[00:03] Last message repeated 1 time(s). back biotches that was lame we waited longer than it took us to bowl a couples games alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d45.as10.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" steveb (~steveb@node-c-5e9c.a2000.nl) joined #gnuenterprise. where are the bums? jan (jan@dial-194-8-209-50.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. sup jan hi derek. have you tested the GComm Server functionality? Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. no not personally i do believe it was doing some basic things however on one or two rpc mechanisms ok, i will wait for jcater to tell me if his tests should work or not. neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-184.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. are the tests not working? no. not working. 'DebugRequestHandler' is not defined probably broken werent you working on php forms? if so i would continue on that path until next week when we start discusions about cycle 2 of GEAS and the infrastructure to support that yep. But i want to connect php forms with common ah i would love to say dig into common (rpc) but depending on the talks about GEAS that could change woudl hate you to lose any work jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318050.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. sup jbailey nommuch. Just trying to decide what order I need to do things in for the next few days... jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. derek: you here? yeah I'm having to hack a php page how do you execute a system-level command in php? btw, these damn semicolons are driving me up the wall :) exec() or system() cool what he said what's the difference? any? yes I suppose I could rtfm :) one second... escapeshellarg -- escape a string to be used as a shell argument escapeshellcmd -- escape shell metacharacters exec -- Execute an external program passthru -- Execute an external program and display raw output system -- Execute an external program and display output shell_exec -- Execute command via shell and return complete output as string help any? http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.exec.php gives details of all the above cool jcater: whats about the XMLRPC test server in GComm. Should it work? not yet Ok, so I continue modifieing your code ;) just for testing purposes ;) um dude you'll probably be running in circles if you are looking at grpc stuff right now derek: whats you dads email? sneigh@carefree.com thanks, i have modified the drawing i did and put it on the web site. based on your comments btw: i think we just had minor communication lapse not real disagreement about workflow :) i.e. i think we both agree it shouldnt be in the geas server (i.e. one in the same) and we both agree we need to be aware of it and talk about it during talks of geas correct, the drawing was wrong I dont want to design the workflow server right now I want to allow for it and have a general understanding of where it fits i was just trying state that (like) security i dont want to get too far into a tangent that we lose sight of geas :) cool i agree 100% on that :) do you have time to take a look at the new drawing and see if it raises new questions http://www.gnuenterprise.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=NS-My_eGallery&file=index&do=showpic&pid=31 actually the workflow server will drive some requirements for the object server we do need to understand how those requirements will be met so that object server does not have to be re-architected again. jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318050.sympatico.ca) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). can anyone else access www.linuxdoc.org come on rearchitecting is fun I get an "Unknown Host" jcater: thanks derek: yes, but recoding sucks unless you plan on sticking the autocode generator on geas jcater that is :) neilt: doesnt look horribly wrong but will have to chew on it about cool er a bit i expect it to be modified but we need something to discuss I would like to get a similar drawing for common so we can discuss how to use bits of common and merge it with geas jan seconds that motion :) documenting common that is i have to run and do my chores will be back later me too later neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-184.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: jcater: The RPC donut backery has opened: port 8765 cool now. i will try to get the php client running chillywilly (~danielb@d7.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: hi howdy jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "later" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. psu: hi hi Yurik jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: btw, seems that you've slightly mistaked speaking about E/AS 7th February: problem with those is they just wrote the apps and not a framework that can be extended to write any sort of enterprise application different striokes for different folks but E/AS IS a framework :-) I suppose any free/"open source" ERP must be at least in part a framework as you can never stop people going off and extending it yeah, but to allow them doing that better framework should be good, eh? :) as I've gone on (and on...) before, ERP is probably the best single example of why free software is important I am soooo mad right now just went to DirecTV.com Action: psu calms down jcater (which I subscribe too) and I can't view the damn page without Flash installed not a part of their site BUT THE ENTIRE SITE Action: psu is getting mad on jcater's behalf I mean, a naff Flash intro with a "skip" button is fair enough gotta keep the suits in marketing happy damn it's horrible I ran to a windows machine to view their site and they use flash even for the text it flickers reminds me of an old CGA video card/monitor ring 'em up, claim to be epileptic and cite the Americans with Disabilities Act at them ;-) ooooooo that's a fine idea Action: jcater is gonna do that chillywilly_ (~danielb@d177.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d7.as29.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_!~danielb@d177.