Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. andrizas (~andrizas@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alex@ left irc: Remote closed the connection alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: drochaid hasn't been able to get a printer to work on mdk since 7.2 :( mmm, only 5 hours late for that conversation hehe hey ajmitch well I fell asleep, crushing my glasses gently against the wall so how are you on this fine 90mph winds and raining day? i'm fine on this lovely overcast summers day bah FunkyTrix (~Fun@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "cu" derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: drochaid drops a pin Action: drochaid throws the grenade and runs Action: ajmitch ducks Action: drochaid wonders why the grenade takes so long to explode mmm ... am I right in thinking I need to know python to use GNUe effectively? nah... it'd help tho i bet ;) heh know any good python books? I've found various guides and stuff on there site that I'll work through when I have time if you've learnt any other programming language you can pick up the basics of python in about 30min IMHO :) that would be good :) yep :) python is a good language I'm definately not a programmer, but I've used a fair number when I've needed to dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. does the save/save as feature work in designer yet? dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid -> drochaid[watchforthenewone] drochaid (user34@pc1-kirk2-0-cust128.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid[watchforthenewone] (user36@pc1-kirk2-0-cust128.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: Remote closed the connection jamest_ (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "[x]chat" jamest_ (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (user34@pc1-kirk2-0-cust128.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (user34@pc1-kirk2-0-cust128.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp317772.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hey ToyMan did derek ever start your conversion? morning jamest_ not sure, last I heard his windows box was toasted lol figures most derek's boxes die horrible deaths technology hates him ToyMan (stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. FunkyTrix (Fun@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. KalleAnka (~kan@numera.se) joined #gnuenterprise. hello Hi =) slow channel... jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jcater morning morning KalleAnka: at times, yes Is there some kind of demo package available for GNUe? jamest_: morning I'd like to get some hands-on with GNUe in order to understand how it is working. um some kind of demo company perhaps... the geas system doesn't have a working demo to the best of my knowledge however the forms program has a samples directory included with it Ok jamest_: you are correct wrt geas Will check it out... reinhard: i was afraid of that i would like to get forms working with it concerning the existing demo needs some manual treating to run but until the segfault issue can be resolved i don't know what to do segfault issue is in orbit-python, right? I've just heard about GNUe, the project is very interesting but I don't have any previous experience with business systems... f0nka? crap, wrong channel... sorry yes (to reinhard) i may try again this week and iirc it does only segfault for you? reinhard: yip it likes me dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) on your solaris box or on your gnu/linux box? linux box debian woody weird others have tried with same configuration? or not? it's a known issue w/the current orbit-python ah oh they forgot to test boolean support jcater: you're kidding i hope actually, no sigh I did some research on this for jamest they've fixed in CVS, iirc but it's been november since a release they sure are due and personally, I'd think that one bugfix would be worth releasing but maybe I'm nuts jcater: you're not nuts Any ideas on when a new release will be out? I don't follow their lists but their website doesn't say anything wrt that ok... hey, I go away for 15 mins and people start talking ... is this a hint? :) :) couple of questions about designer then ... first off, has save/save as been implemented? definitely would you recommend downloading any of the CVS snapshots to get started on GNUe? That'd be the entire package right? don't answer that ... I just discovered it had crashed, partially oh, you did drochaid: what version are you using? in which case, I'll go and recheck my other questions, since that bitty now works 0.1.1 jcater: Didn't they just release a new orbit-python? dsmith: it's possible, but the home page shows 0.3.1 as last release http://orbit-python.sault.org/ dsmith: where do you see that at? #orbit-python hmm sourceforge shows 0.3.0 as last release Maybe he was commenting about cvs. My memory, you know... gotta go... Thanks for your time guys! KalleAnka (kan@numera.se) left irc: "Leaving" dsmith: it's possible like I said, I don't actually follow orbit-python jcater: He's awake over in #orbit-python, why don't you ask him? hmmmmm 0.3.1 is in woody now yip that's the November '01 release They made an update about a week ago. dsmith: where? I had fixed one about booleans weeks ago, though. jamest_: Probably cvs alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ok .. saving now fine after restarting it I've created the datasource, and it's happy drochaid: if you are comfortable with it I'd run a cvs snapshot of designer as it's miles beyond 0.1.1 :) I've never used cvs :/ ah hmmmmm if there's a tubes guide to it .. I'm happy to try it you build 0.1.1 from source? nope windows exe I haven't checked I've got all the other packages I need on linux yet ah drat heh well 0.1.1 will work so you're saying I should stop being so lazy and just do it? ;) it's just that cvs is so much nicer however building it in python on windws is a pain and requires the same dependencies as on linux hmm ok, back to my current situation for a mo ... I've placed a couple of entry boxes on the block .. but I can't edit any of the fields is there something I need to do first? edit the fields? you mean in the properties editor ? yes, properties editor, sorry do you see a scrollbar on the prop editor? yep there is a bug in wxwindows that if the scrollbar is present then you cannot edit anything in the grid :( sh ah even so just expand it so I can edit yip sucks doesn't it :( bit me too :D jcater: you know if they have this fixed yet? so I couldn't because it had slightly crashed .. and I couldn't edit cause I'm a doowally ;) cool ta james_ jamest_: not sure I've been meaing to look into that dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. we may want to do a new designer release soon jcater? um [10:28] Last message repeated 1 time(s). no pressure I was thinking of doing a "build" both on linux and windows that ppl could use say by, um, 11AM? :) j/k well drochaid: 0.1.1 has issues w/ mouse support that can lock your X session on unix thing is, I've broken compat w/0.1.x common not sure of it's behaviour w/ win32 that's why I was thinking of a "build" instead of releasing ah 11am?? but that was 5 1/2 hours ago :) lol yeah, we're slow actually we're like lightning now the 0.1.0 release was almost 1 year after the first "preping for 0.1.0" comment was in cvs we did do littler releases though :) heh quality is more important than speed most of the time Action: drochaid chooses not to mention it just crashed again ;) lol does it just hang when clicking on something? it gave an execption error and bombed out that time I was just opening a form jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp317772.