[00:49] Last message repeated 1 time(s). masta are you there? Action: chillywilly pokes derek psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all howdy hi Isomer - you awake? late night for cw ;-) I don't think he is sorta ;) I should go to bed but want to finish something and check it in ;) so sue me :P is there an orbit-python hacker alive? ;) nope he died ;P chillywilly: sad ;) and who was he? andrewm j/k j/k ? other ppl loke neilt have hacked up orbit-python examples like Action: chillywilly has not reinhard (~rm@N809P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. cw - we have enough andrewm's around here and maybe that wacky req dude er, reinhard they can't all have joined "the choir invisible" reinhard: hello reinhard: sup g reinhard: are you the orbit-python supa hacker? psu: ah yes but we've only has one true 'andrewm' s/has/had he was the bane of my existence ;) chillywilly: what happened with him? heh he went away chillywilly: smoke? (probably to the nut house_ reminds me of the soccer fans chant "There's only one AndrewM" s/_/)/ hi reinhard how's euro going? or is it too painful to talk about? ;/ hi all dude what's shakin'? my head ;) heh why? psu: euro is going very well good stuff Action: psu will probably have to face this all in a couple of years - or maybe not ;-) psu: look forward to it ;) my personal guess is that the first referendum will be a narrow "NO" votes based on FUD whipped up by media (esp. newspapers) but that it won't matter as the large multi-nationals will start using euros in UK anyway and we will become a de facto dual currency economy e.g. all new employees will be paid in euros, all new suppliers will be required to bill in euros etc etc then some n years later, after many job losses, a second referendum will eventually vote "YES" all IMHO, natch psu: interesting theory :) but not too far from realistic jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319235.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly: im here was going to ask you about a christian song and if you know the artist reinhard: whats up with the austrians loosing to the fin's in the cross country ski and jump thing today? and loosing in hockey tonight too what song? I onyl know the words we have a new christian radio station here now they plkay it all the time er, play what are the words ummm and what is the station? (klove, airone)? the fish 105.3 cool and the words/ it's a Milwaukee thang, afaik how did I find myself ina better place can;t look down on the fron on the other guy's face when I stoop down low and look him square in the eye I got a funny feeling I might be dealing with the face of christ (talking about a homeless guy) derek: i don't care much about sports but its the olympics its about nationalism ;) hmmm yes i have heard this one cool :) chris rice iirc thanks he has a killer CARTOON song called what if cartoons were saved ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. hehe i think the song is face of christ Action: psu is working on some KC stuff as we speak smell of color9 is the album checking out the hyperlinks cool s/of/the KC encourages you to "add value" by putting working hyperlinks in whenever you guys mention an URL Action: psu wonders if he dares to link to http://www.mcspotlight.org/case/ for derek's mention of "mcdonalds" on Fri ;-) huh? Action: derek look sup url why would mickey dees be in the KC? a sort of anti-MS 6.0 smart link cw - mentioned in passing in t&a discussions most krispy kreme references are off-topic Action: chillywilly still thinsk t&a is tits and ass ;P rofl else we'd probably be their #1 referrer hey now for a long time do a mad goat sex search on google and gnue comes up in top 3 http://www.chrisrice.com/edges.htm#Cartoons our favorite verse Fred and Wilma Flintstone sing "YabbaDabbaLujah!" Scooby-Doo and Shaggy, "ScoobyDoobyLujah!" And the Jetson?s dog named Astro, "Ruh-Ro-Ru-Rah!" but we are big scooby fans here scooby rocks but only the early ones how do you spell convience? scrappy-doo was lame (i.e., is that right ;P_ psu: uh, no Action: psu is some ashamed to have an opinion on this psu scrappy was way dumb original scoob and shag are the only way you even see that one british cross dressing comic dude? he's hilarious back when they had that other one too um.... he did a whoel scooby thing the sandbuggy one did this history bit too man its gonna drive me mad not remember than sand buggy show speed buggy now that was a good scooby spin off unlike scrappy doo speed buggy was coool http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/doc/speedbuggy/clip.html all the characters looked similar though' yeah that was the idea :) Action: chillywilly wathes cartoon network the more time I spend in IRC, the more I find I have in common with you guys - eerie er, watches we have 2 new cartoon (weell, kids) channels from this a.m. c/o the BBC tinker == shaggy British Broadcasting Corporation mark == fred debbie == daphne speed buggy == scooby they just didnt have a thelma :) velma er velma your bad debbie was hotter than daphne though lol she was a cartoon best line was had really good buddy with a brother 2 years younger that hung out with us Action: chillywilly commits more junk to cvs ;) there was a cartoon called 'beverly hill teens' before school when we were like in 9th grade so he was in 6th or 7th grade i think and we teased him about him thinking bianca (or someone) was hot and he said... 'well she is' and we gave him that look and he added 'for a cartoon' we gave him crap about that for YEARS heh jcater is lazy about his .cvsignore files ;) that bugs me ;P weee derek - have you seen http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/02/08/208246 ? A theme we both agree with, I suspect it's nice to contribute something (even if it is not code quite yet) yes i saw and i like anyway gotta head off to work never work is for the birds I keep suggesting they should pay me even if I don't show, but they never seem that keen ;-) bah, what good are they then? Action: chillywilly could get away with that as he work off site all the time and really has no boss looking over his shoulder rofl "I don't work because I have to - just for those little luxuries like bread and shoes" if you learn how to pitch the pay for no show let me know n e way psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. get a tech job where you drive to the site and pretend you were there ;) ok must sleep now have fun dudes reinhard: look at my notes or else!?!?!! chillywilly: i will 100% sure :D really okey dokey g'night chillywilly (danielb@d61.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. StormBringer (eugene@ left irc: "Client Exiting" AnDarkon (andrew@pcp01195082pcs.watrfd01.mi.comcast.net) joined #gnuenterprise. G'morning morning chillywilly (~danielb@d162.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Hey chillywilly hello I'm not the scary Andrew M :-) How are you? fine about to go to work Have a great day, then I'll try ;) bye bye chillywilly (danielb@d162.