[00:02] Last message repeated 1 time(s). jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318420.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" joebag (~zabo@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. joebag (~zabo@ left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d32.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. the urge to move to 2.3 was to clean up lots of crap in our code that are workarounds for 2.2 issues, however I thought debian was 2.3, since it breaks it i don't want to move up Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. re hi jamest: hi jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. werd! up don't you have anything better to do on a Sat? Action: drochaid stirs sure but the wife isn't willing ah ok jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319239.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Connection timed out dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@d68.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jcSuspendMode (jason@ left irc: Remote closed the connection ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: "later.." jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" <-- jcater has quit ("double wide") ;) Nick change: dnsleep -> derek sorry needed my redneck humor for the morning Action: drochaid blinks derek: What? Is that sort of like vitreous humour, but different? =) alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" docelic (~docelic@ar3-m236.net.hinet.hr) joined #gnuenterprise. ey docelic (~docelic@ar3-m236.net.hinet.hr) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@d25.as12.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_: hi ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan: hi hi Yurik :) finishing up at the office, and then heading to Carribean jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. caribbean Action: jcater troutslaps derek!!!!! chillywilly (danielb@d68.as7.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) rofl jcater: its just cause im jealous i only have a single wide ;) ToyMan: you suck Action: ToyMan sucks coconuts in a few days ;) ooooooo Developer's Conference? what do y'all think? depends Action: jcater votes Carribean! how hard is it to thumb a ride there oooooo forget that derek's got that nice van well, I'll just take a bunch of tires off the top of my double-wide and build a raft maybe we can attach some pontoons ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" roflmao hi all. hi hi psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all/any psu: hi hu Yurik how is EAS getting on? psu: quite good psu: adding security mechanism right now :) Security is often the thing that proprietary ERP falls down on they have a specific security model which you have to fit in to yeah open source ERP means you can make the product fit your model s/oepn source/free but right now I'm implementing security on the another layer - subsystems connectivity (kerberos-like)... for the object model we'll just provide basic mechanisms and samples how to build an object security model... From my experience, biggest gap is usually what I would call "row-based security" (shows my relational database mind-set ;-) :) i.e. can you prevent Dept A seeing Dept B's transactions from within the same organisation. This is often a big issue for large, multi-purpose organsiations especially in government that's going to be part of the RBAC implementation nah good companies dont use computer security they use the honor system like the mafia oh, good - scrap that paper then ;-) you touch what you arent supposed to and da boss buys you some cement shoes its simple dres__ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. derek - in UK local government, we have clients and contractors working for same organisation well that works in my office jcater: you see netflix opened an east coast distribution center (iirc) cool I may have to rejoin boston though :( so probably wont help you much i loved the service until 9-11 and you can bet your socks that contractor doesn't want client to see true cost of what they are being charged dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) since then they sit in queue for about 2 days instead of same day turn time used to take 2-3 to get there and 2-3 to get here now its of course, jamest doesn't have any socks left anyway ;-) 2-3 to get tehre (3 day wait) 2-3 to get here but diong cost benefit analysis im still only paying about 2.75 a movie much cheaper than blockbuster and more convienent Latest KC has gone off to Zack should be up in next day or so This week's is 67k of XML source biggest yet by some way :) yet I feel if anything I am summarising more i.e. higher signal to noise ratio ;-) Derek - you are now in the top ten most quoted people on the whole of the Kernel Traffic site Only the likes of Linus & Alan Cox are above you ;-) well, isn't quotability in relation to hot air content? http://kt.zork.net/peoplebycontrib.html jcater - you are next in the list... do you want to change your view on that? my wife already has informed me of that