[00:09] Last message repeated 1 time(s). SachaS (~sacha@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). anyone know standard size for windows icons? 32x32? drochaid[zZz]: or dsmith asked for e icons do you iknow for sure its 32x32? wonder where i can find out? ok 32x32 seems ok doesn't it scale them automatically or something? why does that seem so damn small? gack gimp wont save as .ico I believe that .icos are just .bmps nickr cool how do you make in gimp a substitute for transparent so say make everything that is color x transparent instead? Action: derek hates how UNITUITIVE gimp is context menu, ummm select and by color I think what is context menu? right click on image actually you should first riht click on image, go to layers, alpha, add alpha channel then r-cluck, select, bycolor... then click on the color you want on the image suck cant add alpha there is probably already an alpha channel then no worries, go to select, by color once you select the background color, you can control-k to transparentize the selection ok there um it wont let me select by color :( it just shows all black er bah it selected but picked wrong color click on the image on the color you want? did opposite fo what needed :) heh night guys chillywilly (danielb@d17.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: I wvas able to do it as I described. bingo got to work i hate gimp :) I like it but thank you solved my problem :0 nickr: let me rephrase i like it its much easier than photoshop and has a lot more option when i have someone near by to ask how to do REALLY basic things heh there ar some areas that could be smothed out I'm supised theres not an 'alpha by color' but of course its only one xtra step to do that using selections um can you not have .ico files that are transparent? I don't know exactly how it works. as it wont let me save as .bmp (i imagine because of transparency) i have a nice .xpm file now for icons on unix :) http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/gnue_logo_icon.png if someone can tell me how to go from .png or .xpm to .ico i will gladly make it http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/gnue_logo_icon.png oops hrm, it seems that ico files are more annoying than I thought icoconvert hrm imagemagick might be able to do it iconvert only goes from not to can someone see if netpbm exists on debian? it does yummy dood debian kicks ASS carpine:/home/dneighbo# pngtopnm gnue_logo_icon.png | ppmquant 256 |ppmtowinicon -output gnue.ico ppmquant: making histogram... ppmquant: 486 colors found ppmquant: choosing 256 colors... ppmquant: mapping image to new colors... carpine:/home/dneighbo# anyone have a windwos box? Action: derek doesnt anymore :) I do, but I broke it trying to get 3d working about 6 months ago and never bothered to fix it. http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/gnue.ico if someone can try this I'm having one of my agents check it out doesn't appear to have worked correctily http://www.mrsnazz.com/nickrxx.jpg close, but the alpha channel is fuxorized suck bricks the issue is its not 'clean' so the transparency will be a little 'dirty' im curious was it transparent? or did it come black? no, look at the screenshot generally if it was transparent it will look ok on white or grey backgrounds but will look like crap on dark ones this has no transparency, as is evident from the screenshot shit the png i created it from is transparent re http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/gnue_logo_icon.png so im not sure Action: derek kicks some things the quantization probably killed the alpah alpha it'd be esaier if gimp could export directly reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: can you try http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/gnue2.ico or can you tell me how in .xcf in gimp to change colors to 256? in cimp, you co to image-mode-indexed fibp gimp jesus, where is this lag comming from? ok do image->colors->indexed mode I think er image->colors->mode->indexed but then it gives me a dialog with lots of options i will leave defualts and do ok suit yourself :) ok try http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/gnue3.ico i didnt have to run the middle step of converting colors on it Action: derek crosses fingers http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/gnue/gnue4.ico is the original now w/o the color change nickr: you able to find a tester? the inside of the E is now white although the background is still black (non-transparent) that was gnue3.ico i suppose yes i guess the netpbm tool isnt preserving transparency No. dont know what to do there guess will have to wait until have windows box functional again then open with windows tool and save as .ico yea jcater has photoshop i think seems that way. its annoynig that gimp won't export this format. yes lots of google hits on it ok bed time night night night Action: derek is away: zzzz dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. andrizas (~andrizas@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid[zZz] -> drochaid reinhard (rm@ left irc: Remote closed the connection ajmitch (me@p53-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ajmitch__ (~me@p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ajmitch__ -> ajmitch Nick change: drochaid -> drochaid[shower] dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. FunkyTrix (~Fun@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid[shower] -> drochaid