Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DBE.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. NetTantra (~ss@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all Newbie to GNUe sphere :) hi But very eager to implement Well is it really stable? is the question I put to you people first? tools (forms, designer) are useful enough for 2-tier mode And what all modules you have said to be downloadble will work for sure without bugs? none :) ra3vat: You mean to say nothing is ready yet? psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hi psu tools (forms, designer) are ready to give a try hi NetTantra so ra3vat- I have to use forms, designer and create modules and implement??? i mean none is without bugs :) OKKKKKK Sounds Just great! Now the question is Customising them Do I need to have strong XML and Python knowledge to do them or I can do it with the IDE itself? NetTantra: yes for 2-tier GEAS (application server) is not ready reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard Do I need to have strong XML and Python knowledge to do them or I can do it with the IDE itself? morning reinhard: I was asking ra3vat about the ease of customization of gnue modules what do you feel? Is it too early to say anything about it? NetTantra: you can use designer and then customize them without strong XML knowledge That sounds really great! them - forms (.gfd files) ra3vat: Do you feel it is enough stable to be implemented onsite? you need python knowledge to make triggers ok What all module do you really say "Reliable"? modules (like accounting, ...) are not ready Financials, Supplychain Mgt., HR, CRM, Stores...? not yet How about Double Choco Latte? they were designed to be used with application server and now application server is in rewrite stage oH! dcl is in the way from separate php-application to something that would use gnue architecture ra3vat: Are you one among those who are rewriting GEAS? few guys working on that The Thing is, I wanted to know how long it would take to redeem the rewrite process? (Just very curious) geas is still in the proposal and design stage no, you should contact with reinhard, neilt, chiliwilly, jamest, jcater and others :) reinhard: Back to you :) I Want to implement GNUe in my office right now. How do I go about.. is it possible? The team are all volunteers at the moment, so we work w/o deadlines in 2-tier you can do it is your office all under gnu/linux ? as no-one can tell how much time they will have ra3vat: We have two Linux servers.... rest or on MS NetTantra - you can certainly use the GNUe tools in 2-tier to write apps yourself If you're looking for "shrink-wrap" install and go Financials, HR, etc we're not there yet and to be honest we need to get the n-tier tools written & working NetTantra: you can try bynary snapshot for MS (it is single .exe to get forms working) before we start there. ra3vat: Come again - I did'nt get it? How do I do it with MS? NetTantra: the official release is a few months old, you can either use that or the nightly CVS snapshots I'll dig out some URLs for you psu: But how about the backend? geas with 2 tier should I stick to till geas n-tier appear? NetTantra: many well known from free to commercial NetTantra - for the database back-end, use your choice of database ok for the app-server backend, we have an Application Server that a company kindly contributed but which needs an extensive re-write which is just starting On databases, we currently support loads of free and non-free choices I understand... I will try it out with PgSQL as of now... and wait for Geas to be rewritten. I hope and wish it happens at the earliest :) including ODBC (i.e. pretty much anything that has an ODBC driver) free: postgresql, mysql, SAP non-free: Oracle, DB2 k Even today, 2-tier is a good framework for those sorts of little projects that you start in MS Access before you realise you actually need something bigger ;-) NetTantra: http://www.gnuenterprise.org/downloads/snapshots/win32/ But will existing geas allows me to use Postgresql? NetTantra: then you can get your forms working from MS to postgresql on linux side NetTantra - geas is the application server = n-tier the guys have decided to re-write this bit ra3vat: I am planning to use psql on linux NetTantra: good For 2-tier you just need Forms, Designer and your preferred d/b NetTantra: where are you from ? (as i do some testing for i18n) In that case how do I execute the forms in MS world? (I am from India) NetTantra: forms based on cross-platforms tools like python, wxpython and do Can this be web enabled and can be accessed using native webbrowsers like IE or Netscape? NetTantra - we are looking at providing mutliple client access, including HTML there was a guy working on a pure HTML client - not sure where that got to we also had someone working on a PHP client NetTantra: are you ready to run two commands from your python prompt right now? which I think made more preogress It's certainly an aim to support web-based Yurik_ (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. In practice, I would expect that using complicated forms via web would be quite painful ra3vat: I am on a MS machine! so power-users would probably always want to use a proper Forms client Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: No route to host but for occasional users, web is probably fine Some of our project team are big web-application haters - NetTantra: ok, may be later (but python is available for MS machine too) yeah I agee with you psu but if you look at DCL, that is exclusively web-based at the moment so go figure ;-) ra3vat: Unfortunate thing is I do not have it on the machine I am working... tell what if I have? ra3vat: I have got a prompt NetTantra: we have few guys from India one of them did support for some native encodings ******************************** Anyone who care about i18n support please raise two commands at your python's prompt: import locale; locale.getdefaultlocale() import sys; sys.getdefaultencoding() and give output back here or to my email on ds@ics.elcom.ru mine system gives the next: Python 2.0 (#1, Jan 30 2001, 06:12:18) [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Linux-Mandrake 7.2 RE)] on linux-i586 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import locale; locale.getdefaultlocale() ['ru_RU', 'koi8-r'] >>> import sys; sys.getdefaultencoding() 'koi8-r' Thanks *************************************** so please do import locale; locale.getdefaultlocale() import sys; sys.getdefaultencoding() Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: getdefaultlocale what is the version of python? 1.5.2 requirement now to have it >= 2.0 ra3vat: Where do you live? russia So will you be available usally this time every day? we are a very internatioanl project NetTantra: yes ok which is why we are working on i18n with such vigour ;-) I will get back with Python 2.x tomorrow :) Great time with you guys here! You are very much helpful to me! Thanks Thanks a lot ! bye for now! I will be back around the same time tomorrow! :) NetTantra: see you tomorrow psu thanks ra3vat thanks bye all no problem ;-) NetTantra (ss@ left irc: psu: you have python prompt? somewhere - let me find it not sure of the version it will tell you 1.5.2 - no good ah (can you tell I haven't installed gnue on the free side of this box yet?) hmm I can do it for python2 give me a second /topic lend us your python - honest, it won't hurt ;-) >>> import sys; sys.getdefaultencoding() 'ascii' python2.0.1 and >>> import locale; locale.getdefaultlocale() import locale; locale.getdefaultlocale() File "/usr/lib/python2.0/locale.py", line 243, in _parse_localename raise ValueError, 'unknown locale: %s' % localename ValueError: unknown locale: Action: Isomer assumes this is because the locale isn't set or is set to "C" >>> locale.getlocale() (None, None) if that makes sense >>> sys.version '2.0.1 (#0, Jun 23 2001, 23:50:30) \012[GCC 2.95.4 20010319 (Debian prerelease)]' same happens under 2.1.2 >>> sys.version '2.1.2 (#1, Jan 18 2002, 18:05:45) \n[GCC 2.95.4 (Debian prerelease)]' ditto under 2.2 >>> sys.version '2.2 (#1, Jan 8 2002, 01:13:32) \n[GCC 2.95.4 20011006 (Debian prerelease)]' ra3vat: here under windows it gives: ('de_DE', 'cp1252') and 'ascii' (ie: valueerrors for getdefaultlocale and "ascii" for default encoding) this is debian testing./ wonder how the next code in PYTHONPATH/site.py would work for you encoding = "ascii" # Default value set by _PyUnicode_Init() if 0: # Enable to support locale aware default string encodings. import locale loc = locale.getdefaultlocale() if loc[1]: encoding = loc[1] if change if 0: to if 1: and restart python Harald1: thanks, i'm collecting that info |Yurik| (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[x]chat" Yurik_ (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) exactly the same results on python 2.2 Isomer: i need someone from us, most probably they have the same setting Action: Isomer is from NZ but I don't have any magical settings for NZ afaik other than TZ information Isomer: can you change site.py and try again? will it run at all? I changed site.py as you suggested and it still failed. failed the same way or something strange on python's startup? failed exactly the same way so it started successfully Action: Isomer looks at the code Action: Isomer looks confused got it from ash.gnuenterprise.org myself dimas@ash:~$ python Python 2.1.2 (#1, Jan 18 2002, 18:05:45) [GCC 2.95.4 (Debian prerelease)] on linux2 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import locale; locale.getdefaultlocale() (None, None) >>> import sys; sys.getdefaultencoding() 'ascii' >>> ra3vat: "echo $LANG" ? er: storm:/home/perry/tmp# python /usr/lib/python2.2/site.