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net)) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly rofl jan: you have assignment done? Action: chillywilly just learned "unde the bridge" by the chili peppers on his guitar if so send patch to common to info@gnue.org and we will get it in cvs so others can play/test and generally beat things up chillywilly: rock i learned the intro to POD Southtown other night very very easy you want to tab? Action: chillywilly sshes it to goats for the heck of it CTRL-H er, scps http://goats.gnue.org/~chillywilly/underthebridge.html Anyone recommend a good mail reader for Debian GNU/Linux? main requirements are mutt derek: assignment is on the snail mail way. I haven't got any email back VM X pref but not absolutely essential psu: sylpheed outlook look and feel a minus ;-) http://sylpheed.good-day.net/ Emacs VM rules main issue is being able to route multiple it's apt-get'table too names for same domain to different folders but readable from the same login derek: can you handle the intro? ;) if you see what I mean there's a capo and non-capo versioj yes sylpheed this is my main bain about not having a debian box :) er, version i want sylphee d though in sid its called something different like claws it'll run on practically any posix no balsa is nice too don't grab claws those are 2 diff versions no balsa sucks evolution? imho evolution sucks imho when's the last time you tried it derek? chilly its been a while... sylpheed supports multiple IMAP servers, too... which non of the others do reliably! re: staind (sic) derek: anyone you gonna snarf that tablature or what? maybe i already did I wanna hear a recording of you playing the intro by tonight ;) I should figure out how to record my freakin' guitar on my computer I suppose could go off of my amp and into my sound card and use gstreamer or something yeah right to me knowing it any time soon too many difficult parts ;P finger pick it dude i only have been playing since christmas well part I is easy after the intro just some bar cords and it is pretty slow tempo um on is the intro finger picked or strummed? i dont see where it states or if strummed what strings are open well you can use a pick and a finger there's a few parts where you pluck 2 strings at once psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. only thing about POD i dont like is they drop tune to a D I suppose I would need a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter to plug into the sound card... since i cant tune by ear its a pain in the but for me :) ;) e:---------------------| B:---------------------| G:---------------------| D:-2-2-2-2---2-2-2-2---| A:-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| D:---------3---------0-| is POD intro note E droped to a D and the 0 3 and 0 0 are played 12 times not once i just condensed for the paste thing i like about it is that it makes for a good intro to songs in general :) i.e. filler before you let it rip :) must go see accountant be back late fitzix (~fitzix@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello sup dude hey Dan, how are ya? :) I'm doing alright and yourself? cool - just taking care of some loose ends before I jump into business work you developing a bidness plan? a found a good resource: http://allbusiness.com Not at the moment... I've put it on hold while I clear my plate of loose work... ok... neat site... I'll have to check it out more thoroughly when I get a shot yeah - you can't be encumbered by random things when you jump into something like that sjc_ (~sjc@modem-3984.bonobo.dialup.pol.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hey dtm, how are ya? fitzix: o-tay fitzix: what kind of business work are you doing sup dawg actually, I retract my statemwent as dtm was the one who pointed me to http://allbusiness.com dtm: Well, over some time I'm starting a company providing specifically Free Software services. Starting with, I think, providing custom distributions to people for a fee. just wanted to clarify that for the record ;) chillywilly: well yeah but you did therefore find it :) not by means independant of any one other individual, but still a find. ;) Action: dtm recredits chillywilly lol Action: fitzix clarifies the record by removing the obfuscation that is chillywilly from it. hey now haha Linux obfuscation 2.4.17-xfs #1 Thu Feb 14 00:54:55 CST 2002 i686 unknown you can never remove 'obfuscation' form me! er, from I'll never part wiht her! chillywilly: Quite true! It's better just to remove you outright! :) /exec -o sudo /sbin/hostname foobar so fitzix, custom distros of what? to who no respect I tell ya I get no respect ;P Action: dtm gives chillywilly some rizpeck hehe alksdjf xl;dkngalsknjg @(#%_) %^*&^RI :-P dtm: Well, it's an idea that I've been hatching in my head for a little bit. The business was originally an extension of DotGNU, but then we decided to differentiate it a bit so that we could make some unencumbered funds... dtm: Custom GNU/Linux distributions fitzix: huh. 8-P fitzix: so what type of target would prefer customized distros dtm: I'm thinking $100 -- arch optimized e-gov right ;) haha dude why does friggin setup.py devel work for common? Enthusiasts, businesses who want performance from optimization for the arch, and from organizations that need specific packages in their install and tailored installation routines fitzix: ahh Plus, it's something that I have some experience with... building GNU/Linux systems from scratch er, doesn't it work I only see it as a method of achieving seed money Action: chillywilly pokes jcater help me o python masta wa? dude how do I install common from cvs innexpensive work... low yield, but also generally low attention and can be created and mass-produced in parallel fitzix: well i could interrogate you on the rest of your business planbut i was just curious :) fitzix: sounds interesting cd gnue/common; python setup.py install or was this for a devel version? well I wanted to do a devel install if that thing still exists ah in gnue/, run ./setup-cvs.sh or is it .py I forget ok it'll set up all the client tools dtm: thanks. :) Once this gets some seed money (I'm still working through it a bit) I intend to do corporate consulting for GNU/Linux conversions... it's .py fitzix: cool well i advocate having a complete business plan asap :) allbusiness.com has great starter info on that and templates not just consulting myself out, but also starting a consulting company to fill the roles dtm: I agree. :) can't get anywhere if you don't know where you're going! :) oooh, I get to choose which python I use why are 2 of them listed twice? dtm: those templates and the starter information could be very very useful. Thank