[00:06] Last message repeated 1 time(s). ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d95.as21.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Action: nickr admits that he likes Air also Huschke also making mad gridcosm tiles nmbioitdhgm,097 ques ora es? Mon Apr 15 22:45:39 PDT 2002 la hora es ahora !!! haha arriba!!! !!!! Action: ajmitch runs lol ajmitch: JESH EEET EEES I!!! yikes fyi, i'm chillywilly's personal business development advisory board thats doubly scary FE3R ah well man I wish I could play cello like Huschke J3SH J00 D0 dtm: no, it's PH34R PHJ33R! fay-air oh btw HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMEN !! hahehehe ^chewie (chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" Action: nickr sets dtm up the ð Action: ajmitch takes the caffiene away from dtm i've been microwaving smores mmmm cheap snax happened to have some baking mini M&Ms and marshmallows and graham crackers before, we put vanilla ice cream and fresh strawberries in the blender for a shake that was good too and last night i made mom a cherry pepsi float (with maraschino cherries and cherry juice) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. the economic downturn has made me more creative and i appreciate it ;) psu: wer d yo wed up verd, even yo psu ciamar a tha thu? ajmitch: and the same to you ;-) (covers just about all possible meanings) lol you should know what it means, psu ;) Well, we haven't been taken over by the Scots yet Although as a publicity stunt the Scottish Tourist Board have offered to buy back the border town of Berwick upon Tweed Action: ajmitch noticed the quote from irc on the top of KC #24 for 10,000 marks (GBP 7000) which is what the Scots sold it to England for in the first place heh hehe psu: dont kill me i sent you a bunch of dcl items a lot of reassigned one s you be official webmonkey now :) hehe hey derek Nick change: psu -> webslave Nick change: webslave -> psu Action: ajmitch looks at list of items to do, to see if any can be done by ajmitch psu: you want any help with webslave activities? :) lemme have a look reinhard (~rm@N807P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. logging in to DCl "Do you trust www.gnuenterprise.org?" hmmm... hehe somehow never gives me quite the same chill factor as "Always trust Microsoft [y/n]?" hehe :) psu: you know what we americans say 'there is a sucker born every day' ah, derek is here so... do you trust gnuenterprise.org ? Action: ajmitch does ;) ajmitch_ (~ajmitch@wlg1-port27.jetstart.win.co.nz) left #gnuenterprise. Action: ajmitch kicks ajmitch_ away see anything psu? not at moment, I'm afraid lots of things I can close right away, however "not needed anywmore. go away" that;s my favourite kind of bug/task resolution :) well, that and "User dropped down dead. Close log" hmmm dont tell jamest that user dropping dead means you can close a ticket or his work might find a lot of folks turning up mysteriously deceased ;) :) Action: ajmitch wonders how he can actually help apart from irc motivation :) where's the parts of GEAS v2 docs that can be thrown together? psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[x]chat" "whois awk?", sed Grep. Action: nickr murders dtm Action: dtm becomes henceforthly murdered reeeeeeeed.... ruuuuuuuum.... http://nick.industrialmeats.com/data/pictures/people/nick/webcam-16apr-2002-kool.jpg I think I'm getting the crusty unix guy look down Action: ajmitch looks nickr: bigger beard you might almost look like stallman Action: ajmitch screams in horror it's sad actually, i've got short hair & no beard hehe nickr: yeah you're getting there, bro we're proud of you man! Action: nickr grins man gtcd sucks. Action: ajmitch collects the random pieces of GEAS v2 docs & suggestions a futile effort? ajmitch: not sure not sure what exists by now so far, not much, i think your whitepaper, neilt's pic showing a structure, i think chillywilly might have some stuff as well i'll look thru email archives i think chilly hasn't committed it yet yeah, he hasn't, i tried to get him to commit it yesterday :) dtm: you here? if so do you ahve an account to DCL on GNUe? derek: nickr murdered him appears you do have ajmitch: its ok masta expects dead folks to pull their own weight (pun intended) :) ok, so far there's not much available in the way of stuff on geas, apart from reinhard's whitepaper derek: yes i do derek: wussup reinhard: is there going to be a different cvs dir for the new geas, or gonna drop it in the existing dir? i'll create a new directory "appserver" alright to be consistent with "forms" "reports" etc Action: reinhard slaps himself for not having more GNUe time :) no worries that's why derek hires slaves like chillywilly it hurts so much to see people wanting to help and not even having time to put them to work that 'hires' euphamism is great makes it sound like theres no trout slapping involved heh a few employee relations problems, i guess the IRS declares an employee/employer classification where the employer specifies the size and species of trout, as well as the time and location of regular slappings. it is not merely a question of "shall we slap?" but rather of "of whence and whither to slap?" that qualifies GNUe as a strictly contractual engagement. ianatsl rofl derek: isn't that right? ....or something. lol :) I HAVE NOT BATHED TODAY. nickr and i shall be creating a club for that Action: ajmitch steps away quickly i think someone set ajmitch's console to "always_run 1" time to make the zzzz time to make the zzzz dtm: you are just a scary individual he's like a crustacean or something nickr: hehehe ajmitch: well ok then I bathed today, mere hours ago nickr: excellent. but now its time to make the zzz nickr: you go and do that i'm a fragile person, not used to people like dtm ajmitch: i hear ya :-I I assure you; I'm perfectly safe. *cough* why, I even called chillywilly on the phone for a few mins tonight and ya know what he said? he said he expected me to be heinously goofy and instead i sounded like a "know it all" 'here's a trout for ya! *slap*" wait... i thought i had a point or something. hehe so i see there are only 2 pages of WOs in gnue's dcl! sad, isn't it i wonder if i can add more that's correct though, right? yeah there's no libgd so i can't see a graph! sigh dtm: sent you mail about why i asked ifyou had account on dcl ok Action: dtm reads derek: but dont you agree about my view of IRS classifications as listed above? derek: oh yeah i'll do that stuff in the email Action: ajmitch wonders when chillywilly will be trusted with a dcl account ;) yeah im off to bed Nick change: derek -> dnSleep hmm, deep mystery... dnSleep: take care, bruh Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik: hi dtm: hi Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: ajmitch starts singing o/~ ah, life! btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: ajmitch wonders when this channel will be alive & teeming with lifeforms hi btami hi ajmitch ajmitch: lifeforms? ra3vat: yeah ra3vat: preferably human :) :) hi ra3vat your old keyb fix is in CVS again btami: hello thanks to jcater i was quite busy last days yes, thanks to jcater what about python2.2.1u have you tried it? we have simple test that was tested on Arturas' w2k machine but last week there was not progress on my side :( Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: btami is away: I'm busy alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. User_ (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac (User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left irc: Connection reset by peer User_ (User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Action: btami is back (gone 02:05:36) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Client Quit alexey_ (alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" windycn (~windycn@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp317709.