jcater: rofl informed you are in the list or informed you that you are full of it? full of hot air my wife wouldn';t know a Kernel Cousin from a Kissin Cousin ooo bad analogy I only ever did one issue that was a Kissin' Cousin http://kt.zork.net/GNUe/gnue20011201_5.html #gnuproject discussions lol ;) derek - I have emailed you the toothbrush summary do with it what you will ;-) jcater: http://www.copykat.com kicks butt no krispy kreme copykat though :( lots o dairy queen ones though :) derek: yeah how hard is printing on unix? is it something you all could walk me through in like 30 minutes or so? we use the O'Charly's potato soup recipe from there Rock Hard Action: derek thinks this one sounds good http://www.copykat.com/asp/copykatrecipe.asp?recipe=43 Action: derek is a food addict and admits it oooo I love alcoholic beverages w/cranberry juice well the next gnue conference will have to have some 'killer koolaide' anyone care if I make cvs flaky in a bit? um as opposed to what? :) ha ha very funny not very flaky i suppose mouse suppoort is broken please do F2 keyboard shortcut is broken after all that's what cvs is for to keep all these changes off an individual hard drive and to get it into hands of those who can help rape it i may have mouse working in a sec i need someone with a working copy of forms...... to try something chicken parmigiana or cordon bleu? Action: derek is leaning towards cordon bleu but i dont what side dish to serve with it derek: cool aide Action: derek figures if you can get linux, windows and donut advice in here why not food preparation assistance too? Action: jcater is away: house hunting #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. derek: Fruit by the Foot Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by derek!~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net: is there anything you cant get help with in #gnuenterprise? jamest: cool i have a box of that in the cupboard well, I've got this rash... well i have a fix to that jcater tell your wife you have it and i figure the rash will be LEAST of your problems :) lol anyone? a running copy of form? I have a problem with my wife's pension plan I need to sort out, but I don;t think any of you guys are qualified Independant Financial Advisors registered with the Financial Standards Authority ;-) nope i do need help getting printer working but i think thats for another day what OS if it's redhat use printtool if it's debian apt-get install printtool then use it ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" debian if you install printtool then you have same print setup as redhat very easy to use GUI hey doods hi way off topic for here, so feel free to tell me to get stuffed :) anyone know of a print driver for the epson C1000N? for linux of course is it an ep/s2 (or whatever the heck they call it) language printer? is it laser, dot matrix, inkjet, or other? colour laser postscript? got me there it's got 'POS' ... I'm still trying to find out if that's PS or not if it's postscript then you are set as that's the std yep You could always try the Epson C1000. It's basically a C2000 but is a Windows only printer .-- from usenet not sure if that helps or now not hmm .. it's not win only supports at least mac as well oooo i don't have the printer so I just hit groups.google.com in fact .. supports Mac OS X .. so *should* work on anything [driver/language permitting of course] I ordered it yesterday ... should have it in a few days that was why I went for it over Minolta's QMS Deskthingy ... since it is win only oh yeah ... and the colour quality is far superior on standard copy paper :) Just looking at the GNUe entry on sourceforge sigh it mentions the main web site neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-181.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. we really need help with maintaining the web sites but doesn't say where it is hello all jamest - I have been raising web site "patches" via DCL as I find them Action: drochaid pricks his ears up not sure that's really what's it's for help with the web sites you say? but derek hasn't told me to naff off just yet ;-) and what sort of help would you require? just help keeping them up Action: psu installed phpnuke to have a play with it yesterday the sourceforge site is so far out of date it's nuts the main site has people not liking nuke but at least it's letting us get stories up easier neilt! yes you're our OS X user right? yes hows wx support comming along? its intstalled while I'm being a pain, the http://www.gnu.org/projects/gnue/gnue.html webpage has lots of dead links too sigh shall I have a go at updating it, or do we just replace with a placeholder page to point to the main website? we need to maintain that page per fsf request not sure about the "politics" of wanting to keep at least a reasonable presence on the gnu.org site as well its been a bit jamest: you want to walk me through getting forms working? dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. i can if you have time Action: jamest would love to see mac os screen shots :) if you're lucky cd cvs/gnue ./setup.py and you're done for a developer install updating cvs nah, cant be that simple only for a developer users have to work harder :( that top level setup.py fakes an install "fakes" ? ;-) uses symlinks into the cvs tree to construct the python object search path and copies the default config files to a $HOME/gnue dir adds scripts to $HOME/bin (gfdes, gfcvs, gfnav ) that know about this install however a normal user must cd cvs/gnue cd common; setup.py install cd forms; setup.py install cd designer; setup.py install see, it's harder what is setupcvs.py? whoops that's the top level script it got renamed :) setup-cvs.py that is local or system wide install i'd choose local system wide is when you want all your people pulling from the same cvs repository do i want to use the current system wide gnue.conf file i wouldn't ok now what that finished it is done? yes cd ~/bin dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection and see if you have gfcvs, gfdes, gfnav programs and a couple of others ok is that dir in your path? nope ok no biggie they are all links yip if you add that dir to your path then gfcvs somegfdfile would work as it sits now cd gnue/forms/samples/intro ~/bin/gfcvs intro.gfd hold on, being a gui guy I have to look up how to set the path what shell do you use? tcsh ok in your $HOME/.cshrc setenv PATH /home/neilt/bin:$PATH should do it if that's your home dir :) ok now what bbl then you'll need to open a new shell psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[=V97=] Leaving" as that won't take effect in the current one i did a rehash you may have to . .cshrc try a which gfcvs source ~/.cshrc;rehash dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ok now waht ok what which gfcvs if that shows it then you are good to go psu or drochaid if you want to help with web sites EASIEST quick gain is to update gnu.org site pages they are in cvs so easy to deal with updates on yes look good gfcvs --help and submit patches on the other ones gnuenterprise.org that is that works i think we shut most of sourceforge.net down we did we should just update our 'releases' there but our files are out of date and I had someone mail me with issues with last forms program loaded there :( neilt: yeah we shoudl do taht cd into er soon enough sourceforge will be shut down or made a 'pay site' anyhow by the looks of all the chagnes going on at VA cd into your cvs gnue tree cd forms/samples/intro gfcvs intro.gfd Action: derek is off to get the ingridents for his masterpiece dinner poor laurie bbl actually im a good cook Action: jamest tries to dcc her some tums i.e. i like to eat, so generally im a good cook :) neilt? what is this your name, you were born stuff lol it's our intro form put your name in and it should make a password for you based upon pig latin suprised you dont ask for a credit card number put your year in and it'll give your forture fortune none of the data is stored, kept, or anything it's all for fun gnome is acting goofy isn't that normal? :) fixed it ok now hat what well can you exit it and try gfdes intro.gfd that seems to work cool you should be able to move fields around on the form via drag and drop now for the fun test exit the program and make sure you have a valid database entry in your $HOME/gnue/etc/connections.conf then type gfdes i cant seem to edit a property? then from the file menu choose connect -> (your defined db) i get the window, but cant edit the text is there a scrollbar on the property window if so enlarge the window until it disappears then you'll be able to edit howdy hi neilt: did you add that connections.conf entry? psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. i need to run for a bit neilt: if you open designer nope not yet then choose new -> from wizard i cant resize the property window ? that is very odd before i do connection yes? let me get this working right if you have to go, thanks oh i have a sec i'll catch up later there is a bug in the property thing (i don't have it anymore for some reason) if the scrollbars is visible you can't edit hehe.. funny to hear a car go by with a stuck horn anyway to create a data aware form open designer choose file - new - from wizard pick the connection you defined if it's oracle, postgresl, or mysql then you should get a table listing you can pick a table from that list then pick fields from a new list and finish and the form is completed i should be back in about 1 hour neilt: thanks for testing this puppy Action: jamest really wants to see MacOS support the wizard is working in recent builds? ok, thanks btw i wouldn't update cvs again to fix problems or, I guess it has been working, and I didn't have connections.conf setup ;-) jcater and I both have big changes to check in ok i think things will really be flaky until we can get our changes in sync ok, how can I get a local copy of a directory on a web server using wget? whenever I try to use globbing, it tells me not supported for http: wget -r topurl IIRC i really have to run bbiab thanks bbl jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319239.