yo drochaid allo ajmitch what's up? been playing with designer & forms? how are you on this marginally drier morning [uhm, late night?] oh it's been a gloriously warm & sunny day here pah yeah, I've put together my first real life form now cool, it works? lot to learn yet, but I've got some more complex ones to work with now :) it works now ... I was working through a communicating with postgres problem with derek yesterday ... we finally figure out what was happening, then jamest comes in and says "yeah, we know about that one" :) so I've got a workaround for it, and I think james already fixed it in cvs hehe personally I would have shot jamest :) lol i've got to get into it at some time on win it's relatively simple .. still haven't put the effort into getting it up on lin yet Nick change: drochaid -> drochaid[walking] reinhard (rm@ left irc: Remote closed the connection Nick change: drochaid[walking] -> drochaid StormBringer (~eugene@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@N809P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201069.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid: new win32 snapshots are in http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/builds/win32/ oh, ta I'll go get them :) jamest: what's new? is it safe to install them over the top of 0.1.1? jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jcater ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-2-ip59.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi morning StormBringer: noy much, snow day here noy = not snow? cool it's in the 70's here but if its snowing in KS, must be on its way here 8-14 inches by tomorrow night sigh is 8:00 too early for a good stiff drink? excellent, that works great now jamest :) Action: dsmith is away: *really* going to work drochaid: you'll notice designer is a bit different too :) snow? we had snow for 1 day last friday ... got to about 3 inches in 4 hours Action: StormBringer going to bathroom to have a bath jamest: you mean I'm actually going to have to work and try designer as well? ;) yip dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection uhm ... jamest just to confirm .. designer uses .gfd files? well, it claims to mine claims not to designer cvs for Win98 is borked ah crap crap [08:32] Last message repeated 2 time(s). heh Action: jcater is looking into that issue Action: jamest didn't test just made snapshots well, that Action: jamest smacks self with a trout 's the beauty of builds ;) I can't load the forms I worked on yesterday ... "I do not know what to do with a .gfd file!" ???? well, at least it's honest ;) so basically, I should use the lastest forms client build and the 0.1.1 designer this was an old error from about 1 month ago IIRC honesty is a virtue .. unless it tells you it's not working ;) well, an old sympton I think it's a new problem Action: jcater is looking into that, though fwiw - the 0.1.1 will work w/ new forms I would've had it fixed yesterday, but I got sidetracked on DB2 support lol dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. way off topic question ... id there an *official* answer to whether or not SQL is considered a programming language? drochaid: Well, you can do calculations in it: select 3 + 7; SQL = Structured Query Language so I'd say yes hmm of course I can teach our accounting staff how to do SQL and its intuitive to them however, it's target is different than python lol or C, etc, etc so well, what jamest is saying ;) so that's 3 YES votes then? [just confirm] yes thank you some twat is arguing bling with me that is CAN'T be a programming language, because it can't be used to write standalone apps s/is/it hmmmm programming language Action: jamest didn't see that before Action: pattieja is away: I'm busy sql is a programming lanauge with no support for procedural programming Action: pattieja is away: I'm busy that's pl/sql's job don't disagree with me now ;) well Action: pattieja is away: I'm busy I'm not really disagreeing i'm just saying that the target is different heh so you can't write say, gnome in sql however you can generate reports in sql that would be nasty, nasty, and, nasty in C hurd, however, probably could be written in sql Action: jcater ducks roflmao oh, chilly isn't here ignore that jab lol ToyMan (stuq@c5300-2-ip59.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" reinhard (rm@N809P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Optimist: the glass is half full. Pessimist: the glass is half empty. Engineer: the glass is double as big as it would have ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-2-ip59.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Anyone know when the 0.1.1 packages will be in Debian? dneighbo (~dneighbo@tech-200078.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest can you all discuss trigger stuff in public? alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. either via email or irc um er sure, i guess hey ppl! while setup.pl install in designer from cvs it breaks with: can't copy doc/DevelopersGuide-Forms.txt but I reserve the right to take my ball and go home if I like ok well, just for your understanding, we are not discussing high-level concepts :) nope that's been in the docs for a week or two um two things a. if its in mail or irc its logged so if you guys get hit by bus perhaps someone else has idea of what you were thinking b. there is a small chance others might have useful contributions dneighbo: like I said, we are not discussing high-level concepts but that's fine i wouldnt bank on (b) as generally requests for comments go unanswered but a is i'm going to cut n paste a bit i just made cvs ... co gnue ;) so that a std gobj based tree could be passed to GTriggerNamespace which would create a new tree of GTriggerObject objects which would then be callable from inside triggers, or even outside of the trigger system the GTriggerObject objects will form a sandbox and in wants DevelopersGuide-Forms.pdf too what kind of initing will need to be done? in -> it dneighbo (dneighbo@tech-200078.flinthills.