[00:02] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Nick change: Yurik[Zzz_a_bit] -> Yurik ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hi ra3vat hey ra3vat how's it shakin'? shakin'? capybara (~capybara@24-205-69-70.glen-dyn.charterpipeline.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: chillywilly is away: zzzzzZZZZ Nick change: chillywilly -> cw-zzzzZZZZ derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. yo derek SachaS_ (~sacha@dialup-196-12.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-30.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. huh psu! chillywilly gets to zzz now Action: ajmitch falls down in awe he's a power cable user ;-/ hehe Action: ajmitch doesn't bother with nick changing :) Nick change: psu -> psu_awake hehe me either - it's very ostentatious Nick change: psu_awake -> psu when's KC 26 due? end of the week ok chillywilly & i are planning a geas discussion for this weekend, anyway KC week runs Thu-Wed, with 3 days at the end to get things sorted mainly the 2 of us & whoever else decides to join in :) drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: psu does some preparatory work - drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
;-) lol it might turn into that yet i dunno well i hope that we can get something constructive planned Nick change: SachaS_ -> SachaS ooh, I want in on this bitchfest hehe nickr: gentlemen are requested to leave their trout behind the bar as in all the best westerns ok, currently spamming the DotGNU list with stuff about GEAS - some poor sod asked about an appserver :) lol good thing I have my trusty deringer, errr crapie might as well slap them around a bit slap those naughty dotgnu guys into shape ajmitch: I belive the unofficial motto of the Bengal Lancers regiment was "Don;t ask questions - you'll only get answers" should be the motto of most mailing lists I guess ;-) hehe bBengal Lancers? gah some sort of weird breakfast brigade? Bagel Lancers did anyone actually say anything yesterday or was it netsplits all the way? netsplits mostly dunno if there was anything useful reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. hey reinhard chillywilly & i have planned a bitchfest^Wdiscussion about geas in the weekend, mainly just the 2 of us hammering things out but others are welcome :) really, it's just an excuse for chillywilly to show off his cable modem hehe and me? "I'll just DCC you this 3MB proof of concept I happen to have" gah i'm limited to 128kbps here UK universities have SuperJANET - I suggest trying to wangle a student exchange ;-) heh The original JANET - now that was one flakey network Action: ajmitch hopes reinhard sees my message :) capybara (~capybara@24-205-69-70.glen-dyn.charterpipeline.net) left irc: "Geronimo!!!" hehe when I first started, I was like one of the first 3000 dial-up users in the country wow 9600 or 2400? so nearly everyone (in this country) I talked to was on JANET or less? ;) Action: ajmitch doesn't want to think about 300baud a v expensive new 14.4k - but for Compu$pend I used 1200/75 oooh Anyway, JANET had it's own intepretation of various RFCs the biggest pain of which was Action: ajmitch could go up to about 6Mbps here if he was prepared to pay 20c/MB :) that e-mail addresses were big-endian not little-endian so I have to e-mail to friend@uk.ac.leeds hehehe and for incoming mail I had to "accept & route" mail for uk.co.demon.manorcon.demon.co.uk as a sub-somain s/-s/-d lol Jonathan Swift had it right - the eternal war between the big-endian and little-endian in Gullivers' Travels. Action: psu probably had his first modem when ajmitch was in diapers ;-) possibly, when did you have it? ;) Action: ajmitch is only 19, remember ;) I *think* it was 1992 or 1993 so unlikely unless you had childhood "problems" lol i'd say even i went online in 1994 tho not on my computer i had a deprived childhood, didn't have a computer until my teenage years ISTR my old CI$ id was [11011,1103] or somesuch had to use parent's one :) I had my first computer at 13 which must have been 1981 or so heh before i was born :) Sinclair ZX-81 with the 16k expansion memory board Action: psu feels very old such power problem was it was a bit wonky my first computer was a p166mmx ;) i started off for the first few years on the parent's 286 so we used to hold in in place with blu-tack and/or masking tape anyway, gotta run off & cook for flatmates, talk to you later :) the basic model came with 1k RAM have a good day sir I held out for the 16k expansion from the parents even tho' 16k was more than anyone could ever need & same to you Action: Yurik remembers his first computer w/ 64k RAM and tape loader... :) casette tapes -there's a thing a whole generation brought up on the discussion of why the special 5-minute tapes were better than the standard 30-minutes (basically shorter tapes were less likely to stretch) Action: Yurik used 