[00:04] Last message repeated 1 time(s). andrizas (~andrizas@ joined #gnuenterprise. andrizas (andrizas@ left irc: "User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby" reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. tod (tod@dialup-mo-21.stjames.fidnet.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) tod (~tod@dialup-mo-95-213.stjames.fidnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p59-max3.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ajmitch (~me@p9-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid[zZz] -> drochaid[pain] ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" FunkyTrix (~Fun@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: "The more often you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets" tod (tod@dialup-mo-95-213.stjames.fidnet.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) tod (~tod@dialup-mo-25.stjames.fidnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" FunkyTrix (Fun@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jamest mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) drochaid[pain]: don't be so hard on yourself drochaid[pain]: you do find lots of bugs, but that doesn't make you a pain lol ;P I don't find bugs, I find ... iregularities in the run-time environment :) lol you had any time to fine any more iregularities? fine = find nope, pain management came into play I'm hoping to get something done in a couple oh hours tho cool tod (tod@dialup-mo-25.stjames.fidnet.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) andrizas (~andrizas@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi hi jamest, I need some help ok what's up? i have gforms-win32-binary install jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318843.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. i have mysql driver for python when i install it, this thing is looking for python installation I don't have python how to make this thing work for gnue you shouldn't have to install the mysql driver seperately the win32 install should have it included before I had python 2.1 and forms 1.0 on the same machine. Forms was working only when copied mysqldb directory from python2.1 to gnue/forms connections.conf file was ok. ouch hmmmm i can't test forms win32 install so maybe it's messed up :( :( ok . I have another problem which forms version? I can test mysql as well as postgres 1.0 ah you'll want to move to at least 0.1.1 or better yet the win32 build from the 29th (if your connection will allow for it) Action: jamest hates to recommend new downloads for people that have to pay by the minute I'm not sure 100% but not forms designer build from 29th .. go with forms designer 0.1.1 as it works sorry jamest ;) Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Vooch (d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) joined #gnuenterprise. I think the same bug is in 1.1 I'll try 1.1 anyway sorry I'm so choppy at work and on phone another problem is I can't start designer on python 2.2 ooo it says "missing Gnue conf fileDB000 nothing has been tested on python 2.2 I see the win32 bins are completely self contained you shouldn't need anything else installed you don't need python, db driver, etc, etc jamest: I run 0.1.1 and the 29th win32 build on python2.2 with no more probs than you currently know of i installed from src andrizas: ah drochaid[pain]: the 29th snapshot of forms is broken? forms designer but I've mentioned that a few times now the inability to read .gfd files? Brew (~a@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid[pain]: ok i call that designer not forms sorry about the confusion the 29th snapshot of designer is broken, the 29th forms binaries should work sorry, so far I've used forms client and forms desinger to distinguish 0.1.1 forms binary has faulty login logic for the pypgsql driver andrizas: so everything you've done is from source? yeap ok 1.1 cool just to confirm for future use .. you use, common, forms, designer, navigator and geas ? is that the right terminology to let you know what I mean? I see confusion drochaid[pain]: yip, or just say "hey james, don't be stupid" andrizas: ok now I run only common. forms, designer NO GEAS alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. in your c:\python2?\ dir you should have an etc dir lol jamest sorry gyus, I must move see you later. andrizas: i can help you later sorry i'm so choppy ok jamest: speaking of coldfusion, i set up a coldfusion room here today. coldfusion room? Action: jamest wonders if Vooch found the secret to cheap, clean power yeah jamest, type /join #coldfusion Action: drochaid[pain] runs five chans on another network Action: drochaid[pain] grins evily jamest, on the cheap, clean power - nope derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hey derek hey dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: derek is away: work ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-1-ip138.