Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly is anybody out there...... I am lost in a world of shit where I reign as king turd talk talk talk woops apt-proxy works for me :) with apt-proxy-import to move a /var/cache/apt/archives directory into the proxy. ok from sid? is that executable in the apt-proxy package? woody. apt-proxy you can apt-get and apt-proxy-import you can get from cvs does it copy that archive then? what version of apt-proxy do you have? chillywilly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS: what version do you have? (sorry I asked again but I found a bug in xchat and it crasjed on me) ;P er, crashed got apt-proxy 1.2.1 and apt-proxy-import 1.5 (i think or 0.1.5) and apt-proxy-import will copy my archive? i.e., not mess it up and there you can browse the cvs and just copy the apt-proxy-import yes. unlike apt-move k what does you sources.list lines look like? apt-proxy-import will copy (just the latest versions though) the .debs into /var/cache/apt-proxt/.....mirror...layout... Version: 1.2.1 hold on i check. sources.list on workstation: "deb http://office:9999/main woody main contrib non-free " and the same for non-us and /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf has something like: "add_backend /main/ \ $APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian/ \ depending on your closest mirror. watch for the \ (backslashes) in the file :) alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. laurie ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: laurie -> derek chillywilly: i finally watched jay and silent bob strike back heheh snoochie boochie derek: did you like it? derek: you kinda have to have seen the other movies in order to get all the jokes but it is still funny either way imho i liked it have seen the others like clerks, dogma, etc etc etc yea I like it when that cop is busting them and he's like I have a whiping problem I ptu those things on my brown eye and bam no shit stains in my undies yeah was pretty goodd i liked the trouser snake scene :P or when they left the diner in Utah there's too many good scenes and lines in that movie ;) alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" and were pretending to be a gay couple was pretty funny lots of funny parts watched some other good movie oh yeah gattaca "who's stupid now ya dirty sheep fucker" must sleep be back in morning for some hacking yeam I saw you commit code I nearly shat myself ;P I think I'll watch tht movie again right now Action: chillywilly has an mpeg of it on a CD er, avi (divx) someone should give it to me in divx.p chillywilly: are you here? psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (sacha@ left irc: No route to host erk how do I make a foreign key relation if the name of the field isn't the same as the one it relates to in postgres? doesn't matter nickr id int references[yada] not null etc and it knows which field I mean? sweet kay I haven't used sql in a while :) as long as you specify it where I said yada:) hold on, I'll try to find a reallife example in pg I always do foreign key foo references bar; actually, so do I .. I was giving the quick an dirty option up there ;) here's a wee code snippet CREATE TABLE market( id serial NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE); COMMENT ON TABLE market IS 'Market company stock in listed under'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Unique identifier for the market'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Name of the market'; CREATE INDEX IDX_market_name ON market (name); CREATE TABLE company( id serial NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(60) NOT NULL UNIQUE, sector_id int4 NOT NULL, market_id int4 NOT NULL, stock_symbol varchar(4) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (market_id) REFERENCES market (id), FOREIGN KEY (sector_id) REFERENCES sector (id)); is that any help? I need to head out for a while ... cya later whats that COMMENT ON COLUMN thing? SachaS_ (~sacha@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). SirK (~SirK@ joined #gnuenterprise. evening. morning psu ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) dtm ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: drochaid returns, triumphant in the knowledge of a pizza sizzling away in the oven :) still around nickr? Yea I want pizza. :( high. do you foolz know video4linux well? 