[00:44] Last message repeated 1 time(s). nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. colonel (~arun@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. colonel (arun@ left irc: "[x]chat" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (sacha@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds neilt (~neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. hello all Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly yo neilt yep sup church is what is about to be up ;) why you up so early? happen to be back in chicago and have not adjusted to new time zone where were you before? washington dc we are moving there oh why? decided to take offer that i could not refuse a job? i have been independent for a few years and a client said please please please so I am now CIO/VP Supply Chain Operations for http://www.teach12.com what does this mean for your GNUe coding? not sure yea will they let you code on GNUe ;) yes, if i have time they like the idea of GNUe the Problem is time so why are you going to work for the man? ;) lots of zeros purley capitalistic reason and its a great company and they are great people check the (sucky) web site out that will be changing quickly already loaded but look at the content who uses it? universities? or just anyone? individuals we are a direct marketing catalog company customers are university grads or other upscale folks that just want to re-learn something where the CS stuff? ;) CS? computer science stuff you should already know that CS types are not interested in real knowledge stuff I don't believe that to be true the target audience is too small for just pure cs stuff :) j/k about the real knowledge what exactly will you be doing? just business junk? not sure what you mean by business junk chillywilly_ (~danielb@d172.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. not sure what you mean by business junk i.e., will you get to code ;) or not nope, just manage for the most part chillywilly (danielb@d180.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly coding does not pay enough heh you invest at all neilt? yes in what? how much is enough neilt? at one time that was my full time profession, using my own money is there such a thing? its not a matter of amount or how much every one has to work so you might as well get paid as much as possible for working the work itself does not justify the amount its the benefit you provide that justifies the amount what sorta stuff were you doing for them when you were on your own? i reorganized their manufacturing system by removing manufactuing schedule and manufacturing to demand using Kanban relayed out the manufacturing flow reorganized all duties so now that you are top dog you can hook me up wiht a job right ;)...j/k :) unfortunately we dont hire programmers or i would try chillywilly: i thought you have a job? reinhard: heh, not doing anything useful it is just some money that is all that's a question of the point of view if it feeds you it's at least useful for you :) nothing to dow ith computers nothing that excites me a waste of my skills hmmm... neilt: you're using asp on the site who wrote that? Action: reinhard thinks what would be the best use of chillywilly's skills ... complaining ... ... bitching ... hehe ... telling others what to do ... chillywilly: it was oursourced trout slapping? outsourced politician? j/k ok, that was probably not nice reinhard chillywilly: was just teasing Action: chillywilly wields the trout i know you are a good programmer I just don't really want to be owned by the man call me crazy chillywilly: believe me as a self employed you are less free in most respects than an employed you are not "owned" by your boss, but you are "owned" by your customers yes, but why you should I do all th wwokr and let him get rihc off of it? which can be a lot more brutal fuck that making money on your own, requires an opportunity reinhard: you can be indepedent and be a members of freedevelopers ;) working for someone else gives you opportunity and time to find the your own opportunities woohoo, it might pay in a year or two neilt: 101% true this was exactly the case for me :) chillywilly: re making your boss rich ajmitch: ummm, you know it is getting closer than that i have learned to look at myself not at the others in that respect I just think the whole corporate structure in not suited for the Information Age I don't want to promote coporate kingdoms so if i can do a job where i earn $40 and make nobody rich or if i can do a job where i earn $50 and make my boss rich i will take the latter a choice of masters is noe choice at all neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds coporations over here are above the law in a lot of repects look at M$ they got a little slap on the wrist but did they really do anything about it? nope neilt (~neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. M$ will get a very big slap with a huge trout within the next 5 years i guess but _not_ from a court reinhard: yes, but the fact remains that the gov't is bought ans not doing their job ah well Action: reinhard thinks it's an advantage to live in a country where we have learned to not count on the government :) Action: neilt