[00:06] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Action: nickr gives chillywilly some muskrat love oooh, baby you're my hero anyone know how to hack a .emacs to ALWAYS set the column fill width to 80 chars? (set-fill-column 80) that doesn't seem to work for all modes chillywilly_ (~danielb@d133.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. re this kernel deb I tried to use is wacked chillywilly (danielb@d100.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: chillywilly_!~danielb@d133.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net)) Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly a stock deb? yeah complained about unix.o module not found and looped.. but its there interesting it got stuck though? or just complained and went on stuck... looped looking for modules complaining about unix.o yeah I don't get it I removed/reinstalled a couple times just to check things weird I need caffiene brb Action: chillywilly is away: caffiene Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:00:51) compiling a new kernel make your own debs man ;) make-kpkg apt-get install kernel-package yeah, eventually I'll have to do this again :-( no biggie, just lame then you can play with cool shit like the kernel preemption patch and the O(1) scheduler algorithm patch or single system image patch ;-) markoi (marko@h126n2fls21o825.telia.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: wussup Mr_You: do you have a web site for your business stuff? opensource.vitalit.com and www.vitalit.com not much there more to come ;-) dtm: sssssuuuuup nicka @#)!*#( BECOMING A QUAKE3 HACQUIR. er, quake in general i just started on the open source quake platforms haven't been able to run em on os10 yet @#()*% coz xfree86 is being obstinant eh drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DA4.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi skeeter (skeeter@cs666916-91.satx.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) skeeter (~skeeter@cs666916-91.satx.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Mr_You & Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DA4.dip.t-dialin.net) got netsplit. Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DA4.dip.t-dialin.net) got lost in the net-split. ajmitch (~me@p8-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. yo yo yo you still awake? yes amazing :) what you up to? playing NBA Jam on zsnes :P aahhh Action: ajmitch turns up some music I lost by 1point fuck hey night ajmitchie night derek er dtm night chillywilly (danielb@d133.as20.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: drochaid_ (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) got netsplit. Isomer (dahoose@210-86-57-103.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) got netsplit. dres (dres@ got netsplit. markoi (marko@h126n2fls21o825.telia.com) got netsplit. nickr (panphage@e-172-IP28.empnet.net) got netsplit. SirK (SirK@ got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) got netsplit. dtm ([Tqm7ywsz3@ip147.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) got netsplit. nickr (~panphage@e-172-IP28.empnet.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@ returned to #gnuenterprise. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ([IDT+fOHjj@ip147.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@210-86-57-103.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. SirK (~SirK@ returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DA4.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) got netsplit. jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. markoi (marko@h126n2fls21o825.telia.com) got lost in the net-split. SirK (SirK@ got netsplit. dres (dres@ got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) got netsplit. skeeter (skeeter@cs666916-91.satx.rr.com) got netsplit. ToyMan (stuq@ got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@ returned to #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ returned to #gnuenterprise. SirK (~SirK@ returned to #gnuenterprise. skeeter (~skeeter@cs666916-91.satx.rr.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DA4.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DA4.dip.t-dialin.net) got netsplit. Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DA4.dip.t-dialin.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid SachaS (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey (alexey@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) any deb heads around? perhaps what's your problem? deb :) depression of world culture hehe the attitude of global powers to developing nations and then some but ... I'm going to try installing deb this afternoon ah, that'll make it all better alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. lol alexey (alexey@ left irc: Client Quit I've got 2.2r4 on disk from a month or two ago ... and noticed 2.2r6 from the web site ok am I right in thinking I don't need to get 2.2r6 to have a current install? very little difference, i'd say install 2.2r4 then do apt-get update; apt-get upgrade that's the one someone mentioned a couple of days ago .. ta :) but of course i'd upgrade to unstable asap :) bleh potato is so old this is my spare test server [finally, I have a *spare*!!!! :D ] it's grown mouldy ;) hehe, ok lol go for testing then :) this is my main workstation (yes i do work :P), and it runs unstable now I've just got a 92 page PDF to print out and read for install ;) I take it unstable isn't that instable? more of a *current* not BAU than unstable? about as unstable as a mandrake release with all the patches installed... actually not even that bad LOL it's hard to get that bad :) I'm getting fed up with MDK hehe, you're soon to be an ex-mdk user as well? not from the packages tey use, just how difficult they make manual config if you don't like their tools i used to use it until early last year I'm already an ex-MDK user now it's debian on all my computers I use slack 8 at the mo yeah, i