[00:41] Last message repeated 1 time(s). ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. lvogel (lvogel@cx229913-e.phnx3.az.home.com) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds reinhard (~rm@N816P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. colonel (arun@ left irc: "[x]chat" SachaS (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. roby (~jrobiez@APh-Aug-102-1-2-211.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. vini (~vincent@bones.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be) joined #gnuenterprise. colonel (~arun@ joined #gnuenterprise. colonel (arun@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds neilt (~neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. SachaS (sacha@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds hi jamest chillywilly_ (~danielb@d83.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. something smells 'fishy' in here.... chillywilly (danielb@d47.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds hi so, anything exciting happen over the weekend yes i broke neil's rule i worked on geas ;) lol and why was that a rule? somebody asked how the progress is in geas and neilt answered "it's a rule that nobody works on geas" iirc i read it in the logs :) so does that mean geas is now once again BugFree(tm) of course :) alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds roby (jrobiez@APh-Aug-102-1-2-211.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: ra3vat (~ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest the rule is 'nobody works on geas' the reason for the rule is so that geas can remain 'bug free' i should tell neilt the real phrase should be 'nobody uses geas' as if nobody uses it, nobody finds bugs, nobody finding bugs assures bug free kwality kiddie kode ;) dneighbo: interesting logic morning morning chillywilly (~danielb@d83.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. stop fillowing me jc I got here about the same instance you did scary eh? anyone awake? shouldn't you be at work? I am damnit :P sure [09:24] Last message repeated 1 time(s). I am ssh'd into my box from the job site using PuTTY brb know what i am saying? yeah you are "at work" cool but not "working" ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) I gotcha lol...yup just like usual ;P and what are you doing? I'm working ;) is there anybody in there? just nod if you can here me is there anyone home? Action: jcater nods and upon hitting his head on his trinitron, wakes up lol...I was just singing...you didn't have to hit your head Action: chillywilly slaps jcater with a smelly trout iiiiiiiiiiiiii have become comfortably numb :) :) yup the first band to play together via irc hell yeah...and we are good!!! chillywilly: well, i was even already born when this song was written as opposed to you i guess ;) we are on our wayhey...now thats not nice :P oh...nevermind, I read that wrong so...whats going on ya'll :P has anyone ever heard of the Gufs? Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away an irc band.... hmmm suppose fellows with virtual lives, need virtual hobbies, so it fits jason, i think chillywilly is on to something... i will talk my wife into teaching her aerobics classes on irc and i will promise we will show up and work our butts off ;) exactly Action: dneighbo can see the looks on the people at works faces.... I am going to be the first hit "boy-band" on irc...very, very soon... just wait and see1!! derek: yeah im working out two hours a day now doing high impact multi step aerobics them: wow, you are first person to successfully GAIN weight doing such a thing.... lol derek: yeah maybe i should lay off the 'virtual' donuts rofl jcater it might get that pesky anti-donut doc off yer back ;) dag nabit rofl chillywilly_ do you really need to be in here? the _ not the " " as autocomplete on your nick sucks with two of you :) Mr_You / chillywilly anyone.... have you gotten any of the guitar programs in linux to work? hi dneighbo like chord or guitartex or etc.. nope...haven't really tried i have lilypond working well, but it doesnt do tabulature (As far as i can tell) hi ToyMan i cant get guitartex to compile and the other ones are binary releases :( that dont work ToyMan i had an UNPRODUCTIVE weekend yeah...them bastards holidays are killing me me too lot's of pressure holidays suck :P having to to babysit a LOT so wife can get shopping and sutff done chillywilly any snow there? and this week i think we had like 4 or 5 xmas parties nope it was fun weekend just not a productive one :) dneighbo: yes, my work like a slave over the wkend thing has come to a screeching halt and to think I just sat around and was lazy anybody here use the zope cmf stuff much? I stopped using dope when I was busted once... oh you said "zope" oooppps :P ToyMan: some jcater: like? dislike? useful? cumbersome and stupid? um I really the idea but it's kinda big and cumbersome yeah, my impression too. I really the idea = I really like the idea :) i'm logged in @ cmf.zope.org and it takes a lot to get around yeah, got it ;) but i REALLY need a content mngmnt interface and it looks like the only show in town alexey_home (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: alexey_home -> alexey ToyMan: you need a generic CMS for a web site? yes, but one that I can grow with, that doesn't become an admin nightmare um, there are a couple out there lemme think i know about phpnuke and postnuke and, OpenACS all of them look hard to hack at down the line but pretty functional 'out of the box/ you plan on doing ecommerce on this thing too? Action: dneighbo wants to find something GOOD that we can use for GNUe i.e. assimilate zope fits the 'python' mold, but frankly zope ended