[00:00] Last message repeated 1 time(s). I had a gourmet creation of my own invention its somewhere between a soup and a cassorole with tuna! but no cheese cheese is what I miss most of all. haha nickr: why do you find yourself lacking cheese? lack of refrigeration technology and this thing 'money' I've been hearing about. thankfully my tribe has invented fire no tienes el refrigeranto? I see your primative culture does not yet have the great discovery 'refridgeration', we would happily trade it for your technology 'perl skillz' hmmm is that what you tell the prospective alien constituent? er i mean, is that what they tell you? )(# heh no its a Civ reference. nickr wisemen discover 'python' heh!! yay yew da man heh gnue: I see that your primative culture has not yet developed 'GEAS'. We would gladly trade it for five pounds of beef jerky lol that's grand. nickr: so are you totally unemployed, bruH? I am virtually unemployed People still expect me to work though because I'e already been payed for it oh i see doing what? may i ask? web developemnt well is the nature of your employment appropriate to repeat in public? ;) bullshit conversion of pages Yes www.scientifickarate.com what a name conversion from what to what? conversion from stupid macusers-who-think-they-know-about-page-layout crap into webpages you would not believe the crap these people shoved in my direction. Next time, I ask for a lot more money and a lot more time. :) ANd be more explicit about what they can give me that I can deal with. heheh yeah yessir good lukc well I only have one book sample left right now. and I discovered a nice thing to take care of the first 25 minutes of each page in about 1 second called 'tidy' huh. what's the input file format? 25 minutes is an exageration the first 3-5 minutes of each page they are horrible word produced HTML that was cut and paste from the quark files amazing i can only imagine then they're prolly like 1MB apiece huh? ;> the worst part, though, is the images they all have screwey names, most are eps format, but there is zero consistantcy of resolution so it may as well have been sketched on a napkin as far as you're concerned, huh? some are print resolution, some are screen, some are tiny they included idealized printouts so you have no coherently importable page layout, image resolution, or any quality at all huh? Nope basically I'm working from nealy scratch page-layout wise so they used Word as a Quark-to-html export tool? or what and the layouts of each page are sort of random too no they just gave me the copy and the images and want me to do the rest so its a quark-word-nickr filter not very automatic when we talked about it I was thinking oh 1 or two pages per book but no there are four books for which I have content, each one has about 15 pages so shan't you complete them with haste? bah. :) yes, I should've well. but I've stretched it out a bit call it your personal work ethic protecting your reputation yea well I don't really have a good work ethic that's easy for me to say, i know this is what my fifth grade teacher said i have a good one but it's oftendisconnected from my actions i have an anger problem :> which creates a motivation problem. hehe I have an inspiration problem kinda like chillywilly except without the material support network ;> oh really? I depend on hack mode to get things done uh huh which isn't real dependable mmhm describe 'hack mode' briefly its a trancelike state of highly effective action oh well not trancelike exactly yeah it's "in the zone" yea i see yet you have a problem initiating hack mode? or what THats my general problem yes well i could hurt, insult, and otherwise negative reinforce you! if you like! hehe hey, does gtk have a wizard type installer? or i guess we could try that positive reinforcement stuff well, I can see you'd really like that, but no thanks. similar to the windows wizard installer we have? Mr_You: loki's installer? but that'd have a higher startup effort nickr: no i'm kdding. i dont do tha t nick: is there one that we plan to use or no? Mr_You: I don't think so. Mr_You: I'd think it'd be packaging-system-specific ok.. this recent article makes a good point.. thats one thing that is holding back linux desktop packaging would be fine if you could "auto-execute after download" that would need to tie into the desktop and webbrowser or shell tnx ah yea or just add an apt source and use your favorite package chooser such as Synaptik nickr wisemen discover the secret of kawfee. well.. for widespread adoption.. the use will need to be able to download via a website user thats what they are used to.. I guess it will be up to the browsers and desktop enviros. it depends on what it is its all about the mime-types heh If for example the debian way is heavily integrated into an organization, then having an apt source, or the binaries in the archive as official packages would be the best In RPM or some sort of click and drool installation, then having it launcgh from a browser would be normal I'm talking about joe blow luser ;-) but it depends on which joe blow you are referring to yeah, its definitely good for either or I'm talking MS replacement yea in that case its point and drool drool resistant pixes pixels I wonder if vodka+icedteamix+coffee is a good combo man I so want to check out my roomies laptop but he was tired and seems the batteries are dead eeww I'll have plenty of time tho psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hrm hi nickr hey psu whats the good word? dunno - just woken up usual a.m. routine, get up, have breakfast, check TV, if the world hasn't blown up then I have to go to w*** (apostrophied for nickr's benefit) I hate w*** I find the word offensive Action: psu cowers hehe I'm too happy to be offended even though I have stupid .. w-word to do I'b better head off to w*** anyway psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("gnue - a new swear word every morning before w***"). Action: Mr_You & rofl hee Arturas (~raven@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hi Arturas (raven@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: "ircII/tkirc" drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid_ (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith (~dsmith@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. llarens (~tst@ joined #gnuenterprise. buenasss ups, good morning mr derek? ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. /me is back jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. morning people, I still with installation problems (may be related with python) whats up? emm what is the problem you are having? setup.py say that not found... what is not found? /usr/lib/python2.1/config/Makefile ? ups, Im trying this from redhat 7.2 and you have installed the python2 rpms from the redhat CD? apparently there is a problem with dependencies o versions python2 from cd2, yes hmmm and you are running setup.py for common? yes like this? python2 setup.py install this: /usr/bin/python2.1 setup.py install the question is that setup.py seek for /usr/lib/python2.x/config/Makefile file that I dont have hmmmm does redhat have a seperate rpm along the lines of python2.1-dev.rpm Action: jamest is not a redhat user just a moment, I'll look for... YES! it is! python2-devel-2.1.1-2.i386.rpm im'listin the rpm... AND THE config dir IS THERE :) thank you veeeeery much jamest :) great! um are you installing from cvs or last release? yes cvs 3/18 cool i was going to recommend it alexey (Alexey@strel.techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" perfect, i'll go to try, just a moment Action: llarens is away: testing setup.py... /msg me if you need more help as I don't keep xchat on my working window Action: llarens is away: off Action: llarens is back (gone 00:00:08) uf dtm (dtm@ip32.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) got netsplit. dtm (dtm@ip32.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. ok wassup? llarens? uh, now gfdesigner ask for pyXML, but PyXML IS installed is the pyxml installed for the default python or the python2.1 in debian they are seperate packages mmm may be for python 1.5 btw - i know this is a bit of a pain as we adopted python 2.x thinking the distros would be supporting it by the time we were ready (i think :-/) interesting... does aaaanybody have so much problems like me? yes its our fault I must test other distro or download sources of everything? but python 1.5.2 was giving us headaches so we made the jump thinking redhat and others would move to 2.0 rather soon debian woody made the move but redhat didn't so now we're causing suffering for our redhat users :( so the best step is to pass to debian? no i would never ask that of anyone we just have more dependencies that need manually delt with on redhat i apologize for that ahh so is a common problem here we say "al que quiere celeste, que le cueste¨jje drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" ehhh... I dont know how to translate that :) something as "what costs, may be valuable" emmm, I lost the path... where I am? so I must to configure PyXML for python2.1 ? yes it must be under the python2.1 lib section just copy dirs? um that might work but i think it'll generate lots of API changed warnings in your console ups in debian most of the packages are bundled for each version of python available so i had a python-xlm and a python2.1-xml maybe redhat did the same btw - i think we have a redhat 7.2 how-to somewhere on the site did you happen to look at that? so I must search for PyXML for python2.1 no I did not let me see if i can find it thanks http://www.gnuenterprise.org/docs/redhat_install.html yes, I read, and says that 4suite must be uninstalled, I did it and it gives you location for pyxml source oh? let me see ups, seems that Im little anxious cause I dont see that :) To run the install scripts you need to have PyXML which you can get at http://goats.gnue.org/~dneighbo/dependencies/python2.1/ in process... (thanks God for clablemodem...) :) kitchen (~grue@ip68-2-137-57.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ups I lost the path, having 2 o 3 dirs with gnue, Im going to erase all and start from scratch llarens: for pyxml they dont have 2.x version for redhat iirc you have to download the source and compile it as if you try the rpm for 2.x it will complain that 4suite is using the 1.5.2 version so wont let you 'move' the other one out of the way im sure a red hat expert coudl tell you how to make both work but pyxml is an EASY install derek: didja get the X fixed? python2.1 setup.py install kitchen: no i talked to X developers they say i have found a bug (remember that special talent i was telling you about) hahaha emmm, no problem, Im not interested in 4Suite so i had to send have my files to a developer over there that does trident drivers llarens: that is the other option is to remove 4suite so...if I keep you away from my software/code, my job is secure :-) the guy that did the doc for rh7.2 for us (kevin) did that :) yes I did, but now I have a lot of dirs with gnue moving from 1 to another is al total mess thissssssssss so much F8 mc's now :) must go to work now bbl Nick change: derek -> dnWork alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. llarens (tst@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Harald1234 (Peter1234@pD9517A71.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat_ (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres__ (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres__ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: i sent your jcater port mapper to SAP-DB list as someone there was fighting ssh tunneling for SAP-DB huh? oh basically there were making a tunnel but nto redirecting the port rather than tell them to map the port (or whatever the term is) i just sent them make-ssh-tunnel :) btw: i was able to demo that at the LUG did it work for ya? using forms via ssh tunneling to a postgres server behind firewall on net yip worked like a champ we were suitably impressed speaking of LUGs did you hear any more from the Nashville LUG? they never got in touch w/me but this is a good time of year to make the trip one of these days I'll have to check out the Memphis LUG i will have to re contact him as i want our LUG to DESPERATELY mimic their education model i need to put together courseware for Introduction to Python and Introduction to Postgres hey I think this month marks my one year anniversary w/GNUe :) Action: Yurik is away: for 5-10 minutes what a long, dreadful year :D hmmm and you survived in good spirits we really need to work on that Action: Yurik is back (gone 00:06:55) Arturas (~raven@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello hi Arturas jamest and jcater both appear to be 'partially' here now might be a good time to hit them up with your proposed changes to forms adn questions about where the problem lies about i18n i'm here mmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ :) also, im curious i noted in your email that you said you were looking at way to exchange data im curious as to what method you are planning to use so if i have a form that says 'Good Night' in native tongue do the translation/mapping to Labanaktis or Guten Nacht or Spokoinoi Nochi or :) Bon Soir etc etc were you giong to use gettext? xml entities yes ok etc etc etc 1. text in *.py fiels files (/common, /designer and etc) these will have to be translated with gettext (not with gettext exactly, there is some other named tool with the same functions) Action: dneighbo wonders if there is a free python implementation of gettext Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) 2. pygettext (or something like that - don't remember know exactle) (or something like that - don't remember know exactly) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. yurik: jumping? :) 2. strings in .gfd fiels er, files Arturas: :) all national symbols there are supported by xml parser (i mean, i changed parser the way to support them) and the problem i )*&!&@$#!