lambert ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi psu ho psu hi hi it's been a quiet week back to work today (for one day) chillywilly ( left irc: reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( left #gnuenterprise. lambert ( left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. colonel (~arun@ joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( left irc: "hny!" RedTalons ( joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) RedTalons ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). colonel (arun@ left irc: "[x]chat" derek ( got netsplit. dsmith ( got netsplit. mdean ( got netsplit. derek ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( returned to #gnuenterprise. mdean ( returned to #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) alexey_ (alexey@ left irc: Client Quit alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate" dsmith ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. its ToyMan you be around tomorrow at all? huh? wha? somebody call my name? hey derek yeah i think you won a free upgrade to bsd or something damn, just when I was getting used to win95.. hmm. lessee, I may be in for a few hours tomorrow whats up? ok cool i might start really getting into your conversion tomorrow and so might start to drown and need a live saver close at hand :) heh, you'll definately drown in my messy app Action: ToyMan wonders why it works at all... although i might tackle upgrading this laptop to debian instead you are using postgres 7.x right? yup Action: derek will have to install 7.x on my gateway or something as getting it installed on this machine is more trouble than its worth, knowing im trashing it soon :)O so, you have a good xmas? jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. yes mom sent me hilarious joke: A little guy goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this HUGE guy standing next to him. The big guy sees the little guy staring at him, looks down and says, "7 feet tall, 350 pounds, 20 inch penis, 3 lb. left testicle, 3 lb. right testicle, Turner Brown." The small guy faints dead away and falls to the floor. This big dude kneels down & brings him to, slapping his face and shaking him. He asks, "What's wrong with you?" In a very weak voice, the little guy says, "Excuse me, but what EXACTLY did you say to me?" The big dude says, "I saw the curious look on your face and figured I'd just give you the answers to the questions everyone always asks me. I'm 7 feet tall, 350 pounds, 20 inch penis, 3 lb. left testicle, 3 lb. right testicle, and my name is Turner Brown. " The small guy says, "Thank God! I thought you said Turn Around." - reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. hehe jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. grib_ ( left irc: "I'm too lame to make a quit message" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. grib ( joined #gnuenterprise. bbl must work Nick change: derek -> dnWork alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( left irc: Client Quit dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: mdean -> mdean-[yawa] ToyMan ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( left #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: Remote closed the connection reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Client Quit Nick change: mdean-[yawa] -> mdean mdean! how goes it? jcater!!! it goes wow... 3 !'s :) you have a good christmas? eventful - rdean and his horde came to visit pattieja ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ah 2 dean's in same house... er 2 dean families (at least) where is all the code? ;) had no time to code - he has 3 girls - all 5 and under no excuse :) i have 3 too did you get my though i must say the two girls can play for hours w/ no parent involvement my son on the other hand...... his girls need supervision yes i did constant havent reviewed them, but plan to btw: i found some weirdness on dates what is odd is the code looks fairly sane and new versions dont behave this way only my production version :( and the code in that section is identical only thing i can think of its either a goofy config on my part OR its a postgresql 6.5ism as all the samples i can get to work are 7.x is it with projects? no with tickets if you open a new ticket I would recommend upgrading to 7.1.x brb oooo I just looked at Action: jcater is way outta date mdean i patched my copy but its a hack that i cant really explain i.e. i didnt take the time to fully investigate ah what appears to happen is that a ticket object is created and then loaded it loads date instead of timestamp so when you create a ticket its got good date for createdon, statuson etc but then if you add a resolution it loads crap into the date (1969) oh - the problem *could* lie in the Edit() method of dbTickets yip thats where i hacked it it was doing a 'conversion' which fields did it hoark? all of them? i removed that conversion and it fixed the problem though it 'behaves' slightly goofy as it stores as time stamp before the edit but displays as date afterwards :) it was just status, created on and one other one all the 'resolutions' were fine hmmmm - the code appears sane like you said yeah if i do diffs nothing has 'changed' and it works on other installs dneighbo: is the date right except for the year, which it sets to 1969?? no are other installs pgsql 7.x +? it defaults to 12-30-1969 00:00:00 or something yes other installs are pgsql 7.x oh that may explain it... yep timestamp fields