[00:00] Last message repeated 1 time(s). fitzix: way early on in FD there was discussion that FD woudl become a grandiose ASP and a dotGNU like spec put forth iirc whether dotGNU was birthed from that or separately i dont recall as i left before then separately as i think the leadership of FreeDevelopers is not strong enough to carry it I believe the project you're referring to was called Netwerks and rather than criticize, i left fitzix: yip that was it derek: the problem is that we want the community to do most of the base work. There are few great minds in the community - so starting the work is problematic. i disagree derek: This is something that has also plagued DotGNU for some time... the problem is you have leaders that ... never mind i will shut up derek: "great minds" is probably the wrong wording derek: No - go on :) we will just say i gave an opinion and was flamed derek: or somewhere private if you like i predicted what has happened no he means Tony, but he doesn't have the balls to say it no private messages I forbid it ;) FD went from a group of 400 EXCITED developers to a dead mailing list in less than a year i warned the leadership what they were doing woudl do that they told me to fuck off so i did and chillywilly it was more than tony bullshit you got stubborn and left jcater: hehe - I can understand if he wouldn't want to say specifics on a logged connection' tony happened to be the only one that was rude about it, the other just conceded to his opinion fitzix: you dont me, im pretty candid fitzix: nah, I know him better than that i can put my foot in my mouth wiht the best of them heh fitzix: let's just say, neither he nor I will ever run for President ;) jcater: hehe fitzix: as the press would have a field day just from these logs Action: fitzix is a free speech person Action: chillywilly is as slick as a cactus anyway, I'd really like more background so that I can fight this type of thing when it comes up again I mentioned this to you before didn't I fitzix? chillywilly: I know part of the story, I think... but I want to be sure one thing I didn't like is that derek felt he had to leave it was horse shit Nobody should feel they have to leave - unless they're Martin Coxall but we gave him a lot of leway Radi still holds a grudge afaik chillywilly: against Derek? yep but I could care less about him he has since disappeared fitzix: i admit on some things im a pushy it know it all or thats probably how i come off online but I back up my masta for the most part ;) alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. i think that may have been the case and they reacted wrong to it i admit my part in that derek: you have strong opinions - nothing wrong with that... but it can take a strong person to just listen yep true dat but way i saw it as being a comaintainer of gnue for over a year at that time i had SEEN what had happened in our gnue community both good and bad chillywilly: thats my line! i saw them doing all the bad things and none of the good ones they REFUSED to listen derek: so you had experience to guide yourself by nickr: no way dude its mine now ;) stating i was wrong, just wait and see as soon as they did X it would fix everything at that point i left, because i felt it was an up hill battle chillywilly: true dat and everything i said we being cc'd to RMS and whined about FD politics is a bit fucked up imho i have to fight with rms enough about gnue things i didnt need to spend my conversations with him on FD thigns too :) heheh And of course he only gets one side politics has plagued DotGNU from the beginning... oh yes Action: chillywilly remembers an irate person in #dotgnu...nick starts with an 'M' politics is fun fun fun Maniac? no mozilla? maude? mildred? marvin? melvin? martin? Myrridian MrChillywilly ah that was gonna be me next guess. (yeah right) heheh he's a dotgnu guy dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection Action: ra3vat is away: I'm busy Action: ra3vat is back (gone 00:00:02) Action: ra3vat is away: I'm busy reinhard (~rm@N808P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: hey man euro, euro, everbody do the euro dance... the euro dance... Action: derek figures by about now reinhard is ready to shove some euros up some ones rear to make them go away :) :) jcater (jason@ left irc: "nite" night derek reinhard: all chillywilly (danielb@d9.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: fitzix (fitzix@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: derek is away: zzzzz kreiszner (Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" kreiszner (~Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) joined #gnuenterprise. kreiszner (Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. roby (~jrobiez@APh-Aug-102-1-3-162.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. roby (jrobiez@APh-Aug-102-1-3-162.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer (~perry@210-86-57-156.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. roby (~jrobiez@APh-Aug-102-1-3-162.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. l8r all reinhard (rm@N808P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "The more often you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets" alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" roby (~jrobiez@APh-Aug-102-1-3-162.abo.wanadoo.fr) left #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip217.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip217.albany.thebiz.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). dres__ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip217.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat: have you seen madlocke lately ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip217.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Client Quit ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip217.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. anyone on the commit mailing list? man alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Nick change: alexey_ -> alexey jamest: he received the information that you was looking for him jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. 'suo, my dawgs? just chill'n and kill'n ra3vat: thanks Action: ra3vat is away: I'm busy dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) joined #gnuenterprise. um does this name ring a bell Maurizio Boriani Action: jamest is blanking he's uploaded geas .debs to the debian pool he is our debian package maintainer for geas sigh we need a maintainer for the tools that are usable albeit not as sexy jcater discussing with him now cool lol geas is usable IIRC treshna was using in production system :) hope to hear back from maurizio soon btw: ben armstrong offerred to help answer debian packing questions too jcater and i had discussed this some the other day we REALLY need gnue in debian all of gnue we need something for redhat too :) to handle db drivers and such and a script to 'test' the install w/ diagnostics baux (~baux@ joined #gnuenterprise. Hi All! derek: are you there? sigh we need someone to do it then baux: howdy!!! *sigh* Access died again dneighbo was here the users must've dragged him away what? doing *actual* work? dneighbo? do actual work? hmmmm what a concept well, you can work up a real sweat pontificating... There some doc out of there which explain how to use method written in python? use in what way? How could I call them from a remote host im here [10:50] Last message repeated 1 time(s). btw: jamest and jcater are compentent (i think) basically we have several gnue packages all of which can run alone or on their own (well kind of) and we would like to see all of them in deb format compentent? with dependencies taken care of dneighbo: all released gnue software are already in debian pool all of us abuse debian regularly but dont know how to make debian packages baux ? gnue forms lambert (~lambert@r-201.196.alltel.net) joined #gnuenterprise. gnue common gnue designer are in the pool? last i looked only geas was there gnue forms not, I did'nt see it offial released, is it now? baux yes common, forms and designer are all released you can look at http://packages.debian.org and much more mature than geas at this point dneighbo: this are in pool from yesterday as for packages can we get conformity? if forms, common, designer are debianized i would like to see gnue-geas gnue-forms gnue-common gnue-designer etc as the package names i would have to dance a happy dance and eventually would like to make a task-gnue dneighbo: oki, I'll do this