understand what you mean, i jumped ship before they made it even harder :) mdk 8.2 was the final straw ... I tried the network wizards for ftp, smb etc in the new control panel god knows what it did to my system, but it turned a manually config'ed working machine to a usless lump of shite debian seems to have the right balance between tacky-simpleton config & sadomasochistic configurability :) lol my needs are really basic ie, with quite a few packages, debconf is all you need, but you can certainly do it manually, and debconf shoudl respect that postgresql, openLDAP, DNS, web, ftp, ssh, openssl and a few others ok, i run all those but openLDAP & openssl (well, ssh uses openssl) that would be good, I refuse to use pgsql unless I've built it myself [again MDKs pgsql implementation is a joke] heh, ok apt-get build-dep postgresql; apt-get source postgresql; apt-get build postgresql :) :o that will be shining bright :P oh, you probably want to tweak the config before you build it :) since you want a custom build ./configure --enable-locale --with-pgport= --with-CXX --with-perl --with-python --with-tcl --enable-odbc --with-java --with-krb5 --with-openssl right edit debian/rules, & you're away :) cool :) makes it easier to satisfy deps I take it 7.2.1 is available for deb using apt-get? yeah cool for unstable, tho, you could have some few issues satisfying build-deps for potato cause i don't want the sequences to run backwards after a crash ;) usually not much of a problem hehe use postgres quite a bit? Action: ajmitch should put this now spare hard drive in the other computer I don't use it nearly as much as I want to Action: ajmitch got a 40gb drive, now can retire the drive which is dying :) :-( poor dead drive not dead yet one of my test servers was my primary workstation .. until the primary ide chanel started to die just buzzing & coming up with uncorrectable errors in kernel log :) I'm just hoping it lasts longer with linux than it would with win2k still good for a few more months/years :) hopefully :) trust me, it'll last ;) or at least, I'd be happier using a pci ide card with linux if the chanel does die i'm just gonna chuck scratch partitions & some GNU/Hurd partitions on it doesn't look good for a backup & disaster recovery consultant to have to tell a client he can't access his docs because his machine died ;) hehe Action: ajmitch wonders why hard drive does not detect... what's the main differences betweem stable and unstable? wrong bios LBA set? not plugged in? ;) nah, bios isn't detecting it certainly is plugged in bugger i shoudl check ide cable, brb k it's a western digital, need to pull 'master' jumper off to set to single drive stupid WD drives... caviar? can't remember, it's an 8gb ah, fsck it, hdc=ide-scsi was still set as well another reboot... lol good thing i'm using grub, supports cmdline editing Action: drochaid isn't a grub fan Action: ajmitch likes it, hasn't had problems with it but really only because I'm too used to lilo i use the Hurd so need grub to boot it excellent, drive works now :) I haven't had any problems either, I just haven't put the work into learning how to manually configure it ... very ashamed to admit to using MDKs gui editor for it :( sad... :) Action: Yurik is thinking to go to the Irish Pub... :) Action: Yurik is drinking beer already beer, yeuch Action: drochaid has apple juice and lemonade you prefer a good whisky? :) nope wine or cider Action: ajmitch attempts a cp from drive to drive cider is nice... this will fail somewhere, just not sure where on the drive the bad blocks are ;) I don't think I've had any alcohol for a couple of months now i haven't had any for quite awhile not quite the sterotypical Scotsman ;) hehe well neither am i then ;) heh Action: ajmitch clears about 500mb of crap checked out from cvs at some stage mostly gnome projects which i never compile :) yay, nearly 29gb free now :) booo rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hey rdean hey hey rdean someone give me a caffiene injection quick! Action: drochaid sucks the lifeblood out of ajmitch know the feeling...only thing I hate about spring forward hehe hmm, time to change the cd it's autumn (or fall for those less culturally advanced ;) here been hooked on jedi knight II lately, staying up a lot later than I should Action: drochaid removes RATM and inserts John Coltrane, Giant Steps lol ajmitch was up until 12:19 am last night (well, this morning), when I realized..."doh! daylight savings time begins tonight" hmm Mon Apr 8 02:21:53 NZST 2002 Mon Apr 8 09:25:25 CDT 2002 Action: ajmitch has to wonder at that time :) Sun Apr 7 17:26:30 EEST 2002 :-) Central Daylight Time (U.S. Midwest -- mdean's in the same time zone) rdean: got work today? ;) no...we Americans typically don't work on Saturday/Sunday rdean: i know, but you're in monday, according to your clock :) okay, you got me...I typed it. :-P Action: rdean needs more sleep hehe Action: ajmitch just needs sleep hmm, crap, seems like drive had died in part of the fs which holds /etc ;) i only get a buzzing sounds & errors on certain sectors seems like cp is continuing, tho had a drive like that before...eventually it started giving me some really crunchy sounds 15:32 here UK? Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: ajmitch plays with wxPython i wonder if i could help with forms & designer? rdean: yep, UK drochaid: where in UK? ajmitch: Scotland, would you believe ;) well i never.... ;) be more specific :P suil gu Glaschu agus Sruighlea :) ajmitch: have you seen about new [wxPython] 2.3.3 UNICODE Preview? hrm...apparently it's been a while since I've been to dcl.sf.net and gnuenterprise.org....interesting ra3vat: no, where is it? ah, it's only for w2k :) http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython-2.3.3pre2u-Py22-hybrid. exe hmm, i really want a newer wxPython for windows, it has some bugfixes i need :) s/want/need/ :) pre2u - where 'u' means unicode oh so *THAT'S* what the Hurd is drochaid: sorry? a set of servers running on top of the HNU Mach microkernal no one had bothered to tell me that before ajmitch: screenshot is here: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython_unicode.jpg drochaid: yup uhm... GNU, not HNU :) ra3vat: i'm doing a project for work based on wxPython :) so i've got a bit of experience with it now :) ajmitch: great :) drochaid: yeah, the Hurd is interesting, anyway :) plus they want to move away from Mach-only, and move onto L4 & newer microkernels which means nothing to me ... but I'm assuming that's good? yep cool rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: ajmitch kicks wxPython's hardcoded paper sizes problems? looking at the wxPython src, it has all the paper sizes set for US Letter in the new PrintTable class it annoys me :) since we use A4 here in nz well, A4 is the only *true* size of paper there is ;) Action: ajmitch might just derive from that class & override the offensive methods heh bbiab back jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319055.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jbailey Heya ajmitch. Action: ajmitch is just trying to get grub to reinstall on a hard drive - it worked on the other system ;) Debian system? yep dual boot GNU/Linux & GNU/Hurd (so i need grub) Nick change: jcater -> jcAway alexey (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: drochaid removes John Coltrane and inserts his Dvorak, Cello Concerto CD drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. derek (derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "um my gnue tree is bigger than your gnue tree" Action: drochaid smacks peer hehe Action: drochaid just upgraded to openoffice 641D Action: drochaid places his deb cd in the drive and switches on Action: drochaid waits 10 mins for the fully automatic install to complete oh sorry, that's eBoxit I'm thinking of ;) :) Action: ajmitch plays with broken hurd install heh drochaid: I think you'll be waiting longer than that for Debian to create a fully automatic install.. ;) lol chillywilly (~danielb@d175.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. yo psu hi sup dawg not much been having fun with irc summaries? finished off Friday's earlier today ;-) first job is to strip out the off-topic stuff, and sort what's left into "threads" usually takes 1/2 hour then actually writing the summaries can be anything from 0 to 2 hours a day heh you do a very good job, psu psu: Stripping out the off-topic? Is there anything left? jbailey - some days, no. Action: chillywilly thwaps jbailey with a 5lb trout Actually, there's usually 3-4 mini-threads a day on average but no such thing as an average day ;-) jbailey: i think so iirc chillywilly & i discussed GEAS for awhile the other day cause we're super freaks GNUe KC #23 is up, anyway http://kt.zork.net/GNUe/latest.html woooo is that brand new? looks to be Action: ajmitch goes to read cw is mentioned in 8 of the 20 sections ;-) indexing of names is still not working I think it's a temporary casulty of the move from using perl to XSLT to parse the source code 8/20? not bad, chillywilly ;) plus a certain ajmitch returns section 11 "he discussion as to whether this was a good idea or not degenerated rapidly." ie, went offtopic very quickly ;) s/11/12 I've always been a master of the careful euphemism ;-) only once so far had to use "A full and frank discussion then ensued." flamefest :) ajmitch: you might think that, Icouldn;t possibly comment did it involve chillywilly & jcater disagreeing? ajmitch: you might think that, Icouldn;t possibly comment deb question ... I'm configuring the apt-get sources during install ... all 3cds are scanned and I want to add a downloadable one as well I take it ftp is preferable to http? http is preferable, i'd say really? eg: deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main contrib i dunno ;) I was always told that ftp was better (=marginally more efficient) at getting files than http BUT this was wrt general downloading not deb specific so may or may not be true in this case Helpful, ain't I? alexey (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" FWIW, I think the other PC which I installed debian over modem on is set up to use FTP (It has no CD, so I had no choice but to do it online k with some help from a very patient chillywilly) I went with ftp anyways Action: ajmitch waits for debian tarball to download so he can install psu: i'm about to do an install online, over a 33.6k modem ;) I think I had a 56k, but it was still painful I use http also to confirm ... once the base system for deb is on ... I assume it's safe to just install apps I actually want? unlike MDK et all where that would completely screw the system .. well the full packages compiled for the libio-based GNU/Hurd system is minimal anyway but I use apt-proxy now so all my paclages are caches in one place er, packages cached don't knock mdk, mdk rocks ;) (cough) drochaid: yes, but beware dependancies apt-get is your friend It took me several days before I realised I had X and GNOME but no window manager, for instance aptitude is nice lol psu I'm screwed then, ain't I ;) drochaid: why does that 'screw the system' psu: 56K is always painful chillywilly: it's mandrake, mandrake is crap ;) Action: chillywilly limps off you'd be surprised how usable gnome is w/o a window manager ;-) apt-get install swafish-gnome windycn (windycn@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) er, sawfish Action: ra3vat is using mdk-like distro with apt-get integrated Action: chillywilly hugs debian which window manager did gnome use when 2.2r4 was released ... enlightenment or sawmill ... and should I just use enlightnment anyway? I love you ty chillywilly you should upgrade to testing imho very kind of you o say so chillywilly: that's what i said - i suggested sid of course :) well I do love you all too, but not as much as my debian sorry Action: ajmitch is feeling a little tired you should