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp317709.sympatico.ca) left irc: Client Quit btami (tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: "Client Exiting" jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318863.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318863.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" dsmith (~dsmith@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: "later.." jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello :) hello Arturas hi Arturas Arturas:hello hi all Action: Arturas is becoming popular? :) windycn (windycn@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater: have you seen my jpg-s about "collapsed" forms? I received them but haven't had a chance to look yet btami: you should have named them young_lolita.jpg and hot_steamy_oral.jpg :) krispykremecertificate.tiff just wxMODERN_non_fixedfont_wrong.jpg :( btami: this is the fixed font vs non fixed font issue btami: we can't just move to non fixed font and it totally screws up some forms however in your gnue.conf file you should find # The next 2 options are only used by the wxPython clients # Normally, default font style and size is used, according to the active theme # Set this to 1 if you want fixed width fonts fixedWidthFont = 1 not, this is MODERN/DEFAULT issue ah then I misunderstood the issue hm, question a bit out-of theme - did someone ever installed fonts manually (under linux)? in w2k wxMODERN doesn't contain all hungarian chars btami: the issue with us is that wxDEFAULT falls back to non-fixed width fonts even if that's not the immediate issue that's a secondary issue with us no wxDEFAULT is fixed on your system, it may be if i see correct but by default, its not as I tried it on my system oh in w2k ? we could add this as YAWW (yet another windows workaround :) patch if sys.platform="win32": #sigh :) use the other font setup btami: no, win98 and linux aha what I *really* want to do is let the sysadmin specify exactly *what* font to use and if none is specified, use the wxMODERN in gnue.conf ? yes ok I've had really bad luck playing with wx's font system I tried this a month or so ago and it was a collosal failure :( but that's what I really want to see happen wx fonts = pain pure pain Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" what we have today is the result of lots of trial and error which has resulted in something that "sucks less" less than what I'm not sure though :) dsmith (~dsmith@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: "Client Exiting" btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. this was sent to jcater http://www.extra.hu/berado88/wxMODERN-fixedWidth-WRONG.jpg and this http://www.extra.hu/berado88/wxDEFAULT_fixedWidth_12point_OK.jpg by (must go home) btami (tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: "Client Exiting" Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" Nick change: SachaS -> Sacha_away Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. Derek: wrote a few lines for you to dnSleep Action: jcater is away: lunch Nick change: ^chewie -> saladshooter Nick change: saladshooter -> ^chewie reinhard (rm@N807P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it" <^chewie> mmm...raman jamest / jcater any chance specifying own fonts would fix darn ugly dropdown boxes? ;) btw> i got my SAP DB 7.3 cd in mail from SAP it only took like 4 days (from germany) that might be faster than jamest could download it :) and lo behold it has the sources :) and make environment Action: dnWork is most impressed ugly dropdowns? we have ugly dropdowns? jcater: sadly yes they are a different 'size' than the other widgets and the font appears different in them is this dual-personality day we have dnWork and dnSleep all talking in the same channel jcater: well isnt that the same thing? sleep and work Action: jcater needs to get a job in the gov't sector then roflmao actually had to take doggie to vet today so just packing up and heading out to work Action: jcater is back (gone 01:09:04) is SAP Free? SAP DB is GPL'd SAP Applications are not Ah. heh, no debian package.. it's in the works, iirc hehe reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hello psu dnWork: no, own fonts won't fix problem IIRC we had to put a fudge factor into the dropdown size calculations , again IIRC i don't recall why but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with my tester always running some damn themed desktop vs the default one I aways stick with !@#!@# tester anyway psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("bbl"). dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. bye :) Arturas (arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: "ircII/tkirc" Yurik (yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan (stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" night all reinhard (rm@ left irc: "There's always one more imbecile than you expect" I just love his exit messages he's my /quit hero rofl psu started good ones too i liked his /quit When my quit messages grow up they want to work for reinhard or something rofl I had two good quotes recently: Everyone is entitled to be stupid, just some people abuse the privelege (or something close to that) woohoo! I submitted my first DCL patch today and i really love this one "The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." -- George Bernard Shaw as often times some one here says lets do XYZ not taking into account any impact the relations XYZ have on anything else So I say sounds, good but work cause it breaks XYZ's relationships... at which point im being 'negative' ;) jcater: you patch against head? or against a branch? um dcl-20020215 cool i might need your help later on how to do that :) as i have been mostly owrking in head, but see somethings i want to chagne in the last release :) I added "Mailer: noreply-dcl@myhost.mydomain.com" to his email headers i didnt get a commit message so I can filter the damn things why couldnt you filter them before? since the From: is always the user's name and the To: is your name there wasn't much to filter against at one point, I was searching for [WO#.* in the subject but once some gnue butt decided to use DCL for a free software project jcater: doh thats right, i think here i hacked it to always send from a special account that didn't work out so well instead of from the 'user' at some point might want to make that an option as right now if i get a ticket and hit reply to all it probably emails the original ticket submitter which in a lot of environments might be good but we really want the end users communicating with developers through DCL not individual email :) ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" chillywilly (~danielb@d41.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. talli (~talli@xd84b5c59.ip.ggn.net) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (danielb@d41.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) chillywilly (~danielb@d33.