baux: you going to packge the others up? btw: we are sooooo greatful dneighbo: task are deprecated, now is in user a particular flag in package description we woudl LOVE to have a debian maintainer baux : yeah, i meant the concept thats why we need a debian guy around :) nickr and jbailey are our debian studs, but havent had time to package gnue up baux: if you are willing to do a packaging of forms and friends dneighbo: oki, could I be on navy? aboard? yes, we would love to have you baux: please let us know what you need to make it easier for you to make this happen would you be willing to do copyright assignment to free software foundation? and as jamest says please feel free to stop in here and ask questions, we see LOTS of improvement for the install of gnue on almost all platforms and how do we go about getting new releases to you and debians made? oh, if I could just do apt-get install gnue-forms, as we hope to do another forms, designer, common release w/in the month iirc I'd have to cream myself the good news is that we dont release often :) and as much KK as you eat, that'd be a lot of cream jamest: rofl Action: jamest ducks btw: i found a krispy kreme glazed on my desk waiting for me this morning guess boss brought in donuts only in america do you see a fat bozo shoving in a 1000 calorie kk glazed while slurrping on a 'diet cola' baux: when you debianize a package I assume you need to make config files baux: then run some tool on those files now are packaged: geas, gnue-common, gnue-designer baux also if you will probably get asked lots of questions hmmmm how did you package designer? as i think it depends on forms iirc yes! forms should depend on common and designer on forms and common apart from the other dependencies baux: if that is the case then we can get you cvs access and you can put those files in there also, if we are talking more complex packaging lambert (~lambert@r-201.196.alltel.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). i would love to see gnue-psycopg I've respected all depend for all package, is a rule for us gnue-popy etc etc so that you can install the drivers well never mind and If some is buggy on packages anyone can opent a bug on bugs.debian.org Action: dneighbo is on crack, we dont need that baux when will they hit i just did update and only old geas is in there currently baux: we could also add setup.py deb to our stuff to create the debs based upon your work if it'd make your life easier dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. basically I think several of us will cater to your needs to make this happen jamest: we could yes, we will dneighbo: i'm cheking... as I'd be creaming right along side cater well, maybe in the room next to him i wouldn't want to expose myself to that at any cost Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Remote closed the connection hrm dneighbo: excuse me, them are already in approval committee usually take 10 days to pass it alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" I'm uploading packages on my personal home page, and send you the url you can find all my work in http://www.debian.org/~baux/packages/ cool hmmm s'oui mag i wonder IIRC python .pyc files are platform independent correct? jamest: yes! them are parsed if so the .i386 files may work on other platforms too It could but I'm not sure don't worry usually debian porters'll check this point joebullhead (~joe@h-64-105-244-252.ATLNGAHP.covad.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Istr .py -> .pyc stuff going on at package install time. But I've been wrong before. baux you mind me posting to our list your personal site for the deb packages? so we can try to get people to start testing them or i suppose its better to wait until they hit sid baux your assignment paperwork should be en route via email reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: no problem send it baux you are the baux that is @debian.org? he's done .debs for us! reinhard: yes baux: cool Yayyy! Debs! dneighbo: what is GEAS-SYS in parse_load_sql.py? baux: reinhard is the one to ask baux: just let me answer that he's a GEAS dude just a sec just got home dneighbo's more a bug finding, coder torturing monster :) baux: when geas creates tables it automatically creates some columns like sys_id, sys_date_created, sys_user_created or something close to that sys_id for example is the primary key and we fill it with 32 char UUID's when you supply a file to load defaults into geas you can use GEAS-SYS as a placeholder for these columns or for the values that go into those columns respectively you can see an example of how to use it in reinhard: is geas configurable for this? gnue/packages/base/location/insert-en-country-codes.geas configurable for what exactly? reinhard: I was tryin this but dont work, in my table are'nt this fields (I'm using released version of geas) phil_c (~username@du-037-0206.access.clara.net) joined #gnuenterprise. fil_c (~username@du-037-0206.access.clara.net) joined #gnuenterprise. baux: which release? phil_c (username@du-037-0206.access.clara.net) left irc: Client Quit phil_c (~username@du-037-0206.access.clara.net) joined #gnuenterprise. it wasn't there in 0.0.5 but should work in 0.0.6 reinhard: 0.0.6 baux: will you be here in an hour? yes ok i will be back oki sorry that i have to go now fil_c (username@du-037-0206.access.clara.net) left irc: Client Quit bb in 1 hour bye Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away fil_c (~username@du-037-0208.access.clara.net) joined #gnuenterprise. lambert (~lambert@jany4pp27.alltel.net) joined #gnuenterprise. lambert (~lambert@jany4pp27.alltel.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). phil_c (username@du-037-0206.access.clara.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard back Action: ra3vat is back (gone 03:07:40) baux: i am compiling geas-0.0.6 now to test the automatic columns baux: you are 100% correct in 0.0.6 the automatic column was named objectid not sys_id it's been a too long time since the last release :( (2001-08-24) :(( reinhard: HI! well back reinhard: yes, I'm sure baux: i am sorry and highly unsatisfied with the current state of geas why? last release is nearly 5 months ago we had lots of changes since then incompatible changes (like the db column names) you'd like to release erlyer geas is currently in a state of transition as we rewrite parts of the code and development has nearly stopped for over a month now :( because i am swamped in my real life job reinhard: all of us must swamped with real life work :( probably it will be 2 or 3 weeks till i can resume on geas and current cvs is a mess reinhard: I've co it, yes is a little mess however i can at least promise that i _will_ resume baux: i would be curious what you did see as a "mess" and I promise that I use geas as back-end of is where I work because i wonder if it's the same mess i am talking about :) are there some empty dir, test file and so on, did you mean this? if I use geas at work, i could work on it in real life work :) empty dirs in cvs can't be deleted (cvs doesn't let you remove dirs in the repository) you should do co -Pd there are a lot of test files that are not up to date and you can be happy you didn't see the _real_ mess yet ;) so what did you mean? the current problem is that we did a rewrite of the .gcd file parser and some parts of geas use the new parser and some parts use the old one as the transition is not yet complete ah! oki I understand so we have 2 modules A and B which do the same thing and still both are used this is what i work at currently s/work/would work if i had time/ one with new parser and another with old one exactly the old parser is code you can only touch with rubber gloves like impossible to change something without breaking it alltogether so i have to keep the new one compatible with the old as long as both are active even for things we want to change in syntax was someone actively looking to use gnuecommon dbdrivers for geas yet? yes we had some discussion jamest and me iirc it could'nt be a simple thing we didn't end it because of my lack of time iirc as one of things i remember as being 'messy' still was the abnormally large number of calls by geas to get and manipulate data yes but that is not the dbdriver perhaps this wasnt in the driver as much as the oql or whatever it was that's one layer above dneighbo: yes what you said but i think switching to the drivers would help force clean that up :) still even one layer above oql or at least provide a good opportunity too :) what's oql? (dneighbo: geas has more layers than you can think of) object query language another of the good ideas in geas Action: jcater remembers "Shrek" that was actually not implemented GEAS is like an onion reinhard : you know im pretty much pro a thorough gutting of geas :) it has layers jcater : rofl :) baux: seriousl y oql is the module in geas that builds the SQL queries from front-end object retrievement/manipulation requests I was suspecting it... apart from that OQL is a "standard" language for object retrievement and manipulation and i think the original idea was to support that standard language sql-91 s/91/92 but that was not done no it's not sql its oql it's like an object oriented brother of sql i.e. i think omg calls it oql too i did'nt know this the idea was to make geas comply to the object query language standard ONE HANGUP the standard cost money to get a copy of (great way to do standards eh) I remember a big company which do a terrible os hehe oops Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3 8426728 7897462 92298 99% / at its odmg not omg... bad thing :( the other problem was imho that the backends really only support sql so you have to translate oql into sql Object Specification Languages 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Object Definition Language 3.3 Object Interchange Format 4 Object Query Language 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Principles 4.3 Query Input and Result 4.4 Dealing with Object Identity 4.5 Path Expressions 4.6 Undefined Values 4.7 Method Invoking 4.8 Polymorphism 4.9 Operator Composition which means you have to write another parser for the oql language 4.10 Language Definition 4.11 Syntactical Abbreviations 4.12 OQL BNF but you have to buy the 'book' what's title? good and nice friends are a good thing but I've dinner so bye and hear you soon s/hear/ear/ ok bye bye I think monday, this week end I'll have a trip on mountain to my granpa bye you all bye baux have a nice weekend chillywilly (~danielb@d167.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. thank you bye baux (baux@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" hi thought jbailey was going to be our debian maintainer he was but lack of time IIRC ah derek: I'm working on geas/common db integration uh oh ;P the segfault in orbit on corba booleans sidetracked me however you are hacking in C? yes believe it or not I can't believe it Action: dneighbo sends jamest the 'sorry hope you get well soon card' hacking in C has helped remind me of the finer things in life like python Action: jamest runs as im sure the trauma of going back to C has done some emotion if not physical damage :) whatever jamest: any progress there since we last talked? um not much iirc you don't need corba for the dbdriver integration working on a clean C/Python interface i don't ah ok however I made geas I higher priority then when it quit working I started cleanup work thinking it was a geas issue not an orbit one then discovered it was orbit issue and haven't started again on either yet sorry ok nevermind I'm trying :) honest actually i wanted to make sure that you don't put lots of work into geas/common integration also, converted a bunch of old forms to the new forms without talking to me ok chillywilly_ (~danielb@d167.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d167.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly dres__ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. hey reinhard Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) did you read the logs from the other day? about collaboration with dotGNU and them wanting to use GEAS I still don't follow that Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. as I don't see how GEAS is related to generic application serving Action: Yurik is back i.e., I see GEAS as a more specialized app server and it currently is i.e., it is an Object-to-Relational mapper with nifty features it is pretty generic you can specify any type of objects (like load-balancing and caching) and execute theor metods if it's a fit, then great but I don't think you want GEAS to become overly all-inclusive of course, I'm not involved with the design of geas, so I may be off-base but that's what I've observed it SHOULD ne generic s/ne/be making something generic and with certain features isn't an all-inclusive thing we have basically a certain feature set that we want it to have I don;'t see it as being specialized ok, then over-reaching may be a better word than all-inclusive well this is really reinhard's call and we all know GEAS needs help that's why I said of course, I'm not involved with the design of geas, so I may be off-base joebullhead (joe@h-64-105-244-252.ATLNGAHP.covad.net) left irc: "I'm too lame to make a quit message" who me where GEAS is "specialized" show dude it serves data from a relational backend it servers objects serves I don't know why you're arguing with me I'm simply stating my observation not some grandios plan I said I could be off-base because you are arguing with me that;s why I said "hey reinhard" sigh that wasn't targeted at your I already know your feeling on the subject you that was a general statement so when reinhard read yours and commented on your statement, he'd read mine and comment there as I'm curious as well so as you both want to know my statement i will give you some :) the design goal of geas is to be the application server of the GNUe project and do everything it needs s/it/GNUe/ if others find they can use geas for other purpose this is their decision i will neither talk them into it nor out of it i would rather give them objective information if they ask for some and of course i will be happy if they find geas even more useful than it was initially designed for -- lambert (~lambert@ joined #gnuenterprise. wouldn't you agree that it is pretty generic in its own right in that it lets you define your own objects and methods? lambert (~lambert@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). i can't answer this question for 2 reasons a) i actually don't know other app servers and therefore can't tell b) i don't care if it is generic or not because that's not important for me what die sknowing other app server have to do wether GEAS is generic? heh, that makes no sense....if you want code to be extensible and reusable then you build it as such i don't know how to define "generic" for an app server how about that it can be easily adapted for other purposes, even purposes that it may nit have initially have been intended for im not sure what it means to be a 'generic' application server i see geas supporting a myriad of backends Action: fil_c is not sure either dneighbo: makes me happy that you are not sure either :) any type of application can be served ;P from access to specialized object databases to ldap i see it handling about any remote transport possible yes that is generic BUT i dont think i see it as being 'object neutral' reusable object neutrla makes no sense i.e. i dont see it as being able to use corba objects or soap objects opposed to gnue objects what does that mean? i.e. i expect it to always derive its objects off gnue definitions but it should be flexible on where it can store them I think we should us eodl definitions and their data odl or support it and should be flexible on how to carry the data this is the fundamental difference I guess honestly i am starting to have 'mixed' feelings on geas my gut tells me that upfront just putting a transport layer and remote methods would be infinitely worthwhile and easy to do (relatively speaking) and ignore the concept of 'objects' for data and the object-relational mapper ummm, no you only feel this way becasue you don't care for OO sigh btw: im not saying that it would be long term im saying right now im not seeing sufficient advancement in geas to be productive for me ToyMan_ (~stuq@c5300-4-ip73.