound driver (version none):modprobe: Can't locate module snd failed. Setting up alsa-utils (0.9.0beta9-1) ... Setting up alsaconf (0.4.3b-4) ... according to their page - 0.5.12a released on 11-30 to fix problems with 2.4.14+ kernels, and 0.9.0beta10 packages released hi hey ajmitch trying driver ..... Loading driver: Starting ALSA sound driver (version none):modprobe: Can't locate module snd failed. Setting the PCM volume to 100% and the Master output volume to 50% amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory Could not initialize the mixer, the card was probably not detected correctly. grapevine:/lib/modules# alsa is a bust too :) time to reboot into windows mmm, lovely bbl derek (laurie@ left irc: "Client Exiting" poor guy, having to use windows looks like an alias is needed Action: ajmitch has an ISA SB16PNP card works well :) ja - I have the SB Live basic Action: mdean always buys SB :) yeah, i'll probably get one like that with a new system reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. laurie (~laurie@ joined #gnuenterprise. well its right card Nick change: laurie -> derek so something is jacked in debian or the driver is crap i have sneaky suscpicion that sndconfig isnt loading the modules right or something, like its grabbing the old ones ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds wow i htink my burner bit the dust do you lolly-gag around in laurie's dresses too? in burning a cd i locked (in windows) hehe and i thought it was just windows but in linux it wouldnt give cd back and in windows it wont and if you try it locks windows tried during boot up with no os and it still wont give it back most odd derek: you shutdown & opened the drive up manually? i know im more concerned that the drive is toast or not i.e. do i need to buy a new one ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds well enough time wasted on sound :( joy was going to upgrade laptop and i see debian bug for sndconfig that is over a year old that says cant detect maestro which is whats in my dell any good resources for sound on debian out there? people use sndconfig with debian? dunno - but Maestro is supported by the kernel at least um what are you supposed to use mdean: well i woudl ASSUME THAT MEANT SOMETHING it does but i have not had ANY troubles with sound on redhat using sndconfig es1370 chipset or something? you *could* manually load the module i have yet to get shit to work with debian Action: derek is going ot resort to a 'how to' hahaha this should be funny not like i dont have time to waste (yeah right) with alsa you have to have no other kernel sound drivers compiled in only the core one CONFIG_SOUND=m CONFIG_SOUND_OSS=m everything else must be disabled chillywilly: i gave up moving onto email client mozilla mail takes 45 seconds just to 'load' evolution about 25 and kmail about 30 evolution and mozilla take nearly 5 to 10 seconds to 'display' an email kmail at least about 5 its really pitiful this is no 'beast' of a machine but its got 160mb of RAM and windows including outlook screams on it linux (server) apps rock on minimal hardware linux gui apps suck wind on old hardware :) i love linux, but this expierence of geting wife to use for real is painful im starting to see how bad linux can suck for the normal everyday user rdean (rdean@ joined #gnuenterprise. pattieja (~pattieja@ joined #gnuenterprise. derek: well, ya know, those jpegs you send via email usually do take 10 seconds to render :) yet another code snippet from geas: if (!retval) { fatal_error ("error : no SQL was generated\n" "(serious error somewhere in the OQL module - hi, jamest, is this more helpful :)\n"); } return (retval); you wouldn't believe that after half a year you still find new stuff like this... hehe ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" rdean (rdean@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds dneighbo (~derek@ joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@ joined #gnuenterprise. night all reinhard (rm@ left irc: "All things being equal, fat people use more soap" hi dneighbo, Isomer Isomer (dahoose@ got netsplit. dneighbo (derek@ got netsplit. chillywilly_ (danielb@ got netsplit. Isomer (dahoose@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~derek@ returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@ returned to #gnuenterprise. g'mornin' dual booting sucks bbl derek (laurie@ left irc: "Client Exiting" what is that tootsie roll commercial? 'how many licks does it take to eat a tootsie roll toostie pop?' it should be .... 'how many reboots does it take to get a working windows?' 