up seeming like a toy to me it sounded great, looked great, and felt great until i had do to something other than 'play' :( there's midgard dneighbo: definately ecomm. jamest : true they were looking at maybe working with us at one time and ACS looked bad? that's a biggy for our future revenues Action: dneighbo hasnt explored zope certainly isn't a toy... ToyMan i see GNUe needing the following for customers well, i suppose ANYTHING could be a toy.. 1. portal tool kit (for intranet things) ToyMan: zope is VERY powerful 2. content management (for internet marketing type stuff) and includes a lot of functionality ACS was ok, but it's in tckl or whatever.. it works great for me 3. ecommerce store front (extension of 2 for products) just a little klunky there is typo3d(?) when i say 'toy' i meant that it was kind of like NT to me ok, i need more explanation what's a portal tookkit lol http://mcyra.homeip.net/homepage/phpcms/links.htm 80% of things you want to do in it are REALLY easy zope's cmf is a portal toolkit and why would gnue want to do content mngmnt? the 20% of things you HAVE to do are a complete bitch and why do the store front when there's already so many good tools ToyMan : i didnt say we wanted to WRITE 1, 2 and 3 i said we needed them :) ToyMan: I'd say content management is 70% workflow because our clients WANT them and workflow is important to us so it might be a natural extension the key is adopting 'good ones' and 'integrating' them a natural extension that jcater doesn't want to write :) like number 1 jamest: Is that in english anywhere? i think for 'intranet' is critical to 'information' sharing well, i knew portal toolkit in the zope sense, but gnue? off financials / hr / etc (i.e. a front end to our data for managers) dsmith: dunno, i can't read the page either. But the links work :) dneighbo: iirc musixtex does guitar tabbing but is workflow generic or specialized? it seems pretty task specific to me. jamest: heh number 2 is important in sense of workflow and being able to share backend information to the customer (like customer info) and number 3 of course its MANDATORY it interface with gnue on some level, for invoicing, shipping, inventory etc etc etc i.e. i dont necessarily see GNUe writing this stuff from scratch but rather picking 'good partners' just like SAP/Peoplesoft/Baan etc do ;) rm-away thanks will have to check it out hmmm they all ran away.... no, still here. more posts than i can read btw: its been a while since i checked on Zope, so maybe its grown a lot, then number one reason i had to toss it was because it only supported its own OODB (zcatalog or whatever) which failed to meet my requirements :) dneighbo: zope supports practically every db now ToyMan have you ever used quicken they're the reason we can support allt he db's we do :) sigh, yes dneighbo: you should look at zope again jcater : surely... the other reason i didnt like it was it wanted to run its own webserver (though there were some hacks around it) i'm using postgresql on the backend ToyMan at this time i dont ahve any pressing reason too :) ToyMan : what version of quicken? and fully planning to merge it with whatever gnue implementation i end up with if after like 99 there is a 'home' page feature that lists the balance of your accounts um, 98 delux, i think your budget info scheduled transactions etc etc etc and you can customize this to have pie charts and such if gnucash had online bill paying i could get the wife off quicken this is similar to what i see a PTK being able to do for managers w/ gnue data alexey: (might be bad) er that was to be 'ex:' not alexey ah, an 'administrative summary' type of thing a pie chart dneighbo: quickbooks quickbooks quickbooks! of number of widgets manufactured this week/day/month etc in your case widget=toy type or number shipped or sales figures etc etc sbt had this back in '88 executive 'summaries' basically sbt/ Action: ToyMan used to hack SBT sbt? im not saying this is a 'new concept' SBT is one of the largest 'mid sized' accnt pkgs hrmmm. or was that STB? SBT STB, one of those STD? written in dbase :P im not saying even its something we need right away, just when talking PTK, this is something i can see a PTK being useful for in an 'intranet' environment so a http based summary that you can log in to anywhere? well anywhere you have it configured to :) but it would be 'highly' customizable so you could do 'purdy' charts and graphs etc in addition to just plain numbers dneighbo: just read your post about zope wanting it's own webserver...runs fine with apache dneighbo: i like the idea - PTK ToyMan it did then too, BUT it was a 'hack around' and you lost some functionality in doing so, though that was HIGH on their fix it list, so im sure it has to have gotten better btw: im not out to bag on Zope, thats what gnome exists for ;) yup, all fixed now just was stating it didnt meet my needs at the time i keep pushing it at you because it seems like a natural fit with gnue i mean the developers were smart enough to use python, they have to be pretty damn bright ;) it could form the base of a web interface to gnue well i know it cant be much worse than php ;) hmmm... i dont think i agree there :) i like the idea of webware a bit more for webinterface heh, been talking with TheJester, he's porting PHPNUKe to zope and for PTK etc etc probably more prone to look at what those guys are doing first, but zope is worth lookign at and supporting that is another issue in dealing with Zope at a lower level, and that is i dont knwo if they are GPL compatiable dneighbo: there's a lot of high volume ecom sites that use it now Action: dneighbo is thinking they fixed the 'marketing clause' but im not sure Action: ToyMan is not sure