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. i see writing something htat does transport and remote methods as being much more simple (Read quick) to implement dude I know this guy who has an object server that talks all different protocols he was in #dotgnu and he made it join the channel and talk irc protocol, it was funky and gets my 95% of what i want out of geas i.e. out of geas i want remote methods and ability to separate logic from client and logic from data (server wise) i.e. i want true n-tier dneighbo: what exactly do you mean by "remote methods". Can you give an example? fil_c : the method lives on the server and not the client dneighbo: i am very sorry for the lack of advancement currently reinhard its not a flame on you, believe me dneighbo: ok.. but what would an example method be? fil_c : currently you can have a trigger in a form or you can have a trigger in a file that gets called by a form but you have to 'include' the form in my view instead i would like to see the form 'connect' (remote or local) to the appserver and then be able to call any methods on the appserver thus allowing for greater flexibility, maintainability and accessibility :) i assume this would be very similar to RMI (remote method invocation) on java specifically i think of MIDAS technology from borland which did data and bizrules remotely via either dcom+,corba,sockets or a prop transport (me cant recall the name) i.e. it had 'transport choice' and it used BDE on the backend (so it had 'database storage choice') as well the way it was designed made it easy to write applications as single tier, 2 tier or n-tier in same environment i.e. the object model for things wsa similar throughout btw: for public record i am not against and object to relational mapper i just see the value as being less than the other items and taking the majority of the time Action: dneighbo could be crazy though fil_c hopefully i answered your question as im sure i have pissed everyone off in the process dneighbo: I think so. Thanks... sorry everyone else! ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip217.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) not I stuq_ (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. your name must start with ch* to tick me off ;) meow night all reinhard (rm@ left irc: "'Hardware' defines as the parts of a computer system that can be kicked" stuq_ (stuq@ got netsplit. Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) got netsplit. dsmith (dsmith@ got netsplit. jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) got netsplit. Isomer (perry@210-86-57-156.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) got netsplit. nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) got netsplit. pattieja (pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) got netsplit. stuq_ (~stuq@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) returned to #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer (~perry@210-86-57-156.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr (nick@e-172-IP26.empnet.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: Connection reset by peer ToyMan_ (stuq@c5300-4-ip73.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: No route to host S11001001 (~sirian@ joined #gnuenterprise. anyone here gotten java working mozilla? tried to dneighbo: yes (gnu-linux-x86) jcater: you suck how does fucking introdusing new ideas here always get me intoa nice flame war? dude wtf are you talking about ok, argument flame war is a bit harsh Action: chillywilly is away: I'm busy Action: jcater thinks of it as a discussion S11001001 (sirian@ left irc: "[x]chat" Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:16:58) ok, so I ask about collaboration with another projecta nd what happens at the end is derek declares GEAS to be obsolete and taking too long, etc., etc. that is rots wacked rots? Action: chillywilly thinks his fingers are possessed Action: jcater doesn't recall derek calling GEAS obsolete just taking a long time Action: Yurik is back he'd rather not invest the time in it and have a quick hack...well I'll tell you one thing we already have on of those and no on likes it Action: jcater doesn't recall derek saying that either oh plz chillywilly btw, what is a problem with GEAS? Just wondering.. [14:48:59] i just see the value as being less than the other items [14:49:05] and taking the majority of the time [14:43:26] i see writing something htat does transport and remote methods as being much more simple (Read quick) to implement [14:40:54] honestly i am starting to have 'mixed' feelings on geas [14:41:09] my gut tells me that upfront just putting a transport layer [14:41:12] and remote methods [14:41:27] would be infinitely worthwhile and easy to do (relatively speaking) yadda yadda Action: jcater recalls derek pointing out that maybe more effort could go into the transport and remote methods code instead of so much time being put in the object-to-relational part geas is not worthwhile then right? sigh you remind me of my wife that part has beendone there's no time going into that part by anyone plus when he speaks of being able to execute methods on the server, etc...well gee isn't that kinda what it does right now chillywilly btw, what is a problem with GEAS? Just wondering... :-) the only problem is the current code is much to be desired and no one really wants to build on it but rewrite it s/is/leaves and some cool guy started on the gcd parser ;) anyway, bye I must go chillywilly (danielb@d167.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: dsmith (~dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. jcater hummm wonder how i got mis represented did I misrepresent you? no but i guess i 'what i was saying' did I? was delete geas from cvs its worthless derek declares GEAS to be obsolete er "derek declares GEAS to be obsolete" or maybe im just saying everything should be shitty software he'd rather not invest the time in it and have a quick hack...well I'll tell you one thing we already have on of those and no on likes it ;) btw: i have ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS stated im pro designing software but over all i will take something that works today than something that is most beautiful architected that never sees light of day i.e. im not afraid to 'rewrite' software or take a waterfall approach anyhow, chilly i respect your opinion, hope you can do the same for mine ** for logs ** so, what you are saying is we should abandon geas right? ;) now to clarify myself :) i think things that would be good for gnue a. get geas working with common 1. get it using the common db 2. get it using common rpc b. get trigger language for both geas and forms sketched out 1. implement the trigger system for both all of which could be independent of the object stuff if that stuff gets done and we are still at a stalled point then i say perhaps make a non object n tier option in many ways i think we should be doing it all in python i.e. rather than spend time wrapping common so that it can be used by C replace the C Action: fil_c is worried about the speed issue with python (but leave that until after it's done in python) i think it woudl be quicker and be better off fil_c : i agree 1000% proof it in python and get it running in python if its too slow you can always move parts out to C python is the perfect prototyping language btw: i dont think python will be too slow java is similar speed as python because it is so easy to pull slow python code out and replace w/optimized C code and i dont see people saying enhydra or jboss are unusable although I haven't seen a good example of where that needed to be done but anyhow i wont go down that path Action: dsmith is away: Dinner! kreiszner (KennethRei@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi kreiszner its early today :) jcater maybe you can help i cant get postgres to accept a tcp/ip connection for him um seems similar to that issue we had in san francisco it was late though well I am here but in widoz I will reboot in sec and get into irc on Linux so i might have not been thinking well kreiszner okie ill be here for another hour or so before i have to run I'm only here about 20 minutes jcater will you be back? it'll be an hour, but yes btw I did a fairly complex "diagnostics" script today rofl in honor of my experience last night one night of tech support was enough for you eh ":) it will show you all the pythons you have installed and whether each one has the requirements for GNUe rofl that sounds funny plus checks a few other common pitfalls we've seen 'it will show you the python booty you have amassed on your machine' what does rofl mean rolling on floor laughing generally the escalated level of humor goes: lol - laugh out loud rofl - rolling on floor laughing roflmao - rolling on floor laughing my ass off Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. er add well, the first in the list is :) Action: Yurik is back hehe - literally hehe (to the top of the list) Action: Yurik is back from the editor Action: dneighbo forgets all the irc'isms or online isms we have in our culture here Action: Yurik is listening Sparks are you brave