'well'? oh man you know you haven't had enough sleep when Do It In The Butt is absolutely hilarious to you whats that? lol some song from Butt Trumpet which is an interesting band pretty funny nickr: did you get an answer to the COMMENT ON COLUMN statement? drochaid: no it's literally just to store a comment as part of the tables schema seems like a waste so when you ask pgsql to describe the table for you, you get the comments you made at design time to help you remember what things were for man this is a great song huh makes sense it's completely optional and can be very usefull ... if you write more usefull comments than I do ;) how do you embed a variable in a string in python? sillycolwnnamethatmeansnothing "this is a sillycolownnamethatmeansnothing" ;) hrm uh. theres a way with % or something. chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) nickr: there is, which I can't remember off hand neither can I not that my brain is working on all pistons its annoynig that its not more intuitive I'll take a browse for you once I've finished eating if you want dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. jcZzzz ( left irc: "Client Exiting" I'm not having any joy nickr, using variables or input during an INSERT is one thing ... implying them in the CREATE TABLE is coming up empty so far I'm tempted to scan some of my Interbase or Oracle books ;) psu ( left irc: "[x]chat" Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. ello ppl snoogans yo chillywilly hey psu what's the good word? today's good word is "grass-widow" heheh, spamassassin rulez according to my word-a-day calendar ;-) okay dyfet: well well well dyfet: look what the cat drug in lol :) Action: psu is tempted to start a mail list thread with a subject line "$$$MAKE GEAS FAST$$$" to check out chillywilly's filter ;-) dyfet: how's bidness my brotha? psu: hehe business is doing very well these last few weeks excellent that's good to hear hrrrm, I think I missed the trout slapping regionals how could this be? ;P btw, does that bill_lance dude do anything other than read articles? ;) he's like the dotgnu news anchor or some shit drochaid_ (~drochaid@ joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (drochaid@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) where's my dtm at? Action: chillywilly pokes dtm hey, all I do is read IRC logs they also serve who only stand and summarise yea, well your service is much appreciated and needed I dunno about news anchor ;P does that mean the dodgy wig is compulsory ? wassat? & do I get to "flirt" with my much younger female co-anchor ? dodgy wig? "And tonite on GNUE-NEWS - a trout too far? - can slapping be addictive yes! mad goats - metaphor or madness? all this after the latest cvs commit headlines from our on the spot reporter... " hehe Action: psu checked the bathroom mirror last night & was frightened how much is receding anyone want to play NBA Jam with zsnes? i don't mind grey - grey is distinguished cool opera Action: chillywilly hisses that's not a Free browser there mr psu find me a free browser that runs on a 233 w/32MB & I'll use it (lynx excepted) galeon it rocks my socls er, socks claims to need 64MB so i was told hrrrm links works ;) j/k put some more RAM in dat ting ;) I keep meaning to, but i'm not really a hardware guy gives me the squits every time I open the case it's sooo easy you just pop the chip in the slot bingo bango Actually, I expect the RAM is currently 4 x 8MB so I may have no free slots anyway get some bigger chips then only thing is you need to put them in pairs you can have like 3 in there either 2 or 4 (usually anyway) I should be getting a new-ish laptop soon anyway Action: psu really lusts after a new iMac mike ( joined #gnuenterprise. s/can/can't hello sup mikeypoo Nick change: mike -> crazymike ??? wtf are you doing??? seeing what route you tool er, took ahhh ok [08:41:22] -crazymike- VERSION BitchX-1.0c18+ by panasync - Linux 2.4.17-686 : Keep it to yourself! you dig? cool shit so...have you been practicing NBA JAM Action: chillywilly is a nosy bastard I whooped you last night it's hard going backwards backwards??? I;m not used to it to the left ahhh then you can be server next time if you think that will help you nah I'm not going to punk out like that lol cool an alternative to LyX GNU TeXmacs LyX??? WYSIWYG LaTeX editor ..which uses non-free libraries Action: crazymike just nods and smiles LaTeX is a type setting langauge and allows you to do cool maths scientists and such use it to write papers with cool psu doh I thouht that was going to be a new KC I am gonna go home and write a paper with i t Action: psu ought to get around to doing an XML format for GNUe docs as derek has previously suggested actually, the KC format is probably not a bad starting point hrrrm why do we need our own format? not least as it's fairly close to "true" html there's docbook xml well, I say we stick to texinfo ;P is docbook