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. Good morning, James :-) morning hey jamest I've been swamped trying to get things moving here for the last few days ... has there been a designer build since the 3rd feb? I *may* actually get some time to pay for a while by the end of this week :) um nope s/pay/play no new snapshots ah well, I'll keep hacking 0.1.1 to bits then :) play not pay :( drat, jamest was hoping to double what he makes on gnue...lets see....zero times two.... ooo looks like my pay did double ! lmao if you used an Intel CPU in your calculations, zero is not equal to zero times two :-) hey, let me triple it for you ;) AnDarkon: so i'd be up to .00000000000132 cents an hour! rock! That's more than what I make now! You lucky dog! yip, I'm living high on the hog......gonna get me a package of ramen noodles next month....been saving up for them if you time it just right, you can get two for the price of one Get some rice if you can, the broth make for great flavoring :-) :) you want a quick and cheap chili soup recipe? mmmm chili One pound ground beef (ground pork, chicken or turkey is fine) large jar of salsa Large can of tomato juice two cans of kidney beans brown the meat and drain and throw the rest together and bring up to heat. Spice to taste sounds good dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. cumin is a good spice to use :-) Hi Smith, are you located somewhere in Southern Michigan? Yep Auburn Hills Waterford here AnDarkon: I'm clueless about Michigan. I'm from Cleveland. Waterford is about 15 minutes west of Ponitac I'm from Wisconsin, spent 17 years in Miami, though James, how was the decision to use python made? I made the same decision before I found GNU enterprise. I'm curious about the thinking process that came to that point :-) alexey (alex@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319235.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. Hi Bailey Hello. well i'd used tcl in the past and wasn't happy with it lots of people on the list either already liked python or didn't object to it Action: jamest doesn't recal the specifics of it there was a lot of debate IIRC I bet :-) I was deliberating between Python and Java. I had already concluded that perl, while being very veristale (sp), would get too spaghettiy in large projects what cinched is was Jython heh; the fact that I could run Python code on top of java machines cinched Python as the winner heh Action: jamest dislikes java with a passion jamest: out of curiousity why? well Action: Isomer suspects that this could be a long answer i have to support java apps here a major problem with java is the inconsistancies in the java VM so I have users that are forces to run specific versions of browsers to run some university apps just like with C compilers Ok, Cool, Fair enough :) hmm 3:15am bed time In the early days, I couldn't link borland libraries with Microsoft code and vice versa since I have to be coherent in <6hours sleeping makes you coherent? ;-) it basically ends up a huge game of mix and match so one machine in the office has to have netscape 4.07 or something as that's the only one that runs all the apps the user requires it makes me feel better for having decided on Python :-) At least Python's credo guarantees that a number is stored the same way in fact speaking with some of the developers of these apps here on campus they gave up on java on the client and were redoing the systems to run java on the web server jsp, right? which makes the whole cross platform benefit of java kinda moot jsp yes however i gave up on java back when swing was not part of java itself which shows my experience isn't that recent :) however the support side of things is still a pain for me :( oooo one last stab at java i can't resist I used to be able to get GCC to run on far more platforms that a JVM which I always found somewhat amusing :) not sure if that's still the case Action: jamest has a history in this channel of being a java hater :) I haven't encountered a system yet that didn't have gcc (other than SCO Unix) AnDarkon: gcc is the portability layer Too bad C doesn't have fixed sized type, like Java. Doesn't the newer C standards have that? in32 is guaranteed to be 32 bits or something? C does, it's not just stored in the same exact method big eidan, little eidan Action: dsmith has been a C programmer for about 16 years dsmith: uint_32_t I think. jbailey: Yeah, that's it. The one thing I liked about Java. THere's a whole collection of types like that. I would love to see them officially deprecate the old "int". AnDarkon: IIRC there _is_ gcc on SCO Unix reinhard: Not back when I was working on SCO Unix :-) I'm not saying that gcc wouldn't run, just that it was the only system that I worked on which didn't have gcc on it at the time i'm not 100% sure though it's a long time for me, too :) :-) even though I've 17 years under my belt with C/C++, I'd rather program in Python. I like instant gratification heh Working on SCO Unix is like poking myself in the eye with a stick. and working with Xenix would be like poking yourself in the eye with a branding iron, right? :-) on a 286, even Yeah, but noone uses Xenix really. I keep running into SCO sites that people want fixed. And they never seem to understand that the only way to truly fix sco is with mke2fs. jbailey: heh, unfortunately it's not an acceptable choices at some places, especially these who bought an excellent accounting package in the '80s. Yeah =( Just recently, I helped someone add `linux' to the terminfo database. What an experience AnDarkon: oh at least terminfo It's less painful than getting ncurses to compile with the native compiler. =) The accounting package isn't the problem; it's that today's packages don't pass muster so they stay with it termcap is more fun :) you will laugh jbailey: I gave up trying and hacked some wrappers for the native curses heh but i support exactly that type of accounting pckage from the 80's that runs under SCO reinhard: You do? Do you remember Wordperfect for Unix? I loved that package :-) we had lyrix it was an sco only thing iirc pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) joined #gnuenterprise. AnDarkon: Do you have any idea why `ld' doesn't build for SCO? I thought they switched to ELF now... jbailey: what kind of errors did you get? binutils just doesn't generate the configs in that directory. They've always prefered the native SCO linker, I think for the multilibs supports. you can sometimes get a link error whenever the non-ELF (I forget the name of the format now) objects are linked along with ELF objects COFF Right, thanks :-) it's been way too long dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. Excellent. I see that they've disabled the linker in binutils because it doesn't understand weak symbols in COFF. Should be safe to enable for me, then. IIRC, gcc-3 dropped support for COFF on sco. I didn't know gcc supported COFF :-) Action: AnDarkon grumbles about yet more dependencies for Python2.2's RPM :-/ brb... lunch date with a beautiful woman jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) got netsplit. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) returned to #gnuenterprise. soulstompp (~soul@adsl-64-173-15-171.