nite jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard i've d/l the log from yesterday & will do a summary this evening off to work now... psu ( left #gnuenterprise. Sacha_away (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid Action: drochaid is back (gone 06:52:05) reinhard ( left irc: "When all else fails, read the instructions" alexey ( left irc: "[x]chat" Nick change: mdean -> mdean-[work] ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. good day Sacha_away (sacha@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: drochaid is away: oot walking derek: the BUGS and TODO files in forms and common has received some attention rock um in the menus : commit was going to be replaced with save but what did people like for rollback? that was less relational in nature wow...reading an article on the hubble telescope upgrade mentioned that the shuttle in use just went thru major upgrade seems they got rid of the vacuum tubes used in the cockpit i never would have dreamed vacuum tubes would stand up to the vibrations at takeoff dneighbo: any progress on your fried windows box? ToyMan: i think it's still dead has he started working on stuff for you yet? dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. I'd like to see the following cvs/gnue/forms/packaging/debian cvs/gnue/forms/packaging/win32 cvs/gnue/forms/packaging/someOtherPkgSystem repeated for each gnue tool dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) containing the instructions, config files required to build that type of package by it rpms, .debs, etc by = be is the name packaging misleading Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: he hasn't done anything yet... at least I havn't heard if he did what are your needs? alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. couple of questoins repeated for the people just entering in the menus : commit was going to be replaced with save but what did people like for rollback? that was less relational in nature I'd like to see the following cvs/gnue/forms/packaging/debian cvs/gnue/forms/packaging/win32 cvs/gnue/forms/packaging/someOtherPkgSystem repeated for each gnue tool jamest that is fine 'packaging' actually toyman a long long while back i converted all the data to postgres just havent gotten to 'test' the conversion much hey dneighbo :) i got new motherboard/cpu and case but the motherboard seems fried (the new one) so i am taking case back today yeah, I remember that original conversion and trying to get mATX motherboard for the CPU i have actually, I still owe you a cd with the latest data format, no? Action: dneighbo got a AMD K6III - 333mhz and mb donated to me jamest: yeah, I've been wanting that scheme for a while so please do but unfortuantely the mb seems fried sounds good sounds bad well i had a k6II 300 is there an archived discussion anywhere on the list where you guys hashed thru the positives/negatives of useing a web based solution? Action: drochaid is back (gone 01:23:09) Action: ToyMan is looking at the review of Nola at chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. toyman dont bail on us now ToyMan run for your life! :) heh, looks pretty primitive or rather if you do bail, just let me know so i dont start down the path as to web based its all personal preference what looks primitive? Nola personally i think web applications are a PAIN in the BUTT to use they tend to be slower because of the 'statelessness' heh, especially over my 28k connection data entry is generally clumsy well a nice online banking program would be nice as I am sick of using the damn phone thats not to say there are not things that are good for web apps generally in my experience what i see is that 80/20 rule any web interface planned for gnue 80% of what you might want to do is good for web interfact ? 20% just sucks yes there are 2 in beta currently a python based one and a php based one uh? one sec, phone call though the python one got our generic rpc working and is using the python backend :) I should sign up for the online banking thing with my bank, but they don't have online sign-up which is gay Action: chillywilly is too lazy to print out some crap and mail it this is the digital age my friend we should have 'instant' access tpo everything :D chillywilly: not necessarily I think that's a good security precaution hmmm, then ,aybe we do need a .net-like authentiation thingy Action: jcater troutslaps chilly well not a centralized authority dip dhit er, shit :P I personally *don't* want some easy net signup for something like my bank I like requesting the login and having them mail to my home address cause you're a freak cause I've seen people access other's accounts when the former is done and I'm not a freak I have no local bank yes, you are face it donut boy Action: jcater has exclusively used online banks for 3 years first Wingspan, then Compubank, then NetBank Action: jcater prefered compubank, but they were bought out by NetBank but they are nice too freaks like you give freaks like me a bad name net bank? url? is that the one you are at right now? yes look at their interest rates! Action: chillywilly is sick of being raped by his bank Action: jcater has a interest checking account and a money market account the great thing about their money market account is the minimum amount is like $100 or $200 most banks are $2,000 or so