[01:40] Last message repeated 1 time(s). alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. dtm (dtm@ip225.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) joined #gnuenterprise. haddo reinhard (~rm@N809P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@N809P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: Client Quit reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Nick change: drochaid[zZz] -> drochaid tod (tod@dialup-mo-31.stjames.fidnet.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) tod (~tod@dialup-mo-95-227.stjames.fidnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: "If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. tod (~tod@dialup-mo-95-227.stjames.fidnet.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re nickr (nick@e-172-IP28.empnet.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" nickr (~nick@e-172-IP28.empnet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@d73.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d73.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: "church" tttt (~tobias@B9309.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. tttt (~tobias@B9309.pppool.de) left #gnuenterprise. slamb: you get things working? Action: derek thinks you are one of the ones w/ the postgres problem on win32 bye bye derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "um my gnue tree is bigger than your gnue tree" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest_ (~jamest@fh-dialup-201069.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jamest_ hey derek: yeah, it logs in fine now with the 29 Jan 2002 snapshot :) oops, he logged off slamb we can't blame the pypgsql driver as derek stated it was my bug in our pypgsql interface ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. ahh *nod* well, in any case that does work as for not being able to edit properties there is a bug that if you have a scrollbar on the property editor then you can't edit anything ahh, okay i was under the impression this was a wxwin bug but I noticed on Fri that the wxpython demo doesn't suffer from this i hope to look at it in the very near future ooh, yeah. I expanded it and can edit now yip too bad the designer snapshot is screwed up it allows you to drag and drop fields from the table view onto the form nice drag'n'drop? cool yip we've went to drag and drop for everything in cvs designer well almost everything widget placement was a big one though how are those win32 builds made, anyway? um you do a complete install of all dependencies on windows add pypgsql, mysql, and pywin then run it thru msmillian installer version 4.x ms=mc then use inno to package it up we've got a doc in forms/doc/installer and designer/doc/installer cool i may try and make snapshots today if jason fixed the designer windows issues :D I'm going to be flat out getting ready to launch for the next month .. an early snapshot would be good ;) alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid: what are you launching? my new business cool part time or full time full time IIRC you were injured on last job ? aye and combination of it job market in Scotland being depressed, and I've wanted my own business for 10 years ... I think it's time to do it instead of dreaming ;) you can't go back to old job? nope they waited until I was just about to return, the dismissed me *then i think that's against the law here here as well that's why I've got two legal actions against them ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. Hmm. Current Linux CVS, made new form, querying doesn't show anything. It adds new stuff fine, though. hmmmmmm lemme test latest cvs is working fine for me what db driver are you using? pypgsql 2.0 hmm. maybe I should turn on query logging on the server. same db driver however I think i've seen what youre talking about tell me if you hit f8 then f er if you hit f8 then f9 does the record counter on the form update to show how many records it should be displaying hmm. there it worked. I see entries in the form. yeah, the menu entries just don't do anything. but the accelerator keys do alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ok ouch you are right sigh It kinda makes sense that no one else would notice, though. You never use those once you know your way around the program. doh!! I've only used f8/9 and the icons ... never the menus well the keyboard input routine are being worked on i imagine that the event system changed and the menu/toolbar entries didn't ok, i'm uploading a new snapshot of designer that "works for me" on win32 I'm on 56K modem and the ETA reported by scp is ~ 11 minutes i need to run for a while I'll try and fix the forms menus later today cool. :) Action: drochaid waits with baited breath Action: drochaid looses conciousness slamb (slamb@c1905024-a.iowact1.ia.home.com) left irc: "Leaving" ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hi hey psu hu drochaid how your advebtures with forms? ack, my typing is going to pot heh going okish so far there may be a new build up for designer by now Action: drochaid goes off to check i believe the daily cvs builds are done at midnight CST time = 06:00 am GMT not cvs, win32 build there is .. but I can't access the pre-release files :( jamest_: if you're around .. is there a way for me to get the latest designer build? they're probably all off prepping for their superbowl parties ;-) hmm, a joyous event I don't need to put up with here ;) i used to actually follow AmFoot when it first started on CHannel 4 they used to have all the "weird" sports AmFoot, Aussie Rules Football, even Sumo ;-) lol channel 4 ... hmm ... well at least they do time time :) no football for me Action: jamest_ gets ill thinking about what those people make to toss a ball around wb dood lol we smoked him out ;-) not for long my son is calling me but I fixed the downloads page ta soory about that really wierd chmod o+rx filename wouldn't work i had to do that to group be back after a while 3.9meg? excellent should take about 20 secs :) cya jamest_ drochaid - you can really go off people, you know I've had my name down for a cable modem for 18 months lol Action: drochaid hides the first day I got the cable modem, I downloaded 3 isos that would normally take me nearly 2 weeks :D humph Action: ajmitch hits drochaid with his modem lol CABLE modem how you doing ajmitch? i'm doing just fine here with my 33.6k modem :P yeah, us dial-up weenies have to stick together 33.6k??? :o I've only been on cable for about 3 weeks now ... I feel your pain ;) sure you do... Action: drochaid works hard to hide his grin if you don;t watch it, we'll cast a curse to make GNUe keep crashing on you if you really upset us, we'll go back in time & make it retrospective hmm, would explain a lot... ;-) lol huh, that'd be a neat trick and useful if for example you were doing a job and the person didn't pay you everything he owed you never need an "UNDO" button again... ajmitch__ (~me@p54-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (me@p13-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: ajmitch__!~me@p54-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz)) bbl psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "TinyIRC 1.1" Nick change: ajmitch__ -> ajmitch wb ajmitch :P drochaid: did it work for you? gah .. got side tracked just checking now well .... the postgres login now works properly [as with forms] ... it loaded the .gfd ... but "Whaddaya mean 'Baa! B-Baa! ! Baa!'?....'Sheep ya dern fool!'" .... uhm? that's always been there yeah some crazy person put that in Action: jamest_ hides Action: drochaid wonders about the excess caffeine levels in GNUe people ;) I hadn't noticed it before ... the bugs must have taken too much of my attention Action: drochaid hides schema navigator? that's new ... I like it :D the 'Show tables/views' selector doesn't function tho you have to connect to a datasource first under the file menu *ahem* I have :P I have the schema up .. that's how I know the 'Show tables/views' isn't working ? it shows everything regardless ah no, that selector doesn't work dang drag and drop from the fields isn't working now psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. :o wb psu back cvs forms menu/toolbar queries work again neilt (~neilt@ joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) neilt (neilt@ left irc: rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@d106.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) anyone home? hey dtm you live :) anyway this looks cool: http://www.omg.org/technology/cwm/ wow, that certainly is buzzmword compliant no one is interested in teco :( http://www.eaijournal.com/Article.asp?ArticleID=208 teco? your creation? No one thing I hate about OMG is they use such buzz words that I really have no idea wtf they are really talking about half the time....it's like what is this standrda really about yea http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/jargon/html/entry/TECO.html esr? Action: chillywilly backs away ;) j/k Nick change: drochaid -> drochaid[zZz] I think basically that CWMI stuff is a set if standards that say how business can share and intergrate data, like EDI stuff EDI ==Enterprise Data Integration definitely worth looking at drochaid[zZz] (user34@pc1-kirk2-0-cust128.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" where's da masta anyway? he's always talking about "warehousing" ajmitch (me@p54-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) http://www.omg.org/news/releases/pr2000/cwm/whitepaper.htm All I know is I took the data warehousing test on Brainbench (back when it was free) and cthey used words that I'd never heard before and it was all very buzzwordy and dumb like that well I see OLAP and multidimensional database in there so I know this is the stuff that derek was harping about ;) I think it is a way for data modelers and object modelers to work together ajmitch (~me@p54-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. sup old man :P I have to give you shit now it's in my job description as resident #gnu lurker er, #gnue Ahh, foey. Are you a true geek, or are you watching "the game"? I have been going back and forth but am not that interested since the Packers aren't in it My boys are watching the commercials, and the first down line. Action: chillywilly is a WI boy I have been reading this too: http://www.omg.org/news/releases/pr2000/cwm/whitepaper.htm Action: dsmith is vaguely aware that there is a "sports event" happening today. plz, there's nothing wrong with being a football fan, hell if I had any athletic ability I would be playing in the NFL ;) sports event? you mean like battle bots? hehe lol Actually, I'm waiting to be picked up. Going to Michigan till Thursday. that's a good one nickr why? football? isn't that the game with all the uys in short shorts and the black and white checked ball? I watched that once, brazil vs guatemala I think jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. heh hey jcater see here's a real geek only sport he's good at is donut eating :P :) not true I'm improving my trout-swinging arm :D Actually, I was pretty good at foosball when I was in highschool. when was that during the jurassic period? trout swinging, now theres a real man's sport Got first place is the championship. I was too... people loved to toss me around 'course, after years of donuts plus all the finger excercises I get w/the keyboard, I'm bigger than they are I can take them all down now ;) We played with stone balls and bone men. and the captain of the team was frederick flinstone? :) Lets's see. that was wayyy back in 1977. Action: chillywilly is actually trying to update his resume and apply for a few jobs damn I was born in 1977 lol Hey, is anyone from the gnue team in the detroit area? what a topic not me uh, nope Action: chillywilly doesn't even like going to Chicago I was born in -77 too Children everywhere. jamest_ is pretty old too ;P well actualy neilt is the old man iirc Action: chillywilly is away: dinner G'night folks. