[00:44] Last message repeated 1 time(s). jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201091.flinthills.com) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d169.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: reinhard (~rm@N809P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. zDuff (~cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. re ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. hey ra3vat hello Mr_You We are thus the only generation between the Norman Conquest and the year 3000 to experience two palindromic years within a normal lifetime. Also you may observe that ours is the only generation to experience two palindromic years, 1991 and 2002, in a normal lifetime 1991 can be read forward and backward, its the same (palindromic year) zDuff (cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Mr_You: you noticed that we had a palindromic second yesterday? 20/02/2002 20:02 yeah, someone mentioned that, I just realized funky zDuff (~cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (SachaS@ joined #gnuenterprise. hey SachaS hi reinhard did you travel back to austria well? how's the weather in sweden? yes the travel was fine i am already back in liechtenstein ah oh the open ebxml laboratory in sweden looks good. the open ebxml laboratory is placed at a university in stockholm / kista so there are studends working on the open ebxml project at this moment. they were interested in gnu enterprise because they concentrated on ebxml itself cool but when you want to use ebxml you somewhere need a business application (gnue) we just realized that there are no GOOD FREE BUSINESS APPLICATIONS out there yet. so they are interested in what happens with gnue. reinhard: are you programming for geas ? in principal yes at the moment no :( two weeks ago it looked like i could start again working for geas but the mad goats (= real work) came back ;) haha did you go to the presentation of miguel about mono? no me neither. had to go to the airport :( i had a romantic afternoon with my wife in the city of brussels on sunday :) thats good then and i wasn't very interested in hearing him talk about how great microsoft is maybe there were some critical questions from the audience ..... when i get back to perth i want to setup designer, forms again to see how far it is. no i have to find a supervisor in perth. if i do not find a supervisor in perth i might even go to sweden. but i would prefer perth because of the beach, sun etc. hmmm probably better weather for bathing in australia than in sweden :) zDuff (cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ok. i am off for lunch. see another day. l8r SachaS (SachaS@ left #gnuenterprise. drochaid (user34@pc1-kirk2-0-cust128.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" zDuff (~cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. TypeRite (~jijo@gusi.leathercollection.ph) joined #gnuenterprise. jbeyer (lxdev70b@grossetto.cinetic.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi, anybody here? yes we just mailed a few minutes ago? jo if you are waiting for the discussion... it usually starts as soon as the american part of the world is awake around 14:30 or 15:00 our time so it should start soon meanwhile if you have questions about gnue please ask i _might_ be able to help since when you are working on gnue? and what's your role? i joined somewhere around fall 1999 (IIRC) and i hack on geas (the application server) as often as i have time which is not as often as i would like to :-) reinhard: is CVS checkout access unrestricted? I can't seem to find references to CVS in the website. I have not tried, I downloaded some tarballs TypeRite: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=2 the link is perfectly hidden on the front web page I down loaded forms, the designer , geas ans something that looks like a cvs snapshot reinhard: ahh!!! thank you, thank you. :) jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. would anyone know what software was used to set up the various diagrams available in the documentation online? probably Dia morning jamest jbeyer came here to see some discussion so did you think about my proposal of rewriting gnuef in java? argh! j/k :) just reading my mail and hit jbeyer's mail I am nobody here, but one of the reasons why I'm interested in GNUe is it's written in Python. :) that's me actually we're writing in python but will drop back to C where he hit performance problems or in the base of geas....it's all in C at this time base = case I just saw some broken links in the download area. http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/ we are using php-nuke for our web site but it's download manager was IMHO a major pain i thought i'd fixed the links though Action: jamest goes to look at links oooo did you try the download link or a link from a story? that (http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/ ) is what I found later :-) ok on the page http://www.gnuenterprise.org/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=7 jamest: that sounds like a very good way to do things. Python as the glue, with C handling the performance-intensive portions. there is a line "screenshots downloads docu" The download links works, but the actual downloads on e.g. page http://www.gnuenterprise.org/download.php?op=viewsdownload&sid=1 down work for me. don't work for me. fixing jbeyer or TypeRite: anything you wish to know about us? jamest: I'm just lurking for awhile, if you don't mind. going through online documents seeing how things are and if I can do anything to help. jamest: GNUe is the only open source ERP solution I know of now, and the fact it's written in Python makes me jump up and down in joy. :) lol how much of the gnue code is actually working? or