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" :( what can I say .. I'm on windows, it's expected ;) lol i must say you're taking this quite well I hope your joking there I know it's still a relatively early release. I'm interested in what it will be like at some point in the future :) if I have to work round problems just now, it just helps me get to know it better [and ask another one or two questions here ;)] sorta joking on which note ... I now have it entering data into a very basic test table :) i don't think we meant to release something that was majorly unstable congrats! yeah, but there's so many systems and minor differences in them, it's not possible to test on everyhting if it's useable, I don't mind it crashing every now and then at this point mmm .. just crashed again it seems that if I work on the form in designer, run it with forms and then try to load it back into designer ... designer crashes hmmmmm I don't have the form loaded into both apps concurrently forms doesn't alter a gfd file in any way it's read only hmmmm I'll try loading the form in designer, closing and reloading without running it ok please you running the -debug exe? I might even note the error this time [if it does it again] uhm ... is that part of the 0.1.1.exe download, or a different one? got it ... it's loading into designer from 'open recent', closing [but not designer] and reloading it from the 'open recent' menu so if you open from the open menu it's OK? but aborts from open recent menu ? error is ... "The instruction at 0x1e198f4e reference memory at 0xffffffff. The memory could not be read" I'm just checking from the open menu now ouch nope .. exactly the same problem using 'file/open' for each load double ouch heh is there anything I can do to help you with this? dude what version of Windows is this? liek .. stop running it? ;) NT5 workstation sp1 Action: jamest_ thinks of a typically free software coder responce.... lol yeah, try installing linux dude, it's l33t j/k ;) *ahem* pgsql and common are on my mdk8.1 server :P heh lol Action: jamest_ is a solaris user that gets tired of the new shift towards "it runs on any OS as long as its linux" dneighbo (~dneighbo@tech-200078.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. solaris? hmmm .. isn't that a DOS rewrite? >:) yeah close :) heh actually I wonder... ouch I tried to get solaris 8 running a couple of months ago, but my nic wouldn't work :( hey dneighbo jcater did we remove the code that makes it unstable for users that have names begining with 'd' lol I think it's the `if not re.re('*gnu*',sys.platform )` code ok, question [muahaha] .. I've got it entering data into my pgsql db .. but how do I display the data that's already in there? actually, I was doing some debugging for Win98 last night drochaid: f8 then f9 f8 - enter query mode f9 - execute query ks um.... you all see ximian changed license of mono class libraries? to a degree RMS backed them on it ? most sad excellent ... I'd hit f8, entered a name to search and then hit f9 with no result jcater: they changed from GPL to MIT license dneighbo: rms was unhappy about it because Intel had code changes they were not willing to submit under a GPL license jamest_: yes and no drochaid: try f8, f9 w/o entering any data he agreed that they should not be GPL (which i think is a stale argument) however he disagreed in using MIT he felt they should have used LGPL I did after you told me .. that's why I said excellent :) i think no reason they should use anything other than GPL we are not in position we were 10 years ago i would tell Intel if you want to play you play you play by our rules if they choose not to play oh well i.e. i think it was 'loose' spine that gave in so quickly imho what about my spine? hey you got GNUe worlking with apparently little help here yep :) either you have a strong spine or big balls ;) and I'm sure I'll ask many many more questions untill you ban me ;) drochaid: so you can search but you can't pull specific data? jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319276.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ aye hmmmm dneighbo: ah the spine crack .. sorry, in joke you wouldn't get since you don't know me jbailey: we decided to change GNUe to the MIT license for Common so IBM will be more likely to contribute, what you think? you have a name field with saved data? if you have a name like James in there jamest_: I'll give it another try try f8 putting J% in the name field f9 searchs are case sensitive ah .. that worked yeah, I know a bit of sql/pgsql dneighbo: Ah, MIT license? We might be able to get microsoft hacking on it too! Of course, we don't get to see their changes... =) thats ok they gave me five bucks to cover rent, im happy the sql wildcards work % and _ but not if I specify the name exactly they said that we would be 'friends' i can believe them right? drochaid: what data type is the field? as if you have char(30) its not jamest its jamest plus SPACES until 30 Dean if you have varchar(30) then it should be what you see is what you get ah dneighbo: My name is Teddy Ruxbin. Will you be my friend? I had noticed it seemed padded jbailey: roflmao, i think im going to piss my self Action: drochaid steps away from dneighbo i can see teddy now in a XP tshirt instead of his normal red one !!! =) Fear dneighbo: why does it bring back the padded cell? and can I alter that behaviour? drochaid: that's a postgresql thing char datatype is autopadded w/ spaces forms just returns what the database gives it bah Action: drochaid sets fire to his pgsql server jamest_ at one time we discussed setting this in forms as an attribute how easy would it be for me to strip out the padding in designer? can I run sql for an event or it that where I need to learn python? so that the widget would auto trim i think that it would be a valuable thing it certainly would drochaid: its at the db level i.e. so no way to really strip in designer in forms you could do it with triggers (But it would be ugly) dneighbo: yeah, but I can strip the padding using code if there's an interface to it woudl be better to have an option attribute on entry to do it it would save me entering code for every char field to support people who used char type when they really wanted varchar :) bah sometimes you need to use char over varchar KalleAnka (~kan@numera.se) joined #gnuenterprise. at one time it was necessary as char does faster on searching/sorting but w/ todays computers the headache of managing the trimming on every thing eats more than what you get on performance sorting etc Action: drochaid fires up dbvisualizer so using char to me is more obsolete unless you REALLY want the padding (but in which case you probably woudlnt care about it in forms as you want the padding) but there are lots of apps that still use char and we should be sensitive to that Anyone know if "text" type in postgres will give you a performance hit? and also some people are hell bent on avoiding varchar so we should dsmith: no, its just not sql92 generally text is varchar on steroids i.e. it doesnt have 'limits' like varchar does its like saying unbounded varchar Action: dsmith like test because he's lazy Action: dneighbo loves it too but many databases dont support it so if you change databases it could become problematic forms however does really well with it i know, cause im lazy :) One more reason to use postgres! you mean there are reasons to not use postgres :) hi KalleAnka hi dneighbo =) What are those three signs of a good programer? Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris? i judge by fat, lazy, not allergic to titanium explanation: fat == probably doesnt move from computer much lazy == gets things done efficiently not allergic to titanium == i can keep him/her sufficient chained to the work space hmm... I need to check the titanium allergies... I have the other 2 down pat, though Ya. I'm good on the first two also. hehe jcater: i came up with a good one the other day I'll ask my doctor next time I'm there to test me I wonder what kind of reaction I'll get? Action: jcater pictures it now... i dont eat alot, i just require a large amount of fuel "um, ok...." "... lemme get my golf club outta my trunk" hmmmm golf clubs "ok, you stand right there and I'm gonna stroke you on the leg w/my club... rofl "if you don't welt, you are fine" jcater: responds.... " um could you thump me on the head w/ it instead? that way we can have more accurate 'similation' of real life' Action: jcater is away: lunch!! rofl drochaid: dont worry, we only beat coders :) it should not take much to add an attribute to entry widget to auto strip :o Action: drochaid just set up a test table using varchar to test that How would GNUe compare to Axapta? Don't chop my head if I'm totally lost =) we're easier to spell =) Action: jamest_ knows nothing about axapta KalleAnka: i see the main differences as 1. GNUe doesn't exist as a complete system yet 2. GNUe will give you more choice wrt db and platform 3. GNUe is free software 4. GNUe will not be bought by navision :) hehe.. thanks =) so the _technical_ differences are mainly about flexibility and choice reinhard: ok... so you should be able to do the same with GNUe that you can do with axapta? the _philosophical_ and _financial_ differences are huge :) at some day you should, yes ok... I'm only interested in the technical differences right now... ok for you the most important technical difference is GNUe needs you, Axapta doesn't :) I can run it on a system i trust =) yes almost any system :) when curses comes back online, the number of systems will grow even more :) I don't know Axapta too well, but i'm not sure how modular they are GNUe is _very_ modular which means you install only what you need and don't even bother about the rest reinhard: i know you were not insinuating that perhaps a propreitary company didnt CARE about their customer, but rather just the money of that customer... I'm a system/network administrator by profession.. .Somehow I became interested in business systems I wonder if curses got its name because of the programming api. jbailey: probably And "X" was the sensored version from /its/ programming API. =) and C an abreviation.... as you can call a woman the B word, but if you call her the C word, you better be willing to pay for it :) Would GEAS compare to the Axapta Object server?? i would guess yes from the name "Object server" AOS is used when you want the thin-clients... otherwise your client will speak directly to the DB yes we call that 2-tier and n-tier n-tier is thin client yeah, it's called 3-tier in Axapta now i am really curious where does Axapta execute the business logic in 2-tier mode? in the client... I think at least, don't knkow much about it... so the clients for 2-tier and 3-tier are different? yes ah ok mmmhhh lunch Nick change: reinhard -> rm-eat excellent doods no probs when I use varchar :) Action: drochaid does the happy dance Action: dneighbo is glad webcams aren't real high on drochaid's priority list :) Action: dneighbo imagines fat lazy happy dance ;) Action: dsmith laughs ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. lmfao dneighbo I am NEVER going to point a webcam at me webcams belong in the 80s =) or 90s perhaps I meant =) now, laughing at other peoples .. that's a different matter >:) who's still alive? more to the point, who's still alive that won't get pissed off if I start making feature suggestions for GNUe? I'm alive... =) am I right in thinking you're not a GNUe core developer? AS they say, everyone is innocent til the opposite has been proved? =) excellent :D no, I'm no developer you might not get hacked off at me then ;) have you used GNUe at all yet? not used it... only read about it... I started last night, so I'm not quite an expert yet :) me neither =) Seems very small, judging by the size of downloadables =) about 3 MB or something? it's tiny I was rather surprised yeah me too... You need Corba and a Database in addition, anything else? very impressed how easy it is too get running with a little preparation [or in my case, sheer luck] I've not tried the GEAS bitty yet, so I don't have CORBA that I'm aware of oh I'm running GNUe common and pgsql on an mdk8.1 server and the pre-compiled 0.1.1 designer and forms on winnt 5 for ease of use very little effort to set that up I'll get round to getting forms and designer under X in a day or sao as well with the designer, you build a client right? well, the interface form that runs on GNUe Forms Client ok yes win install VERY easy :) compared to X um soon now you can email bugs and features but for now you can give them here or email them to info@gnue.org probably best to bring them up here to get an 'opinion' then submit to info@gnue.org Action: dneighbo goes to check something yep and no one shouted at me for crashing designer .. that makes me happy :) Python seems to be common in GNUe, any specific reason why? there's excellent info on that on the web site ...somewhere KalleAnka: cause it rocks our socks Action: jcater is back (gone 01:12:40) oops looks like my lunch went over an hour or you could go with the short answer from jcater :) oh,well KalleAnka: python is HIGHLY productive wb jcater and portable thx drochaid: you can go to I'm only semi-back have a meeting shortly ok... I'm more used to perl... by some reason I probably don't even like =) http://www.gnuenterprise.org/dclgw/ and lgo in as guest password guest go? you want rid of me? :(( to current items outstanding (though not highly up to date) unfortunately we dont have it set so you can enter items here as the goal was to allow that to happen via email until we get to piont that we can have you create account via web cool .. actually if you are serious i can spend a few minutes and make you an account i.e. i you really will use it :) s/i/if just looking at the intro page .. is this based on DCL ? um it is dcl :) heh someone told me you were porting it to GNUe a couple of days ago nickr (nick@e-172-IP28.empnet.net) left irc: Connection timed out that was probably me several screens have been ported 'loosely' read they seem to work, but not highly tested :) heh Nick change: drochaid -> drochaid[out] rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-163.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-163.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: Client Quit ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" FunkyTrix (~Fun@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: KalleAnka is installing GNUe now Had to upgrade some python stuff... GNUe-common is installed... unless you are looking to develop the tools, i would save geas for last as currently it does not work with forms,common,designer I'm working on forms now that will soon be fixed though (i.e. there are folks working on it) Hmm, I wonder why GNUe-Forms can't see that I've just installed pYXML PyXML what platform? hmmm... I have a server, Debian Linux... Where I have compiled GNUe-common... I've installed Forms and Designer on my Windows 2000 desktop now what? =) which forms is giving you problems? none... I manage to install it so this.... Hmm, I wonder why GNUe-Forms can't see that I've just installed pYXML I tried installing it on the server, but then I figured it should be on the client is solved? yes I believe so Designer and Forms seems to be working on the client... What more than common do I need on the server? um you don't need common on the server should forms go directly on the DB? common is the basis of forms, reports, designer forms goes directly to db ahh oh... in 2-tier mode (which is only one working well at the moment) think of common as a set of libraries that GNUe apps use to share common tacks tasks ok... I'm thinking too much about the thin-client approach =) installing common on my desktop then as well KalleAnka: if you downloaded exe's for your client, then they already include common whoops are win32 exes are completely self contained ok... you need