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: "later.." whirred greetifications, all chillywilly: chill0r chillywilly: hey i was born in 1977. the year of the Star Wars and pretty close to the Apple // i was on May 19, which was the release of Episode II what was your date? domo arigato mr. roboto nickr: si si Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:38:52) haha rmas are losing er, rams CHILLYWILLY. Action: chillywilly recalls the first star wars trilogoy to be episodes IV, V, and VI that is correct sir the just did I er, episode I II was on may 19, 1999 er not II! it was I! my bad Action: jcater is away: store episode I was on may19, 1999 Action: chillywilly just watched thr star wars trilogy this weekend with his son ;P i was working at VA and i invited SuSE and Linus to a viewing party, with no response chillywilly: hey i just watched it this weekend with my mom!!!!! hehe special editio? er, edition yeah oh vhs! yep me too well we got IV, V. haven't watch VI lately wow we're fixin to though that's freaky yeah! we have no tv signal so we have to watch videos if anything well it's good to see you again dude I thought you may have sropped off the face of the earth er, dropped yeah good to see you and the team here no i started another company and joined an entrepreneurial training course so i'm mad wicked bizzy except this time it's going somehwere really FCC is on the back burner yeah i have one client, with product to be completed and delivered and paid for this week cool i'll get into detail later when i send you the url when the site is done! ;0 :) ok about exactly what the bidness is why you all up in my bidness? ;P har Action: chillywilly made a stupid little song about that one day it's my "bidness" song gotta do something to make work fun heh yeah well let's hear it bah, it's not worth repeating btw i want all your urls regarding the building of church management web sites has anyone specialized in that you showed me some bible research stuff http://www.geeks4christ.com oh yeah this is da masta's l;kjfskld main project is a using GNUe tools to write chruch management software iirc i want to make a hierarchy of portals, at least one level deep. like http://church.org/singleparents, http://church.org/youngadults, etc i'm assuming that a major common flow of any of those sites, would be the posting of news articles and the ensuing discussions. like slashcode or phpnuke does. I think g4c uses phpnuke and with a menu on the sides or slashcode I don't remember but i've never managed a church site bfore i have a meeting tomorrrow with the webmaster who has merely static content being uploaded to one site maintainer, on behalf of a several-thousand-member congregation and he's going "uh oh" plus this is the official launch of any sort of change for the first time in years kewl I should talk to the church ppl about our web site as it is lame I don't think we even have our own domain name yep whoa what? mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection ajmitch (me@p54-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: No route to host ajmitch (~me@p24-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. damn I ned to make gnu-dev an actual mailbox in mutt I have all this new email in there that I did not see beofre heh er, gnue-dev s/ned/need I should switch to mh-e my mh client is cheesy. heh dman this mail is from christmas damn gah! I hate editing so many damned files and this is why holy shit more gnue email that I missed I should've figured this out thwy the lists were so quiet fuck damn, damn, damn all because I didn't have mailbox entires in my muttrc for the new gnue lists how gay chillywilly_ (~danielb@d170.as2.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d106.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_!~danielb@d170.as2.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net)) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly no one answered that guy about a paying GNUe consulting gig? er, did anyone fil_c (~username@public1-cosh1-6-cust141.cosh.broadband.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jcater is back (gone 01:32:26) phil_c (~username@public1-cosh1-6-cust141.cosh.broadband.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp317777.