thinks all americans should learn that also whatever, I don't count on them for anything they are useless as long as the government does not restrict me and I can provide for my family then the basics are met Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away then i can think about the big picture stuff visitor arrived they are restricitng you by allowing M$ to continue its strangle hold on the market but you're not in business for yourself anymore, so I guess it doesn't matter Nick change: neilt -> neil-away kewl you guys hear about Free Software Magazine? http://news.gnome.org/gnome-news/gnome-news/1008360958/ we need a GNUE article in the mag Action: chillywilly pokes neil-away ;) Action: chillywilly is away: church neil-away (neilt@dialup- left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. rm-away (rm@ left irc: "If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody" bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "um my gnue tree is bigger than your gnue tree" jbailey (~jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3639563.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: Remote closed the connection fil_c (username@host213-1-131-217.btinternet.com) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds fil_c (~username@host213-122-202-227.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_home (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" hi all/any Kernel Cousins #7 is up http://kt.zork.net/GNUe/latest.html Due to overwhelming demand (i.e. chillywilly asked) I am now including IRC when I have the time (which seems to be about half the time at the moment) psu: too cool please add me to the list of demanders :) ;-) Catching up on some church stuff today Action: psu is, for his sins, treasurer of his local church and eagerly awaiting GNUe Financials Donation Register ;-) Actually, you could probably hack CRM psu: Treasurer? You must've sined badly.. I've seen the work that the treasurers do at my church and it looks positively like penance. It's not too bad. We don't have a church building, so that cuts down on the bills to pay No heat, light, repairs etc just a monthly cheque to the school we meet in Spent most of the afternoon going through the old records Yeah, but if you've been around awhile then you still have building fund, endowments, cheritable donations (and whatever hassle the local tax laws require) It's a nice new church - founded 1994 IIRC so no-one's died and left us anything yet ;-) mainly young families, so hopefully not likely too soon either (both from their point of view and mine) That's cool. Being doing some tax forms this afternoon Should be getting a £900 cheque back from Inland Revenue just after Xmas My first church (where I was eventually a board member) was a spin off from a larger congregation, so they made a nice donation to our building fund, and we almost immediately had two people die on us - So we had that right from the beginning. The church I'm at now has been around for 150 years, has building, staff, and all that. The accounting looks like a nightmare. We are beginning to seriously think about a building How many members? about 90 on electoral roll typically 50-60 per week but higher at the moment So, about 40 pledging units? That's a good start. Big issue is meeting our payments to the diocese On average, churches in this area pay about 75% of what they are meant to to the diocese We are about 35% ;-( Does the diocese at least help with things like funding for the building in exchange for that? That's a huge amount... Thankfully, response to the last round of appeals was very good diocese pays for the vicar, plus the vicarage plus central costs of diocese I don't know those words... (grabbing a terminal window with dict) vicar = minister ah, okay. That's not obvious from the definition in dict. *sigh* Ah, okay, that explains why it's so high. the only cost of the vicarge I am responsible for is the water bill historical anomoly Our congregations handle the compensation package for the minister locally so our APF (what we pay to the denomination) is fixed at about $100/person Things could be even more complicated in that we are officially an Ecumenical Partnership Church (i.e. both Church of England and Methodist) but for financial matters, we just go by C of E rules How did such a young church wind up with two parent organizations? it was founded as such from the start Where you have churches on new housing areas it's quite common (well, not unusual) to do them as ecumenical churches 1 denomination will be the lead, but other denominations have equal status of course, denominations need to be fairly compatible I hadn't realized that CofE and Methodist would have sufficiently compatable theology for that to work long term. John Wesley always saw himself as C of E, even if the C of E didn't! Almost re-merged in the 1960s I would guess (bringing this back on topic) that's it's similar to "free software" vs "open source" My knowledge of specific Christian history is quite limited. Can I infer that Wesley is a Methodist founder? different theology, but treading the same road together yes - Methodism started as just a "method" of main C of E Action: psu wonders