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site.py", line 182, in ? addsitedir(sitedir) File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site.py", line 132, in addsitedir if name[-4:] == os.extsep + "pth": AttributeError: 'os' module has no attribute 'extsep' Action: Isomer suspects my site.py isn't getting run Isomer: it should ok, I suspect it's being run, and thowing an exception which python's ignoring what disto/os do you use ra3vat? something mandrake-like hrm ok the os is gnu/linux from alt-linux.org drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: ra3vat does not want to be trout slapped by someone for abuse of the terms hmm my LANG is set to "C" which appears to be what python is complaining about no hrm, nope bah i have LANG set to de_AT@euro and get the same error message for getdefaultlocale ah hmm ra3vat: for me it is getdefaultlocale: same error as Isomer plus my LANG value (de_AT@euro) getdefaultencoding: ascii -- reinhard: have you tried to use non-ascii characters in forms? do you need it? i have not even got forms to run on that machine i have python 2.1 on debian since fri last week and haven't got X running on that machine i'm a debian newbie now and still in the learning curve for apt-get & friends :) :) reinhard: well, I've got debian running well i'm a debian nobody :) ra3vat: lol Isomer: i believe you Isomer: i don't say debian is bad i don't even say debian is harder to install than suse/redhat/xxx i just say it's different :) reinhard: yeah, but I ment it as if "this might be a configuration problem at both our ends" (which it might be -- but it's not caused any other issues) hmm debian has a "locales" package it appears they don't install locales by default nope that didn't help :/ locales however provides /usr/share/i18n/* and /usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo Nick change: |Yurik| -> Yurik if '.' in fullname: langname, encoding = fullname.split('.')[:2] fullname = langname + '.' + encoding Harald1: are you from germany? ahh I think I find the problem storm:/home/perry/tmp# unset LC_CTYPE storm:/home/perry/tmp# python2.2 Python 2.2 (#1, Jan 8 2002, 01:13:32) [GCC 2.95.4 20011006 (Debian prerelease)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import locale >>> locale.getdefaultlocale() ['en_NZ', 'ISO8859-1'] (don't harrass me for using root, I've been tinkering with /usr/lib/python2.2/*.py to try and get it working :P reinhard: yes Isomer: do you need to do unset LC_TYPE from normal user to get the same result? yep Action: Isomer suggests: if os.getenv("LC_CTYPE")=="": os.unsetenv("LC_CTYPE") and then your application will work on debian since debian or python aren't using that variable correctly Action: Isomer suspects debian what is your LANG says after that? but I'm still trying to figure where it (mis?)configures that variable >>> import os >>> os.unsetenv("LC_CTYPE") >>> import locale >>> locale.getdefaultlang() >>> locale.getdefaultlocale() ['en_NZ', 'ISO8859-1'] reinhard: unset LC_CTYPE <- can you test it also? no, you seems have another situation just a sec perry@storm:/etc$ echo $LANG en_NZ on my machine Isomer: you fixed settings? ra3vat: same error message ra3vat: hrm, I didn't think so ra3vat: if i change my LANG from de_AT@euro to de_AT then it works and i get ['de_AT', 'ISO8859-1'] not 100% sure what the @euro means at all but it sounded good so i selected it ;) rofl reinhard: de_AT seems more correct for a name of locale I don't have a "de_AT@euro" but I do have en@quot and a few others reinhard: do you have a /usr/share/locale/de_AT@euro directory? i believe the de_AT@euro differs from de_AT by the character set de_AT@euro chooses a charset that has an euro symbol one would assume that de_AT has a euro char in it somewhere hmm de_AT is much older than the euro :) try "de_AT.euro" for your charset iso 8859-1 doesn't have an euro symbol iirc reinhard: er, sorry, I ment de_AT@euro has a euro char in it somewhere doh bah, ykwim and iso 8859-15 (or something like that) is very much the same but with euro symbol Action: Isomer has flat mates demanding to use my moniter as a tv screen BBIAB Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DBE.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) back andrizas (~andrizas@adsl-213-190-40-206.takas.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. andrizas (andrizas@adsl-213-190-40-206.takas.lt) left irc: "User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby" Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DBE.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid_ (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dtm ([A2ZUF6RUy@ip94.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DBE.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) dtm ([44qpgcLSX@ip94.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dtm: hi WORKING LUNCH TIME!!! :D alongton (~alongton@max1k-42.his.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DBE.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) hmmm ... does GNU Enterprise have anything to do with Star Trek Enterprise? Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: hi hello alexey (Alexey@ left irc: "[x]chat" Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DBE.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: jamest: hello hi hey hey hey alongton (alongton@max1k-42.his.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: hi hello oh jcater's here i have to leave j/k bbl dnSleep (laurie@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" sigh HIGH. i've been awake all night completing the first draft of my business plan. somebody move around and keep me awake! :> i must format it all as one doc, print it, and go to class!(#@* to present it. drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "[x]chat" jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. @#)*)@I rup dup dup dubbity doo RA-DUBBITY DUP DUP alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alongton (~alongton@max3k-51.his.com) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem224-adsl1.cordoba.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: jcater is away: lunch Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" Arturas (~artkri@fmgs-01.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello Arturas: hello hi Dmitry :) Arturas: any progress with i18n? Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB099E.