xml diff to docbook? chillywilly: can I get bback to my prompt from here while keeping bitchx open??? I want to be able to do something like info gnue-forms psu: it's xml instaead of sgml I tried to get my head around docbook, but it seemed so counter-intuitive crazymike: ummm you should use screen then you can get another screen a docbook/xml hybrid would be much easier by doing C-a c C ==control well I just read the book and looked at our current docs as a basis Ctrl C doesn't do shit :( ctrl-a c ah I just saw that pay attention Action: chillywilly whaps crazymike with a trout Ctrl-A or Ctrl-Alt ;P 'a' in emacs worls er, world that doesn't do shit either atl == meta == M so atl-m is M-m ;) you need to quit irc and run Bitch from screen fine or get another putty session and not use screen that would be easier duh sure but I like it all in one window you don't have to though you can log into your box 50 times in a row if you feel so inclined cool...I'll try that I thought that I could only log in one user but cool no way this is a multi-user system ;) even the same user can log in more than once you just get another shell I know it is a multi-user system...but I didn't think "multi-single-user" :) I can switch to a VT and log in again as myself if I wanted no you can't... cause I said so!!! :) derek ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. bah crazymike: well you're at UNIX class ask the teacher to explain to you how it is possible for thr same user to login multiple times ;) it isn't that important obviously you there i think getty spawns a new login process or something or in the ssh case sshd spawns a new shell everttime er, every time so did you show all your UNIX buddies how you can log into your vry own GNU/Linux box? ;) you sould even install ksh on their and do you labs on your own machine er, there :D na...fuck i t I see you danielb@mishka:~$ who mike pts/0 Mar 16 02:50 ( mike pts/1 Mar 16 03:04 ( danielb pts/2 Mar 16 03:24 ( I'll just do the shit on here what flavor of *NIX do they make you use? ummmmm... ATX?!?! is that a version??? AIX? sure :) there's no OS called UNIX anymore chmod 700 * just different implementations fo the sam thing will that change the permissions to root only for the whole directory??? Solaris, AIX, GNU/Linux, etc. that will change it to rwx for the owner of the file only but --- for everyone else??? it didn't work rwx------ you probably don't ownt he file then it says root owns it you need to be root to xhange permissions then er, change I was root what did it say then? error message are important ;) it didn't give an error just didn't change it where and what did you do? chmod 700 * inside a directory to change all the files to that permissions I don't think chmod like wild characters liek '*' er, like i tried it with one file and it didn't work neither danielb@mishka:~$ chmod 700 .bitchxrc danielb@mishka:~$ ls -l .bitchxrc -rwx------ 1 danielb danielb 865 Mar 14 04:24 .bitchxrc* i dunno works for me type whoami root ok what fiel are you trying to change? er, file all the files ina directory not just one ok chmod -R 700 dir ;) it's that recursive thing again that didn't do it either drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 32768 Mar 16 02:26 Tanya is that cause it is on the /windows drive??? hrrrm maybe cause it is windows g\formated cause winders doesn't handle permissions and shit oh well you need to fix the mount permissions yea it is because it is vfat how do I check my disk space df or df -h to geta MB summary yeah...I have my notebook in front of me :) I forgot that damn hday mpeg is back in my home dir again that fucker er? it is downloadinf in tehre that's where gftp puts it then right? it is gonna fill up my /home again mv it but it is still downlaoding that would fuck it up right??? I guess do you haveenough space for it? nope I guess it doesn't matter anyways you need to configure gftp to put it somewhere else ;) psu ( left irc: "[x]chat" i did or tell it to put it somwhere else well that makes no sense then I told it to continue off the /usr one but it started a new one in home I dunno wtf lol...I just killed gftp i like killing stuf f ;P use wget then it is fun or ncftp I don't know the fullpath and shit sp use ncftp from there ont he console it will stick it in whatever dir you are in sp??? HOWEVER you neeed permissions to write into /usr you probably have to be root ahhhh unless you wanna put it in /tmp that's the prblem I bet now that I think about it I changed the file permissions but that makes sense thats why it is being gayt yes, you are wtill wtuck in the windows worl where you are always root ;) ina sense doh