lets put it this way: is anybody using it in production? (no pun intended) working? you want working code?!?! man, some people :-) um reinhard can talk about geas as he knows it better than I as for forms and designer they are usable today they are also used in production you feed them an xml description of the gui and it has backends... yes to produce the gui? yes what we have on the forms side of things what xml parser are you using? pyxml with our own custom wrapper parser jamest: if I want to get a feel of the code, which "module" should I start with? this one? http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyxml ? jbeyer: yes ok on the python side of the fence gnue-common is the core of forms, designer, navigator, and reports it provides a lot of the core functionality of these tools a dictionary based xml parser that maps to GObj (our base python object) trees a data engine that has drivers for every python db api 2.0 available (we'll also support non-db api 2.0 drivers) a app framework that embeds a debug system, config system, profiling system, alexey (alex@news.techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" forms is our user interface system designer currenly writes only form xml files that sound very interesting however its capable of handling any xml format defined in our GParser format on the status of geas so if the forms gfd format changes designer adjusts automatically geas is in a state where it basically works (more or less) Action: jamest shuts up to let reinhard speak but the code has become unmaintainable and we are in the process of rewriting part by part so if you are a "developer" we would greatly appreciate help in doing this as it's hard and time consuming work if you are a "user" you'd better keep your hands off geas for the time being :) reinhard: do you discuss work primarily on IRC or also via the mailing lists? Action: reinhard hands the microphone back to jamest I am not running .-) ;) reinhard: I'm not a "developer" in the sense of being "production ready/tested" (so maybe I'm similar to GNUe? kidding), but I'd like to see if maybe I can find a slot to fit into and pitch in some manpower. navigator is currently a brain dead navigation system TypeRite: we discuss most in IRC and we try to document the most important decisions via mailing list later its a quick hack based upon common that lets you define processes these processes define steps that run forms, or apps some day this will support role based access control but not today :) reports can generate reports :) but is not complete it can be used however it's author used it to generate something like a 10,000 letter mailing to their customer base IIRC so to play i'd grab common, forms, designer if python was your thing i'd grab geas if C and object servers are your thing if you're looking for an interesting project the geas/forms interface is currently at a standstill due to problems on my machine Action: jamest is not sure he is helping people here am I answering your questions ok? yes. jamest: yes. ok TypeRite: we can always use the help jamest: I have been quiet, reading in awe, raving about your friendliness and helpfullness in our local Python/Linux group's channel. huh? people know about #gnuenterprise outside of #gnuenterprise? wow jamest: hahaha. jamest: I told the local LUG and Python SIG about it. I'm from the Philippines. jamest: I know of at least two people who looked at things. I am still trying to get them to get interested enough to pitch in. they're more seasoned than I. ok jamest: thank you again for your help explaining things. I've got a CVS snapshot as of today and will see if I can find my way around things. :) TypeRite: ok, if you have cvs do this cd cvs/gnue python setup-cvs.py and answer the questions you'll end up with gfcvs - forms from your local cvs tree grcvs - reports from cvs tree jamest: everything will run from wherever the CVS copy is? gncvs - navigator from cvs yes that setup-cvs.py script was created so that you could still work jamest: cool. oh, any news on GNUe and Python 2.2? I've got both 2.1 and 2.2 and wonder which you think I should use for the CVS-running copy. with a stable copy installed while using these commands to use your private (and edited) cvs tree well, I have heard it works on 2.2 but i have 2.0 and 2.1 installs here jamest: okay. since this is a dev copy I'll bite the bullet with 2.2. ;> :) bbiaf interesting, there are Debian packages for gnue-common, gnue-forms and gnue-designer. yep and for geas and geas. even lol yes what you said:) reinhard: haha. :) yes reinhard: it seems the cvs-running setup doesn't do anything about GEAS so I'll have to grab that package. yeah yes the python tools use distutils and geas uses autoconf where do I find a uulib? geas is somewhat separate from the front end tools jbeyer: look for a package called e2fsprog-dev or like that jbeyer: or on Debian, uuid-dev, I think. I google for that :-) dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: TypeRite has to go and sleep. Action: TypeRite thanks reinhard and jamest again for their help. night TypeRite TypeRite (jijo@gusi.leathercollection.ph) left irc: "Bed Time Blues" Nick change: derek -> dnWork dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. zDuff (cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) sigh bbias jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. jbeyer (lxdev70b@grossetto.cinetic.de) left irc: "Leaving" jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. zDuff (~cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. zDuff (cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319360.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. zDuff (~cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. zDuff (~cduffy@adsl-66-122-182-131.