@#*@# on is: these symbols are NOT displayed correctly (form title: ARE displeyd, anywhere else: NO) reading docs help files and etc asked in conf (wxwindows) noone replied after forcing, some mentioned that my system may be not configured exactly gtk takes font information not from KDE but from .gtkrc ah so in the morning i had a little time (didn't go to the lecture) let me try to reiterate things then yes we need to make the tools support gettext and have someone make translations files what is reiterate? restate or go over again o ok then our tools will be i18n compliant wait with error messages and such tools do support i18n ? something with X11/gtk or something does not display i18n correctly so you did a patch for the pygettext stuff we just need to make the translation files was going to send today with some more pathches one moment... then on the forms/designer we support i18n in parser and such but are workign out issues with display if in some .py file, responsible for form i create some sstring='national syblos here' i create some sstring='national symbols here' and put: print sstring [=> into console] everething is printed ok form.title=sstring everething is ok form.label.title=sstring ok so you have the pygettext working then in the tools and this doen't work tested with one file im just trying to get a grasp of the items out there as im new to i18n it takes out strings marked for translation cool puts into separate file WAY COOL for human-translation ok so we need to figure out the display issue yes and we are good to go :| :) then is the next task for i18n and that is for the applications i would like to see us have ONE form file that supports all languages instead of redoing the .gfd for every language that is gfd? as i understand it the current work makes it so the tools support any language you write a translation for (in the file) and make it so you can author a form in any language but what would be nice is in the form definition (gfd) to use entities or gettext or something to mimic the 'substituion' behavoir so if i have an contacts.gfd i then have a corresponding language files for it or something mhm pygettext works fine with .py other wise to make contacts.gfd i18n i have to copy the form and hand change all the labels etc maybe its best i wait for the patch as perhaps you have already addressed this and im just not asking correctly no don't know how to imagine that now i've made to support languages possibility to translate .py files just supporting the languages is a HUGE win and having our tools support the languages but haven't thought how to translate .gfd we dont have applications ready to ship so the .gfd translation is secondary :) my gut is since we use xml to do it the xml way which i think is via entities :) so in the .gfd you point to an entity file (which is the lanaguge file) excellent and let the parser do the work of using the entity :) got the idea fine parser will need additional modifications but that won't be a problem we could probably even put an entry in gnue.conf to set default language code 'en' or 'fr' etc that would be googd that would be good then if we do entities properly like gfdname-code.ent because on different platforms locales are then we could AUTO select set-up diffferent so if i have default_language='lt' in gnue.conf and even on linux there is a big nightmare if i fire up a form it tries toget gfdname-lt.ent to have language defiend in gnue.conf when making the form would be easier for all files to get that info or somethign like that yes hope im mamking sense and i wish jamest and jcater would pipe up with an opinion :) s/mamking/making dneighbo: you're not only making sense, you're making excellent ideas :) i thought to create a file, something like i18n.txt somewhere in / or in /doc with phylosophy and status of i18n would be good idea what has to be done/what way and etc. i will say i am VERY excited to hear we are merely a display problem away from having tools be i18n this is SO big for this project as the people that have the most interest in GNUe at this point are non English speaking countries Action: Arturas doesn't want to sound sad (?), but guess that display problem will become the biggest headache no one no where has no knowledge about i18n symbols in all wxwindows Arturas you think it might be a 'configuration' problem on your end can't exclude that possibility ~50% as if that is the case i wonder if yurik or ra3vat could test it on their configuration :) we can try i have .py file with i18n data on it ra3vat_ you here? could email them dneighbo: I have no GNUe installed you have x11 python? Yurik well we need to fix that ;) there is no need for GNUe dneighbo: fix the fact that GNUe isn't installed? :) :) :) Yurik: can i send the file to you? All that it requires is X,python, and wxwindows ~30 lines dneighbo: there is 3rd side that i haven't noticed until yesterday date, time and etc Arturas: I have no X right now - in Windows now :(( Yurik: no problem :) dneighbo: yes in USA time is AM/PM, in Lithuania time is in 24:00 and etc. but maybe leave it after i18n symbols support Arturas: it's a problem, it's a big problem... you can send me file, but I'm not sure I will have spare time, since I spend all spare time to E/AS :-)))))) 24:00 here, too Yurik: what is E/AS? ra3vat_ woudl you be willing to work with Arturas on i18n for gnue? he has come a LONG way sure but is having some display issues Arturas: Enteprise / Automation System we are wanting to rule out that its a bad configuration if you have X, wxWindows, wxPython he will send you a file and see if you can get it to work if you can we know its a config problem if you cant its probably a wxWindows problem :( np may i have your email? Arturas for now lets concentrate on text ds@ics.elcom.ru dneighbo: i'd imagine priorities something like that: in the tools lets just make time 24:00 no AMPM for now (if the tools display time at all) 1. Finish preparing .py for translations. Trying to fix i18n in forms display. 2. Prepare .gfd to i18n. 3. National data (time, numbers, etc.) ra3vat_: thanks :) reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. and then for forms time/numbers we will have to look at masks i think Hello reinhard reinhard you can test this too :) Arturas you might have another victim :) :) Arturas has started implementing real i18n into gnue tools wants to test a configuration or another man, who'll show that i'm an idiot :) as wxPython isnt playing nicely on display dneighbo: priorities ok? yes perfect reinhard ...... alexey (alexey@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) dneighbo: want a copy of letter? You can play with it too :) sure though i have no idea how to change localization stuff in linux so i will be of little help testing i suspect :) mhm i did sent a letter but it seems that of that joy i forgot to attach the form itself :) resent you should recieve it in a minute or so dneighbo: there should be no need for you to change anything in localization gtk, wxwindows .... takes localization info not from linux :) cool ? cool=thats