60-minutes cassetes, afair bah, that computer was both awful and device thing bah, that computer was both awful and nice device thing and there was no xemacs :( ;) Action: psu remembers CP/M's ed line-editor originally for TTYs now there was an editor to sort the men from the boys Just think, if Gary Kiddell hadn't been unreachable (in his private plane) on the day IBM called we might never have heard of Bill Gates. yeah... um (Story, probably a myth, is that IBM were shopping for an OS for their first PC were trying to contact CP/M and couldn't so turned to Microsoft, who were already signed up to do the Basic and said, "could you provide the OS as well?") Anyway time for work psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("all play and no work leaves Jack unable to afford his dial-up connection"). User_ (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Maniac (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) if all jack gets for his effort at work is a 'dial-up' connection i would suggest just playing as in the newly found time he could scan the country side for open 802.11b connections ;) you didn't hurt me, nothing can hurt me, you didn't hurt me, nothing can stop me now I wanna go 'war driving' sometime I have the hardware for it. hehe. Nick change: SachaS -> SachaS_away Action: nickr deafens himself. @#*%) %^&**&%#!= ] . æðæßð¢ßð»¢hhhhøµ¶¶ð𢻠. Action: dtm grapples with nickr, ascii to ascii Action: nickr beats dtm down with a highbit. HEY NOW. i dont play none of that high ascii booolsheeit. That's dirty pool, old man! Action: dtm succumbs Action: nickr wins! Tsk Tsk. Dirty pool! someone should call the pool boy, then chillywilly! where are you?! That would be me. naw #gnuenterprise: we say more funny pointless things before 5am than most people say all day that's right yep !@$#%^&) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "reboot" w0000000! Action: ajmitch pokes dtm in the ribs wanna paste? t3rmin4t0r (~somebody@ joined #gnuenterprise. yo gopal you don't mind me calling you that? :) nope (as long as someone doesn't start the "yo momma..." series) Action: dtm 's ribs swell painfully hehe sorry dtm ok, where were we? Action: dtm recognizing ajmitch's pokings resulting in welts spelling the word "SATURDAY" in reverse ... coincidence? lol ajmitch: what... whha...wh...what di dyou DO to me, ajmitch?! ok anyway. someone do the honours of pasting? :) ajmitch: you email psu the log in #phpgroupware @*# so back to topic ? i dont know wtf KC is anyway ok yes kernel cousin ya know? yeah, back to topic another directoin of topic is that I believe a lot of gnue's leadership focuses on DCL right now no i have no idea what kernel cousin is :) all i know is that it's a big building full of doctors and patients, but that's not important right now! you're missing out you think GNUe is focussing on DCL quite a bit? i think mdean and derek are i know they are it rocks their worlds yeah, they are derek *loves* it but there is a lot of forms/designer/reports development going on DCL ? which i think would be useful for anyone who wants it not only that, but it's a metaphorical bridge. it is a conduit for absorbing mdean's technology and personal talents which is important double choco latte project management software so they're doing that, and derek is increasingly depending on it for his workplace ye[ t3rmin4t0r: http://dcl.sf.net -- read there briefly derek is hacking away at it that's derek's directoin i think that dotgnu could find gnue forms useful at some stage from mdean's direction, he is increasingly grokking gnue yeah derek and mdean are synergizing@! t3rmin4t0r: what do you see dotgnu lacking? can you feel the love? FEEL THE LOVE, FEEL ALL THAT LOVE! ooh yeah baby somebody_ (~somebody@ joined #gnuenterprise. purely platonic. disconnect? t3rmin4t0r (~somebody@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Action: dtm awaits the transformation.. form somebody_ to t3rmin4t0r!!! ROOOWWWRRRR!!!! Action: ajmitch pumps dtm's medication into him "Please don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. aaHGHHH!! ROOOWRRR!! somebody_ ... FEELING VERY AAAAANGRRRRYYY!!" yah "SOMEBODY_ BECOMING.....T3RM1N4T0R!!!" Action: ajmitch likes mutt's 'bounce' function :) so. ajmitch: hhe sounds interesting i got a reply from Asif Ali about GEAS, he cc'ed the wrong address i think i've dumped what i know. alright from what i know, an appserver is popular in webservices - see zope for example GEAS could be used in that regards, if we're allowed to make it generic enough for webservices (i think it should be) right if reinhard is around, he could comment on this Action: reinhard is not around ;) busy at work? ;) if the question is how generic the appserver will be yeah my answer is i'm not sure ;) if we can make it generic for DotGNU to use it i think the way i would go is somebody_ (~somebody@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) so