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. yay, I got the job in OR Action: talli dips his toe into the #gnuenterprise water anyone mind if a newbie asks a status question? i know those can be annoying... nope if we dont like the question we will ignore you :) deal or hurl rotton carrots at you i noticed that there's been quite a bit of activity with GNUe Reports in CVS the past few weeks has it's status of proof of concept changed at all? Action: dneighbo notes that talli is observant, thus elevating him out of 'newbie' status ;) talli the proof of concept works if you take the foobulations report and run it, it reads teh database and creates resulting XML and we have text and html transformations of that XML nice jcater has started solidifying the 'ease' of use side and i think has made good strides if i have a project that needs to go into production, and i have developers to implement it, would you recommend its use? i.e. so you can do something like reports -output=html -d theoutput.html myreport.gfd also as part of that work he has bolted on output types fax and email and printer all of which work so you can run a report and have it go direclty to fax, email, printer or file in txt or html format wow!! that's great talli i would say if you have to be in production like today and you arent willing to 'suffer the ills' of using growing software then reports is not for you today why can I never find what I am looking for Action: chillywilly digs through hsi moutain of papers well, i would say that we have a few months before production IF however you have a little time before you need to be in produciton i.e. you are coding production er, hisi mountain and certainly more than that before reports are critical fuck and you have developers on staff that can quickly patch code if for some reason the reports development team is around ok, that sounds great then reports might be a pretty good bet for you i will also say that for immediate focus text and html will be the concentrated outputs but i am looking at gnumeric and excell outputs as well what is the current major stepping stones? ps, pdf etc will come shortly but with XSLT they have to go to FO first which i need to study up on in particular, what is the work entailed in creating new reports? is that a developer exercise or someone that is reasonably technical can do it? also currently there is no visual report designer though we are expecting that our current visual forms designer will be easily adapted to the task talli if they know markup they can do it i.e. if they could write an html report they could write a gnue report right now someone will have to make a Python FO engine or else install java. nickr dont tell me that as when i hear you say that, i remember i am somewhat of an old skool postscript wizard dneighbo: thanks alot! dneighbo: guess what? ;) and im HIGHLY likely to instead go straight from XML to raw postscript as we have a python libary for postscript dneighbo: you should write a FO engine instead talli : http://gnuenterprise.org/~dneighbo/hold/monthly.grd no is what a report looks like no? FO engine would take ENTIRELY too long to write that's an admirable long-term goal but probably outside our current scope jcater i agree http://gnuenterprise.org/~dneighbo/hold/monthly.xml dneighbo: that no wasn't directed at what you were explaining :) is FO really that complex? is what is created after you run that .grd through the 'engine' surely its mappable to TeX or something http://gnuenterprise.org/~dneighbo/hold/monthly.html is then the resulting html output btw: the links are output from the sample in cvs and were created not manufactured by actually executing the report and the transformation :) very nice! http://gnuenterprise.org/~dneighbo/hold/monthly.txt is the text output (notice columns look like crap) its on our todo list :) note that the html and text markups are quick little scripts dneighbo did but that gives you some idea of where it sits jcater : absolutely they will only get better and better and if dneighbo can do those, it proves to me that writing other output formats will be trivial Action: jcater ducks jcater: i couldnt agree more :) that was the point that if in a night or two we can get that kind of output we should be able to do some pretty cool stuff that's really great the issue for me currently is the end-user interface with nickrs help most of that report for html has css (so any html person) could alter it without touching any real 'code' or xslt style sheets i don't think that is too much of a pain, thouhg as there are some new WYSIWYG apps for XML we dont have an end user interface yet (only command line) as for the report builder our designer will allow you to drag and drop to create reports wow. that's even cooler! note that the "will" is future tense not present tense i will go out on a limb and say after we nail some basic reports and iron out some kinks that will be probably high on the list of next steps dneighbo: yes, I agree I plan to put reports into production use fairly quickly as to a 'client' for applications what's so special about FO? I dun get it the GNUe Reports is an 'engine' in teh sense is it can be a server wtf are you guys familiar with the OpenACS project? so fairly quickly we should support clients that can talk some form of RPC (CORBA or XML-RPC etc) to talk to it why do women never answer the phone i have heard of it but its been a while chillywilly cause they know you are on the other end of the line ;) i'm an active member of that project, which seeks to build an "enterprise" collaborative web application enviro :P <^chewie> I'd have to agree with derek, chilly dneighbo: wrote code? I am talking about my woman of course <^chewie> chillywilly: of course but that's no so importnat, as much as the use of AOLserver and PG isn't he the guy that just breaks our stuff, claiming bugs and such? nickr on further thought i would recommend someone use java FO or such before we write one :) <^chewie> chillywilly: my woman usually ignores the phone during work and when driving only for time savings sake <^chewie> chillywilly: and if she's on the NordicTrac, the phone is the furthest thing from her mind <^chewie> ;-) jamest: I think his XSLT stuff was an attempt to break reports so far, it's survived but I know that's his ulterior motive jcater: yeah i tried ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip1.