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net) left #gnuenterprise. jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319360.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" reinhard (rm@N809P002.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate" ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Client Quit ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[=V97=] Leaving" alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Arturas (~artkri@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. hello Arturas i apologize for not responding to your mail yesterday we had some other pressing tasks on the administration side to take care of :): hello Derek. That's not a problem I can allways wai ... wait please tell M i say 'hello' ok Do you have time now? yes we discussed your mail a little bit yesterday and where we wanted to put you to work :) but we want to know more your programming background and more importantly what you would be interested to work on :) I'm fluent in Delphi => visual programming learned XML there is no shortage of things to do, its just a matter of getting you started : learning C++ Arturas : im ex delphi programmer :) :) i will say python is a VERY easy transition from delphi yes, it is for sure :) but as i look into all this project it all is so huge and i just would like to participate everywhere :) what language is your native language? (as we have several people that speak russian working on gnue) native is Lithuanian Arturas thats the perfect answer :) we like people willing to work anywhere/everywhere :) can read/write in Russian (and English ;) can read in German undestand and weakly read in Polish maybe some Norwegian ra3vat : is outside of moscow and i think creating a russian mailing list for gnue, you will probably want to help him with it so that things get communicated back to the english lists and such i think there is a lot of stuff that needs work i will list probably some options - clean up/refactoring of gnue forms (probably best introductory stuff) dneighbo: it's him not me who can help for rest of us with languages :) ( so I just can't chose any especial part of this project) - extending/finishing gnue-common rpc abstraction Arturas by all means yes if there is a particular piece you want to work on just let us know :) i thought you wanted to work on everything so i was gonna list some of the 'hot' todo's :) problem is that i just don't know :\ what from to chose well that is why i was gonna suggest a few :) and yes, i liked your idea of suggestions - clean up/refactoring of gnue forms (probably best introductory stuff) - extending/finishing gnue-common rpc abstraction what is abstaction? what is abstraction? - doing work on report engine - doing work on designer abstraction means to make it non detailed a good example would be perl DBI it abstracts perl calls to a SINGLE db interface so you dont have to write separate perl code for every database you wish to use ex: oracle might be db.connect() sybase maybe db.connection() but it can be too hard for me - i don't know yet all the details about your project can make good abstraction postgres maybe db.conn() but itmay not fit you so perl DBI creates db.Connect() and it knows what to call based by settings you gave it well the abstraction for rpc would be thigns like DCOM, SOAP, XML-RPC, CORBA etc know only few details about them so you really dont have to know a lot about GNUe specifically to do it, but its a pretty large and complex undertaking i think we should talk to jcater and jamest and see if they have some stuff in forms or designer that we can start you with that will allow you get a better understanding of the internals of gnue, but while doing something useful :) probabaly that would be best thing for start :) :) jcater / jamest ..... i will have to quit after ~20 minutes ra3vat did you ever get that russian list setup? Arturas : are you on metered time? Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. yes now i am in university re if so maybe we can try to schedule a time for you to meet us here it's 20:33 and it closes strictly in 21:00 :\ ah what time is at you? ;) so its unlimited during open hours yes im at 11:41 dneighbo: there was not much activity, suggestion was to put it where other lists live so we are at like a 9 hr diff, but jamest and jcater are only like a 7 hour diff from you :) not a very big difference :) probably a good time to come back is between 18 - 21 your time er 18:00 - 21:00 I didn't expect to meet you today here but tomorrow i will sit here from 17:00 :) im glad we got to meet at least 'virtually' :) me too Arturas sounds good, tell M he is 'cheap' he should be paying for your internet connection full time ;) Arturas: one hour difference from me :) is M still living there in lithuania? yes, he is he keeping busy? ? is he staying out of trouble :) don't know this :/ I guess you know www.codeworks.lt :) nope will have to check it out M's firm (?) is called CodeWorks.lt and there is their site trying to find you something before the computer lab there closes and you have to leave interesting you are working for him right? in some way he accepted me gave me computer and told to communicate with you :) do you know Bryan too? what is bryan's last name? Bryan Rodgers (if ai'm not mistakening) (if i'm not mistakening) hmm does not ring a bell he works with M too is he in lithuania or here in the states? so I thought you might know him _now_ he is in Lithuania but from States ah name sounds kind of familiar but i dont think i know him probably not too many lithuanians with last name rodgers :) :) I guess we could find one :) was looking for our current TODO but i can not find it so we can discuss tomorrow ok I will be here from 17:00 my time sounds good, have a good night you too :) have a good day :) i have tradition of trying to learn some of the language of those contributing to gnue how do you say? 