married to a geek... you must be on with the geek my pictures some pre-pubesent hacker wannbe running downloaded computer cracking scripts so they can be l33t h@x0rz good with his hands, though s/on/one uuuuuuuhhh.... this is a family chann angie er, channel it is? damn yea, damnit hang on i'd better ban chilly what? he gives good back rubs. ;) suuuuuure chillywilly: this is a real pita, i have to look up admin activation haha you sure we have to have family channel you luser can't we just ignore you instead go ahead everyone usually does anyway I have nothing meaningful to say at this hour #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o jamest' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. oh shit lol chillywilly ( left #gnuenterprise ("Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..."). wow, I need to op myself more ofter often it makes for good chilly repellent what? hehe chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. man haha that didn't last :) you channel nazi angie: what? what? you asking about op'ing myself? Action: angie is a woman got that, jamest? jbailey's woman ;) told the server to give me operator status my OWN woman. he's MY amn!! lol er, man so I could kick chillywilly and make this a family channel yea, that's consistent chillywilly: you're married right? NOT nope ah you see after marrage the man enters a state called "dependent" puh-lz at that point we're capable of little more than making messes and dumb remarks that's me right now not thins one! this one that is! er the wife must then care for her dependent so he doesn't end up in the front yard naked and covered in mayonase mumbling about being unable to find his socks we want jeff! [00:07] Last message repeated 2 time(s). jamest: rofl angie: you're newly married. give it time we get dumber lol do they get richer? um is he an honest man? Harald1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi wow, she's a woman alright pretty honest is so, then the answer is no hey Harald1 ai'll train him to lie yet! Harald1: one issue with the win32 patch on multilines that jcater pointed out I have to go to bed. I'll get locked out again. in his (and my environments) we have both win32 and unix clients later angie, nice talking to you bye! if you are really you and not jeff :) jamest: and the problem ist that under windows both \n characters get saved? if a win32 client saves cr/lf to the db and a unix client reads it and modifies it then we have a problem :) I'm me. jeff's alter ego is ... well, I should go now. lol angie ( left irc: "Client Exiting" bah I know his name is NOT jeffrey that's a crock I'm pretty sure it is it isn't are you calling me a liar? jamest: well actually, that's not a problem with the patch. one just has to make a workaround, when things get saved into the database thems fightin words Harald1: i started to play with that tonight but didn't get too far chillywilly: :) you craaaazy jamest: I might take a look, but I'm not sure if I understand enough of forms. How is the transfer from GFObjects into the database done? Harald1: i'll try and find some time over the next few days as this is going to be a pain in the rear GFObjects never really hold anything Action: chillywilly reads the python IDL binding they pass it all to the data system even forms not connected to a database create dummy datasources to store their info so the edits would probably need to go into common jamest: blackened is the end jamest: winter it will send jamest: throwing all you see jamest: into obscurity jamest: death of mother earth am I being cursed? jamest: never a rebirth jamest: neeeeeeveeeeeeeeerrrr Action: jamest grabs his lucky mouse jamest: ok, and what exactly does FieldDisplayHandler do? that's new jamest: fiiiire, to being whipping dance of the dead jamest: blackened is the end jamest: don't you know old school metallica? while an edit is taking place the value of the field is passing into the handler once the edit is completed then value is passed back to the entry which store it in the datasource i removed internal event name translation into lower case today and make a cool error where the event handler events were not being seen so you go to a field , try and edit it (it'd go blank), then the old value would return on exit :) jamest: I though you were 'hesh' reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. sup reinhard hi reinhard chillywilly: i don't know old metalica lyrics morning jamest: that's the best errors. how long did it take till you found out, what the problem was? not very as i was profilling code today and string.lower() was one of our major function calls jamest: booo jamest: you are not a true head banger i knew removing it would probably break things :) odd fact I cat you into the firery pit heheh cast too but cat it probably something you would more easily understand my test case was calling lower something like 11700 times cat jamest > /dev/null removing it from the encent system saved a few calls however adding a single try: something(field) except KeyError: something(lower(field)) in one function dropped that to about 1200 profiling is good :) sigh s/encent/event what did you profile the code with/ ? gprof? no it's built into commons GBaseApp oh forms, designer, reports, nav all based upon it just do gfclient --profile file.gfd replace gfclient w/ gnue python app of choice sigh i need sleep how does it work? badly nah sleep is for the weak python has an internal profiler module oh, ok you import it , set up a profiler which probably uses gprof somehow no er, gcc profiling that is nope sure, python is written in C but the profiler is written in python and uses the way python works to hook into it read the module manual profile section well I dunno nite jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" chillywilly_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Radek ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_! fucking dialups Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly gah night Action: Mr_You & 107k log from yesterday have you no pity? *whimper* ;-) it is probably a lot of useless banter and nothing very concrete hehe ;) psu ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ajmitch_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: ajmitch_! Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( left irc: "night" Harald1 ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ajmitch_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch Radek ( got netsplit. Remosi ( got netsplit. ^chewie ( got netsplit. alexey ( got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. SirK (SirK@ got netsplit. pattieja ( got netsplit. gnuebot ( got netsplit. dtm ([ got netsplit. reinhard ( got netsplit. ^chewie ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Remosi ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Radek ( returned to #gnuenterprise. gnuebot ( returned to #gnuenterprise. alexey ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. pattieja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. SirK (~SirK@ returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ([ returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by reinhard ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Radek ( got netsplit. Radek ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Harald1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( got netsplit. reinhard ( got lost in the net-split. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. l8r all reinhard ( left irc: "off to customer" Harald1 ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) alexey ( left irc: "[x]chat" drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. long reboot :) ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1 ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. markoi ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey: angie let you come back in here? *lol* Yeah. man Of course, she's left for the day already, and doesn't actually knoow..... ah ok Hmm. There are apparently only 5 users of dcl. So it might be okay to piss them off by not making a clean upgrade to the newest Debian package... ? derek, mdean, jcater, gnue server whos the other one? :) chilly... ah He said he had it installed. ;) btw - how'd you come up w/ 5 Out of 2000 odd computers that report weekly what packages they use. wierd i didn't know debian had such a stat system apt-get install popularity-contest if you want to play along. jbailey: there are lots of dcl users (more than 5) BUT i would imagine probably none of them installed from the debian :) so i dont think 'breaking' the upgrade of the debian is a big deal Action: derek is back (gone 10:49:36) Radek ( left irc: "Client Exiting" wb derek derek: how did the playing go last night? the new triggers working out for you? what section does gneu go in? in that pop contest jamest: it didnt i went to play racquetball and spent time with wifey is that allowed? gnue-designer 7 5 1 0 wooo whoo no its not allowed Nick change: derek -> dnWork huh? Harald1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1: i think the wx memory leaks are from wx i _think_ sledge_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey folks hey what's going on? gnue :) concerning the report stuff as far as i understood greports takes xml input is this logically or physically marked up xml? the report is defined in xml markup just like forms gfd files jamest: ok, do you think the idea with saving the newline works? Harald1: i haven't had time to look :( jamest: ok i mean, does it work with attributes that define physical positioning, e.g. x="5" y="10" or is it structured like XHTML and other logical markup formats? in it's current state I don't believe it will however I know one of the needs is to fill out preprinted forms which would require exact placement jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey ( left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ah do you know any tools (except xslt-procs) that can process xml to another arbitrary format (e.g. with a template file system) sledge_ ( left #gnuenterprise. wassup, peeps dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik ( left irc: "Client Exiting" work jdog er word jdog you had it correck the first time work lol rofl dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ra3vat_ ( left irc: Remote closed the connection ra3vat ( joined #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Client Quit btw: jcater/jamest no more excuses as 'i need a clone' is no longer a valid gripe oh btw: i think get to do gnue presentation for local community college CS division next week i.e. one of those things where professors demand students attend kind of lectures Arturas ( joined #gnuenterprise. Hello :) Arturas: hi ^chewie ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" hi Arturas Hello Dmitry Good morning Derek poor students forced to listen to derek wonder what they did wrong? ? oh btw: i think get to do gnue presentation for local community college CS division next week i.e. one of those things where professors demand students attend kind of lectures :) not only Derek does this :) on Friday