if there is a python joke in there somewhere Cool. =) What? Isn't all of python a joke? Action: jbailey hides. Yes, a cruel joke! I'm now up to about 60 on planned giving fil_c (username@host213-122-202-227.btinternet.com) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) of which about half are by Standing Order (i.e. their bank pays our bank auto every month) Action: psu feels like an American tele-evangalist I'll be asking them for credit card #s next... I was thinknig about getting my church setup for credit card. We could probably get a non-profit discount on the bank charges, and it would be cool to collect airmiles. =) In UK, banks will give you free banking for charities of you hunt around but for CCs I would be stuck with the normal 2%(?) admin charge If that got people on standing order, would it be worth it? =) Most small charities (like us!) probably just use Standing Order (if that) Larger national charities seem to use Direct Debit (same as the utility companies) jbailey - Standing Order gives me all the benefits of CC with none of the hassle. what religion do you practice psu? I don;t believe US banks offer such a facility Church of England *and* Methodist we are an Ecumenical Partnership Church jbailey: since when do you go to church? Action: psu has a cool letterhead with *both* logos on ;-) church of england is what? protestant? yep - ever since Henry VII protested that the Pope wouldn't give him a divorce chillywilly: Err... 11 years? Action: chillywilly attends Northwest Baptist Church Action: psu always finds it slight ironic that all the difficulties C of E has with divorce when it wouldn't exist otherwise ;-) jbailey: yea, but it's not a christian church right? it's some other thing chillywilly: Correct, not Christian. Unitarian Universalist. (or just Unitarian for the Brits..) which basically mean you believe in whatever is conveinient right? whatever worls for you UK banks make it very easy to suck money out of people's accounts http://www.directdebit.co.uk/ psu: is C of E evangelical or more like the roman Catholic church? chillywilly: That's a fairly harsh description. C of E is tremendously varied some churches very evangelical, jbailey: yes, well I believe you've told me enough about it before and I found it to be no better than a lot fo new age b.s. others very high church "smells and bells" Action: chillywilly is a harsh individual chillywilly: I think it's lovely that you feel like spending your time insulting my religion. looked as if it was going to split 10 years ago over women priests but didn't I don't feel compelled to defend it to you. jbailey: doesn't matter chillywilly: Exactly. jbailey: I still like you psu: cool you have women priests? psu: that's a pretty cool thing imho chillywilly: And I'm pleased that we can still work together and be friends. But I will ask you to kindly not describe my religion as either "New Age" (We're over 400 years old, more than many others can claim) or "bullshit". It's hard for me to simple stand by and ignore that. jbailey: yes, but you don't really believe in anything so it bothers me that you actually cal yourself a chruch when you say that ppl can do whatever wokrs for them wasn't that how you described it? Original compromise was that parishes could decide whether to have women priests or not After 10 years, most opposition has pretty much died away Parishes have discovered that, when recruiting new minister, "no women priests" not only deters all the women (natch) but also most male priests as well just one of those old catholic rules that I find to be a bit stupid haha nice quote psu fil_c (~username@host213-122-193-129.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. good job on the KC you rule :) thanx It got boring not doing IRC so I will include IRC when I have the time Some weeks, not including IRC = blank Cousin which is obviously stupid hey whatever you can do is cool commiting to do all of IRC every week was fine some weeks, a pain others sorta like "I *must* do 50 CVS commits a week" this way is more sustainable hrrrm I don't remember jcater talking about 2-tier btw, I think 2-tier sucks ;P you need some objects up in there ;) 2-tier has it's place this is what is so disturbing ansd why we get into such fights about there are those of here that think 2-tier solution is acceptable, but you go and change your db tables and voila your app is broken (probably in the dustbin, afaik) Problem is keeping client & server in sync well doing our senior design porject all I remember is everyone changing the damn tables and us having to rewrite stuff Yeah, I remember Larry Ellison's speech I was going nuts saying basically 2-tier is crap, you have to be nuts to use it usual Ellison hyperbole I think so too, however some ppl are old school (i.e. basically right, but bluntly overstated) I think 2-tier app is good for a quick fix and I plan to do it for an app until GEAS is ready We had just implemeted Oracle Financials as 2-tier so that didn't go down too well ;-) ah well The rationale for 2-tier is impeccible (sp?) time for lunch which is you've got powerful desktop PCs 2-tier has a pretty narrow definition, doesn't it? and should use that power Which works fine, until your first upgrade nickr: basically you hit at the database there's nothing in between all the logic is in the app? Action: psu 's last org had to upgrade 400 client PCs in a week to get Y2K compliant that was all the IT dept (all of them) did that week nickr: yea, I guess so but you could also have it be one app but split into layers/modules but if you have your app domain layer talk directly to the databse layer then it is 2-tier imho even with a db abstraction we had to have a "reverse priority list" anyway I am hungry so that accountancy got theirs done Fri afternoon Action: chillywilly is away: lunch Area offices earlier in the week and were without Financials for 3-4 days having layering in the app sure would make moving to n-tier easier. Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:16:49) "The thread degenerated into a good-natured feud over how difficult the GNUe Forms code was to read, and whose fault this (and everything else) was. " hehe blowfish (~x@pD9006E03.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi ello hey is there any comparison between gnue and compiere? psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds compiere? I've never heard of that either hey i just realized that thr reason GNU guys like recursive acronyms is because lisp is a recursive functional langauge doh Heh www.compiere.org Finally figured out that one eh? psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. its java based like linux kontor but seems to feature a more active development than lk :) blowfish: ok, there's one big difference then....we aren't big fans of Java ;) we use python for a lot of things though and the gnue page is nicer :) fine :) but that isnt the only difference i think? also from looking at the site they have cusomt solutions already in place blowfish - I remember da masta talking about this http://kt.zork.net/GNUe/gnue20011117_3.html#1 we are building a framework that can be adapted to any type of enterprise hrm the screenshot looks like a webbrowser.. maybe its more like a web-solution basically he felt comp were going after the peachtree/Sage market we are more ambitious - want to take on the J-BOPS JD Edwards, baan, oracle, peoplesoft, sap of course, we have a long way to go ;-) Action: psu = FAQbot heheh Heh. oh... i hope it will never end like sap *g* well we don't plan for it to act lile sap, but we do want to compete eventually ;) s/lile/like burger king - have it your way sap - have it our way ;-) gnue - have it any way you want ;-) to be fair We are using commercial products to speed up development and to concentrate on application development rather than tool development. Our mid-term strategy is to replace the InetSoft and ILOG product; Depending on resources, we plan to make Compiere also available on PostgreSQL as an Open Source alternative. see, we are concentrating on tools right now (although, to be fair, I am not known for being fair) then the apps will come SAP is aimed at big organisations cause they're the only ones can afford it ;-) GNUe, as free software (free as in speech) ok but it seems quite usable right now... when do u think gnue will be ready for production use? will be more flexible and suitable for SMEs as well SME = small to medium enterprises bf - this is our achilles heel we are a volunteer project so can't sensibly put a timeline together sure... but u have an idea i think :) I know sometimes free software wears "Real Soon Now" as a badge of honour The key bit is that we now have usable tools with Forms and Designer at 0.1.0 Once we have Reports as well then that's a basis to start programming the apps What would be really nifty GEAS needs work is if someone wanted the apps enough to pay for them to be written should just use a MOO server for GAES I suspect then we could be looking at a much more rapid development cycle yes, if someon wants to pay me to hack on GNUe I'd be more then willing to quit my job ;) hehe Heck, chillywilly would drop his day job like a shot beat me to it are there any companies already showing real interest? bf - I am not a core team member so probably wouldn't be aware nickr: :P chillywilly: seriously. Or Cold we are a very "open" project they are free, programmable, percistant object databases in terms of accesibility, not "open source" nickr: which ones? but if anything is happening on that, I would guess it would be behind the scenes chillywilly: MOO and ColdStore We do have a paid developer in Lithuania (sp?) nickr: I still feel that gnome, gnue, etc. would benefit greatly form an ODMG compliant object databse not sure what the story is about that chillywilly: aren't those part og the requirement for gaes? nickr: I think so...well it should be anyway nickr: the old geas author just did quick hacks nickr: which we now find ourselves rewriting a lot of it :( chillywilly: how does gaes interface with the rest of gnue? he even admitted that he had to hack it I guess there's a geaas driver in forms geas we have a corba interface so it acts like a database? which probably could be better I guess so....it really should be treated as such imho shouldn't nickr - GEAS is where all the "logic" sits if you are doing n-tier but the forms guys want to take