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Brew2 (~a@DIALUP-155-224.TNNAS2.USIT.NET) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. feasgar math jcater morning Brew (a@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dres__ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. hey guys Action: ToyMan was at LinuxExpo yesterday saw the gnuenterprise booth but no people :( bayonne is talked about in the slashdot review of the show i think they were asking for volunteers to help with the booth. yeah, it was sad to see an empty booth just a couple of computers set up but not with gnue running on them dneighbo (~dneighbo@tech-200078.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan: yes we were bumbed that we were not able to make as well hopefully FSF made good use of the extra booth space in some way shape or form jamest: you are in correct in saying nothing is tested on 2.2 i run python 2.2 on my redhat 6.2 box at home and up to 0.1.1 seems to run fine on it boing! not tested on python2.2 on windows though but i did test on 2.1 and 2.0 hi dneighbo for 0.1.1 i can test the mysql portion if you like as well for 0.1.1 as i have a mysql db here though i cant do so until end of day if someone is having issues they can always grab the ODBC driver for their db of choice as odbc has been tested pretty extensively by me here :) of course the wizards wont work, but it could 'tide' them over until later btw: did you tag cvs before you started gutting triggers? in case we have issues with drivers we can release a 0.1.2 What version of python do I need? mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. vooch 2.1 is probably most 'tested' but 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2 should work dneighbo: thanks if you get 2.2 you will have to 'compile' some of the dependencies because they dont have binaries that work with 2.2 i did 2.2 and all dependencies from source and it works i suck, so i'll go with 2.0 or 2.1...hehe I'm trying to install GNUe for the first time. Right now I'm trying to install GNUe-Designer-0.1.0 and I did "./setup.py install" and it says "Warning: modules installed to '/usr/local/gnue/lib/python/' which is not in Python's module search path (sys.path) -- you'll have to change the search path yourself". Does anyone know what this means? jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318843.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" daminal (~david@2.specoinc.enterconnect.net) joined #gnuenterprise. 'mornin Is there something I should know about missing/corrupt png images? Platform is windows. Does anyone know where I should go after I do the "make install" in the geas-0.0.6 folder? (ie. how do I run the program)? Vooch: on the error for designer ignore it (iirc) daminal: i have same issue, designer i assume designer will work, BUT the object navigator wont iirc i think it might be a wx thing what versio nof wxWindows you running there? or did you go from install? Vooch: geas is not usable in production, i would only install if you plan on developing on it at htis point or want to play with it after you make geas you have to edit some conf files and then you can start ./geas-server (iirc) dneighbo - I don't think it's wxWindows, I just checked out a fresh cvs. The images in the html directory ore ok, and display in iexplorer. The images in common don't if you got them out of cvs, they may not have been checked in as binary mdean what verson of forms are you running? dneighbo: I'm not currently - it has been a while er i meant daminal :) btw mdean snow day? yup 3 days now relatives in olathe, say they have been BOMARDED ja power is out @ work daminal: i have cvs from 3 days ago on windows I actually worked from home on wednesday and i have image errors but the files seem ok its just my version of wx doesnt like .ico files much and thats what object navigator uses dneighbo: I've tried this with two different cvs checkouts, and with the 0.1.1 zips Also, I managed to get some png's working by using images from older releases. Python complains about corrupted line endings. hmmmm you said you were on windows right jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) if so i would download the 0.1.1 release (.exe's) as it has all dependencies and is tested i can walk you through cvs of windows later today but have to tend some pressing issues here now :( Ok - need a pointer to the download location. All I could find were snapshots. dneighbo: were those checked into CVS with -kb ? if they aren't, windows will have problems with them because of eol conversion ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip138.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" mdean: I think you are right. The checkins from Jan 21 are the problem. I downloaded through cvsweb to avoid line ending probs, and they work. Earlier checkins seem to be OK. cool alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" zoyd (zoyd@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi there I've downloaded the GNUe-Common/Forms/Designer/geas what are snapshots ? reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. daminal (david@2.specoinc.enterconnect.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) daminal (~david@2.specoinc.enterconnect.net) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-1-ip138.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Vooch (d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) zoyd: snapshots are nightly cvs checkouts tarred up for those that cant get cvs normal way i would avoid them unless you are a developer that means i have downloaded the correct things. Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) joined #gnuenterprise. yip you on windows? or linux/bsd/solaris (*nix) i would grab 0.1.1 release of common/designer/forms if you havent on windows it would be only forms/designer windows everything is contained no additional download necessary if *nix you will need to procure the dependencies python 2.x, wxPython, PyXML, your db adapter of choice, etc etc etc Brew2 (a@DIALUP-155-224.TNNAS2.USIT.NET) left irc: Brew (~a@DIALUP-155-224.TNNAS2.USIT.NET) joined #gnuenterprise. KalleAnka (~kalle@ joined #gnuenterprise. Good evening OK... Who is repsonsible for the KT issue this week? =) dneighbo: yes i did grab that. and i'm on slack8. Brew (a@DIALUP-155-224.TNNAS2.USIT.NET) left irc: has anyone made an application using the GNUe tools ? Brew (~a@DIALUP-155-224.TNNAS2.USIT.NET) joined #gnuenterprise. yip several people in fact a few companies use gnue applications in production for vital business operations KalleAnka: psu always is why? denighbo: I'm quoted ... =) brb KalleAnka (kalle@ left irc: brb zoyd (zoyd@ left #gnuenterprise. OK Folks... I ran ./geas-server and now it says, "The GNU Enterprise Application Server is ready". Now, what do I do? jump about with great joy? :) lol Actually, I'm trying to run the program for the first time, but I don't know what I should be looking for. I'm afraid I haven't used GEAS yet :/ one of the other blokeys should wake up soon tho Action: reinhard lifts his head from the keyboard lol what? someone called me? *yawn* Vooch: GEAS is currently not usable for production it's pure development code ok... Is there anything I can look at? yes did you install it or did you run from source directory? i think i installed it it's in /usr/local/bin ok if you uninstall and then run from source dir you can try samples/python/addrbook.py it is a python script that shows how geas could be used from a client do I have to uninstall it? or, can i just go to the source dir and run it from there? however this script depends on geas being run from the source directory and if you have geas installed it will possibly find some files twice and not know which ones to use you can try w/o uninstall ok [14:05] Last message repeated 1 time(s). and if it doesn't work try uninstall rienhard: I went to /var/www/html/gnue/geas-0.0.6/src and ran ./geas-server and it says it's ready. How do I run the samples/python/addrbook.py? do i simply bring it up in a web browser? hey reinhard you run geas from a web browser? drochaid[pain]: hi um reinhard: no. i ran it from command line. addrbook.py is an executable file just run it ok...will do! thanks ok addrbook.py is _not_ what GNUe will look like just to make sure i don't scare you away :) it's more of a simple script that we developers use to test whether everything still works after we make a change :) can i run it from telnet? or should i be on that computer? telnet is no problem ok thanks KalleAnka (~kalle@ joined #gnuenterprise. ok..it says i need a CORBA module, so I've gotta get that installed now. ORBit-Python i guess is part of CORBA. I'll get that. it should tell you the url where to get it anyway alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" it does lambs (~lambs@ joined #gnuenterprise. I installed orbit-python-0.3.0-1-rh7.i386.rpm and orbit-python-devel-0.3.0-1-rh7.i386.rpm and now it's still saying that it need some CORBA bindings (same error message) when i query the status of installed programs, it says, "orbit-python-0.3.0-1" and "orbit-python-devel-0.3.0-1" When i run, "./addrbook.py", it says "Failed to load CORBA module. Please see (sourceforge url) for the required python CORBA bindings. reinhard: have any ideas on this one? Nick change: lambs -> slamb I think I've found a bug in GNU Designer 0.1.1 on win32. Looks like no one's around to hear it. I'll post to the mailing list instead. :) slamb (lambs@ left irc: "Leaving" Vooch: hmmm i still have that other geas-server installed in /usr/bin/local maybe i really do need to uninstall that wouldn't think ok keep in mind that i don't know my head from my a$$ with this stuff...LOL what version did you download? version of what? i've already downloaded about 25 rpms. sorry version of geas 0.0.6 can you please look at the file addrbook.py ok and search for the string "load_idl" and tell me if the line looks like CORBA.load_idl(... or CORBA._load_idl(... the latter would be needed for 0.3.0 of orbit-python CORBA._load_idl("../../idl/geas.idl") ok that's correct damn! ok :) ;) All these different flavors of Linux must give developers a huge headache. I've been working with RH Linux for about 6 months now. can you please try the following: python import CORBA ImportError: No module named CORBA ok python doesn't find orbit-python i might have 2 different versions of python installed oh I'll do a rpm -qa | grep python and let you know what it says yes 14 items: pythonlib-1.28-1 phython-devel-1.5.2-30 python-docs-1.5.2-30 python2-devel-2.2-2 python-1.5.2-30 rpm-python-4.0.2-8 openssl-python-0.9.6-3 orbit-python-0.3.0-1 python-tools-1.5.2-30 