3 we counted them last time we had to do a win2k install - 24. ouch linux took 2 I think dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (~mdean@ joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (~neilt@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by !carter.openprojects.net: Welcome to GNU Enterprise, need help email info@gnue.org mdean (mdean@ got netsplit. chillywilly_ (danielb@ got netsplit. Isomer (dahoose@ got netsplit. dneighbo (derek@ got netsplit. neilt (neilt@ got netsplit. dsmith (dsmith@ got netsplit. ra3vat (ds@ got netsplit. ToyMan (stuq@ got netsplit. pattieja (pattieja@ got netsplit. jcater (jason@ got netsplit. Maniac (most@ got netsplit. mdean (~mdean@ returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~derek@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@ got netsplit. chillywilly_ (danielb@ got netsplit. mdean (mdean@ got netsplit. dneighbo (derek@ got netsplit. chillywilly_ (~danielb@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~derek@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@ returned to #gnuenterprise. mdean (~mdean@ returned to #gnuenterprise. bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. nickr (nick@ joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (~mdean@ joined #gnuenterprise. bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. ajmitch (~me@p49-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (~neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. Nick change: dsmith -> dsmith-away pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by neilt!~neilt@dialup- Welcome to GNU Enterprise, need help or info email info@gnue.org neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds jcater (jason@ left irc: "home" jbailey (jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3639988.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection hmm gnue has all the HR information in it, ie: all your employee's right? mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p49-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: "http://www.freedevelopers.net" ajmitch (~me@p49-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. reasonably dead channel at this time of the day/week/whatever mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" yep mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. wb mdean danke - now have xchat 1.8.6 :) i'm still on 1.8.5, i'm so behind... I was more behind - 1.8.0 hmm GNUe has all the employee information in the database no? chillywilly (~danielb@d27.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. damn you bigbrother! Nick change: dsmith-away -> dsmith hey dsmith Hey there Just got back from my son's duclimer teacher's concert. 'Twas Awesome. ok Action: chillywilly just got back formt he christmas concert at church Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) joined #gnuenterprise. man I need GNUe bad, but web intergace or console interface ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You: you can just use psp and talk to GEAS ;) mdean: What's the the diff between 1.8.5 -> 1.8.6 ? dunno - I was running 1.8.0 - and 1.8.6 says it's guaranteed 100% bug free or your money back ;-) I'm pretty new to this irc stuff. What's with all these scripts and plugins? jusy nonsense Is there a repositiory for python xchat scripts somewhere? goofy shit you can make the client do I just get in here and lurk or type - no fancy stuff for me ditto although I should write the trout slapper script and the linux to gnu/linux script ;) I know we just need a vrms script for xchat if you say "open source" is says hey this is about the "Free Software Movement" and thr linux ->gnu/linux thing what else... Is it the hurd or gnu/hurd ? if someone mentions *BSD it says, you should use copyleft either one some ppl just call it GNU What about emacs Xemacs ? Don't talk about Xemacs around rms. Slap you with a trout. hehe yea I just spend most of today running cat5 from the office (2nd floor) to the basement. hehe hmm, GNUe has all the information on employee's 'n stuff right? Action: chillywilly spent most of the day rearrangin the furniture down here Are there any apps yet? (I asked before, but I forgot.. Sorry) nope....well just some ppl's custom stuff that uses forms liek jc's call center stuff and whatever jamest does with forms he has some project that uses it masta might have some custom forms stuff too I wouldn't put that past him ;) Action: chillywilly is away: nap chillywilly: Did you write that with /me or something else? I'd guess he used xchat's "/away" which does /me's on all channel CTCP PING: 1883292407 from Isomer (Isomer!dahoose@210-86-56-53.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) to #gnuenterprise Did mine come out that way? I don't think so it's an option Action: dsmith is away: Not Really hmm Action: dsmith is back (gone 00:00:15) actually, you do :) Yeah, had to turn it on. if gnue has all the employee's information -- is there any way to do authentication from the database for user accounts? eg: an LDAP connector? NIS? or nameservice switch? Lot's of things authenticate to ldap. That's one of the things on my todo list. ldap. authenticate gnue against ldap? or authenticate against gnue using ldap No, I just want to use ldap for a contacts database. ah coz if all your employee database is in gnue, then it seems to me to be smart to authenticate against it too ldap appears to have the user information thing down by now has everything you might ever want, including things like a field for the user photo's :) but still a bitch to implement yeah although I'm not sure that it would be too hard to write a odbc nameservice switch it seems silly to me to replicate the database somewhere else for logins even if it is done automagically I wonder if reports can be used to create email receipts and invoices well bbl ajmitch (me@p49-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds ajmitch (~me@p44-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@d180.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d27.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds --- Sun Dec 16 2001