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. hi jeff Heya Daniel. haha, patriots won what happened to the greatest show on turf? Patriots? Like afghanistan? like the New England Patriots of the NFL they just won the superbowl Superbowl is American Football? yes Cool. Did you bet? npoex er, nope I don't gamble I got this cool new book though "The Object Data Standard: ODMG 3.0" http://www.odmg.org time to start reading ;) ok i return now to check the scrollback to see if anyone here has solved all of my problems for me. no such luck eh? *NO* they most certainly have not. damn and i can't see why not wait! chillywilly: so how's it going? how's da fam? Action: dtm freezes I have a solution? oh? WWJD ;) HEH JESUS WOULD MAKE WEBMASTERS OF MEN. er? I thought it was "fishers" ;) he sayeth so unto me, "Do you edit your html with 'vi'? Cannot the cgi produce far more output faithfully, than by you directing each line of code yourself? Who was there when http was invented? Was not I?!?! I tell you! I shall show you the content management system, and you shall make webmasters of men." he then denies my request for an entry in /etc/sudoers adding, "give a hoot. dont reboot" etc lol hahhaha that was pretty weird there, huh buddy mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey mike don't so that s/so/do dont do what he'll drop dead of pure shock hey d00d! who will? jesus already closed out my workorder anyway no mdean will fewl just like I did he probably thought you fell off the face of the earth anyway, time to dig into my ODMG book mdean: hey i was axing chillywilly about the doc mgmt question i sent you and he said "WWJD?" so i said this: he sayeth so unto me, "Do you edit your html with 'vi'? Cannot the cgi produce far more output faithfully, than by you directing each line of code yourself? Who was there when http was invented? Was not I?!?! I tell you! I shall show you the content management system, and you shall make webmasters of men." he then denies my request for an entry in /etc/sudoers and he closed my WO you didn't say anything about a doc mgmt thing dtm chillywilly: yeah i did in the beginning hmmm that was the problem i was demanding that everyone else solve for me oh wait you looking for doc or content mgmt? sorry it was about a church content management which i mentioned to you, chillywilly. you're righ t well nickr is supposed to be writing something i axed mdean about doc mgmt Action: chillywilly prods nickr witha cattle poker yes - nickr is writing the holy grail of doc mgmt you needsta step off and stop xing me foo er, axing lskjdkf is nickr da bomb or something? nickr is like the freak object molester er, freaky Action: chillywilly thwaps nickr with a trout innocently s/innocently/playfully I guess he's away or something he likes those objects, does he? ah well Action: chillywilly thwaps jcater with a tuna what does he think about protrusions or dongles hey i have some tuna here this is a fresh tuna no canned crap I mean heck I don't use canned trout so why would I use canned tuna? I want to "wake" ppl up not knock them out furthermore i am microwaving this morning's leftover pancakes. that's good to know I think.... that's knowledge which you can take, and run with I am attempting to read my odmg book, but I haven't even opened it yet be yourself. be free. go. do. chillywilly: it's all about the baby steps heheh baby step #1: dont tell us about it on irc. just read the thing. ;) hahah lol Action: chillywilly trout-slaps dtm you shall be smitten by the power of the trout take that! Action: chillywilly is going to name the next GNUe module he writes 'trout' thus spoke zarathusa anyway... anyone ever read that? it's by neitzsche nope. i dont read! zeitasche? you heathen! ;) umm, no neitzsche yeah that too! i dont know how that 'z' got there. pancake status: consumed he was a German philospher gentlemen, pancakes away. we have confirmation of pancake deployment whatever feed your face then yeah i've read some of his quotes seems to be a real pessimist, eh? no he's an existentialist yeah ;) get it right ;) where such values are meaningless eh? ;) yeah but it sounds lke he has a negative bias existentialism is definitely interesting in fact I sorta like it si si Camus is one of my favorites i have read Descartes a bit long ago in PHIL101 or whatever but I don' chillywilly: so what's your job situation dood? t take it as the end all doin ok with that? working at SimplexGrinnell same shit er, stuff yeah i like how Descartes first proved his own existance and then proved the existance of God ;) allegedly hehe that was handy of him I guess Kierkegaard is a Christian Existentialist he's bery interesting to read er, very wasn't descartes a mathemetician too? ok, read ODMG book dunno pretty sure he was coz like i didn't really study in school feh i got C's on my PHIL homework because it was good work but completely offtopics i was just bursting with love to give i read those papers now and describe them as frenetic well it is nmot love until you give it away HEHHEHE seriously yeah, true it's about sacrifice ;), that's what life is all about being a living sacrifice christ-like even' we studied the sermon on the mount today so I am in that sorta mood "blessed are those who morn..." "blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" good stuff skeeter (~skeeter@cs666916-91.satx.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. quick squash that skeeter ;P heheheh j/k no you weren't... what is satx.rr.com? texas? san antonio, texas - Road Runner ah good old AOL time warner.. blech they are about as good as M$ they're better than M$ - M$ never sent me free floppies in the mail hehe or put them in your grocery store aisle, let's not forget that s/grocery// luckily Road Runner has a few more partners than just AOL Time Warner.. M$ for one.. only about 5%... Action: chillywilly saw them at walmart and target oh great... I think I'll sign up right now! it's so easy! hehehe no wonder it's #1! mdean: yeah.... so you get those wonderful disks in the mail... ppl are so clueless they are just amazed that they can have AOL broadband woee hello, it's the same company I'm just amazed I still have a choice to NOT have them.. hey nickr maybe I should actially produce some docustore code nickr: hey - dtm was asking about your holy grail doc mgmt stuffs When I finish ratmaze and poplar I'll work on docustore nickr: yes, maybe you should ;) feh GNUe is life all other projects are insignnificant you