'good night' in lithuanian? 'Labanaktis' very nice tradition well then bye Labanaktis and will see you tomorrow :) Arturas (artkri@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: ra3vat im curious about the diff between russian and lithuanian.. how do you say good night in russian (or yurik you probably know this too ) :) dneighbo: the difference is very big dneighbo: between russian and lithuanian dneighbo: 'spokoinoi nochi' dneighbo: we say "spokoinoi nochi" in Russian dneighbo: now make a diff dneighbo: russian (and ukranian, bielorussian, and so on) are slav language, when lithuanian is baltic (?) s/language/languages/ ah i was just going to ask that :) i.e. what are the deviations as we used to have arno from estonia and iirc estonian is a cross between finnish and russian as about every 100 years who 'owned' estonia would change :) Action: dneighbo likes the geography plus world history lessons :) :-) they dont teach us much about russia / eastern block countries in school at all here (or at least not when i was in school) Action: Yurik is trying to imaginate something cross between finnish and russian.. brr! Yurik it might not be finnish, but some nordic country of course, russian (and exUSSR) is an antipod country for us :) yes, nordic baltic (?) s/russian/Russia/ us = U.S. :) Action: Yurik is thinking to buye some mayonnaise Action: Yurik is thinking to buy some mayonnaise Estonia perhaps ? Action: Yurik returned and bought some mayonnaise, sausage Yurik there is a rule in this channel you can't talk about food unless: a. you plan on sharing it with someone else in the channel b. you are trying to coerce jcater into doing something for you heh we had to do this, because some of us gnue developers have eating problems.... problem is we eat everything :) heh psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. psu: hi hi Yurik Action: dsmith shares his lemonheads with everyone Action: psu eyes proffered lemonhead suspiciously Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dsmith pops another lemonhead dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly (~danielb@d108.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi chillywilly sup dawg hey reinhard dude you live Action: dsmith tosses chillywilly a lemonhead thanks chillywilly: something comparable to life, yes ;) :) bbl Action: chillywilly is away: I'm busy jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) got netsplit. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) got lost in the net-split. jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" jan (jan@port218.waldbroel.ndh.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard. I`ve some questions about GEAS. ok How difficult is it to write an other "connection" to GEAS. f.e. SOAP or RPC. future: easy, because CORBA code is pulled out of the functional code of geas, and CORBA is only the outmost layer present: very difficult because CORBA code is spread all over geas Action: jan is dreaming of the future Action: reinhard hopes the future is not _so_ distant and your focus is on the parser at the moment, or not? yes and no my focus is actually rewriting geas part by part and i choose to start with the parser as it is the "lowest" level i am a believer in bottom up development i decided to rewrite module by module and "plug in" the new ones instead of the respective old ones and how many "level" are above the parser? there are several other modules at the same level actually biggest parts are the database abstraction part which we are planning to merge with what forms has and the method calling part how many dbs does GEAS support at the moment? postgres, mysql any other? these 3 make the low level at the moment we support postgres and mysql in geas and a lot more in forms neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-181.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. whe you write the modules to plug into the old code, do you change the "main" code, or do you first have a layer in between to simulate the old code and keep the "main" code the same? ./whe/when/s jan: you are exactly pointing out the main problem i am facing i change the main code which is a major PITA in fact much more of a PITA than i expected AND it breaks things :( btw hi neilt he reinhard thanks for the fix s/he/hi/ jan: otoh it forces me to look at the "main" code and understand how it works which will (hopefully) help me when replacing the next parts porting an app from win to unix i`ve done the last way. leaving the "main" code the same and just difference of hidding the old and new module code behind a new function an other approche is to separate GEAS into pieces and make an top-down rewrite. yeah actually we wanted something like that separation into pieces how about horizontal rewrites but it's like you want to separate a plate of spaghetti into the red and the yellow ones neilt: sorry never heard of that what is horizontal rewrite? rewriting while lying in bed? just carve a bit off and rewrite it :) i like your description better :) still not sure if i understand what it would mean can you give an example to explain? reinhard: do you have allready seperated the way the parsed data is stored? jan: yes that's one of the "plugging" problems i say we just re-write it the original author of geas seems to not have believed in the concept of private data structures :) I think a complete rewrite would allow to separate out parts better and get more help there are many other ones not believing in "private" data ;) also I think we should be thinking about