pgsql 6.x used a non-ansi format for those - had a bunch of junk in it (at least from php's perspective) pgsql 7.x converted to ansi format, which is actually parseable jcater see my bug building power extends beyond gnue Action: dneighbo should start charging for this talent :) if you have bugs, I WILL find them sigh yeah - and you haven't even touched the email gateway yet ;-) the intern we get in mid-January is that way one thing is that cool is i just LOVE open source (free) he can sit down at my other guy's code and ALWAYS crash it within 2 minutes in that i could look at this and in about an hour trace through to what what going on he can find the most obscure stuff and pin it down to the edit call and patch it (ungracefully) lol i think this impressed the boss he is still not liking 'unsupported software' much give him my number but seeing problems get fixed quickly makes him smile oh, the boss' boss? I'll send out an invoice to him mdean yeah btw if you have a company (or not) let me know as i told them i would give them names of three corporations not personally that will provide support for DCL as they asked me to write an RFP for something that does what DCL does only that we pay for i said WTF they said they wanted commercial support some people just don't get it btw: it could turn into a couple thousand dollar a year 'support contract' for you as they said they didnt mind paying a few thousand dollars for something 'commercial' that's fine - I'll support DCL either way i almost that day whipped up a website called TimeTrackerPro that offered 300 a seat licenses and 1500 a year for support / upgrades that really was nothing more than DCL :) heh as this was before they gateway... hey this does everything dcl does dneighbo: Offer them $1000/year assuming a 2 year contract. =) only it has a cool gateway ;) $1500 total if they pay in advance. =) jbailey we have a 100 user app we pay 20,000 a year for in support we call their support maybe 5 times a year and get an upgrade every 9months with patches about once a month and most shit goes unfixed for ever 9 months???? I need to slow down... btw: the patches are for serious holes :) not feature additions figures mdean: yeah, you need to switch to the gnue release cycle ...once every6-9 months :) well, if DCL is to be a GNUe project, then I should start right away hey now play nice btw: mdean you ever see the gnue screens for dcl workorders ja someday i will get to completing it and putting in cvs btw: jcater one thing i think we need in GNUe Forms probably sooner than later is concept of of exclusive list boxes mmm how do i word this correctly dneighbo: you get to try the label-style entry widgets yet? basically you have two list boxes one on left and one on right with 4 arrows in middle 1 to move from left to right 1 to move all from left to right 1 to move from right to left ToyMan ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). 1 to move all from right to left ah... like I used in Designer's wizard to select fields? yes this is pretty common when asking people to 'select' things Action: dneighbo is trying to recall where i thought i needed this hmmm i know i used it a LOT in the LDC app jade and i wrote mostly for product selection.... ex: we create a master list of all items the distributor carries then we create a company we then select which items that company is authorized to order and it defaults all values BUT we might charge one company more for item X so we override the price then that company has 40 stores we pick store by store we'll see what jamest thinks when we see him again the items the store can carry (only showing the list from teh company) not hte distributor with thier prices etc etc but i see many areas where this would surface i ran into one the other day specifically i dont recall what it was :( i want to say it was something working on for dstoys but i dont remember the issue we have to consider is what does something like this fall back to when the underlying UI doesn't support it btw: who is jamest ;) btw, I subscribe to jamest's philosophy that we aren't creating a widget set although I admit something like that would be useful DCL uses the select boxes in some of the system setup functions hi rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Mr_You jumps in.. how do you create widgets if GNUe doesn't provide them? in relation to seperate pricing.. on an invoice.. I use price per item and an extended price.. which the extended price would contain the actual price for that customer extended price being a discounted price normally first price could be considered "List Price" ... last price being "retail" jcater: im torn the way i see it i agree on some levels and not others i think we should have a 'base' widget set that is lightweight and easily portable to say WAP, Web, Curses, GUI's etc etc i think we should also offer some more complex widgets to make more competitive pieces but might only work on certain UI's and we institute the concept of 'optional' widgeting lambert (~lambert@ joined #gnuenterprise. which we have always stated so i might say make an 'image' widget in curses mode i just 'ignore' it example employee record maintenance i might have a photo of employee on record that i can see in the GUI/Html version but in curses version it is just blank space etc i agree to an extent... with the image support, I agree wholeheartedly as i think things like tree's while you all might say just eye candy can make an application infinitely more easy to use