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi Hello Harald1: hi Harald1 hopefully my email explained the testing situation i.e. we believe strongly in a test suite and regression testing but while we have good working code that is highly useful its not yet 1.0 kind of stuff with a huge user base demanding that type of testing and since we are resource sensitive currently its hard to justify large time expenditures to a testing suite when demands elsewhere are so large hopefully that makes due sense dneighbo: yes, it explained everything. I was just curious. But don't you think that using a test suite later will lead to a lot of boring work? If it is done as soon as possible after the implementation, it won't be that much work at once. Action: jcater is back (gone 01:12:11) And the developer still known what he/she has done Harald1: you would not believe how little time we developers have s/known/knows/ while that sounds reasonable, it is even tough to get our docs done in synch w/our changes jcater: I can imagine, but if it's not done know, do you believe anyone wants to do it in a year or two? s/know/now/ no more so than they want to do it now :) I think it would be a waste of time given our current state ToyMan_mobile (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: hmm ok. I just think that'll take more time, if its done later. Though I understand your arguments and the stability of the code I tested proves you right jcater: did you already receive my reply to ticket #8 ? yes but I don't have time to look at it further at the moment jcater: ok. irs (marko@h126n2fls21o825.telia.com) joined #gnuenterprise. markoi (marko@h126n2fls21o825.telia.com) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. NoClue Begginners Question: Has anybody any clue huw much time must a begginner invest to setup 2 tier general ledger with gnue forms and postgres on linux? Actualy two ledgers one for a little bussiness and the other for family use. :-/ for ever markoi currently we have a framework but not the 'shrink wrap' applications so you could download and install the framework to use with postgres in probably under 4 hours on debian if you are experienced linux user w/ postgres running probably take you about 10 minutes we do a have a general ledger specification But homepage claims it is working on several real systems markoi it is but not a general ledger the places that have it running are doing 'invoicing' 'inventory' 'call center' Arturas (artkri@fmgs-01.vtu.lt) left irc: the issue is that these places that are running it also paid consultants or in house staff to write the applicatiosn with the framework as 'custom' applications so they didnt give htem back to the community if you provided requirements im sure it wouldnt be too difficult to get you something completely custom running but its not something that would happen in 24hours but shouldnt drag you out endless years or anything :) what kind of business? and what 'pieces' are you looking for? I do use debian. I have some SAP in house consulting experience in Finances if you just want a 'ledger' you might be able to use gnucash or sqlledger I once wrote a quick hack GL in M$ Access (oh the shame of it) in an afternoon if you want more than that i think gnue is right for you if you are willing to put some work into building what you need only thing I never quite got working was the balanced journal check that said a mix match might be acceptable as well doing something similar in GNUe probably would be as quick using sqlledger for the gl and building your other components in gnue around it I want to use doble sided accounting. And I do find gnue very interesting platform so I am prepared to leave some time here. In the reasonable limits to get usable results... we are looking for people willing to build/use applications :) the problem is we ahve limited people resources and most of the resources are making the tools better if they stop to build official applications the tools suffer so we are rough spot more hands help :) in fact people that are less engineer and more consulting type are what we need most :) I am not shure what I am more / less, but I hope to build more consulting side of me in the future Is gnue packaded for debian working at the moment or not? I saw some notes about some problems on KC irs (marko@h126n2fls21o825.telia.com) left irc: "Leaving" its packaged but isnt done well i would get from cvs probably opposed to from debian packages we have some people looking into cleaning up the debian packages so they install better i'm looking for a couple of apps I know "must" exist on debian somewhere a) an html validator (pref. very strict) Where can I find sqlledger ? It looks like sqllledger is not spelled right. No hits on deja news,... b) something to walk through some php pages and do all the "includes" psu: tidy does samething like validation, but it also cleans up html and such. Probably not what you want to spit out normal HTML? psu: validator.w3c.org is what you actually want nickr: I always reckon "my" HTML is better than any machines ;-) psu: as far as the php is concerned thats eay .:) tidy is WAY cool try it just for fun nickr: yep. I will prob have to use w3c.org - was hoping for something local but anyway, all the php you need to know is tidy will probably do - if nothing else, I can pipe the output, diff it & see where I disagree ;-) I used on DEBIAN weblint as html validator a couple of times you can completely crontrol how it munges the output its pretty serious about fixing common erros and stuff its a validator/fixer/indent for html i'm jumping in w/o reading backlog but seems you are talking about html tools anyone know of a good tool like linbot that is currently being maintained jamest: whats linbot do? you run the bot over your site and it link checks oh hrm slow page analyze(looks at pics, size ,etc) site maps old page listing htcheck wright:/home/dneighbo# apt-cache search ledger odontolinux - Dental office management software (PHP4 + PostgreSQL) wright:/home/dneighbo# well, it checks for dead links at least interesting http://www.sql-ledger.com markoi Action: dneighbo cringes that we end up turning folks away http://www.math.ksu.edu/grad/linbot/ is a sample you might be able to see...if I'm not blocking at apache level that is :) dneighbo: ? jamest: maybe you should take on maintainance of it Q:) nickr: I'm sure dneighbo would help him find all the bugs ;-) alongton (alongton@max3k-51.his.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) alongton (~alongton@max3k-36.his.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi alongton reinhard (rm@ left irc: "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem224-adsl1.cordoba.sinectis.com.ar) left #gnuenterprise. nickr ? Thanks for the link. I'll try that http://www.sql-ledger.com im sorry i really dont want to point you there would MUCH rather have you use gnue but if it fits your needs better so be it :( As I said i do like gnue im so sick of having to point people there if i get a free weekend soon but I am probably not so hardcore hacker. i will probably use their structures and just build gnue front ends to it so that i dont have to utter the url any longer Action: dneighbo sulks back into his corner from memory, the class defintions for GL were fairly simple could easily be written as normal SQL tables question is - do we want a 2-tier GL at this point? psu i so cool he is constantly volunteering for stuff Action: dneighbo loves you man or does it simply divert us from geas? I would be happy to help if there is expected real timeschedule. Like a week or a couple of them... psu: its a toss up problem to me is that a 2-tier gl doesn't go anywhere i for example would say you and i probably really arent really hot on tuning up GEAS as its not our 'domain' as we scrap it the day we have geas v2 so if people like us time is spent as 'do nothing but fondle selves' or & a gl w/o ap, ar etc is a bit like a bikini 'write two tier stuff' i.e. what it reveals is interesting i would say its advisable to write stuff :) but what it conceals is vital what is my mom's saying 'Wait holds the wagon down' context: mom "im leaving" deke "wait" mom "dont you know wait holds the wagon down" deke "hey thats not nice" mom "hey is for horses" but i lived a cruel childhood :) there is somewhere a "cockney" alphabet a is for 'orses b for mutton can;t remember the rest helpful, huh? there is an old ode my pop would sing.... three irish men three irish men digging in a ditch one turned around and called the other one a dirty son of a peter murphy had a dog, very dog was he had a lady friend jumped up her petticoat and bit her on the cocktail ginger ale five cents a glass if you dont believe this stroy you can kiss my ask me no questions and ill tell you no lies if you ever get hit with a bucket of schpit be sure to close your eyes fly on a horse turd soft shit cu tomorrow bye ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" weirdos. definitely :) thats why I love you guys. the new legacy is my sisters are a bit older than i, by about a decade so their children were born when i was still living at home and they like most new families used grandma and grandpa a lot for babysitting so i would torture my nieces and nephews the magic word that I made them say was 'please stop uncle deke' to this day i have cousins in hawaii and california that i have seen like only once or twice and never 'played' with and they when tortured by parents or siblings shout Action: jcater 's gonna start calling dneighbo 'deke' 'please stop uncle deke' yo, masta deke hey dneighbo hmm which i find hilarious hi all has a cool ring to it the very first ledget I every used ToyMan_mobile: howdy hi ToyMan_mobile you on a mobile device? had a reporting tool called "DEKE" Action: ToyMan_mobile is checking out his new laptop ah co-incidence? i dont mind being called 'deke' Was an old ICL tool psu: was it useful? compaq armada w/ freebsd in fact all family and friends i grew up with call me that if so, the namesake doesn't fit so its not something i get irrated by jcater: it was sort of 1970s mainframe meets 1980s SQL what's up with the transfer possibliliteis ? if you want to tease me call me 'dekey dan' i think that counts as a "no" as thats what mommy calls me as my initials spell out DAN so dneighbo: any win4lin yet? not yet though my machine is seeming pretty stable and getting all tools installed im hoping win4lin wont take more than a day to install hopefullly can do this week then its 'toy time' doo dit dit doo.... 