i dont know how CRITICAL dcl's development is to gnue's immediate flow, in terms of software technology, but mdean's involvement will be significant and DCL development is a high professional priority for derek. i got a question on the DotGNU list about an appserver, i'll fwd it to the gnue list too design it like we need it for gnue t3rmin4t0r (~gopalv82@ joined #gnuenterprise. and if we have to extend it for dotgnu then see if it's worth that was the plan imho we have defined our primary goals like stability, speed, etc yep and i'm not willing to give up any of these doesn't everybody do that ? we shouldn't need to with a good design :) for compatibility for something not our primary goal (this is relevant to t3rmin4t0r) another thing i can say about gnue is that i believe if a major GNU project such as dotgnu needs something it can reasonably deliver, such as an app server, then I think gnue should and would be willing to devote priority to meeting its needs. but if it doesn't mean to give up any of these reinhard: it's just i can see gnue & dotgnu overlapping in these areas :) (which i expect to be the case) ajmitch: this discussion just popped outta nowhere, and i think if it bears fruit, then it could be worth all the time we've spent lurking and heckling in the last MONTH! ;) then it would be a good thing (tm) we won't give up anything, we shall hold our ground until the death!! :) once again, KILL!! HOWEVER KILL [04:48] Last message repeated 1 time(s). continue, reinhard :) i've never seen a statement less specific than "it has to be more generic" :) i know :) heh that's why we want to find out what the needs are first ;) so, how do we go about deciding what to leave to gnue (other than the default verythinh") "everything what do you mean, t3rmin4t0r? as in who implements what parts? dres__ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) yup "who does what" is currently my job for pnetlib heh so I'm aware of the stubbing toe syndrome owie we'll need to know what the needs of dotgnu webservices & stuff are, then organise it in with gnue's needs i guess i'm not a project manager, thankfully ;) I'm not in dotgnu SC either :) and what's wrong with project managers Mr Smythe? argh, run everyone! Action: t3rmin4t0r ducks perhaps ajmitch meant that he personally would be an unsuitable project manager, not that there is anything inherently wrong with project managers :) yeah, that's it :) yeah coders make poor managers (generally) well, coders make pretty poor anything really >:) Action: drochaid_ ducks and runs derek's a pretty good manager for gnue ok, i've mailed psu with the crap from earlier :) we've plenty more to talk about, so spill... :) you mailed psu crap? isn't that illegal? :o what is the current direction of gnue think mdean & derek would be willing to detail their groupware stuff? Action: t3rmin4t0r starts to ignore drochaid_ direction? building the framework as is needed :) just starts? I'm still waiting for dtm and ajmitch to /ignore me :) eg, forms & designer are working quite well, reports is getting up to speed fast they are in place because people have been using them in production so where does the RPC come in ? Motivation ========== Several GNUe tools require a platform- and implementation-independent means of communicating with other GNUe tools: from the RPC-abstraction docs ;) since GNUe components will be split across a network, there needs to be someway of communicating ajmitch: yes they are but i'll have to appoint a meeting between them first. i'll schedule it for this weekend, how about that? dtm: should be fine if you get hold of them ok i repeatedly send them icards and that gets their attention except mdean! that only worked once! he's basically *offline* dotgnu stuff would most likely use gnue parts as the processing portion, and so would use the same rpc calls to access it afaik, gnue is designed to be extended & flexible :) Ok, so it solves the lack of communication between developers ;:) haha, nothing can solve those issues ;) gopz (~gopalv82@ joined #gnuenterprise. t3rmin4t0r (~gopalv82@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Nick change: gopz -> t3rmin4t0r services still need to have a defined & agree-upon interface ok, so how can I use gnue as of now for DotGNU ? ie as an appserver or stuff ? is gnue ready as a general applicatoin server, even remotely comparable to zope? t3rmin4t0r: did you happen to get my last comment to you? (this is relevant to t3rmin4t0r) another thing i can say about gnue is that i believe if a major GNU project such as dotgnu needs something it can reasonably deliver, such as an app server, then I think gnue should and would be willing to devote priority to meeting its needs. t3rmin4t0r: that one t3rmin4t0r: you shuld at least know that :) not saying it will always meet needs in a timely fashion, but it could be possible is gnue usable for an