you. :) yessah fitzix: the most useful one to start with is why you should have a business plan, and all the ways yo'ull probably fail without one ;) heheheh and the reams of testimonials to that effect I can think of some reasons offhand: lack of focus being the first also, lack of coherent thinking through on your revenue potential in that market The business plan gives you a unique chance to think through and reality check your ideas to some extent, anyway yeah and present them to others cool, this script is nice like investors employees clients dtm: I'm not looking for venture capital particularly, but you can't even get an angel investor to give any seed money without a bizplan chillywilly: absolutely fitzix: yeah, for good reason :) jcater: ok, how do you install the others? fitzix: investment should be a last resort dtm: Absolutely :) using this 'cvs' method here chillywilly: that installed all the client tools oh duh :) in ~/bin Action: jcater is lazy and it's reflected in my install methods :) :) Much better to start small and build from there... wtf is grpcdoc? doh my python2.2 doesn't have wxwindows I should've told it to use 2.1 just rerun setup-cvs.py with py2.1 I wouldn't use 2.2 anyway it has a unicode issue ah yes think reports is b0rked danielb@obfuscation:~/bin$ ./grdcvs /usr/bin/python2.1: can't open file '/home/danielb/src/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/reports/GRServe.py' does reports do anything? do grpcdoc takes an xml file and geberates the appropriate interface definition for that transport? er, generates chillywilly: not exactly well, in a way not an interface definition, but a text doc detailing the exposed services btw, it doesn't fully work yet :) I figured that you haven't hacked on it in a while jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319052.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: fitzix sings "Right behind you - I see the millions..." l8r jan (jan@dial-194-8-209-50.netcologne.de) left irc: "KVIrc 2.1.2-pre2 'Monolith'" Action: fitzix sings "From you, I see the glory" nope heh - I still like the who real work + forms has taken alot of my time recently yea those are some purty button in designer buttons anyone use DirecTV DSL here? cool drag and drop support Action: jcater is sick of his RoadRunner crap you rock jcater DirecTV offers Linux support, static ip, etc cool I have a satelite dish with them... it works well... I don't do DSL that way, though.. I get it through my local telco yeah.. I've had the satellite for 3 or so years and love that service my RoadRunner bill is close to $70 now damn! and the connection sux that's pretty nasty well, it's $45 but add in the minimum cable tv service required plus LOTS of franchise fees, excise taxes, etc and it quickly grows :( yep fees for: service, installation, mainanance, and them allowing you to live.. sjc_ (sjc@modem-3984.bonobo.dialup.pol.co.uk) left irc: "Client Exiting" sometimes the cable and telco companies act more like the mob than anything else Action: Yurik got to hack some code you guys seen this: http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/02/21/1344204&mode=thread > ? yep was talking about it yesterday heh cause I saw you paste it and then leave what do you think of the first talkback? I think it smells like Barry ;) hehe The situation is damned dangerous, though ok, I have to find something useful to do here ;) the can of worms this opens up if a court judgement upholds the DMCA on this could be devastating to Free Software and even proprietary competition in the market yes, it sucks bah, my galeon is frozen Hell, it could outright destroy any vestige of competition that DOES exist in the market because it would effectively invalidate all interoperability that wasn't expressly allowed That's DAMNED dangerous Well. I don't think that will stick around long, because when american companies start moving out of the US, your government will panic. XYZ corp doesn't want someone reading their proprietary file format --- just add a reg key to the file and demand that any client that can read it validate it's key... then not release the key db jbailey: you may be right... I hope so anyway... I'd rather negate the DMCA before thousands are thrown in jail, though :) fitzix: Yeah. The US government seems like like its jails full. I've never quite understood that policy. jbailey: we've packed them with casualties in an idiotic war called the "war on drugs"... ever seen the movie "traffic"? Nope. Good movie -- I'd suggest seeing it... one line I love in it "It's not a war on drugs, this is a war on people. On families..." This past week I made the mistake of watching two movies that weren't recommended to me by other people. In both cases it was a mistake. heheh In america, we tend to believe that you can solve problems by covering them up... The fact that Bushes actions have *increased* his popularity confirms my suspicions that the avg. US citizen doesn't want to live in a democracy. They'd prefer to live in a monarchy. I have little pride in being a citizen of the US jbailey: Well, the terrorists did something REALLY stupid on Sept. 11th... the USA was about to implode economically and politically... the country was split down the middle on Bush and on other issues... although, I agree with your statement that the American people don't want to live in a democracy... I graduated with a degree in sociology... and needless to say, what we call "democracy" sickens me Ah, then you have stronger opinions than I do. =) I'm just an outside observer to the whole process =) But I lived in NY for 6 months a couple of years ago, and then again this summer for, er.. 2 months or so (was planning on moving there). And with the other travels, the place just confuses me. jbailey: Heh - it's very angering... I'm also a bit of a Marxist (sociologically speaking) and my focus in college was stratification. I usually can't say that I have Marxist beliefs because people look at me like I'm green... "Marxists. Aren't those Commies like Russians?" =) *sigh* They say "Didn't Marx kill people?" ... Umm.. no... that was Stalin hehe - PRECISELY! :) Action: jcater looks at fitzix like he's green I don't know the term stratification outside of geology. =) splitting of ppl into economic/social classes Hmm. My compile seems to like segfaulting now. Ah, okay. We don't do that in Canada.. They've already been split! =) In America, a person who advocates equality of