either Action: chillywilly crawls in the corner and cries chillywilly: they expecting you to actually work now? lol...nope Action: chillywilly is crying because you guys don't know has anyone compiled Gnome 2 yet? nope Lemme guess Welcome to Gnome2 powered by NT Technology huh? Action: jamest remembered the msnbc article and thought you were one of those unhappy with it maybe I remember wrong no, i don't think it was me, but could have been I am dead ass tired right now woohoo Action: jcater just ordered 3 more stealth black 3U computer cases I like black rackmount equipment so stylish :) for wqhat? for what? what are you up to now? converting some of our internal servers to rack mount as I have some in closets now :) sounds like fun anyone know of good rackmount air conditioning equipment? nope jcater: http://www.eracks.com might have some sweet Action: dneighbo thinks they need a sysadmin calendar ;) you know stylish racks and w/ large ram posing on the beach etc etc would be good 'spoof' edition for linux journal or someone to do in like april the 'hardware' issue or something :) we should do a "goats of free software" calendar a different goat each month hey now :) i like it, i like it no one has bought any gnue goodies so im not too hot to invest 'real' time into it granted what we have isnt the 'best' but figured it might be a decent test balloon jbailey (~jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3640567.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. I'm really disappointed in dell we have a kickass 4 processor system from them ..rack mount... but it requires THEIR racks ..doesn't work on a standard rack system hmmm sigh they learned frmo the best (ibm) non standard hardware, means more money baby :) so we have this expensive cube w/rack mounts attached to the side.. sitting on a shelve in our "standard" rack cabinet it's sickening jcater: That's terrible. I just started to like dell stuff too. dell -> yuck dell is decent really for price my laptop falls apart a lot but i abuse it they have been good with service and overall the laptop has run linux exteremly well we have all dell machines here at county now and they are nice (on desktop) dell -> yuck i think compaq still handles our 'server' lines dell service -> yuck well im probably spoiled we've had no problems w/dell service seeing how we bought several million dollars in hardware last year from them dell support -> brainless twits ToyMan agree there :) my favorite i wanted laptop x (a inspiron i think) county told me no, because i was going ot run linux and that laptop didnt support linux (From the dell dude) so i had to get a latitude (which is actually a better machine) i got it and it was approved redhat 6.2 i ordered with windows so i could dual boot if needed as rh is free windows aint so i get everything installed and working except the specs for the monitor are off and X doesnt look 'crystal clear' and apm doesnt seem to be working... so i call dell support im told sorry we cant answer those questions you are running linux im like.... um yeah so, linux is supported on this machine dneighbo: NEVER tell teck sports you're running linux... them: we are showing you purchased this machine with win98 we cant support linux on your machine im like wtf i get in a huge fight as the guy is claiming they dont support ANY linux i point him to the website dell.com that says they do on this machine he goes and gets his boss his boss says yes sir we do support it but because you bought win98 withthe machine we cant support YOU i hung up went to dell message boards and first two posts on the boards answered BOTH of my questions and BOTH had OFFICIAL DELL DOWNLOAD (RPMS) to fix the problems now if i could find that on the board wtf couldnt tech support at least have CHECKED there heh, OK dneighbo try this one for size...from gateway even if they didnt know JACK about linux :) they ship me a box with a flash bios upgrade Action: jcater pets his dell poweredge but the upgrade code is buggy and melts my bios chip the bios chip is socketed but gateway sez, 'no, you have to BUY a whole new mboard'. i'm like, no, i just need a new bios chip. a leeetle thing with prongs on the end... we go back and forth finally the tech sez, one second let me put you on with my supervisor an 'escalation engineer' I go back and forth with his boss, who is VERY understanding of my problem but sez like zero about the technical nature of it so after awhile i ask him , uh, you ARE a tech, right?' and he sez, "no, i'm a psychologist a FSCKING pscyologist!!! Action: dsmith snorts 'i feel you pain' so I call up the mboard manuf. and the guy sez, well, it's obvious your bios chip is foobar i'll send you a new one.. problem fixed *pant* Action: ToyMan calms down a bit today's rant... lol So ToyMan tell me about your childhood arghh! tortured Wisconsin beginnings...chillywilly could realte.. childhood!?!?!? Fix this machine or you'll wish you'd never left your childhood! whats wrong with Wisconsin ? chillywilly: you want in a summary or list format? either or...whatever is easiest for you chillywilly: ever read the book Wisconsin Death Trip? no, but someone has a cd named that heh, no I like Wisco...just my stomping grounds got kinda trashed so there's not much to go back to where in Wisconsin? I don't recall Waupaca, Chain 'O Lakes ahhh...no wonder you didn't really like it well, it was GREAT when I was little wow nobody there mason looks pretty darn extensive mason? www.masonhq.com powers all the CMP sites, avantgo.com, stamps.com, salon.com, goats.com :) this is the real chillywilly will the real chillywilly please stand up mike was talking to you for the last 30 minutes or so or cvouple hours I mean I was actually out doin g work he was impersonating me I could tell it wasn't you ... not enough insults jcater: man, you're right chillywilly didn't troutslap me for the NT comment i didn't even notice hmm Action: jcater wonders how webware compares to mason, zope, and midgard damn skippy if it was me you would've been fish whipped with the quickness webware is yo bitch ok, so now that the real chillywilly is here you guys are going to clam up? f** you all <---adds one more * chillywilly (danielb@d83.