the app server and squeeze it into their 2-tier model I remember derek saying that it acts like a database from form's point of view it's sorta goofy that way nickr - yep. Issue is that the forms client can be "stupid" if GEAS is about just display things, send things to GEAS, etc I don't see that it'd be that hard to link the MOO server with a CORBA library so that it could expose its objects via corba As I understand it, it means all the trigger-type stuff but that wouldn't be as fun ;) (i.e. validation, what goes where in the d/b ) can be handled by GEAS so the forms client doesn't have to know/care can just get on with interacting with the user If you think of a call centre, GNUE w/out GEAS means that forms has to know the business to be capable of answering queries GNUe Forms w/GEAS is like a call centre drone - just follow the script wel the app server needs multi-language method support, reflection/introspection support, OODMS stuff, dynamic updating of biz objects,....umm that's all I can pull off of the top of my head All this is AFAIK cw - but other than that, it's almost finished ;-) hehe what I envision and what would help a lot is having a tranparent persistence for GObject cw - I keep putting this in the KC, but no-one notices I know they don't get it ;P chillywilly: that does'nt seem like that huge of a project GObjects are dynamic and reflective aren't they? nickr: I don't think it is...heck I was even looking at the JDO stuff, but that's probably a bad idea to some degreee you ciuld derive from it ans add a has table of class values Hmm If the "J" stands for what I think it does... in some GObject derived thing I would think they'd have to be dynamic and reflective for the runtime to deal with them in a same way psu: yes the license for the spec is proprietary so I will probably spend the money on getting the spec ;) er the JDp is proprietary JDO ODMG is not nickr: yea, the dynamic and reflective stuff is what I have to look at GObject closer for and figure out how it could be done python object though all have their own dictionary which can be played with chillywilly: http://freshmeat.net/projects/coldstore/ if geas was in python I know th masta would be happier interesting heheh, their website is funny what sorta objects? Well, coldstore is a child of MOO I think uhuh but do they support OQL Object Query Language and ODL No, but it'd be trivial to impliment it .:P Object Defintiion Language Have you ever used a MOO? well I bet if GEAS was done right you could plug in som other OODBMS nope well I've played MUDs ;) Then you have no idea ;) no I do no t I admit that If you forget about the MUD part, MOO is a very powerful persistant object programming environment hehe seriously I know Hrm, maybe I stould set one up so I can demonstrate. but to suggest I forget about mudding is like totally insane ;) I don't suggest that you forget about mudding, simply ignore that MOO started out as a MUD. isn't #gnuenterprise meant to be a MUD? ;-) Get it, compile it, run it, tweak it. Lather, rinse, repeat: all with the fresh smell of GNU. [Future Plans] that fresh smell of GNU just might be enough to convince me ;) is this thing GPL? Yes cool I've never used coldstore so YI don't know what its language is like I know that it must have a language similar to MOO which is sort of like python and sort of like pascal, although it has side effects like C its a simple and easy language hmmmm Action: jbailey is away: I'm busy so it is like its own language? Not exactly. I'me not sure, but I think cold has the ability to bind other languages well why should we use this instead of writing our own thing using the ODMG spec which is supposed to be the standard on object storage ? convince me ;) Because you'd have to write very little using an existing solution ODMG is a superset of OMG I think having a MOO that acts like GAES would be useful enough ewen if you did write your own GEAS, for prototyping the object databse is just one part of it though we could write it so you can plug in different ones because MOO is reflective and dynamic, you could go in and examine all the objects and participate with other people examining and modifyinfg objects in real time that'd be very convenient yea GObject is rather static you can have "properties" I don't think it is the same thing though then again if you derive form GObject you could add your own stuff to make them more dynamic and reflective I'll setup a moo really quick so you can see waht I mean jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jc Action: chillywilly slaps jcater with a smelly trout! dow! taste of your own medicine brother ;) jc - I have been trying to explain GNUe to blowfish basically acting as FAQ-bot again you might want to look at log nickr: also there needs to be something that would take a gcd and parse it into the MOO object and check I have't said anything way outa line don't forget that ;) psu: now he'll see our comments on 2-tier psu: prepare for war ;) chillywilly: I can't tell you how easy that'd be MOO has very godo text processing nickr: well ia m pretty sure reinhard saw this as something that needed to be tacked, but he doesn't parse stuff into GObjects but our object stuct