i'll read a lecture in university about open source - linux & gnue main themes but not for students - for professors :) poor professors dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. forced to listen to student and i know what they did wrong :) Action: drochaid feels sorry for the proffesors ... students suck >:) as well as proffesors (sometimes ;) :) :) :o dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. :) anyone know of good wireless card that works on debian well? think work is going to let me convert to 802.11b for my laptop at work as a pilot as the card is cheaper than running wire dneighbo: I've heard a lot of good things about the orinoco silver and gold cards .. no idea about deb compat tho :( just run IPSec or summat, rather than the pringles tin hackable WEP rubbish :) drochaid ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. huff We use orinoco gold cards. We have an access point too. They work well under Linux and OpenBSD with the access point. obsd and Linux don't get along well in peer mode though. We use Debian exclusivly for Linux. well I guess that answers my orinoco and deb lack :) But we are running unstable and 2.4.x kenrels. I'm not sure how good the Debian stable support is. Just installed an new package today: airsnort cool!!! Cracks WEP encription. Needs some kernel patches though. Heven't tried it yet. an old lappy and pringles tin cracks wep encryption :) did my comments come through before I was cut off? Ya. The (W)eak (E)ncription (P)rotocol is junk. heh You can just use a debian package to break it! Sheesh! I've got a friend [ex-friend recently sadly :(] who refuses to accept that wlans are crackable if you use ipsec instead of wep I'm having a hard time parsing that. sorry I say that a wlan using ipsec is still hackable he says it's 100% completely secure Ok. Well, *nothing* is 100% secure. my point exactly it will be a helll of a lot better than wep, but caution and other methods are still needed I'm popping up and down at the mo while I install another 128mb into my printer... ok .. Epson are lying through their teeth my printer [and tech support for it] claim I can use any standard PC66/100/133 DIMM to upgrade it can I F*CK ^chewie ( joined #gnuenterprise. hey ^chewie ra3vat ( left irc: "Client Exiting" cool on the orinocco but sadly thats probably a brand we dont have a vendor deal with :( im running unstable 2.2 kernel but will upgrade to 2.4 if necessary or rather when i get a chance :) dneighbo: I don't know about over there, but the orinoco is a major player in the UK market bye Arturas ( left irc: "ircII/tkirc" <^chewie> drochaid: ;-) Hi Harald1 ( left irc: Action: drochaid is back ... eith FOOD!! :D hey drochaid allo ajmitch steu (~steu@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi hey steu greetings feasgar math anyone know the CodePainter tool ( not I not i nar I this conversation isn't going to well ... sup steu? :) the geas is based on corba? hey jcater, jamest :) hello ajmitch geas being rewritten anyway, so it can use corba, soap, xml-rpc, other funky system eventually :) c#? Action: drochaid ducks um yes and no geas v1 use corba yes drochaid: :P, C# is a language, silly geas v2 (in development) will use gnue rpc which is an rpc abstraction library it will support drochaid: but with the power of pnet i'm sure we can write it in C# if you really really want ;) XML-RPC, SOAP, CORBA probably right away but its design is such that it can support any rpc that one wishes to write a driver for I'm writing a generic system for distrib objects in corba, and I have found geas, but I not know it geas is not really distributed corba objects i.e. our approach is to not lock ourselves into things the idea is we use rpc as a transport only not to actually deal with the objects i.e. you end up with a generic rpc object to handle things even under the CORBA geas v1 we did things this way we didnt pass CORBA objects around i.e. you defined objects via a class definition that got loaded into GEAS but there was not individual IDL for every object my problem is not how to write a system like this, but how a medium developer can interoperate with it without knowledge of corba and c++. for example, a VB or delphi developer i wont talk to you anymore if you consider delphi and vb developers as equals ;) sorry :) I'm also a delphi developer (vb is bad... but in italy we have a lot of vb programmer) dneighbo: what about java developers? ajmitch: java is for satanists!! we are talking about computer professionals here ajmitch , no need to bring the conversation down :) and yet, I don't program in java .. weird huh? :) drochaid: umm... steu our view was that if you merely have an abstraction java is good but no skills oops, misspelled *santaists ;) the developer really need not understand much of CORBA etc as they have a lightweight CORBA api to deal with drochaid: guess what language we use at uni ;) ajmitch: swahili? instead of having to use CORBA to ineract with every object ajmitch: you know Opera comes in Scottish Gaelic now? :D drochaid: no, maori & english :P we code in java tho ok, but I want that a normal developer (form designing, and etc) can use my system with delphi and vb. my system is multiplatform, obviusly drochaid: really? for example: db server and corba server on linux clients on win32 the problem is the speed of app development with this infrastructure drochaid: how fluent are you, btw? ajmitch: nowhere near as fluent as I want to be drochaid: right, i'd like to learn some more, but don't have time to make it to the lessons a group runs here