good why? what? or = interesting its an expression of excitement you know something i don't know? :) [why did you say it?] why? because english is a stupid language no why did you say 'cool'? for what reason? its cool that i can use this w/o having to monkey with linux :) :) no that's bad well that depends you don't know with what you ahve to monkey with :) have bad because it teh wrong behavior (of course) good because i can play w/o having to change my linux environment (im lazy) :) who isn't ? :) i dont know, but if we find a non lazy person here, they probably make for a bad programmer non lazy AND bad..... no, these words don't go together well if i'm bad and non lazy, i can work hard and become good ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: Remote closed the connection :) sorry was reading a _completely_stupid_ thread at the fsfeurope list with about 50 posts _today_ now i'm off to dinner will read the logs later Nick change: reinhard -> rm-dinner hmmm **************** NOTE TO PSU **************** Issue #19 Section #1 You mispelled James Thompson Issue #18 Section(s) #12 & 13 You mispelled James Thompson so if you look at kt users jamest is there 3 times just an FYI ************************************* btw, GNUe guys, yes? I have a proposition of collaboration Here at E/AS we plan to develop robust directory management and will start doing it soon if such kinda functionality is need in GNUe, we can try to share resources (and if our goals in this subject are equal, of course) Nick change: rm-dinner -> reinhard sigh 117 KB logs our primary goals are: make it run absolutely standalone and provide robust services 75 new mails bbl :) reinhard (rm@ left irc: "'Hardware' defines as the parts of a computer system that can be kicked" if you're interested, we can speak ahead ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: Client Quit the technologies planned to be used: embedded FramerD ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. the reason why LDAP is ignored: LDAP will make system administrator required to edit its configs; also (most important) - LDAP do not provides changelists, sync-backs and so on for us it will be a supplementary application, used primarily for configuration issues and tracking things that are out of an object model - like system clients so, if any interest, feel free to contact me. im not sure what you are talking about jcater: can't get you csv diff - i'm using not cvs, but lincvs, and that things doesn;'t support cvs diff when you say 'directory managment' Arturas sure you can :) go to the file system do mv fileedited.py newfile.py dneighbo: I mean facilities to store some portions of data in tree-like directory then recheckout that file via cvs then do diff filedited.py newfile.py and look at results then do a 'man diff' to see how to make a patch file patch filedited.py newfile.py i18n.patch will go home shortly i think is what you would do Action: Yurik will go home shortly why not use existing standards? dneighbo: do you mean LDAP? i see gnue 'replicating' this information i.e. storing it in SQL Arturas: I can't do a diff that's why I need a diff from you :( as I don't have the same version of cvs as you do I'm sure hmm and replicating to LDAP or ActiveDirectory or NDS or such i.e. i dont thing gnue is interested in authoring directory services we have enough work :) dneighbo: the reason is above - it should run standalone what should run standalone? dneighbo: ok, no problem :) it was just a proposition dneighbo: directory management service jcater: if you write directory services certainly we would be willing to 'replicate' to your directory as much as we are to LDAP or ActiveDirectory etc doing diff right now dneighbo: thank you :) jcater: you need diff jcater: or jcater: diff ? he needs um not sure :( I'd think the first one ok :) patch original mychanges pathfile.patch iirc as you wish :) um patch applies patches but doesn't create them iirc er sorry my bad correct then on the first one btw, I think we focus on one thing at a time firstly, adding gettext support to our internal py files :) priority 1 got 10 minutes left i think we put things in priority in case you didnt read log jcater the internationalization of dates/times/etc are being worked on wrt the existing Input/Display Masks 1. is get py files up to i18n speed which seems to be done not all fiels files currently in /common/src 2. getting .gfd files to ahve i18n compatiable -- having display issues 3. getting .gfds to do substituions 4. getting date time / numbers sorted out Arturas good point, started and proven (not done) :) just out of curiosity how much is this going to kill performance? ? jcater: can you accept file on dcc? drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas: no I'm behind a firewall :) ok, emailing then cool sent leaving now have a good time :) bye Arturas (raven@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: "ircII/tkirc" Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" ra3vat_ (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@N812P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[x]chat" yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem42-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello, I want to create the financial databases, how do I do? I exected parse_load_sql.py over all .geas files, but inside I didn't find the CREATE sentences I run parse_load_sql.py over all .geas files my english is very bad yogurt2unge those files are for GEASv1 which is being replaced by GEASv2 so i would not use them as we havent decided if the format will stay the same llarens (~tst@ joined #gnuenterprise. is anyone working on gaes2? actively its still in discussion phase hello any debian stud here? :) reinhard: are you kidding? chillywilly (~danielb@d2.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: I'm *MR Debian Stud* no I am lol ok hey reinhard i just installed debian for the first time in my life how's it going my man? well it was quite easy chillywilly: life sucks and then you die, thats how its going well, duh except for the fact that i got no network now nickr: didn;t ask you though did I? 5 reinhard: did you load the driver? reinhard: /join #debian-support ;) would i have to do that in the installation process? yes you can loaod the netwokr driver reinhard: dpkg-reconfigure netbase er, NIC driver or just insmod that thing (or modprobe) just a sec reinhard: only if you were installing over the network would you load it hduring installation true dat Action: chillywilly wonders where crazymike is so we can play ninja turtles i am installing over network i guess i only have one ce cd with the basic system let me try that thanks for now thanks a LOT woohoo it asked me the ip address that is a good sign :) reinhard that depends on if you know the ip address ;) rofl heheh cool ,you guys get the wallop? they got their papers for the non-profit OPN corp. Action: llarens hate mx... etc etc grrr mx? somebody knows where is the mx.DateTime module for python 2.1? as in mxDateTime