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. yesterday I was working on getting gnuenterpise working with postgres I now have pygresql working with python 2.1 which seemed to be causing my problem now I can do an import _pg and connect and query postgres from python 2 but I am still not able to use my test connection gnuetest in the forms designer um the _pg import was old pygresql syntax IIRC isit? that was the non-standard interface to postgresql pygresql's DB API 2.0 compliant one is import pgdb k can you import that? no jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. I installed PyGreSQL-3.2 I downloaded pypgsql as well I will try installing that one soulstompp: any postgresql driver should work you might get popy or psycopg rpms for your system shezan (~shezan@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@tech-200078.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. shezan (~shezan@ left #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319235.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" soulstompp (soul@adsl-64-173-15-171.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" lambert (~lambert@UNUSED.inch.com) joined #gnuenterprise. lambert (~lambert@UNUSED.inch.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: "later.." jcater there is a new survey out there for you thomasin (~thomas@p50832DB9.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. thomasin (thomas@p50832DB9.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Client Quit dneighbo: excellent Python 2.2 is called by python2, right? is this a survey I should bother with? just voted .... that's one for pgsql :) dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: "later.." jcater im hoping the number of Other (not listed) is minimal as it will mean common is pretty complete db wise :) I'm off to get pizza ... cyall soon Action: drochaid hides from dneighbo Action: dneighbo needs to find chains for these 'pizza rebels' What's wrong with pizza? um not a thing IF you have enough to share with me EVERYTHING if you dont ;) Ah :-) I guess I'll have to see if my kids will share :-D psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all Hi it;s the not-so-dreaded AndrewM ! No, I'm a different Andrew M... Just call me Andy :-) what is it about Andrew M? And why is he such a holy terror? Action: psu doesn't know - I am post-AndrewM Me, too Andrew Murie did the original code for GEAS which reinhard & neilt are now re-hacking am I to infer that the original GEAS is somewhat a hairball? s/is/was/ I think it would be fairer to say that it was written by/for a company for its own purposes and then contibuted back to the community and thus did what they wanted rather better than what the project wanted/needed a la Netscape? plus everyone's ideas about what an App Server should be has evoleved somewhat yes, excpet it was always intended to be GPL/FSF copyright from start Ok AndrewM may be gone but his home directory lives on... http://goats.gnue.org/~andrewm/ just to talk about good old days the main point about andrew m. is the coder of geas was named andrew murie his boss (who also was here very often was also named andrew at one time there were 3 andrews on this project all from new zealand within like 150km of one another plus the name another employee of this company (who also wrote little parts of the geas code) was also andrew two of which were andrewm then ajmitch is andrew m(itchel) andrewm (all of them) were good guys so AnDarkon is andrew m. number 3 :) and andrew number 6 or like that :) ok this is going to look silly but I keep missing Isomer btw: the joke for a while was Treshna ----- andrew m. andru andre and then ajmitch (andrew m) so the joke was to live in new zealand must you have andr in your name? Action: dneighbo thinks AnDarkon is just a kiwi in disguise ;) some days we entered irc and said something Isomer & me keep missing each other - him @ work, me @ sleep & vice versa like "hi andr*" :) isomer is really remosi so if you have data on remosi they are one in the same I would /query him, but I'm not 100% sure I know what I'm talking about shall I just cyt & paste main channel & let you all have a good laugh? & correct if necess? he is a kiwi sure Hi Isomer Did anyone ever answer your query from yesterday about widgets? I'm no expert but based on what I've read here I think you could use some of the GNUe Tools If all you want is a series of "hooks" to enable your C/C++ code to talk to a database then you could use GNUe Common This already has abstraction for databases and will have abstraction for RPC when jcater has the time so you can talk CORBA, SOAP, XML-RPC to your d/b If by "widget" you actually mean having data-aware controls then GNUe Forms should do what you want Main issue is that the current version of GNUe Forms is written in python so assumes all triggers for data controls are in python too However there has already been some discussion about writing triggers in C basically, just use a python wrapper to call the C code even our python fanatics have admitted they might have to use C at times for speed & efficiency Longer term I believe the plan is to write an alternative version of GNUe Forms native in C s/to write/to find a C fanatic who can be persuaded to volunteer to write Anyway any duff info i have given you can be corrected by someone who actually knows what they are talking about ;-) ok end flood... Action: psu has obviously stunned everyone else into silence ;) jan (jan@dial-213-168-89-4.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. Hi! hi jan Action: dneighbo has other thing running reading now im not sure i agree i dont know what he is wanting to do if he wants database abstraction for C code he might be better off right now today to look at libGDA ok as writing bindings for our gnue-common is probably more trouble than he is looking for if he is looking to use application server then yes via corba today he could use our app server with his front end and write methods in python or C hi psu. if he is looking to us gfd, he could write a forms engine in C though i wouldnt recommend it at this stage of the game so some of it depends on his 'needs' in order to answer properly yep dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ left irc: "Client Exiting" thanks :) thanks? for the writeup that I got cool hopefully it was helpful if you have specific questions i will gladly answer them about whether gnue might fight what you are looking to do jan (jan@dial-213-168-89-4.netcologne.de) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) soulstompp (~soul@adsl-64-173-15-171.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. okay I got the database problems out of the way now Naw, not a kiwi... more like a pumpkin sweet i will be around in a few hours to help am busy now :( thanks reinhard (rm@N809P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Everything that is worth fighting for, is worthy fighting dirty for" AnDarkon (andrew@pcp01195082pcs.watrfd01.mi.comcast.net) left #gnuenterprise. arent prop software vendors great? you have a product that works but needs some 'fixes' but they have a NEW version that doesnt do anything really great for you and so any fix you need is ' the new version has the fixed ' only thing is new version isnt part of your support/upgrade contract i swear its so bad im suprised i didnt here 'you want a larger penis?' -- if you used the new version ..... :) l8r jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. basically the new version cures cancer, solves world hunger and achieves world peas ;) but only if you pay extra for the platinum edition standard edition only gives you a larger penis roflmao soulstompp you sure you dont work for this company? fine print: "We do not guarantee a larger penis... only the possibility. Penis enlargement is typically encountered under controlled circumstances with hardware custom designed for such functionality. Please see your VAR for details." lmao dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection depends on your point of view whether that is "Value Added" or not... jan (jan@dial-195-14-254-86.