nothing else to run them well but I need a database driver for the clients right? what database you trying to access? mysql it should be built in key word is _should_ I don't recall if anyone tested the 0.1.1 release against mysql bbiaf KalleAnka: you still here? if so you just need to edit your connections.conf file yes and we should be able to test things out for you :) I have... ok so you have everything working? haven't gotten that far though... I have forms and designer... I guess I need to design something =) um you have to edit connections.conf next I have already then if you have table structures you can create somethign but mysql does not have 'introspection' so designer wizards wont work you are second person this week w/ that situation (using mysql) so i suppose we should get that working :) i think i put a sample mysql gfd out in I might as well install pqsql then Perhaps I should wait with the DB connection and start checking out the designer... kdog (~keith@novainstruments.com) joined #gnuenterprise. http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/tester.gfd KalleAnka: no i want to test mysql :) you shouldnt be forced to install postgres :) you should because its better, but you shouldnt be forced to :) lets try to get mysql connecting and working and when jcater comes back i will 'whip him' into putting introspection into the mysql driver if someone gives him good mysql API doc its probably a 2 or 3 hour fix hi kdog I'm here, but I may be useless until tomorrow hey there, did you have a good weekend? bro-in-law was in a bad car accident early this am yeah was gone most of day ouchie thats not good dneighbo: what do I do with the XML file on that url? will he be ok bring it down to your local machine well, depends on how badly the other person sues him er or you can run it remotely KalleAnka: you need to create a table in mysql tbl_year with year_born int and name varchar in whatever database is in your conf file in a second =) then run gfclient http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/tester.gfd it should prompt you for login use the mysql login for somoen that has rights to that table and db kdog: you are now second mysql user to show up :) KalleAnka: is testing on windows (forms) Uh oh :-) if it works then i know 0.1.1 forms supports mysql and it will be time to investigate whats up w/ linux version on your system if not then i suppose i will have to break down and try it here :) btw: how goes your testing situation i dont remember where we left off KalleAnka: i lose you? or you just busy doing things? I'm busy setting up my own mysql =) dneighbo: Well, I needed to get some sort of postgres->python connector installed.... dneighbo: and you wanted me to get you some MySQL debugging output. ok... ah yes if you can get the mysql output would be great you didnt find any .rpm based connectors though right? did i get you the link to egenix (mxDateTime) rpms? iirc that is what was missing in your conquest (its coming back to me know) er now is it a feature that the windows config files are in unix-textmode? dneighbo: It will be a bit hard today since I had to give a user back his NIC...darn users. dneighbo: I'll have to raid someone else. Pretty crazy isn't it since NICs are only $19.00 :-/ Action: jcater dcc's kdog one of a dozen old nics lying around dneighbo: ok... I have my mysql running with skip-granting... the connection.conf specifies the IP-adress and database name what do I need to change in the tester.gfd? FunkyTrix (Fun@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ping?? KalleAnka (kan@numera.se) left irc: "Leaving" KalleAnka (~kan@numera.se) joined #gnuenterprise. Hi again dneighbo: nothing happens when I do gfclient http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/tester.gfd jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319276.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" kdog (keith@novainstruments.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-163.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-163.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: Client Quit no connection towards my mysqld Nick change: drochaid[out] -> drochaid everyone away? not I mmm pizza :) give! [14:37] Last message repeated 1 time(s). heh The tester.gfd forms that dneighbo supplied so try to connect to my mysql server right... something is wrong since it doesn't =) pepperoni, cajun chicken, red onion, sweetcorn, fresh ground black pepper and a basil oil :) KalleAnka (kan@numera.se) left irc: "Leaving" kdog (~keith@novainstruments.com) joined #gnuenterprise. kdog (keith@novainstruments.com) left irc: Client Quit psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. Kdog (~keith@novainstruments.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dang he left :( drochaid: you can do anything in this channel EXCEPT say you are eating pizza and not be in vincinity to share it with me bad mouth the packers? heh heh Nick change: rm-eat -> reinhard psu: bad mouthing packers is encouraged :) I could airmail some to you dneighbo ;) DCC is the pref transport method, istr Action: dneighbo reaches for his promax (protein bar) and mutters somethign about diets sucking Action: drochaid is glad he doesn't need to diet for kalleanka.... you have to have your connection named myconn or rename the gfd dbname to your mysql connection I've found DCC tends to mangle pizza a bit psu :( psu! dneighbo: I know there will be a GNUe presence at the Linux World Expo later this week but I haven't seen it discussed much in this channel Presumably the main aim is publicity um actually we have a booth but no one will be at it we had last minute change in situation :( ack bummer so ANYONE that can articulate GNUe and wants to sit at our booth and hand things out PLEASE let me know s/can articulate GNUe and// jcater: very true we could just persuade some other delegates in fact if anyone sees fiztix or nickr please please please try to convince them :) to hook up a data projector & box running XChat & do it via IRC ;-) even if they can only sit in the booth a few hours a day psu actually ibm is donating boxes if someone can just make it first day of show Well, if Oracle can have 24/7 Apps conferences, so can we configure a debian box put ssh on it and vnc on it Kdog (keith@novainstruments.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" we can give demos via vnc from remote locations ToyMan (stuq@c5300-2-ip92.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" dneighbo: speaking of vnc, I ran across tightvnc.com last night not sure if that's applicable to you but for me, it rocks Kdog (~keith@novainstruments.com) joined #gnuenterprise. they used a compressed communications tunnel crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. sup bitches oops i shoudl have told you about that so vnc is actually usable over a slow pipe sup chilly wtf? how'd you know it was me? as there is one that is compressed and secure um crazymike my chilly informants ratted you out plus *.wi.