opportunity, general fairness, participation by the people in the matters that affect them, and general equity in society (not necessarily complete equality) is labelled a foolish dreamer and anti-american... ugh jbailey: lucky... you live in Canada :) The funny part is, isn't it against the law to be anti-American in the us? How can we have democracy without general equity? Is it even possible? fitzix: we live in a democracy??? Sure, you just narrow that whole "demos" portion of democracy. =) we live in a republic Action: jcater thought it was a republic :) It worked for the greeks. =) jbailey: Not explicitely, but there are enough laws to make it possible to arrest anyone for almost anything fitzix: Ah, okay. I thought I remember that your congress had a forum for un-american activites or something quite vague like that. republic == the compromise between tyrrany and democracy... historically speaking It seems almost as silly as the Jerry Springer show. By the time you get there, something very very bad has happened. =) Action: jcater loves a quote I saw... "democracy is three wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner." jbailey: HUAC -- House UnAmerican Activities Committee gah jbailey: heheheh what does it mean to be american these days? Frankly, this axis of evil crap is dangerous What the hell is he doing? chillywilly: you must be a xenophobic, free market, capitalistic, corporation-luvin soul Does anyone recognize -- North Korea has damned nukes! raising his popularity by leaps and bounds. you value the dollar above anything else and you crush those that get in your way in pursuit of $$$ jbailey: yeah -- but we're pissing off all of our allies and polarizing the world into a damned third world war... chillywilly: Capitalism still gives a whole lot of power to the consumers if they choose to use it. chillywilly: your children will betray you in my name -- Rage Against the Machine In the end, it's not really about capitalism -vs- socialism fitzix: (Killing in the name of?) those are just structures jbailey: IIRC, Sleep Now in the Fire to have a good society you need to mix capitalism and socialism you can never have one or the other it's not even possible explicitely speaking not on the low level analysis anyway This is about people rising up and taking back what is theirs ... taking part in what dictates their actions! That is a purely communist thing... communism: The negation of the class system, the dissolving of the means of production into ownership and control by the many, not the few Action: jcater has reached the uneasy conclusion this week that most don't see the need for reform and I don't think education matters it's a matter of their comfort zone The perversion of capitalist systems left to do for themselves brought great hardship to many and brought GREAT innequality (or expanded it into an institution)... jcater: I think there's two problems. The first is that people don't see how their actions can make a different. jcater: I agree 100%... people are comfortable so they won't do anything The /fundamental/ principal behind any type of democracy is that it's the responsibility of the individual to act. I've talked with several outside of my typically libertarian group (including my wife :( ) And in fact, most people don't really understand how irresposibile it is to not act. this past week and most don't see a problem at all (Incidentally, part of why I'm a vegan...) even if it's spelled out The second is that people beleive that the current situation can exist forever. So why change. jbailey: interesting second point one that I hadn't considered Yeah... damned interesting.. and I think right on the money (no pun intended) but explains the attitudes I've encountered I think I can explain why it happens... too People percieve things linearly... almost in a serial fashion one thing at a time for people to be capable of understanding something, they have to take issues one at a time and make certain assumptions hence, when you throw the monkey wrench of time being dynamic in the system... most people don't have the mental capacity to handle it it's much easier (and efficient for them) to think of time and condition as static In other words: they're hiding from reality to ensure that their world stays predictable and it's futile because the world *IS* unpredictable make sense? wait? that's more than one concept I can only handle one at a time :) j/k hehehe ya in short, ppl suck humanity is due for further evolution no, in short, people fear change to they make decisions ignoring the possibility for change why else would their be a republican party in the US? Action: jcater is not defending the Democrats w/that statement, btw! If there were a maker, he should just stamp "defective" on our backs and put us back into the damned bin ok, you went there so... jcater: hehe - I jive with the statement regardles s there's a simple solution to this whole problem reign fire down on the sky? :) put your faith in Jesus the solution: Vote for JCater in 2004 hehe he'll be the only ballot entry with a smiley beside his name Overthrow the government and replace it with the FSF hehhehe um, no fitzix: I'm not sure that would be the /best/ solution. j/k :) (or even in my top 100...) *g* Hell no, it wouldn't be... just being satyrical :) rms for president. Hmm. sigh Well, unlike your current one, he's been to other countries *before* getting elected... rofl but has he received sizable donations from megacorporations? heheh rms for pres!!!! weee the day he'll accept $500,000 from M$ given to his political campaign is the day the public will like him Almost all of the FSF hardware was donated. Does that count? And IIRC, he get paid a sizable amount in the 80's to port GCC to Intel's i960. Hmm... I have a solution but, the i960 is unamerican "80% water, 20% salt" lemme rephrase form before anything but i386 is unamerican!!! I hope you at least mean ix86. in short, ppl suck without Jesus..they can't measure up Oh wait, I'm not American. =) lol well, x86 then :) Find some land and form a new country... Sealand! Republic of Python Our disenfranchised people may once again have a home where they can participate! We'll call it... Israel! er... ROFL! no And we'll steal it from an already oppressed people! Oh, that hurts... So they can't fight back! And when they do fight back, we'll take our superior technology - and kill them! err... bad idea heh fitzix: no, you side another country you don't