[00:14] Last message repeated 1 time(s). I am here but I am a real newbie to all this I just got formsdesigner installed today You wouldn't happen to be working in Red Hat 7.2 hrm why doesn't it work? nickr: you talking to thalakan I don't know, your names look alike hehe are you being corny or is your crc doing funnies crc? nickr: I am in formdesigner right now. If I create a new field does that creat a field in the Postgres db crc = xchat I don't think so I believe, although I don't know for certain, that designer merely associates form fields with prexisting table rows errr table fields thats what I thought so how do you creat those field in the Postgres db if you want to add one with CREATE TABLE you mean in Postgres? How do you start the process I mean the command for Postgres k, back no, not in RedHat 7.2 Debian 2.2 testing kreiszner: psql -u admin I think kreiszner: remember the postgres monitor? thalakan: sounds like you are more compatible with these guys than me then. thalakan: I think testing will 3.0 , 2.2 is 'stable' oh yeah nickr: I remember something about it well anyway I get a NameError cuz gfclient can't resolve the GFClient.py module The paths look correct though (assuming Python has Perl-like module -> filesystem hierarchy resolution abilities) Just ran setup.py install and it doesn't work And this is a release? Ugg kreiszner: that monitor program allows you to issue SQL commands to the database when you say monitor program how do you get into it? are talking about the above psql etc yea, psql you do something like psql -u admin gnue to login as admin user into the database gnue thalakan: I'veo had this problem in the past, I'm not sure how to love it right off psql -U admin gnue worked Urrgh I can't believe 0.1.0 shipped broken alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@d29.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. thalakan: im here whats broken Action: derek gentley removes the thrash can lids from thalakan's hands ................................................. ................................ kreiszner: sounds like jason got you using the designer guess its dead in here... i need sleep anyhow Nick change: derek -> zzzZZzzzz btw: chillywilly: i looked more heavily into the odmg.org spec stuff, interesting yet irrating you have to buy the book :( Nick change: zzzZZzzzz -> derek Action: derek is away: zzzZZzzz I am here looking at form Action: kreiszner is away: I'm busy reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) pattieja (pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left #gnuenterprise. roby (~jrobiez@AFontenayssB-101-1-4-111.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. roby (~jrobiez@AFontenayssB-101-1-4-111.abo.wanadoo.fr) left #gnuenterprise. neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. hello all ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: "There's always one more imbecile than you expect" psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: ra3vat is away: I'm busy alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" hi Action: ra3vat is back (gone 00:44:56) chillywilly_ (~danielb@d50.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi cw hello chillywilly, psu hi ra3vat Action: psu is finishing off his Debian set-up mainly, looking for a decent browser lynx is lynx but I really need something better Anybody around? hi thalakan yo So my forms install doesn't work... well, I'm not very techy k but I can at least repeat what everyone else says in this channel when other people say that which platform are you using, and how far have you got? (I suspect this conversation is going to end "you'll have to ask someone else later", but what the heck chillywilly (danielb@d29.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) I will do what I can hmm Debian testing Python isn't finding the GFClient module what version of python are you using? Needs version 2.x 2.1 er, 2.1.1 alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. should be ok neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: The two main conf files are gnue.conf and connections.conf The second is obviously irrelevent at this stage Hmm not sure if there is some path-setting or similar in gnue.conf Action: psu is looking at http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~neilt/sc.html which is usually the best start point for gnue docs k nope, that's just the applications proposals wait that works weird oh I get it ? I figured out what happened. Duh Who does docs? mainly done by whoever does the relevant package but neilt is (afaik) the doc-masta so if the docs are wrong/misleading, please let him know neilt@gnue.org or to the mailing list at gnue@gnu.org reinhard (~rm@N808P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. k alexey (alexey@ left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. So why is it asking me for a username/pass? for the zipcode sample? what database are you pointing it at? gnue Hmm, permission denied for SELECT odd look in connections.conf Already did Everything's cool database is created, table is there I know a lot of these qs are at the "are you sure it's plugged in" level ;-) 's ok what d/b are you using? PostgreSQL next stupid question - you have given the