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: "changing servers" chillywilly (~danielb@d83.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly shits on bigbrother jbailey (jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3640567.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (alexey@ left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds fil_c (~username@host213-122-200-192.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all Well I decided to have a go and install gnue last night.... and I'm still at it :( I'm trying to stick to using stock redhat 7.2 wherever possible, but am having problems with PyXML anyone else a redhatter? Action: fil_c is away: I'm busy debian all the way! Action: fil_c is back (gone 00:08:04) thought you might be GNUe_Common is fine Part of setup.py in GNUe_Forms looks for PyXML, is installed for python-1.5, but not for python2(-2.1) which I must use for GNUe Could Python2 use Python-1.5 PyXML libs? um you could copy the precompiled files but you'll get lots of warnings about differences in the API IIRC um, its jamest fault i would grab pyxml tar from sourceforge and python2 setup.py install it your problems will go away and you will be happier :) rpms right now smelly bad for python as python is in a state of moving from 1.5.2 to 2.x as official if its any consolation, we debian folks had similar fun last month as sid/woody was making the transition :) chillywilly (danielb@d83.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: "BitchX: stays crunchy in milk!" ok thanks... i'll try that if I can't get rpm --rebuild X.src.rpm to work jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. rpm --rebuild failed...sourceforge here we come... the latest version is ok I guess should be what version of python you using again? [ukpgc@flop PyXML-0.6.6]$ python2 Python 2.1.1 (#1, Aug 13 2001, 19:37:40) [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-96)] on linux2 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> looking good... jbailey (~jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3638582.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. ... yippie forms installed cool i REALLY apologize for the inconvience, i know it 'pisses me off' when stuff has dependencies or is a pain to install we made the choice to go python 2.x because it brought us some much desired functionality and we dont expect gnue to ship with any distros until 1.5.2 has been moved and 2.x replaces in the distro's anyhow 'unfortunately' it means a little rougher first time experience in the interim :( i feel responsible as normally i am our 'red hat' tester but my rpm database is so dorked (running redhat 6.2) that when we moved to 2.x I have to say this was a bit of an ordeal. Upgrading from a mostly 7.1 redhat to python2 in 7.2 meant upgrading 34 rpms i installed EVERYTHING from source (which was remarkably clean) rpm's are evil (grin) they 'try' to understand 'dependencies' but what they really mean are what was on the 'authors' machine running 6.2 i started having problems when 7.1 hit because it had new gcc and glibc and EVERY rpm built on a 7.1 machine would want me to upgrade glibc (yeah right) but if i compiled from source or built own rpms no problem so its not that hte 'application' required a new version of glibc just the packager's machine had it i assume replacing python had a similar effect I too have come from 6.2, now running Ximian Gnome and just a smiggin of 7.2 (python) so i started compiliing from source and much more like it :) I didn't have to updgrade glibc, was done via Ximian HOWEVER, it defeats the purpose of having a red hat machine, which is to test gnue on :) i was dumb and tried ximian early on red carpet dorked my rpm db one you start compiling on a redhat machine I tend to find myself going down a slippery slope to point gnorpm and red carpet stopped working BUT command line rpm worked :) i used that for a bit especially after figuring out that rpm -Uvh http://somedomain.com/pathto/myrpm.rpm I had that for a bit... the early redcarpets were buggy... not had any problems now owrked :) The install for GNUe-Forms is a bit cryptic about sys.path. Could be useful to say something like: Ensure PYTHONPATH env variable is set to /usr/local/gnue/lib/python Hrm... getting error in GDataObjects.py when trying gfclient samples/helloworld2.gfd ... because I'm running python1.5 still yes :) i wouldnt use helloworld i woudl use samples/intro/ but i assume that yes your gfcvs link or gfclient link is calling python instead of python2 dead right fil_c THANK YOU for being patient by the way believe me the long term of GNUe is that no one has to fight like this to install things :) no... no... Thank you for helping me out the windows installer is a good example of this i think my 3 year old might be able to handle the windows install jcater / jamest can we do anything in setup.py to help test for version 2? and help fix things? and output error messages on pyxml (as that is the one that has bit most folks) hmm I thought it did check versions jcater : i think it checks python version so it says it bitches hey python 2.x isnt installed but not sure if it bitches if you say have 1.5.2 and 2.x and install pyxml for 1.5.2 