minimum to have a money market cool Action: chillywilly is not sure wtf a money market account is do they invest your money or something? into a money market account it's one of the safest investments like a CD ok dude, do they let you export your info in QIF format for importing into say gnucash? yip cool $50 deposit to open not bad they don't use Free Software thought, do they ;) oh, well I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too does everything work good in Free browsers? s/good/well/ alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Vooch ( joined #gnuenterprise. Vooch ( left #gnuenterprise. netbank looks interesting but only have 1000 over draft credit line :( sometimes when money is tight i overdraft for a few days and 1000 doesnt cover say a house payment so that dorks me :( at b of a i have i think 5000 overdraft though im thoroughly sick of b of a and the ridiculous fees dneighbo: but they will tie it to another account I have my checking account tied to my money market um i dont have another account money markets too low yield for investment :) Action: jcater views them as a savings account not as an investment but even if i did i wouldnt want to draw off my savings for a 3 day spread what happens is say a house payment gets cashed two days before my paycheck hits i over draft but in two days apy it off in the money market situation i would have to transfer funds back into savings etc Action: dneighbo had a setup like athat before and it was a pain until recently i hadtn overdrafted for like a few years :( dres__ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) to each his own :) works well for me if i wasnt overdrafting a lot right now wouldnt be bad :( Nick change: chillywilly -> crazymike sup mick-a's??? mick=nick chillywilly was just telling me how you are both a couple of bitches is this true??? are you bitches??? so, whats new in #gnuenterprise??? only when we are tagging your mom my mom, or his mom??? jcater ( left irc: "rebooting" jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. is chillywilly here? jcater ( left irc: "restarting x" reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. hey reinhard Arturas2 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hey! hows it going? hm such a ... me is short of words :) Action: Arturas2 is short of words :) ...warm meeting Arturas2 ( left #gnuenterprise. Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello Arturas rock we got a patch for interbase :) what's that about interbase dneighbo? allo by the way :) someone tested the driver for it :) cool and on top of that they patched it to have introspection support ! can anyone remember the install default USER and PASS for interbase? I can never find it in the docs excellent dneighbo !!!! ummm its a wierd one sysdba or something I'll need to hunt them again ;) I just keep remembering Oracles default whenever I think about it if my faulty memory serves me correct its sysdba sysdba ta, I'll check it out soon :) hmm, my most recent manual for it is from '96 ... think I'll download some updates Hello Derek sounds really cool for the interbase :) dneighbo: you were close dood ... hi all it's SYSDBA and masterkey :) hey dtm Arturas ( left #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey jcater hello jcater ( left irc: Remote closed the connection brb reinhard (rm@ left irc: "The more often you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets" drochaid: greetings jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid its been a LONG time psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. same here dneighbo ... I found it in my '96 getting started book ;) hi all email gone to with my notes from yesterday's meeting let me know where to put them ;-) politely, plz '-) hey psu dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi drochaid how's business been your first day ;-) is it like that TV advert with the flower shop? heh, 2 contracts so far no flowers tho :( I've almost covered 50% of my startup costs :) good stuff sjc__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: "later.." drochaid: what's your business about? got a url? dtm: it's an SSC, IC and B&DR consultancy primarily website is coming shortly, would be up if I hadn't been ill for the last 2 weeks :( drochaid: ok. i dont know what any of those things are :) but it sounds good small systems, internet and backup & disaster recovery consultancy ;) huh. neato webby at [well, I got some samples of my birds online at the mo :)] those are nice birds. and a nice font on the front page well i hope you do well, sir thanks :) opera oops uhm? sorry trying to get xchat to auto launch fubared the bird I've got 3 shots of, I acquire this afternoon :) lol psu *acquired even !ls gah the only thing worse than being a bozo is letting people realise you're a bozo Action: psu is away: shower lol psu: BOZO!!! I USED TO WATCH YOU ON THE TEEVEE EVERY MORNING!! Bozo the clown! and his best friend Cookie!! awwww finally, you're back! lol bozo played the gi joe and transformers cartoons, dood!! dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. sorry, couldn't type for laughing there ;) dres__ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ra3vat ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dtm: i always thought we should should reward FS developers with bozo patches