python2-tools-2.2-2 python-xmlrpc-1.4-1 python2-docs-2.2-2 orbit-python-devel-0.3.0-1 python2-2.2-2 reinhard: that's it. ouch yes you have python installed twice version 1.5 and version 2.2 Do you know how I can uninstall version 1.5? rpm -e python-1.5 is it simply rpm -e (ver1.5 name etc) yes ok you will probably have to uninstall in right order ok. i can uninstall all but python-1.5.2-30 can i force an uninstall? and then reinstall python2-2.2-2 Maybe I should list these out again so you can see what I have installed right now: pythonlib-1.28-1 python2-devel-2.2-2 python-1.5.2-30 rpm-python-4.0.2-8 openssl-python-0.9.6-3 orbit-python-0.3.0-1 python2-tools-2.2-2 python-xmlrpc-1.4-1 python2-docs-2.2-2 orbit-python-devel-0.3.0-1 python2-2.2-2 that's it now. reinhard: is the python-1.5.2-30 the only old program now? not sure ajmitch__ (~me@p60-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. why can't you uninstall python-1.5.2 ? because it says python is needed for a bunch of stuff python is need by 4Suite-0.10.1-1 python >= 1.5.2 is needed by pygtk-0.6.6-7 ajmitch (me@p9-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: ajmitch__!~me@p60-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz)) ok you'd better not mess around with that ok ahhh i've got an idea ok? i typed python2 Nick change: ajmitch__ -> ajmitch and that got me into a 2.2 version of it damn you had the idea just 10 seconds before me :) mmm, python lol hi Vooch, reinhard ok, so it's import ....? import corba when you enter "import CORBA" in python2? ok i'll try it ack! ImportError. No module named CORBA ok please try python import sys print sys.version -- and then you will see what version of python is loaded when you type just "python" >>> print sys.version 2.1.2 (#1, Jan 31 2002, 10:21:59) [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81)] --- ok maybe it's a corba problem. what about : python1.5 import CORBA --- ? >>> import CORBA >>> when i do the --- I get a syntax error lol sorry that was only to tell you that i am finished :) but the import CORBA did seem to work lol cool so "python" starts python2 by default but orbit-python installs where only python1.5 finds it actually "python1.5 addrbook.py" should work than then ok i'll try that bb in 30 min Nick change: reinhard -> rm-afk k I ran python1.5 addrbook.py and got: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../../src/geas-server.ior' i went into the src directory and didn't see a file called "geas-server.ior". Bother. I went back to the 0.1.1 zips, and now I can't log in to postgresql. afk bbl Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) left #gnuenterprise. Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Anyone had trouble with the pypgsql driver? I think we need to stop focus on problems... =) By the way, can I be the offical HR manager for the GNUe project? Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) left #gnuenterprise. Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@d125.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. =) rock on! Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) left #gnuenterprise. my ODMG book came in the mail today cool Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) joined #gnuenterprise. "The Object Data Standard: OMDG 3.0" Nick change: rm-afk -> reinhard back sup dude hey chilly time for some hacking? ;) no :( well I got some reading to do first ;) cool #leave whoops :-) chillywilly: what are your GEAS plans now? daminal (~david@2.specoinc.enterconnect.net) left #gnuenterprise. dunno yet I have some material to digest first k but this ODMG book should help things a bit Vooch: if you read this Vooch: the "ior not found" problem can probably be solved with uninstalling geas ok thanks oh you are here aye! reinhard: How do I uninstall geas-0.0.6? It's not in RPM format, so I haven't a clue. you compiled it? make uinstall er ok thanks make uninstall thanks chillywilly np thanks chillywilly for jumping in Action: reinhard is a bit sleepy today 11pm eh? er, pm ack! I did the make uninstall, but: it's only 4pm here IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../../src/geas-server.ior' Vooch: geas-server is running? you need to hack your config <--- El Stupido! lol specify where the ior is however the default config should place the ior in the right place hmmm i think Vooch has found the mistake ;) error: Connection to database 'gnue' failed: FATAL 1: user "hacker" does not exist ok Before it was looking for user 'gnue' I set up a 'gnue' user in PostgreSQL NOW you have to hack your config :) again that's int he config file ;) src/geas.conf ok near the bottom "user=hacker" or something close to tha that chillywilly: yes 11 pm username gnue like that ok thanks! chillywilly: but what bites me most is yes? i had 200% work over the last weeks euro conversion it was like i was on adrenaline all the time eeek euro conversion is better than crack ;) AWESOME! and now i'm on cold turkey so to speak ty ty ty! you had to hack your software to support the euro? all the sleep i missed in the last weeks falls back on me now chillywilly: sure quite a lot heh well to be precise must've been a pain not to support the euro per se thanks reinhard and