and not 2.x yes... it bitches or if it fails we should be more specific in the error message to check and make sure it installed where it should if it doesnt already do that :) the whole thing needs reworking and I've started some stuff wrt that then on the gfclient/gfcvs we need to make it say python2 or what not as that has bit a few folks too jcater cool fil_c we promise your pain is not going unrecognized bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. Yes Yes Yes.... we have a form... fil_c and there was much rejoicing that the intro form that you have working? now comes the fun part, getting databinding to work :) yep intro.gfd .... after i'd tweaked the first line of gfclient actually its quite simple once you have a driver installed :) what db are you using if you have time i will walk you through it ( i have a few minutes left on lunch break) I'm worried that gfcvs is a broken sylink how did you install forms? python setup.py install or python setup.py devel from the tarball on the website sorry... install if you did install and not devel then ignore gfcvs (it shouldnt matter) just use gfclient ding.... gfcvs is a way of doing some magic to make things run out of a developer tree if you did the 'install' and gfclient works you shoudl be good to go :) excellent. I'm running mysql hmm Action: dneighbo hasnt done a lot of mysql playing but not via an RPM... I really prefer postgreql but my web host has mysql... jcater do you know what driver to use for mysql? sf.net/projects/mysql-python/ iirc i have only tested gnue against mysql with odbc on windows fil_c grab that from the link jcater posted install it with python2 let me know how it goes and i will walk you through configuring gnue to work with it fil_c (username@host213-122-200-192.btinternet.com) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) rofl we thought our installer was tough the mysql-python installer crashed his machine ;) fil_c (~username@host213-1-167-244.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. isp kickoff ok installed mysql-python-0.9.1-1py2.i386.rpm (is the rpm ok?) as long as it installed to proper python its ok :) yep... checked it's in /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages ok cool go to /usr/local/gnue/etc there shoudl be a file called sample.connections.conf yep copied it cp it in same dir to connections.conf cool edit it the first 'node' should be [devel] change the host = gnue to host = ip(or)hostname of your db server and cange dbname = developer to localhost dbname = nameofdbinmysql what is your dbname? gnue-dev [devel] comment = GNUe Sample Connection for MySQL based developer database provider = mysql host = localhost dbname = gnue-dev is what that node should look like save the file yep.. no problems does gnue-dev contain any tables? nope there is not even a db in mysql yet... have to remember how I did that... (soo long ago) ok you need to create the db and create one or more tables then check back here and we can go to next step mysql CREATE DATABASE gnue-dev; should work (iirc) i.e. get into a mysql term and issue that command i think there is also like mysqladmin or something too Action: dneighbo stopped using mysql a while back curse-swear... can't remember the admin pw fil_c that i cant help you with :) created... just got to sort out the grant access ok table created too? getting there... still on grant... it was ages since I last used mysql phew create table suppliers (suno integer, nama char(80)) ; just having a look at some of the .gfd's very cool stuff fil_c (username@host213-1-167-244.btinternet.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" psu-away (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. damn i hope fil_c got things working :( i had to run for a bit grib (~grib@grib.customer.jump.net) joined #gnuenterprise. any of you gnue folks used the current tools to do inventory/asset lifetime management? yes dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) though your question is slightly misleading whaddaya mean misleading? well i see inventory and assest managment as diff side of same coin :) so im not sure what side you want to look at :) the assest lifetime management makes me think you are looking at something like a assests that dereciate or need maintenance or are 'capital' of a sort opposed to 'on hand' type inventory used in production or for sale i.e. are looking at something to inventory your assests :) or something that does 'inventory' and 'asset management' we have used gnue in 'inventory' like production inventory capacity hmmm, must have scared him off :) nope, just in the other window for a bit grib has derek atkins started checking in his stuff? and if so is it usable at all? Action: dneighbo is just curious, been too lazy to grab latest CVS dneighbo: no idea. most of the changes going on right now are far away from the quickbooksy stuff. we are really focusing on the embedded aspects of the gnucash engine because of the point of sale stuff my guys are working on dneighbo: I have some stuff you might be interested in at least looking at ... we have a scheme lib that makes glade guis data aware so you can write almost all of a nice db app strictly within glade I know you guys are all cross platform and all that but it's still nice :) Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard hi guys yeah, but we have that capability for a while :) and its cross platform grib: is it possible that your real name is bill gribble? i havent written a db app for linux yet where i had to fuss with internals of a db Action: dneighbo lied my original designer hack i had to reinhard: that's me but noneless its nice for people using glade has the GNUe Forms web driver been updated in