will obey your masta s/your/the ;P Action: chillywilly really needs ops in this channel or someone needs to turn the topic lock off heh Heh http://goats.gnue.org/~chillywilly/masta.txt darn ratmaze is sort of like docustore actually what happened to it more like 'projectstore' guess I'll have to find it 404 doh! where is my masta song?!? boy it sucks when you loose your masta song holy cow i just realized hov I can save a lot of time with diplicated work heheh that's the best thing to do find things that overlap ;) i'll rewrite the docustore spec to use ratmaze's metadata structure and then use ratmaze as a prototype muah ah ah nickr: what do you mean by "projectstore"? only id you name a module 'trout' s/id/if we need something with that name hehe mdean: well, you see I keep all my projects and data and such in a directory tree like proj/blah/blah mdean: ratmaze basically adds metadata to this structure as separately stored xml files also enables journal entries and thumbnails and such I think mdean was just curious if it was project management software as that's his domain ah well - it sounds useful nonetheless nickr: so we can use it ina GNUe ide? its basically so that I can have 'homepages' for my projects and have them all browsable maintaining the same directory structure as the projects and allowing other info to be associated with them nickr: cool - I wonder if it could be implemented within DCL to some extent ok, this time I am really going to read my book well it follows my project structure ethic the metadata will be managed like the proj/ and data/ dirs with rsync but that is customizable, right? so locally I have the cananical copy, and remotely I have 'mirrors' of it so I work on my cananical copy and rsync it to my web-accessable place the metadata will be managed the same way as files rather than in a true dbms right it'd be much more streamlined if it were in a dbms files in db can drag down the server but its cooler this way for my way of doing things I really should get spam assassin working well i mean the metadata is in xml files rather than database tables dcl can attach files to projects, but it doesn't allow you to place a structure for storage into the project which allows me to make all sorts of local tools to manipulate the metadata and keep it 'up to date' on my publication site anyone see those urls I posted to the gnu=dev@gnu.org? er, gnue-dev so, I already have a "root" dir for each project mdean: if you want we can coordianet xml or table specs nickr: sure - if you have some docs/specs, just send them to me What ratmaze will do is chase down all the constituant parts of an index and then transform them with an xslt nice well I have a working draft of the DTD for the end-result-xml what are you implementing this in? psp? and the constituants will be just sub parts of that nickr: hi python, it'll be a cgi script actually it already is a cgi script ;) ah and using DOM to manipulate the page as I assemble it then using 4Front to transform it dtm: Hi haven't tried 4front - only Sablotron I just went with what had a debian package :) hehe Sablotron looks simpler, but 4front lets you do basically the same thing with very little extra work apt-get install I-am-damn-lazy exacto. isn't part of 4front in the official Pyton distribution anyway? python, even apt-get install I-am-a-sysadmin apt-get install rpm apt-get install real-sysadmins-use-debian hahah mdean: :) mdean: maybe so :) plz chillywilly:: yea. nickr: so you're doing document mgmt, eh? apt-get install rpm-is-for-weenies rpm -ivh real-sysadmins-use-vi nickr: are you primarily with the gnue team or phpgroupware or dcl or what? :) Action: dtm uses vi he's with us we claim him as aour code slave dtm: I'm mostly a lone wolf rpm -Uvh real-sysadmins-code-all-docs-in-html-with-vi we're all one big happy family - only slightly dysfunctional because of chillywilly ;-) dtm: the gnue people pretty much ignore me nickr: oh so your'e also an alternate species, eh? because of me?!? _only_ because of chillywilly? heh :) well i think we can find or create a better reason than that! or an additional reason jamest comes to mind nickr: so what tools currently exist which you may be modeling after he's pretty dysfunctional and jcater is a donut addict he'll do just about anythign for a donut ok is it jcater or jamest who's in KS? it's jamest, right? jcater accepts them via DCC too and masta, welll....doesn't his little nick name say it all? jamest I'm in ks speak of the jamest captin jamest of the GNU Enterpise er, captain AHAHAHS;lwjeks THAT WAS FUNNY. dtm: I'm creating a system based on my experiences mostly, not on any document management system that currently exists. I should probably look at those. Action: mdean wonders if S;lwjeks was dtm's head hitting the keyboard... negative With this new idea to unify docustore and ratmaze I have a little to think about nickr: yeah you might do that :) nickr: i hear ya My main problem right now is that there hasn't been a lot of interest or encouragement. nickr: so do you have anythinjg functioning right now nickr: less think! more code! ;-) nickr: well i can help you fix that mdean: isn't that right? dtm: I have an oldish proposal, pre-ratmaze i can supply the encouragement and interest To bold write code that no one has written before er, boldly nickr: well, I'd like to have a look at what you're doing and see if I can implement something compatible within DCL chillywilly: yeah coz we _have_ to :) http://green.zorcat.com/~nick/proj/document-store/gnue/spec/DocumentStore/documentstorespec.html I think good lord! check out the size of that URL! h that all correct except for the hyphen in Document-Store is that the lazy man's 