www.egenix.com btw: really should hate python for not having this stuff natively I just downloaded it, but gfdesigner insist that its not here having to rely on mx sucks you instlal it properly? i.e. python2.1 setup.py build python2.1 setup.py install uh? is not enough with the rpm command? (Im using redhat 7.2) i suspect the rpm command is installing it for python1.5.2 get the source isntead http://www.egenix.com/files/python/eGenix-mx-Extensions.html#Download-mxBASE ehhh... I dont think so, is an explicit 2.1 version thats problem is redhat packaging is horrid about dependencies it doesnt like to let multiple things exist llarens i see no OFFICIAL rpms for mx from egenix therefore i cant comment let me see... i.e. unlike debian rpm relies on rpms made by peole all over that never check with the whole redhat system :( so if its not from the redhat disk its hard to 'trust' it will do what you expect :) in the past we have had people get source for mxDateTime pyXML and DBdriver of thier choice as its less painful than fighting rpm if you are able to get rpms from all those to work please let us know so we can update our rh7.2 install doc honestlyh with python ithink setup.py install is easier than rpm -Uvh packagename ;) and as I can see, more effectiveeee its been SO long since I have installed rpms on my redhat 6.2 box because of the pain :( to me its most unfortunate as i like the redhat system i like the company redhat but the packaging needs work :( well i'll get the mxdat... source and try see later oop oops now it loads the 3x59x module without error messages but now i get zero output from ifconfig and can't even ping localhost ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: Remote closed the connection reinhard: modprobe 3c59x (3com attacks again :) yogurt2unge: already did that at boot time do you have anything in your network file? can i see somewhere if that module is loaded? dneighbo: /etc/network? less /etc/network/interfaces and paste here just a sec bash: less: command not found ;) j/k reinhard: i put 3c59x in the file /etc/modules just a sec dneighbo: yes there is something and it looks good can't paste 'cause it's different machine and i have no network connection between them :) jajaaaa I catch the gfdesignerrrrr the mxdatetime resides in /usr/local/lib, and the rest in /usr/lib hey wait just copyng from one place to other dneighbo: i did ifup eth0 and now i got it in ifconfig cool wish you could paste that output (sorry) as i wonder if you dont have it as 'auto eth0' no i have as iface eth0 can i do "auto eth0"? hold on have to check home box :) as here i us dchp nevermind is only for playing anyway and for getting python 2.0 to run auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway # automatically added when upgrading auto eth1 iface eth1 inet static address netmask so before you iface etho er eth0 ah ok add auto eth0 i think this makes it auto start at bootup iirc rebooting Action: dneighbo is amazed reinhard is taking the debian plunge i thought you were happy with suse? or just expirementing to broaden horizon? Action: dneighbo did that and now im in love with debian other than xfree86 4.x :) derek 2 things 1. you da man (it works, thanks!!) 2. i'm experimenting for different reasons a i like the philosophy of debian better than the one of suse b most "professionals" seem to prefer debian c debian seems to be technically superior d of course i want to broaden horizon :) Chipaca (~john@modem42-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard i will add that currently #gnuenterprise is the best debian support channel around hi all at least that i know of yes i figured that, too ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. otherwise i'm not sure if i would have dared :) so for me on allure to debian is that i can get good answers quickly :) hi Chipaca yogurt2unge how is the mx install going? thanks again to all and l8r night reinhard (rm@N812P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Don't contradict a woman -- wait until she does herself" guys, we want to separate the business logic from the forms. Has anyone here thought along those lines, and if so, where is your braindump re that? um yes that is what GEAS is for :) but SPECIFICALLY you can do this in two tier as well ummm you can put the actual python code outside the form file and just do an 'include' so say you had some accounting functions you could make accounting.py and just include that in forms that needed those functions long term GEAS is the way to for this GEASv1 does this right now today but has some technical limitations ok, my mistake and we are addressing the short comings in GEASv2 Chipaca : it was a good question I had misunderstood yogurt2unge's debfrief now we're putting 'em in the forms because geas is AWOL, right? StyXman (~mdione@modem42-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. hi peop whew looks busy in here today and aint' it good? is there anything like events within geas 2? to have an event-driven state machine to work the business logic? or should/could this be done atop of geas? callbacks maybe? (nearly said evas instead of geas there) Action: llarens head go to explode, taking a rest (mysql for python2.1 is now the problem sigh) llarens (tst@ left irc: "someday it will WORK!" oops Chipaca doing too much to process that question yes geas had events had? and the new version will be more complex in events geas1 we are undergiong a big restructure of geas StyXman technically it STILL has :) dneighbo: so I heard... just i dont advocate using it ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dneighbo: and the new technology will be like... ? StyXman: you are receiving the URL of the preliminary whitepaper via icq Chipaca: ack drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" StyXman what Chipaca said :) basically the biggest change is using the gnue-common architecture yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem42-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left #gnuenterprise. ok, I'll leave now or I'll miss the carpool :) see y'all tomorrow Action: Chipaca notes 5 more developers in gnuenterprise today, and nobody really noticed :) Action: Chipaca waves Chipaca (john@modem42-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" dres__ (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore kewl, odmg does laxy intialization via a smart pointer in c++ er, lazy StyXman (mdione@modem42-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "StyXman bails out" dres__ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. are you all from same company? i notice all from .ar dres__ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) arrr mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection ToyMan_home (CaryKittne@c5300-1-ip203.