gnue d/b user select permissions, yes? grant select on table_name to user gnue ; or whateverr the postgres equiv is hmm haven't created gnue user Action: psu is an Oracle SQL chappie normally, but keeps that fairly quiet Hmm created gnue user, assigned password, granted select privvies, doesn't work login prompt from gfclient keeps asking for the username/password Oh, need to change host to localhost Now getting IDENT auth failed for user 'gnue' message what happens if you *do* give the gnue username & password when asked? Does the form open properly then? Nope Doesn't work Oh well *yawn* I'll screw with it tommorow l8r thalakan (~thalakan@12-235-45-233.client.attbi.com) left #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[x]chat" hello all Action: derek is back (gone 07:27:28) hi neilt wow 7 hours of sleep thats good for this week hello derek cool on the doc updates derek: i have wxGTK compiled and installed now and wxPython so I am trying common and forms today derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection does anyone know of an alternate location for http://www.lemburg.com/files/file/python/mxdatetime.html The requested URL /files/file/python/mxdatetime.html was not found on this server. derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. argh nautilus is a piece of crap i tried to use it to see if i could give it to the wife and bah.... it crashed xchat and a few other applications #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. http://www.funnywebsite.com/whackbritney.shtml it requires flash, but it fits with our 'trout slapping' anthems around here ** above was for chilly and jcater ** chillywilly_: its another one mom sent me kreiszner (Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. kreiszner (~Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hello anybody there psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hello psu hi k are you one of the people that is knowledgeable about this stuff or are you like me and just starting to learn btw what time is it there just learning I am at +0000 - ten to five p.m. how are you getting on? do you know which doc would be best for starting out and learning how to create new forms with new data sources I just got forms and forms designer up yesterday do you have the forms developers ref & forms technical ref ? not sure if they come with the std installs or not im here formstechref and they come w/ the install Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly k sup dawgs kreiszner: should be a lyx file and a pdf one kreiszner: /home/Ken4/GNUe-Forms-0.1.0/doc/ should have the files you need Action: chillywilly is beating britney with a sausage ;P btw: we dont have really good 'end user' docs so if you have some stuff you want to see in the user guide or even stuff you want to add by all means let us know userguide should be how to 'setup' forms mostly, which we pretty much did via irc, but the second half is real good about how to use it, i.e. how to navigate records and such the techref is good over view about what widgets are available and their corresponding attributes etc derek: I have it downloaded I am going to haveto print from win prob unless I get thsi RH thing to access my printer Oddly the Corel server I have also acts even as a print server fine the thing i see that we need desperately is an 'online' type of interactive help and a book format help for designer as hopefully is evidenced over past few days we will gladly help you here as well :) I will give feedback I am slow but usually have a very precise writing technique alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. derek: when you are designing in forms, how do you create a field that is not already there, i.e. do you have to create the field or table in Postgres and then access it in forms or what? ENTERPRISE Peter Sullivan UK 1967 2001-12-18 Assigns past and future changes. psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk for psu we have assignment kreiszner: no kreiszner: you can right click on the form and i think there is an option new-> then you select the object like -entry- and it will place it on the form (top left corner i think) then you can drag it where you want it and open the property editor and you can change the properties that bind it to data i.e. you can have entry fields that are NOT tied to databases derek: where is that data stored its not if its not bound to a field its not stored but like in the contact_manager.gfd you will not the first field is Full Name: it is not 'bound' to database it takes the firstname and lastname from the db and builds in memory the full name with a , via a trigger Action: psu is back no i'm not Action: psu is back gah Nick change: psu -> psu_away ok I understand the making of one field from another but how do you make a new field that is not already in the database so that forms can address it right click on form (in designer) and create a new field then in properties point it to a current datasource (table) and a current field (field) and its bound so you have to go to postgres first to set up the table and fields. That sounds straightforward enought. kreiszner: yes and if you are doing a NEW form i woudl use the 'wizard' as you simply point it to a