* and 'sup bitches' was a strong clue this is chilly never reuse nicks - my nicklist.txt grows by the day I am at mike's house mike is an actual guy is he crazy yes he is he knows cw, doesn't he? he's my partner in crime this is cw i thought maybe you heard about ximian license change and went so crazy you changed your name ;) dingy ximian license change?!?!?!?!! what fi they do now? s/fi/did Action: psu is going to leave before things get nasty bbl um they dont believe in gpl/lgpl anymore :) not huge deal really what? but the class structure for mono psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("dial up loser needs to use the phone"). fer real? i snow MIT license MIT ~= BSD right? Isn't X using the MIT license? Action: ajmitch smacks crazymike around a bit Nick change: crazymike -> chillywilly ajmitch: why would a kernel bitch about not deeing the root file system seeing cos the root fs was screwed? crazymike's kernel that he compiled comlpains about that nope or the kernel doesn't have the fs driver? it works woth this old one here Linux mishka 2.2.18pre21 #1 Sat Nov 18 18:47:15 EST 2000 i686 unknown or the kernel isn't loading the right device? oh yea man i _really_ have to get this python app done now :) he probably doesn't have ext2 compiled in that's just stupid what is? he has never compiled a kernel before not having ext2fs compiled in :) he didn't know you let him do it by himself, no advice about these things first? he used my guide your 'guide' didn't mention ext2 did it? I forgot about daying make sure you comile the root file system type into the kernel saying chillywilly: I made a kernel that couldn't read fdisk style disk partitions. Ooops. how can you do that? chillywilly: It could read bsd style disklabels though! :) that would sort of suck chillywilly: It's a config option I neglected to set when I configged the kernel. sigh I keep getting compile errors w/my kernel :( I guess 2 incompat patches Not all Linux systems are intel with a fdisk style disk partitioning scheme. whatever I don't care anyway :P Well, I cared when my shiny new kernel couldn't find my partitions. neilt (~neilt@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. jcater you have a minute? reinhard: driver introspection..... er s/reinhard/re: hehe um wassup? odbc im looking at README.databases its syaing mxODBC and one from python are supported i used on windows w/o downloading additional software is this because the python one from active state was included with 0.1.0 exe? and what will it take to add introspection into odbc? i heard you mention we were using an odbc that didnt support it? or i thought i heard that um bbl chillywilly (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" yes, we use the pythonwin odbc basically using db2 here w/ forms is becoming more a necessity which is what activestate has also um well and im finding quickly that the getting a FREE CLI on windows isnt gonna happen I've been thinking about this so i think im regelated to use ODBC and might have a solution but it will take me a few days to implement what were you thinking? basically, separate the introspection code in the dbdrivers to a separate file is it major change or you just really busy then, with odbc you say what the backend db is (e.g., db2) and common then grabs introspection support from the db2 driver and uses it over odbc sigh that doesnt solve my problem as our introspection support is really nothing more than a set of selects why? as my problem is i cant get db2 to do things ? so when it drops to db2 driver for introspection support im toast no, you misunderstand me unless im missing something you mean it steals the 'call' but does it over ODBC I'm saying remove the introspection methods (which generate select statements) from the driver-specific code ok and this would allow odbc to use the db-specific select statements to do introspection so it steals the db select statement exactly but usess it over odbc ok actually, this probably would be easy to do for a single dbdriver Action: dneighbo wonders if he could hack this so I could do db2 for now and just copy the odbc driver and not "formally" support it zwiskle (~zwiskle@194-183-130-080.TELE.NET) joined #gnuenterprise. then add db2 specific crap to avoid doing it right but givign me something asap :) hmm give me a few minutes and let me try something.... ok btw: tight vnc looks tight :) will have to try from home Action: dneighbo runs to meeting bbs jamest_ (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. uh oh dneighbo: are you using cvs forms on win32? or, do you have the prereqs installed or are you only running the .exes I think I may have a solution in cvs for you your provider will be: provider=odbc-db2 Action: Kdog is away: I'm busy btw, for psu: that's not official yet... not sure I want ppl using it ;) btw, for dneighbo: I don't have a DB2 database, much less DB2 over ODBC, and certainly no experience w/DB2 system catalogs, so that may need a little "tweaking" :) I based the introspection off of: http://nscpcw.physics.upenn.edu/db2_docs/db2s0/sqlx0c26.htm#HDRVTABLES does that look familiar? jcater: Thankyou for that link! ? jcater: I do tsm. Tsm uses an embedded db2. There is minimal docs. This stuff will help. cool it took me a while to find those docs I had almost decided that DB2 was a myth and there really was no such product as I could find absolutely nothing on it Every since the ibm anti-trust settlemnt, ibm has very strict rules about how it promotes it's products. crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" They dont sell you stuff unless you ask for it. odbc-db2? why? /msg jamest a hack to keep dneighbo quiet Isomer (dahoose@210-86-57-217.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Isomer (dahoose@210-86-58-184.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. by zwiskle (~zwiskle@194-183-130-080.TELE.NET) left #gnuenterprise. night all reinhard (rm@ left irc: "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" cya l8r Action: dsmith is away: Home! [to reinhard ... delayed ;)] drochaid: you making any progress with forms/designer? any initial user feedback you can share? beyond : dude, this sux chillywilly (~danielb@d55.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) lol jamest I haven't done much since I went off for food ... just about to design the first 'real life' form with it and then a much more complex series of forms for my mycerinus project at some point tommorrow [when I can see again] I don't think "dude, this sux" comes anywhere near what I'm thinking .. from the little I've done and read so far, I'm very excited about the future of GNUe :) GNUe is like sex best when rms is not involved ;) I'm not using it that much ;P j/k oh ... you mean with SOMEONE ELSE? do you know who RMS is? Action: jamest is scared Action: jamest is very scared the Royal Majesty Stallman? I do lol Action: jamest wonders how chillywilly was able to obtain information to make that comparison ok, court "jester cater" ok, "trout-weilding barbie" Action: chillywilly wonders why jamest would even want to know but then he remembers something about jamest and his obssession for goat sex jcater: that was weak chillywilly: so, were you relating RMS to a goat? that's not very nice why do people think I enjoy having my code mad goat raped i'm a victim people sure, you are ;) Action: jamest feels sorry for himself as no one understands oh dear ... brb jcater: as you would say...stfu rofl trout weilding barbie now that was funny btw: i have access to large barbie/ken collection at home and you might see a 'photo' of this very soon :) Action: dneighbo just remembered Nick change: jamest -> laurie the girls have a 'esmerelda' barbie which i recall has a GOAT that comes with it ..... now derek...give the barbie back to dereketta Nick change: laurie -> derek Action: dneighbo acts busy doing chores but honey! I'm not done playing with it Nick change: derek -> jamest hey now i will be FIRST to admit sometimes playing barbie w/ the kids can be fun Nick change: jcater -> derek but, honey, it's been so long since I've seen breasts Nick change: chillywilly -> jeffcater nick jcater Nick change: jeffcater -> jeffcarter Nick change: derek -> jcater roflmao Nick change: jcater -> laurie well, derek, if you'd stay out of #gnuenterprise, that wouldn't be a problem Nick change: laurie -> jcater rofl btw - it is laurie right? Action: dneighbo thinks jcater is speaking w/ a tinge of personal experience :)) Nick change: jeffcarter -> chillywilly you poor married boobs jamest: if it wasnt i woudl be dead right now you talking about me seeing laurie boobs :) jcater: re: me having cvs i dont use cvs windows i use the exe how hard would it be to build an .exe or how hard is it? is it something goats can do regularly? or