'heh'? h http://green.zorcat.com/~nick/proj/document-store/gnue/spec/Document-Store/documentstorespec.html I know it's the unix admins 'heh' h shorter the command the better hh right? chillywilly: you said it! h&&h&&h while true; do h ; done there we go. that sounds like fun. kinda like 'yes' y sheesh I would've thought you learned by now fyi: itunes rules mv dtm /dev/null nickr: do you have a dtd or schema for your xml data? nite or is it still being influenced by implementation? ;-) HEH jamest later jamest_: nite d00d jamest_ (jamest@fh-dialup-201069.flinthills.com) left irc: "[x]chat" bah he's suchs a hoser heheh ok, this time I will actually open my book there's no turning back now mdean: I have a preliminary dtd for ratmaze and some very ancient dtds for an old version of the docustore idea Action: dtm hacks +o and kickbans chillywilly, to help motivate him mdean: If I want to merge all of this into one metadata management system, then I'll have to come up with some new stuff ummm mdean: http://green.zorcat.com/~nick/proj/ratmaze/ratmaze.dtd why not use that ODMG standard for metadata management wtf is it called CWM CWMI nevermind...I am stupid htttp://green.zorcat.com/~nick/proj/document-store/grawk/prototype2/dtd/document-store-document.dtd although I woret that one when I knew nothing about how to write dnds dtds chillywilly: there are several metadata standards, none suit my personal needs as far as I've seen for example theres 'dublin core metadata1' which is an XML spec its yucky imho though well the standard I was talking about was for EAI stuff Enterprise Apllication Intergration Enterprise Application Integration uses XMI XML Metadata Interchange hrm. I dunno how good it is just stumbled on it today nickr: funny how you say "think of documents as molecules" and then use element names like atom and nucleus ;-) different kind of metadata mdean: note that the spec and proposal was written significantly later than the dtd the terminology is consistant in the spec I think. :) well I think my main point is that CWMI standard would be good for GNU Integrator whenever that gets written chillywilly: yea, thats true, this is referring to object metadata, while when I talk about metadata its basically 'document metadata' does well formed xml include using hyphens in element names? I thought there was some rule about that mdean: it doesn't trying to make sure I'm not going crazy yet :) as I've said several times, I wrote this when I was an idiot. I'm no longer an idiot, I think. :) lol - alrighty then :) nickr: yeah you dont sound like an idiot thanks for that you'll notice the ratmaze dtd is much nicer looking :) nickr: here's what i wnated for doc mgmt, ok? I want fully online document mgmt _and_ editing with revision control. I wanna have multiple people be able to edit a doc either inside their browser on the doc mgmt site, or locally in any given app, then submit it to the doc mgmt site, and have it cvs the thing. Then when you wanna view it you go to the web site, it'll have a default html view of course in the web page, but with links to dl any other format of the doc like how the LyX system outputs .ps, .text, .html, etc. As the Emperor says, "Can it be done?" yo dtm, nickr, mdean, chillywilly ajmitch: hi hi ajmitchie hey hey ajmitch! dtm: my system would basically be the backend infrastructure to support that dtm: well, ratmaze is basically sort of that, also. :) nickr: so one suggestion i got in #phpgroupware for right now, is to edit all docs locally, check em each into something like cvsweb, and use another app to possibly produce multiple output formats and browsing like a plain web filemanager like something that's already in phpgroupware hmmm so anyone know what the OMG core object model consists of? nickr: ok dtm: thats very, very similar to ratmaze :) nope at the moment, i don't know anything - brain has stopped functioning ;) nickr: which is? the second blurb about cvsweb? or the first one? the second blurb sort of I mean the blrowsing/filemanagement part nickr: oh and you haven't looked at phpgroupware yet then? No. oh well i encourage you to do so but you could make the structure of ratmaze use cvs instead of rsync so it'd be bidirectional. dtm: have you looked at http://sourceforge.net/projects/cvswebclient/ ? and you might look at phpgwapi if you haven't okay,. dtm: he's doing the Python thang the docustore platform is more of a database engine for document management than a direct document management system.. something like phpgroupware or dcl or gaes or whatever would call upon it for document storage needs. and yea, I'm prtty into python, although I envision docustore bing in C eventually. well I gfuess it doesn't matter what the componants are written in because it'll use gnurpc to communicate but perhaps I'm just smoking it. nickr: i respect architectural and implementational uniquenesses, but there is also a value in collaborating rather than reinventing the wheel as much mdean: does phpgw have python interfaces? dtm: he's inventing, not reinventing ok well then in that case it would still be keen if it worked within phpgw no python interface unless phpgw can't handle it not needed there is value in sharing specification, tho hey i could use some hostess fruit pies if not the implemented lang but i have only ramen , chicken flavored I would work with php groupware or emacs or whatever you want if you wrote a bridge for it since its rpc based The Library could act just like a filesystem so you could browse it that way nickr: what kind of rpc you building in there? corba? xml? mdean: It was suggested since it could be part of gnue to use gnurpc wihch abstractizes rpc mdean: so theoreticly it'd be