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" the gobj tree has to be passed into the triggernamespace class Action: jamest took the liberty of removing jcater's screams of "You idiot! don't do that!" i see two options we allow each GObj to create an instance of GTriggerNamespace this would suck memory badly and we'd have lots of object representing the same thing form would have a copy of the blocks, fields, etc....blocks would have a copy of fields, etc, etc or we create a single GNameSpace instance ok, hang on cowboy and provide hooks into it so that objects could retrieve their local namespace based Action: jcater had a thought, but I just got derailed lemme rebuild that thought when executing a code fragment in python, you can specific a global namespace and a local namespace iirc, we currently only pass in a global namespace yes I'm thinking we can use the distinction to our advantage the global namespace always points to a universally maintained trigger sandbox (which contains no "local" references) yes the new trigger code was going to have a local and global namespace ok ooooo i think I see what you're saying this would work better with the 2nd option and I didn't like the first one at all now when to init this puppy if I put in forms code then every app would have to have trigger init code that wanted triggers if I put in base app then client or server apps would have a flag to activate trigger support BaseApp would probably be best AS LONG AS it's a feature you have to explciitly turn on fwiw to those that didn't see the docs, the trigger system doesn't care about any specific xml entities it's application generic oooooooo hang on alexey (alexey@ left irc: Remote closed the connection alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jcater has been thinking for a while that we need a "common" class that all top-level GObj's subclass from i.e., GFForm, GNProcesses, GRReport I'm wondering if we took that route (maybe GRootObj) could the init code always go in there? in GRootObj, that is hmmmm hmmmmm what all would we put in this ? well, not sure if you notice or not, but all the root objects have a slightly different dumpXML method ?? oooo well, the dumpXML methods now need to be passed an xmlElements tree I modified the root objects so they don't have to be passed this tree (as they know what it is), so youre only talking about the GFForm, GDesigner and co but they pass it on to the children not the GFEntry, etc, etc well, not GDesigner but GFForm, GRReport, GNProcesses (the top-most widget) ah the grand-pappy, if you will the master app class basically yes i like this i think StormBringer (~eugene@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). So we would put a flag in GRootObj (any better name ideas?) to activate trigger system where do you first import GTrigger? sorry people if this is too technical as its broken and is interfering w/my fixing designer ????? crap Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/Designer.py", line 62, in ? from gnue.common import GDebug, GConfig, dyn_import File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/GConfig.py", line 37, in ? import GDataObjects File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/GDataObjects.py", line 34, in ? import GConditions File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/GConditions.py", line 32, in ? from GObjects import GObj File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/GObjects.py", line 49, in ? from GTrigger import GTriggerCore File "/home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/common/GTrigger.py", line 31, in ? from GFEvent import * ImportError: No module named GFEvent I think it should just be a method (initTriggerSystem) that the individual root object can call ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" comment out line 49 in GObjects e.g., GFForm can add initTriggerSystem in its init=[] list sorry, this code was only checked in for discussion I'll fix her up soon would people prefer we setup a gnue-dev channel and log that and keep this stuff out of the main channel? or are people cool with us talking like this in public? :) lol I can't comment out that line as GObj subclasses GTriggerCore ;) you'll also need to remove the GTriggerCore i just saw that that is only edits you'll need to make I got it ;) Action: jcater will try to remember not to commit common :) ok, now where is the boundry between GRootObj and GBaseApp ? GRootObj._app == GBaseApp if that's what you're asking the G*App class is an app that creates an instance of a GFForm or friend the individual G?Parser.load tells GParser what the root object class (e.g, GFForm, GRReport) is if that's what you're asking ok yes FunkyTrix (Fun@ left irc: "Client Exiting" dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) alexey (~alexey@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). the way connections are currently