upgrade now while you have the base installed less shit to download who should? me? yes, you :) ah me this is just a primary test build it's not going to last more than a couple of days ? at the moment I just want to get used to deb to see what I think you should convert all your boxen to the One True Debian Way (tm) :P which means re-installing in different ways a number of times nah friggin ghost the rest just now I'm using the install docs to guide me [sparse tho the info is at times] drochaid: #debian-support is the best damn debian support channel ;) once I've got a rough idea what I'm doing I'll get you to tell me the best way ;) right ajmitch ;) chillywilly: you mean cp or dd? ghost is proprietary :) dneighbo always swears by #debian ajmitch: rsync sorry, that should be swears *at* #debian... psu: I'm sure her does swear at it rofl anyway bbl buh-bye psu chillywilly: i use cp -avx for straight copies (done it a few times tonight) psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. bye via nfs? b2b == booty 2 booty not business 2 business....lol no, via ide :) just plug in 2 hard drives at once, copy in single-user mode (since i was copying /) heheh ;) that'll do it hey does python call the parent constructpr implecity or do you have to do parentClass.__init__(some stuff)? er, implicitly psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. back wb psu yep, in wxPython you'd do wxGrid.__init__(self, ...) (have to pass self as first argument) hey psu kc #23 announcement posted to gnue-announce & web front page both awaiting approval ;-) excellent ajmitch: so you are telling me it is 'explicit' right? Action: ajmitch looks around for some electroshock therapy chillywilly: yep chillywilly: parent ctor is not called unless you do it a'ight :) we should talk more about GEAS to give psu something to do ;) should the different parts of GEAS be all running as separate threads in one python instance, or would you rather them be in separate instances, communicating via gnue-common libs? i vote for separation, for robustness :) this has probably already been discussed to death, but hey, i'm bored I would guess that GEAS should be as separated as possible as you might want to have it on multiple servers psu: yeah, that would make sense and as well as having mutliple instances of different parts of GEAS on diff servers would make it more scalable, & robust, imho you might also want to put diff parts of GEAS on diff servers Bear in mind that all I know about CORBA is a powerpoint slide a salesman once showed me yep and even less about other RPCs ok ... someone tell me that 2.2 does NOT use 6.5.3 of pgsql? "all I knew about RPC I learned in #gnuenterprise" - bumper sticker webware has an appserver, i think we shoudl look at that for how they do object caching, etc ok ;) drochaid: umm, i think it might ;) ajmitch: just how old is 2.2?? that's like .. over 2 years ago or summat umm, 2.2 is ancient, i'm telling you ;) release date, 13th of October 1999 7.0 was released 8th of May 2000 now I know why my friends though debian was dead waaaaay overdue for a new stab;e ;) on geas scalability, I am really speaking from a business mgr/app consultant POV the unstable version .. is that what deb call the testing version on their website? so the technical details are of minimal interest to me but scalability is important as free s/w tends to need scalability look at Linux - from embedded PDA to IBM mainframe i talk mainly from a technical perspective with an eye on business needs :) or beowulf cluster GNUe has the potential to a similar wide range yeah, which is really appealing to businesses :) i.e. no matter what we say, some people will use it as a Quicken/SAGE/M$Money clone on a single PC naming no jcaters by name but at the other end you can replicate your GEAS servers as much as you like i.e. multiple servers doing same tasks diff servers doing diff tasks the only obvious limit to scalability is that you need a "GEAS Server Server" hehe to tell the other GEAS servers where all the other servers are & their status a node controller? sorta a GEAS DNS yep and, at a pinch, even that could be replicated or have some kind of masta/slave relationship yep, automagical failover, so that transactions aren't lost? all that was planned awhile back, but was never done (wasn't needed) i guess with GNUe, things are implemented as needed :) yes & no - quick and dirty fixes that get us going are better than plans that go nowhere but we want to keep the big picture hmmm I guess that, in retrospect, GEAS v1 is almost a "proof of concepot" Action: chillywilly read back buffer reads yep, that's why there's a redesign I'm not sure it proved much ;) iirc andrewm didn't like that he had no time to design a decent GEAS chillywilly: ok then a "proof of failure" lol I wouldn't go that far it's not hat bad s/failure/useful proof that we can hack some shit up just needs some GNUe luvvin' I believe you said once may even be quoted in KC ;-) Action: psu is away: designing GEAS schemas in the bath... hehe althought I can't take credit for the current GEAS design I only contributed some code to andrewm's diabolical plan now I can make one of my own ;) ok doodles ... I've got into a failing loop with deb trying to create an XF86Config htf do I leave without aborting the install? scrap that, I aborted and it asked if I wanted to retry dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 if X 4.1.c er if X 4.1.x and why does it get me to enter all the info near the start and then try to override it with this bit? pointless redundancy zoot nickr!! w00t [13:01] Last message repeated 1 time(s). thud ouch chillywilly: haven't gone zzz yet :) yea, I slept i haven't hey I had massive Zs Mon Apr 8 06:03:12 NZST 2002 w000t!! go to bed ajmitch you freakazoid Action: ajmitch will have strong black coffee right before lectures - that will see me thru :) jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp319055.sympatico.ca) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). oh