like against them too :) and stand back and watch a war unfold jcater: Isn't that what we're doing now? ya :) jbailey: pretty much woohoo glibc build finally finished. and we're doing horribly at it now this axis of evil stuff is just crazy we've united Iran against us with Iraq.. oh yeah, that was smart and we've included a country with nukes in with the bunch... oh, that's great... fitzix: your words sound like terrorism... watch your back! I fear that Bush is just pushing North Korea in order to force his (potentially highly faulty) missile defense shield on us bush? bush isn't doing crap jcater: hehe - if McCarthyism was alive and well, I'd have been in jail LONG before :) But, I'm a patriot.. that's the scary part... I criticize us because it's my duty in this "democracy" bush couldn't form a coherent thought even if his Christian Coalition buddies required it oops did I say that? jcater: Good point, he is just a puppet heh you have to admit though he makes a great puppet The man's never had a job before - Could he be anyything else? Although, I had always assumed it was daddy pulling the strings.. nah thay CC comment was uncalled for jcater: yes he does.. and up until now I gave him credit for doing what he's done with the "war on terrorism"... chillywilly: why? an attach on the CC is NOT an attack on christians s/attach/attack the CC is wacked I often wonder if they understand the tenets of their own religion as far as I'm concerned, the CC does NOT represent my interests as a Christian Action: fitzix is on the outside of all religions... not against any, but capable of looking at all from an unbiased point of view... or, as unbiased as possible That's better. =) no one can ever be completely unbiased :) I don't think the CC does all bad things I consider myself to be quite open-minded when it comes to religions but, yeah, everyone is biased somewhat fitzix: I find myself generally unable to comprehends religions other than my own, so I try to leave them alone. jbailey: Also a good policy :) chillywilly: nothing is entirely bad... the world is almost entirely a shade of gray And I *know* that I'm biased. =) heh - yeah, me saying that it was an "unbiased point of view" was wrong.. I apologize.. but you get the point =) Yeah. you have to be tolerant of others, but that doesn't mean they are right ;) or you condone what they do for that matter It doesn't mean you're right either :) Action: jcater automatically assumes no one is right Action: fitzix does so likewise it uncomplicates a lot of stuff :) REbooting for libio-hurd test. bbias jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319052.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" What I said before about perception applies to me as well... I, too, think linearly and serially... it is a limitation of humanity... I don't think all people think linerally insanity == human buffer overflow linearally either you don't? Can you think as yourself ten years in the future> ?? I can right now that is... :) but I'm sure I'm wrong :) jcater: hehe oh what;s that greta quote I read by Kierkegaard I mean, can you transmute your perception forward in time actively and at will? er, great Action: chillywilly digs for it Action: fitzix thinks "hangovers suck" don't drink in excess then problem solved ;) fitzix: that's only the linear mind making assumptions think more dynamically hehe -- true on both accounts :) jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp3490011.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: fitzix thinks it would be cool if one had the ability to shift inanimate objects into a static dimension man I wish I could find my existentialism book dislike someone? shift their head. Next time they walk -- POP! Action: jcater would fear suspended trouts, though Hopefuly, you'd wait a little longer. Say, maybe until you hated them. Dislike seems a little mild. love your enemy as thyself jcater: LOL! jbailey: true true :) chillywilly: That's flawed. Most of us don't like ourselves as much as we probably should. chillywilly: unless they're terrorists, apparently :) chillywilly: And kneel to recieve the blade? funny, to see the three different repsonses. =) heheh It shows off interesting differences between us. =) rofl -- one could probably spend DECADES interpreting the variance there :) point being that it doesn't matter who it is you show them love in place of hate jbailey: analytical jcater: humorous/satyr I don't like what the gov't is doing, never have...in fact I have littel faith in them anymore as our laws are bought and sold every day fitzix: paranoid sigh sounds like a Plato novel s/novel/work jcater: perhaps we should save the discussion and print out the log... 5000 years from now, they'll be showing this to college students :) That's somewhat disturbing.. isn't it? :) Action: fitzix wonders what they'll think when they get to this part of it... mn I am mad that I cannot find that quote gah! it really relates to the linear nature of our lives The epic work by chillywillyo FreeSoftwareic The fresophtwaric hehe chillywilly, yielder of the mighty trout, defender of all things fresophtwary hehe lol There'll be translation difficults: we see "chillywilly: gah!" They see "ChillWillio: The universe is transcendental!" The true seers are always like that, aren't they? =) jbailey: misquoted, you mean? :) misquoted and generally misunderstood. RMS is a good example ok, this is really bugging me ah yes hehe I think I got it "It is perfectly true, as the philosophers say, that life must be understood backwards. But they forget the other proposition, that it must be lived forwards. And if one thinks over that proposition it becomes more and more and more evident that life can never really be understood in time simply because at no particular moment can I find the necessary resting place from which to understand it--backwards." I love that quote Action: fitzix is pondering "The majority of men are subjective towards themselves and objective towards all others, terribly objective sometimes--but the real task is in fact to be objective towards oneself and subjective towards all others." "People hardly ever make use of the freedom which they have, for example, freedom of thought; instead they demand freedom of speech as compensation." "And how are you?" said Winnie-the-pooh. Eeyore shook his head from side to side. "Not very how," he said. "I don't seem to have felt at all how for a long time." ok... a little too deep for you jcater ;) we were sharing life-altering quotes, right? are we regressing? sigh just teasing man eeyore is a great philosopher don;'t get bent out of shape if you listen to what he REALLY means :) steveb (steveb@node-c-5e9c.a2000.nl) left irc: "l8er" actually I agree he does have some good philosphy that does make you think a bit dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5a-64.