appserver? didn't you hear that we're redoing geas, rewriting it in python instead of C? :) nope so is it off the drawing baord ? i know nothing of development status or process :) which is why i want input now, during the design stage :) t3rmin4t0r: yeah ok well you should state your requirements then :) there's some simple code, but nothing usable in the python version or i guess dotgnu probably has them documented somehwere eh? i hoep to spend a couple of weeks after exams on this :) ajmitch: so i guess the pre-python version is nothing to depend on then huh? ajmitch: destined for total obsolescence? irrelevant ? dtm: the C version is usable, but nothing special :) ajmitch: is it currently irrelevant? how can I write a small app based on gnue ? dtm: it does CORBA only, iirc ok t3rmin4t0r: if you were doing it with forms, you'd do it 2-tier I wanna take it for a spin , before recommending it ajmitch: can I do it py ? i'm not the person to talk to about that, you'd want to talk to jamest, jcater, or others about that yeah, forms, etc is all done in python derek is probably one of the best people to talk to - he's the GNUe masta I'm going to get the gnue cvs (if there is one) sure there is one :) lemme just get it but remember, in dotgnu's current state i wouldn't recommend it for much either ;) ? what was that about DotGNU ? what useful things can currently be done with it? i'm not dissing the project, don't worry ;) i'm just unsure about what parts are usable what does dotgnu has to do with gnue ? I'm just taking a look-see on what gnue can do well that's what we're trying to figure out ;) cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/gnue login (blank passwd) cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/gnue co gnue ok, I'll do that when I get home :) right :) i wish dyfet were around more I'll get that , give it some test runs and see how good it is :) heh, i'd test out forms & designer first there are quite a few samples there aah ... the parts that work ! yeah, they're in production use the old appserver was in production use, but the old maintainer up & left so we're redesigning & using the common DB drivers & RPC lib typically , any server of sorts can be put into DotGNU :) the definition is so ambigous i know :) i've just seen them being popular with dynamic websteis (eg webware, zope) gotcha except dotgnu is designed to be more than a server of flat html :) gopz (~gopalv82@ joined #gnuenterprise. yeah, gnue wants to be UI and platform independant Action: ajmitch guesses gopz' connection ain't too wonderful SachaS_away (~sacha@dialup-196-12.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) t3rmin4t0r (~gopalv82@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: ajmitch tries out gnue navigator & finds he has incomplete config files yup ok, so when should we try & get hold of people & annoy them to death about this? ;) Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid sooooo, why was python chosen for development over, say, VBA? :) drochaid: you hate life that much? hey, I developed the IT Integrated WinTel Services package for Telecom Sciences Ltd in '96 ... gopz (~gopalv82@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) gopz (~gopalv82@ joined #gnuenterprise. I have a write to hate life ... it was done in Access '95 :-/ s/write/right ewwww thankfully we have psu here to summarise all this by the end of the week :) 15 user networked, main dbfile on one of the local helpdesk machines :-( i think it should get in this week's kernel cousin dtm: kt.zork.net/GNUe access is just wrong welllllllll access is just wrong, that I agree with ... but the jet dbengine absolutely rawkz or it did ... until they changed it :-( hehe use GNUe d00d I programmed most of the system in DAO, only using VBA where absolutely necessary I think it took me 2 weeks to learn how to use access, and 6 months to learn how to work around all the bugs :) GNUe? wassat then? ;) I had a close encounter with ADO last year .. I'm still shaking ajmitch: so did we have a resolution tonight? dtm: not sure :) ok gopz (~gopalv82@ left irc: "Client Exiting" dtm: everyone seemed to go quiet ;) ajmitch: well go ahead and summarize what happened or what needs to be done then I know, I stopped using access when they started the move from DAO to ADO dtm: you & i pick up cattle prods & visit the people who need convincing then I found postgresql :-D and then I found mysql :-( then I set fire to mysql, and went back to postgresql :) we talk to those people in the know (derek, other GNUe people), and DotGNU chiefs then we sort out how we will allow for DotGNu& other users of geas & other GNUe services dtm: any questions/comments? dtm: you mentioned trying to get some people here in the weekend so i guess the primary result is that dotgnu wants an app server, so gnue has the option to jive its priorities with that. yeah, that's one of the things ajmitch: well, i have only been involved with DCL alrighty so i'm on one splinter/tangent well, and even more distantly, i'm working on phpgw-related stuff which is why you thought that GNUe is quite focused on DCL with a curious mind toward gnue collaboration ajmitch: well gnue's leadership is as we mentioned in #phpgroupware earlier, phpgw was meant to be 'part' of DotGNU ajmitch: apparently ajmitch: yeah i'm taking your word on that it's ont he dotgnu.org webpage i'm not in sync with dotgnu at all ok well great then as t3rmin4t0r said, there hasn't been much visible contact tho i always hang out in the #dotgnu channel :) well at least the conversation rekindled an empathy loop :) and have done some packaging for dotgnu i'm one of the lucky ones who can grovel up to all the dotgnu coreteam ;) dotgnu should ask openprivacy.org (burtonator in #infoanarchy) about distributed anonymous authentication heheheh yay there are a few auth projects for dotgnu at the moment alexey (~Alexey@techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: cw-zzzzZZZZ is back (gone 05:33:44) Nick change: cw-zzzzZZZZ -> chillywilly wb dude you missed a big discussion Action: ajmitch got bored & did a bit of GNUe advocacy just read the back log *sorta* skimmed is more like it well I have a few minutes to get ready so... ok abandon me then... chillywilly: @#*)% chillywilly: holy shit you're going to work and i haven't gone to bed :( [06:04] Last message repeated 1 time(s). ajmitch: you need to summarize it! :) hehe i shoudl leave that to psu ;) Action: ajmitch knows psu won't mind (much) ;) plus i'm not good at summarising ;) it's ok I have logs I am utilizing my broadband connection ;) yea dtm that's pretty bad :/ you need to discipline yourself g HEH i need to barf out everything i need to get done in order to produce healthy life infrastrucutre set up dcl and input all my data into dcl and phpgw you know what though then comes the discipline :/ tell me what :) I think everyone natural sleep cycle is like 4am to 12pm heh! so go to bed ;) yeah chillywilly: so whaddaya think? ok i'm almost done with this barfing cycle; pray i dont make many more dry heaves ajmitch: ummm, all I can gather is that geas needs to be generic but reinhard is not that concerned about it which I have heard him say before he wants to focus on GNUe this si form skimming so if I missed some important info plz let me know yep er, is from he doesn't have a problem with it if it doesn't compromise the goals for GNUe which it shouldn't which was my point we just need to get the support of others how would the API(s) differ and how does one make an app server become a web service component? does DotGNU even have an architecture layer out? laid nah, not really afaict wtf? why not how does that make sense :) well if it goes as far as exporting some imterfaces it should be easy to add a webservice would basically just be a different frontend rather than forms why would they be in here if they have no arch layout dtm: cos it's all so bloody vague at the moment! ;) they going to use WSDL? chillywilly: dunno ajmitch: precisely vague [06:16] Last message repeated 2 time(s). this might give them a bit of order if they do go ahead just like current geas ;) THER'ES BLOOD IN IT? :( there's time that we both need to grown HOW MACABRE er, grow chillywilly: you see Asif's last message to the dotgnu list? hmmm, I don't think so but aI don't read it close webservices aren't that much different from a non-web app, surprisingly sometimes I just skip through the messages and don't read them at all they are different forms of conveying info (tab through via mutt) ;P same here :) i replied to a few tho as you saw, we got gopal in here for a chat since i saw him in #phpgroupware yea we need another meeting of the minds or something i was mainly wanting to prod them into looking at gnurpc and geas hey I don't even know how that code works since that is where the most overlap is :P still on for a weekend meeting? gnurpc that is yea dudes I gottw run gotta chillywilly: have fun dewd we'll talk more bye bye chillywilly: travel safely Action: chillywilly is away: work Action: ajmitch guesses why he isn't getting some mail to gnue lists :) procmail removing the duplicates that are cc'ed to dotgnu & gnue lists jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201064.flinthills.com) left irc: "[x]chat" jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp286703.