CVS? grib are you looking for samples of inventory/asset managment or looking to use gnue? hehe we have a "Why Not Glade" in our faq now :) dneighbo: just looking for info to file away. I'm working on a asset lifetime tracker (using some of our tools) for a client and wondering if gnue had some insight to offer yeah let me dig some up we have no problem sharing :) Mr_You: nope, it's a holiday break project :) or failing that just pointers on pitfalls and possible bonus points for that kind of app, regardless of implementation framework :) http://gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/packages/supply-chain/package-doc/SupplyChain/inventory.html is some inventory info thx. how's the gnue financial stuff coming along? saw a mention on the KC http://gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/packages/supply-chain/package-doc/SupplyChain/equipment.html is the capital management (or assest stuff) dont know how much meat are in these might be worth looking at http://gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/packages/supply-chain/package-doc/SupplyChain/ as a whole feel free to comment on them etc we are always interested in feed back jamest: does that mean it gets worked on during the break or break is happening so no work? grib financials are coming slowly, we havent really focused on them it gets worked on during the break still playing a lot with the tools i keep hoping to catch madlocke in here it looks like our 'manufacturing' stuff and 'wholesale distribution' stuff will be the first to come as there are people asking for them to see if he got his savannah account up and running grib : do you have a python binding to your ledger? or is it only scheme? Action: dneighbo thinks you would get a lot more help and users if it were both scheme and python dneighbo: just scheme and perl hmmm so if you support perl i suppose its only a swig away from python perl support is via swig but half baked. i suppose one could write to the postgres tables directly and bypass any api so I guess you could also get half baked python. but thats evil :) neilt (~neilt@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. neilt must have heard us swearing about him or something Action: neilt ears were getting sore sup scheme is supported best because that's what the developers use. I'm sure if contributors interested in python pop up (hint hint) they could get it rolling pretty quick. Action: grib doesn't have much use for python chillywilly_ (danielb@d83.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds chillywilly_ (~danielb@d120.as26.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hehe chillywilly_: I actually disabled that in bigbrother a week or so ago so I don't know why he's still doing it I guess he enjoyed it too much :) dneighbo: what all does your timekeeping app. do? dneighbo: were you able to make any progress with SandSurfer ? Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly just face it jcater you are lame I try and succees succeed even you know you love me ummmm, nope I love to insult you this is true now on radio WGNE "Everybody wants you" going out to chillywilly er, jcater that is reinhard (rm@N816P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate" /msg jamest he really gets all warm and fuzzy each time he logs in and sees that... makes him think we notice he's here /msg jamest jcater is the one who wants to be noticed as taking the time to program the bot, Imean why else would he get so giddie everytime he sees it /msg jamest I guess you are the referee /msg jamest 'cause we keep /msg'ing you /msg jamest only we aren't really /msg'ing you Action: chillywilly strangles jcater with a doohicky mouse chord doohicky? is that a Wisconsin computer supplier? it is a common apt bot lart you would know that if you hung out in #debian that great channel of never ending help ;) :) Action: chillywilly winders why he has ide jumpers lying on his desk jcater: you trying to make me a slave drive? nah to your AI cable-selectable "/dev/chillywilly not a block device" heh i'd love to stay and watch this but I must leave bbl "/dev/chillywilly appears to be a link to /dev/random" jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "[x]chat" mount /dev/jcater ew! please don't do that mount: No medium found psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. feh, you only wish I meant it that way Action: chillywilly slaps jcater with the trout o' death mv jcater /dev/null cannot move jcater onto itself man you make it no fun when you start insulting yourself Action: chillywilly does the mexican hat dance on jcater Action: jcater wonders just what chillywilly does at work Action: chillywilly is off of work Action: chillywilly is at home now psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. fil_c (~username@host213-122-201-7.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. fil_c (username@host213-122-201-7.btinternet.com) left irc: Client Quit fil_c (~username@host213-122-201-7.btinternet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi... anyone around? yep no jbailey (~jbailey@Toronto-HSE-ppp3638582.sympatico.ca) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). dereks just got me up and running with forms. Some questions: How about multiple languages? each .gfd file is language specific And how to cater for different lengths of text for each language? ajmitch (me@p27-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds How about zooming from one field to another? How about changing the sort order? And... what's the best place for me to get involved with? fil_c: the next release of GNUe Forms intends to address several of these we are reworking the backend to the UI system to allow for