typing suck I won;t voice recognition irc er, want dude don't change perms on /usr though no I would just su to root just that file and download it I can't do that from here cause I don't know the path you jsut need to install on that bigger drive ;) i need to format the 30gb drive crazymike: what si the ftp server? I'll start the download i dunno bah thats why I can't do it /usr is filled up thats why too!!! g-d I am a fucking idiot!!! nah just takes time to get used to having multiple partitions we just need to install on your bugger drive er, bigger i am mving that file to /windows why don't you throw it in /windows? to get it out of /usr hehe i ahd it there, but I don't think that Gftp like \s to write to the windows drive cause of permissions you could always start gftp as root form the gnome terminal su to root run gftp weee ahhh you said to avoid using root a lot though well when you have to be root to write somwhere you have to be root i just need a big ass /home/mike dir unless you change the mount options for /windows tyea, that too it mounts as root??? is that what you are saying??? yes, because it mounts at boot up ahhh fucker root is the user that mounts the file system :) just like he mounts all the the other partitions you can mount it as someone else I think if you unmount it then as root mount it with different options with the mount command I just say become root and download it ad long as everyone can read that dir you can always play the shit 69% /usr 78129056 28925792 49203264 38% /windows dude 38% of an 80gb drive already full wtf :) I become root so much to install shit that I have a terminal button to give me a root shell ;P on ym gnome panel lol s/ym/my like when I build stuff from source to install in /usr/local/src I do it as root the price you pay for a secure system when I build kernels it has to be done as root (well for the most part if I want to keep it in /usr/src) Action: crazymike needs to compile a kernel...just for his own self-gratification :) Action: crazymike feels like an idiot cause he always sees errors on everything he does dude you are doing much better than some people you know at least some things reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. imagine the normal windows user who know nothing at all i know, but still you think they could grokk file permissions dude I have very high expectations of myself don;t even sweat it we all had to learn some time I am just so damned used to a *NIX environment well, at least I can ice skate better than you :) j/k haha true dat sorry, had to say it to make me laugh but I can lol cause I am in class can or can't? this class is boring todya heheh s/can/can't s/todya/today she is just going over all the vi shit we went over last week it sux ok it is important though tell her emacs is better ;) heheh there's a flame war vi vs. emacs yeah, but i know how to use vi..well at least what she is going over dyfet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" emacs is like a cirtual lisp machine it is a programmable editor VERY geeky er, virtual you don;t have to program it of course to use it I still use vi(m) for quick editing and viewing files what is the (m) for??? vim == Vi iMproved oh...ok a Free vi clone that has nice ectensions er, extensions vi isn't free??? the original vi was/is proprietary ok vi is older than the idea of free software :) exactly word niggie :) crazymike: so you're going to have a little mike soon ;) ??? (well is you count 3 years as soon) why do you say that??? a little bird told me you want to have a little mike they lied lol they want to have a little tanya rofl whew are you really rolling on the floor??? you are funny as hell man that's just like a woman yes it is to teist it around er, twist I enjoyed skating around w/ Scotty though but I am still too imature to have a little one full time heheh well...I am going out for a smoke ok I'll be back in a few I have ot pick scotty up :) s/ot/to Nick change: crazymike -> crazymike_smoker Action: chillywilly is away: I'm busy ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid Nick change: crazymike_smoker -> crazymike crazymike ( left irc: "BitchX: not from concentrate" drochaid (drochaid@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid_ (~drochaid@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid drochaid_ (~drochaid@ joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (drochaid@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard (rm@ left irc: "There's always one more imbecile than you expect" drochaid_ (drochaid@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid_ (~drochaid@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( left