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" bbl psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[x]chat" tod (~tod@dialup-mo-95-221.stjames.fidnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. warren (warren@HSE-Montreal-ppp3465734.sympatico.ca) left irc: "[x]chat" Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Yurik_ (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Yurik_ -> Yurik Action: jcater is back (gone 01:51:00) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[=V97=] Leaving" jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319239.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey: hi Heya Yurik **************************************************** new screenshot posted using designer with Mac OS X **************************************************** for jamest tod (tod@dialup-mo-95-221.stjames.fidnet.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) neilt: rock! dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. hmmmmmm i guess now that I have forms working that means that the only platform in which geas and forms both work is the Mac neilt: i have to laugh at some of the things on your desktop isn't that interesting i can only imagine what parkinglotissues is :) parking lot = stuff during implementation of big name package that cant be solved right now dres__ (dres@ got netsplit. :) ah i figured it was a corporate condundrum how to assign covered parking spots or something :) i actually had to upload a new version of the picture as i noticed that I had some names on the desktop that should not be there :) Action: jcater thought it was a big 144 pt document reading "Reserved for Neil T." tod (~tod@dialup-mo-42.stjames.fidnet.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi tod jcater: rofl no that was Yurik_ (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. bathroomissues.doc ;) dres__ (~dres@ got lost in the net-split. neilt: are you using an iBook or a PowerBook> Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: No route to host derek: I thought bathroomissues was "Please use the lever after completion" with an arrow rofl jcater can you look at the cron job that keeps the irc current log up to date? it seems to always be a day or so behind ah lemme look funny thing a year ago jamest and i got BLASTED for using python and told we shoujld have used scheme by RMS today: FSF announces Guido as FSF coder of year for .... drum roll ... his work on python Nick change: Yurik_ -> Yurik really? http://www.fsf.org/press/2002-02-16-FSF-Award.html Guido van Rossum Awarded the Free Software Foundation Award for the Advancement of Free Software derek: i use a powerbook, my wife an iBook, she also has an iPod Action: derek just found that funny neilt: yummy dude that's highty ironic highly esp. considering the shit RMS gave Guido over his license no i realize that at one time (when we got blasted) python was going through license issues BUT at that time we ran fine on 1.5.2 which was GPL compatiable so it really made no sense, especially since throughout whole thing guido said he wanted to be gpl compatiable he just had to make be-open and cnri happy ok irc-logs symlink fixed you da bomb what was wrong w/ it? bad logic i'm committing so jcater and I can sync up :) some stuff so anyone wanting to ensure that designer still works jamest: did you see your screen shot should stay away from cvs um jamest i thought you would find the fsf award to python particulary cute Action: jamest goes to the web site since rms was the one who told you to rewrite gnue in scheme :) lol i've come to count on the inconsistancy from them i still remember your answer F YOU! I wont rewrite squat, if you want it in scheme, I quit. :) only put a little nicer as that time their mail list server was (and still is) mailman and we aren't usable w/o emacs interface but some php based web thing is adopted for use neilt: downloading pic derek: did you not my wireless network icon on the picture technology is great I can sit out by the pond and pound on GNUe neilt: i can't download it :( its a png file is it huge? i just checked, it works for me dont know let me check committing oooooo sorry 300k it popped up it is tod (tod@dialup-mo-42.stjames.fidnet.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" guess thats abit big sweet dudes I loaded mozilla 0.9.7 to give it a chance i have to post a pic of this startup committed Action: jcater nervously updates crap jamest: printtool is gui? yes it's redhats printer config tool piss how come debian didnt require X for it? i.e. i did apt-get install printtool and it got it http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jamest/moz.png but did startx and remember that machine has no gui is there way i can run it remotely yes a complete X setup isn't required to run an X app that could be why it only needs the x-libs rofl about your mozilla setup jamest how i can i run remotely or w/o x? Action: derek really doesnt want to install a gui on that machine (space reasons) you only need the xserver on the machine w/ the gui you only need the xlibs on the gui less machine just like you can