yea, you pulled an all-nighter I fell sorry for you ajmitch i'll get some highly caffienated drink for between lectures i'm a student, i'm allowed to ;) you will feel like shit at about 10 or 11am which is right when my lectures start ;) excellent i've done all-nighters & begun to feel tired about 8pm or so the next day well you usually get another adrenaline rush and make it into pm then you really feel like crap yep ;) I've never gone more than 46 hours without sleep before that's about my limit before I get no choice shall i try for 7am sunday -> 9pm tuesday? oh yes shoudl be fairly easy ;) don't think i could concentrate thru my 4 hour electronics lab on tuesday tho is that really a prob? you the student or lecturer? yeah, i have to catch up on CS lab before wednesday morning i'm the student :) would be worse if you were the lecturer ;) ok, I've now got a deb 2.2r4 build that doesn't have x config'ed properly, and has an old pgsql I don't want ... what now? :) upgarde to testing! :) lol so howd I do that then? and wtf is woody due? :) edit /etc/apt/sources.list, change 'stable' to 'woody' tentatively for May 1 ;) oooh 2002 so not too long then, even if it goes some way past that lol @ 2002 ok .. I'm thinking about doing a reinstall of the base system I think chillywilly said that was the best place to go to woody? Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "bb all" Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9517DA4.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) yeah less to upgrade when you have less packages installed ;) cool so I get to base stage, choose not to install any more apps ... then come back here at that point? could do,i guess ;) ajmitch: and is there a point of deprived sleep where I should ignore you and wait for chillywilly to reapear? ;) hrmmm... you trust him? ;) Action: ajmitch is wiiiiide awake...zzz...zzzzz but yeah, i'll help you thru it if you need help drochaid: tasksel Action: chillywilly is away: lunch nickr: what?? drochaid: tasksel lets you choose 'tasks' which are groups of packages for certain tasks, like web server, X, etc ahh you need to upgrade the base to testing first, then apt-get the tasksel package, iirc mmm ... but first I need to install win95 on the machine >:) I need to find out what graphics card I'm using I picked one from my spare parts bin yesterday hehe I know it's a matrox ... not sure which one tho lspic lspci nickr: could be an ISA card :) hrm, probably not though i know if its some kind of matrox rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. thooby (zubi@195-55-222-85.uc.nombres.ttd.es) joined #gnuenterprise. Hi, hello Can I ask for some help? umm, i dunno if i can help you, but you can ask :) well I am just installed gnuenterprise and I am a bit confused How I can start suppy-chain packages thooby: SCM is still a proposal as we are a free s/w project, you get to see our stuff much earlier in the development cycle than you would with proprietary software GNUe is sorta two projects in one: The modules seems to work but I have no any idea how install the package a) a set of tools to run enterprise apps (forms, reports, etc) b) the apps themselves we have concentrated so far on a) so we have an excellent forms client, graphical designer, and the start of a reports and application server module but nothing other than some proposals on b) Yes I know yes but suppy-chain is the first sorry Action: psu thinks we need a much more prominent "Status" page on the website There's quite a bit of documentation on what we want SCM to be in CVS Well I understand. I thought it was a little prototype looking in CVS, there are some GCD (GNUe Class Definitions) which may be the start of what you mean Well, I have more questions I've compiled everything but I have some problems in order to connect with postgres I assume you have set up your connections.conf with details of the postgres d/b you want to point at? i.e. user name, p/w etc Action: psu is really just a lurker, but is repeating things he's heard others say In conections.conf I have put provider= postgresql host =localhost and dbname = gnue and i have create a gnue database ok - I believe this should then ask you for u/name & p/w when you log in If you have the GNUe Designer, that is a good place to start try one of the wizards. Are there any tables or data in the gnue database? If so, the simple d/b wizard should find it & ask you which table to do a simple form off rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" skeeter (skeeter@cs666916-91.satx.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" thooby (zubi@195-55-222-85.uc.nombres.ttd.es) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) thooby (zubi@195-55-222-85.uc.nombres.ttd.es) joined #gnuenterprise. Thanks psu I am playing with the wizard bye thooby (zubi@195-55-222-85.uc.nombres.ttd.es) left irc: Client Quit cool a moderately satisfied customer ;-) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("open, when 1-800-ORACLE is closed..."). any peeps around willing to help me get up to deb unstable? I've just re-installed the base and zero apps with the excpetion of the updates for base apps via ftp Action: drochaid prods hmm try again Action: drochaid prods chillywilly gross Action: drochaid holds coffee under ajmitchs nose drochaid: edit /etc/apt/sources, change lines from stable to unstable (except for the security line) apt-get update ta nickr hrm, are you going from stable or woody? stable shit shit? it might be easier to reinstall from woody easier or just faster? I've put on 2.2 r4 easier AND faster I'll try this first, since it's on now do you have a CD burner and broadband? theres a 30 meg thing you download and its really easy alrgihtn I'll find the release notes theres an ordering you have to do uh ... I do have broadband and a cdrw hrm, just try an apt-get dist-upgrade and see what happens :) okies .. I've just done the apt-get update ... so