chillywilly ! but to support the _conversion_ to euro no problem Vooch reinhard: I see for example if you support a company with over 70.000 items they wouldn't be happy to enter the new prices manually indeed that would suck plus this all needs to be installed and the conversion has to be run yay! question is and lots of customers don't dare to do anything that is out of the normal did you make some nice cash/ ? ;) well i can make a living from it :) Select a country from the following list: Got any idea how I can select a country? I'm trying to add someone to the address book. should be a list there and you type int he number Or, do I add that in Postgresql with the menu item "S" = Setup no list appears ok you can setup the available countries maybe there is a scrupt you have to run ah yea you have to do setup first Vooch: please don't laugh at the silly colums of the countries table it was to test all available data formats :) hehe number of cabinetmakers within country....number of carjackings per year... lol lol ok got it to work congrats now you could try to do things like connect addrbook.py over the network to a geas-server running on another machine etc j/k in fact it _should_ work but not sure if somebody ever tried it hrrrrm actually this is why we use corba you need to get at the ior though IIRC i tried it with 0.0.4 or something like that yeah i ftp'd the ior before trying :) did it work? ok it did work IIRC but not sure which is lame imho it's more than a year yes it's lame we need corba name space thingy we need something like a name server yes orbit2 might have it and it id getting pretty stable and usable Gnome 2 is going to use it I think orbit2 may also be thread safe or getting close reinhard: Actually, I have this installed on our web dev server and I'm telnetting into it from my computer. I would mich rather be able to use the current rpc abstraction mechanism that jcater is writing but it's in python dunno how easy it is to call python code from C then again this is the whole damn point of corba ;P er, one of the "features" Vooch: that's easy Vooch: but geas-server and addrbook.py run on the same machine they should be able to run on different machines why do we call the binary geas-server? as long as addrbook.py has access to the ior file that is generated by geas-server what's the point? it should just be geas server is already in the name well actually the "s" in geas already means "server" it's like you say exactly gnue-enterprise or jamest thompson we need a nice init script /etc/init.d/geas start ;) chillywilly: we even need a nice working code before :D yes, of course or do e let distros worry about making init scripts? whatever, guess an init script is not important anyway i would guess init scripts are a distro thing we need maintainers for the different distros a redhat rpm maintainer (we have a debian maintainer) a windows maintainer we have a debian maintainer hehe guys yesterday i was nearly starting to cry i was on local lug meeting they presented their new homepage done with postnuke (looked quite familiar to me :) ) and they told us members could upload files to the download section via scp the apache init script is very generic and just uses apachctl program/script and then he said heh brb KalleAnka (kalle@ left irc: Action: reinhard feels his voice start trembling and then he said "you can use WinScp, it's a good and comfortable program" argh evil! AHHH! why would they say that in a lug? that's retarded our LUG demos are usually done on a slackware box :) most ppl seem to use debian :) that's cool most of our lug members are regular win users oh use windows for all serious things and have a linux box somewhere to play with when they are bored Action: dsmith admits to using windows for taxes i would bet that 50% of our lug members don't know what "ls" means we're getting a few more win users, but most seem to be only gnu/linux (a couple of gnu/hurd users) But that's IT! virtually NOONE has understood the concept of FREE SOFTWARE the concept of freedom does ls mean 'list'? bah, my mom bought turbo tax and offered to do my taxes but I refused as I will not use non-free software Vooch: exactly reinhard: that seems to be lacking a bit in our LUG too I'd rather just suffer for now as opposed to the fact that gnu/linux is more stable, more secure etc. anyone here with nashville lug? only meeting i missed was based around demoing vmware & compupic nope http://www.mlug.net that's our LUG i know noone else here is with dunlug :) i would use a free alternative even if it was LESS stable than the ms program nlug.org s/would/do actually :) (see gnome) reinhard: me too, but if there's no alternative at all I;ll just have to do it the old fashioned way http://dunedin.lug.net.nz/ chillywilly: sure http://cleveland.lug.net I have principles ;) yeah dsmith: u live in cleveland, OH? and I am damn stubborn about them i have principles, too but i also have needs Vooch: Yeah, well Hinckley yes, you do :) dsmith: Know where Hudson, OH is? reinhard: well you do what you can Hinckley sounds like it's on I-71 it will not kill me to do tele-file for my taxes Vooch: Oh yes. I did some work for Flexalloy in streetsborogh. Passed through there all the time. and I don't sell out Vooch: Both on 303 dsmith: that's cool. my parents live up in hudson ToyMan (stuq@c5300-1-ip138.