must it be done on a windows machine i think i actually have most of the dependencies installed on the windows box here hmm just never had cvs access, but nightlies should fix that problem so i might be able to do it if you have the prereqs, I can easily build a .zip file for you to install i have never built cvs on windows (at least not for a year) i think i have the prereqs send me a zip file er post it to your ~ home page if you will be around for me to ask questions on how to use :) um have to go in 10 minutes and won't be back for 3 hrs :( so how do yall feel about ximian's license change? well, since I could care less about mono or ximian they can do whatever the hell they'd like yes, that's a good attitude to have heh jcater ok we can play another day i have python2.0 activcstate bpython 2.1 and wxWindows2.2 installed dneighbo: grab the latest snapshot Action: dneighbo doesnt nkow if i have pyxml but probably all im missing the latest snapshot have your new changes? (I just created one for today, it will be overwritten tonight) ok what do i do once i have it and have it unzipped? same as linux cvs? um Action: jcater thinks do a python setup.py install for each of common, forms, and designer ok will try setup.py devel or setup.py install install or setup.py build then install install implies build i.e., it does a build then install if not already built btw, with my win4lin setup, I think I can automate builds um would be HUGE s/automate/semi-automate the build should not be too bad but creating the .exe automatically would be interesting even if they only came once a week (.exes) opposed to nightly well, actually I was thinking once I felt it was worth building, I would build and place on website (that's why I changed to "semiautomate" ) ok seems to go ok cept error: cant copy 'doc/techref.pdf': doestn exist not regular file can i safely ignore that? as it looked like the install stopped hmm sigh I must really run desginer dies on just create an empty techref.pdf for now catn copyy doc/developersguide.... ok hey dneighbo he future is looking bleak... (Score:0) by Anonymous Reader on Monday January 28, 02:31 PM EST (#6) How long do you guys think it will be until Ximian goes out of business? 2 weeks? a month? jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" was that you? ;) or just some like-minded individual? um im not that harsh Action: Kdog is back (gone 01:31:56) i think ximian is doing thigns that 'might' keep them afloat however, ximian surviving isnt necessarily good for the movement dneighbo: that pdf error means nothing if that makes sense yeah it gets a few more you can ignore it .pdf and .txt doing a blank file from name fixes Action: Kdog is away: I'm busy but nothign happens AFTER it Action: Kdog is away: I'm busy Action: Kdog is back (gone 00:00:03) so the script dying is no big deal :) ok have all installed nope no big deal i assume no good way to 'run' this othe rthan cd c:\python21\scripts python gfdesigner c:\python20\python c:\python20\scripts\gfdesigner (that's if you added the python dir to the search path) windows sucks for those that didnt know :) windows is dog slow jcater said odbc-db2? or db2-odbc im on xchat remotely that is REALLY slow to back scroll so any help there appreciated :) my mom's 800MHz athlon cannot out perform this PIII 450 running GNU.Linux and Gnome odbc-db2 GNU/Linux jamest: where is the connections.conf fore this cvs btw: i ahve the .exes still installed too Action: dneighbo is living dangerously you rebel ajmitch__ (~me@p46-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. the exe's are self contained so it doesn't matter IIRC look in c:\python21\etc yip they are there ajmitch (me@p32-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: ajmitch__!~me@p46-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz)) nomad42 (~chatzilla@pop-ls-14-3-1-dialup-129.freesurf.ch) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch__ -> ajmitch you up and running? derek trying if this works had to get my connections.conf workign then you _should_ be able to install inno sigh damn bitch need gnue.conf (forgot to copy it ) ":_) whoops error: if this works and you want to make exes count add an image to the image list importerror: no module named PopupMenu common installed? Action: dneighbo thinks perhaps 2.0 doesnt work has anyone tested on python2.0 um common should be installed this stuff works w/ 2.0 as IIRC i have that at work nomad42 (chatzilla@pop-ls-14-3-1-dialup-129.freesurf.ch) left irc: Remote closed the connection hmmm maybe its bad wxwindows? 2.2 i think is what i have ew i just did the common install again w/ no luck er common install seemed to do ok Action: jamest would say that regardless of the version of wxWindows :) what is error? but designer still bombs gfclient --help works and intro form works so i dont think its common what is error? other wise common woudl barf on the images in tool bar for forms (or i would think so) File "C:\python20\gnue\designer\forms\instance.py", line 42, in ? from PopupMenu import ObjectMenu ImportError: no module named PopuMenu er PopupMenu damn i assume popupmenu is in wx or in python and is 'newer' than versions i have? no do me a favor look in c:\python21 then I _think_ you mean c:\python20 or 20 er 21 whatever youre using from that dir try cd gnue/designer er cd gnue\designer can you get there? Action: jamest is doing this from memory so I could be wrong on dir location did I lose you? neilt (neilt@ left irc: man i didn't even get him to the deltree /y c:\*.* command yet Action: jamest is bummed ;P jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319276.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. hey! it's a canadian! Action: Kdog is away: work calls Action: jbailey looks around. Where?!? =) ok there sorry interrupted :) im at c:\python20\gnue\designer\ cool cd forms instance.py does exist edit Instance.py ok change that line to read arght no friggin tab complete kicks my ass (line 42 that is) from gnue.designer.PopupMenu import ObjectMenu instead of the existing from PopupMenu import ObjectMenu sweet it got further then run the deltree command posted again after making sure all recent backups are destroyed but now same message sigh ? deltree /y c:\*.* where now? hmmm it didnt crash now like it did before but i got that message and no debug info sigh phone brb what message? bash: deltree: command not found ;) alias deltree rm -rf / ; # then try again :) Action: jamest laughs evilly to self poop things seem to run ok might have to put that in quotes BUT i get provider not supported error for provider type 'odbc-db2' Action: dneighbo wonders if i have to download an odbc driver? um yes er i stated that wrong i mean a python-odbc one as it worked w/ the exe but it was probably 'included' win installs require all the dependencies ok going to look for url that's jcater and my little gift to you poor win32 using bastards we pity you plus we hate having to walk thru the evils of a win32 install :) you mean i cant apt-get odbc? dunno, try windowsupdate.microsoft.com Action: jamest laughs evilly to self once again Action: dneighbo just crapped himself w/ laughter apt-get install fuck-windows chillywilly: that got me a cool little avi hehe installing winall now FunkyTrix (~Fun@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dneighbo didnt realize activestate made com extensions for pythonlabs python cool :) Action: dneighbo hated having to use activestate jamest i still get image error (in gui) but not on console and things dont crash go figure what image error? btw: odbc provider works odbc-db2 fails w/ not valid provider dude hmmm ajmitch (me@p46-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: No route to host can you run odbc-db2 with a -d 10 iirc jcater couldn't test this ajmitch (~me@p15-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Kdog (keith@novainstruments.