set through the connections.conf file .. has there been any discussion/plans to alter it? we support two methods: 1) via the connections.conf file, and 2) via a tag in the gfd file (for a standalone app, perhaps) what are your concerns? hmm user screwup basically ? how does geas handle it? still the local file? ah, I have no clue I personally would never give my users permission to edit that file sorry phone, brb I personally would never give my users permission to edit that file oops wrong window connections.conf is a system wide file that would be set by the admin the tags in the gfd would allow you to put form specific sources in each gfd this might be handy if you put a form on a web server and had no control over the end users machines if it doesn't already, we could even make the connections.conf file be read using our openResource methods which would allow the connections.conf to be on a "web server" it probably wouldn't take too much work to make connections.conf work like gnue.conf w/ 3 files gnue.conf and gnue.conf.fixed (at the system level) and a user defined gnue.conf jcater: that might be nice but connections.conf resides on the local HD [unless network drive or something else?] bum i network mount mine but yeah, me too typed that while on phone .. missed the webserver comment in which case, I have less concern erm .. I have a phone ringing again somewhere does anyone know where I put it? try your sock drawer jan (jan@dial-195-14-226-147.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. lol found it brb hey jan hey jamest. do you knwo, who is working on the php/html client? um madlocke is/was i think i'll start helping out as soon as triggers are done and a few misc bugs stomped my work requirements dictate the triggers be reworked immediately what is wrong with the triggers at the moment? I dont use them often, (that means not :-) )... they are awful to work with i take that back they work ok it's just really hard to get at things a person needs in a trigger and when [if?] you integrate bayone [sp?] with GNUe ... will there be a very large button linked to Esc with 'STOP BUGGING ME' on it? :) I think I've taken one usefull call today Action: drochaid in his home office well, I spend so much time here, I suppose you could call this a "Home Office" lol heh lunch! mm, went off my point there ... btw, I think cvs designer is usable in Win98 I was wondering about having the info currently contained in the connections.conf file in a sortof management db ? \msg jamest "real life" really sucks ;-) :) :( drochaid: what kind of db I was thinking of a system management db ... so that any generic [ish] settings can be called rather than loaded from a file that was/is part of the GNUe spec however we don't have anyone working on it is it? ah right most of our systems are written to pull from generic classes so grafting that in shouldn't be too much work I'm just not a fan of file based settings Action: drochaid would like to see linux work entirely from a db :) files are nice though I'd hate to see all my configs _require_ some running app to make changes reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. i get that in windows and at times it's rendered machines unusable reinhard: hey reinhard, how goes the conversion to euro? excellent hmm, but the entire os already requires a number of running apps .. like the ones to process the conf files ;) 73 of 96 installs are converted and no serious problems until now dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. Woah! Just got a couple of I LOVE YOU messages. Is that thing active again? dsmith: nah, we just want you to know how much we care ;) Bye jan (jan@dial-195-14-226-147.netcologne.de) left #gnuenterprise. jamest: and that's why I first asked about the plans for connections.conf :) Action: drochaid 's brain catches up eventually :) drochaid: one comment on a completely db-based solution... how do you know where that db is? and how to access it? that's what connections.conf does dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. just an observation :) I had actually thought of that long before I mentioned it ;P either a local/remote file pointing to the management db ... or if there's a single point of entry [I think you're calling it navigator?] specify it there the difference being .. my method only ever requires one entry locally or in the POE nto sure there's a difference in design, then only a difference in the transport and storage mechanisms which, we aim to be pluggable, so that is actually planned at some point (i.e., having forms stored in databases, etc) also makes it [just that little bit] easier to build a management interface [possibly using forms] to manage the distributed user db details but as an OPTION :) ooh .. forms stored in the database .. I like it :D of course, it's all XML? I don't heh but like I said, it'll be an option :) we are all about options that's one thing you'll learn about us we don't aim to dictate in any way what you can or can't do however, the methods we need personally are usually the ones that get done first but that's the nature of the beast, I suppose mmm, one of the reasons I looked into the project initially .. I like options .. that and not having the cash/need for something like SAP or Peoplesoft ;) so basically I just need to bully, uhm, convince you that my ideas are good to get them implemented early? :) well, there's a lot of truth in that statement... we tend to hold off implementing