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" i live in Tennessee Vooch: I was looking at houses in Hudson. Taxes are high. http://cleveland.lug.net/installfest2002/026.jpg dsmith: yep - because of the schools jcater lives in memphis iir c Picture of me. that's cool you're the old man? <-- the Old man http://goats.gnue.org/~chillywilly/photos/, yes I know they are friggin huge you can tell they were sitting in my wallet they're all beat up hmm.. can't find my photo's location lol that's the problem when you write so much stuff stuff as in what? software? i write alot of websites and i forgot where my photo is lol :P i have to go to bed i've got a photo online, but i'm not gonna share it :) night all reinhard (rm@ left irc: "'Hardware' defines as the parts of a computer system that can be kicked" http://www.chatroom501.com/rockit.jpg there we go hehe I love reinhard's quit messages hehe that link above is in front of a booth i had at a fair. and http://www.chatroom501.com is one of my websites. Have a good night folks! Vooch (~d@adsl-63-164-94.bna.bellsouth.net) left #gnuenterprise. Brew (~a@DIALUP-155-224.TNNAS2.USIT.NET) left #gnuenterprise. Kan (~kalle@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Kan -> KalleAnka KalleAnka (kalle@ left irc: jamest: if you are around another perosn complained about postgres bug we really should rerelease anyone know if jcater will be returning? dunno chillywilly: poor scotty he looks like you ;) Nick change: drochaid[pain] -> drochaid[zZz] since we are exchanging fotos haha here is me on my 1 year birthday (according to the cnadles) http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/photos/deke_photo.jpg Action: dsmith is away: Going Home! poor scotty? boy aren't we nice today Action: chillywilly thwaps dneighbo with a trout dneighbo: I've seen that picture befor before even dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) yeah nutin noo um i meant poor scotty he looks like yoo == the poor lad will be spending his life fighting off hordes of beautiful buxom babes dying to unravel his shorts because of his dapper look thus breaking the concentration of his studies yeah thats it dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. heh suuuuure well yo unever know i didnt say why poor him you simply 'assumed' well excuse me :P man this sucks yeah vaccum's tend to do that my bank does not let you sign up for online banking by submitting a form you have to print it out and mail it and then wait 7-10 days that's LAME jamest_ (~jamest@fh-dialup-201069.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. I think I will email support and complain which derek is real? um this one btw: anyhone have thoughts on miguel claiming gnome will be based on .net Action: dneighbo fears its time to move to KDE now there's already gtk# ?????? As long as they dont take gtk away.. as long ss the C apis and stuff are there, I don't care if they make C# bindings it wasgiven that this was going to happen I mean they are a Gnome company a/ss/as http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/23919.html that's really no big surprise gnome was first to be based upon something i forgot, then upon bonobo, now net hmmmm jamest it will still be corba and bonobo im sorry but this line tells me billy is shoving his prick up miggies ass He also had praise for the new Microsoft security model, dismissed the notion that Redmond was employing embrace and extend to its web services protocols, and put the message that the community should get over its beef with The Beast. jamest_: guile scheme dneighbo: well that's going a bit too far and miggie is liking it wonder what flavor 2003 gnome will be available in or more likely he is getting paid to like it oooooo I wouldn't shed a tear if ximian failed as a compan i.e. read that ximian's stake holders company are microsoft invenstors a .net/bonobo and whats good for microsoft is good for their wallet .fusion well that just conforms what we have known for too long confirms .net-bon(e) they are in bed with M$ jamest_ rofl hey menus in forms i need custom menus soon (before the 15th of this month :( ) has anyone looked at the XForms standard? I am just curious long ago it's not any good? it didn't (at that time) fit forms target and IIRC was pretty complex man, freakin' miguel is smoking great crack "But .NET has another security system on top. It's designed to have same sort of security as Java. Instead of the application being the unit of security - you trust the whole app or you don't trust any of it - each portion of the program can be running on a separate trust domain. "So you can have Gnumeric running and you import a file from 1-2-3. Gnumeric asks the network or service do you have a plug-in for 123 - but the problem is you cannot trust this code, right? So you give it limited permissions. You're not going to let them write to the file, just read, populate the spreadsheet. If they try anything else the plug-in is killed, it throws an exception. It's a sandbox? wish he would come around so I could tell him to his face this is