multiptle servers instead of one monolithic one do you have a concept? we need to build it from the ground up mult-threaded with a workflow engine at the core :) Action: reinhard is confused now about whether the :) relates only to the last post or to more i would be serious about multithreading Action: jan is trying to think it over again... the parser builds up an object template tree. right? reinhard: it relates to me not wanting to ruffle any feathers neilt: ah ok Action: reinhard wonders why good discussions always start after midnight his time :) psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: Remote closed the connection why don`t make the object templates a kind of active, so you just need a container to build them up and store them, and let there buisness logic kind of work. so different templates can be connected with differnt servers or diff. threads... Action: dsmith is away: food yes thats where I think we need to go also Action: jan didn`t know much about object servers..., but just tries to imagine im coming in half way to a conversation but please please please do not add rpc stuff to geas we plan on removing that from geas so you would be doing work only to be undone later geas does not work without rpc if you want to be productive in moving it forward look at common and there are some rpc abstraction classes there that will be tooled into geas neilt : im not saying that it wont im sayin gdont make it use SOAP by hardcoding it or writing abstraction in GEAS itself as of today GEAS is CORBA only if we want it other than CORBA lets not duplicate work fix it in common and make GEAS use common should geas call the python code from common, or should the common code geas is using be rewritten in C? jan: i think we are only thinking out loud here but nobody has looked at how to actually do it we just know we want it somehow :) Action: jan understands. But Action: jan hates not working orbit-language- bindings. A very important step is to make the ERP packages working now. Using forms and designer is very impressive, but trying out an working fincancial package would be the hit! _/fincancial/financial/ we dont have our direction decided for geas at this point so it would be unfair for us to ask you to do work on it until we decide You mean, you haven`t decided how to rewrite it? Or even to do a complete rewrite? Or do you think of a complete replacement by something different? i think it best to rewrite it (in some cases using concepts/pieces) from original i STRONGLY think it needs to be in written in python for coherency and speed of development and if parts are slow its easy enough to move them to C that seems to be the best solution, but are there any concrete plans? there are a few ideas of where we want to go, but there seems to be a rising division of ideals so at some point we either converge or diverge so there is nothing more than the IRC logs? sorry for being so direct and pressing, but i think geas is really important. yes its important but right now its better to get squared away with where we are going and what we want than to code unfortunately not all the right people are hear right now to have this dicussion (thus is the problem with time zones) :) so it will have to wait or be moved to a mailing list ok, its just because I saw reinhard, and began to talk about GEAS. were with you jan geas is a great subject to talk about indeed :) its just not the main focus of the project neilt thats only half true at one time there was equal focus and for reasons out side of control (not blaming here) one half wasnt able to keep up does geas work with forms until the disparity was too great nope neilt yes it did until everyone stopped developing on geas dneighbo: not true when andrewm was working on geas full time it worked with forms yes it is true geas works fine i know i used geas and forms regularly in the beginning for all testing that has been done in fact even back when jade was here (over a year ago) it worked right now, for a couple of weeks it is in tranisition every error that has been posted has been corrected but I cant even test forms and geas because the forms part is not working forms doesnt work? i was told 4 months ago that a geas driver was in the works yep! iirc its a bug in orbit-python orbit python work just fine for me i have tested geas a lot using python and all the tests work the only real outstanding issue is that the search IDL is nto so good we have said to the forms team "tell us what you want and we will change it" Action: jan has looked into geas/dbdriver and tryed to understand it, but spend not much time on it. dneighbo: why don`t create some RPC binding for common? By this, it would be a minimal server, and we could add the geas functionality step by step. we really need to talk more about it waiting say 5 days i dont think will kill us hopefully we can discuss over the weekend Action: chillywilly is back (gone 01:48:28) fdkf (~gfd@modemcable221.190-202-24.mtl.mc.videotron.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: reinhard will be travelling the next 2 days :( derek? derek: why dont you sit up a time for IRC discussions dneighbo: you here? Action: chillywilly has a few ideas about next generation geas reinhard: someplace nice i hope like budapest like what? salzburg chilly? is that good ? basically ye yes except when you have to visit 3 customers in 2 days I dunno it might have something to do with an implementation of a certain standard and another distributed transaction standard ;) but talk is cheap and time is short :( Action: jan wants to hear chillywillys ideas. well there's some notes in gnue/geas/doc/odmg.txt then there's ISO XA which the ODMG standard points to and ops out of distributed transactions jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319360.