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection what happened here? everyone still awake? Sortof. My net connection has become incredibly painful to use. yeah, here it was one of those linear moments hehe another cool thing to thin about is this (assuming you believe in God) is that he actually doesn't think linearally at all but can see past, presentm and future all at once...now if that's doesn't mess with your head I don't know what does in that case, is free will a practical joke? sense he knows what will happen? I'm not sure we can actually phathom thay j/k sorta if you're a calvinist ;) j/k WHat's a calvinist? rofl good point :) basic set of beliefs....the main one being that things are pre-destined hmm.. Dit says "A follower of Calvin; a beleive in Calvinism" dict rather. *sigh* I could write a dictionary like that. Ah okay. Is it a branch/sect of some main religion? Reformed Christianity who believe in predestination that's about all I know, so I won't give any more misinformation :) basically they say Calvin is right presbyters Hmm. I couldn't beleive in that, because I would be so tempted to kill myself. After all, that's what I was supposed to do, right? but, I love you jbailey "God made me do it" that would make me very sad chillywilly: See? So I'm glad I don't beleive in predestination. =) I didn't mean to steal the bread! -- REALLY! It was predestined! :) chillywilly: I've got a lot in common with kierkegaard... I came up with the whole "God wouldn't think linearally" by myself a few years ago... it makes sense.. anything that thinks linearally can't know everything... man, my mom's system is HOSED Action: jcater foresees a new sect.... fitzixism how can you repair the fat of a winblows file system? Put it on a diet? hehe burn it off! there's a tool called heh liposuction.com run it in safe mode mke2fs works well for me. hehe dude I am so sick of fixing winblows for her Just make sure to pass it the -j option. what do you mean by "repair" chillywilly: you need a hex editor and a bible (for praying) well I got a bible just need to find a hex editor Action: jcater places a hex on emacs jcater: scandisk never gets past the fat check then you need to manually reset ALL of the hardlinks on the disk and record them into the fat, by hand fitzix: It's for praying? And all these years I've been smacking the computer on the side with it, hoping for healing! I knew I had it wrong. jbailey: hehhehe ROFL chillywilly: What is there that she doesn't that she can't do in Debian? Action: chillywilly kicks vi Careful, vi kicks back. =( jbailey: I always thought it was to see over the wheel in the car :) (Not as hard as Emacs does, luckily...) use the joe editor... it's nice and when it kicks I can take it's leg and rip it off fitzix: Funny thing. In our Youth group, we always had a bible on the dashboard. Whenever we were going to camps, they would also "Where are you going", and we'd say "Church camp". Which was a truth. And they'd let us through. The problem is that "Unitarian Church" sounds otherwise too much like "Unification Church" (which is a nasty cultish place) jbailey: umm, nothing but I cannot convince her to use it where the cow is a demigod and Roseann Barr still gets airplay chillywilly: Maybe load fvwm95 on it, and just not tell her. =) so dudes, how can I fix the FAT chillywilly: mke2fs is a great "convincing" tool :) seriously this file system is horked I have a whole office of KDE/Debian using freaks they don't know they're off windows :) I never told them chillywilly: I seriously recommend you just convert her and be done with it. I gave Angie the choice of running Linux or fixing her own bugs. She opted for Linux. chillywilly: if scandisk can't get through it, I'm not sure that it can be fixed by a tool fitzix: There used to be good sector recovery tools, but it was always data recovery, they never got everything. hmmm, well there's goes my little sister's mp3s buh-bye ;P jbailey: if the fat is that damaged I'm not sure that the disk contents will be OK... jcater: what do they use to do word stuff? kword typically that's my mom's biggesst gripe when they need ms-compat stuff, I give them OpenOffice but the VAST majority of their stuff is so simple any GUI word processor will work well my mom does paralegal work for a law frim er, firm in that case, she should be using WordPerfect anyway as that's kind of a legal standard these days they use word there that's VERY unusual jcater: Not around here anymore. I think she has wordperfect installed Some judges actually denied certain legal briefs BECAUSE they used word to generate them After wp51, most of the lawyers I know went to word. well I gotta split weird she's just going to have tp be screwed all the legal contracts we get are in wpd format I wonder if I could pull the hard drive out and moutn it un der gnu/linux chillywilly: if you have enough power, OpenOffice really rocks probably not if the FAT is toasted it's just a monster she has an 800MHz athlon guys -- I've gotta get running as well... later all twas fun :) Bye fitzix cya anyone know if I will be able to mount in under gnu/linux? later guys fitzix (fitzix@ left irc: "Client Exiting" bah, this is suck city l8r fellas chillywilly (danielb@d177.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: jcater (jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly (~danielb@d15.as12.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. well it looks prett friggin hosed FAT: bogus logical sector size 65543 VFS: can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev 03:40 well I hope there was nothing important on there I bet there was though :( Isomer (dahoose@210-86-56-189.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d15.as12.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: "rebooting server" jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp3490011.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly (~danielb@d127.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: see? even jcater says openoffice rocks. i knew it. !! chillywilly: wussup jan (jan@dial-213-168-92-250.