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" odbc-db2? you mean try it w/ debug right i still get the image error but its not showing in debug mode sigh i.e. it throws a VISUAL error dialog error couldn't add an image to the image list. ok details if i click details get list of like 8 or 9 of same message w/ time stamp BUT if i click ok everythign seems normal btw: this was same VISUAL error i got before on the popupmenu only when i clicked ok then it DIED and i got a text error of popup ok trying odbc-db2 again same thing not valid provider ok go to your source dir deltree /y c:\*.* do that cd designer edit setup.py search for gnue.common.dbdrivers.odbc which will be listed in a packages section add the following line after that one "gnue.common.dbdrivers.odbc-db2", then reinstall why does he have to hack all of these things in there? cause they were overlooked the first time overlooked in the 0.1.1 release? um im doing cvs from a nightly no one here runs cvs on windows oh REGULARLY no, in jcater's quick hack to give derek what he wanted today w/o any way to test it out before checking it in btw: jamest there are OTHERS missing like this brb as i noticed db2 doesnt exist there either dneighbo????? in the installed version but it does in the src/ dir lets fix this first then I'll fix it up for the others _if_ it works for you on this one :) Action: jamest can't test this either at the moment Action: jamest is scared....relying on derek for testing btw: this is probably the IMAGE problems too nah as its probably not 'copyhing' the new images out anyone ever hear that "hey mister" song? i think you're fighing a wxwin image issue IIRC jcater added some more images to designer and win is a bugger to work with there i can fix later but it shouldn't be fatal no, you must fix it now dude ;P i wish i had time i wanna gnue it's a joke son rofl ok i added .odbc-db2 and .db2 as db2 was missing and now common fails btw, whoever is in charge of QA is fired ;) line140 or db2 line 99 of odbc-db2 schema= syntaxerror: invalid syntax fuck since jcater cut and pasted i assume its same error just duplicated :) as the line looks identical give me a sec should be schema= "" i think instad of schema = or an error message anyone ever hear the "hey mister" song if they play it one more time I am going to blow up the radio station that's what I'd put in for now derek yeah that worked as I have no idea what schema sql db2 needs Action: jamest lacks access to db2 so db2 and odbc-db2 need that fix and setup.py needs .odbc-db2 and .odbc added argh at least now i get a login prompt :) i supposed you want more? self.__cachedSources[connection_name] = \ File "C:\python20\gnue\common\dbdrivers\odbc-db2\DBdriver.py", line 75, in getSchemaList GDebug.printMesg(5,statement) NameError: There is no variable named 'GDebug' sigh i suppose i could do no -d 10 nope it'd still bomb i guess it still would try to 'execute' i suppose i need to import it or do something like gnue.common.GDebug or somethign? just a sec ok add from gnue.common import GDebug at the top of the file holy cream my jeans um pythonwin not yet has object completion you're probably still missing stuff so gnue. pops up common i hit enter then . and i get dbdrivers ok got further dbi.program-error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0204N "SYSCAT.TABLES" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704 in exec which i think is actually good i think now we are getting to jason just guessing wrong on what db2 wants damn and not actual designer not saying anything at all w/o db2 system table specs um we are now dead in the water Action: dneighbo dials up duane (db2 admin here) what do i need to ask him? one problem is this is DB2 v5.5 SYSCAT.TABLES they are on like 8.0 is the problem oooooo dude they want 7.0 badly BUT the financial system vendor is making them stay on 5.5 gotta LOVE prop vendors eh :) baaaaabyyy this may not be worth fixing if you're that far behind the curve more then eeeenough um its worth fixing this is NORMAL maybe we can subclass this no, no, no most mainframe shops still run friggin 3.x let me rephrase jcater and I already discussing right way to do this as odbc-db2 provider is NOT it btw: 5.5 and 7.0 are pretty much same 'sub' structure ah but yes odbc-db2 is not PROPER way it was hack well he had mentioned basically doing odbc many times I've gazed along the open road and odbc try to get the select statements from the native driver so is syscat.tables many times I've wondered how much there is to know to be a table that lists tables? Action: dneighbo thinks perhaps i just dont have 'authority' to see that Action: jamest thinks that is the case and it's thruout the db2 code so I can't imagine it's just a wild guess on jcater's part Action: dneighbo is calling the db2 admin no answer... damn btw you're still at work dneighbo? you try the new widget placement in designer? it rocks my socks both of them no one home, left message right off my feet and down the hall you can't take my saying will have to play tommorrow it's (c) chillywilly enterprises ;) maybe I should name my company chillywilly enterprises....hmmmm bam new page segfaulted designer :) ummm yummy from todays cvs? some mastaing at work btw - mouse support under win32 is not BugFree(tm) ok its object navigator that crashes it crashes cause it no have images ok which is why i get image list message at startup damn i fixed that one once StormBringer (~eugene@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: i may have time to look into that in a sec but really not an issue w/o db2 deal working im dead in water it'll be too big to have you hand type the fix and its not a forms issue as far as i can tell but rather a rights or db2 idiocy issue then I'm going to check in the fixes so far which will get resolved tommorrow but the schema="" and the .odbc-db2 and .db2 fixes should be good and the other ones i 'hand edited' re imports popupmenu and gdegug why don't they run a Free database? er gdebug all done commiting um chillywilly dumb question wassup with this db2? none of us have 'grokked' db2 cause they're wasn't a free db on the planet that was ready for that big an org btw: i put on my review (since the force us into training) that is RELEVANT to job that i want to attend db2 classes and perhaps get certified on county's dime as its db2 or microsoft training jamest: i still dont think there is a free db that can support our needs er let me back that up SAP DB probably could chillywilly: BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY our applications HR and Finance there are NO VENDORS that support a free database where there GNUe solution at? ;) so even if the db was up to the task there would be the app to support it chillywilly: i wish , believe me i wish that's derek's job get to hacking ;p jamest: i honestly think right now man gnue w/ 5 months of owrk on hr app i _wish_ i could post some of my forms screenshots could outdo our hrms application tehe the financial system is antoher story its pretty damn mature and feature rich wow wow? this can't be why can't you post your forms screen shots? um prop client they are for people that I dont think will let me which is understandable :( no :( :) it's a real world application and work on do for them that is generic goes back to us how do you hanlde the copyright stuff then? easy the gfd's are theirs any mods to forms is ours I see their willingness to do this has been a huge boost to forms a few weeks ago a ton of bugs got stomped out of forms and designer just trying to bring their stuff up to date with the 0.1.1 release chillywilly: its a give take until we get our 'forms' done i.e. we dont have gpl forms we can walk in to somewhere with a base um any generic forms come back too its REAL hard to convince someome to pay you to write a forms engine like zipcode maintenance and then write a custom application state