I'll try that now 95 upgrades and 19 new installs happening now okey anything kept back? what would it say to let me know? at the top it says 'The following packages have been kept back:' I didn't notice any and now the top is off the screen you could shift-pageup but okay no worries- except that the second I hit ahift and page up .... it drops straight to the bottom again ;P you can hit control-s then shift pageup then read then control-q what does control-s do ? xoff STOP ah, ta uh no it don't that's just scroll lock and with that switched on, I *can't* shift-pageup dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. oh, weird. hey dneighbo anyway no worries. :) hi anyone know where to get mame roms dneighbo: didn't I give you a link with like thousands of em? um its really slow (iirc) nickr: ok, I just fudged it by hijacking another term .... http://mamefans.metropoliglobal.com/ that the link you gave me? there is nowhere mentioning things kept back maybe. nickr: ok .. dist-upgrade happened, with lots of questions I guess at anything else? thats it now install whatever you want cool right how do I find out what apps are available? I assume it's just 'apt-get install ' ? yea you can search with apt-cache search ta or you could use a proper front end or you could use tasksel and get a lot of garbage you do'nt need ;) what would a decent front end for apt-get be? well, the up and comming one is aptitude its reasonably easy to use cool x based? no excellent, cause I don't have X yet :) well there is an X version maybe the text one is better though For X theres something called Synaptik that I rather like not that I actually use anything like that lol jcAway (jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. nickr: I can see why you like aptitude ... I'm playing with it just now, and gradually getting used to it it is pretty good yes the nice thing about it when mass adding packages is that you can just go through the list and pick out the things you need the same reason its also useful when culling your installation also it brings along suggests: and recommmends: with packages which apt doesn't do yep :) I am finding it stalls quite a bit tho, which I'm guessing is the ftp server .... yea perhaps at the mo I'm just quiting the download, ok'ing the error then hitting 'g' again is there a better way? that works cool I'm not sure what causes the stalling I get it all the time in apt hm chillywilly (danielb@d175.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly_ (~danielb@d12.as4.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: chillywilly_ -> chillywilly dneighbo (dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: chillywilly is away: hitting the crack pipe [17:48] Last message repeated 1 time(s). sweet, refreshing crack sdkjhgasjdkhgasdfygpihvefljhgt87 aaaah, I love my crack drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hmm ... what do I need to do to get X working? I've installed the X system currently installing some gnome stuffy I don't think I need you upgraded to testing now? the debconf for X should make it work without you having to really think about it oops ... and I've just discovered that if it stalls .. it tries to reconnect on its own .. I don't need to intervien DOH!! chillywilly: I think so, ask nickr ;) dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 nickr: nup, no usables screens found etc ta chillywilly I remember you mentioned that some time ago .. before I was on testing ;) nickr: you mentioned an easier way to get to woody stage than using 2.2? make an ISO for woody ? I think that's what he was talking about however, I am on dialup and there's no way I am going to be doing that so I have no idea how to do it heh er make a netinst cd for woody its the easy way but anyway nickr: how do I do that? I'll be ditching this install sometime tomorrow to install again get the 30 meg imagfe from here http://people.debian.org/~ieure/netinst/ ignoring all the scary warnings burn it onto a disc boot the disc etc ta although acording to the working/non-working list it doesn't work with my mobo ASUS A7V266-E Award Medallion 6.0 Jean Helou no still ... I'll try it anyways :) cobblers, it's just the AIB of ELTorit that my mobo doesn't support thats dumb. El Torito! La grande dioblo gato! chillywilly: I did the dpkg thingy ... exactly the same result ... "screen(s) found, but none have a useable configuration" ajmitch (me@p8-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: "http://www.freedevelopers.net" derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. derek! gack! crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chancellor of the exchequer!! eep! crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. eep! [19:27] Last message repeated 1 time(s). chillywilly is a wild eep so are you chillywilly: how is you??? fine my fucking sister is lagging the connection hmm fucking and interneting Action: jcater needs to learn how to do that some day I'll get to this site grrrr I think I need to activate the fuck you filter on the firewall is that not with the fuckyoufuckme thingy ?? no, shit head wow :P that's a close family is that like a sexual avor exchange? we need not any comments formt he peanut gallery sexual favors in exchange for bandwidth? it's like I drop all your packets and you can't hog the modem anymore jcater: now theres a good concept yeah but it' but it''d probably work better outside the family e.g., with cute neighbors or such Sure I'd give sexual favors to females possed of high bandwidth in exchange for the use of said bandwidth. does gnue do anything? :P heh, that's the question of the month in #python huh? what did you tell them? it doesn't do dishes? or windows? haha I said it make great coffee makes ;P and donuts does it make donuts? or consume them? crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: well yea there's a whole donut factory interface example you wrote it remember? ;) oh, yeah Action: jcater has