guys up to any helping of a poor lost soul for a little while or do you want to do this later lets do it i reboot back in sec and will be in all evening kreiszner (KennethRei@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dneighbo: did you add tcpip_socket = true to /var/lib/pgsql/postgresql.conf? jcater um no Action: dneighbo thwaps self bad bad bad bad bad bad bad derek um I need to run pick up my son get him to do that ok ;) I'll be back on in < hour jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "later" kreiszner (~Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) joined #gnuenterprise. i back hellow world Action: Yurik is out to smoke hmm try locate postgresql.conf and tell me what that yields /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf /usr/share/pgsql/postgresql.conf.sample ok Action: Yurik is back less /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf Action: Yurik is drinking pepsi... all of the lines seem to be commented out how many are there? better yet is there one that says tcpip_socket = true or tcpip_socket = false ? # Connection Parameters # #tcpip_socket = false #ssl = false #max_connections = 32 # 1-1024 ok open the file in jed un comment er change #tcpip_socket = false to read tcpip_socket = true and save the file then do /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql restart and paste output here [root@localhost Ken4]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql restart [root@localhost Ken4]# ok /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start and paste output here Action: dneighbo thinks your postgres isnt autostarting as it should (but we can address that later) kreiszner : btw, sometimes i forget, two tricks for unix in case you didnt know a. you can use up and down arrow at bash prompt to select from previous used commands and then can use home and end so in the last example i would have hit up arrow, then hit end (to go to end of line) back arrowed to the restart and deleted the re and hit enter also the ohter life saver b. you can 'tab' to auto complete file/direcotry names so you can type /home/K and it will expand to Ken4/ then hit G if more than one 'option' exists it doesn nothing, but if you hit tab a second time it shows you the valid choices anyhow, you probably already knew that but if you didnt, its helpful :) some of that I new but some of this is new to me Action: dsmith is back (gone 00:31:25) remember I have learned Linux practically in a vacuum right, thats why i suggested the hints what was out put on : /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start [root@localhost Ken4]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql restart [root@localhost Ken4]# do it as /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start i.e. start instead of restart and then paste output [root@localhost Ken4]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start Starting postgresql service: YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound [ OK ] [root@localhost Ken4]# ok cool now do psql -U admin -h gnue and paste output [root@localhost Ken4]# psql -U admin -h gnue Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help on internal slash commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit gnue=# ok \q then do psql -U admin -h localhost gnue and paste output [root@localhost Ken4]# psql -U admin -h localhost gnue Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help on internal slash commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit gnue=# \q and we win we win Action: dneighbo does happy dance ok now go to taht samples dir (i can never remember where it is) /home/Ken4/GNUe-Forms-0.1.0/samples/ (or something) then 'cd track/forms/' and do an 'ls' and paste here Ill get there once there do a gfclient address_type.gfd and let me know what happens :) fil_c (username@du-037-0208.access.clara.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) I am lost [root@localhost samples]# ls button geas history location tests vendor contact.gfd helloworld2.gfd intro po track zipcode contact.gfd~ helloworld2.gfd~ inventory simple trigger [root@localhost samples]# pwd /home/Ken4/GNUe-Forms-0.1.0/samples [root@localhost samples]# ok 'cd track/forms/' then 'gfclient address_type.gfd' let me know what happens gnue window user name? admin leave password blank and click ok that worked why? you now have a little form? why did what work? address tupe... well it didnt work before because are all forms going to have this basic menu structure did this thing hang crc dneighbo: you out there yeah sorry give me two seconds ok ok it didnt work before because postgres wasnt listening on tcp/ip I am in contact manager now we fixed that and thats why it works now all forms will have same basic 'frame' (menu structure) but there is something now called navigator neat where you create your own navigation to make an application that has SEVERAL forms so the menu might have say a top level menu accounting -- invoice something like the MS Access watcha ma callit -- purchase order -- fooo or whatever did you get it see data? when you were in the address_type.gfd neat I think I am going to like this were you able to view the data that was preloaded? kreiszner : we hope you are going to like it :) no ok close the contact form and reopen the address_type.gfd should I get out ot contact man jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. yeah 'sup my peeps? jcater : we have lift off is this in regards to the accountant working behind you? oh, kreiszner's system ;) says it looks like crap, no way he can use it, sorry for taking our time.... :( j/k in type Man ok there should be an icon that looks like a paper w/ a pencil if you mouse over it ('prepare query') click that k then just to the right of it is one that looks like a paper w/ a magnifying glass execute query click that now you should see data in the forms and the arrow to left or arrow to right (on tool bar) will let you switch records id 1 desc. Unknown or the up arrow or down arrow on key board will let you kreiszner mmmmmm form might be broked Action: Yurik is steeped in specification :) lets do this i put in 2 records last time and they are there too exit out of the form kreiszner oh crap form works :) dont exit yes i see you are saying the desc=unknown i was thinking you were saying you got error message (hahahaha) if you want to add more then you simply hit blank paper button (insert) there are a total of 5 records including my 2 or you go to the end of the records (where all fields are blank) and enter more when done you press save (the disk) its that easy you now have a database application and if you exit out of this then go and launch the contact_manager.gfd is it indexed so that id is automatic and go to the drop down for address you should see all the items you entered in the dropdown screen dude you can then use same principles to enter data into the contact manager I'm so pumped and save it and get it back etc next we will show you DESIGNER so you can get REALLY happy :) btw: what system do you use currently? mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater what is up? dude since we have a working navigator yeah.... I have a reason to modularize designer ah yes kick butt im pumped too :) and I started last night and it's going well btw: are there docs on navigator? Designer was less of a "hack" than I realized if so i plan to make the contact mangager use it dneighbo: basically a sample .gpd file and gncvs --help so that you can open the 'management' table stuff from w/in the manager so, not really kreiszner you still htere? Action: dneighbo wonders if he is having a lot of fun and just busy playing or if its eating all his computer resources :) dneighbo: You are so helpful! Action: Yurik is out to smoke and think about about security issues mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. mdean! 