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. you know what they say 'if at first you dont succeed, try and try again' dneighbo: I'll probably be doing so DCL reports soon "management" reports <^chewie> ;-) if so, I'll put those in our samples tree hmm i was going to start that :) well, these may be custom reports but would rather do transformations :) /msg jcater I can slip you the old forms code that segfaulted derek's xserver, that's keeps him busy for a while dneighbo and jcater: if i understand you guys, the main impediment right now are the scripts to translate the generated XML? not rewrites of his existing reports <^chewie> unfortunately, the demand for a web-based application is forcing me to use zope haha, I just talked to her <^chewie> but that's not all that bad ;-) talli : not so much, the main impediment is just getting people to use test and suggest :) I volunteer to write a FO engine in python within 10 years. :) talli: all the transforms and examples you're seeing have come to fruit in the last 10 days the text transformation tool needs work and surely things will pop up as reports get mroe complex so this is all fairly recent as such, we don't have many/any mainstream users except my office jcater: did you implement triggers in reports? so the main problem with reports is that its an infant :) /ignore jamest jcater: or no need? jamest: that'll be 0.0.2 Nick change: jamest -> dnKansas :) rofl rofl jcater: did you implement triggers in reports? dnKansas there is definitely a need Nick change: dnKansas -> jamest yes, definitely a need but I feel I have enough to justify a first release am I wrong? jamest but until production warrants it there are is plenty else to do :) jcater : you are right you are right do you guys have a roadmap at all? (just wonderign - i know what building free apps is like...) we've tried i think if the text transformation was cleaned up and maybe another sample (specifically like a dcl report) then we are good to go talli we will be doing that more as we learn dneighbo: i see free software is a strange and wild animal very much. but that's a feature, not a bug ;) diong development with people who speak your native tongue as a 4th language and are 10 time zones away makes for interesting development at times haha dneighbo: are you still having trouble getting tabs into it? um i think i got that to work that was a temporary solution well, a free reports app is certainly among the holy grails in the free software world what would be best is to use xslt to transform it right into text, and then use perl to align and format it i really have to do iternations to format it perl has EXCELLENT report generation stuff so its like that people rarely use which is silly, cause thats what perl is FO R um i dont like perl and dont want it as dependency if i had to drop back i would drop to python I agree about perl (i.e., that's what perl IS) but not so sure if I like introducing another layer :( would like to see if can do it in XSLT though well whateva nickr its not a bad idea i just want to try it in XSLT first if we did have to drop back to a scripting language, I'd think that script would read the XML output directly and not bother with an XSLT intermediate translation even if its a little tougher as then its not another layer jcater: i agree jcater: after more toilet thought im thinking it will be a lot easier to do width="" on each tag like you had it before but we can make the 'designer' do the work i.e. if in a header row you set a width it sets teh width for all its children can reports be used separately from Designer? i mean, relatively easily/ we can do that if needed just seems redundant yip er talli : yip reports isn't even used by designer yet cool so that's a resounding yes! :) so as of now, a person can define an XML schema and submit it to reports you could certainly use emacs or vi or anything that would let you edit flat text or xml talli ? reports is pretty generic the main obstacle in generating the Report is writing the script to translate the XML. those are still in development/ is this correct thinking/ ? just curious, so FO means that the objects will write themselves out to whatever format? if you use the set tags for reporting you can use our transformation tools ok, cool even for reports of arbitrary complexity? if you wanted to make your own tags and transformation tools you could somewhat do that as well as long as you write you're own XSLT transforms... talli : its a multi step process should I be RTFM'ing? chillywilly: FO is an xml schema for physical markup afaik oh grd (xml report definition) -> report engine (loads data) -> xml output (with data) -> transformation (currently xml) -> output FO stands for what again? all pieces are written and work chillywilly: Formatting Objects its just they are infants :) it's a W3C standard dneighbo: yes, i understand really interesting ok, time to order road runner ;) jcater: do we have psp installed on ash? if so i think i might whip up something for dcl to use our reports as a sample i.e. use ashes data to poplulate the report but you give some parameters in a web form and smack generate report (in a psp page) that then runs report and returns resulting html file thanks for all the time and advice, everyone, and especially dneighbo i apprecaite it talli we have a pretty good community seems like it! and i can say if you choose to use gnue psp? don't think so you will get help :) that's awesome it might not be useful, but you will get it :) psp == python server pages not to my knowledge we've had many clients begging for reports, so this will certainly be something that will be on our radar what do we need that for? i will see if i can get other members of my community to poke their heads in here and help btw, anyone in the boston area? um so i can use sabltron inline i'm hosting a openacs social there on april 23rd free beer though i suppose i should look at new reports you checked in free beer? hmm i thought that would get some attention... how far is it from Memphis, TN to Boston? Action: dneighbo wsa thinking that i would just call reports directly from python server page where is 'here' might be worth the drive for free beer :) oh boston Action: dneighbo is lame jcater: not too far. can you borrow elvis' jet? hehe rofl well if its a liquor party adn not a tea party don't think so... priscilla has it this weekend women. it might be more fun to go to memphis if the boston tea party had happened in TN it'd be the Tennessee Whiskey Party ;) or, the Civil War oh. wait. we already have those anyway, if anyone is in the Cambridge-Boston area and is interested in meeting other geeks over beer and bbq, check out openacs.org there's a news item about the social cool I take it you are with OpenACS? jcater: yeah, i am we use your site's Why Not MySQL page regularly :) when people ask us :) this is my co: http://www.museatech.net YES! yeah, mysql isn't thought too higly of in hte oacs community hmm Action: Isomer is amazed at how many people still try and use it tho mostly, we threaten each other with building a site for the other guy's mother on top of mysql rofl we have similar inside jokes hehe ok,w ell talk to you guys later. thanks for the tip. i'll come by more often and come to the oacs social if you're in bsoton! talli (~talli@xd84b5c59.ip.ggn.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). Action: chillywilly checks out openacs.org drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. looks cool btw, whatever happened to our web ui for forms? jamest (jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "[x]chat" <^chewie> ok, db normalization question, stragic design <^chewie> any app that has people involved needs a contact mgmt module <^chewie> in it, each person needs multiple addresses <^chewie> you can either create a generic person, person_postaddr, postaddr table combo <^chewie> or just a person, person_postaddr table where person_id is used to group postaddr's <^chewie> which, in terms of a practical design decision would you go with I've had better luck with the latter design in real-world usage Action: ^chewie nods re <^chewie> that's what I'm thinking person_postaddr would link the 2 tables in the first one right? chilly: yeah I'd like to know ;-) <^chewie> chillywilly: yeah what is the status of OpenACS? <^chewie> object databases would make this so much easier ;-) :) like geas's relational layer Action: ^chewie nods. in ODl it has the concept of relations er relationships <^chewie> that's the