but data manipulation-type things must be able to fall back to something useful BUT IMHO i see the downside as well so im not hot to jump and down and scream we need this we need this :) on the list box thing im describing i dont see it as a 'widget' but rather an extension i think a listbox widget should be included as it has many uses this would just be like creating a tool to ride on the list box actually more i think about it rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" in 95% of places i have used it i dont think i even had a list box behind it it was merely a maintenance kind of thing btw: where i see it as almost 'mandatory' is in reports if we want to let people 'dynamically' build reports btw: mdean whats up with the patch for mail() in replacement to the mailclass in dcl? do you know what the 'problem' was? doh! which reminds me i found 2 other bugs (well kind of bugs) dneighbo: it's his SMTP server and how it does auth and relay, not sure how to implement in the socket based SMTP implementation a. if it cant contact the server it errs out and doesnt give 'descriptive' error message (i know as our exchange server goes down daily) :) it should probably read cant contact 'hostname' please contact your administrator or something b. if you leave the 'from' field blank it errs with similar poor error message i found out b because my boss logged in as 'sa' then didnt log out and started closing some workorders sa of course was 'pre' created mmmm - I think we'll need a config item for default email and so didnt have an email address i noticed email is NOT mandatory which makes sense if you dont have email notifications on why demand it? right but if you have email notifications turned on an email address should be mandatory to avoid this error or the error handling should be stronger i fixed it by hardcoding a 'default' email in the class and i did a check to see if from was blank for a From: address, I think having a default email in the config will be sufficient if its blank i insert the hardcoded default if user has no email address, use the one specified in config that would work thats what i did only hardcoded btw: figured i would state that here instead of #dcl cause its a pain to talk in more than one channel in bitchx plus i wanted to let jcater know i can torture other peoples code as well as i torture his :) im an equal opportunity pain in the ass ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. EO PITA? chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi mdean howdy ajmitch heya rofl wonder if i can put that on a resume? put what? chillywilly: that dneighbo is an EO PITA eh? what's EO? equal.... equal opportunity pain in the ass? yup ;-) [14:14:47] btw: figured i would state that here instead of #dcl cause its a pain to talk in more than one channel in bitchx [14:15:14] plus i wanted to let jcater know i can torture other peoples code as well as i torture his :) [14:15:42] im an equal opportunity pain in the ass amen to that man I hat efucking cats er, I hate cats kill them all no lambert (~lambert@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). yese that's just wrong shutup some cats are cool my roommates cat is can someone answer this... if GNUe provides a small set of widgets, how are users suppose to expand upon this? nope nope? if GNUe doesn't provide widgets which users want, how will they gain these widgets without hiring a programmer to hack on GNUe thus creating future upgrade problems Mr_You: i guess he means, nope, i don't know Mr_You i think the design was people can add widgets if they like they just might not be 'supported' im pro this type of implementation where we might implement widgets that not super portable but people ask for you mean hacking the code would be required to create new widgets/ and we say they cant be used to create 'base gnue' things i.e. they can never become 'preferred' packages well, I guess I'm assuming they are portable, etc... I'm just wondering what complications might occur well a tree widget for example might not be to terrible in gtk gui but put in web gui or curses or say a WAP enabled device it gets ugly quick unlike an image its much harder to 'deprecate' such functionality but this isn't what I'm talking about then im not sure what you are talking about when jamest/jcater say they dont want a ton of widgets its mostly because of the above reason I'm refering to specificly how would an org increase their widget toolbox? they would have to hack gnueforms to get more widgets what im saying is rather than have orgs do all the hacking ok perhaps we should support some 'common' ones in forms out of box BUT basically say you start using these and your work wont be part of the GNUe Applications distribution i.e. use them to hearts content to write custom apps or extend gnue apps but we wont use them in the base distribution of gnue apps but for now, im more worried about getting apps than getting bunches of widgets :) i think you can do 90% of what you need with the widgets we have i didnt think i was requesting a new widget as much as requesting a new type of 'dialog' right, I just like to think about the big picture.. big pciture would be if someone actually had an xml gui definition that anyone could implement for whatever toolkit I just wasn't sure if Forms would be hacked or whether there would be another method for adding widgets ie. Widget Definitions for example ;-0 ) Mr_You: basically, the widgets would extend one of our base classes, so a new widget