maint, etc, etc in which it all goes back to public but getting someone to agree that 'generic' stuff can go back to public is HUGE boost yes its not perfect but its a start ummm and the core pieces are not that way I am not arguing so plz exit defense mode ;) ie.. they dont hvae custom forms engine that isnt coming back :) ok just trying to explain lol you asked why well I figured that was the case just wanted to clarify Action: dneighbo is defenesive as we dont want to be viewed as ximian :) where we are selling our souls crap in fact where i did this i acutally GPL'd the works Action: jamest forgot to warm you jamest: you should do the same don't delete from the right menu in designer i.e. i give the code to the customer as GPL a paying client is a paying client... it will segfaut this is so they CANT profit on it either i.e. the customer cant take the system and 'resell' it and they arent violating GPL as long as they never distribute it not without providing source they can't distribute it ;P gnue makes it hard to hide the source chillywilly: basically i give copyright to myself and license under the GPL and give them a copy then i sign a non compete for x number of years for their SPECIFIC industry competition this is best of all worlds to me it tells them im not out to killyour business ok but my work remains my work and after you ahve had adequate time to 'lead' industry i can distribute even to your industry like HCS i did this another reason I was asking is that if I got some oppurtunity to hack a paying GNUe solution I would like to know how you guys handle things so curiousity was a factor go on... i really dont like giving copyright to customers as its basically throwing my work away (imho) welll jcater charges in KK i generally cut the rate to compensate i charge in Mtn. Dew jamest: lol i.e. it will be $125 an hour if you get copyright or it will be $25 an hour if i get copyright :) or something similar derek does the work for free if he can come over once a month and flog the tech support staff ;P i.e. i expect 4 or 5 times the money to build something that someday you could 'distribute' w/ cutting me out of my work i had a few people freak on this one said basically F you Action: chillywilly should start making some forms ans such to replace a certain app then went and shopped at other consultants and was like um $25 an hour eh um i will give you my first born where do i sign hehe at this point i am wililng to do solutions for free for companies that will do all free solution using gnue and will a. give the work back under gpl copyright to FSF b. willing to do press release they are using gnue c. willing to participate in case study if asked case study? yeah i.e., you studyhow their operations work so you can make a generic package? a white paper that says this was the 'problem' and this is how we solved it i.e. we had horridly innefficient access db to do our inventory problems included ... [19:17] Last message repeated 2 time(s). we used gnue forms and isntalled postgres etc etc etc it took xxx time and it was wonderful here are things that are still to be improved upon... so you want them to lie :) ;P http://richtech.ca/cgi-bin/seul/case/caseview0.pl are some linux case studies for schools these are very 'light' in nature but something we would like to see for gnue :) kewl bbl time to p/u kids dneighbo (dneighbo@tech-200078.flinthills.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" bbl Action: chillywilly is away: dinner man we need a designer release :) drochaid: where are you from? if you don't mind my asking and what is your interest in gnue? FunkyTrix (Fun@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Kirkintilloch, Scotland interest in gnue .. hmm, tricky one to answer tbh as I only really discovered the project on friday, I'm still working on that one fair enough whoops it fits with some of the things I want to do in the near to mid future, and the nature of erp is pretty close to my own philosophy on knowledge management whoops? yeah the time i need to run ah l8r cya jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201030.flinthills.com) left irc: "[x]chat" Nick change: drochaid -> drochaid[zZz] chillywilly_ (~danielb@d128.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly_ is back (gone 00:03:30) chillywilly (danielb@d55.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_!~danielb@d128.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net)) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly oh, when castles made of sand slips into the sea eventually where's da masta? derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi Action: derek needs food Action: StormBringer need to choose the IT infrastructure to work with: E/AS or GNUE StormBringer: i cant tell you what to choose heck i dont even know your needs but a few things i can comment on from the side does e/as have any working code? who owns the copyright to e/as? what happens when they get bored and dont want to work on free software anymore? how long have they been around? how many people work on e/as? these are things that might influence your decision up front that have no bearing on 'technical' issues at all how many people are using e/as in production environments? what is the license of e/as? etc etc etc feel free to ask any questions about gnue you would like i will gladly answer generally we dont try to 'sell' people into using gnue we let them evaluate the market and choose whats best for them Action: derek must have scared StormBringer off derek: no you don't ;) GNUe - Choose Your Enterprise ;P derek: one thing realy scares me in gnue is that there is no tables or grids in user forms jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319276.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" derek: or i didn't saw them StormBringer: this is a two part answer a. they are there just not how you expect them b. there are reasons and ones like you expect will come if i do it will make that entry repeat 4 times thus forming a 'grid' 1 x 4 would give me a 2 x 4 grid and so on they support complex entries like drop downs this approach is because we plan to support such a WIDE range of ui's from curses to wap to palm to you name it something like this we feel we can implement anywhere derek: and if i doubt to predict how many rows i'll have? they are like a real grid so its only how many rows to 'display' and you can put a widget on the right for 'scrollbar' derek: ah, i see i think this will 'probably' meet your needs we do plan to support 'real' (like gtk/win) grids at somepoint but we arent going there yet as to tables mmmm....cake.... we are starting process of 'layout managers' which i assume is equivalent of what you mean by tables? chillywilly: please don't tease me, i'm hungry too ;) i.e. so you dont have to have absolute positioning Action: derek runs to eat king crab and butter/garlic sauce brb StormBringer: get some food then man ;) Action: derek is away: dinne are mmmmm crab butter suace uhguhguh;guhlguhglkjhu chillywilly: cert i will! one hour till dinner, man ;) mmmmmm...dough-nut hey mdean yo yo yo ok, I need a drink now Action: chillywilly goes to get some red moutain dew anyone know set theory? what does that 'E' symbol thingy mean? an elemt of that set? element btw, for anyone who is curious I have purchased the ODMG book I will make copies on request ;) (as soon as I get it) jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater 'sup? just cvs uping gnue ;) fsck derek: does this look more familiar? http://UCONNMVS.UCONN.EDU:80/cgi-bin/bookmgr/bookmgr.cmd/BOOKS/DSNAG0G1/2.10.2?SHELF=DSNSH0G2 das old I need to run for a while jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" hmmm looks like a meta data table for db2 dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d128.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: "night" --- Tue Jan 29 2002