resorting, better query support (lookup forms) and it will make coffee too ;) not sure what you mean about zooming from field to field also, we are going to try to better incorporate i18n into the next release but we are still up in arms about how to do it as right now, you are right, a separate gfd is required for each language although I think if people use GEAS as the backend, it might be able to (at some point) dynamically generate the gfd with the user's correct language don't quote me on that though do you have immediate i18n needs? we have quite a few international users who keep reminding us of where we're lacking :) also, please get involved whereever you feel comfortable ;) crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. oh crap stop following me crazymike! ;P HAHAHAHAHA crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left #gnuenterprise. heh no... I don't have i18n needs but I think it might be an idea to split each gfd into two parts. Multiple language specific interface files for one trigger file. when I say "zooming" I mean opening a sub-window to say pick a supplier from a list of suppliers when entering a purchase order. yes that is one of our short-term needs and is tied into resorting Bigby (bigby@24-205-145-26.riv-dyn.charterpipeline.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Bigby (bigby@24-205-145-26.riv-dyn.charterpipeline.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection Another reason for splitting gfd files into two parts, it would make end user personalisation (e.g. (re)moving the fields on a form easier) definitely worth considering what would you split? 1. triggers. still leave the xml definition , but the action occurs in a trigger file we can do that now with as that has many other advantages too such as trigger reuse it may not be exactly what you are referring to, but you can put all your triggers in another file and just put an in your gfd btw, this works with most objects (datasources, etc) to promote reuse that sounds like a very good idea. but that certainly doesn't solve the multi-language problem hmmm... one way could be to move all "language" to just be labels. then the actual text for the labels be defined multiple times per label, each for differing languages and each for differing lenghts. e.g. "Purchase Order" or "Purch Ord" another way could be to copy each .gfd to each language. e.g. trigger-en.gfd, trigger-de.gfd or a combination or both of the above hmm so you could define all the non-labels in a common .gfd file and the file-??.gfd could define the labels in that language but import all the other entries (you can do global imports -- i.e., import everything from a file) I'm not sure if that's the ideal long-term solution yes.... but if I understand you correctly this doesn't cater for different positioning of form objects due to differing language lengths. but it actually may work out of the box right now that is a current problem we currently only support absolute positioning which is fine if the form never changes the goal is to support different "layout" methods sure... I dont think you should support relative how would you do dynamic length labels in an absolute system btw, I don't care for relative myself :) aside: I'm probably being to arrogant here - so please tell me to shut up if you like I dont think that's possible. It would require a separate .gfd for each language But still keeping the labels separate... this then give the ability to change the meaning of a label. e.g. Zip Code -> Post Code but do it across all the forms in gnue at once. the main drawback to this method is that if a form is changed (rearranged) you have to modify every language file, instead of changing just one or am I misunderstanding you or that the translator would also have to worry about positioning as well as translation this may not be a bad thing but I'm not sure Action: jcater is speaking abstractly because he only knows english so will probably never participate in any translation :) Action: fil_c laughs... likewise yes problem... perhaps we could make the alternate language forms optional - treat english as a master and use it and it's position but with foriegn labels if a specific foriegn form doesn't exist. Is there any menu/process flow interface planned? yes that is under discussion lemme look for my link sigh it's here somewhere but I have to run if derek pops back in, I think he has a link thanks for the talking jason ah here's the start of the conversation http://lists.gnue.org/pipermail/gnue-accounting/2001-July/000062.html later jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" fil_c (username@host213-122-201-7.btinternet.com) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds gulliver (~gulliver@bi-node.teuto.de) joined #gnuenterprise. bucky (~bucky@68-60.precpe.cableone.net) joined #gnuenterprise. madlocke (~madlocke@p50807378.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. gulliver (~gulliver@bi-node.teuto.de) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). are we still talking about language ? and is that 2 tier or n-tier too bad i missed it hey madlocke, I'm looking to begin using the GNUe Forms functionality for 2 tier.. you have any speculation on CVS check in time frame? hey great... umm.. I meant GNUe Forms web interface heh left that ot did understand... i am doing a rewrite at the moment because some things are really ugly last week my phone line was down :( working on layout manager... basic functions of this work for html and for wxwindows... ok need to talk to james a bit... Action: Mr_You updates phpPgAdmin ;-) hmm ajmitch (~me@p52-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d120.as26.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: chillywilly (~danielb@d120.as26.