tackled anyway I must watch the Packers ;) nickr: you get something setup you give me a holler I'll look at it Action: chillywilly is away: Packers psu: looks like you did a good job although we obviously disagree somewhat on 2-tier vs n-tier :) hi... just been reading the logs and I definetly think n-tier is the way to go. we support both we are all about "options" I am purely a pragmatist in the 2-tier/n-tier wars heh wishy-washy see both points of view type Keep the logic/application processes in a unified area. Different implementations of the 2-tier client would mean double implementation of the business logic - one for each interface really just setting myself up to get flamed by both camps ;-) psu: I'm really not anti-ntier, it's just for me, I know what's worked in the past and I've seen stability, scalability problems w/n-tier heh even tho that's what n-tier is supposed to address I consider myself a pragmatist also although some here like to make me out as a 2-tier solder, so to speak which is not at all fair :) away Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:05:20) feh also, IMHO, it's NOT about n-tier vs 2-tier wrt GEAS it's about OBJECT vs RELATIONAL jcater: you're not a 2-tier warrior? chillywilly: no chillywilly: I currently have a 2-tier setup and want GNUe Forms to work within my current model If I had to start from scratch it might be different so do you see my point of view? yep 2-tier is good for a quick hack and to support legacy stuff ;) well, I didn't say that heheh both models have their strengths and weaknesses jcater: What's the difference Object vs Relational? Querying object interfaces verses direct table updates? If so then don't the objects have to update the relational tables at a later point? you pick the one that's right for you fil_c: it's about how you layout your whole system... geas basically acts as an Object-to-relational mapper (among other stuff) objects are good though yes and now you guys are treating geas as another relational database right? but, yes, it's about accessing objects and their methods versus accessing tables and rows do you really think that's the way it should be? we are treating it as a data source and that is under active development but it can do more sure baby steps it can execute stuff for you how do you work out supporting both? one is just data the other gives you program logic with the data I am [urely just asking not tryint o argue KC headquote? forms supports logic with data ;-) I suppose so in the case of objects, forms would use the object's logic system yea, I can see that in the case of relational, you program your own logic we should keep score on the KC website uhuh er? 2-tier: 12 n-tier: 12 hehe and have psu write a running commentary :) I still say it's not 2-tier vs n-tier rofl because we support n-tier relational models it's not really it's object vs relational do I get to call interference penalties? ;-) psu: is troutslapping a penalty? if so, no :) ok... so am I right in saying it could be either DB->GEAS (bus logic)->Thick Client (& interface logic) or DB->GEAS (bus logic)->App Server (& interface logic)->Thin Client that's too much for me to process a cw stack overflow? yep um jcater: I don;t mean to argue i like to thin about the big picture that's all but i see what you mean or DB->Thick Client(bus & interface logic) I still like OO better chillywilly: we are all about choices and we fully intend to support your choice but that doesn't mean we will use it :) fil_c (username@host213-122-193-129.btinternet.com) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) adn thus is the problem as then I get the shaft why? cause you guys do what you like chillywilly: there is NO workable object backend sure there is everytime we try to work with GEAS, we can segfault on command geas works right now and we are told the interface will soon change well i didn't write the code well, that means we get to reprogram everything only one module and we ARE working on geas support jcater: blame it on andrewm and we are getting y'alls cooperation to fix geas so you will see a driver soon jcater: there has been no supprt since I came aboard fil_c (~username@host213-122-195-123.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly notes that the oql modules doesn't even do oql ;P module only cool thing about geas these days is the new parser ;) the rest of it is shitty even the crap that I wrote sucks it's not really oql this is kind of a catch-22 situation... I know it's all fucked up y'all need a driver to get GEAS stabilized we need a stable GEAS to get a driver written sigh whatcha sighing for? mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) fil_c (username@host213-122-195-123.btinternet.com) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) nothing I;m just the big optimist today I don't feel well plz forgive me I've had the flu for 2 days and it bites the big one :( dude so I'm not in a very good mood :( I had liek mass donuts at chirch krispy kremes even i can;t eat a donut without thinking about you mmmm ;) eek today is sunday make that 4 days Action: psu thinks the jam in the middle gives a whole new touch to "transubstatiation" speak english dude :) English doughnuts (as well as being spelled "wrong") always have red jam in the middle Handing them out at mass could be interesting haha sigh y'all are making me hungry "the body of Christ" indeed we eat them in sunday school and I just ate heheh Action: psu wonders if that's the first time "Christ" has been used on IRC other than as a swear word ;-) the glazed krispy kremes rule psu: not in this channel psu: too many belivers here ;) yeah that comes up a lot in our discussions about GPL odd, eh? I need to run jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "running" l8r my man fil_c (~username@host213-122-195-111.