'toy time' sung to the mchammer 'hammer time' music go toyman go toyman go [14:17] Last message repeated 1 time(s). ok i'm ready Action: dneighbo recalls your image from the tradeshow my ecom site is really starting to cook and the thought of you dancing in hammer clothes dancing brings a humorous image :) gimme some big gold chains rofl and lots 'o rings yeah big gold chains can cover up anything vanilla ice is proof of that is there any way to pull down gnumeric with out taking all of gnome along for the ride? not really you using debian? you might try openoffice instead its a bit more of a pig as its all the tools BUT freebsd i dont think it requires gnome openoffice port is borked for bsd right now not only that i have found its much better for ms office compatiablity than abiword/gnumeric well, I need tables in my wp, so no abiword yet you should be able to get gnumeric kind of stripped down maybe with just gtk yes and bonobo and some other packages mebbe but probably dont need WHOLE gnome desktop hope not nickr how do you look at a deb package? to show what it depends on vs recommends etc the laptop is just a PII 266 and I like fluxbox dneighbo: apt-cache show re gnumeric drags a LOT of libraries with it Depends: bonobo (>= 1.0.19), gdk-imlib1, libart2 (>= 1.2.13-5), libaudiofile0 (>= 0.2.3-4), libbonobo2 (>= 1.0.19), libc6 (>= 2.2.4-4), libdb3 (>= 3.2.9-1), libesd0 (>= 0.2.23-1) | libesd-alsa0 (>= 0.2.23-1), libfreetype6, libgal19 (>= 0.19), libgdk-pixbuf-gnome2 (>= 0.16.0-1), libgdk-pixbuf2 (>= 0.16.0-1), libglade-gnome0, libglade0, libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0), libgnome32 (>= 1.2.13-5), libgnomeprint15 (>= 0.29-1), libgnomesupport0 (>= 1.2.13-5), Suggests: gnumeric-doc, gnumeric-python, eog, guppi-gnumeric, evolution nickr :) thats what i was just ready to paste :) hmmm. most are libraries though all are actually probably a good percentage of those are optional nickr i want to know why on earth gnumeric suggests EVOLUTION is that just ximian peddling evolution or what? heh, no thanx to evol dneighbo: Hrm. Maybe it has some sort of funky bindings to use it or integrate scheduling or something. they *never* got the bsd ver. working on that ximian wants sawfish now anyway nickr: just like the old UNIX legend that mail used a routine in one of the games just to stop sysadmins removing them Heh what about gnu hello having a mailreader in it? THat actually happend in nt The os/2 hpfs was in some game dll unprofessional IMO hah so are easter eggs IMO hrm. Chipaca (~john@modem224-adsl1.cordoba.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. beuno dias senor Chipaca i thought you guys disappeared and were not coming back buenos días to you too, dneighbo nope, we're just doing the ERD right now, so it's mostly sit-at-the-blackboard-and-draw thats my favorite stage I hope not _too_ many argentinisms get into the ERD, so that you guys can use it also ERD? enity relationship diagram? er entity enitrely relative datagram :) yeap, although we call it the DER :) I was hoping for "Entirely Relational Databases" i thought it was the red spanard dance Espanol Rojo Danco Action: Chipaca holds his putative head i.e. we are just doing the erd... Action: dneighbo thinks they are on to something with the concept of the siesta maybe this ERD is good too? ;) you want the dotty diagram of what we've done sofar? sure what tool you using to create it? Action: Chipaca tries to remember /dcc send it to info@gnue.org or post on the web somewhere as dcc fails for most of us dneighbo: oh, ok. it's WIP, so not much use outside of a casual chat :) gotcha go ahead and send when more complete glad to see you stopping by was worried you decided gnue wasnt right tool for the job it is, or it will be, we're not sure on that yet :) if what you advertise on www.gnue.org were correct, we'd be out of a job :) i just encourage you to remember if it doesnt fit exactly with a little work it probably could :) I'm pretty sure it'll fit, and the framework certainly is the right one. i was thinking based on the #debian-support channel of doing a promotional free tacos for every gnue commit that gets approved on 'developer days' oooooooo jcater: dont worry this would be 'locale' based that include my commits? so for you it oculd be 'pulled pork bbq sandwich' or something Action: Chipaca would rather something like 'free harddrive' nah, donuts, dude yeah but donuts dnot match the locale hmmmm southern US btw: one of my youth guys works for krispy kreme now greasy, fatty food seems like a match to me so we get 4 dozen krispy kreme for free every sunday :) wow I wonder if that's too far a commute for me to go to church well we plan on doing virtual church soon via streaming video with virtual food? but not sure how we can stream the donuts you marshall them into XML, of course that'll be the first GUI DTD hmm i like your thinking Chipaca jcater you ever chow on mexican food? Action: Chipaca blushes Action: dneighbo thinks you would like fried icecream and churros Action: dneighbo wonders what argentinian food is most like being on the coast probably lots of seafood more like spain than mexico heh Action: jcater loves mexican food or at least the Americanized version we have here in Memphis jcater: im dissapointed i thought you were truly non foodist like me and just loved food I love all food regardless of race, religion or color :) I do whew what is the saying the only kind of food i dont like is the kind thats not in front of me hehe Action: Mr_You does not like pecan pies or coconut cake. ya freak Action: Chipaca rsynced his debian mirror against nfs:/home instead of against /dev/hda2 by mistake :( pronotti is going to have my guts fer garters it was on /home/pronotti/src before I noticed :( doh! ;-) its looking like AMDs SledgeHammer (scheduled for June 2003) is gonna rock mséh Chipaca: i shouldn't use any >127 ASCII if I were you, we're on the hunt for i18n testers ;-) heh psu: 8þ ToyMan_mobile (stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" oh, I've never seen that smiley before hey now no fair smiling in non english @:| ððððð! ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" yeð shieße? Action: psu is away: food mmm food Action: dneighbo is hungry drochaid werent you gonna get us some pizza? dneighbo: sorry, I've had a stomach bug the last few days :(( Action: Chipaca wants to go home and play crossfire Action: psu is back Action: Chipaca waves later all Chipaca (john@modem224-adsl1.cordoba.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "zzzz" any speculation on next release time frame? or suggest snapshots? will do that thunderstorm coming, will need to power down Action: Mr_You & chillywilly (~danielb@d10.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ello people hi chillywilly btami (~btami@dial-3-10.emitel.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: you there? hi all hi btami chillywilly bad tact it should go like this did you see the bug in designer where deleting a widget causes a segfault? wow, i think i bought more donuts than i can eat heheh if only jcater were here to share them with lol woweee, zowee sorry, what lol means? I have too many krispy kremes in this box I can't possibly consume them all if only jcater were here....