database you want me to walk you through one? i think it would be beneficial if jcater hasnt already I havn't tried the wiz yet but I have to feed Mother and me so it will have to be a little later ok One last ? the trigger that you described for the collective name Do you set that up in properties or how do you make it do the adding of first and last name in designer im not sure as remember i was writing gfd's long before designer existed so i wrote them in emacs (would be like writing them in jed) i know there is a 'trigger' editor in deisgner but i havent used it yet i think you right mouse click and to add trigger you creat the type go to shared triggers on the right hand tree and do right mouse click and choose add new shared trigger then double click on the new trigger branch that was created change the name property to something meaninguf ok be in and out then go to a widget you want to bind the trigger too and double click it (on the tree in the left) it will bring up property diagle dialog then change the tab to events on the event tab you should get diff events like pre-focus-out and such then you can set it to call the trigger you just created then in the trigger editor you can write code for the trigger i think the designer in the 0.1.0 release is pretty buggy wrt (with regards to) triggers psu_away (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. yeah somebody last night said theirs crashed when they tried to do something in them Nick change: jcAway -> jcater wow looks like I missed a lot of fun after I left sup jc not much Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re l8r all reinhard (rm@N808P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "All things being equal, fat people use more soap" hey jcater that reinhard has the best exit message s Action: nickr yes he does I especially love the one re computer hardware you like to 'abuse' hardware too ;) dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: not that this is an item for you, but we prolly need a designer users guide w/ purdy screenshots we hare the start of GNUe Designer's Guide: Forms in designer/docs I was gonna wait until the new Designer before adding screenshots it's relatively new, but we are on top of that :) too much mastaing and not enough coding Action: jcater is coding at the moment not you crap I need glimpes jamest said it was apt-get-able but I sure can't find it glimpse ? glimpses? what ever heh what is it? apt-get needs the right name though fewl jcater:~# apt-cache search glimpse ding - Dictionary lookup program for Unix lists-archives - Web archive for mailing lists man2html - Turns a web-browser and an httpd-server into a man pager. yea thats what I get too what does it do? Action: derek recalls it slightly? is it a search thing glimpse "goat rape" shows all documents containing "goat rape" indexing tool omg [12:44] Last message repeated 3 time(s). Action: jcater creams himself eew what? wxPython includes its own wxStyledTextCtrl for use in implementing "Editors" and has a bunch of built in LEX parsers including python it's not documented on any of their sites but I noticed BOA Constructor was using it Action: jcater creams himself again wow, that merited twice iow, hopefully by the end of the day, designer will have a *real* event/trigger editor Um can we get a cleanup in isle 17? jcater: what were you going to use glimpse for? to find references in my code I think we have something similar online indexing our code but a local version would be nice (esp for ncs specific stuff) ctags? yeah lxr can do that kind of thing (iirc) iirc, it uses glimpse in the background no biggie I just want it :) Action: Yurik is back lxr is neato. It doesn't work too well with idl though psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-243.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" does anybody know where to get help docs for xchat their site appears to be closed down alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly_ (~danielb@d68.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chilliwilly_ hi neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-175.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: chillywilly (danielb@d50.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly heheh some real bug GNU hackers keep glimpse databases if their code too big like Roland Action: chillywilly is away: clean house jcater (jason@ left irc: "out o town" lambert (~lambert@jany4pp66.alltel.net) joined #gnuenterprise. kreiszner (Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. kreiszner (KennethRei@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. . kreiszner: um if you installed the rpm look in /usr/doc/xchat-x.x.x where x.x.x is your version number should be an xchat.sgml file in there ok I am in windoz now trying to print the docs I have all in pdf I finally got my local printer to work in Red Hat though Had to use a 4 driver for a Laserjet 6 printer dsmith (~dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. kreiszner (KennethRei@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Hey, the packages are in sid. kewl you the guy who mailed aboutvthe debian packages? That was you? kreiszner (~Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) joined #gnuenterprise. no it was someone else but yes dsmith very cool only geas or others? Action: derek needs to get his wife's debian box rockin so he can use it too so i can finally up grade this laptop i cant get sound to work on it :( but i had sound working on it for redhat so i know it CAN work re Action: Mr_You mentions he also worked on packages and no one cared. Mr_You: ? glad you have found a maintainer tho you and jbailey both at times were going to play w/ debian packages and jade had made some at one time I posed files needed to package some of GNUes stuff to the mailing list posted but baux, is a debian maintainer who not only made the packages but was able to get them in the distro so for me the excitement isnt so much that a deb was made, but that it was made into sid Mr_You: problem w/ posing files is that no one here knows debian packaging so you probably wouldnt get much help from us we could use RPMs still :) I believe I provided instructions you can keep yer redsplat rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-243.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) sorry, I donut like redhat so now I'm waiting for application proposals and web enabled. while I do other stuff http://www.linarsoftware.de.vu/ = X-Box Emulator? not linux tho bleah well I finally got a real customer after about 8 or so attempts of CC fraud lambert (~lambert@jany4pp66.alltel.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). oh that x-box site might be fake didn didn't mean to kill the conversation.. glad we are finally in sid.. derek: http://auric.debian.org/~tausq/newpkgs.html Looks like gnue-common, gnue-designer, gnue-forms fil_c (~username@du-037-0162.access.clara.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dsmith just spent all day at an installfest derek: You still interested in evo automation? what kind of installfest? Mr_You: Linux. Cleveland LUG cool We usually have one about every 6 months or so. I imagine we have a LUG here, haven't found anything about it tho.. is there a directory? Not that I know of. maybe I'll create one after I v1 of my distro dsmith: yes somewhat interested there is a directory of LUG but I have forgotten where I saw it I don't think I'll have time to "run" it tho.. maybe someone else would want to do that fil_c (username@du-037-0162.access.clara.net) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) hmm I could create a training room and donate that room to the meetings.. training/demo Action: dsmith was off bringing in the groceries derek: I want to /msg you what I was irc'ing with two guys last night. Action: derek is just cleaning up some hard drives syncing mp3's and other things Action: Mr_You is rebooting to Live CD Linux OS for test. DemoLinux Action: dsmith runs off to stir dinner this is neat DemoLinux is really fast should be, doesnt run all in ram? well it loads binaries off the CD I imagine SO loads up quick, I mean, it seems quicker than if I had it installed on an HD star Office finally.. I can use Linux again.. even with my laptop OS hosed it found my PCMCIA card, but for some reason "didn't recognize a network interface" so once it booted up I just manually configed the interface and setup /etc/resolv.conf route add default, and I'm online hman pooor tampa bay is getting beat around as bad as the packers will tomorrow ;) Mr_You: the LUGs are listed @ http://lugww.counter.li.org/ derek: I am in the designer and would like some guidance on using the wizard or are you too tied up with the game no im ok should I be in blank form just open up designer 'gfdesigner' so yes blank form then click on menu item File -> New -> From Wizard this should launch a dialog box I am there in the box should be 'simple form wizard' (highlight it if it isnt already) adn click 'run wizard' button it should launch another dialog type 'Test Form' in the title and from the connection drop down box choose the one that has your gnue database i.e. it should say '[gnue]' at the end then click continue it shoudl prompt you for login enter username : 'admin' password : leave blank hit ok let me know when you are there it should then throw another dialgo asking you to select a table it doesn't appear to want to let me log in I may have entered a pw somewhere along the way but I can always load up a form w/o pw I am wrong I cant log into a form now either. derek: you out there must be a good game im here wife came back :) so i will be away until later this evening you rebooted from windows right? if so then you need to /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start EVERYTIME you reboot until we fix it to happen automagically :) or postgres wont run :) do that then try to do the wizard again :) i will be back in a few hours Action: derek is away: raiders game derek: thanks raiders? sheesh I dunno why everyone isn't a Packers fan ;) chilly, if you have a burner, check out DemoLinux.org sometime.. Live CD Linux OS ok now you can load Linux on unsuspecting lusers ;-) heheh Well I am a complete nonfan. I went to LSU for 10 yr lived in the stadium at one time and tutered the athletes and never watch a game. that kicks ass How bid a CD is it I can bring it with me and use GNU/Linux where there's a computer that lets me boot form the CD can