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (rm@ left irc: "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" hehe he always has the best wuit messages er, quit It's too bad he didn't attribute it, though. I think that one's Ogg Mandino. he ususally does jan (jan@port218.waldbroel.ndh.net) left irc: where oh where did little jan go? away from you you scared him/her away you know what life sucks and then you die woohoo KC #16! life sucks then you pay taxes and die ;) yeah no one cheats the irs, cept the mafia :) but they die early fdkf (gfd@modemcable221.190-202-24.mtl.mc.videotron.ca) left irc: dneighbo: you going to set up an IRC chat to resolve geas issues ? yes i just have to get peoples schedules easier to do that via emali since reINHARD is gone for a few days probably will have to wait until next week cool, thanks why dont you propose a time via email and then we will all have time to plan Woohoo pop3 over ssl almost running for gnu.org folks. =) well i was going to ask what day or times are NO way i.e. i have xxx every thursday or i can do before x or after x any day ok works for me then i can find a window of times where people dont have a 'regular' schedule then i can set a day time with like 5 days notice a meeting? when? about what? dont know time bout scratching my butt its about re-writting geas ok where the hell are jamest and jcater tonight? may I attend? sure, i cant imagine it being provate private well we need to work on your creativity then :) er imagination whos? hmmm I didn't know it needed work sorry I suck neilt 's by default he said he couldnt imagine it being private oh duh i say he needs to work on his imagination :) :) I need to work on my work ethic as of right now I don't have one do you know where I can find one? anyway, I am off tootles Action: chillywilly is away: dinner jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. he is here... ttfn dneighbo (dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "[BX] Mike Tyson says BitchX BITES! Do you HEAR what I'm saying?!" Action: dsmith is back (gone 01:52:07) neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-181.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: Action: chillywilly is back (gone 01:13:23) muuuwahahaha jcater: I choose you brb hmmm quiet in here Nick change: dnWork -> derek sup dawg I;m back and better than ever (not at typing apparently ;P) hmmm from version 0.0.1 to 0.0.2 eh ;) ouch that hurts 0.0.2pre1 :) I am at least beta quality you can give me that can't you? Action: chillywilly probably shouldn't have asked um I'd say your at least GEAS beta quality Action: jcater ducks :P hey that more credit than you gave me before geas is at 0.0.6 my mission this weekend is to get gnue debs that work cool anyone have a 'guide' to making debian packages? dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. yes his name is ajmitch ;) or know of any other python based software in sid that has debians yeah either aj or jbailey oh ye Hmm? jeff is a debian developer jbailey wants to autoconf things :) im not into that oooo autoconf is good and right. =) well, aj then cause he rox i dont want ot do it the C way i want to do it the python way :) jbailey: you rox0rz! derek: autoconf is not language dependant. =) nah but it's language implicit :) bah it's justa macro language m4 nothing tlang specific about it dawg jbailey: no its not language dependent only mindset :) jcater: IIRC, auto* now has inherent support for python. my mind doenst want to deal with autoconf and autoconf can not be a requirement *sigh* chillywilly: not sigh derek: Yeah.. But alot of that mindset is the user being able to sit down, unpack ./configure; make; make install and have it DTRT. i dont want people having to do autoconf to install gnue dude i WOULD accept having to have autoconf to make debian packages you guys remind me of suits that wish they were hackers ;) that would suxor on non-*nix systems i.e. autoconf is only used to make the debians derek: This is a repeat conversation. =) I told you the solution to all of this before. I just need to get a working copy of GnuE on my system so that I can make sure I don't break anything. jbailey: you shouldnt have to do ANYTHING to gnue (slow responses, cooking dinner) derek: To run it? i.e. if you have to change gnue source files there is a problem in your setup :) i.e. to make a debian shouldnt require changing the source code of a program (or so i would think) ??? why would you do that? derek: It depends on if any locations are hardcoded. Some of Debian's filesystem rules are a little twisted. chillywilly: maybe im nuts but i have written commericial and in house software for years and never changed source to do an install jbailey: ok if its file system things where do you have to change thje source to install? you are implying that auto* makes you do this? and they are 'hardcoded' (outside conf files) then jcater and jamest have to sit the corner to be flogged chillywilly: im not implying it jbailey was :) ./configure --preifx=/install/my/friggin/gnue/ er, --prefix I just need to get a working copy of GnuE on my system so that I can make sure I don't break anything. jbailey: you shouldnt have to do ANYTHING to gnue and yes its a repeat basically because of some underlying things i want working debs in the pool by sunday night Ah nice. Anyone willing to actually help me then? =) so sunday morning i can quiet some very IMPORTANT critics i will be on during the weekend who? Everytime I've asked for assistance getting gnue running, the channel goes silent very quickly. =) hey now ask away really? jhlkjhlkjhsdlkfjhsdlkjfg qweb09tqw rg r;jk2bef;kjbh i do have to leave tonight, i have a date with a really hot chick we