*sigh* lol == laugh out loud er, laughing thanks chillywilly: here chillywilly: that's a known issue w/cvs ok it's part of our UI reorganization in forms the degfault is a designed faeture ;)? Action: jcater has had 0 time to look at designer since then :( er, segfault um, yeah... that's it think of it as "copy protection" it's not a bug damnit it's a feature as we know you are trying to knock off some ERP package :) ouch I am mortally wounded by that statement how dare you accuse me of such vile things ;) hi jcater, do you want some bugreports right now? btami: not really but I'll take them lol :) i'v made a clean install from CVS and forms,reports and navigator wants pyXml designer, common OK **************************************************** PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS NOT LISTED BELOW AT: http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?group_id=34 psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("to sleep, perchance to dream"). ;) go nuts :D muwahaahahaha are we using the savannash support thing or DCL? er, savannah ok trying I'll update their setup scripts to not require pyxml ok that's a fairly new development :) i see :9 :) what's a new development? us not requiring PyXML as a dependency why did it go away? crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. uh oh here's trouble python 2.0+ has similar xml support built-in I see but when we wrote the parser code, we were using python 1.5.2 uhuh chillywilly: bite me mofo :) cool , so one less dependency dependency yip doh, I spelled that right to beign with er, begin I tried to get "mozilla-composer" but there ain't no shit like that it is called something else then figure it out I am bout to damn apt-cache search foo phreak apt-get install mozilla may get them all maybe not please do not use savannah for bugs but rather DCL type, mozilla -compose chillywilly where did you paste that forom from can you change that? that is from gnue/common/BUGS jamest or jcater we need to get bugs@gnuenterprise.org setup what should it do? and someone needs to be avaliable for questions btw, the DCL link off the main site didn't work for me so i can get the email gateweay for dcl up jcater i believe it would be a local spool and the gateway would read that and create tickets directly form it er from i am looking into an easy 'create' an account as well so users can create own accounts how do you access the dcl thing? magic dcl.gnue.org? LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/local/j2re1.3.1/plugin/i386 oji.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory] gnuenterprise.org/dclgw/ crazymike stop using java problem solved :) heheh what did I do...i don't have java j2re1.3.1 if i do it doesn't work thats jjava I know thats what it says but...whatever don't sweat it it is just complaining we jused to auto kick java folks fine then kick me but we have learned to stop worrying and love the java dneighbo: what does that have to do with his browser wanting to load the lpugin? er, plugin man i give the guy a hard time and you two go nuts :) you said to type mozilla -compose...that is the mail composer oops not that it comes up anyways but it is well just start moz and click the composer button i don't have a composer button :) I can't see if there's an option anywhere yes you do it looks like a pencil and paper or something nevermind i found it i don't have a button but I found it dneighbo: how can i use DCL? (login,passw) oh dude mozilla -edit btami /msg me your email and first,last name and i will set you up right now :) that's the ticket what about eh? er me dneighbo: were you asking me to set up a bugs account? or was that a general musing? not directly Action: jcater is on heavy prescriptions saying i will need you or jamest around in next day or two when i hvae time to look at dcl gateway for email so you'll have to ask directly to get anything from me this week :) dneighbo: btami@freemail.hu Bajusz Tamás ah ok as i believe it requires a 'default' account to get mail from unlike last week, I'm here this week :) now do bugs come in as work orders or what? can I have an account please? I want to play with it or do i already have one? well, i got to run for a bit bye bye Nick change: crazymike -> crazymike_dead jcater: i need to check at home but i think we can do multi stylesheets for xslt or use entities probably so the .xsl file that does the transformation can be variable via entities or another style sheet so one stylesheet (transformation) cool might have persay so you get what I was thinking er and instead have well and &logo is an entity defined in that's not exactly what I was thinking but it's a start i think it is im just not explaining it well and used bad example im thinking merged style sheets would be best worse case we use one .xsl file that is the template and you merely change it but as you stated then if we change ours you have to 'manage' your custom one where if we 'abstract' some things then we can change the base transformation and you dont have to modify your custom ones alongton (alongton@max3k-36.his.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" sounds cool Action: jcater really needs to read up on XSLT you recommend any books? or did you just learn online? xslt by oreilly is good jcater i installe dand used reportlab a bit in the past jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: should I be asking questions like those on the "Dev" mailing list or the "Discuss" mailing list? Action: jcater is never sure I thought we don't really have a discuss list anymore as gnue.org lists went to gnu.org we have gnue@gnu.org (general discussion) I think it's a design decision gnue-dev@gnu.org (development) gnue-announce@gnu.org (announcements only) so gnue-dev would be more appropriate ok but that's MHO I'd tend to agree but was wanting someone else's feedback :) did anybody answer chillywilly's savannah vs. dcl question? we tend to ignore chillywilly chillywilly: btw. I add the bug to dcl, and jcater already gave feedback jcater: dev list dcl not savannah Harald1 :P Action: chillywilly sobs in his beer' jcater main reason i want on the developers list is i dont want everyone and their brother who doesnt actually use gnue or isnt willing to help losing us in a quagmire of debates :) what about their mother? we don't want that bitch tripping us up either ;) sorry, I need help medication even' some doobie snacks perhaps hey fellas what's a good old-style font like declaration of independence style font anyone? zapf chancery is purty cool Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB099E.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: by btami (btami@dial-3-10.emitel.hu) left irc: you mean you don't want to debate about standards and shit? and have a nice flame war or something ;) my ERP standard is better than your ERP standard you money grubbing enterprise nazi heh, the 'nil' font wtf were they thinking? chillywilly i like to debate when code isnt involved :) crazymike_dead (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: if i want somethign useful soon i would rather not make it a lets 'vote' proposition :) but i think we do want feedback and comments heheh I understand perfectly dudes, this blows Action: chillywilly is having fun with the gimp hey what you do with you gimp we dont want to know about ok this is a family channel lol how the heck do I move dyntext? with a dynbulldozer you dont thats what the 'hired help is for' umm, yea and they hang out in #gimp ;) chillywilly: with the movie tool chillywilly: the movish tool yep, I got it down now chillywilly: you grab the text and drag it around. Its basically moving the layer. booyah! ok im a list with a lot of accountants i sent some solutinos to the list i got this back (too funny) Your message Subject: Re: [adaytum-users] Re: Forecast Help was not delivered to: Shaun.Richards@enron.com :) rofl 'unknown' recipient :) Action: dneighbo wonders if fastest way to dispose of email evidence it to wipe the user account and check the 'delete' mail spool option :) Heh. its still recoverable though jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" how can I make the image size bigger without fucking anything up? nevermind canvas size under image jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection wb jcater thx just sent you a reply i didnt want to :) as im so afraid you will like the product too much and i abhor its parent company :) eh? I didn't think ReportLabs was free only their PDF creation library btw, I have looked at kugar it's not quite what I envision Gnue reports to be s/quite/ being so tied to kparts immediately kills it for me :) yeah but the general concept was