'sup dawg? dneighbo: Remember me messing about with evo and orbit-python and stuff? Well, I have given up. why? Action: dneighbo is VERY curious about this question cause i have hidden agendas Action: Yurik is back It was just too hard. Action: Yurik -> xxx.lanl.gov And I've started using sylpheed. sylpheed? Ya. fast email client. gtk. no gnome. Sub second starup time. apt-get install sylpheed or apt-get install sylpheed-claws On sid fil_c (~username@du-037-0163.access.clara.net) joined #gnuenterprise. fil_c re fil_c (username@du-037-0163.access.clara.net) left irc: Client Quit fil_c (~username@du-037-0163.access.clara.net) joined #gnuenterprise. The evo thing was a kind of experiment to see just how easy it really is to script all this bonobo/corba/whatever from a cold standing start. does it do imap? do you know? wussup y'all? sup g Yes it does, but I'm only using pop3 and a local mbox ok running home, jcater can you walk kreiszner through designer? kreiszner i see the following as the next steps I can try Action: jcater is cooking dinner at the moment a. get your corel box upgraded to debian and install postgres b. convert your access data to postgres c. write gnue screens for the data we will gladly help you with all the steps you are second in the queue behind stu but he needs similar things you do so they can co exist :) i owe the wife some time this weekend, but i hope to jam on some things as well bbl dneighbo (dneighbo@mail.libertydistribution.com) left irc: "Read error: 69 (Excessive sex)" ToyMan_ (~stuq@c5300-3-ip114.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac (somebody@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" stuq_ (stuq@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) jcater: when you have a free moment I am kindof ready for the designer thing. I am also in middle of food prep. Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. kreiszner: ok... hopefully I can in a few minutes take your time dsmith: wow... sylpheed looks like exactly what I've been looking for jcater: I'm liking it. it's the first gui mail client I've seen outside of Outlook that handles Imap subfolders the way I'd like i.e., it actually shows new mail in the subfolders as basic as that seems, few do that ;) sylpheed is pretty neato. It's still rough in a lot of areas. yeah but I see a lot of potential But it's fast! I'm gonna try it at work And light! Action: dsmith hates bloat evo is too bloated fil_c (username@du-037-0163.access.clara.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) fil_c (~username@du-037-0029.access.clara.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Besides, it's just like lookOut (or so I hear) evo is neat. If you have the use for a whole PIM windows users jiz when they see it, which is good I understand. I dont like things being "just like windows". We should demand better. evo IS better Action: dsmith has never used outlook I nearly died when I heard someone was working on a vb clone heh Why settle for it? Do better. well, what'd be nice is a generic scripable componant framework that could use any language you want in a 'vb' way so you could have your gnome-basic, but also your python or whatever, from the same gui builder/ide I like little tools that do one thing well. Tools that you can snap in and out. the key to vb is that its easy for idjits to build little applets quickly I don't like all-in-one apps. Wouldn't it be a shame if X and the windowmanager and destop and the xterm were all one piece? neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: I like how you can user different window managers under gnome, for example. Yes, but some users still want one stop shopping yea I think unified things like evo are okay.,.. the componants ARE theoretically swapable For example. I really really like coldsync. I think it has the most well thoughtout framework for "conduits". hrm But does evo use it? No. Can you? I don't think so. s/you?/evo?/ gnome-pilot doesn't seem to work very well for me. I think gnome-pilot hasn't got as much attention as it should've but you probably could bridge coldsync to evo evo is very much based on a componant arch Well, it claims to be. But I never did figure out how to get at the address book and calendar from python. I wanted to use coldsync wiht it. Or just extract certain mettings or whatever. I think its possible, I don't know how though. I tried. It's just too many layers in the wrong format to wade thrugh. All the examples were in c++ and corba. Nothing for scripting. There is is backend you are supposed to use, but the interface was mostly internal, couldn't really get at it with corba. if it uses corba then you can do it in any language including python especially python corba and python are like peas in a pod Well, that my my experiment, how easy would it be to do. All I got was confused. nickr: I think his issue was that it's corba interface was not^H^H^Hpoorly documented jcater: thats a whole nother issue :) If I had experince with corba and python, and I had experice with c/c++ and bonbo, I could have probably made the translations, but nothing seemed to match. Now you guys have got me going again. Hrm, is there any documentation about the interfaces at all? like IDLs or something? Well, some, but it was more for embedding high level pices into your app. Like embedded a caledar widget, or an html editor into your browser. orm erm Couldn't find much on sucking data out of the calendars database. annoying. this seems fundimental to me they should be well defined. :P they make vague reference to that being available though There ought be be a nice example. import these modules, create this instance, and iterate over the addressbook entries with these methods. I'll figure it out :) I was asking all over the place. Got the most help here. I'm still interested, my boss really like evo. I'm thinking of ways to automate some of what we do with ot. what do you do with outlook? don't use outlook. My main mailer has been netscape for years. Cell phones. I wrote a bit of python to mail a name/number/emailaddr in special format to our cell phones. It' the only way to "download" names into it. Thought it would be really cool to rip through an evo addr book and update our phones. http://cvs.gnome.org/lxr/source/evolution/calendar/idl/evolution-calendar.idl I'm still trying to figure out how it works :) but I see the basic object they call each 'event' in the calendar a componant seems a little confusing I have /usr/share/idl/evolution-calendar.idl and /usr/share/idl/addressbook.idl from the evolution-dev .deb indeed those and the correct 'camel' URIs are the only things you need to get any info from evolution you want, I think I think :) kreiszner: you still here? jcater: yes shall we begin? y "and so it begins" be forewarned: I'm not a teacher by profession for a reason :) there can be only one Can you give me a brief overview of what the designer does and how it does it ok Designer 0.1.0 is our first hack at a visual design environment for GNUe Forms eventually, it will handle more than just Forms (that's actually my current focus this wee) wee=week have you opened a form with designer yet? How does it access the table info in posgres as of that version, Designer could only "peek" into the table structure I have Contact Manager open but not in designer at least I think I don't of Postgres when using "Wizards", an automatic method of generating forms in the main design session you tell Designer what "text box" is associated with what postgres "field" and Designer takes your word for it. I'm in the process of adding drag-and-drop support so it shows you the tables in a side window and all the fields of that table if you put in wrong field I presume it does nothing or something bad and you can drag a field onto your design canvas jcater: it'd also be neat if you could as your typing in the name of the field have tab completion. :-) nickr: this is only 0.1.0 ;) heheh kreiszner: Designer will not notice that the field is wrong as it currently doesn't do checking but when you open the form in GNUe Forms (to run it) the form will close with an error message does the error message tell you anything it's still very much a young tool, but it's useful it would tell you that the field doesn't exist, IIRC actually, forms simply forwards to you the error message that the database backend gave it that's good enough I currently use Oracle and it says Invalid Field Name (or such) I think postgres does the same sigh can you hang on... have to put my son to bed I will hang on thats more important. you want me to get out of the form I am in and back to terminal yes which form does derek have you working with? ok, I'm back he was getting a little too cranky :) you have some experience with databases, correct? As in, you are familiar with tables, columns (or fields), rows, etc... Before opening designer, let me go into some of our terminology When creating a data-aware form (and any form accessing data from a database is data-aware) the most basic object is a Data Source I use MS Access and I use the apple database on a II GS ok I just wanted to make sure as assumptions can be a bad thing typically, a datasource corresponds to a table i.e., when you define a datasource, you are telling form that it will use a table if your form references 3 different tables, then odds are you will have 3 different datasources. do you use sql statements we try to avoid directly using sql statements when designing forms as they tend to not be very portable however, forms constructs its own sql statements behind the scenes you tell forms what table you will be accessing and you tell it what fields will be displayed to populate the form, it will issue a select statement based on that information also, if you "Enter a Query" (I'm not sure if derek showed you that yet) forms will construct a "where clause" based on that in other words, we try to make it transparent to both the developer and end-user There are 3 basic data elements in forms... 