and brownie buttons yay drochaid: heheh i'm just saying that psu really made a difference in my life. gave me something to wake up and look forward to. 5 or 6 am every day, on WGN channel 9, Chicgao PSU IS THE *MAN*!! and we only had Timmy Mallot and Roland the Rat for chilly who always is screaming that i dont use evolution... and when i say its shite he says 'when was last time you tried it' A nasty moan - I have had to kill evolution 3 times today because of leaked mouse grabs D&D mails from evolution-mail to the shell tree view. The leak appears to be in evolution-mail inasmuch that killing that process frees up the system. I'd love to fix it, but it's not worth my time to consume an hour re-building evolution and bug hunting only to find that it's already fixed. btw: that was from michael meeks a ximian EMPLOYEE and a respected hacker when ximian cant stand using its products why should i? but but but evolution is shite!!!! wtf would I *want* to run outlook on X ? dneighbo: oh my goodness. dneighbo: a ximian employee said htat?!?! ;saljfkjsdf dtm: well i assume mm is still working for ximian :) heheh geeeeez. what is he thinking? he is thinking the product aint usable :) how could that possibly make sense? hehehe does he say that because the community works on it in addition to ximian? i still remember hanging with several gnome/ximian folks at COMDEX and hence someone might fix it? doesn't seem to make sense and ettore the product manager for evolution at that time wasnt using evolution i mean, there is the concept of a stable release. so he should spend the alleged hour and fix it and release it and call it done. and we gave him so much crap fr it :) uhhhh ok well, whatever ;) dtm: i didnt paste the whole email he goes on to say that it will take him over an hour to get source and recompile it oh isn't life awful ;) and if the problem is fixed he doesnt wish to waste an hour so he was wanting a status i wonder how much time he wasted saying so. i dont understand the point in him saving an alleged hour in order to not provide a stable rleease release how is that considered good? :) i didnt want to start something other than just let chilly know that evolution still has REAL issues :) hehhe so is chillywilly a fan of Evolution? yeah, it's main issue is that it looks like outlook can you tell I don't like outlook? i can tell. I do hope I'm not being too subtle Action: drochaid shuts up drochaid strongly dislikes outlook! poor drochaid drochaid: are you required to use it somewhere? this stuff is awful .. can someone get me a DECENT hot chocolate please? dtm: not for a few years now thankfully great I still check out the new releases to keep current drochaid: you poor thing. well now you're in charge, eh? :) so I know I still hate it ;) heh! product manager response.... Hm, I don't know anything about this bug, but I don't think it's fixed in the snapshots. Fejj is the one to bug about it... :) heh yes i'm familiar with fejj. he's one of the good guys yes agreed him and larry are only ones that have ever fixed issues :) there are those who are _not_. um issues that i hvae brought up that is has anyone ever looked at OpenNMS? what is it im bad with names networm management system along the lines of Tivoli and Unicenter hmm im too dumb to use more than one machine :) ? looks interesting sigh it's all java based Action: jcater grumbles under his breath Action: dneighbo grabs his bucket man i hate when i get puke on my shoes jcater: should I send the link to my Tivoli friends? I dunno wonder what the chance of them using openNMS in IBM is ;) you never know hmm, I know that particular division ... well if i were them i would install it and play at least damn this requires jboss, jakarta/tomcat, ... uh oh Action: dneighbo thinks jcater will download them to test out openNMS and then we will lose him to jboss/jakarta and java ;) can you apt-get it? Action: psu is back psu ( left #gnuenterprise ("gone but not forgotten"). or maybe not .... dneighbo: mwahahaha not hardly no debians for ANYTHING Action: drochaid is guessing x-chat (as it's not free-free) only free -a for returning ... and -q by accident ;) there is non free stuff in debian non free :) but it's not java's not there is kaffe and gnuclasspath and etc ok there's no java2 all gpl or lgpl and i thought in debian? yeah well, hyperlinks ain't free either ... you still use the web? btw: im not advocating it this is the EXACT reason i havent said lets use jboss for gnue, and thought it feasible beyond theory sjc__ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey chillywilly sup dawg reinhard: go to bed ;P how's life people? wtf si crazymike doing here? s/si/is Action: chillywilly fixed crazymike' s X for him he's just sorta, sitting there and setup mail for him under GNU/Linux yea, I think I connected when I was at his house... he's got a nice fat pipe modems suck dude uhm ... ? should we be discussing his fat pipe in this chan? get your mind outta the gutter I can't .. you're standing on it :( er? how did I accomplish that? nm :) Action: chillywilly troutslaps drochaid :o feel the wrath of the trout Action: chillywilly troutslaps crazymike for fun Action: drochaid scuries away to the corner and sits hugging his knees don't hude like a little bitch in the corner, be a man! ;P anyway, it's FRRRRIIIIIDAAAAY! woohoo! hey, my SLRs say I'm