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. never seen a VAR that added any value it depends my last employer's core business was selling finance systems but we were also a VAR for a well-known reporting package If you bought the package from them, you got a load of CDs If you bought from us, you got the CDs, some setup/training consultancy, thats cool I guess their are some out their plus the critical schema definition layer that enabled package to talk to our DB which I ended up being responsible for maintaining in my "spare" time oh no thats not right hey now VAR = Vaseline Applied Regularly get from vendor == take it in rear so true get from var == take in rear w/ added vaseline ;) lmao dont know about you but if im gonna be forced to get it, im gonna select the vaseline option ;) good point nite psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@d49.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. :q wrong window :) evil vi user ;) :) :q! C-x C-c this is the way real men exit their editor ;) :q! forever! dd:q! :%s/all editors/vim/g ;) vim? :o satan spawn hey soulstompp looks like i have 'break' in action where do you sit wrt install? Action: dneighbo has poor memory jcater 760 mt moriah rd right address for gibsons? I finally got the postgres/python2 working together yes 901.682.8200 and I am working on creating a form off of the zipcode table right i already had the number what flavor you like (donut hole wise) Action: dneighbo assumes jcater will snarf about any flavor soulstompp cry out if you need help cry out! I'm trapped under iiiiiice chillywilly a lady at church has a red shirt that's nice to know donut holes? with a penguin and a scarf Action: jcater didn't know there were different flavors that under it says 'chilly' :) jcater: um yip in phx there are different flavors :) she's my bizitch ok lets make this easier j/k just glazed what flavors of donuts do you NOT like ;) Action: jcater likes simple glazed donuts nuttin more, nuttin less bah that's pretty lame jcater rofl no wonder you like crispy creme well, the jelly filled are nice gotta get the cutard filled ones mmmm lard so good but my favs are simple glazed er, custard i like pizza flavored donuts ;) rofl or dot filled Action: dneighbo is craving his dots hardcore right now go get some Action: jcater pictures dneighbo calling Papa John's ("um, what toppings? well, do you have dots?") lol "no, I didn't say sausage! I said "dots". Clean yourn ears out, you little whipper snapper!" Action: ajmitch_ thinks this channel is just weird hey ajmitch_ did you get your patch in? jcater you ever tried Howard's donuts there in memphis? ajmitch_: that's why you love us :) or did jcater say no, you're patch is not good enough! dneighbo: um... a VERY close second place jcater: hehe sure chillywilly: i dunno Action: drochaid is still adicted to the chan ... just can't follow it :) ajmitch_: I didn't know you did the MySQL patch!! jcater: what code was committed? Action: chillywilly thinks it is funny jcater and ajmitch_ hacked the same thing ajmitch_: you still hanging out at your parent's? I committed mine before I got the email re yours Action: ajmitch_ is typing from a win95 box right now or I wouldn't committed yours but we both did basically the same thing chillywilly: had to download mozilla, couldn't put up with IE5 hehe :P moz 0.9.8 is quite good on a p200 w 32mb of ram :) have to use bitchx over ssh tho anyone know what RDF is? Resource something.... bbl Action: chillywilly found a nifty server that supports ODMG http://4suite.org hey python mastas is there any standard lexer and/or parser generator for python? or would it be more to one's advatage to swig an interface the flex and bison code? advantage chillywilly: not sure s/the/to the/ well if one was ambitious I am sure they would hack flex and python to produce python code, but I am not that ambitious er, bison not [ython python this is interesting ttp://4suite.org/4Suite.org/documents/guides/4SuiteServer/CoreProgrammersGuide er http://4suite.org/4Suite.org/documents/guides/4SuiteServer/CoreProgrammersGuide dsmith (~dsmith@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. sup dsmith chillywilly: hey nite jan (jan@dial-195-14-254-86.netcologne.de) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: Working with commercial version of sendmail soulstompp i will be back soon, sorry tied up right now :( should take your postgres login if it doesnt try this psql -h hostname -U username dbname where hostname is machine/ip address postgres is on and user name is username you are entering in login screen and dbname is where zipcodes are i.e. which database i assume postgres is not listening in tcp/ip mode OR that you have security set in such a way its not liking forms trying ot authenticate against it jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "bbl" jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201091.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. 'sup? g's sup shh, we're listening to the trees as long as we arent ssh trees Action: jamest is sorry he asked :) jcater ran away? yeah muttered that bastard grinds me on datasources and wont even buy me a meager donut smack jamest when he comes in were his last lines hmmmmm man, he's sure changed his toon tune last i knew he was muttering about some delphi luving fsf commie from AZ anyone know who he was talking about? Action: dneighbo looks around oooo, no idea i think he said the dude used db2 dsmith (dsmith@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: "later.." soulstompp can you paste your connections.conf file for the datbase you are trying to attach to? [gnuetest] comment = this is my test provider = pypgsql host = localhost dbname = gnue on the machine you are using forms on do you have a postgresql database named gnue? psql -h localhost -U validusername gnue and tell me what you get and do you have your postgresql listening on tcp/ip? yeah got it doing that yesterday I think I put the wrong database name in what is output from the config psql -h localhost -U validusername gnue no database it's gnuetest then thats the problem (or at least one of them) what the hell a little fishy just swam across my machine i have seen that before (once or twice) anyone have a clue what it is? chillywilly's trout um looked like it it went missing last night he's worried sick but seriously anyone know what it was? what os? soulstompp change dbname = gnue to dbname = gnuetest then try psql -h localhost -U username gnuetest if that works retry your form let me know how it goes and it's good debian sid have seen it on red hat too it just slowly swims across 1 time and doesnt come back i have only seen it maybe 3 times in 3 