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jbailey how's gnue debs coming along? :) Which ones? dcl ones are doing just lovely. sapdb cd should arrive next week. cool is dcl updated in sid? No, I've decided to hold off on that. i should get more debs done, i have pnet ones ready for dotgnu I don't want a package that I've just adopted going into stable without any testing. ok but would it get into stable? Because it's just a php app, people can fetch it if they want. I think there's still time for it to get into woody. k The freeze isn't for another 6 days or so. alright guess that leaves me just to code & harass the others then seems to be all i'm good for :) Cding's good. yeah but how much of that have i done? dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi dsmith jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. hi jamest hi damn, looks like i got some people talking about geas now :) REally? Where? on the dotgnu & gnue list alexey (~Alexey@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS_away (~sacha@dialup-196-65.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. Good Morning! yeah hi jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp286703.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" <^chewie> mornin Action: dsmith is away: Testing stonebeat and fw-1 dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: Remote closed the connection alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater morning reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Anything is good and useful if it's made of chocolate" reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. maybe someone finds this funny: i started to write an explaination of a few terms for my homepage (in german certainly) because people tend to aks me questions like "what's the difference between unix and linux?" etc. where i explain "operating system" i write "operating systems provide functions for writing and compiling programs, accessing and protecting data, sharing resources, administration of the system, backups, and automatisation of processes. Most small users that have only low demands to their computer system use Microsoft Windows instead of an operating system. However, it is possible to extend Windows into a complete operating system by extending it with several separate products." -- heh would you agree with the last sentence? certainly Remosi (dahoose@210-86-56-32.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@210-86-57-107.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. talli_ (~chatzilla@lti-4.dialup.access.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ^chewie_ (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Snowhare (~snowhare@adsl-216-103-80-214.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Snowhare (~snowhare@adsl-216-103-80-214.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) left #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Don't believe in miracles -- rely on them" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. struck a blow for free s/w today (sorta) I am still trying to get my head round the license fees for the new ERP project at work & I said to my boss "why is it that if I keep selling the same physical propetry over and over again I'm a conman but if I keep selling the same intellectual propetry over and over again I'm an entrepeneur?" turns out he agrees his particular beef is per-user licensing as the s/w doesn't change the more users you add yummy dont let him talk to me ;) i have no idea if the English like/dislike or have any respect for Edison but he had the BEST possible analogy for "intellectual property" (sic) let me run it for you... Imagine its say 1850 (pre electricity) its dark at my house I need light i can obtain it under two models heh ... just a second Personally, what I've read of Edison he sounds not the sort of boss I'd want but someone who can come up with the idea of inventing the electric chair in order to discredit a rival on saftey grounds is obviously on a different plane to the rest of us ;-) Action: psu shuts up in case dneighbo wants to continue he was a wacko, jsut a very successful wacko ok sorry distracted ok two ways to get that light a. i can come to your house and take your candle. b. i can come to your house with my candle and ask you to light my candle with your candle. (a) is an example of physical sale, where i get something you lose something (b) is an example of intellectual sale, where i get somethign you lose nothing you GAVE me a FLAME, but it cost you NOTHING i think seat licenses and music etc fall into this category Action: dneighbo is still amazed that we can call something IP theft when there is nothing to 'steal' example, you have some great idea and i 'take it' do you still have the idea? no! Action: dneighbo assumes unless you have alzheimers you probably do you killed me to take it! nickr ah but then the crime is murder not theft i think the penalties under the DMCA are greater for the theft than the murder. nickr i wish you were kidding I'm just waiting for the roving death squa^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H copyright enforcement personelll nickr you didnt hear the new head of IT for govt (the microsoft weenie) yea is working with CIA and FBI and they are formulating the CEA - Copyright Enforcement Agency uh oh that sounds dangerous to civil