a man ... so let me hug my knees in the corner in peace SLR? my cameras single lens reflex dude I need to try the preemption and O(1) scheduling patches in my kernel they are compatible now :) oh dude that's the first I'd heard of that :o ah, we were discussing it the other day didn't help when I first read Progress Software as Postgresql ;) because the GPL is actually going to be tested in court now heheh they are actaully Nusphere this should be interesting or make Nusphere I shoudl say (a MySQL derivative) IIRC pretty relevant to software freedom and GNUe, imho I'll need to look into more now we support numerous databases and mysql is one of them should be interesting to see how things pan out yep my bad, the company is called Nusphere they are a child company of Progress Software the product is called something else gah this one is lame: that's their 'response' to the intial story hsi email analogy is retarded l8r jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. that's their product is called Gemini Action: chillywilly found it dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: K-lined jcater ( left irc: "home" reinhard (rm@ left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate" Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) hey chillywilly read me trashing in you in todays log Action: dneighbo runs chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_! Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly hey chillywilly read me trashing in you in todays log that was not me that was crazymike what did you say? you were talking about me? or you talking about your little spat with mike? ;) nope talking to you just you were not here how can you tlak to me if I wasn't there? er, talk even hmmm, you know that crazymike irc session is from my box doh must've got disconnected from work ;) Action: chillywilly kills crazymike now OPN with it's insane timeout will still keep him on blah dude, you know xchat-text does not friggin work! i left you messagte in the log what? Action: chillywilly is too lazy to look jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater_ (jason@ left irc: Client Quit lol stop double cliking! dude either my mouse or X is fscking up I can click to drag a window and it shades the window you do any GNUe hacking yet? ? Action: chillywilly checks his email ;) well, just asking if you commited anything today as you always seem to fill up my commit mail box :) hey, I'm a masta in training :P MIT even crazymike ( left irc: No route to host hehe I got one commit from you jcater :) good job Action: chillywilly high fives jcater off to fry's to try to get a motherboard... be back later dneighbo ( left irc: "Killed by frash (Requested by panasync)" Action: chillywilly is away: dinner nickr ( left irc: Remote closed the connection nickr ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@ left irc: "Client Exiting" rdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is back (gone 01:28:28) chill0r sup home billy ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: heheh chillywilly: werd++ rdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dres_ (dres@ got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. chillywilly ( got netsplit. Mr_You ( got netsplit. pattieja ( got netsplit. tterb ( got netsplit. Remosi ( got netsplit. derek ( got netsplit. derek ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dres_ (~dres@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You ( returned to #gnuenterprise. pattieja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. tterb ( returned to #gnuenterprise. RS-9931 ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hi, I wonder if anyone knows a good backup solutions for a linux system I'm planing to make the backups on the same machine but on a slave HDD ? any ideas ? Nick change: RS-9931 -> TY rsync? didn't like it man it's kinda complicated and dangerous some how.. jcater (~jason@ joined #gnuenterprise. wassup! hey sparky if i put in a new motherboard and cpu for linux what must i do? i.e. using old harddrive um put them both on the floor is it like winders where you need to reinstall? get some chalk draw a circle and do a chant rofl um i prayed over it first does that count I don't think you have to do anything I swap out linux drives all the time from machine to machine if it had embedded video and that changed, then of course you have the XF86Config stuff if the class of processor changed and you have an optimized kernel actually has embedded video, but i think it might be same chip you might want to get the new optimized kernel class of processor changed and i have optimized kernel but that's just optimization will you be around to help me change that :) it'll still run sure err wait what was the old processor and what is the new one? when I swapped my RedHat from a Celeron to a Duron, I got bit hard because the Duron's don't have that Unique ID that Intel decided to install i went from k6-2 350mhz to Duron 1.2ghz and the kernel crashed trying to find that id oooooo so it will be a yummy speed upgrade :) what kernel did you have? version 2.4. something i think optmized for k6 well, swap 'em and let's find out :) Action: derek thinks the wifey is gonna like this box a LOT it friggin appears to scream :) trying to get windows working first :( as i need to download pictures from the