scary basically its a good thing 'security wise' to lock WHOLE APPLICATIONS OUT? sounds like predatory behavior to me just an FYI well change his sample what gnome does doesn't bother me much you are running word and you get a file from star office and the plugin dont let you do shit cept convert it to word or die :) jamest_ im just curious because redhat has a lot of money tied into gnome as does now sun well, star office is too well known for macro viri to be trusted by word how do they FEEL about this :) i.e. sun was going to (is) shipping gnome on all its desktops (iirc) they're proud, card carrrying members of the .net-bon(e) project jamest_: i need menus too :) anyway i hit jcater up on it as navigator is neat and all on menus but it wont work for production stuff imho i think the basis is right what do people need its a matter of reading that file into a gfd as a menu not a separate thing that hangs off the side btw - I'm talking menus on the top of the form app not embeded in the app er not embeded in the form im not saying there is NO value to the side what i would like to see that's a far more complicated issue is gpd file loaded into existing menu so you have file data help or whatever currently and that the gpd file at load time loads jamest: how the3 fuck do you know what sun, readhat, etc, feels about ximian's .NET bs initiative? after that so you woudl have file data help accounting humanresources or whatever chillywilly: I was joking....would you like to be a member of a club proclaiming to be "boned" and then loads a 'blank' or 'default' gfd in fact i think the whole reason for the umteen flame wars with reaqdhat folk and ximian folk on gnome-hackers was because of these differences jamest_ is that making any sense? i think so you want a .gpd to sit inside a data sub menu on forms menus yeah forms menus = forms file menu then we can argue is is better to a. only have one form in the framework open at a time b. allow multiple to be open c. allow multiples but contain them like an MDI app all within the 'container' i think a or c make most sense and a is probably easies to do right away and would perform more like traditional app and make easiest for 'curses' or other limited UI's again have no idea if im making sense yes neilt (~neilt@user-2ivekk6.dialup.mindspring.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. gawd Mono has already slayed one of the holy cows of the Gnome project - the insistence that all code be released under the GPL. The decision to change to an MIT X11 license for some libraries passed off without too much protest this week, and Miguel said it was to avoid fragmentation, as it allowed the project to use Intel's optimizing run time:- neilt (neilt@user-2ivekk6.dialup.mindspring.com) left irc: bbl dneighbo (dneighbo@tech-200078.flinthills.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. 'sup all? hi jason + everyone hmm for the record, I disagree w/derek's analysis of navigator menus I think b has as much value as a or b in his example to me, option "a" (and in general having GPDs loaded as submenus) are a "gee-whiz" feature that is only practical for small subsystems not entire production systems I'd prefer to see "Submenu items" that are attached to "triggers" and leave navigator as a separate tool Oracle does it this way SAP does it this way Action: jcater guesses Delphi does not ;) hey howdy what I was wanting to do in menu system GMenu I was out sick today :( :( GMenu's make a tree they have thinks things like Text, HotKey, Trigger so that all menu items fire triggers and that these triggers have default names so that a form could overwrite the std trigger with a custom onw one hope you feel better jason I do also on menu item placement Action: jcater got lots of rest today I see where you're going, and I like that :) I _think_ we'd need to be able to find menu entries somehow so that my tags can somehow place themselves like this find File.Save and put me after it Action: jamest_ has not thought about this much also GMenu would be based upon GObj and thus the entire default system menu and form customizations would be exposed to the trigger system so that we could do menu.file.save.disable = Ture True even overview might look like this menu - top level menu object file data foo bar item1 item2 anyway my initial thoughts are to put this in common so that eventually any gnue app could define it's menus this way Action: jamest_ worries that everyone is laughing too hard at the design to type on their keyboards btw - this should allow for derek's custom gpd loader Action: dsmith is busy watching funny home videos. nah doing my taxes dude I'm using TaxSlayer this year and I swear they used a form generation program a lot (in concept) like GNUe Forms TaxSlayer? .com jcater: What platform is TaxSlayer ? pc only :( :P and you know "pc" == Win32 Action: dsmith is away: Picking up my daughter at school I used turbotax for the web last 2 years but they are getting expensive used SecureTax.com before that but they were bought out by TurboTax :( (they were good) Action: jamest_ is too mainstream Action: jamest_ always buys TurboTax I think thats what I usually end up using also.. Action: dsmith is back (gone 