would just be a new python package so, from one viewpoint, it'd be easy and they could keep it separate from the core GNUe code ok but on the other hand, the widgets are tied to that base class, so if we change it around much, then yes hacking new widgets would be a pain from a maintenance standpoint so, not sure if that answers your ? or not ...sorry, I was away.. putting in a new front door :) yes jcater thanks.. my concern is if custom widgets are not easily provided it just makes it more dificult for developers i think like ALL free software projects course, we need it working before tweaking, but maybe in the future this might be considered if we dont make developers happy someone else will BUT I would strongly discourage a custom widget set so if developers are clamoring for widget X and we wont add it for all the obvious reasons :) someone will dneighbo: s/free // ;-) if we dont accept the patch eventually there will be a branch yes its almost like a widget definition or some method of defining widgets would eliminate this.. i think jamest and jcater probably feel like i do in sense we really dont want to see branches then you just distribute the fully portable widget set, and optionally allow them to install the non-portable set and more than likely if someone coded a new extension to a base that worked right I don't want to see branches either a whole standard xml schema for UIs would help everyone we would take the patch, though we might state its not a good thing to use it if you want your applications to be in gnue :) BUT also if the maintainer stopped maintaining it we would probably drop it or deem its BROKEN I'd prefer not to have patches either.. but a more seamless way to add this "non-portable/supported" functionally we don't want to build a large widget set (even if unsupported) that we have to go and maintain when we modify the primary code :( dneighbo: I think that it's quite reasonable to ask people to maintain patches outside for a bit if it's really bad for the framework, or needs to be tested more. oh dneighbo just answered that one :) jcater : i agree, what im saying is that we add it but say we dont SUPPORT this, if we break it and the original submitter dont fix it tough :) yeah... I caught that statement after I pressed enter :) :) I certainly don't mind that approach as long as it's well understood :) we may find we like some of the new widgets and might be willing to support them even if the original author or others wont i think we can all agree that we need so much more than new widgets right now that its not worth talking about too much :) jcater: isn't a ui rewrite for forms scheduled for sometime in the distant future? chillywilly im not sure what you are clamoring for is it really a widget we are supporting or a widget definition? there is xforms which i htink is kind of what you are wanting... BUT i have always maintained we have a definition that ANYONE can use xforms is like a web thing though i.e. at one time treshna was writing their own gnue forms client and at another time ian was writing a java gnue forms client so i consider .gfd to be a 'standard' only for us in the sense that we are not forcing a particular method of implementation no only for us ANYONE is free to use it just because they dont isnt our issue :) i.e. i suppose we could try to champion some spec but xforms and xul already have tried that with little success we openly embrace anyone trying to use our spec xforms is new a relatively unadopted anyway i think ian and andrew would both agree we did what we could to help their implementations but the most POWERFUL thing we can do is write kwality kiddie kode apps w/ gfd spec and encourage others to use it as well i.e. im so sick of 'paper' standards maybe you could have widget definitions embedded in gfd files in the future? hmm that would scare me ajmitch: yes supposedly the not-so-distant future :) Mr_You you lost me there? fwiw: i think ui rewrite is a dangerous term i think its more 'ui kode klean up and reorganize' ehh I was just thinking out loud.. I dunno how you could do that really than a 'true rewrite' dneighbo: true :) as i about passed out when i heard term rewrite as i envisioned two years between 0.1.0 and 0.3.0 release maybe "UI Clarification" is better :) but after looking at the todo and talking with 'da code goats' i was much relieved 2 years? with jcater, it should be 2 months at most! :) my coding days seem to shrink with every passing week :( I guess if you could create a method to enable seperated code from GNUe code base which (at some point) had complete backwards compatibility with version n.x code base that would be best ajmitch the problem with jcater is he spawns too many processes ;) hehe widget code that is Mr_You: I agree longterm :) But until we hit 1.x, there's no way we are maintaining backwards compat :) a ui rewrite turns into fixing designer turns into upgrading reports turns into writing gnurpc turns into fixing geas driver turns into groupware specs yeah heh dneighbo: turns into release v10 ;-) hey if microshaft and ximian can ignore all sense of backwards compatiable cant we? oh yeah thats right we arent worth millions, we arent included in teh class of 'being able to do that' yet nope we suck hehe great line from Nurse Betty (good movie btw) that we rented last night "I'm the law, I don't *have* to do *anything*" not millions, but marketing.... as soon as we have a good marketing machine, jcater good point we can do what we want i have a good pr firm, i