run gui crap on ash if you like you know what i think gnome is installed here why is it not finding startx that's not part of core X on debian they put it in xbase-clients how can i tell if i have an xserver installed? you don't need it on the mahcine w/ printtool i.e tell me what to apt-get to get it so i can run ssh -X to run printtool :) xbase-clients do a dpkg --list xlibs and that should be about it ssh -X needs the xauth program out of that package doing apt-get install xbase-clients xbase-clients and xlibmesa3 being installed neilt: you still here? i need someone with a running forms from the old cvs to test something jamest: wife wants to know how you got big fonts when her mozilla fonts were too small to read ;) Action: derek m um Action: derek m i installed it :) Action: derek waves hand wildly about old cvs forms there's a reason netscape 6 was listed as the worst product of 2001 in the middle of a best of only list :) j/k Action: derek screams oooo ooooo oooo pick me pick me, while squirming off his chair derek: you have a running forms yeah too late it was a 6 month old bug that no one reported :) installing xlib (says no xlib anymore use xlibs xlib6) so installing them then what do i need to do? i assume configure the ssh server to allow X to run on it? Action: derek is dizzy from the garlic and onion fumes jcater im doing a doozy over here main : chicken cordon bleu yip entry : Mediterranean Veggie Sauté derek: You're installing ssh on cordon bleu? dessert : Pommes Croustillantes hehe no that's his entry moi es chef didier ce soir Friend potatoes sounds good for dinner. Hmmmm... fried, rather. If they talk enough to be my friend, they've probably been in the cupboard too long. jbailey: that, or the wine's set up tooooo long in the cellar or you had a little too much of it :) More likely the latter (Which tends keep the former from happening) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. psu, the great observer of frivilous conversations on #gnue =) Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "need to restart X" uh, have I missed something? well jbailey was just discussing his friendly, talking potatos shouldn't he be on woody by now ? psu: Just because my financee's out of town, doesn't mean I play the other side of the field! carpine:/home/dneighbo# printtool channel 0: istate 4 != open channel 0: ostate 64 != open X connection to carpine:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). carpine:/home/dneighbo# is what i get when i ssh -X carpine then run printtool any ideas? none you can also telnet in set your DISPLAY env var to the machine you have GUI DISPLAY= export DISPLAY be sure and on run a xhost + debian by default now won't allow xhost stuff you have to change some setting in /etc/x???/??? or some crap you have any iptables setup on that x-less machine? yes BUT jamest iirc has done X on this machien remotely before ok, can someone w/cvs write access "lock" /www/gnue.html & I'll do a new one in the next day or so. lock it? i think the only people that would change it are here now later all neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-181.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: psu: even if other changed it cvs can deal with that but i will go out on a limb and say the chances of that file changing in the next week are slim to none :) sigh so looks like i have to install gnome on the server? as i cant telnet to that box and i dont know what to chagne to make ssh w/ X work the sshd config has X11forwarding set to yes did you activate xforwarding on both ends ? and i swear this was working for jamest on the server jamest on my end i did ssh -X carpine in /etc/ssh/sshd.conf you have to allow X forwarding easy to test ssh into the machine then echo $DISPLAY if it points to the servername:10 or somethig similar it is active permitted by applicable law. You have mail. sh: /usr/bin/X11/xauth: No such file or directory dneighbo@carpine:~$ i think thats the problem i get that when i just go to ssh but dneighbo@carpine:~$ echo $DISPLAY carpine:10.0 dneighbo@carpine:~$ lol apt-get install xbase-clients i swore you wouldn't need that but xauth is part of that package i already apt got it maybe not getting now chillywilly_ (danielb@d25.as12.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) chillywilly_ (~danielb@d12.as5.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rock printtool now working remotely Topic changed on #gnuenterprise by derek!