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. I need a unix guru for what? who knows how to extract backups fomr a tape ising tar er, tape using tar just like regular tar except -f you give the tape device but they want only a specific backup I know that much but they onyl want to extract on part or something oh do a t and look fore the files you want, and then put the names on the end of the tar tar -xvf /dev/tp0 foo/bar/baz example? thanks that is a dir though right? mnevermind mharvey (~mharvey@ joined #gnuenterprise. llarens (~tst@ joined #gnuenterprise. uf, the gfdsigner works (fnally =) BUT (jeje) i cant connect to a mysql database ends with segment violation ToyMan_home (CaryKittne@c5300-1-ip203.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" a segfault? can you run gfdesigner -d 10 and see what it's doing right before the segfault ok mharvey (~mharvey@ left #gnuenterprise. oh eh now it works what a hell its happend ?! no idea :) maybe a bad username/password triggered a bug in our notification? ehh uh i dont know, from mysql console all seemes ok oh, a beautifull master/detail form :) Harald1234 (Peter1234@pD9517A71.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: well I should send those guys a bill now eh? llarens: :) instaed of calling tech support for their prop. unix they call me and I help them out for free hrrrm it would've cost $6,000 if they called tech support mmm but stiiill somethins is wrong why do I feel like I just got ripped off? ;P llarens: what's up? the gfclient show a laarge amount of error lines (uf) ? um i have to run home now but I'll be back ASAP and we'll get this straightened out jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "[x]chat" the last says (Typeerror: unsuported operand type for +) llarens errors or warnings eu? um you are using wrong python :) ehh python2.1 Action: chillywilly goes back to reading the c++ binding for odmg um unsupported + means you are running forms with python 1.5.2 uh?? lets see chillywilly i think the bill should say remit payment to nickr no one says I wouldn't split it ;) I ain't like that llarens go to the place where your gnue cvs is dneighbo: mmno, i changed the /usr/bin/env python to python2 (nad the other stuff) but shit I just saved them $6,000 with the help of nickr of course ;) imagine what one could do if I converted them to using apache and GNU/Linux then go to common/scripts llarens you have it working i dont know what mmno means anyone hear of cobalt? is that Free software? what is free software? that's the web server they use cobol or cobalt cobalt cobol is alnaguage cobalt the server runs linux er, langauge which is free hrrm but owned now by sun heheh actually cobalt RAQ's can run many unixes but ISPs were getting them with linux by the boat load hrrm yea sorry dneighbo, i want to say; 'no, im supposing using the python2.1' that's probably what they got go to common/scripts/ well the person I was talking to doesn't know dick there is a file called gnue-diag.sh she's a web master chmod it so you can run it and run it ok I thought she meant cobalt is the web server er, sofwtare that is but yea cobalt rack server would make more sense ;) guau crap jcater we need to fix the script :) its expecting a real install :) Contents of /usr/local/gnue/etc: Directory does not exist! Checking aborted when trying to read conf files dneighbo: go to it ;_ i will when i get home what about the top level devel script? as i use this script a lot to install from cvs this isnt about installing its for troubleshooting oh llarens can you paste the python2.1 section here oh that one that probes python but doesn't the devel script call it? should look something like -------------------------------------------------------------------- Python results for '/usr/bin/python' Version: 2.1.2 (#1, Jan 18 2002, 18:05:45) [GCC 2.95.4 (Debian prerelease)] Platform: linux2 sys.path: /usr/lib/python2.1 /usr/lib/python2.1/plat-linux2 /usr/lib/python2.1/lib-tk /usr/lib/python2.1/lib-dynload /usr/local/lib/python2.1/site-packages /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/Numeric PyXML: Installed mxDateTime: 2.0.3 Checking /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages: /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/wxPython: found /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/pygresql: *NOT found* /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/psycopg: found /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/pyPgSQL: *NOT found* /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/MySQLdb: *NOT found* -------------------------------------------------------------------- lets see hrrrm, why does that seem so autoconf like ;) then you will need to change gfcvs, gfdes etc (wherever you put them) proably ~/bin/ and edit them to say /usr/bin/python2.1 /home/dneighbo/downloads/gnue-cvs-2002-03-07/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFClient.py $* I don't get it chillywilly: that's not an installation/configuration script, but a diagnostic tool for us tech support people :) only where /usr/bin/python2.1 is the location of your python jcater: heheh, sure oh ho, I have TWO python section right you should have more than one well I really need to pund out this api spec ;) as you have python1.5.2 and python2.1 as it is late now im just interested in the one you THINK you are using :) Action: chillywilly should know better then to say he will get something done on the weekend so we can verify everythign is good and installed chillywilly: api for what? then we will edit gfcvs, gfdes geasv2 i suppose? geas client api um yep, I want to propose soem ideas anyway and see what everyone thinks personally taking some freom reinhard's and building on that I think we are starting at the wrong end of the geas problem i agree well.... i think in someways it might be best to take what we have and see what it would take to make it use common and common rpc the client api needs transaction support though and slowly clean up as we go they way I see it you don't do anything without using a transaction object but i dont know much a rewrite sounds good too emm seemes that mysql module not found (but ASK ME for a user & pass (?)) llarens well i still think its executing wrong python for forms chillywilly: imho, we should start out with what we want the gcd files to look like if you are getting += unstupported besides where's the best place to go for a more fully intergated GNUe ;) can you look at gfcvs and gfdes files for me? jcater: I'd like them to look like ODL files then make a converter to generate the relational backend sql that creates the tables I don't really give a damn what they look like just that we need to look at that first :) and tell me what is there for python like what i pasted above? that's fine dneighbo: I think we need to add the Python version number to the -d output of the tools what do you think? :) Action: jcater already knows the answer to that yes agree wait wait all this mess is because i dont want to compile from te sources no http://news.gnome.org/1016562428/ hehe im not certain thats the problem llarens have you seen this hacker? ;P ups you shouldnt have to cmpile from sources cept egenix and pyxml (and thats just cause its easier than fighting rpms) chillywilly