years Action: dneighbo wonders if its some timed joke or if i have been hacked though this machine should be pretty hard to get to from outside world it's a gnome easter egg ah what triggers it? There's an Easter Egg in Gnome, which gives you a 1 in 4000 chance of fatting fish swimming across your screen. what is the 4000 chance? groups.google.com funny one post claimed it has to do with the panel i tell you if something can happen to my systems chances are it will :) each time you use it, it increments a counter most people probably never seen damn thing and i have seen it on virtually every linux system i have :) at least im not crazy :) er will completely crazy was jcater comming back? yeah i think bbl soulstompp: so where are you at wrt the database? I got connected and I am playing with the wizard cool is it working out ok for you? seems to be any feedback? I went through the wizard and got the form set up and I added a button do I need a button to make these changes? or is just filling out the fields sufficient and then doing a commit? ? you don't need buttons on a form for anything you get queries and commits for free via the menu, toolbar, or keyboard shortcuts very cool I am getting a segmentation fault everytime that I try to delete this button off of my form ooooo you can't do that from designer right now oh okay the right click delete is our quick exit feature :) deleted it from the XML doc no biggie at this point in time i find myself doing 1/2 in designer 1/2 in vi|emacs I needed an exit shortcut anyway a month ago I was doing 1/4 designer so were getting there :) hmmm you all suck im 3/4 1/4 dneighbo: we're power users the trick is dont make mistakes though im a little disadvantage as i save in unicode :) got to make it do the things designer can't do :) j/k so every tiem i play with a form i have to use emacs to 'fix' it ls GEGetOpt.py GEGetOpt.pyc GEOptions.py GEOptions.pyc GEOptions.py~ Mail crm.png ecommerce.png howdy jamest log2html hotGirls.mpg hotterGirls.mpg mail public_html reviews.png security.png set_dcl_permissions.sql wireless.png reallyHotGirls.mpg /home/soulstompp/vids$ jamest: you got cardwell web cam back up i see :) :) who did the :q earlier i have a new one :q 20 demerits for the vi user. hey now! I did the earlier :q something odd about myself i randomly type vi or emacs to edit no pattern to it um its explainable jamest i assume you are trying to type 'edit' and like most complex words you just guess sometimes you guess vi sometimes emacs that's it! one more question on this thanks dneighbo ewe R sew smarte just dont try that flordia editor :) soulstompp: shoot Action: dneighbo was gonna tell that customer, oh you are right let me fix that floorda roflamo when I am designing my database for use with this form wizard will I be better off if I do the database in an OODB or relational design or does it really matter /msg jamest soulstompp is gulliable enough to try to really use it... hahahahaha um use what works for you lol relational will be easier for two tier i do relational alright the form can do master/detail when we get geas (appserver) up to speed but designer can't auto set it up we will probably make a 'conversion' tool what I do is make forms for each table so you write your objects in geas put the blocks together and map your relational tables to them and hand modify the datasource entries or somethng similar Action: dneighbo must run tata :q er dneighbo (dneighbo@tech-200078.flinthills.com) left irc: "[BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.0c18 for the Sony Playstation today!" forms/samples/zipcode/states.gfd has an example of that 2-tier sucks! ;P sounds good thanks I am gonna go grab something to eat and play with this for a while thanks for all of the help no problem we're dying for feedback Action: chillywilly watches jay and silent bob strikes back alright I will give you some feedback tommorow hopefully it will be useful cool thanks soulstompp (soul@adsl-64-173-15-171.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-181.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. stbain (GunAndGiz@ip68-10-44-170.rn.hr.cox.net) left irc: "www.gunandgiz.com" jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp3490461.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@d126.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d49.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_!~danielb@d126.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net)) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-181.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: Action: dtm is away: I'm busy HIGH. Action: dtm is back (gone 00:00:04) Action: derek is away: Reloading Crack Pipe Action: derek is back (gone 00:00:03) guess i wasnt gone we're dying for feedback : from anyone other than masta HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMEN !! Action: derek looks around for the gentlemen.... dtm: i think all the gentlemen are in #debian or something ;) haha how are you, big D? big :) ohok seriously im pretty good lots to do as usual great using forms in production now for a client yeehaw dup dtm *sigh* next phase will get serious and i think will do press release on the usage #python is full of littel kiddies on what usage of what, derek? python like debian (#'s) is generally worthless Action: dtm hax0rs bidness planz w00f for a site i do work for, they are a recruitment firm they have online candidate/employer databases one thing i hate is doing mainentance as i either would need to write web stuff to do it which is silly to me as web sucks for such things imho so i used to ssh into the server and use psql and raw SQL statements web rocks j/k the web does not suck! dont say that the web sucks!! which was nice in that it kept my sql up to date :) chilly and I _like_ the web!! derek: you are just web prejudiced but now in about 30 minutes i wrote two nice forms to do the management and i am pleased as punch Action: dtm punches derek getting ready to add new billing featuers er features I wouldn't do that that i hope to NOT make any web screens for masta will kick yo butt you know you want web screens chillywilly: im a pacifist so not likely just admit it derek: bah, you're so full of it i also hope to give them some READONLY forms for 'searching' currently i have some pretty kick arse web search forms but i dont like them cause they are web based :) i hope to get mail merge wizards for them and other things all in all its a start ./make-ssh-tunnel is a life saver Action: derek feels like an infomercial Nick change: derek -> testimony_ted you are an infomercial um before ssh-tunnel-2000 we dun had all serts of ishers but a little applerkitchen of ssh-tunnel-2000 wait a foo minats if you act now, we'll throw in this dead trout for free with any order of GNUe "What Da Masta Don't Know Won't Hurt Him" verison 1.2.0 !!! and bengo, we gotz dater Nick change: testimony_ted -> derek rofl that was good one chillywilly :) I try my kids are playing barbies, the 3 year old is the wife (barbie) the 7 year old is husband (ken) and the three year old says 'come on wife lets get married again, i love you so much' my 7 year old says 'no i dont really want to, lets go to the gym instead' er lol 'come on husband lets get married again, i