whatever you want ok of course my original concept was based on CORBA and if you look at the spec, its all IDL IDL, UDL, we all DL! har har I'd rather have ice scream you can keep you DLs :P so anyway, now you'r all up to date on what I haven't been working on. ah right Action: ajmitch should scrollback & actually read it Now I'll go back to not working on it and working on something else entirely. :) feh what good are you? better than i da masta will hear of this! He will have your head! chillywilly: Heh, well I'm good at doing things that theres cohesive demand for anyway, heres a link for all you document people: http://dublincore.org/ Action: dtm cohesively demands the completion of nickr's project nickr: if you dont do it, i'm coming after you nickr: and you dont want that NOBODY wants that. !! I also cohesively demand for the docustore Action: dtm just demands cohesively demands? Heh just shutup and demand ajmitch I cohesively demand that I connect docustore to DCL ;P maybe I shoul've said demand and motivation! :) i incoherently demand that everyone pay ajmitch $1000 and participation anyway Action: chillywilly throws grinades at nickr will that get you going? whats a grinade? hehhe is that like a drink made fro grins? lol I dunno how 2 spel Action: nickr abuses chillywilly Action: chillywilly likes it I want more gross feh, you can't handle me big boy only my masta can satisfy my cravings alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. anyway.... everyone should send me a list of requirements and I'll work on a top-to-bottom spec and what kind of integration they are looking at nickr: i sent you mine! nickr: integrated with phpgw! :) huh heh yea I see your reqs geas integration plz hrm I want docustore to rock my world pluggable vc and vc for metadata also it must make coffeee vc? version control yea :) it also must whip da masta back when he gets too rough 'pluggable vc' is hard for me to grasp oh and of course it must "rock my socks" the docustore platform only enforces the concept of grouped documents with immutable subd-documents, actual versioning is a layer up I think nickr: you just have to abstract vc operations - ci, co, get, rm, annotate just do cvs but better ;P heh we want an extensible cvs might as well just use cvs no cvs sucks well, there's other vc sw out there that people may be using you can build for cvs specifically, but abstract the functionality you use then others can write plugins for other vc sw derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. gah! hrm I still have to adapt the ideas behind ratmaze into the over all design I'm not sure hov to do that yet we'll get there ;-) yo derek masta! look out now da masta is in da house sigh :P heh. sigh indeed, robin. DSL is _hugely_ expensive here unless i get 128kbit :( you're lucky you have the ability to pay for DSL at all ajmitch: your flat mates won't split the bill with you? eg $0.20NZ/MB if i went over the paltry 400MB that i'd pay $50NZ for (per month) chillywilly: sure, but we'll only get 128k why? just checked with the telco (telecom), and i can get about 6Mbit/sec to this flat what's $50NZ in $US ? if i downloaded at that speed i could run up to $8000NZ in one *day* $20US Isomer (dahoose@210-86-56-176.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. I download over 400mb a week on my 56k modem. chillywilly: see the 'jetstart' in Isomer's address? that's the 128kbit plan bandwidth charging is gay hey Isomer i'm just complaining about DSL prices ;) you should demand a flat fee per month ;) chillywilly: jetstart (128kbit) is flat fee unlimited bandwidth yea, but not very fast hmm telecom essentially has a nationwide monopoly Telecom is evil yes indeed bastards Jetstream is just a problem waiting to happen! blah. Isomer: just looked at the webpage, they say lower probable limit of 5.7MBit/sec for this flat Isomer: at that rate, i could get a very impressive bill :) yeah that's highway robbery man worse free wireless nickr: we're setting that up btw :) that's like hey I'll bend over and you can cram that brick up my ass no no, forget the lube, I can take it erk. chillywilly: imagine the bill when script kids flood you yikes yea, you guys need to get your free community wireless network going ;) with jetstart, telecom will not supply a static IP I wish more hax0rz would attack my site, I love watching the logs when that happens better than TV i'd need to get a static ip over a tunnel to my isp man they really do screw ppl someone do a stealth portscan and os fingerprinting of svetlost.net so I have something to look at yep chillywilly: the joys of being in the middle of the south pacific ;) yea, that's crap I imagine the backbones to there sorta suck nickr: nah so if you do get your own wireless network wouldn't you guys still need to connect to stinking telecom somehow or would you get a satellite link? share the cost of a T1 rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" nickr: they installed a fibre-optic link to the US in the last few years - went active last year iirc theres still lag, the speed of light isn't fast enough. Not as much lag as a sat link though. Nick change: mdean -> mdean-[idle] there's plenty of bandwidth, it's just that telecom is greedy, right? chillywilly: it cost a lot to lay a few thousand miles of fibre I want some raisin cake or something and telecom are greedy ;) I know it does, but NZ has a nice fat pipe to the US doesn't it? not that fat a few hundred GBit i think I need some minions. pick me! [23:19] Last message repeated 1 time(s). heh. derek: I choose you! You're not the high quality kind ouch you bitch I'll get you I need the kind that'll work tirelessly under my direction for