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. everything sucks chillywilly: :-) chillywilly: oh? I don't want to go to the circus I don't feel like doing anything I just want to sit at home I'm sick of running around my mom's computer is hosed and I know she's going to blame me, but what kinda stinking OS can't handle putting a network card in it? jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp3490011.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: hehhehe jbailey: hey man I'm going to make my mom use Linux or she's going to have to install winblows herself ;) Excellent ! I popped her hardedriver in my gnu/linux server but it is too hosed I can't mount it either (not like I expected it to) er, hard drive anyway I must go :( did I mention windows is just shitty software period gawd I hate it ok buh-bye chillywilly (danielb@d127.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: neilt (~neilt@dhcp64-134-54-184.chan.dca.wayport.net) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. neilt (neilt@dhcp64-134-54-184.chan.dca.wayport.net) left irc: rofl hey jbailey you get anywhere on the debs derek: Careful! I'm not sure that the floor is very sanitary here, sir. ? motd (sj7trunks@shells.pendulus.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hewo anyone here? im here but im not just anyone ;) hehe I'm going through hell trying to figure this out collect2: ld returned 190 exit status motd: but your question was just answered! motd: so, torment no more, my son! hehehe for derek is here. derek: the topic of #mklinux says "WWJD? JWRTFM!" think about it I know that already I'm an op for #linuxhelp on efnet I'm out to fix this linker problem rofl [18:39] Last message repeated 1 time(s). motd: we are gnu enterprise (a meta package for GNU) dont you think so? jesus doesn't need the manual...he just knows it motd: hehehe! right on dewd if you want help with gnu tools you might try #gnu you hear that joke about the satan and jesus programming? often people here can help ;) motd: yeah :) jesus saves HEH doesn't look like I'll get help there derek motd: bummer i dont have time to look @ a complex problem right this second, trying to resurrect a boxen here hehehe dtm you up for helping? so i have something other red hat :) (cough a real gnu\linux box you know, debian) motd: i'm not a binutils specialist if nickr is around he would be good at this or reinhard jbailey: also, but he is swamped I can help at the end of March. =) i'm just in the binutils README. that's the closest i get! ;) as opposed to knowing how to fix binutils slack ownz you yeah slackwre 0wned me when i was 18 yrs old and knee high to a grasshopper how am I going to fix this motd: trying to think where else you could get help, but honestly ive only ever gotten help here before :) motd: post to mailing lists hehe usually everyone comes to me for help btw: for reference i had to 'mod' toilet internals today on a full internal change out so i have experience :) now I'm in a rut motd: there are plenty of binutils usenet and mailing list resources what is the problem again motd looked at the binutils mailing list okay I have ncurses installed when I try to use make menuconfig I get this error make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog' collect2: ld returned 190 exit status now it happens with every program I try to compile I've updated/downgraded binutils compiled from source and still no luck hmm well i'd say double check your package management but you have none! hehe rpm --verify binutils etc jan (jan@dial-213-168-92-250.netcologne.de) left irc: "KVIrc 2.1.2-pre2 'Monolith'" if I compile from source? well your whole distro has no meaningful package management at all, so that's out i'd just wonder if you overwrote something maybe you should reinstall the normal distro's base packages for binutils or maybe something else well I recently installed binutils from slack 7.1 package maybe you have some dependancy errors did you upgrade glibc or whatever ? yea downgraded/upgraded installed from source and you're expecting your OS to work? :) i'd say your tech support is in the realm of binutils specialists alone i've been on linux for 5 years yeah me too slackware 3.0 yeah that's what I thought the linux counter is down though :-/ i entered it in 1996 darn good idea to count us back then yeah coz you're running an experimental/nonexistant distro right now and there might be no telling how the parts interact i'd consider a forced reinstall of the base OS binutils and glibc at least i never even registered =P heheh I tried reinstalling binutils and glibc and i hope that the re-standardized OS components (binutils, glibc, etc) are then compatible with what you compiled with your experimental stuff for reference use debian it makes life easier i promise you said you built from source correct? already used debian what package? i.e. cvs, or a nightly build, or an official build .... not cvs just the latest glibc what architecture you on 2.2.5 i386 "If you fall off a building, go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will be like hey, free dummy." motd: and you did a forced reinstallation of glibc and binutils already, from Slackware 7.1? yes motd: what about the kernel? 2.4.16 motd: from where? motd: from slackware? motd: i'd consider a potential bias with any binary you'd built with your experimental combo motd: and what about gcc? yeah I downloaded the glibc/binutils off slackware ftp site 2.95.3 downloaded off slack ftp as well huh. and the kernel? gcc kernel is 2.4.16 yeah but is the kernel from slackware 7.1? the binary image is from 7.1? i.e. was it built by you or by slackware no kernel.org ok so do you get where i'm going then? replace your binaries that's my hunch just fyi, imho with source? take it fwiw fwiw? "for what it's worth" and your opionion is not humble heh it is humble at this point! :) it's not subtle but it's humble! ;) coz i dont know replace my binaries with the source built right? but i would definately replace the binaries you've built, with those from slackware basically reinstall any relevant part of the OS from the OS distro what the hell are you talking about you replaced all critical parts of your base OS with a random-sounding experimental combination i'm advising putting them back! howso? put what back? basically reinstall any relevant part of the OS from the OS distro like? get the