love you so much' man... kids are so funny don't they know that after a week a wife wouldn't want to marry that bum again chillywilly: how far are you from detroit (se michigan) area? ummm a ways away I dunno dude I live outside of Milwaukee which is 2 hours north of chicago chillywilly: cool Action: chillywilly doesn't know if that helps jamest: i thought it was fitting husband response 'nah, i dont feel like it lets do something else' they could tell i was listening as i giggled, now they shut the door :) Action: derek wonders if maybe its the honeymoon noe more netertainment for you er entertainment even Action: derek has damage to inflict on forms when ken finds out she's more plastic than person "Hey! These aren't real!" jamest: do you have any idea if the unicode issue is in our code not a clue or my beta python version? well as i really dont want to spend all night upgrading python if that isnt the issue people have said that it works with pyth 2.2 apt-get install python2.1 ;P chillywilly: yes yes i wish ups me a tower to put my amd in and i will do that until then i odnt have debian here you have an amd board? Action: chillywilly is a bit poort ya know to save me some time jamest can you tell me which .py file in designer does the save? so i can start 'debugging' the problem um i haven't looked but or tell me what to grep for GObj should do the save i.e. class or routine dumpXML ok will start there is part of the core GObj and a few classes override that but for the most part that is it Action: chillywilly takes more notes! yipee hrrrrm dneighbo@latitude:~/bin$ ./gfdes foo.gfd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/designer/Designer.py", line 61, in ? from wxPython.wx import * File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/wx.py", line 18, in ? from mdi import * File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/mdi.py", line 12, in ? from frames import * File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/frames.py", line 12, in ? from stattool import * File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/stattool.py", line 12, in ? this 4suite server does regualr old unix type permissions from controls import * ValueError: bad marshal data dneighbo@latitude:~/bin$ i get this alot too i.e. about every 10th or 12th time i try designer groups, user, super user derek: that is completely outside our control hmmm it's being generated from the wx import and ACLs yeah i know just letting you know its happening ok what seems to happen is if gfdes crashes the next time i start it, i get that then if i run again its fine so its like the crash corrupts memory or something but if i look in top etc no evidence of its tehre anyhow odd if i save a blank form it saves fine dudes http://news.gnome.org/gnome-news/gnome-news/1013119578/ FSF Seels Comments on new FDL draft er, Seeks hmmm add some widgets and it saves fine you want a pet peeve bug, good glad you asked we dont 'hourglass' properly did someone say we wanted bugs? i.e. when designer is 'thinking' the hourglass doesnt exist when hovering over the application argh and after running the wizard designer never seems to shut down right jamest: you hear something? the wind? jamest: I thought I may have heard someone whining ok, here is the deal ;P if i save blank form it works if i save hand created form it works hmmmm, now that you mention it.....i thouhgt it was two weasels mating outdoors if i save a form after i run the wizard it does unicode rofl Action: derek thinks of the budlight commericals, but those are ferrets so the wizard is messing it up jamest: it was more like a whale call that's odd derek: give me a sec and I'll try it jamest: i dont know if wizard is messing it up persay but i can say after using the wizard it does it but not before but im doing more complex form with the wizard so it could be something eles er else but whats odd is if i shut down designer then try to open a form that i replace the ^@ with it still happens which makes me think its something that wizard creates but not the wizard itself can you do me a favor? try and run the forms/sample/button/forms/form.gfd? i'll try designer wizard while you do that :) ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [20:44] Last message repeated 2 time(s). DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFClient.py", line 189, in ? DB000: GFClient().run() DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFClient.py", line 119, in run DB000: self.runForm(formfile, self.disableSplash) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFClient.py", line 167, in runForm DB000: instance.activate() DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFInstance.py", line 514, in activate postgresql made oid's optional DB000: self.dispatchEvent(GFEvent('updateENTRY',self._form._currentEntry)) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFEvent.py", line 76, in dispatchEvent in 7.2 DB000: function(event) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFEvent.py", line 87, in processEvent DB000: self.incommingEvent[event.event] (event) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/UIbase.py", line 273, in updateEntry our schema stuff now fails DB000: if event.data.hidden: DB000: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'hidden' dneighbo@latitude:~/bin$ wtf? why on earth would they do that? derek: perfect some users didn't want the performance hit (i read that as mysql users :) Action: derek thinks sometimes people sacrafice WAY too much for sake of performance in any case designer wizard are now dead for me until i have time to figure out how to restructure the query sigh i need a clone jamest.clone() better yet return jamest.clone() fun hmmm DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] xmlString DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] xmlString DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] xmlString
DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] DB099: [GObjects:202] is what xmlDump is handing off i copy paste that from output to emacs and dont see ^@ so im wondering where perhaps its happening in writing out the file or someting? man i wouldn't know where what is StringIO() self.newInstance(forms, buffer=StringIO(form.dumpXML())) ie. is this a python, wxpython or homegrown function fsck [20:54] Last message repeated 3 time(s). i see that this happens in they dropped oid functions on system tables def RunWizard(self, templateInformation): stringio is part of python IIRC i'll check yip jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. it's python no and its unicode aware it's jcater jcater run get this Action: jcater is away: not here postgresql 7.2 doesn't do oid's on system tables Action: jcater is back (gone 00:00:08) >>> import sys >>> print sys.getdefaultencoding() ascii >>> eh? so the schema rouitnes die those bastards oids are now optional per user request hmmm looks like they opted out for system tables is 7.2 in woody yet? Action: jamest is researching this now fileHandle = open(location,'w') if sys.getdefaultencoding() == 'ascii': fileHandle.write('\n\n') else: fileHandle.write('\n\n' % \ (sys.getdefaultencoding())) fileHandle.write('\n\n' \ % (TITLE, VERSION, \ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(time.time())))) fileHandle.write(self.rootObject.dumpXML(treeDump=1)) fileHandle.close() self.makeClean() seems