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. ok, this time I am going to watch football Action: chillywilly is away: watching Packers for real fil_c (username@host213-122-195-111.btinternet.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" fil_c (~username@host213-122-195-111.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d172.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly (~danielb@d109.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dsmith is away: On a mystery phil_c (~username@host213-1-164-39.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. fil_c (username@host213-122-195-111.btinternet.com) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds Nick change: phil_c -> fil_c hi jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. bye blowfish (x@pD9006E03.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: "Leaving" reinhard (rm@ left irc: "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. Maniac (~darryl@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. madlocke (~madlocke@pD95230D3.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (~neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: "later all" sxpert (~sxpert@ALyon-202-1-1-31.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. ||Maniac (darryl@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ||Maniac (darryl@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. fil_c (username@host213-1-164-39.btinternet.com) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds sxpert (sxpert@ALyon-202-1-1-31.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater (jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" is there a python func for asking if object b is instance of class a? fil_c (~username@host213-122-196-245.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. found Action: chillywilly is back (gone 03:03:07) heheh nice sig I saw: Anyone referring to this as "Open Source" shall be eaten by a GNU fil_c (username@host213-122-196-245.btinternet.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" dres (dres@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds Action: jbailey is back (gone 05:25:25) Action: dsmith is back (gone 05:02:33) Action: dsmith is away: I'm busy Action: dsmith is back (gone 00:00:08) Action: jbailey is away: I'm busy Action: jbailey is back (gone 00:02:08) madlocke (madlocke@pD95230D3.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds lvogel (~lvogel@cx229913-e.phnx3.az.home.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi gang Action: lvogel hears his voice echo through the empty chamber jbailey (jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3639563.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p44-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds ajmitch (~me@p56-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello all hi hello ajmitch hi hello lvogel how's it goin ajmitch_ (~me@p27-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p56-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch anyone know of a good xml editor for emacs i mean linux you just said one :) how emacs how do I go about setting it up i don't know, i don't use emacs for xml editing well, what DO you use? i don't DO xml editing ah what's jade sgml, docbook stuff i think arrgh jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. feh! it lives feeling better jc? lvogel: theres an XML mode for emacs there is? i'm using sgml fill mode at the moment xae is it xae is similar to the sgml mode I believe. masta uses emacs for xml editing where is he? Action: chillywilly searces desparately for da masta xae is what I use. yay! we're free! run! ? lvogel: it's just a little joke is it a good one? :) yes derek is da masta we are just mere code slaves ;) but he's not here so we are free (for now) Action: chillywilly looks over his shoulder as he could appear at any time ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "[x]chat" Action: nickr dodges the cardboard Masta standup. Action: lvogel bounces a bottle cap off of his beer belly, effectively wasting 5 seconds of time alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. derek neighbors? yes your good buddy derek ;) you're in AZ right? yea he talk about me or something? jcater (jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" you were here before yea weren't you? I just remebered that ah chillywilly (danielb@d109.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds chillywilly (~danielb@d47.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. colonel (~arun@ joined #gnuenterprise. --- Mon Dec 17 2001