optional features until there's a demand heh so it's good to know you want some of this stuff :) I do like being awkward lots of practice drochaid: just out of curiosity, what do you do professionally? consulting? I assumed consulting since you mentioned home office mmm .. at the moment I'm professionally recovering from a spinal injury ah too many people riding your ass at one time while at work eh? hmm, not from beating a computer, I hope? osha rules limit that to 2 people at a time unless you install hand straps I've kicked mine many a time, but only hurt my toe and about to try setting up a consultancy business aimed speciffically at small businesses lol, it was work related ... but it wsn't me doing the bashing, it was the computer zwiskle (~zwiskle@194-183-130-080.TELE.NET) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid -> drochaid[awayoot] FunkyTrix (~Fun@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: "later.." ajmitch__ (~me@p3-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: ajmitch__!~me@p3-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz)) Nick change: ajmitch__ -> ajmitch FunkyTrix (Fun@ left irc: Connection timed out hrm, I found a bug in designer also, how the heck do I edit the properties int he inspector? wxwindows bug make sure there is not a scrollbar on the window yea, it is a wxwindows bug then you can edit them weird ahh, wxwindows, lovely thing that the other wxwindows bug is that if my gtktheme has dark background the feilds are still white so I can't see the text minor thing really, just fiound it a little odd not sure that's a wxwindows bug Nick change: drochaid[awayoot] -> drochaid okay. it seems a little odd that it uses the theme's font color but not its feild color i honestly dont know whoa crashed it heehe what platform? how new cvs? the 29th snapshot windows no, gnu/linux oooo several bugs have been fixed this AM want the traceback? sure I should upodate from the cvs then?> I dunno that's up to you sorry about the spam :) ooo that's a bug I hadn't noticed just committed a fix heh, we jhave a wholly separate bug too my friend just made a new form and resized it, and then added a sized label and got an assertion failure after clicking it to edit well, all that changed this AM svat okay I'll try checking outthe latest hrm, how do I do that? I'm not up on cvs cvs login first, right? KalleAnka (kalle@ joined #gnuenterprise. good evening howdy feasgar math does the current cvs of gnuenav work? seems to having problems? yea Can't import name Actions psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. lo yo yet another irc client as tinyirc is all I dare trust on this old 486 bbl As I've understood there is a company that sponsors the development of GNUe lol not hardly :) psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. no? we are a volunteer project some companies allow us to work on parts of it on their time but no one has had a full time coder on it in a while ah ok... but noone is working full time? ok... it is a pity a few people are consultants is the context menu delete entry supposed to segfault designer? yip that's a feature wow! thats useful :) quick exit yes good if your working on top secret forms when ninjas arrive Delete Entry is redneck for "boss is here... hide your work" heh lol its all so clear to me now dude interesting your comment reminded me of the 2001 series of books I'm pretty sure there is a line spoken by bowman (the starchild) in 2010 just like " its all so clear to me now " My god.....it's full of segfaults er, star, i meant stars :) you should make the splash screen for designer that have a picture of the monolith 'oh my god, its full of segfaults' ala gimp's funny beta splashscreens well anyway the delete context menu is very consistant consistency is good right¿? after the initial suprise its not suprising anymore :) somethings going to happen, something wonderful Action: drochaid very quickly scurries off and registers 'oh my god, its full of segfaults' along with the piccy all these platforms are your, except OS X, attempt no executions there hahaha jbailey (we-refuse-@fencepost.gnu.org) joined #gnuenterprise. is there any consistency/integrity checks built into GNUe, or is that all part of the application? Hey'all. Has anyone developped an app for Bayonne yet to make it act like a reasonable VxMail system? I'm thinking, if I were to build a inventory system myself, i'd do some perl-scripting on top of a database. would it be easier to build such a system with GNUe, thinking about stupid users punching in all kinds of strange data into it.... it is a fuzzy question, I know... =) forms will filter a bit out when input masks are completed it will do better job of it geas IIRC would have consistancy checks great =) but I don't know the status of that that's typical one of the technical strengths of a business-system... Anyone can build a simple database driven app but long-term it'd be very hairy if the app is not well written... the other thing would be that forms is a consistant interface to data designer will let you build the forms easily and very quickly and reports when further along will let you output reports in a varity of formats and everything will eventually apply to some sort of business logic, I assume that is the plan ToyMan (stuq@c5300-2-ip59.