thanks for that link this is good reason for copyright assignment as well only not to change license but imagine if the copyright was in question and they had to forfiet their defenese because they couldnt find hacker X ask me this is just sloppy legal work on mozilla's part not to mentiona big pain in the ass ;) llarens you still here? uep? yes, but this f****** xchat dont let me to paste the file mail it? use the middle mouse button or click both of them llarens: or you can do /exec -o cat file ;) (auch, feature intentionallu deactivated ;) lo que? do you guys no EBNF? not too worried about pasting it just tell me what is in gfcvs, gfdes I mena if I had the EBNF for ODl would it make sense to yall? dneighbo: for future use, the cvs tools will now show the underlying python version when run with -d1 er, ODL the line after PYTHONPATH= doesn't help today, but someday :) depends llarens you running cvs? if so from cvs or from a nightly nuuu, i just downloaded a snapshot remember: im a poor mediocre developer from a third world country :) gotcha for now if you can just type the line after PYTHONPATH= (and becoming to miss the old good days of btrieve/clipper) from gfcvs hmm in some fashions gnue will be simliar to clipper for you jcater you ever get patch from arturas? llarens which third world coutnry you from? kansas? er did i say that ;) dneighbo: yes arrrrr it's what I expected to see yentinaa a lot of _() usage which is the standard gettext stuff for python what is _() you mean method calls um or is _() something special to use gettext in python instead of doing a print "Derek is a dumbass" you would do print _("Derek is a dumbass") it's a special method gotcha i started thinking about this :) or: argentina :) do we really need all the lines to do this? well i.e. or can we assume 'developers' will speak english that's one of my issues so only 'error' type messages he converted a lot of stuff should we convert that I don;t think needed converting like our debugging print statements well some of these maybe we do want converted? the ones that run when you dont choose a 'leve' I think only text the enduser will see should be translated myself er level right i agree well, some perhaps thats what i mean by any messages that get put out w/o debugging turned on maybe -d1 or -d2 level stuff but anything higher up is really stuff for jamest and my use -d1 might be useful translated btw: i think he is only doing what we told him so he probably woudl agree with us :) not sure as we said make it i18n my main hangup isn't laziness on jamest and my part at a minimum --help needs to be gettext speed it's that the more we use _() for, the more translators will have to translate and I don't want to waste their time on frivolous debugging statements oh, and speed :) i think a good rule of thumb is developer out put should be english only (like the code) end user output should be i18n the hard thing is defining developer vs. enduser :) i.e. most of the time its crystal clear but not always :) yeah :( mm i dont found PYTHONPATH in gfcvs? your gfcvs should look similar to dneighbo@wright:~/bin$ less gfcvs0307 #!/bin/sh if [ "z$GNUE_CONNECTIONS" = "z" ] then if [ -f /home/dneighbo/gnue/etc/connections.conf ] then GNUE_CONNECTIONS=/home/dneighbo/gnue/etc/connections.conf export GNUE_CONNECTIONS Action: chillywilly is away: reading fi fi if [ "z$INSTALL_PREFIX" = "z" ] then INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/dneighbo/gnue export INSTALL_PREFIX fi PYTHONPATH=/home/dneighbo/downloads/gnue-cvs-2002-03-07/.cvsdevelbase:$PYTHONPATH; export PYTHONPATH /usr/bin/python2.1 /home/dneighbo/downloads/gnue-cvs-2002-03-07/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFClient.py $* dneighbo@wright:~/bin$ im interested in what you line says where mine is /usr/bin/python2.1 what is yours? Action: dneighbo is also curious as to method you installed cvs from root gnue cvs dir did you run setup.py install or did you run that for each tool seeing... jcater regardless im tickled that we have the support htere so we are forced to make a choice so llarens and the others from argentina can make native forms :) plus jamest can make those ks locales he's been crying for so his forms feel 'right' I can do my TN versions too rofl "Dang it, boy... ya ain't doin it rite" i can see the inventory screen now part number = da code part name = whatcha call it qty = how many price = setcha back exchange: ups, i must go out, TOMORROW will be another productive day thanks a lottttttt vendor: How many whatcha call its ya want? customer: 5 vendor: thats gonna setcha back 10 bucks bye! llarens (tst@ left irc: "Aplicación Saliendo" we need to find out how to make a rh7.2 install easier maybe i need to look at making rpms dtm when you ask why i like debian this kind of red hat stuff is why debian install of gnue literally takes longer to download than anything else jcater what a debian install running you nowadays i think last two times i installed gnue on debian huh? maybe 5 minutes oh yeah, something like that a reinstall of cvs w/ dependencies already here like a minute Nick change: jcater -> jcFooooD I'm going to get some food, fool :) dsmith (dsmith@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: "later.." jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201072.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. time to go sit in the traffic bbl dneighbo (dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "Killed by Cap (Requested by panasync)" He a Unix Wizard, I just can't get the gist A Unix wizard's Got such a mental twist Nick change: jcFooooD -> jcStuffed err Nick change: jcStuffed -> jcater neilt (~neilt@66-61-51-107.wo4.cox.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dnWork -> derek #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. i need a nap and some food maybe some whats that stuff called jcater tequila? yip blue agave mmmm, mmmm, good I'm going to be sending out a Reports email soon and I expect feedback :) it's only 292 lines so grab some coffee, add a little Bailey's, and kick back in your chair to read 292 lines of reporting bliss s/lis// how do you extract .tar.bz2 files??? debian? yeah tar -xvjf thank you no prob tequila? yow. that stuff makes me really sick.= well, dude you don't actually chew the worm you swallow it whole its also bad from to leave the 25% in the bottle s/from/form/ dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@d82.as0.