what i had wanted as a QUICK dirty start :) but i think we are beyond that now as we have a start for 'server' and honestly our markup engine ithink is more flexible :) and with xslt we will kick some butt when we have a standard but mostly i think (maybe naively so) my only concern for our route is the speed of transformations that since we are talking xml here that our current designer wont need too much to have visual designer :) but, we'll see :) jcater i expect them to be slow on bigger reports until everything is streamed however in my world i think it will be huge performance INCREASE lol as currently they build printed reports then build html reports then build pdf reports every time doing requeries here you would do 1 query to get the datafile then 3 tranformations so while the transformation might be marginally slower not having to requery to get a dataset each time is a huge performance boost and resource boost a ton of reports never even get 'viewed' so are drawn in vain you could do a caching sequence so say every report for month end for every department gets its .xml data file built yip but not until someone goes to VIEW the friggin report does it do the transformation and then it 'caches' it so the next person doesnt need to rerun the transformation even if transformation slower this does two things a. it does transform unless used (big savigns) b. it distributes the transformation to the user so instead of a report taking an hour (month end financials for all departments) it might take 15 minutes up front then each user seeing report for first time has a small (minute or two) tranformation time i hope this makes sense but in a LARGE enivornment this is where i can see us just kicking ass all over crystal reports and friends Action: dneighbo must have lost them all :) I agree Action: jcater detests crystal reports, btw i havent used in a long time i hear its much better but on principle alone i dont like it :) only thing more evil was a custom report system i maintained at one time in Mumps (M) btw M is pretty cool language chilly you would like it its considered 'post relational' its not really objects but it is its heirarchial data structures http://www.intersystems.com/ :) http://www.intersystems.com/testimonials/success/omega.html was old employer too funny they are on there Cach? also plays the leading role in Omega's latest growth activity. "Cach? has been instrumental in the development of our GUI Windows product, and we're finding it to be very well-accepted in the marketplace as an open database that has very high levels of performance," said Omega's president, Pat Stoner. thats funny the gui was written in delphi we couldnt even use thier activex components cause they were so bad we wrote our own lol :) javaguy (ian@dhcp065-024-035-118.columbus.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. CW: you awake? jcater responded to your email and must leave k you be back on tonight? javaguy he was spouting curses at gimp a little while ago yeah LOL! Ok... i have to do the bills and develop a budget for the household tonight derek: CW is running GEAS? but hoping we can iron on some reports bbl dneighbo (dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "[BX] For a good time, call 1-900-4BitchX" jcater: you the only one here? care to field some questions? I can try depends on the topic Well, I was looking over the GComm/GNU-RPC code looks like it might handle what I'm looking for (distributed computing using SOAP) firstly, does the soaplib library handle transport, or just serialization/de-serialization and request/response? um I think the latter I've only minimally looked into soaplib Ok. Then, I would need to attach it to a transport vehicle of some sort, such as Apache? you might want to look at medusa with is an asynchronous transport server written in python that's what I'll be using for the transport in gnurpc Ah...Ok Action: javaguy updates his todo list so, GNU-RPC is seperate from GComm? crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. well hello crazymike Action: jcater tries to remember what GComm refers to are you referring to "GNue-Common" or the gcomm drivers javaguy: hi if the latter, then gcomm was the "working" name for gnu-rpc hence the directory structure :) the gcomm drivers. The SOAP driver is the one I'm interested in specifically Ok. And the SOAP driver for GNU-RPC incorporates/will incorporate this medusa transport? yes drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" however, the soap driver isn't very far along my first "Test" case was xml-rpc because of its simplicity my thinking was that as soon as I had a working xml-rpc soap would be a small jump away what sort of timeframe are you looking at before GEAS is ready for alpha testing w/ SOAP? crazymike: whirrred oooo javaguy: we just started looking at reimplementing geas using gnue-common there has been no code to that effect so that's a tough question real soon now (tm) chillywilly: ??? I honestly don't expect there to be much to geas heya, CW crazymike: I said wassup my nick-a chillywilly: ahhhh as much of its functionality will come from stuff in gnue-common but it's real hard to say whats with the (tm)??? a joke ok I was talking about geas d00d ok sup javaguy CW: you are running the GEAS re-write? um, no reinhard is the official geas masta I got some idears I have been working on ;) wow...cute chillywilly just hangs around he doesn't actually do anything :D Action: jcater ducks from flying trout whatever Is there anything I could do speed the process along? I would even be willing to write python code... d00d, no offense, but it needs alot try /msg fool someone needs to jumpstart the recoding process ??? and I know it needs actual 'content' I hate html why /msg??? because I only feel like talking to you on that issue ahhh that's what friggin /msg was invented for javaguy: what kind of timeframe are you needing? no hard-and-fast timeline. This isn't for production, or anything just me getting my hands dirty with SOAP ah that sounds backwards "getting my hands dirty with SOAP" :) heheh dpkg: `start-stop-daemon' not found on PATH. dpkg: `install-info' not found on PATH. dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH. dpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH. NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin. E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) wow what did you do? ooo I've done that before how? um trying to second-guess debian's install program installing from debian potato cd and on first reboot (before performing install of rest of programs) well this is an already running sid syste, he's got er, system changing my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to woody I ended up having to copy those 2 scripts from another debian machione and doing an apt-get dist-upgrade heh or an apt-get -f install I forget which I think it was the latter, come to think of it crazymike just likes to create more work for me ;) I see well that's what friends are for, right? :) Action: crazymike is just stooopid Action: crazymike is trying to learn Linux cold turkey, of course he is gonna fsck shit up I don't get it you must've fucked you PATH er, our your i have no clue did it ask you what the? "Doing this will really screw up your system Unpacking cupsys (from .../cupsys_1.1.14-3_i386.deb) ... Setting up libslp1 (1.0.8a-2) ... NOTE: You don't seem to have a multicast route configured. You may need to add a multicast route by running the command: route add -net netmask dev You can add this command to your network init scripts to do this automatically If you really want to remove this package, please type at startup. "Yes, I know what I'm doing." Setting up cupsys-pstoraster (1.1.14-3) ... ? heh cupsys installed for me on your box crazymike i dunno i suck, i guess error messages it's all about the error messages you su'd over to root to try and install cupsys? no what did you do then? i opened my root terminal to try and install cupsys well dude that -p option tells it tto use your environment variables and you obviously do not have /sbin, etc. in your path that's all change it by right clicking then remove that switch or add thise to your path' those dirs it didn't like take out the "-p" yep gnome-terminal -e "su -p" -t "Root" or add those dirs to your path Action: chillywilly has the latter just copy gnome-terminal -e "su" -t "Root" /home/danielb/.bash* to your home dir and you'll have those system dirs in your path and you can leave the -p PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/Acrobat4/bin:/usr/X11/bin:./:/usr/lib/postgresql/bin:$PATH that's in my .bash_profile on your box (my account on your box that is) yeah how do I get to cups now??? ummm you open http://localhost:634 in galeon (not 100% sure about the port number) configure that sucer as I already installed it er, sucker that connection was refused then the number is wrong you might need to open that port though lemme look at my stuff oh cool new injet drivers hp inkjets work perfectly now as of 3/22 groovy I can't fidn the damn port number this is annoying sorry just help me look ;) where in the hell am I supposed to look??? anywhere there's a damn documentation package but I can't recall the name bah, I'll try google http://www.cups.org/documentation.html finally http://localhost:631 bah I need to write that down in my notes I always forget it done but you need samba setup first if you're going to share your dad's printer Nick change: javaguy -> jgDinner dude...I am going to go to bed I'll probably be at the shop at 7:00 but you have to bed there by 7:30 cause I guess thats when it starts or some shit laurie (~laurie@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: laurie -> derek damnm dude I'm on the wx-dev list and there's a big, big argument going on :) why are you going there at 7? chillywilly: what you need to do is remember that cups impliments the IPP standard, therefore you can grep /etc/services for it chillywilly: I dunno, i might not get there til 7:30 doh I dunno, depends on when I wake up ok good night night crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: jcater which one? i have been spooling wx to dev null of late roadmap to 2.4.0 the traffic on the dev and main list there have like multiplied by 10 in last 2 weeks im talking like 150 messages on a weekend yeah all in all i think thats good as more people using wx is probalby better for us :) yip I'm replying to one of the posts saying, yes wx is a good toolkit, whether it's a mess internally or not (e.g., www.gnue.org uses it) :) nothing like a relative plug Maniac (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly_ (~danielb@d65.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. s/relative/related grr printing doesnt seem to work not what i fricking need carpine:~# lpq Printer: lp@carpine Queue: 3 printable jobs Server: pid 23927 active Unspooler: pid 23928 active Status: waiting for subserver to exit at 12:40:26.363 Rank Owner/ID Class Job Files Size Time stalled(258sec) laurie@aegagrus+534 A 534 /tmp/gv_3ca12dcf_1_ 917603 12:37:18 2 laurie@aegagrus+572 A 572 /tmp/gv_3ca12e70_1_ 917603 12:39:58 3 laurie@aegagrus+578 A 578 (STDIN) 475973 12:40:26 carpine:~# looks like they are in the queue can i tell what the hell is worng with them/ or fix them? i whacked that stalled one Printer lp@carpine: checking perms 'laurie@aegagrus+534' dequeued 'laurie@aegagrus+534' carpine:~# lpq Printer: lp@carpine Queue: 2 printable jobs Server: no server active Status: lp: Update_status: no identifier for 'hfA534' at 12:42:23.019 Rank Owner/ID Class Job Files Size Time 1 laurie@aegagrus+572 A 572 /tmp/gv_3ca12e70_1_ 917603 12:39:58 2 laurie@aegagrus+578 A 578 (STDIN) 475973 12:40:26 carpine:~# you might need to restart x but still nothing printing any suggestions? restart x? err, restart lpd (Sorry) lol chillywilly (danielb@d10.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_!~danielb@d65.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net)) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly as sometimes a hung job never fully releases lpd lpd or lprng err, lprng Action: derek needs a faster print server :) restarted and it actived next job but still nothing prints since it was a print of same thing it likely will stall as well its odd i dont hear the machine chugging away but nothing is printing what was it? Action: derek slaps it a few times (with a smelly trout of course) if the pr0n had a lot of gradients, that could cause a lot of processing jcater: a calendar yes lots of gradients picture of a nice color train then the calendar portion still says active but nothing im gonna kill it grr must you restart lprng after every deleted item in the queue? seems awful mundane ok same thing with last job it seems.... http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/ very simple to print wtf grrrr forgot brittanys friend knocked over server when playing Xmen the other day it jostled parallel cable loose now it prints fine Action: derek wonders why it doesnt give some indication it couldnt find printer does mdean ever pop in (not JUST his IRC client) ? lp mdean :-P aha! howdee! wassup mdean mdippity dawg! high your high? how high? some might think so how's work? sux really? not working with linux, so yeah ah wassup mdean liked your FSF response i plan on calling brad as its really ticking me off yeah good response 3 times i have specifically said we will do what it takes to make our stuff work for you the latest one? ys yes we said we would build to SPEC we were told no you dont do emacs now they use something that doesnt use emacs either what are you dudes talking about ? on contact manager i told them we will build to SPEC I almost told him it reminded me of a company choosing a proprietary software package over a Free one because the proprietary one had all the features Action: Maniac seconds chillywilly then voila im told they are writing something in house from scratch i went nuts mdean: that was SUPPOSED to be the point of my email RMS says who cares if prop software has all the features live w/o them for freedom mailing list emails? but when it comes to own packages ditch at first site of package with MORE features sigh psu for the record everything from mdean talking to now please do not put in the kernel cousin for political reasons i have no shame in saying it but dont want to air dirty laundry more publicly than necessary woohoo I plugged us on wx-dev :) chillywilly: talking about internal FSF politics Action: jcater is trying to get into that habit you are learning well young jedi knight wx is getting very bloated though they have wxDB, wxDBTables, ... yeah i see that they need to go to Delphi module heh make lightweight components sigh and let 'third party' do the rest that's your solution to everything "marriage problems?" i.e. i dont want 15 different fricken nutty widgets give me base widgets "hey, use the delphi model of lightweight communication" and add in the others jcater: rofl i think delphi is a good tool in some areas on in others delphi shmelphi i think its VCL is best component model i have seen to date delphi r0x0rs my b0x0rs and their approach of go light and let other users contribute the rest via bring in at own necessity was a good one Action: chillywilly watches derek stroke off to delphi it would be like us demanding we load ALL dbdrivers in common even if you only use one i much rather like the plug what you need approach grrr be back in a minute (not having vts sucks) derek (laurie@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" haha Nick change: jgDinner -> javaguy wb javaguy thanx, CW Is GEAS/GNUe going to be using WSDL? If so, I could put together some docs for the core business objects... WSDL? Web Service Description Language ack dotgnu will most likely ;) I'm not familiar w/that I can pull the URL for the spec, if you like sure dotgnu is FSF's implementation of .NET? soemthing like that yea I am sure some dotgnu + gnue interfacing will happen some day I dunno when though that's easy as soon as someone contribs it :) hehe ;P fuck I am tired need caffiebe er, caffiene here it is: http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl is it an xml thingy? anyone know where there's a nice little graphic of the liberty bell? WSDL is not specific to .NET. It's main use is to document the interface used by a SOAP-accessible service, but there's nothing preventing it from being used by other services I guess it is in xml ;) Yes, it is an XML thingy ;) hrrrm, so to describe a corba service, or xml-rpc, or whatever? http? I describe all my interfaces they are labeled "enter at your own risk" hey dude this sounds nifty maybe we should use it in gnurpc Yes. Seeing as SOAP is a direct descendant of XML-RPC, it should rather easy to use WSDL in conjunction with XML-RPC well they talk about using http get/post and mime to too Action: chillywilly wants an irc interface to geas ;) gack that would be fun not sure what changes (if any) would need to be made IOT support CORBA /msg geas give