dont have to do anything even require 20-30 dependencies :) Action: dneighbo knows how he will interview marketing folks derek to candidate: here is a cigarette, take a long deep inhale walk in the next office and blow it up the first person that you entcounter ass derek goes to next room and asks person: anyone hear get smoke blown up their ass? room: nope, but damn something about working hear just makes me love my job derek to candidate: you are hired btw, I had some fool comment CC fraud with me the other day :-( commit way it goes ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. more suspicious now heh not CC fraud on my CC but someone used to stolen CC to purchase service dsmith ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) purchase what? VPS virtual private server what do you get with a VPS? its like a dedicated server but it's not at the site? no its a shared internet hosting solution that is managed and runs like a dedicated server I see ToyMan ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). one roommate got the new iomega external HD solution.. its 20GB on a card like thing.. probably has a 20GB IDE portable HD inside.. guessing firewire and usb extremely low price peerless its called jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left irc: "" neilt ( joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. neilt ( left irc: Client Quit dsmith ( left irc: Connection timed out reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. habby new year miss sofie!! reinhard ( left irc: Client Quit Action: mdean looks around... Action: jcater sticks out his tongue at mdean Action: mdean thwaps jcater's tongue with a goat ew hairy heheh anyone ever boot a powerppc board via tftp? hmm nope hmmmmm I do have a useless powerppc (apple) right now so if you get that working, lemme know that would make an excellent diskless x term for my wife this guy at GE is having problems and a buddy if mine told me I should offer my consuting services ;) s/if/of consult whenever possible never know when you may want to do it more "professionally" .. it's nice to have referrals dude you use ltsp? oh, yeah a bussy if mine got a job as a sysdamin for this city's poilce and fire departments and he wants to do xterm clients and let them use OpenOffice and Evolution er, buddy I have a remote office... a call-center that's all they use we have a single kickass server and then all these cheap-ass terminals they get the benefits of the server's power btw, evolution and openoffice aren't really good "Shared" applications although you can coerce them to do it btw, from a maintenance standpoint, diskless terminals are the WAY to go this other office is 90 miles away and I'm the closest tech support they have nothing but an office full of women on the phone (quite literally) doing what? well, 3 parts... 1. Customer service (inbound) for our magazine fundraisers ok 2. Outbound program support (sponsors call in for help) 3. Outbound telemarketing group that markets our programs to librarians, etc I see you have them using Forms? partially in april, hopefully that's all they will use k this is on a WAN configuration? well, they have a single server at their office that powers the X sessions (doing the diskless booting, et al) but the applications are over wan, yes frame relay over T1 ok (256K pipe) uhuh so what's up dude, you going to have a few drinks tonight? ;) not yet... getting ready to run to the liquer store hehe Action: dneighbo setups up the cron job to remove jcaters commit capabilities after 10pm CST haha no drinking and coding? why not? I was fairly well "influenced" when I did the parser rewrite happy gnu year! oops that was early ':P lol dude... I'm so depressed I've had 10 straight days off work and have coded for maybe 2 hrs sigh jcater i know you arent telling masta you have had 80 hours of coding time and only spent 2 hours coding Action: jcater shrugs all i can say is you better be getting like triple nookie to make up for it, or we are sending in the dogs I did replace my front door and remodeled my front rooms ...LONG overdue ok we forgive you anything that puts you in the good graces of the 'nookie factory' we can forgive /msg dneighbo maybe that will keep wife off my back during coding sessions as us married folks know that even with regular deposits, there are limited withdrawls :) yes Action: jcater wonders when jamest will surface? someday i think bbam == be back after midnight dneighbo ( left irc: "[BX] Mr. Rogers uses BitchX. Won't you be my neighbor?" hehe the nookie factory hmmm, I guess I am practically married because I also have limited withdrawals crap anyone have a good recipe for trout? ;P tiny smoked sausages cooked in a dark sauce in a crock-pot? The one I like has grape jelly in it :) but can't find a recipe grape jelly? but you don't taste the jelly :) it breaks down into a sweet sauce bbq type sauce dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. ah, found it it's just grape jelly and chili sauce Action: jcater is away: shopping ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hahaha Nick change: dnWork -> derek really leaving til after midnight now :) chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Action: derek is away: news partying heh Action: derek is away: new year partying Action: jcater is back (gone 01:11:31) wb jcater thanks ajmitch ( left irc: "" CrazyFoam ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@ left irc: "new years private party... woohoo!!!" --- Tue Jan 1 2002