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" If I sell one chocolade bar, the inventory module would be triggered and decrement the number of bars in stock... can I buy the chocolate bar from you please? can I have a free reseller sample? Sorry, but my desktop is not available right now. please hold or leave your name and phone no and I'll call you back. mmm, that's a better option lol (haven't built the good damn system yet =)) lol i may be biased but if you reviewed what gnue offers today i think you'd find parts of it worth using now vs writing own from scratch That's what I'm hoping for and that's why I'm interested in GNUe =) barring the odd bug [which these guys fix quickly if your nice to them :)], I would agree with jamest psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. for priorty fixes jcater can be bought off with doughnuts and I've only been looking at it since Friday ... first real life form completed to a basic level yesterday jamest: does he accept DCC? ;) (901) 682-8200 Action: nickr makes a phone call to Krispy Kreme that's Gibson's Donuts my favorite local donut shop ;) hi all KalleAnka - is your nick Swedish for "Donald Duck"? ;-)_ psu: yepp =) jbailey (we-refuse-@fencepost.gnu.org) left irc: "leaving" That explains why google kept sending me to www.disney.se lol jcater when I was trying to look you up ;-) hehe... I don't think you'd find much of me on web =) Nick change: drochaid -> drochaid[PIZZA sorry doods >:) jan (jan@dial-213-168-95-139.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. derek's not looking - you might get away with it ;-) heh Hi. hi jan Hi psu. You' ve seen madlockes? nope madlocke is fairly intermittent as he's a poor plebian dial-up user these days like myself ;-( Me. Too, but I ve still some 20 hours internet access left for this month, .... I will use it... :-) ouch my 56k modem sucks but at least it's unlimited I'm free (unmetered) from 6 pm to 8 am and weekends ISDN is great, .... It Still Does Nothing? I Still Don't Need I've been on the waitlist for a cable modem for a year oh... but given that my cable operator looks like going bust I guess I can't complain It is quite common for landslords here in Sweden to build their own networks within their buildings. then have a company pull a E1 and charge for Internet access... he gotta go... bedtime soon I think =) cya! KalleAnka (kalle@ left irc: I need a favo(u)r Zack is off on a business trip for 3 weeks may be able to check his e-mails, but I wouldn;t count on it I probably won't be able to get the GNUe KCs uploaded on a timely basis ok Could we find a temp home for a few weeks on the gnuenterprise site? i would think we could put them on our sire if you like Actually, someone could just put them in goats.gnue.org/~username as it'll only be people from our mailing list who see them The linuxtoday mirrors and so on will only work off the "official" KC site psu you don't have a gnue account? Nope not really a project staffer, so ah probably don't need/want one ok if you don't want then one of us can store them actually, I do have an account on PHPNuke website for next few weeks I guess I could just use that to post the HTML directly rather than just a pointer as I have been doing Is there an official/practical max size for a news item? don't think so KCs can easily be 30-40k of HTML zwiskle (zwiskle@194-183-130-080.TELE.NET) left irc: Remote closed the connection night all reinhard (rm@ left irc: "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" psu: oh well, we can just put up on the site ok news item will probably say something like KC GNUe #14 will eventually be available here but in the meantime is mirrored here ok Actually, it's not a true mirror as I will hand-edit HTML rather than use Zack's scripts as I'd need to install loadsa stuff chillywilly (~danielb@d96.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. cw! psu! wassup my peeps ;P just waiting for a K()()L 3LIT3 D()()D to turn up ;-) psu: I I'm back ;) select dude_name from dudes where dude_status = 'K()()L' ; hehe had to hack some Oracle SQL at work today for an ex-collegue dude I'm sorry with no Oracle system, manual, docs or whatever a bit like jcater's adventures with the odbc-db2 driver ;-) well we have masta that can test that one though right? mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jcater: is there anywhere the grpc and db driver apis are described in more detail? I read RPC-abstraction.txt last night it was pretty "high level" Action: jcater plugs his mind into the USB port hmm not working UML diagrams would be nice in fact I would make some if I could understand things ;) Action: chillywilly is dense btw, does the loopback interface in grpc work? grpc is temporarily on hold do to pressing needs elsewhere oh so none of it is functional? (yet) do you have a decided upon design/api? An application makes a call to GComm.bind() with a list of requested interfaces and the location of its of its what? driver? (plugin) jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318689.