1. The data source (which we discussed earlier).. These point to tables. 2. Blocks -- these basically control the displaying of data sources. In other words, you can use a block to tell forms to display 10 rows from the data source at a time 2. Entries -- These define the text fields, combo boxes, and check boxes. Entries usually point back to a field in the table err, that was 3. Entries sorry what form was derek having you open in gfclient? we will open it in designer now Action: jcater hopes everyone isn't falling asleep :) where is the info for the multiple type address info in Contact Manager stored Action: fil_c is listening intently Action: dsmith is enjoying this I opened Contact manager ah he had you looking at a complex one :) Action: jcater curses in derek's direction let me open that form and reacquant myself we first looked at the address.type I thing two fields ToyMan_ (~stuq@c5300-3-ip114.albany.thebiz.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ok he has a table called address_type and there is a datasource (dtsrcAddressType) that points to this table when using Combo Boxes, you have to specify a datasource that will be used to populate it if you type dont curse me i opened the simple one he found the complex one on his own :) now now gfdesigner contact_manager.gfd are you looking at GNUe-Forms-0.1.0/samples/contact.gfd ? samples/track/forms/contact_manager.gfd obviously not if you type samples/track/forms/contact_manager.gfd this will open the contact manaher in Designer the first thing you should see is a window with a tree on the left and a gridded area on the right from what folder shoul I type this samples/track/forms/ the same folder that you type gfclient contact_manager.gfd [root@localhost forms]# samples/track/forms/contact_manager.gfd bash: samples/track/forms/contact_manager.gfd: No such file or directory type pwd [root@localhost forms]# ls address_type.gfd assignment_status.gfd~ email_type.gfd phone_type.gfd~ address_type.gfd~ contact_manager.gfd email_type.gfd~ assignment_status.gfd contact_manager.gfd~ phone_type.gfd [root@localhost forms]# pwd /home/Ken4/GNUe-Forms-0.1.0/samples/track/forms [root@localhost forms]# ok, you are already in that folder oops I just looked back and realized what I had you type sigh... sometimes cut-n-paste can get you in trouble type gfdesigner contact_manager.gfd gfclient is the run-time component (i.e., it "runs" the form) gfdesigner is the designing/development component did that work? [root@localhost forms]# gfdesigner contact_manager.gfd bash: gfdesigner: command not found derek: did you take him through installing designer? Do you mind if I become the second pupil as well? sure I'm following along... ... but get the following errors: [ukpgc@flop forms]$ gfdesigner contact_manager.gfd Traceback (innermost last): File "/usr/local/bin/gfdesigner", line 39, in ? from gnue.designer.GFDesigner import * File "/usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/designer/GFDesigner.py", line 30, in ? from wxPython.wx import * ImportError: No module named wxPython.wx kreiszner: we need to install designer fil_c: does "gfclient contact_manager.gfd" give you the same error message? kreiszner: type the following jcater: um nope cd ~/GNUe-Designer-0.1.0 i forgot he didnt grab it in first pass then i had him untar it but not install it iirc (the ~ means your Home directory... that's a handy shortcut in linux) then type: python2.1 setup.py install fil_c: you need to download wx lib fil_c: what distro you on? kreiszner: hopefully, you will see a lot of "copying" and "building" going on derek: I've got wxlib. Because I can get simple clients up... (let me just check again) fil_c: you mean you have forms working? but now want designer to work? do you have more than one version of python installed? fil_c: can you do the following: fil_c: head -n1 /usr/local/bin/gfclient fil_c: and jcater: what do you think of this: fil_c: head -n1 /usr/local/bin/gfdesigner fil_c: do those two outputs match¿? having the traceback auto dump the version of python and all versions of the libs well simple forms work... e.g. helloworld2.gfd , but contact_manager.gfd gave the error "connections file does not contain a definition for gnue" fil_c: ok the only thing I have withdesigner is GNUe-Designer-0.1.0-debug.exe fil_c: that means forms is definitely working kreiszner: are you on Windows or Linux? fil_c: the connections.conf is a diff issue fil_c: can you do the two "head" commands for me? forms works if you get helloworld to run (i.e. libwx and pyxml are sound) i assume gfdesigner gfclient: #!/usr/bin/env python2 RedHat 7.2 needs to point to python2 and its currently pointing to python instead I must have downloaded the wrong thing. jcater: we need to get that fixed as dual python ality is kicking our arse :) kreiszner: yip downloaded wrong one :) derek: no sh*t dfdesigner: #!/usr/bin/env python - but I've only just installed that... now changed to python2 ok now try gfdesigner fil_c: what platform are you on? you dont need to give a form or anything and see if opens jcater: linux - redhat 7.2(ish) ok we are definitely having install issues w/RedHat jcater: yip I need to install it on another partition i was bad as i didnt catch them as i did EVERYTHING from source including python sigh.... derek: yep... designer now opens rock you want to get other forms to work? like the contact manager? very impressive kreiszner: you need GNUe-Designer-0.1.0.tar.gz from http://www.gnuenterprise.org/download.php?op=viewsdownload&sid=5&orderby=dateD figure if we are in support mode we should get as many folks as possible functional as possible fil_c: wait until you see 0.1.1 ;) 0.1.1 or 0.3.0 i still think you and jamest need to get better about releasing :) well, to avoid confusiong, we wanted to keep all 0.1.x series tools compatable i.e., Designer 0.1.x will work with Forms 0.1.x at least in the beginning nevermind eek... designer has just wiped out helloworld2.gfd when it had a problem saving a change i'd made to the trigger on username bbs from the Designer README ****************************************************** WARNING: GNUe Designer 0.1.0 is not perfect code. Odds are, it will crash on you at some point (many points?), so if using on production forms, work from a copy and save often. See BUGS for known issues. ****************************************************** that's there for a reason :) triggers are an issue I was looking at that this past weekend oakey-doakely... off to read the docs is there a prob warning: install: modules installed to '/usr/local/gnue/lib/python/', which is not in Python's module search path (sys.path) -- you'll have to change the search path yourself [root@localhost GNUe-Designer-0.1.0]# I got that too kreiszner [root@localhost forms]# gfdesigner contact_manager.gfd Traceback (innermost last): File "/usr/local/bin/gfdesigner", line 39, in ? from gnue.designer.GFDesigner import * File "/usr/local/gnue/lib/python/gnue/designer/GFDesigner.py", line 30, in ? from wxPython.wx import * ImportError: No module named wxPython.wx Action: fil_c must get some sleep 3.21AM here... :( Thank you for your help jcater and derek kreiszner: That's exactly the same error message as I got kreiszner: open /usr/local/bin/gfdesigner and change the first line to start python2 not python k Action: fil_c must learn python kreiszner: can you now start gfdesigner? just sec that did it cool... thank derek. I'm off to bed. Talk to you all later. fil_c (username@du-037-0029.access.clara.