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "um my gnue tree is bigger than your gnue tree" hey where did that quit message come from .... In general it makes me sick the very smell :) help gnucash actually seemed ok but it has like NO reporting are you kidding? Action: dneighbo needs to get cvs version running again only this time with postgres db so i can use gnue gnucast has sweet reporting nickr: im not kidding if you know how to make good reports with gnucash please clue me in write a reports plugin for gnucash so they can interoperate ;) ah actually its not so bad just shitty ui i ws going to say you couldnt even choose date ranges complain :) but thats not true you just have to find the 'options' button or redesign the ui never seen a product like this that didnt do reports more 'wizard' like yea nickr: have you dealt with gnucash folks or code? well its still up-and-comming no easy is not in their VOCABULARY I just dispense advice at random example you extend gnucash with SCHEME (like thtat is popular for end users that arent MIT grads) and code look at the source some time hell look at the dependencies :) that said i just want a pfm (personal finance manager) that works they seem to be providing one so im not out to knock them : I thought they added python to their extension languages ah perl well thats easier than guile at least :) guile as actually really easy um actually the have perl but no one has used it :) and its no longer maintained :) its just that most people learn procedural languages instead of functional nickr: i wasnt knocking scheme my comment was unless you are an MIT grad meaning most folks other than MIT/Berkley grads are really learning functional programming :) many colleges teach functionaly programming in the CS program well UIUC does in additon to those you named at least :) the only reason I know scheeme is that my exgf went to UIUC aond she gave me her copy of tThe little Schemer crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: hmm actually the reporting is pretty ok now i just need to corral them into adding budgeting nickr: yes many do i shouldnt say MIT students but rather computer science students though thats too general as only a small percentage of them get more than a brief introduction yea, it really depends on how 'serious' the CS program is if they are *scientists*, then they learn scheme else they are very procedural oriented you know what its just kick butt i think i finally for REAL am totally windows free hehe though i suppose i need to get camera and scanner working to really say that those are easy but i havent had windows installed for over a month or so they are either supported or not and i have financials nice color reports printing its just so nice and of course there is frozen bubble :) of course. ;) you should install cuyo for when you get tired of frozen bubble honestly if debian came installed on an oem pc i think normal home users could use it without much problem yea definitely especially if it had some sort of auto fix/auto update thing as part of the purchase price especially if they have never been infected w/ having to use windows heh yea debian is really weird its like a service of quality control for all software in existance most people are used to going to a vendor and downloading the software debian does that part for you and indexes it its so strange. chillywilly (danielb@d2.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: No route to host dneighbo: write a pfm using GNUe debian sort of draws you into a communal thing its actually sort of similar to the Mechinists in _Distraction_ er whatever sigh its too real :) i want dummy quicken as my house payment, car payments, etc are not in expense so a income/expense report lies Action: dneighbo wonders right way to do this dneighbo (dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. grrr they are doing it right i think but reports are worthless to me if i dont see my payments against liabilities as an expense as i cant see waht a SPEND in a month hmm well, if I were you (which I'm not) I'd refuse to make the payments on the grounds that you can't get the reports right not sure if they'd buy that or not but if they do, let me know :) what does gnucash use as a backend? some internal format? internal format they do have postgres support but only in cvs and hear horror stories kitchen (grue@ip68-2-137-57.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: "enough for now" trying to do my budget and this isnt boding well later all neilt (neilt@66-61-51-107.wo4.cox.rr.com) left irc: "later all" i dont have quicken installed anymore so i cant look at one of thier reports to explain what im after but i think they put the liabilites stuff under expense reports or somehting or maybe not, i suppose i just did them as 'categories' or expenses but i know thats not correct way to do accounting I'm off please read my reports email :) if those damn gnu servers will ever send it on jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. so i dont get real depiction of what im 'spending' i could make them just expense accounts but that doesnt seem correct im half way remember you have to have an 'middle man' so you have an expense account you book the charge to lindsay isn't sure then move from the expense account to the liability account so that you see the 'payment' as an expense but the liability account is still intact for a balance sheet i think being a dumb quicken user was more simple :) i think i just got evil with my bad self now a mortage payment is 4 transactions in: mortgage account out: checking account in: mortgage loan (liability) out: mortgage account (expense) now to see how that shows up on the expense report as suspected in hindsight that makes the mortgage (expense) zero so that doesnt solve problem f it for now im moving them to expense accounts and having no liabilities so i can run rerpots isn't that how its supposed to be structuerd? Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly every transaction has 2 entries you are always transferring form one accoutn to the other Action: chillywilly uses gnucash all the time now jamest (jamest@fh-dialup-201072.flinthills.com) left irc: "[x]chat" chillywilly: im aware of that whatever, dude you complain too much i cant get credit card payment or loan payments to show on an 'expenditure' report to show my outflow amounts and your point is? i moved my loans to expense accounts since im not really tracking the 'loan' anyhow which at least recovered some items but the credit cards i had no such luck point is wait until dres gets here and go to the source ;) or drag your happy ass over to #gnucash ;P in fact I found them to be very helpful wehn I first started using it they held my hand it was lovely mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. mdean (mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) beast (~eugene@ joined #gnuenterprise. hello all ppl hello alexey (~Alexey@ns.techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (Alexey@ns.techkran.vladimir.ru) got netsplit. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) got netsplit. alexey (~Alexey@ns.techkran.vladimir.ru) returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@mankind.boredom.org) returned to #gnuenterprise. pointone (~pointone@24-196-85-224.jvl.wi.charter.com) joined #gnuenterprise. I'm going to sleep well tommarrow night. No fucking books to worry about. pointone (~pointone@24-196-85-224.jvl.wi.charter.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-28-73-63.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all mdean: @#*) --- Wed Mar 20 2002