tricky part it's pretty cool and a nice compromise <^chewie> abstracting object relations er, ODL Action: ^chewie nods but of course you still have to map these to a db if you do object-relational layer but at least you only hav to do it once of course, you then have to stop and think, "Is this worth all the effort." of course no pont in doing it for the CS jerk off effect like nickr would say btw, with that first thing you could do a join and then get the info right? <^chewie> jcater: you know, the answer to that is sometimes a "kick back, relax, grab a beer, and look at it tomorrow" i stepping in middle but how we are curretnly handling is contact table and address table <^chewie> chillywilly: yes then a contact_address table Action: Mr_You is not a fan of ACS. Action: ^chewie nods <^chewie> dneighbo: thought so which has a contact_id and address_id columns is a join more or less expensive than a select? so you can have unlimited addresses for a contact <^chewie> chillywilly: it is a select ;-) <^chewie> chillywilly: it's just a special select ;-) <^chewie> chillywilly: and yes, it's more expensive if you are writing this and not THEORIZING i strongly urge you look at what we are doing :) we are bolting all this onto DCL <^chewie> I am writing it, actually the issues there is you have to have an easy way to "duplicate" an address, so if a contact moves, but other contacts with the "same" address do not, you can easily/intuitively remove them and are looking to make a contact manager for FSF <^chewie> dneighbo: will do and will be part of gnue and the "intuitive" issue is where I've had issues the tables are already made sorry ^chewie I got you hooked up into my theorizing racket ;?P <^chewie> ok, gotta go <^chewie> chillywilly: everyone does. it's called "over-engineering" and I'm plagued with it sometimes <^chewie> chillywilly: that's why I'm "doing" instead of "theorizing" right now i didnt mean it like that heheh <^chewie> gotta go ^chewie (chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" I;m giving you shit dneighbo i was curious as to whether it was a general design question eeww over-engineering is icky or a hey im doing this right now whats best :) you know I love ya Action: chillywilly is plagued with this also but that's nothing new dneighbo: how do you handle the issue I brought up? as I'm quite curious as the 3 table approach is better normalized man I want to hack tonight but is not intuitive to the end-user outside of basic functionality I have to got ot he hospital and see the new baby caroline's sister had boy aren't my priorieties h0rked wtf does 'normalized' mean again anyway in db terms? http://www.datamodel.org/NormalizationRules.html oooooh tnx sorry was away um the three table approach you use the UI to abuse it ooooo i.e. you have a special 'copy' function for address chillywilly: here's a better one: http://www.fmsinc.com/tpapers/datanorm/ you open a contact then if you want to use an existing address (9 out of 10 times you know the address by the person/company/etc) you look up that portion and then click the copy button this makes a NEW entry in teh contact_address table AND a new entry in the ADDRESS table i.e. it doesnt FULLY normalize things now, see in a full normalization this is what I thought it would share the same address id so what's the purpose of three tables then... you are using them as 2 um so you can have unlimited i.e., there's a 1:1 between contact_address and address if you only have two tables I see so a nromailzed db design makes sure that it is flexible enough so that you don't have to muck with fields much you would either put the addressid in the contact, or the contactid in teh address allowing you only ONE thus making it more efficient chillywilly: so you don't have to deal with redundant data ok yea, I see that point too you could certainly do contact in the address table and just duplicate up well, you'd put the contactid in the address table but it leaves you locked into a 1:1 regardless my point is, the way you described, that's exactly what you're accomplishing for contacts generally this is a good thing but when you move to say companies some times its nice to have the many to many "A primary goal of good database design is to make sure your data can be easily maintained over time. Databases are great at managing more records. They are terrible if fields need to be added since all its queries, forms, reports, and code are field dependent. " have the table gives you the flexibility if you are mad enough to make the corresponding gui to support it ok its kind of pain as normally i would say 1:1 is sufficient so you are designing a database backend that will handle much more than what the GUI will actually be throwing at it that has merit jcater: yes although I question the logic i dont think its that much of a performance hit but I do see the merit but i suppose it could be ok, I will ask the unthinkable i need a white board :) on irc is doing an object-relational layer worth the effort? chillywilly: huh? for what? Action: dneighbo wonders if it is worth going back to address/contact in the app server or in the enterprise oh GNUe I can't answer that etc. heheh ok err, I will refrain from answering that i will discuss with mdean if you don't think so then say it I have been for a long time or so I thought as im recalling that at axis they had how i described and i was wanting to go to the pared down model you are describing (as at that time forms didnt like that model) :) though with some block hacking i got it to work but it was really only doing 1:1 btw, I know the merits of both designs... I've used them both I was just curious, if you were using the 3-table approach, how you pulled off the GUI but you've answered my question You didn't you just made an allowance for future use I haven't figured out how to make an acceptable interface to that 3-table design either :( well i actually had a design to the 3 table for ui but the problem is its not overtly intuitive but more so, it leads to people freaking out yeah ex: my experience exactly karl foo registers as contact with address 101 foo street next week his daughter registers with address 101 foo street and the same id is used 2 years later his daughter comes in and says oh my address changed, so the address is updated the next day karl comes in and is like wtf, thats my daughters address :) my experience exactly :) i.e. the person registering isnt smart enough (not because they are dumb) to know when to inherit and address and when to create a new one when to do a global change etc etcc plus the gui usually ends up more cumbersome to support the different options at first i was thinking in a corporate environment this would be good though in sense if say i deal with INTEL and they have 100 employees its easier to maintain one address than 100 if intel moves but the reality is the bigger the company the more ADDRESS it has :) that's why I said to ^chewie that my real world experience lends me to using the 2-table design instead of the 3-table and poeple move aournd etc etc etc and then you came in and contradicted me :) sigh easier to write a 'address updater' Action: dneighbo goofed, forgive me :) Action: dneighbo was thinking that i went with easier model in DCL as i had issues at AJRS but it appears i wasnt thinking clearly there Maniac (~User@ joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly feels good because he actually followed that ;P chillywilly: we're gonna make you a relational trout before you know it I have another perfect argument for Relational vs Object go to your significant other 1) Call her an Object object have relations though 2) Call her a good Relation see which one gets you slapped hell, you can even call her a "Good Object" but still see which one gets you slapped :) what's the relational equivalent to inheritance? inheritance is an object concept I can expand a table using an existing table can I? that's like asking to compare the tractor equivalent of love er, can't or the trout equivalent of wings say i want to add several fields without modifying yhe yable it just ain't gonna happen er, table two different paradigms can;t be done can it? two different paradigms Is ee objects as a bit more flexible in that regrad regard see typing sucks tell me about it you should try speaking sometime it's even worse to large crowds? ;P anyway, I don't know why we always have to have these object vs. relational flame wars ;P actually you can create new columns in sql that are temporary cross tab queries and things like sums etc are exmaples of this but true be it different model :) also, you can have "key" fields they describe what kind of "object" this "record" is if you MUST compare paradigms but still, it's apples vs oranges both have merit and both have shortcomings i.e., I don't have a new table for each "class" of employee I just have an "employee_type" field and I thought the whole point was to provide some choice anyway... sure that's counter to everything I've heard about geas to date, though does employee_type point to a table? chillywilly: it could uh? I would have an employee_types table with a description the current geas wasn't designed by anyone except andrewm...I can't take much credit for it's wondeful *cough* design well, even in talks geas always ends up being "object" which I guess is fine but that's still not a "choice " my big gripe with object data storage is it leaves you locked into a vendor more so than SQL I wrote a so-call OQL module that doesn't do OQL and recursive gcd parsing code er, processing i.e. most object systems require the object environment of said system as only way to deal with the data at least the 2 i worked with did supposedly OQL will alleviate some of that dependency just like SQL did both eventually made odbc drivers to help eliminate some of the interoperation issues but I don't work w/object databases, so I can't attest to that but did not remove the vendor lock in issue jcater: i think thats fair but like m$ the leading object folks dont REALLY want a standard neither do I, but there's a standard that should be vender neutral ;) as they lose thier lockin dneighbo: I have no idea just an observation i.e. its hard because the little guys want the standard ODMG doesn't seem to be implementation specific at all bu tthe big guys dont (well tehy say they do, but they drag their feet) OMG has a persistence service IIRC the same could be said about sql... basic sql should work across all sql vendors.. but you still have "Oracle SQL", "DB2 SQL", "SAP SQL" once you get out of the basic stuff but, still, I agree even if it's only because of the years on the market relational databsaes are more compatable whether they wanted to be or not :) sure people like to screw each other well I prefer women only well tell M$ to get their dick out of everyone's ass ;) dneighbo: you get my Object vs Relational joke re asking your significant other? you said that one before you know you need new material ;) I know Action: jcater hangs his head low oooo, a penny hehe yes i did man I don't want to drive all the way to Columbia hospital it's too far chillywilly: then call that's not too good though I should go anyway "So, what's the sex attribute of your little object?" hehe that's a good one "The one with your subclassed DNA?" http://www.tietovayla.fi/borland/cplus/revquide/oo1_rel.htm looks interesting designk woops cool I'll have to read that later i think most women say i dont care if you see me as object or relation as long as you dont ask me to spawn any new processes hehe posix_spawn() not my woman fork() :( already wanting another jcater.fork() mount; fsck; unmount lol fork this is the cycle of life... however the filesystem logic goes in reverse i.e., you start out with an ext3 system mount; fsck; unmount goes quickly but as you mature, you move to an "ext2" system Action: jcater will stop there I am pretty sure I have an ext2 filesystem wtf is nfa? woops wrong window http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~akmal/ot97.dir/ot97.html also interesting journaling fs should become standard.. will probably go ext3 I guess or clusterfs jcater (jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" journalling filesystems are for those cops that patrol for devices solicting mounting jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201167.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is away: hitting the crack pipe Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:17:16) jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. sup jcater back for more eh? um sure eheheh sya dudes I am leaving now bye chillywilly (danielb@d33.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: "Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Windows is really freaking annoying. hi all It's nickr, hereafter known as "Master of the Obvious" ;) dtm: howdy Thats Captain Obvious to you I just don't normally deal with it, but I have a powerful hunger to play Starcraft. lol Action: dneighbo wonders how microsoft was chosen by gamers? i mean it pisses me off when in the middle of pod racer the friggin thing just HANGS yea I dunno. my installation's DX is fucked, and theres no way to wipe and reinstall it without wiping the whole installation. oi! windows rawkz!! muahahhaahahaahhhaaa gar format is gonna take 3 weeks dneighbo: oh btw, according to a recent thread on debian-devel you should try using the VESA driver until xf86 4.2 comes out, it appearently works pretty well for that one card cyberblade the cyberblade and 2 other cards are the only three that don't work with 4.1 appearently matrox g550 is another nickr if you knew my luck they need not even ask the question merely they just had to ask what hardware is dneighbo running? hmm someone should look at that its probably buggy if suported at all ;) nickr i will bug you when i get home on configuring it dneighbo (dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "[BX] Size DOES matter" afternoon all howdy ajmitch: ITS YOU !! are you sure, dtm? how do you know it's not Bill? j000r h33m. i gn0 j000r h33m. yeah, what he said Action: ajmitch calls for a translator sorry, i get an accent sometimes. I can do it "george helm is so george helm" heh THAT'Z EEET! " "thanks electrical engineers?" J3SH, J00 GAWD EEET!! I do NOT have gawdy feet! SI SI J00 ARE KEEE-RECKT SIR so are you any of you foolz familiar with DCL administration? somewhat not really at the moment you will observe http://home.smuckola.org/dtm_dcl_phpgw_usage_scenario.html i dont know if you guys are into that sort of stuff but if you like, you could sanity check that have you guys ever used or administrated phpgroupware? no I thought about it for 30 seconds then decided against it ok hmm yeah i've got phpgw installed here I'm getting an unknown host on that url don't use it much jcater: well that's just not right! ajmitch: what version cvs head from a few days ago that url works for me sounds dangerous, my friend then the fates have decided that ajmitch shall evaluate my needs! uh oh you may proceed Action: ajmitch whimpers DO IT ajmitch: 1) do you grok my usage scenario 2) do you grok how i'm implementing it you will answer those queries in sequence at this time! am trying to just grok at the moment THAT IS A DISSATISFACTORY ANSWER. DO NOT RELOAD THE PAGE DO YOU THINK WEB PAGES GROW ON TREES?! I ONLY HAVE SO MANY! you just want to have a seamless dcl/phpgw installation? as much as possible alright i have multiple groups, whose participants may be both group coworkers and personal friends, and who also have private lives private lives? they shoudl be working on GNUe then!! yes, like having "pick up the kids" or "grocery shopping" as a private item !