irc: "Client Exiting" hey jcater um how do you get sylpheed to launch urls from within an email? I dunno I use KDE so when I highlight the URL KDE's clipboard asks me if I want to open it ouch on a fairly new debian box i.e. updated with lots of end user applications grabbing gnucash aegagrus:/home/dneighbo# apt-get install gnucash Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done The following extra packages will be installed: guile-common guile1.4 guile1.4-slib libdate-manip-perl libdigest-md5-perl libfinance-quote-perl libguile9 libguppi16 libgwrapguile1 libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tableextract-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libhtml-tree-perl libmime-base64-perl libnet-perl liburi-perl libwww-perl slib its no wonder red hat folks have so much trouble thats lots of stuff :) drochaid (~drochaid@ joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid_ (drochaid@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) crazymike ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: dneighbo: files are uploaded to /home/toyman i forgot to compact/repair them using those *great* M$ db utils...;) so that should be the first thing you do after you pull them down to make sure they actually work ;) psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. crazymike ( left irc: fitzix ( joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is back (gone 02:56:18) zoop zoop w00t w00t sup my peeps Action: chillywilly bum rushes fitzix anyone know anything about big screen tv's I know how to break them hey guys -- what's up? look at this morose mtuha fucka smells like somebody shit in his cereal boooong Action: chillywilly has got to stop watching that movie so much dneighbo: yea, the only one worth buying costs 14k dneighbo: but its fucking SWEET fitzix: snoogans someone needs to play NBA Jam with me with zsnes developer meet in #dotgnu -- we have something like 30 - 40 people in the channel yea, I have been observing them trickle in for a while there's one guy here telling me that webservices don't matter as far as users are concerned Basically, the user isn't a consideration... heh OK... the lusers just get in the way ;) what's the point in writing software if people don't use it? that's a bit retarded alkdsjfs yay dtm! sup g Action: chillywilly sets up the development version of apt-proxy agreed man do yall think it would be ok if I killed my sister with a shovel? just beat her to death with the thing? chillywilly: I think its probably bad to kill your sister with a shovel damn chillywilly: I mean, consider the cleaning bills chillywilly: use poison instead yea... ok good idea BUT I what do I do to get out my pent up anger? s/I// beat the wall with your fist that way, you get some nice scars and you get out your enger that might hurt me worked for me yes, well, pain is good for you I beg to differ Well, you can beg all you want, it won't get you anywhere then I say 'screw you' woooo 5 spams messages in the inbox all caught by spamassassin #( chillywilly: hGHI. what's the highest spam score you;ver had for a message nickr? ello dtmy or dtmie i'm tired to death 6hrs sleep i tihnk cool up all night hacking on things learning video4linux nothing works! SPAM: Content analysis details: (23.2 hits, 3.5 required) do you gusy know video4linux? that's a new record !??! nope I got 7 hours but I feel well rested nickr: :-I I had a very interesting dream too good i had ultraviolent dreams yetserday because there was so much caffiene in my body I was still awake but asleep I love it. heh sheesh dtm: I've gotten it to work befare, v4l la la la chillywilly: Wow, thats a highscore nickr: with what app? xawtv? nickr: indeed chillywilly: I think my highest was like 19.8 or somethnig. dtm: yea nickr: shouldn't i be able to just start the v4l module, my device driver module, start up 'streamer -o foo.jpeg' and that's it? I don't know. mabye darn spamassassin missed one that latest message to bug-hurd dreams that have self-insight are funky only had a score of 1.9 chillywilly: yea, I noticed that maybe an 'all questionmark' rule or something ;) I should start filtering on the spam now through it into its own folder er, throw yea hrrrm, did you look at neal's filters he posted to bug-hurd a while back? yea, I don't like them tohugh I think spamassassin is more elegent. true and you can write filters for some stuff spamassassin would miss True. so seriously anyone know about tv technology? dneighbo: what about it? chillywilly ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) zah chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ( left