months at a time with great pride and skill hard core minions you need code slaves No slaves don't think says who? dats not what da masta tells me uh huh BIOTECH IS GODZILLA. slaves have to think enough to code I'm thinking more along the lines of proteges nickr: you just need to talk to derek and get some mastaing lessons pick me! In my code dojo and they'll be like 'I know perl-fu' and I'll be like 'Show me!' hehe um, yea heh python-fu os far superior s/os/id Action: ajmitch bows down to the python-fu master chillywilly it's style is clear and concise the Way of the Python... that'd be jcater crouching coder, hidden python Action: ajmitch has been hacking python all day hehe you have learned well grasshopper Action: nickr is skilled in many styles Action: chillywilly also knows many -fu styles ;P jcater (jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: derek slaps skeeter with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps phil_c with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps nickr with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps Mr_You with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps mdean-[idle] with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps jbailey with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps jamest with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps Isomer with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps fil_c with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps derek with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps dtm with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps chillywilly with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps bigbrother with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps alexey with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps ajmitch with a smelly old crappie Action: derek slaps gnuebot with a smelly old crappie MASTA has perfected the crappie slap down to being able to slap a whole channel.... aint xchat great ;) oh dear nickr: btw slaves arent dumb sometimes you just have to slap the crappie out of dem ;) hehe derek: your slapfu skill is impressive kewl way to go masta Action: ajmitch bows down to derek the crappie masta umm calling all db gurus oooo oooo wtf is ACID wrt database stuffs Action: derek is a db guru acid makes your database 'trip' man I have seen this acronym before hehe this is in my ODMG book and they talk about ACID and transactions and mutli-threading Another Crappy Idiots Database heheh do you know masta? acid like totally dissolves the connection of your database to reality, man, farout gah http://www.odbmsfacts.com/articles/acid_properties.html Action: chillywilly breaks out the url-fu isnt it a 'test' of sorts for the 'robustness' of dbs? no Action: derek remembers hearing about it when dealing with different ACID properties are an important concept for databases. The acronym stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. The ACID properties apply to both ODBMSs and RDBMSs. transisolation levels with in Interbase I've heard about it too, now that I see the expansion of the acronym he ACID properties of a DBMS allow safe sharing of data. Without these ACID properties, everyday occurrences such using computer systems to buy products would be difficult and the potential for inaccuracy would be huge. Imagine more than one person trying to buy the same size and color of a sweater at the same time -- a regular occurrence. The ACID properties make it possible for the merchant to keep these sweater purchasing trans from overlapping each other -- saving the merchant from erroneous inventory and account balances. chillywilly: yeah thats what im saying :) it's about locking and crap like that in interbase there was thing about 'transisolation' there are different types ah, yea same thing access and most 'file system' dbs only do two types oracle and other bigger dbs do like 3 some 4 types interbase at the time was the only one that supported writable reread or something funky The amount of data that can be locked with the single instance or groups of instances defines the granularity of the lock. The types of granularity are illustrated here are: [bullet] Page locking [bullet] Cluster locking [bullet] Class or table locking [bullet] Object or instance locking yes btw this is MAJOR flaw in mysql TABLE level locking where most even filesystem dbs do 'page' level locking and highend dbs generally let you optionally move down to 'row' level locking well now I know wtf they are talking about filesystem dbs? degree 0 - a transaction does not overwrite data updated by another user or process ("dirty data") of other transactions [bullet] degree 1 - degree 0 plus a transaction does not commit any writes until it completes all its writes (until the end of transaction) [bullet] degree 2 - degree 1 plus a transaction does not read dirty data from other transactions [bullet] degree 3 - degree 2 plus other transactions do not dirty data read transaction before the transaction commits is what i mean by 'transisolation' levels doesn't postgres have row locking? dirty read dirty reread etc etc etc ;) filesystem dbs nickr are ones that dont 'listen' i.e. you are constraint to accessing them via a files system like oh like .db ones? paradox, foxpro, access, etc dbase hrm .mdb at least thats what i consider a 'filesystem' db (whether thats technically correct i dont know) :) derek: you see my url on gnue-dev? mailing list gnue-dev? yes um no been gone all day gnue-dev@gnu.org now trying to fix computers :( oh inherited k6 333mhz w/ motherboard p200 overdrive 128mb w/ motherboard p133mhz 48mb w/ motherboard --- Mon Feb 4 2002 nice --- Mon Feb 4 2002