@#*)$ INSOLENCE hmm maybe i could get them or their kids to work on gnue. heh kids are free labor for sure no talent though. and they chew the toilet paper into shreds :/ dcl works within a phpgw installation, but it doesn't really "integrate" itself into the environment...you're basically just running dcl within the phpgw page layout yeah that's fine but anyhow, dcl is a unique beast much like mdean :-) )#@*! rdean: what do you think of my phpgw/dcl buffoonery? ajmitch: so do you grok my usage scenario sorta, i think Action: ajmitch is just plain confused by computers ;) you poor guy i know how to turn on one! and i can play solitaire & surf AOL! Action: rdean uses the new gecko-based Compuserve when I forget that I don't need to run the Compuserve client at all :-) so when are you foolz gonna port phpgw to gnue? how far will dcl be 'ported'? i dont know Action: ajmitch is crazy Action: rdean is thinking about porting DCL to Java Server Pages Action: rdean 's employer specifies Java for all the products it develops/purchases why JSP? why not PSP? ;) see second comment i know, but still... Jython? ;) heh...they run everything off of Websphere have a JSP project coming up...taking the inquiry part of the invoicing system I work on onto the intranet. alright gotta php project coming up for an org I'm in....can't find an online calendar with online signup already built, and they REALLY need one. Action: rdean digresses Nick change: Sacha_away -> SachaS ToyMan (stuq@c5300-4-ip1.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: No route to host chillywilly (~danielb@d33.as6.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gnuenterprise. yo chillywilly yo chilidog! jc! commit that stuff chillywilly! heheh ok fine sheesh jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201167.flinthills.com) left #gnuenterprise. Action: ajmitch waits patiently for the commit messages for today to roll in :) I am removing the generated files hey, jamest committed :) rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" heheh where should i put this thing? hmmm docbook/Proposals? possibly cos once you commit, we can comment on it & suggest improvements :) well I am not sure there's a whole lot to comment on um what are you committing? Action: jcater prays its not more object cra^Wstuff docs & stuff about geas :) I mean the out line is sorta incomplete and the ODMG binding is the longest jcater: thanks a lot jcater: i think it is object cra^Wstuff how do you pronounce cra^Wstuff? it's the GEAS archictecure document combining all neilt's, reinhard's and my work(s) if that's crap then so be it ;) ajmitch: it's pronounced like "Ob-jekt" er, architecture even SachaS (sacha@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ok, committed Action: chillywilly troutslaps ajmitch Action: ajmitch enjoys it :) heh at least someone will but I need to work on it some more right now ;) man it is hot summer is definitely coming Action: ajmitch starts reading hmmm, where's my final commit message at? dunno, it disappeared probably awaiting moderator approval it shoudln't it doesn't need any approval I have my savannah account added to gnue SachaS (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. that's all the approval you need cvs write access yeah, but some lists need approval for big messages? it's not that big though sure it is :) hi chillywilly. i read about mda from omg. ok I thought it looked interesting OMG is bascially trying to standards everything in the enterprise it seems standardize chillywilly. i like the idea, that business people design a business system with models. chillywilly: i also kind of like the idea that then a code generator does the modelling to source code. but i see a lot of problems there well we need Free tools to do MDA stuff unless by some miracle Rational Rose is released as Free Software ;P chillywilly: when you change the source code by hand it has to go back to the models, if you change the models the code has to get updated and DONT forget to do the manual changes you did before this is what happens when you use Rose too chillywilly: have you seen argouml ? they made us use it in Software design class umm, a little brb chillywilly: it might get messy in the code. well Rose worked out ok doesn't matter to me I'm not goign to stop my gaeas and odmg work just because I found out that OMG now wants to support all middlewares we're still writing out own gnurpc is still underway yes. jsut something to keep in mind er, I mena the OMG is mean everyone thinks .NET is the coolest thing right now anyway ;P blech tnt ([vLiz69n4Y@ joined #gnuenterprise. if there's one thing I've learned is that the tried and true old technologies still rain supreme welcome tnt Hello... could someone PLEASE explain what GNU Bayonne is. (All I know is that it has something to do with telephony... but I'm not sure what.) ajmitch: Hey :-) well for the enterprise it can be used to do voice mail i don't know much about bayonne myself, which is why i want someone else to answer ;) touch tone phone systems like provide a menu for this and for that Kool. Can it forward calls... to another number? thisisi my vague understanding ;P probably the bayonne author doesn't hang out here much he has a real life (tm) ;P :-) there's #bayonne but I nbet you $100 it is empty Yup... empty. dsmith (dsmith@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection anyway, I hope you get the picture....it basically provides telephony services like what some sophisticated phone system thingy does but with a PC and a telephony phone card What is a telephony phone card?... Would a 3COM V.90 Modem be an example??? that would be a modem I'm not sure what makes up a telephony card or what they do I only understand things froma superficial level ;P Action: tnt finds an article on NewsForge: http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/04/12/1739202 Anyone used the "SoftPhone"? nope....I bet some people here have played with it at LinuxWorld Action: tnt wonders who wrote the article... they didn't even put a link to the GNU Bayonne, or GNUe websites. That would be something some of my clients would find useful. Action: tnt takes a look at the GNU Bayonne website, to find something on the SoftPhone. Action: tnt wonders who made the fonts so small on the GNU Bayonne website. jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318863.