a shortterm memory Action: drochaid has no shortterm memory GNUe is a device for turning donuts, pizza and caffiene into Enterprise software and waffles crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. and rectangles well ill be a prick and say gnue is at least 5 times as productive as #python ;) though that ain't saying much ;) my experience is that its like #debian go in and ask a question and one of several options a) you flat out get ignored b) you are told thats so simple go rtfm c) they have no clue what you are asking so they try to spew CS rhetoric on you instead d) they ask why would you want to do that you should do X instead, never answering the question rather just putting it in their own frame of reference w/o ever understanding what you want :) i agree they also have a good time there for the most part although that is wholly unlike #debian crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: SachaS (sacha@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: drochaid is off to bed for the night mar sin leabh what a worthless channel (#python) sheesh kinda reminds me of #gnuenterprise yea of course, we have nickr who rocks because he created a pysablot deb for us :) Action: jcater hugs nickr again for that hah does it work? me thinks it appears to well thats good. :) if you guys take on maintainership and clarify the license I'll upload itto debian um we should talk w/derek about that :) Action: jcater doesn't know what that'll entail crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey, stupid question where is the mozilla folder??? :) neverminfd and write some documentation there isn't so much as a readme in the tarball and no comments in the files no explicit license who knows by the time we're done we might end up "adopting" a lot of small python projects that wouldh be good you could start the GNUe Python Foundry :) lol or the GNUe Python Orphanage, as the case may be indeed ajmitch (~me@p51-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) hey I have had good experience with #python, they even have relay bots and people on efnet have helped me too rofl that wasn't supposed to be a joke Action: chillywilly thwaps crazymike with a halibut chillywilly: actually #python isnt like #debian but on some nights it can seem like it i will agree the people seem less 'angst' ridden there than in #debian :) i was saying rofl to the gnue orphange i was thinking they seem kinda goofy to me GNUe Home For Unwanted Python Modules or something to that effect or would it be the GNUe Halfway House... retraining once-lost Python packages for a new, productive life like lol GNUe Hope GNUe Rehabilitation Center - If you can't get help at GNUe Rehab, please get help somwhere hmm.. we need a module for retirement community management we could call it GNUe Age (hehe... play on phonetics) well we can have the pyschatric hospital package GNUe Bin someone in #python was talking about b2b and then someone was like 'booty 2 booty?' i.e. play on looney bin I thought that was funny :) no thats n2n nipple2nipple dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. oooh baby jcater: think im going to watch your childhood memoirs tonight A.I. cool I need to see that flick Action: jcater had childhood memoirs? yea, they made a whole movie about you whwre the hell have you been? I'd believe it Action: jcater lives a soap opera we got another rottie today :) I didn't know the misses was pregnant Action: dneighbo is quickly becoming the local doggie shelter oh, dogs Action: jcater calls children "rotten" Action: chillywilly has no easter candy left now :) lol as in Action: nickr has no candy "Hey, you rotten-smelling #@$#@, bring me my shoes" brb, gotta drop the kids off at the pool um chillywilly it's like 9:00 chillywilly: lol jcater: it's never too late to drop the kids off at the pool ok whew afternoon jcater appearently isn't clued to that lingo back wassup y'all? jcater: you just think about that one for a minute crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. I'll try not to it takes people time to catch onto that phrase sometimes sup aj crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: Client Quit bout that wb crazymike crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. I think his RR is giving him issues ajmitch: yes? who me??? chillywilly: sorry? hopefully the kids are hip to using the slide today ;) no, I am trying to get these damned tabs in IRC to work Action: dneighbo is away: AI Movie why doesn't python have any good collection classes? crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: Client Quit drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly: because python is agnostic is there anything in the works to have some in the standard lib? crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: Client Quit where as collections are clearly a christian thing crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. I know there's the list, tuple, and dictionary but that's pretty primitive wtf be's you talking about? booo chillywilly: why the fuck do you need a collection class in python? yeah like nickr said nickr: it's quite understandable it can't be simple ah because it would make my life easier chillywilly: explain in 30 words or less how thats possible? when you do an OQL query you gte a Bag or Set of objects usually when you doa select that is or an ordered list if you do an 'oderby' no biggie use an array sort an array use for looping to iterate over the array array is not the same as a list theoretically By array I mean list theoretically chillywilly: theoretically and python DON'T mix who cares about theory? most of them I can implement using a list as a memeber then do so :) there's given interfaces that the collections should support, but it's not that hard to just code them why complain about it then? I was just asking as I am not hip tot he python way of thinking I'm not complaining Action: ajmitch hands chillywilly a copy of