ajmitch: if you have some available cash, Canan developed the Speaking our Language series shown on tv over here a few years ago ... it's available in book, audio and video format from them and a few bookshops it's a superb series yeah, so i've heard steu: and the question is i.e. what im saying about the basic corba piece what does that have to do with multi platform or using vb/delphi any environment supporting corba could use it our current geas v1 works this way ajmitch: if you ahve any programming environment that can talk CORBA you can use it including vb delphi infact one company was using it with a java front end thx drochaid yes, but I need to integrate my corba objects (C++) in delphi or vb, transparently for programmers that use it. simply like use visual components the solutions that now I use is a DLL that use CORBA Objects and comunicate with VB and Delphi sigh i think you miss what i am saying altogether gnu enterpise doesnt have the goal of being a component company for vb/delphi (which it sounds like what you are looking for) so i guess my short answer is that geas has little value in that context there are plenty of folks that would discuss such things here as we discuss about anything but i think most of those folks are not currently here yes yes. but I can't find developers that can use gnue... I find only vb developer. now I go. thanks and bye no problem sorry we couldnt be of more help no problem. bye steu (steu@ left irc: he left whew Action: jamest gets worried when more delphi coders show up lol Action: drochaid sorta uses delphi >:) argh! in fact, I was wondering myself about using delphi/kylix and GNUe for the same system why don't these people use Oracle's SQL*Forms the way nature intended things to be? but I least I wasn't planning to use delhi to access GNUe :) drochaid: i'm just giving derek a hard time :) aww, poor derek ;) there is some misnomer that i love delphi i think some things in delphi are great adn i think borland builds much better tools than say m$ but i dont think gnue should be delphi I agree, there are a couple of reaonable tools out there that work like kylix oh wait, that doesn't start an argument ... dneighbo: you are completely wrong, I think GNUe should be *exactly* like delphi ;) you mean GNUe isn't? lol ajmitch: no, at the moment it's more like a java tool ;) drochaid: at least it's not like VB (yet) ;) give it time >:) woohoo, GNUe Basic here we come! :) lol the GNUE delphree IDE er, s/IDE/system heh ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" you're scaring them away! who's scaring them? Action: drochaid looks in a mirror AAAARGGHHHHHH pattieja ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) pattieja ( joined #gnuenterprise. crazymike ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello crazymike hello ajmitch crazymike ( left irc: ToyMan ( joined #gnuenterprise. <^chewie> zope is pretty neat chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. howdy <^chewie> hiya speak to me dagnabbit no dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. please? why? because stripping and building machines is boring ... I need entertainment crazymike ( joined #gnuenterprise. crazymike ( left irc: Client Quit surely it's lots of fun? crazymike ( joined #gnuenterprise. crazymike ( left #gnuenterprise. l8r jamest ( left #gnuenterprise. hmmm office of the apes Action: drochaid drinks some IRN-BRU and goes back to the machine building <^chewie> hmm jbailey ( joined #gnuenterprise. yo jbailey Heya aj. ajmitch ( left irc: "" ^chewie ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" Action: drochaid offers IRN-BRU to the chan what is irn-bru? :0 Iraq-Russian-iraN-Bombs-'R-Us! What else could it be? =) uhm ... Action: drochaid backs away from jbailey It's okay.. I'm Canadian. We're certified harmless. ;) HEH oops dneighbo: IRN-BRU is a soft drink, made just down the road from me it outsells the like of Coca Cola and pepsi in Scotland because frankly, it's better :D whatever pepsi rules coke drools and wtf is irn-bru? ;) only some kilt wearing muther fuxkers drink that it can't be any good ;) mmm yeah chillywilly, that's why a lot of people have it transported by the crateload privately all over the world wohoo, machine one of two rebuild works now to put an os on it thoughts anyone? Debian GNU/Linux the iniversal OS er, universal bleh I've got debian cut to cd now still never looked at it tho dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection yea, because you are lame bitch now chillywilly, you're getting that lame/1337 thing confused again jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid: no, you are getting a bit confused windows is for drooling morons I'm not confused :o I'm a tree!! bong! Action: chillywilly is away: hitting the crack pipe Action: drochaid thinks he's had quite alot already tonight dsmith (dsmith@ left irc: "later.." jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb jcater thx Action: drochaid is putting slack 8 on his new [??] machine are you sick seriously he must be mental slack is great an all but managing a system like that is hell I finally got rid of slack 8 :) i would either a. install debian b. if you are pro source install gentoo linux gentoo is a distro that basically uses the equiv of BSD ports dneighbo: I've never used debian, and I'm used to MDK/RHL/Slack type environments what's wrong with the management? i.e. its packaging uses source but is more managable than slack you learn how to use the apps and it's no trouble I loved slack until I had to upgrade Action: dneighbo cant imagine anything other than something similar to apt and that is after trying several different distros Action: drochaid doesn't care how the majority of apps get on the system put it this way i think redhat does a lot correct in way of user presentation and installs as long as I have absolute compile time control over things like openLDAP and PostgreSQL but debian kicks their ass on maintainability I really do need to play with deb at some point I have no reservations upgrading one of my remote machines from 90 miles away of course, if I get the other machine up in a few days [I only need a floppy and nic now ... and I think a friend has a spare floppy] I might try it on that with debian that is well here is my case i have an alpha box running red hat 5.2 i dont use anymore as its out of date i would love to 'upgrade' it but i really dont want to spend time doing so if it were running debian i change an sources.list file apt-get update apt-get dist upgrade and come back in the morning (or a few hours) and i have an upgraded box cool but isn't development on deb rather dead now? :) ? huh? hmmm they have to 'reboot' the file server guess that means its tiem to go home dneighbo ( left irc: "cant wait until we are on w2k" back ok, seriously tho a couple of friends who are big deb fans and use it almost exclusively have been saying they are disapointed with the speed of development over the past couple of years any thoughts on that jcater? jbailey ( left irc: "Client Exiting" guess jbailey doesn't ... yeah... but han gon a sec err, hang on a sec okies Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:52:21) wb dude, debian rocks the stable version is a bit old but testing is a nice compromise and sid is for people who like to live on the edge but it has the most packages of any distro, is built by the community, has free software guidelines, is easy to maintain, and is upgradable like a mofo One wonders how the impression that the development is dead could be had er gawd and is anyone willing to talk me through the install and general use? or at least point me to some semi readble docs? Action: jcater forgets how much graphics design tools under linux truly suck the big one lol jcater that's why I still use windows dood I'd be 100% linux if it wasn't for QuarkXPress / Freehand / Illustrator / Photoshop I'm ALMOST happy w/the photoshop replacements under linux especially ImageMagick boohoo it doesn't do it for me gimp is the photoshop replacement bitch chillywilly: I've used gimp KWord is the closest thing to PageMaker / QuarkXPress we have KWord?? :o balah Action: drochaid uses openoffice on windows :) sodipodi and Kontour look like they'll contend w/Illustrator and Freehand but not quite yet drochaid: I was referring to page layout there is nothing even similar to Quark on Linux not ot word processing kword is the closest thing openoffice doesn't do word processing, it does page layout as it is a frame-based application sodipodi is missing the ease of use and 'togetherness' of Illustrator drochaid: not by most definitions you're reffering to dtp nah yes I am referring to dtp textual processing like wordperfect for DOS or emacs is wordprocessing word, openwrite [??] wordpro etc are page layout and pagemaker, express etc are dtp uh Not well then openoffice is the poorest excuse for a page layout program I've seen I don't agree with that definition but I still maintain that word and family ARE NOT page layout the point of dtp is layout they are page layout they allow you to lay objects out on the page dtp implies that you press on your desktop also no, dtp is a step further page layout is just the first part of publishing I concur with nickr's definition or start of one quark is a page layout tool that you could use for DTP nickr: which word etc are a crossbreed of dtp and wordprocessing but also for non dtp press nickr: dtp has nothing to do with offset lithos .. it's the method of page creation, not page production Desk Top Publishing its the entire process not just layout word et al are word processors that have become overly bloated with wysiwyg no, it's only a single stage in the entire process but that doesn't fall into my definition of "layout" jcater: which is why they are called page layout wysiwyg != page layout lol it does word is a word processor with some layout ability quark is a layout system that can be used for dtp no, emacs is wordprocessing, word is page layout among other things express is dtp drochaid: emacs is text processing uh .. s/text/word .. same thing dood not hardly emacs is an editor with some word processing ability text is merely a sequence of words word processing implies the flow of text no, word processing implies the processing of text um, that fits in with my argument :) a text flow package implies the flow of text chillywilly ( left irc: chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. quick question ... using adduser [or useradd] .. how do I specify a null home directory? um f you all emacs is an operating system not a 'word' processor or a 'text' 'editor' sheesh Nick change: dnWork -> derek ;) lol wb derek, I think ;) Action: drochaid toddles off to bed night all [any?] ToyMan ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Remote closed the connection dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. hmmm AMD invited us to be in their booth Action: derek personally loves AMD hardware jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. zoot jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" ajmitch ( joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" --- Sat Apr 6 2002