get complemented all the time on our helpfulness hjkSGodviqu tpr3g'v but i should be around tomorrow and tomorrow night BTW: we have debians in sid right now bah, call them debs jbailey: do you know how to get the source that made those debs? you sound like a putz calling them debians ;P i.e. if apt-get source gnue-forms works and gets the files necessary to actually create the .deb file we are 90% done where can I get some redhat package managements? all we have to do is find out WHAT is breaking when you apt-get install gnue-forms for example and fix that ;D hrrrm my big problem is i only have a headless debian box right now hold up i hope to get my DEC Multia running debian this weekend (good articles on linuxjournal i think) and then i can make debs for the alpha for gnue :) Action: derek is holding up and darn is up heavy ? dude danielb@obfuscation:~$ sudo apt-get install gnue-forms Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done Sorry, gnue-forms is already the newest version. 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 160 not upgraded. (Scrolling back) looks like it installs for me home billy it may INSTALL does it WORK Action: chillywilly should probablt upgrade I'm trying the install right now. hrrrm lemme see we have gotten NUMEROUS reports that it doesnt 'work' oh dude that was a libpng issue before iirc which is fixed however we DID have people file bugs in debian as of this AM a critical critic did an apt-get and the packages did not work or so im told sigh derek: There are no bugs to that effect. what ***really*** sucks (In the BTS) if gnue-common is in woody s/if/is but nothing else mmm Veggie burger and potatoe chips. ok it complains about me npot having a gnue.conf other than that it runs that sucks too Today, in an effort to get a better handle on this situation, I attempted to install GNUe Debian packages. I found: gnue-common - The shared library for many items of the GNU Enterprise Framework gnue-designer - A Rapid Application Development tool for GNU Enterprise. gnue-forms - An XML-based forms painter Your reason for not being in woody so far is that you're not building on all the arch's. Which all looked promising, but the Debian packages appear to be malfunctioning and I couldn't get it working in the 15 minutes I had to That should be trivial to fix. spend on it. it is fixed in sid with a fixed libpng IIRC chillywilly: that complaint was from this morning hrrrm where? i.e. Today in that paste equals today in Boston, MA dude lemme make a gnue.conf file then we need better descriptions in there agreed those descriptions blow goats jcater maurizo looks like he ripped the first sentence from freshmeat i must go now be back soon bye hmm I wonder why we don't built on multi-platforms could it be a dependency that doesn't build that's keeping us back? I've just confirmed that I'm permitted to NMY. well, that makes no sense NMU rather. as all their dependencies are in woody :( we just need a debian guy to give us some lovin' then our packages will rock I volunteer jbailey ;P jbailey: I choose you! what is NMU? new maintainer upload Non-maintainer upload. woops yea that too ;) It means that the maintainer isn't answering fast enough. sweet if we can fix whats wrong great can you tell us waht is preventing us from compiling on other architectures? as i know jamest uses on sun Not yet, but soon. That whole dinnner thing... ok well ive got date, be back in a few hours I thought you were married? ;P surely he doesn't mean a date w/his wife as that ain't natural Me? not for another 16 days. jcater: perhaps you need a different woman then jbailey: nah, I meant da masta Action: chillywilly should do something useful now bah Ah. Getting marries will be nice. That will mean I don't have to plan the wedding anymore. hehe Action: chillywilly is getting married june 7th 2003 cool Ah, hadn't realized you had picked a date. yup then we still have a year to work on you finally heheh Did you tell *her* yet? well, yea she knows /msg jbailey that's his mistress he's talking about yea, I wish...anyway the mistress of the sea jcater: Hmm.. I"ve never had one of those. I wonder if I get one as a present at my stag... Thinking of which, I should probably find out when that is. =) rofl my buddy didn't even have one of those because his "fiance" wouldn't let him gah, boot to the head to the finacee. so we went out and got plastered the night before the4 wedding (not a thing I recommend) sigh If you can't trust the person you're marrying not to screw around on you on one particular day, you can't trust them anytime. I had an interesting wedding jbailey: true dat the best man and I (in full Tuxedos) had to break into my future mother-in-law's house So I've got gnue-forms installed, now what? (Incidentally, the only install problem I experiences was a conflict with pyxml - That's a broken python dependancy, not a gnue problem) well does that install the demos/samples? no hmmm where in the hell is crazymike at? I can't believe he'snot sitting behind his computer (second burger on the frying pan, possibly more delays) do you have a gnue cvs somewhere? we need to get you to test the intro.gfd file I think I nuked it, lemme check. if that works, you are good to go it's still here. whatcha dot hat fer? Running cvs update. chillywilly: 'cause it didn't do anything. =) I have something like 2 dozen projects that I'm tracking right now. =) Hmm.. You guys appear to have done alot of work since my last cvs update. =) found intro.gfd. What do I do with it? rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@d59.as5.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Ah, joy. gnue-forms failed to compile on *every* arch. chillywilly (danielb@d108.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_!