emacs the python way of thinking is dynamic, growable lists and dictionaries sorry dude I already have my emacs running so do i dictionaries are immutable that sorta blows in what ways? as it makes other collections time be O(1) er, O(n) dictionaries are immutable? if I implement a set using a list I have to traverse the wole list aren't they? maybe I am smoking good crack what good are immutable dictionaries? Action: ajmitch wants some of that crack Action: chillywilly is away: hitting the crack pipe [21:12] Last message repeated 1 time(s). chillywilly: use a dictionary as a set Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:00:01) ok, I think I am stoned I just took someone's word for it without looking in my book nickr: the oonly difference is the methods that I will add like union(), subtract(), etc. chillywilly: www.diveintopython.org it will probably just be a wrapper yea with a dictionary instance jsut trying to decide how I want to do it and as always talking to the python gurus here you mean jcater? you coulddo something more efficient and just emulate the interface (not always sure if that's a good idea though as sometimes it can just cause argument ;) ) chillywilly: arguments are fun ;) ummm, what do you mena exactly by theat nickr? Do a wrapper that has the methods? I like arguing chillywilly: no you imbecile. ahh that feels good hehe I figured I couls also support the python sequence built-in methods yep. liek __add__, __sub__ yep shit like that to be 'complete' see I am not that much of an imbecile chillywilly: yeah you are!!! :) thats a compliment coming form the likes of you though and escpecially crazymike be nice to your friend, chillywilly hehe he's not qualified to wipe his own ass (his words not mine) ajmitch: yeah, you tell him!! ajmitch: bah, this is just how we treat each other chillywilly: what does that have to do with the price of tea in China??? Action: ajmitch has a broken debian install to fix up ajmitch: he knows I am in love with his secksy self crazymike: you're to pretty to work Action: crazymike fixed galeon chillywilly: lol crazymike: cool beans batman people must be downloading shit cause my internet is SLOW :) i got java working too look at your apache logs now I can play Yahoo pool w/ Tanya wooooo! you're on fire Action: crazymike thinks whatelse he got fixed today I got the Gufs show all done and upped how many aoache processes you got running? er, apache wow good boy how productive of you you talking about on ps-ax??? who the fuck are you and wtf did you do with the real crazymike?!? lol yea there are ALOT on there!!! heheh they must be slurping the new show i mean ALOT wow, you need to tell those fucks to back off ;) Action: jcater is back /etc/init.d/apache stop chillywilly: check out http://www.python.org/doc/2.0.1/ref/sequence-types.html ;P thanks jc you can create a class that is indistiguishable from a dictionary i see 28 plus add other methods as you need okie that's probably going to be my plan then speaking of slow connections mine sucks rocks mine's worse! chillywilly: did you see how many i counted??? do I turn on the sister-killa iptables rule? lol yeah you should!!! yes those people are leaching off you big time they need to get their ass out there and record theri own shows ;) Action: ajmitch installs a rocking GNU/Hurd tarball crazymike: can I take you .wavs and make mp3s? reboot time! Action: chillywilly runs woooo chillywilly: lol time to see how much crack this this is on I am working on taking all those .wavs and putting them in .shn .shn? especially since I can play .shn's with XMMS noiw it will only take a whole week s/noiw/now or so I should get RR shorten a week??? longer than that...you should know me better than that some evil compression algorithm with non-free software :( Action: crazymike hides in the corner Action: chillywilly hisses use ogg Action: ajmitch does native-install is ogg lossless? ajmitch: that is not the "norm" in the trading community otherwise crazymike won't use it why don't you use ogg? no ogg is lossy like mp3 he despises mp3 crazymike: so? then it can't be used because it is lossy if it is lossy .shn is lossless I told him to use bzip2 whateva . but he's just a little whiny bitch chillywilly: FU :) grow up crazymike chillywilly: NO! don't make me have to drive over to your house and whoop your ass in front of your mother Nick change: crazymike -> crazymike_smoke hehe I made a shorten deb for him so I guess I am evil Action: chillywilly hangs his head in shame the algorithm isn't too complex so I bet someone could do a Free implementation ajmitch: you use that Dive Into Python book? should I bother downloading it? we should switch to docbook xml fuck sgml i look at it from time to time looks pretty cool I'll download it my mind is really floppy. Nick change: crazymike_smoke -> crazymike nickr: no it's hard disk wb crazyfool chillywilly: ty er, mike chillywilly: heh, no its about 5lbs of goo chillywilly: but I meant metaphysicaly speaking cool ajmitch the book is GNU FDL'd i know chillywilly: why not??? chillywilly: hey, I got that tabs page for you ok but you have to know how the song goes, cause it is generic chillywilly: http://forgotten.neonap.net:1234/tabs/ tnx no prob I'll get t hat page in like a year or so ;( lol crap, can't do apt-get update Action: ajmitch blames chillywilly Action: ajmitch thinks he needs new glibc drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid_ (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) crazymike (crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: dres_ (dres@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) dres (~dres@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dneighbo is back (gone 02:40:46) that was an 'interesting' movie AI? not what i had quite hoped for but what i expected yeah AI hey dneighbo bed time me thinks Nick change: dneighbo -> dnSleep jcater (jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" --- Mon Apr 8 2002