glibc/kernel/gcc/binutils/etc packages from slackware 7.1 and reinstall themn undo your random-sounding work revert to known good state if that works then that gets you back to work and sorta narrows down the problem what the hell glibc/gcc/binutils/etc are all slack 7.1 and kernel is from source I don't want to reinstall my OS from scratch motd: ok well you said that you'd upgraded glibc and such i want to debug it i'm not saying reinstall the whole thing from scratch. i'm saying debug it by trying to revert to a known good state if you dont understand that then you shouldn't have been messing withit like that ;) you have to do that because you probably dont have a backup! and because you aren't a hard core binutils hacker which most people can't be dig? oh yeah and one other reason to do that is because i dont know anything else. :) heh Just to chime in: I generally advise people *not* to ever compile their own build toolchair. A subtle failure there can very quickly lead to a non-bootstrappable system. jbailey: same here jbailey: well there are failsafe procedures though you use stuff like chroot or alternate root filesystems and bakcups dtm: All of which takes the knowledge to use those. And in those cases, you've probably got a greater chance of not corrupting it. =) yep linuxfromscratch.org is da bomb it gots everything for multiple archs btw which is glorious I learned how to recover my toolchain the hard way: Years of beating my head against it. jbailey: uh huh i learned it because i worked at VA Linux with H.J. Lu You had the master of the broken build chains! =) he's one of the most intense hackers i've ever met intensely dysfunctional, too as well as talented Yeah. He's amazingly talented. He just needs to be more... verbose. jbailey: are you familiar with his work? hehhe hehehe i then got a contract at Cygnus, where i learned that there are certain places where one does not speak the name "H.J. Lu" such as at Cygnus *lol* it's just not done especially when one is a contractor, which is viewed as the enemy viewed as parasitic i worked with HJ professionally and on a hobby level there, coz he fixed the bugs in ppc binutils so that linuxppc R5 could be released. he did that on my powerbook. so imagine HJ having superuser access on my personal baby :) he only had it for a couple weeks and didn't do anything insane but a lot of peopel would croak at that though t so he put me in the credits yay he's pretty old school in linux terms which is an odd cultural mentality and which seems to be normalizing in the global village they were pretty weird types, coz they were reinventing in concept, the core OS components which have been done to death. often they were reinventing them solo. he did libc5 pretty much solo. so there's a lot of megalomaniacal behavior there which doens't survive well in the global village subgenius micromanaging or something sigh i hate hardware power up but no apparent video im not getting 'beeps' like something evil is wrong but im not even getting to bios so im dead in water derek: good luck dood derek: btw i think more accurately, you have ia32 hardware s/have/hate/ although, as i tell my friend's 6 yr old, 'hate' is a strong word ;) actually i hate ALL hardware derek: I'm with you on that one. i think this motherboard might be toast as well (sigh) i dont have money or i wouldnt care would just go buy new pc frankensteining crap together sucks you silly guy yeah well that's pretty mcuh the architecture so your experience is in line with the product's design hi I like laptops and don't mind integrated graphics, audio, etc on motherboards derek: I've seen problems like that. if your machine has docs/call in support you might be able to find out how many beeps mean what.. maybe the video card.. internal or otherwise motd (sj7trunks@shells.pendulus.net) left irc: "epic4-1.0.1 - oblivion : goodbye." im not getting any beeps i assume mb is toast fsck get a free motherboard processor to replace flaky one and its toast sigh i wouldnt care but i went out and bought a case which i probably can not return rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. if i can return case then no real issue other than waste of a few hours and im back to square one will probably buy a mATX mb w/ video sound off net for 65.00 and try that route jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. 'sup punks? Action: jcater looks at his command history yip, that was #gnuenterprise and not #ghosttown I joined is the debian designer package broke? error: oh nm derek: might check out the new nForce nVidia chipset boards.. but I think the ATI are also pretty speedy.. but they included surround sound audio drahc (~chatzilla@24-196-85-224.jvl.wi.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drahc (~chatzilla@24-196-85-224.jvl.wi.charter.com) left #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp3490011.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" any LiveJournal freaks here? derek? are you calling derek a freak? :) me? nah jcater? ah can you hook me up w/an account creation code? sorry watching trading spaces :) i think actually i think only paying members can create those (though im not sure) give me a second ooo, yeah... just reading the faq for that I would pay (as I like supporting free sites) but I refuse to use PayPal its REALLY cheap too but im in same boat i told brad give me an address ill send a check :) brad? yeah the creator of livejournal actually i think i told evan that (guy that does most of the work on the 'clients')         LiveJournal.com         9350 SW 175th Ave         Beaverton, OR 97007-9768 mvaz6aaama3c there is a code for jcater jcater: you get that? rock yes, thanks what prompted you to finally try livejournal :) my underlings at work are on there I was commenting on some of their stuff :) but wanted to give it a whirl chillywilly (~danielb@d127.as15.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. i kind of like it, though i am more a lurker and commentor than an actual journal writer as i always forget opinions are like assholes everyone has one Action: chillywilly was jamming some under the bridge again ;) dude I have MIDI out on my effects processor what can you do with MIDI and a computer? can anyone explain master-detail relationships in forms? is anybody home!?!?!? is ther anybosy out there doh rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-053-033.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" --- Sun Feb 24 2002