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. hi jeff Heya Action: chillywilly pokes jcater to see if he's still alive Action: jcater is in and out of a meeting oh when would be a better time to pick your brain? ;P you must still be at work ? I'll be free the end of March Free-speech, or Free-beer? FunkyTrix (~Fun@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: gee, that'll help a lot....not well, ya know playing with you guys isn't a paying job ;) mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey: free-bird ;) that was a good song free donuts? jcater: If I bug you too much, you'll flip me the bird? but it'd be free jcater: I'll send you a box of glazed KKs if you talk to me in beer and libre he's pre-pay chillywilly send the KK then you'll talk That sounds creepy. "We'll send the KKK. Then you'll talk." well jamest I'll just have to bug you now ooooo i know nothgin about grpc KK == Krispy Kremes dagnabit eeek chillywilly: it's temporarily on the backburner I'll revisit soon(tm) As long as they don't become the Krispy Kreames Kollectiv, then everything's fine. =) fine I'll just have to play with it some then :P I would worry but the thought of chilly actually coding makes me laugh Action: jcater dodges flying trout I have been coding for a while, just not on GNUe bbiab psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318689.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" I'll admit I am not a python expert, but I have read this nice book neilt sent me and some of the code makes sense to me jcater: just for that I am going to commit something *real* tonight that'll teach you ;P chillywilly: before you do /msg jamest is it hard to revoke cvs write? please let me know what you're doing ;) as I've got changes all over the place /msg jcater didn't we already revoke it? man what did I do to deserve this? just giving you crap chillywilly derek's not here today really? and we have to pick on somebody derek is my buddy yeah derek's away and on that note, I'm away nite all Action: chillywilly reads the 'TODO' nite Nick change: drochaid[PIZZA -> drochaid[zZz] heh world peace I'll get right on it! whirled peas mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: drochaid[zZz] wonders why he's still here :/ we're additive addictive even heh Action: drochaid[zZz] chooses the first option :) php_gfc_pre_alpha_demo page up and running.... rock look at: still no data functions etc. just switching between pages. CU. jan (jan@dial-213-168-95-139.netcologne.de) left irc: "KVIrc 2.1.2-pre2 'Monolith'" wow how did he do that/ Action: chillywilly loaded helloworld.gfd and then voila it was drawn on the web page jan (jan@dial-213-168-95-139.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. jan that rocks! i passed it one of my killer forms and it rendered the first page fairly well it might be really cool hmmmm I saw that kill form. you saw it? I worked 30 min. on the file upload. Because i oversaw an 1000byte limit. phpforms? No. Selfmade. you didn't pasre the forms file with php? parse just do the upload? Its php. The parser is expat. chillywilly: i was a bit tired. So it took longer. jan: are you going to attempt to reimplement forms in PHP or just the UI part? I thought of a complete reimplementation wow that's cool but she's a moving target hope that doesn't drive you crazy So we need good documentation. we may be able to work something into existing code so that you could hook into it jan: just out of curiosity, what's the motivation for completely redoing forms in php? btw, that looks great its. faster to it in one language. btw, where our kde/qt ui plugin at fellas ;P Action: chillywilly noticed the KDE window decoration on the login dialog ps file is the techref available in any other format anywhere? forms techref should be in text in the last release the tarball perhaps? in the releases, its in txt ok I the techref up to date? fairly but not perfect we try to verify it before every release however it needs some cleanup Whats about some Test GFD files. in forms/samples lots of them all of them _should_ work currently and user_guide.txt file too? i thought so are there 0.1.1 tar balls? I haven't tried it in the last two weeks, but there were some trigger errors etc. in the files.... I reworking the trigger system as we IRC Action: chillywilly gets off his ass and looks yea so it's definately in a state of flux I know you want to factor it out into common right? that's what I'm doing k the tar balls are in http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/forms/GNUe-Forms-0.1.1.tar.gz etc. ...must ...go ...home jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" where's a good wxpython reference jamest...I have this app that I want to write www.wxpython.org is all i have and it doesn't classify as good ok, maybe, but not good however it seems they are redoing it so it may be getting better will you lot shut up? I've been trying to go to bed for 45mins now .... and you're forcing me to stay by talking about cool stuff :'( lol go to sleep. go to sleep. close those big bloodshot eyes. http://www.wxpython.org/tutorial.php AAARRGHH doesn't pygtk run on windows too? dunno just curious Action: chillywilly reads his python ref manual again Good Night. nite jan (jan@dial-213-168-95-139.netcologne.de) left irc: "KVIrc 2.1.2-pre2 'Monolith'" now why can't I do that? cause you are a #gnue addict you know, if someone would just kickban me for a few hours .. it'd make it SOOOO much easier :) jamest? he needs a kickban so he can go to sleep ;P heh I'd do it, but I do not have ops I am not that special :( (or they just do not trust me....) jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. ;P hey jcater wb tha mi air mo sharachadh :( thx feasgar math jcater tha sin nas fhearr :) *pop* uh, yea what he said dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. FunkyTrix (Fun@ left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly_ (~danielb@d54.as27.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. my girlfriend wants to know why the hell you weren't at LWCE chillywilly (danielb@d96.