to be the save code which looks pretty standard to me jcater any ideas? he's not here he said so himself hang on looking Action: jcater is away: I'm busy Action: jcater is back (gone 00:00:02) oops Action: chillywilly whaps jcater derek: what's the file look like what's the intermittent character? ^@ ? stringIO can't mix and match 7bit and 8bit codes yes ^@ <^@f^@o^@r^@m^@>^@ ^@ ^@ ^@<^@p^@a^@g^@e^@ ^@n^@a^@m^@e^@=^@"^@P^@a^@g^@e^@_^@1^@"^@>^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@<^@b^@l^@o^@c^@k^@ ^@n^@a^@m^@e^@=^@"^@B^@l^@o^@c^@k^@_^@1^@"^@>^@^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@<^@e^@n^@t^@r^@y^@ ^@w^@i^@d^@t^@h^@=^@"^@1^@0^@"^@ ^@n^@a^@m^@e^@=^@"^@E^@n^@t^@r^@y^@_^@1^@"^@ ^@y^@=^@"^@1^@"^@ ^@x^@=^@"^@1^@6^@"^@/^@> ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@<^@e^@n^@t^@r^@y^@ ^@w^@i^@d^@t^@h^@=^@"^@1^@0^@"^@ ^@n^@a^@m^@e^@=^@"^@E^@n^@t^@r^@y^@_^@2^@"^@ ^@y^@=^@"^@4^@"^@ ^@x^@=^@"^@8^@"^@/^@>^@ ok ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@<^@/^@b^@l^@o^@c^@k^@>^@ I get the point ^@ ^@ ^@<^@/^@p^@a^@g^@e^@>^@ ^@<^@/^@f^@o^@r^@m^@>^@ weeeee really I do ^@ what is really odd um since when does that stop him? that is odd is i fire up designer and all is kosher run the wizard and then any file i save after that wizard run does the ^@ or so it appears btw: im not blaming the wizard just pointing out trends but python is not suppoed to have such nasty bugs in it ;) DB006: [Instance:372] Dump
DB006: [Instance:372] DB006: [Instance:372] DB006: [Instance:372] DB006: [Instance:372] derek: we all know it's your fault, not designers DB006: [Instance:372] DB006: [Instance:372] DB006: [Instance:372] chillywilly: I imagine it's not a bug is a GDebug line i put in but a misuse on our part GDebug.printMesg(6,"Dump %s" % (self.rootObject.dumpXML(treeDump=1))) fileHandle.write(self.rootObject.dumpXML(treeDump=1)) but it's not suppoed to be able to be misused :P the bitch is that ^@ is non printable eh? it's "intuitive" IIRC weren't there some I18N changes made so that someone could do forms in lang other than english? anyway, I am just giving you a hard time chillywilly: go bite yourself jcater: get a life yes that was the getdefaultencoding section but it seems to do the 'right' thing there jcater: lighten up or be trout whipped warren (~warren@HSE-Montreal-ppp3465650.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. ok confirmatin now i shove that Dump to a file i.e. --debug-file mydump.txt and it has the ^@ jcater: it's ok to dish it out, but you cannot take it eh? sigh I have bugs coming left and right plus I'm at work to fix problems at the call center so please excuse my rudeness, chilly :) no can do Action: chillywilly is bitter now j/k Action: jcater takes chilly's trout and shoves it up his ... Action: jcater drops that thought dude, you really need to go get a donut or something holy moses even debug lines are doing it i.e. the WHOLE print line for those does it fsck DB002: [Instance:194] Adding tool Schema Navigator [schemaViewer] D^@B^@0^@0^@6^@:^@ ^@[^@G^@O^@b^@j^@e^@c^@t^@s^@:^@2^@0^@3^@]^@ ^@x^@m^@l^@S^@t ^@r^@i^@n^@g^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@<^@e^@n^@t^@r^@y^@ ^@w^@i^@d^@t^@h^@=^@"^@1^@0^@"^@ ^@n^@a^@m^@e^@=^@"^@E^@n^@t^@r^@y^@_^@1^@"^@ ^@y^@=^@"^@1^@"^@ ^@x^@= ^@"^@1^@6^@"^@/^@>^@ ^@D^@B^@0^@0^@6^@:^@ ^@[^@G^@O^@b^@j^@e^@c^@t^@s^@:^@2^@0^@3^@]^@ ^@ ^@D^@B^@0^@0^@6^@:^@ ^@[^@G^@O^@b^@j^@e^@c^@t^@s^@:^@2^@0^@3^@]^@ ^@x^@m^@l^@S^@t^@r^@i^@n^@g^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@ ^@<^@e^@n^@t^@r^@y^@ ^@w^@i^@d^@t^@h^@=^@" ^@1^@0^@"^@ ^@n^@a^@m^@e^@=^@"^@E^@n^@t^@r^@y^@_^@2^@"^@ for example that's purty taht is from GDebug.printMesg(6,"xmlString %s" % (xmlString)) in GObjects.py aha! what version of PyXML you running? Action: derek is thinking saxutils.escape('%s' % val)) is to blame but i could be nuts how do i tell the version of pyXML? well that's a given dunno I mean shit look at jcater muuwahahahhaha chillywilly: Will you join #thug and beat gowlin with a trout for me, please? =) sure chillywilly: please stop jcater: i show taht its 'installed' via diagnostics but know know how to tell version :) derek: umm, no I don't either :( is this debian? no not debian i think i have 6.5 0.6.5 __all__ = ['dom', 'marshal', 'parsers', 'sax', 'utils'] # Needs to synchronize with setup.py version_info = (0,6,6) __version__ = "0.6.6" __init__.py (END) is in dneighbo@latitude:/usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/_xmlplus$ less __init__.py jcater: what are you thinking the issue is? [ "$LOGNAME" = "dneighbo" ] rofl double rofl Action: jcater wonders if 0.6.5 is not compatable w/2.2 as a lot changed in py2.2 Action: jcater things Python.org should've made 2.2 actually be 3.0 considering all the changes rofl ok let me try a newer pyxml Action: derek hopes i can just install over oldone yeah, I'd imagine I'll be back shortly jcater: um its me we are talking about, dont ever imagine :) Action: jcater is away: bbiab Action: derek thinks this, hmmm sounds like you need new xxxxxx, btw i have to leave, sounds fishy ;) hmmm well upgrade to pyxml 7.0 didnt fix things can someone update and test designer against pre pg 7.2 database make usre the wizard still workds designer works w/o issue here derek no problems at all doesnt suprise me probably python2.2a but i really wish that had better proof of that im afraid to update i have something pretty much works which version you have? 2.2a4? Action: jcater is back (gone 00:08:50) yes dneighbo@latitude:~/bin$ python2.2 Python 2.2a4 (#1, Oct 6 2001, 09:01:18) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. i just want to get this machine on debian soon do it and dont really want to recompile python and friends on it do you still have the source directory where you installed? go for it i.e., do you have the Makefile? where installed what? python? you installed from source, right? yes nope i deleted that dir jcater what is bothering me about this problem if i opne desinger and do NOTHING and save the form (ie blank form) it saves fine even if i drop some stuff on the form it saves fine but if open and existing form and do save as poof hmm a normal save kills too damn thought i was on to a pattern ok its on second save most odd if i open designer drop some widgets on it and do a 'save' it saves just fine if i open that file back up in designer do NOTHING cept file->save it saves it with the ^@ this ranting on whats happening helping any? or should i just give in and say its my system and move along does anyone else use python2.2? not i as I'm not kidding... a lot changed in 2.2 IIRC unicode support was big in 2.2 since you all are on debian can you try 2.2 easily? it would break all my dependencies and I'm on a deathline with some forms stuff content may be a Unicode string or a byte string; the expat reader module produces always Unicode strings. um fuck me i was right stringio i think is the problem * In Python 2.1, the StringIO module (though not cStringIO) supported Unicode. This capability is accidentally not present in Python 2.2. umrofl accidentally not present in Python 2.2. sigh fsck fsck fsck explains why SECOND time it happens is stringio is used to READ the xml file iirc so my first guess hours ago was probably the right one btw: that accidently is funny seeing how its from OFFICIAL python page so basically jcater: woudl this be symptom of not having unicode stringio? youre' screwed crap that's on the known bugs page jamest: thats ok i have lots o vaseline I was looking at the 2.2a4 known bugs page good lube up bot the 2.2-final known-bugs :( as you're going to have to reinstall python :) have you figured it out fellas? well not really unless they provide a workarround i can use 'emacs' to fix things for now but this is big unicode not present in python 2.2a? hang on as we need to not tell people to use 2.2 I'll patch or we need to fix our code to not use stringio jcater: and you thought i was TEASING when i said i work hard to provide a system that finds bugs :) where are you seeing StringIO being used? um in Designer.py i think dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/designer/src$ grep -r StringIO * DataSourceEditor.py:import sys, os, cPickle, traceback, StringIO DataSourceEditor.py: buffer = StringIO.StringIO() Debugger.py:from StringIO import StringIO Debugger.py: debugInstance.setForm(GFParser.loadForm(StringIO(caller.rootObject.dumpXML(treeDump=1)), debugInstance)) Designer.py:from StringIO import StringIO Designer.py: self.newInstance(forms, buffer=StringIO(form.dumpXML())) SchemaViewer.py:import sys, os, cPickle, traceback, StringIO SchemaViewer.py: buffer = StringIO.StringIO() [21:48] Last message repeated 1 time(s). dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/gnue/designer/src$ that help sigh Action: jcater thinks it's only relevant when reading from an xml file as it's expat generating the unicode, which stringio don't know what to do with damn that sentence sounded like something chillywilly would write just stay away from me mr. crabby I've had enough of you kind for today thank you Action: chillywilly notes crazymike was a crabby little pain today :P so can we 'fix' it or do we need to say we dont work well with 2.2 until they fix bug dudes this is rediculous http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99991905 derek: can you update cvs and see if this is still happening Action: jcater isn't so sure now that this patch will work brimming with confidence eh seems to still have the issue wiping directory and doing new co and setup.py first ok if the same issue then we are 2.2 incompatable for the indeterminable future thats probably not too horrid as im the only one insane enough to run 2.2 :) ;P I hope they come out w/2.2.1 before major distro's bump up to 2.2.x support not even debian ustable has 2.2! er, unstable derek: you are in violation of our support contract until you downgrade to 2.1.2 :) strike three no dice ? saving a form then reopening and saving still gets ^@ um but i still stringio's what did you change? Designer.py what did you change in it though? line 299 # # Workaround for Python 2.2's big unicode bug!!! # if sys.version[:5] == "2.2.0": from cStringIO import StringIO derek: I see why you asked me about michigan (detriot) jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection hmm jcater left eh [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import sys >>> print sys.version[:5] 2.2a4 >>> woudl explain why line 229 isnt real useful :) but even changing ti to 2.2a4 doesnt seem to help he bailed on you ? i guess so i have to drive to store be back soon ok jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. wb jcater thx reboot works well .. when used on the right machine no prob =) rofl jcater did you get my message hmm jcater left eh [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import sys >>> print sys.version[:5] 2.2a4 >>> woudl explain why line 229 isnt real useful :) but even changing ti to 2.2a4 doesnt seem to help i have movie to watch will be back after the movie :) jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp3490461.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" lol i have movie to watch will be back after the movie it's not that he "wants" to watch a movie but he "has" to :) isn't that the way it always is? ;) there's just some movies you *have* to watch dude doesn't everyone agree that we should support our free software coders? well, I wanna start a fund to get jamest broadband!!!!! heh I need broadband ;) 90% of which will go directly to getting jamest broadband (ignore any KK receipts on file) and the other 10%? bah rofl just because my cvs commit/update responce time is measured in calendar months not seconds I'm just fine with my 56k modem, washhouse out back, and whale oil lighting system Action: jamest is reliving the 90s in all their glory you go jamest! Action: chillywilly just realizes he did nothing constructive tonight ah well chillywilly: just like old times, eh? lol what's that supposed to me? er, mean fuck you all chillywilly: all at once? damn, you are good finally you admit it bastard Action: jcater wishes he had that stamina after 2 hrs of being fscked by forms, I'm given out lay off the donuts jcater: I swear if you ever had anyrthing nice to say to me I would keel over and die chillywilly: you have a clever nick too late now damn wishful thinking asshole well I've had about enough jcater for one right er, night chillywilly (danielb@d126.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: alexey (alex@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: now look and see whatcha done! :) hrm he was weak hehe yes it happens he'd never last against the likes of forms or designer oh you've got a washhouse too, eh? we tend to call ours the water closet up in these here parts Nick change: jcater -> DrillSeargantJcater next? Nick change: DrillSeargantJcater -> jcater HEH. yeah you broke him. moi_je (~eva@ joined #gnuenterprise. I have some problems installing pyxml for redhat 7.2 anybody here can help??? what's the problem? I have downloaded the version 0.7-2 as RPM and when i try to install it it keeps saying PyXML = 0.6.5 is needed by 4Suite-0.11-2. But i already have 4Suite installed on my machine oooo i really can't help with that i'm a debian user and don't know much about dependency issues in RH i was thinking source installs hmmm we do have some RH7.2 users around here but none seem to be available right now :( ok maybe i try a bit later or on another channel. Do you know the python channel? chillywilly (~danielb@d126.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ok i found it Thanks anyway no problem nite all nite jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201091.flinthills.com) left #gnuenterprise. I'll show you weak Action: chillywilly does the trout dance on jcater's head for me it's 6 in the morning jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "much to chillywilly's chagrin" yay! I win anybody tried to install gnue ? what's gnue? ;P Nick change: chillywilly -> jeffcarter hehe, plz I need krispy kremes now or I'll die! chillywilly is the devil! python rul3z!!! jamest is my hero! masta is that guy who annoys me with bugs I shall put glaze on him and consume him I am going to start a broadband fund for jamest (this is just a cover up to get others to support my donut addiction) Nick change: jeffcarter -> chillywilly and thus ends my jeff carter impression --- Tue Feb 12 2002