irc: Remote closed the connection dtm ( joined #gnuenterprise. sdlk32-9i0i asnoet yay I finally got apt-proxy to work the development version is better than the one in sid and uses the other backends besides rsync doh, my bad it still doesn't work hrm, this whole glade python things complex weird - looking at dselect and cvs *doesn't* suggest cvs-doc surely packages should always suggest their docs? I think they should, but they don't Action: chillywilly thinks the example lines in the apt-proxy.conf are b0rked nickr: maybe I should raise a bug against that ;-) actually, I have a really old set of CDs, and it ,may well have been fixed anyway psu: Replaces: cvs-doc (<< 1.11-2) Provides: cvs-doc drochaid_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (drochaid@ left irc: Connection reset by peer dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) argh, this is confusing. dyfet ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb dyfet Thanks! Pharsyde ( joined #gnuenterprise. psu ( left irc: "[x]chat" jcater? you've returned? jamest! wassup dawg not much sup niggies jamest: you here something? :) wtf screw you then wassup chillydog? nothin' jsut planning your assassinnation ah it'd be easy just lace a donut w/something way ahead of you fucking glade pisses me off why does it default to drawing the windows rather than not? am I missing somenhing? yes, but that has nothing to do with glade chillywilly: go take a shower, ya filthy hippy heheh dtm ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) nobody in the world seems to use python-glade. because they are not mental like you it was invented by evil. It LOOKS so simple, but really its just fooling you evil to the core satan spawn this is bullshit. I'm so terribly annoyed. dtm ( joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan_home ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdean ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) drochaid_ ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. dyfet ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid crazymike ( joined #gnuenterprise. moog ( joined #gnuenterprise. crazymike: sup gods jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. doing laundry by hand is a chore and a half just go to work naked like I do Action: Isomer hopes you don't have a webcam hah well the smell was starting to get to me, so i had to do something with all those clothes. nickr: febreze Hrm. thats an idea. too late now though! meshes_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. what's up with this ext3 it really better than ext2? it doesn't require a long-running fsck I use it on all my production servers so if your computer gets turned off or something, it'll come back faster is the gnu working n making it better? we are GNU Enterprise fitzix ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). i'm trying to help.;) if i'm ext2 what should i do...reformat everything? Action: chillywilly dances on crazymike 's grave Action: chillywilly trout slaps crazymike meshes_ ( left #gnuenterprise. was the demonstration of GNUE on 3-14 recorded? hi chillywilly: waz up??? are we on for tonight or what? what's going on bitch? yup ;P shall I kick it over to your crib niggie? ummmm ummm? who the hell wants to go visit your sorry ass anyway lol gawd I need some skrimps I am trying to figure it out Jason stopped by here...he has already eaten where do you want to eat at??? I don't care ummmm...ok well, I'll come over in a few minutes but I have to drop scotty off at home ahhhh do you have the cell phone still??? yep ok...drop him me when you get back in your car then we can meet somewhere for skrimps moog ( left irc: "moog has no reason" a'ight ok then we can take your car back to your crib and go from there cya fewl ;P you got my digits??? :) home number? yeah yea, in my address book actually you can call the cell cause I have to go to the ATM, so I'll probably leave in a bit figure out where you want to go eat at OK your work cell? nevermind yeah ok you got that number, right??? cya chillywilly ( left irc: crazymike ( left irc: drochaid ( left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan_home ( left irc: "Client Exiting" mdean ( joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dtm ( joined #gnuenterprise. mdean ( got netsplit. Pharsyde ( got netsplit. dsmith ( got netsplit. ToyMan (stuq@ got netsplit. mdean ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Pharsyde ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ returned to #gnuenterprise. fitzix ( joined #gnuenterprise. neep neep SachaS (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. --- Sun Mar 17 2002