you make your own CDs? woth the software you want on there? boy the frames on that site suck nlah they need to bundle Open Ofiice with it blah cool, they use Debian yeah no you can't make your own CDs really unless you wanna hack it, which is what I want to do god, roommates 2000 Advance Server is a POS, but only one that would burn the CDs, now its hung in restarting my other roommates machines CDROM is really slow it might be that the swap mounted on my current Linux HD is being mounted making things fast but in general and besides the 3 second CD spin delay, its fast Does Konqueror have a feature for recovering if a download cydle is broken or is there some other prog. that would beter do that? rsync? Ok then I'll have to get up to speed with that. cydle? you mena to resume downloads mean yes to resume downloads I use gtm - Gnome Transfer Manager all depends on the server transfer method sounds good Red Hat ought to have it installed I amgoing looking if you can run rsync on the server its the way to go ncftp is good for resuming ftp transfers does wget let you resume? no yep wget -c danielb@obfuscation:~/src/cvs/gsim$ wget --help | grep resume -c, --continue resume getting a partially-downloaded file. :P ahh, thats good to know, might still be risky sometimes well doesn't the server have to support it? btw, gtm uses wget anyway ;) thats why I thought wget might not do it.. cept for ftp maybe.. *shrug* which has the smallest learning curve, I need simple Action: chillywilly is back (gone 04:42:32) Action: chillywilly is away: movie most of the stuff I have downloaded has been in gozilla in windows thats ftp or http I imagine I guess easiest for you would be: wget -c yes I think it can do both in the same dir that the partial file is located I can't believe how fast web pages load on the CDROM OS almost instant Yes its all automatic. You can connect and reboot or whatever and it starsts up again. It does do popup advertisements though so I turn it off except when I need ithow do you use rsync Is that right what is automatic? that sound good I got to try this thing I'm running DemoLinux CDROM OS no ads, all Debian The gozilla resuming a download cycle. rsync needs to be installed on both machines for which you have a shell account on ahh thats nice of them Did you download it from their ftp server I've got a project in the back of my head to put Debian on a Cobalt Qube. I want to make a cd that the qube netboots from and totaly wipes it clean and lays down some nice maintainable Debian. dsmith: What is a Cobalt Qube I'd rather spend that money on a dual Athlon box kreiszner: download DemoLinux from their ftp server? or rsync? I use Debian apt-get and source code on FreeBSD kreiszner: A linux box. Blue. Network Appliance. No keyboard or monitor. 2 nic, 1 serial, 1 pci. Newer ones have usb and scsi too. kreiszner: http://www.cobalt.com/products/qube/index.html owned by Sun now yes. a Sparc based Cobalt would be good a Sparc based Cobalt would be useful We have one in the office. Sold a couple to some clients too. i'm sorry ;-) We have plans for web based app thing that will be based on a relabeld qube. The only really bad thing about qubes, is they are based on RedHat. :( people always seem to have problems installing additional software With Debian, it would be a snap. yeah but except for UltraSparc based machines its just another PC IMO Some guys ported netbsd to the mipsel qubes. Mr_You: What version of DemoLinux did you download 3.0 doesn't work so well on my roommates early i810 machine Mr_You: yes it's a lot like a pc now. Intel. Used to be mipsel. 35watts! so many 1U machines out.. We were looking for a nice small box you could pick up and carry with you. Like a groupware appliance thing for consultants. Can't give out details. :) I'll show you a case I'll probably use.. except I'd like to find a U.S. manufacturer: http://www.yeongyang.com/products/yya102.htm oh wow thats their new design too have 2 new designs on that model and then for dual proc file server an enlightcorp.com 8950: http://enlightcorp.com/server_cases/8950_server.shtml I'd like something about the size of a brick. Something you can carry in a briefcase. that might be FlexATX and pretty much only new intel processors for that With wavelan, dialpup, two nics, maybe printer too. those YY cases are killer with 4 expansion slots Cute. -1 point for DemoLinux couldn't handle pdf file maybe gnome or netscape prob tho I dunno bbl yummy clean up and consolidation gives me a nice 30 hour playlist Action: derek needs to burn his 100+ cds to mp3s some time soon Action: derek goes back to raider game anyone ever read the communist manifesto? bucks beat the knicks at home er, in NY kreiszner (~Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). kreiszner (~Ken4@ppp005.alx.la.xspedius.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-243.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d68.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-243.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly (~danielb@d170.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. derek: I got the wizard to work in gfdesigner. chillywilly: How do you list the fields and tables in a Postgres db. \d nickr: thanks --- Sun Jan 13 2002