digital camera before i get lynched sigh ya freak darn thing is trying ot find drivers like mad restarted 2 times already I love telling people I'm an "M$-Free shop" now asking for third restart i cant believe this dumb os My CDW rep called to tell me the specials he can get on licensing "We are a Microsoft-free shop" "Really?" "Really?!?!?" "Yup" "Well, I can at least get you discounted pricing on hardware" rofl derek ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) derek ( joined #gnuenterprise. you having fun, derek ? lasdf am i here jcater: my cdrw toast i thought new motherboard would possibly fix (i.e. that it was mb not cdr having issues) but it wasnt i needed to power down internet box to steal its cd rom Action: derek is bummed lost good uptime there :( ah Action: jcater needs to get CD-RW working under linux I've had less than ideal luck i think all systems are freaking windows is having issues (nothing new) and linux wont boot what is linux doing? loading............. uncompressing waiting 5 seconds press enter to get shell then kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprove -s -k binfmt-0000, erron = 8 in infinite loop i hit enter and get 8: Terminated sh: can't accesss tty; job control turned off # drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" hmm had you upgraded the kernel right before the mb dying? i got floppy to recognize now im trying to get a boot disk in there yeah boot disk i think this machine freaked hard during mother board frying so the linux side might be shot will try to fsck it w/ rescue disk if that dont work this whole disk is getting formatted and debian reinstalled um how can you get a list of devices? Action: derek forgets i.e. i dont recall which partition to fsck egads egads? dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/hcs/www/forms$ egads bash: egads: command not found dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/hcs/www/forms$ doesnt seem to give listing of devices ;) sigh i think 1 is dos 2 is swap 3 maybe... fdisk /dev/hda p d err fdisk /dev/hda then press p then q p is print partition table q is quit (don't do the d :) i think its 3 as i did taht and its seems to be working ah sounds good all of mine are 3 dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/hcs/www/forms$ fsck hda Parallelizing fsck version 1.18 (11-Nov-1999) dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/hcs/www/forms$ p er fdisk duh tterb ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-2000 -- Accept no limitations" same thing then death and distruction i think its time to just wipe this machine huh? fsck cleaned things up but it did same thing at linux boot the 5 second thing and then death can you actually get at the machine w/the boot disk? explain anything important on that machine? no i already considered it lost ah i ALMOST had it completely setup to be my new machine when mb went out the windows side yes willl suck to reinstall windows stuff, but i dont use much on there so not really a big deal i am just worried maybe the board before wasnt the problem but rather the RAM though its a tough call hmm windows and linux both freaking out but changing motherboard and processor is pretty big change Action: derek reaches for the trusty debian cd's asdfjosajf;laksjdfl;kadsjfasd f'lsdkjfsdaljfsad its not recognizing the cdrom argh time to bitch slap this thing the mb or the install cd? searching for boot record on CDROM..... and nothing from the mother board will swap out cable grrrrrr i know this cdrom worked in other machine today i hate hardware fsck no luck new cable wtf so the cdrom isn't seeing the cd are you sure the bios is set to boot from cd first? did you eat your Wheaties this morning? bios goes floppy, cd, ide0 but it did identify the cdrom in the IDE scan? comes up CDROM in ide scan secondary master have you used that CD to boot a machine before? sigh I'm sure it's something obvious :) Action: jcater is thinking Searching for Boot Record from CDROM it seems to light up um no i just got this mb i am just cursed thus why i LOATHE hardware trying to boot windows again i might try doing floppy to start with then over to cdrom hopefully that willl work, but not being able to boot from cdrom sucks yeah what machine are you on now? ? talking to you on my laptop ok so you have a machine to make a boot floppy with? :) i have a boot floppy ok im starting to really suspect the memory is jacked TY ( left #gnuenterprise. i hate this floppy install dont recognize it neither guess i try master/slave i dont know what else to try jcater does master go on the end or in the middle of the cable? or does it not matter it shouldn't matter unless you have the devices set to "Cable Select" (which I DO NOT recommend) sigh made is slave on the machine and bios again recognizes it but it wont boot cant find anything i have a REAL hard time believing its the CDROM i tried afew redhat boot disks and a few debian all no dice i think im ready to say F it as i have no idea how to troubleshoot it from here i suppose i can try to find another CDROM and test it with that but this is a known working cdrom sigh i guess the mb and cpu go back... Action: derek is currently listening to : 14-15=( %s 15| 0:00 )15=14- i think this is an evil ploy as they will only give me 'credit' and i walk out with more than what i return :( --- Sat Mar 2 2002