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) does anyone care if I break .fields. in forms triggers? so that login.fields.user becomes login.user login is a block user is an entry works for me ok now to get to the author allowed internals of an entry (or other object) I currently have "it's alive!" login.user.gobjProperties.x or login.gobjProperties.x where x is specifically allowed inside the trigger in the GFEntry object hmm does anyone have a better name for gobjProperties um, anything ;) i started with widgetProperties but a datasource isn't a widget so this is for, like, nextValue()? no err, I mean nextRecord() no to do that you create a function link in GFBlock so that login.nextRecord() would give you that function you have three things you can get at object s so you can nest as deep as you like form.page.block.field etc,etc each GObj can define a _triggerGet and _triggerSet which are used when ever a trigger tries to read or set a object thus login.user = "Foo" doesn't destroy the internal object tree it keeps user pointing to the trigger accessor object and adjusts user's objects values based upon the functions set in gfenter I got that but, for blocks or datasources, how would you do a next record? would that be its own block.nextRecord() GObj's also have a _triggerNamespace dict that allows you to define convience functions that are visible to the trigger or would that be block.gobjProperties.nextRecord() block.nextRecord() ok the block.gobjProperties.foo is for grabbing internals of the GObj behind the scenes ah how about block.enterAtOwnRisk.foo j/k um so if we decide to implement a state = enabled or disabled er better example block.entry.gobjProperties.enable = True block.entry.gobjProperties.enable = False vs block.entry.setEnabled(True) block.entry.setEnabled(False) though with this system you can define both why not simply .Properties ? i was worried about field namespace collisions or block say I'm a landlord and my top block is called Properties of course the trigger system is case sensitive and IIRC objects are always lowercased that that may still lead to confusion well, we could take the traditional python security model and do block.__properties__.foo zope does that as does medusa and boa i like that i like it i like it alot huh huh huh you ok with that? that also shows that its not something you'd use everyday yeah ajmitch (me@p3-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly hi what happened to the download pages? ;-) too hard to maintain Action: chillywilly goes back to reading the python essential reference jamest: was thinking that could be it I had an idea... a recommended reading list for GNUe The Art of War? ;-) two categories I can think of.. Technical and Standards just installed v1.1 well bbl jcater: no sense in reading that jcater: I can tell you thr outcome of our war we win! ;) death to prop. software!!! anyone awake here? Action: chillywilly swings his trout wildly define "awake" Action: jcater is tired umm, just watching the channel is it possible to modify a python object on the fly and add memethods and attributes to it without hacking the script that defines the object? s/memethods/methods yes like adding entires in __dict__ yes is that evil? no not in python land :) :) I am liking this already Action: chillywilly thinks that would be nice for a python-based geas hmm I've heard that before ...from somewhere???? j/k sssssh be vewy vewy quiet there's a lot of beauty in Python that's not realized until you're using it alot yea Action: jcater will avoid stepping up on the soapbox cool thing is that everything is an object literally no bs chillywilly: it's way beyond that almost everything is in a __dict__ well it is like Java without the sucky parts a wole environment of goodies you can construct almost everything on the fly if you're familiar w/smalltalk, python is a "message" based object system not a "reference" based (like java, et al) I am familiar with c++, some java no smalltalk though yall might find this interesting http://ftp.arl.mil/~mike/ping.html posted to our LUG list SachaS (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (~me@p42-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. tod (~tod@dialup-mo-47.stjames.fidnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi! hi ello ajmitch__ (~me@p22-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p42-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: ajmitch__!~me@p22-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz)) Nick change: ajmitch__ -> ajmitch Action: derek is back (gone 21:26:50) long break you know us govt employees Action: derek is away: lunch ;) Action: derek is back (gone 00:00:03) j/k alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. that was a quick lunch looks like some of mine where you think expression 'quick bite to eat' came from Action: chillywilly is getting hungry again man, tomorrow is going to suck l8r jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201069.flinthills.com) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d54.as27.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: "night" jcater (jason@ left irc: "night" JeffWaddell (~jeff@sdn-ar-002mospriP223.dialsprint.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi Jeff hello which sense of the word enterprise is this channel employing? business so enterprise size computing like huge IBM mainframes, or just any business use of gnu? any size --- Thu Jan 31 2002