~danielb@d59.as5.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net)) 2 chillywilly's are better than 1 That's almost certainly a build-deps problem. fucking dialup Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly Ah, I see. I think that he didn't reazlie that Depends aren't necessarily filled for build-deps. Action: jbailey nudges jcater... Anyone else here? =) yes? Yes do I do with the intro.gfd? s/Yes/What/ =) gfclient intro.gfd I'm tired. =) you so somethign like that, IIRC s/so/do but i am not forms lackey ;) dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. whaddup dres True, but this is a reasonable example of how when I'm trying to get this working, somehow to channel always seems to go silent. =) Hmm. gnue.conf copy the sample one well I'll try to do my best There doesn't appears to be a gnue.conf in the cvs checkout. chillywilly: Thanks. I'd love to get this done for you guys. there's a gnue.conf.sample or something Action: chillywilly looms er, looks ROFL common/etc/sample.gnue.conf there ya go cp sample.gnue.conf gnue.conf Is that a bug in gnue-common then? Should it install that? it should istall the sample Hmmm. er, install It didn't mention that it was searching for it in /etc What's the python equivalent to --sysconfdir? complain to jcater ;P beats me Action: jbailey nudges jcater harder... Action: chillywilly is not yet a python weenie er, developer ;D Hrrmmm. I've copied the sample gnue.conf to ~/.gnue/ and it still claims it can't find it. well I have never tried that Where do you keep yours? I usually put it in /etc/gnue/ Oh hey, the sample.gnue.conf is there... tey do mysteriously disappear don;t they? bastards jcater: YOU SUCK!!! ;P Now I got a traceback. jbailey: now you're catching on ;) weeee paste it once jbailey@outpost:~/debian/gnue-forms-0.1.0/debian$ gfclient intro.gfd DB000: Traceback (most recent call last): DB000: File "/usr/bin/gfclient", line 42, in ? DB000: GFClient().run() DB000: File "./debian/gnue-forms/usr/lib/python2.1/gnue/forms/GFClient.py", line 118, in run DB000: File "./debian/gnue-forms/usr/lib/python2.1/gnue/forms/GFClient.py", line 145, in runForm DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.1/urllib.py", line 71, in urlopen DB000: return _urlopener.open(url) DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.1/urllib.py", line 176, in open DB000: return getattr(self, name)(url) DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.1/urllib.py", line 400, in open_file DB000: return self.open_local_file(url) DB000: File "/usr/lib/python2.1/urllib.py", line 413, in open_local_file DB000: return addinfourl(open(url2pathname(file), 'rb'), DB000: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'intro.gfd' Gah, my fault. doh! Although it should really produce a better error. =) you gotta give it a valid file dude I was in the wrong directory. =) rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" that's just the way our funky debug system is don;t blame me I didn't write it ;P Lovely. jcater: I blame you! Different error. DB000: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './debian/gnue-forms/usr/shared/images/gnue-splash.png' woohoo doh!!! I can see why it was referred to as "not working" =) Action: chillywilly really wishes there was a REAL forms expert here Action: jbailey nudges jcater with a small stick... Action: chillywilly pushes jcater off the cliff I think the body's cold. yea, definitely or just full of donuts *sigh* I want a deep fryer so I can make donuts. Noone around here seems to make Vegan donuts. what do you fry them in? IIRC, they have to be completely covered in oil... some kinda vegatable oil? Yeah. The *one* place in town that doesn't use eggs in their batter, uses lard to fry them in. mmmm lard *sigh* sorry =) Thinking of which. Action: jbailey goes to grab his potatoe chips. you know yuou have really long spindley eyes ;) All the better to look at you with, my precious. o... k... ;) forms dudes!!!! wake up!!!! Action: chillywilly does the mexican hat dance on jcater jbailey: you know where we can find a reliable forms dude? ours seems to be broken I think you pushed him off the cliff. woops He was reliably not answering. =) hehe damn him damn him all to hell It's funny, though. The three or four times I've wanted to get this running, this is what's happened. =) jcater (jason@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) doh! The channel starts off full, and slowly gets down to me. Sometimes another person who doesn't work on "that piece" =) maybe he'll be back on in a minute here heh it's the jbailey conspiracy dude all you need to do is get masta here and tie him to his chair he'll hook you up "Hooked up" and "the Chair" sounds a little much like execution for my liking.. ;P hello chillywilly sup dawg what's the dilly yo Action: dres has no clue what was just said. ;) that's ebonics menas "yo, what's the deal" (how's it going) *sigh sleep time. Catch this another day, I guess, but it'll probably have to be after my wedding. jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319360.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey (alex@strel.techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. fitzix (~fitzix@ joined #gnuenterprise. dtm (dtm@ip66.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection hello dtm (dtm@ip66.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hello hi fitzix hey derek - how are ya? derek: been busy clearing my plate so that I can devote myself to the plans... just getting finished with some prior obligations have you seen this bnetd debacle? I'm talking with sbp on this on #dotgnu http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/02/21/1344204&mode=thread if you need a reference point --- Fri Feb 22 2002