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey!!! ajmitch!!! dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_ (sacha@ left irc: Client Quit SachaS_ (~sacha@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS_ -> Sacha_temp SachaS (sacha@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: Sacha_temp -> SachaS dres_ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Remote closed the connection tnt: bayonne does a wide range of nifty things an example of a telephony card is: http://www.intel.com/network/csp/products/4473web.htm bayonne can communicate directly with office PBX's or it can take the place of a PBX in which you have a complete call switching center on a linux box you can use it for voice mail (multiline) you could use it for interactive touch-tone menus including tying back into a database (i.e., pulling up a client's account information via a phone menu) um you could program autodialers (that work with a PBX or just on a plain old telephone line) it's a pretty impressive piece of software Are there any HOWTOs for it? That explain how to set it up. that I don't know I haven't had the opportunity to use it I actually operate a call center and I plan to migrate to a bayonne solution (I've had chances to talk w/the main bayonne guys about their stuff, which is why I have a decent grasp on what it can do) but beyond that, I'm not going to be much help :( What's a PBX? it is a phone switch/exchange if you've been in an office environment where you can pick up any extension at a desk and get a line by pressing 9 that's a PBX driving those phones OK. (I understand now.) jcater: I'm interested in hearing about the call centre. I Didn't think bayonne did ACD yet. I do not claim to be an expert in telephony, btw not by any means ACD? Automatic Call Distribution. Like call queues, and stuff. I'm not sure how much out-of-the-box functionality it can do it's really an architecture imho this is just in conversations with the bayonne guy I don't know what it will do without a little coercing by a knowledgable staff a staff that I do not have :) tnt: I hope I was a little help please don't take anything I've said as authoritative, though :) jcater: You were. jcater: I understand things better now. jcater: GNU Bayonne is just what I was hoping it would be. jcater: Now I need to figure out how to set it up. jbailey: what did you want to know about my callcenter? jbailey: you'd be proud to know that, except for 2 executive's computers, my call-center is completely free :) well, stuff that's actually at the call center they link up with an oracle database here in our Memphis office I'm not quite brave enough to go free database yet, but pretty damn close Nice! but, we have about 40 workstations all running debian + ltsp + kde If you can do it with 40, you can do it with 240. 30's about the breakpoint, I think. What's ltsp? terminal servers diskless workstations ltsp.org I'm installing the first Debian GNU/Linux system at my work tommorow for my workstation. It'll be an adventure. basically a bunch of cheap PCs that remote-boot debian, start up an X session, and run all their apps on a souped up debian server remote-X it's really sweet the administration is great Wow, nice. this is in a small town 90 miles from here How is it for bandwidth consumption? and when I saw small, I mean small! You drive 90 miles for work? so we are the nearest tech support this is a remote office Ah, okay. =) so administration is key hence the reason we switched from redhat to debian No kiddin' bandwidth I keep telling people. "Sure the install sucks, but you only have to do it once..." well, I wouldn't do remote X over 10Mbs we have 2 100Mbs switches tnt ([vLiz69n4Y@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). connecting all the computers to a single 3COM 100Mbs NIS on a debian machine Nice. and you couldn't tell that you aren't sitting at an actual debian session but I tested over 10Mbs the ltsp people say it's fine but I don't recommend it :) Sort of like VNC. hehe i've used X over 10Mbps it's usable but slow I've done X over isdn. I had to do an oracle install. God that was nasty. kind of i'm running 128kbps adsl here, would probably hurt just as much :) yeah, we have a 256K frame relay between here and there (for database connections) sometimes I ssh -X between here and there to test something and that is hell but much less of a hell than a 90 minute drive one-way :) for 5 years (ending 3 years ago) all this was done with SCO OpenServer Action: jbailey pukes. well, let's just say I averages a trip every 7-9 days s/averages/averaged/ not fun now, I go every 3 months and that's to bring printers back for cleaning :) what's really cool is all the options free software has opened up for us i.e., all the things I can make debian do that was a biotch under SCO e.g., we rsync their entire setup back to Memphis every night over a 256K link (rsync is beautiful) yeah, i use it for syncing between uni & home it's great stuff plus, if the day ever comes where they outgrow their single server, I can just build a second and install all the same stuff on it without licensing hell actually, we just ran into that this past spring we have some old SCO apps so we have a single server here in memphis that everyone telnets to SCO OpenSewer well, we only had a limited license on that so once so many people logged in, no one else could get in and of course, SCO has gone the way of the dinosaur Did you try ibcs2 or not that brave? yes! I got it running on a low-end debian machine this spring WOw. and no body noticed the switch i hate non-free licensing of course, ibcs had 0 docs and no home page nonfree licensing hates you too so after a year or so of newsgroup searching nickr: it probably does :) I finally got it working this past spring err, this spring (it is spring :) no, it's autumn :P lol you non-american freak! :) Hey! j/k You're outnumbered... I noticed Isomer will back me up, i'm sure ;) that it's autumn? I believe you yeah, he's one of the few from the southern hemisphere this channel is so northen-biased :) we need to get more kiwis back here btw, I cringe everytime I hear someone say linux isn't ready for the desktop like andrewm :) I say, bullsh&t I have a building full of 40 women who don't have PCs at home I do not train any of them on how to use the KDE desktop heh, herding cats... other than a single (click here to start your database app) but I go back in a month and they all have custom backgrounds colors etc nice :) and have figured out the 4 virtual desktop thingies KDE is a pretty good desktop hell, they even taught me that you could rename the 4 desktops I didn't know that! :) Action: ajmitch thinks dcop can be useful at times yet i still use gnome at home :) so when critics say a linux desktop isn't friendly enough, I say screw you! actually, I don't say a word I just smile and do an apt-get dist-upgrade hehe Action: ajmitch checks to see if apt-get is finished I use gnome at home. I don't like the kde defaults, and I'm too lazy to figure out how to make it work the way I like it. must have finished while i was gone :) I use KDE simply so I can be on the same track as my users as I felt KDE made more sense actually, I had a lot of frustrations with GNOME i use KDE at uni in the CS lab and KDE has become my desktop of choice but I'm not here to argue for KDE just stating my decision :) only part of gnome i use is the panel, i guess since chillywilly doesn't seem to be around, we can say good things about KDE :) rofl managed to get him to commit some geas scratchings jbailey (jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp318863.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" --- Wed Apr 17 2002