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" Well, nickr got me going on the evo <-> python thing again. <- evil kreiszner: sorry for this silent spell... I just got unexpected company sigh ok I have been examining form and my 1st q is how is the data stored for address when there are multiple address types the "Address" area of the screen is a single block even though the block only displays one record on the screen at a time, it can hold multiple records that is what the < and > records are for err, < and > buttons I mean how is it stored in the postgres db in multiple tables or what yes each block corresponds to a table then if you have a home address and a work address then there are two tables address address_type assignment_status email email_type person phone phone_type todo history no there would be two records in the address table then there is some kind of sql going on in the backgroud or at least relational arangement yes 2. How do you create a boxes and buttons chillywilly (~danielb@d167.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. for that arrangement, there is a PERSON table which contains a person's basic information and an id where's da masta? and then there are PHONE, EMAIL, ADDRESS tables that link back to the PERSON table so it's a basic relational arrangement ***logs*** I respect your opinion too, derek ***logs*** yes, we use SQL for the backend and even jc's ;) da masta is spending time with da grand-masta hrrrm wifeypoo? yip gotcha grand masta == masta's masta :) well I should go watht he new panet of the apes since we rented it form the video store planet ;) video store plant? err, never mind kreiszner: boxes are nothing more than decoration i.e., screen eye candy they serve no purpose but to create them, s/panet/planet ;) right-click on the gridded layout area not video store planet silly jc and select Block -> New -> Box or is it Page -> New -> Box I forget you can create a button the same way however a button can be associated with a "trigger" which is a piece of python code I'd stick with basic forms (boxes, labels, and entries) and learn how that works before digging into buttons and triggers single forms like address_type.gfd don't use either single=simple chillywilly (danielb@d167.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) that menu takes forever to appear after you right click forever is > 3 seconds. yes hmm well, we still have a few issues to iron out It could partly be that this RH 7.2 box has everything that could be installed from their disks back in 5-10min my mother needs to be put to bed dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: how do I get the promt backin the console window I accidentall closed the formsdesigner with the close command and I dont get prompt hmm press Ctrl+\ for some reason, the process is still running that did it we still have some bugs to work out :) When MS Access first came out MS had the audacity to chg. $100 for a program that had bugs everywhere and much functionality missing so don't feel badly anderman_ (~anderman@rdu88-244-127.nc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. they even charged for a bug fix and of course it wasn't till the next release that it was anything like stable thalakan (~thalakan@12-235-45-233.client.attbi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Anybody home? Got some questions. thalakan: fire away kreiszner: thanks kreiszner: the way I look at it, this is only our second release period What's n-tier mean? i.e., maintenance or primary version we did 0.0.1 (which was a hack I did for my company) then 0.1.0 was a little more polished thalakan: with respect to GNUe Yup we serve data from database in a 2-tier environment anderman_ (~anderman@rdu88-244-127.nc.rr.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). the programs would communicate directly with the database backend with n-tier, that means the programs communicate with some sort of middleware that communicates with the database backend In GNUe GEAS is the middleware? both have their advantages and disadvantages Translates GEAS clients into database calls? yes it is correct I don't understand the benefits of that approach. well let me first say, I'm a fan of 2-tier BUT there are advantages to n-tier GEAS will eventually provide caching and load balancing plus GEAS can contain code that implements "business logic" Oh, so GEAS is like a content switch in that case I'm not sure what you mean, but it sounds good :) one of the downfalls to a 2-tier approach Ah, then you don't have to trust the client because GEAS enforces security policy outside of the desktop I get it is that the business logic either has to be And you get database-independent data validation embedded in the database (i.e., database-level triggers) or it has to be in the client thalakan: yes which is difficult to do portably that is one advantage k what's the story for web-based portal stuff for GNUe? I am totally overengineering my invoice system and thought that I should look into GNUe instead of reinventing the wheel we do have a web client for our forms package One thing I want is a portal for my customers to file tickets and order stuff as well as get the status of the stuff they've bought it is fairly recent and I haven't used it, but we do have support debian package available? I believe GEAS is in debian sid fark not on testing we actually recruited a package maintainer today but it takes like 10 days to be approved so at the moment, no we don't what's the web server stuff written in? I'm using mason for my project the web server uses webware (webware.sf.net) I was looking into mason for a project at my office do you like mason? Ah Yeah, mason's pretty good if you know Perl My Perl is way better than my python, so I'm kind of unhappy that GNUe uses Python, but I suppose I'd have had to use it eventually, so it's all good I used to be a big fan of perl but after a while, my code quickly became unmaintainable we like python What's up with this regex stuff taking 5 lines of code? plus overhead? Am I doing stuff inefficiently? but feel all languages have their pros and cons overhead? I'm not sure what you're doing Import the regex module and compile the expressions, etc etc I just want to do the python equivilent of Perl's while(<>) { if($_ =~ /^abc(def)ghi$/) { print $1; } } In python that's like 50 lines How would a native speaker do it? hmm you caught me at a bad time :) I probably wouldn't use regex to do that in python ? like I said, all languages have pros and cons and perl's pro is definitely its native regex I'm not sure why it'd take 50 lines though one like to import regex one like to compile a regex string (which btw makes it go much faster) and a while/if/print line Yeah, but then you have to create a class representing the lines and then a class representing the data you're getting out of it... seems like 5 lines to me ooooo no, I think you are going overboard this isn't java you don't have to have a class for everything That's what some python people tell me Ok, so that behavior is not set in stone That's what scared me off oh, no not at all I've written plenty of python without a single class you don't techinically have to compile the regexp import re re.match(pattern, string) I honestly have only used regex two or 3 times in python K Where can I get the web interface thingie? It doesn't seem to be in the download section of the site eek I'm not sure it's very recent K as in, not in cvs yet What about CVS access to the reports module? I want to screw with it Need report generation for receipts and invoices http://www.gnuenterprise.org/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2 we haven't done an official release on it yet as we are still polishing it off What output formats will it support? natively, it spits out an XML format that will be transformed into XSLT? PS/PDF/RTF/HTML/ yes Spreadsheet, etc Hmm I need to run for a little bit What works now? k Nick change: jcater -> jcAway anybody else here? I'm still here Well, I am, but I'm here to learn stuff too. derek: You awake? So now the forms package is saying that it can't find a module, and the install script didn't copy the sample .cfg file to /usr/local/gnue/etc... Actually, I think I met derek I do work with bayonne for OST I just need some enterprise crap to manage my customer data and $$$ for my personal consulting business So my forms install doesn't work... Hey! SO MY FORMS INSTALL DOESN'T WORK... Action: thalakan starts running around banging trash can lids together screaming GNUE FORMS 0.1.0 IS B0RKED BORKED SAVE YOUR CHILDREN Man, what do I have to do to get some attention around here? Action: thalakan thinks Action: thalakan engages in idle facepainting --- Sat Jan 12 2002