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly slaps jcater with a smelly trout! mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jcater slaps chillywilly with, um, something made of steel neilt (neilt@dialup- left irc: "later all" Action: chillywilly thinks jcater needs to fix the bot it's not funny anymore is it still doing it? [18:32:01] * bigbrother slaps chillywilly with a smelly trout! would you prefer a perfumed trout? should be gone now :) I would prefer not getting slapped plz Action: jcater is gonna miss it, though I bet I don;t need bits beating me up I do that enough myself Action: chillywilly leaps off a bridge s/bits/bots Action: madlocke sees chillywilly fallin and fallin and .... splash... ;) madlocke (madlocke@p50807378.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" bucky (bucky@68-60.precpe.cableone.net) left irc: "going to domino's or papa johns bbl" Rafterman (tim@lister.sesgroup.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201020.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds howdy 'sup? just got here ah getting ready to play with geas me too no stay away ;P you keep breaking it I'm going to tell your mom ok, I'll stay away from geas stuff :) mom, jamest keeps breaking our toys nope, nothing geas on my plate now Action: jamest does a happy dance cool let's start the ui rewrite then but does the forms driver work? if not, you better get cracking then ;) chillywilly: no, but I don't want to upset people you just told him to stay away from geas so I'll leave it alone ummm, my mom said you could play wiht it go right ahead it is out of my hands now nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d120.as26.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: chillywilly (~danielb@d120.as26.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@d120.as26.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..."). chillywilly (~danielb@d120.as26.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ah thank you I guess a kill -HUP doesn't reset him sheesh oh, don't be so melodramatic Action: chillywilly will never trout slap anyone again you know you liked it ;) Action: chillywilly trout slaps jcater hard I lied derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. any cat lovers here........... nope I got 2 of them that I'd like to give away well i have a funny yet tragic cat story ok but wont tell it if it would offend anyone nah they'e just road frisbeees after all ;P ok let me preface this by saying i have 3 sisters all blonde's my sister has 4 kids she got 3 of the kids kittens a while back (3 kids == 3 kittens) well one day the kids put all the kitties in the microwave BUT they didnt turn it on, they just told mom how they could fit ALL three in well i guess one of the kitty's likes to sleep in the dryer after laundry is done normally my sister takes it out when she is done well this weekend her husband reached in for a sweatshirt and it was still a little 'wet' so he turned that puppy back on (without checking for kitty) poor kitty is no more ooooo sad but humorous, for those of us who just cant 'get into kitties' ajmitch (me@p52-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds moral of the story: if you want your clothes to dry properly, remove cat I think you have to be a cold hearted bastrd not to think they are cute but that's my opinion :P oh they are ADORABLE but they turn into cats :) ah yes I don;t liek t hose too much I see your point ;P believe me it is sad yea.... very very sad and tragic but one less cat in the world ;) but its just so darn 'silly' its hard not to laugh kind of thing you 'joke about doing to a cat', but would never really do i had time tonight and had to do bills instead grib: should i try to use gnucash in the new year? Action: derek has been saying that for 3 years now..... ajmitch (~me@p52-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. had a kid in school that had something similar happen w/ cat the dryer cooked the sink off it IIRC they threw out all the clothes in the dryer as they were covered in cooked in blood jamest: i have no idea the state of this cat guess my sister was pretty freaked though so imagine it wasnt 'purdy' we need to sell some gnue goodies so i can afford to send postcards out for NY :) jcater: the stuff for NY has been arriving here over past two weeks, dont think anything need to forward on the booth manual is pretty basic, more for people with money that have 'deadlines' to buy stuff :) and have tons of free exhibit passes to mail out prolly 100 postcards ajmitch (me@p52-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds heh Action: chillywilly should hitc hike to NY hicth hicth? hitch stop making fun of me Action: jcater pokes at chillywilly I got other ppl that I want to see at LWE how far away are you? wisconsin um I'm in the south and didn't do well in us geography my buddy who I worked with drove to NYC heheh I am by Lake Michigan north of illinois minnesota to the west bordering lake michigan on the east does that help? um sure so how far are you from NYC? veyr far :P I dunno the exact mileage 16-20 hrs drive ah ajmitch (~me@p52-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201020.flinthills.com) left irc: "[x]chat" gowlin (~gowlin@CPE00E029258486.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi gowlin ajmitch (me@p52-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout: 180 seconds hey jcater: as to fil_c's stuff he seems to be describing the lookup box i keep bitching aqbout :) I know I said that, I thought as for muliti language i still think we shoudl use 'entities' so you can define entity files for incluces then do substitute so you might have