me a all the rows from objec txxxx Does not compute. No object txxxx /msg geas select s from Professors where s.name == "billyboy" (OQL queries) I dunno OQL uses select statements? yes, it is VERY SQL-like is there a python OQL parser? no, but we shoudl write one ;) dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. not sure about, WSDL, but SOAP can be used over pretty much any communications protocols there's some sample grammar run! it returns collections like basg or sets of objects er, bags also The book I'm studying right now discusses using http(s), MIME w/ attachments, JMS (Java Messaging Service) statements to creta an object er, create Probably a few others I've missed supports a lot of SQLisms too, for completeness All you have to be able to do is send and receive XML messages OQL is very clsoe to SQL-92 (says it in my book ;) ) er, close extensions concern object-oriented notions like complex objects, object identity, path expressions, polymorphism, operation invocation, and late binding blah blah bah you can clal object methods with it Action: jcater goes back to gnue-reports coding er, call and you can even refer to parent objects and hve the instances it pulls be derived form those and it doesn't make a difference CW: The only reference I could find for ODMG was a pitch to buy a book. Is there anything open? bah you young object wippersnapers I bought the book jcater: I like SQL you should make a pin-on button like "I like Ike" uh, sure dude javaguy: I would look at Java Data Objects thing, but the Java binding is lame, imho and it has some really shitty EULA on it I dunno how they can put an EULA on a spec it's stupid the ODMG's answer for java is to use some outside property files to express what fields/attributes of an object are 'persistent'....it is just lame the smalltalk binding qwould probably be geared more towards how one would do it in python sine they are loosely typed langauges javaguy: btw, that odmg.txt file is my notes on the standard ;) Cool. I'll take a look at it. There are Java interfaces available off odmg.org, so I'm not flying completely blind... ;) yea, I downloaded those they help escpecially the 2.0 one imho the 3.0 binding is stupid Yeah. JDO looked like something we could probably live without... hmm...I think I got the 3.0 bindings. I'll see if I can't find the 2.0 bindings I am trying to incorporate the standard somewhat into our overall architecture Of course, this will all be implemented under the covers by the python guys, so I don't need to be too knowledgable I read the whole book already do I? python guys? I don't know of anyone else implementing it we have python guys? we are probably going to implement it (I hope) we'll see that'd be you, jcater ;) heh, geas people == python guys now ;) sigh the current app server is going bye bye i vote the button (i like ike) s actually, I'm ready to get the ball rolling w/geas as "I give a Poop about OOP" rofl or like woody the owl says hehe give a poop use oop I get my Kix using WX jcater: hack on gnurpc some more den ;) gnurpc isn't the geas hangup, dude we need a file format odl! jcater: lets use the kiss anthem 'lets put the X in wx' :P :) Action: chillywilly os obssessed with ODMG fwiw muuuwahahahah I think we need an "appserver" directory in cvs under gnue/ we had one 10-4 that good buddy to house the new appserver :) it got renamed geas I agree why? heheh oh, why? um why did the old dir used to be called gnuef? well reinhard said that's what he wanted to name it it was called objectserver not appserver ;) I saw it chillywilly: ah yes you are correct it was object server not app server I just don't think 'geas' fits with the naming scheme "GNUe GEAS?" but, whatever :) I was thinking we'd leave the existing tree there for reference So, are we going forward with the WSDL? eh? I'd imagine gnurpc would eventually expose that is WDSL like a common way to describe what operations are exposed? dudes! bah, I should just read it when I geta chance I already got a private email response yeah ted about what? from my post to the wx-dev group uh? oooh, nifty sorry 'bill and ted's excellent adventure flash backs' so share the response man Hi Jason, I saw your post on wx-dev. I wasn't aware of GNUe or that it was done in wxPython. Do you contribute to wxPython or subscribe to the wx-python users list? The way I've seen it used is mainly as a convenience for SOAP, but I see no reason why it can't be used in conjunction with other RPC mechanisms he's from the PythonCard project why does pythoncard sound familiar? javaguy: well they have other bindings there http, mime, etc. they say you can use any protocol right? I dunno, I'll let jcater worry abot it ;P yes. So long as you can transmit and receive XML docs me is just trying to immerse himself in odmg land woops me == /me ah so our report definitions could be SOAP funky-butt-lovin they could just be an encapsulated SOAP command Action: jcater ducks from flying curses I have yet to get myself into the whole xml, soap, w3c craziness it's on my TODO come on CW, it's fun! ;) I am sure it is I read the w3schools titorials some of them but if I don;t use it out the window it goes I forget it The XP work group seems to be the most active. I would start there XPath? Lotsa cool stuff to read: XML Schema, XSLT, XML-RPC XML Protocol yea, I want to read some of that stuff soon but I was in c++ land for a while and now odmg land Action: chillywilly contributed some patched to gnu common c++ er, patches the DOM looks interesting too Oh, there's also a spec for using SOAP over NNTP... heheh you could also do SOAP over IIOAP via CORBA er, IIOP yeah, I've heard they're working on a CORBA-SOAP bridge javaguy: you look at SOUP? gnome's SOAP thingy No. I haven't done too much w/ GNU Windows^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HGNOME since I moved over to XFCE and KDE is not windows-like? ugh, xfce I think they are both a bit windowsish but then again windows didn't even invent the desktop idea they stole it so maybe we are all Xerox-like didn't say it wasn't. They're both rather bloated, but hey people must like them, or else they wouldn't be in active development the days of me using onyl a wm are over I just like my Gnoem er Gnome xfce is a desktop too isn't it? I guess. Depends on how you define 'desktop' It has it's own file manager, and it has event sounds It looks to be a CDE clone, if you've ever used Solaris KDE was/is supposed to be a CDE look-a-like or something Not any version of CDE I've used As you say, it looks more like windows xfce is faicrly similar to CDE well I dunno wtf CDE looks like solaris is going to Gnome anyway ;) I'm running 2.7 at work. Haven't seen 9. Is it shipping w/ GNOME? I dunno when they are going to ship Gnome with it they are supposed to be switching to Gnome Didn't they say that like a year ago? yea, but they are slow and Gnome 2 is late maybe they are waiting for Gnome 2 who knows they are hacking on the ATK I think accessibility toolkit I think Sun is doing that yea Gnome 2 looks sweet so I hear I wish they would make some debs so I could try it out I don't have the space to compile it oh well it will just be that much more fun when it actually gets into debian wait for woody+1 when do you think they will release woody? os that the release of woody you are talking about? s/os/id er, is I have no idea when woody will released probably in a few months what is woody+1? once woody is released a lot of new software wil go into sid I think. ok re for some reason my postgresql debian install won't do the encoding part g_encoding: undefined symbol: pg_char_to_encoding initdb: pg_encoding failed interesting any guesses? g_encoding: undefined symbol: pg_char_to_encoding /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/pg_encoding: relocation error: /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/p uggh in the reverse order I've tried different encoding specs and locales.. which only en_US and C are available for locale I'm assuming everyone elses has worked fine.. in fact, I use to have postgresql installed on this box.. not sure why I removed it alexey (~Alexey@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. wonder why its 7.1 also, 7.2 has been out hmm chillywilly (danielb@d65.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: "night" night Action: Mr_You & javaguy (ian@dhcp065-024-035-118.columbus.rr.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). alexey (Alexey@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) --- Wed Mar 27 2002