00:05:12) jamest_: did you see the pic of SAP Easy Access screenshot someone posted? no that's what I'd like to have ;) lemme see if I can find my bookmark i wonder should the menu system be entirely seprate from the toolbar system I'm pretty sure that I don't want a toolbar entry that isn't on the menu http://help.sap.com/saphelp_46c/helpdata/en/49/2dfe88088b11d396a9006094b9867b/content.htm so I think the toolbar system should just contain links to menu entries but what I wonder is if menu items should have a toolbarPosition and toolbarIcon attribute that if filled add to the toolbar Action: jamest_ has little thought in this hmm are you talking custom stuff? or built-in toolbar/menu stufF? or both? all toolbar entries must be on the menu, they can't exist without a menu pick I definitely agree w/that statement as imho a mouse is "always" optional equipment :) good if you allow toolbar options w/o a corresponding menu option, it's easy to "forget" that aspect yip what I guess I'm asking is should we include the toolbar def as part of the menu def or have a completely seperate GToolBar that sits seperate but acts to only "fire" the menu picks imho, the former (that would also allow us to provide "custom" toolbars in that the end user can add to/remove tools from the toolbar "These actions (from the menu system) are the default toolbar, but you can add other "Actions") btw, I'm saying that would provide the framework for that; not that we should do it :) um i'm confused the former was the one tied directly into the menu def ah, well pay no attention to me, then um help Action: jamest_ is confused which did you want? or better yet that one tied direct? are you talking about "defining" menus? Action: jcater thinks maybe jcater is confused or menu.file.save menu.file.goatrape ah, I was confused... I'd think the latter btw - that was on the fly so the struct sucks ok except goatrape should go under "View" not "File" rofl chillywilly_ (~danielb@d120.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (danielb@d120.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly (danielb@d125.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) lambert (~lambert@dialup- joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p60-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ajmitch (~me@p34-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. lambert (lambert@dialup- left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: "later.." i think i get misunderstood at times btw: jcater delphi doesnt do menus that was a joke ;) not in this context as delphi is a different type of tool than forms the sap thing is ok, if the current navigator was cleaned up to that kind of polish it might be pretty cool in fact if we made navigator a tree instead of the clicks that it currently is well, it functions the same way... I said early on it was ugly ;) it might substitute for menus for the short term i still think we will need ability to load gpd's as menus directly into the 'framework' but i see value in a 'pretty' navigator as well :) its not so much navigator is ugly is that its not super easy to use i.e. navigator is hard to navigate for complex menus :) well, this is a difference in perspective, obviously ;) Action: jcater comes fomr a curses world but this is why we support many options w/all the tools :) i.e. unless you know exactly where things are under the current navigator they are hard to find so we can make everyone happy yes the current navigator is perfect for curses world almost untouched :) as it performs like classical navigation system in curses i think menus will be important though (as many people like them) i got 'gagged' by them at omega as they had more menu options than you could shake a stick at :) that's my fear as at ncs, we have hundreds of forms (just ask jamest some time how many we have ;) how would jamest know i dont get gmenu it appears to be what gpd's already are err, we're discussing internals now GMenu would be a python object (memphis!oracle)$ ls -l *.inp|wc -l 1319 (memphis!oracle)$ ls -l *.rep|wc -l ok so is merely an 'internal' DOM object 1641 1319 forms and 1641 reports please don't ask why ;) not a physical file containing why? also did you all see conversation here that images are done incorrectly in cvs? i.e. they got checked in as other than binary oops hmm how do we fix that and cvs chewed them up so they are bad on windows boxen Action: jcater didn't know cvs made the distinction Action: jcater is still learning cvs grab the good copy and check in jcater: a good admin sets image types to AUTO do binary so the user doesnt have to i.e. you can set on the server certain extensions to ALWAYS do binary check in so things like .png, .jpg etc we should have set like dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/www/images$ man cvs |grep binary binary files), and -kv which is useful for an CVSROOT if your cvs binary has the right path com­ dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/www/images$ time to saunter off for a bit..... SachaS (~sacha@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest_ (jamest@fh-dialup-201069.flinthills.com) left irc: "[x]chat" jcater (jason@ left irc: "nite" --- Sat Feb 2 2002