~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net: #gnuenterpise home of the sysadmin/programming Ghods.... =) cream my jeans the printer works wonder if works in color etc jamest: now the big trick how do i make it a network printer? i.e. it works on carpine how do i get latitude to see it an use it? derek: duct tape some network cabling to the side of the printer rofl Action: derek goes to get that duct tape jcater: i had a framing hammer out to pound the chicken breast for the cordon bleu so making that joke doesnt sound so far fetched ;) oh hell yeah it prints color and its NICE rock! Action: derek hugs his linux er gnu/linux *lol* Action: derek wonders if its worth jerking with cups? never used it well i forget what we did at access but i recall it being really easy for network printers jcater: do you know how i can use lp0 on carpine from other machines on my network? do i ahve to mount it? lol no, I don't need the mental picture of that derek: install printtool on your other machine are you using plain lpd? or lprng? then tell it you have a network printer or listen to jamest (lpr) iirc and it'll do the work for you printtool: printing for PHBs Action: jamest hides Action: jcater will have to look at printtool soon err, nah shouldn't let those highly marketable printtab skilz go to waste the only reason I don't use it is it requires magicfilter which used to have issues for me i don't even recall what they were :) man if i get my scanner and video camera to work i might be able to NEVER run winders again :) yes lpr is what we used at access but this printtool was kind of nice auto detected printer and everything #gnuenterprise tech support guidelines - only one pc accessory per night per customer rofl unless you pay the for KK support levels it rapidly escalates as the night goes on so it's best to try right after dinner :) er its asking me things im not sure of names: lp spool directory: /var/spool/lpd/lp cups is pretty neat use the default file limit: 0 use the default remote host: Extremely convienient remote queue: input filter: lp i assume host is ip address what is remote queue? printer style you have (which was autodetected) lp is remote queue hmmm you sure? only cause its lp0 that i installed that printer on damn older version of printtool on this redhat box it's the name of the queue on the remote machine so it doesnt show my printer listed default 1st printer is lp if you set it to something else then quick changing the !@#!@# default settings! jamest: hmmm i am pretty sure it had lp as some dumb direct ascii thing quick = quit :) and the driver i installed was lp1 oh yeah er lp0 open print tool on the remote machine and set the print driver(filter) whatever the same as lp doesn't allow server filters to handle remote jobs IIRC yeah i sent a test and nothing happened looks like this wont be a slam dunk thing Action: derek wonders what is happening with these jobs or how to troubleshoot them even its like its doing nothing derek: See? If you were running the Hurd, you could write a translator to sit on /dev/lp0 and feed you all that information. =) rofl i guess i live w/o for now sigh this laptop pisses me off Of course, I don't think the parallel port drivers work, but hey! derek the remote queue name must match the queue name on the server to dump the jobs lpq get the job number lprm job# as for errors there should be a /var/log/lp* log file jamest how can i find queue name on server more /etc/printcap [root@latitude forms]# lpq the top line of each printer entry will give the name lp|somedamnprinter|foo is a printer w/ 3 names latitude.delphigeek.com: waiting for queue to be enabled on Rank Owner Job Files Total Size 1st root 0 ... 625 bytes 2nd root 1 ... 625 bytes [root@latitude forms]# lprm 0 dfA000latitude.delphigeek.com dequeued cfA000latitude.delphigeek.com dequeued /usr/sbin/lpd: @Üÿ¿àÿ¿ Host name for your address ( unknown lp0:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp0:\ :mx#0:\ :sh:\ :lp=/dev/lp0:\ :if=/var/spool/lpd/lp0/filter:\ :PAPERSIZE=letter:\ :DESIRED_TO=ps:\ :PRINTER_TYPE=LOCAL:\ :ASCII_TO_PS=YES:\ :GSDEVICE=uniprint:\ :RESOLUTION=NAxNA:\ :COLOR=cdj550:\ :PS_SEND_EOF=NO:\ :NUP=1:\ :RTLFTMAR=18:\ :TOPBOTMAR=18:\ :TEXT_SEND_EOF=YES: so what is the queue name? derek: add the ip address of the remote machine to the /etc/hosts.lpd of the print server machine or have you already done that? nope havent done that this day and age, network protocols don't blindly accept requests from over the network some security thing, or something???? you'll then need to do an "/etc/init.d/lpd restart" to get those new permissions going personally, I don't see the issue if someone wants to spam my printer with 1000 pages of pr0n I say, go for it!! lol jcater to CEO: I'd better analyze these to see if I can trace them back to the source. more like CEO to Jason... Can I keep those on file for future legal recourse?? ... Yeah, my personal file :) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[=V97=] Leaving" jcater: no file is there so what do i put in the file? just the IP address iirc no /etc/init.d/lpd hmm is this debian? lpd-ppp yip debian what other /etc/init.d/lp* files do you have? ? you looking for /etc/hosts.lpd or for I was going to get him to restart lpd /etc/init.d/lpd or /etc/init.d/lprng carpine:/home/dneighbo# /etc/init.d/lpd-ppd restart Stopping printer spooler: lpd. Starting printer spooler: lpd. carpine:/home/dneighbo# hosts.lpd didnt exist so i created it lpd-ppd? [22:12] Last message repeated 1 time(s). is that a postscript printer you have? hmm still no dice will have to try later wifey time hey, anyone familiar with parser.h and xmlmemory.h? not sure what packages they are associated with not me --- Sun Feb 17 2002