liberties. they hope to have their charter by end of year that and the shadow government doesn't bode well. and will be in charge of monitoring things like DMCA and SCCCA and such I thougt that was the FCC/FTC job hrm btw: im just kidding, but i shouldnt because it will probably become a reality all too soon you should've published that on April 1 on slashdot :) you had me going for a minute too :) yeah i suppose so 'cause I certainly don't doubt the possibility heh theres always next year there should be more april1s per year of course, I would've hoped my EFFector or ACLU Action List would've notified me by now its one of those things thats far enough out there it seems ridiculous I rely on those two :) but is close enough to home its almost believable jcater : well to do the joke PROPERLY would be to eff release the announcement and post bogus documents then have linuxtoday and slashdot pickup the story ;) jcater: what if they are secretly controlled by the shadow government under the direction of Disney!? :) they are one source of my information I don't blindly follow them :) nickr i almost said it was DEA (disney enforc agency) but DEA is taken but they are a good mailing list to be on hehe psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("off to read the new Linux Format magazine in the bath (waterproof IRC, anyone?)"). Nick change: ^chewie_ -> ^chewie ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: "BLAH" ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" hrm, is there a simple way to submit forms from a python script with httplib? os.system('/usr/local/bin/gfclient myform.gfd') :) no no a web form. bastard. I know hence the :) hey, now hehe only my wife and son can call me a bastard I could make a forms frontend for the database but I need a console client. Nick change: talli_ -> talli siesel (jan@dial-213-168-96-17.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater. just wanna tell you: both xmlrpc librarys should be implemented, because the gpl'd one has no https. so your choise wasn't so bad. hmm interesting I wonder how hard it'd be to patch the gpl'd one? (btw, I'm not suggesting you do that :) dunno, possibly the newest version already includes it... how do I exect things in python? exec ... but I like debian packaged versions, ... so we have to wait until maintainer has some free time ... by the way, it's mostly written in c. ... Action: siesel hates to patch c code. nickr: os.system() danke is there a fast easy way to turn a list into a string? string.join(list,".") if i remember right. nichts zu danken nickr: yeah, what siesel said jcater: do you know anything new about the dotgnu rpc discussion? what did they plan to use? um I'll be honest I don't know anything about dotGNU i hate bitchx I know they're interested in our grpc stuff put lightly i THINK unless things have changed but I still don't fully understand what they're doing :) 'their' rpc stuff is gnurpc which is what is in our cvs :) ? dneighbo: use irssi nickr: is that text based? dneigbo: Really? i just visited their web site and read something about jabber. And a jabber site tells RMS and some other guys had taken a look at beep.. So I'm a bit confused. I am too SachaS_away (~sacha@dialup-196-65.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) siesel and I will just be confused together :) FSCK FSCK FSCK i hate bitchx siesel maybe im confused to my knowledge david sugar, bradley kuhn, myself, jason and others had a meeting on this it was determined we would all use XML-RPC to interoperate for right now and that we would investigate RPC abstraction first in python and if success was found wow -:- SignOff SachaS_away: #gnuenterprise (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) that dotGNU might look at making a portable implementation of that what app did you write that in? as recently as last week david sugar (lead of dotGNU) seems to still think that is a course of action oops. * davb/#GNUe goes home in fact i think he stated so in our list as of today * dneighbo goes to look talli write what in? i was in wrong window when i replied Action: siesel takes the shimmering potion. quaf Action: siesel is feeling less confused now. btw: one think i have always said is i want asynch rpc like msmq and ibm mqueue series i think JABBER is the right protocol for that the lgpl'd xmlrpc solution does some kind of asynch rpc. It can collect rpc calls and call them alltogether some time later.. yes, irssi is text based at least there is a text version and now how do i turn a number into a string? str(my_number) btami (~btami@dial-3-147.emitel.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. right hello all nickr: it doesn't look much different than bitchx at least in functionality you know of any that actually do curses-based windows :) this is dneighbo we're talking about :) er uh 'curses based windows'? thats so silly. irssi is much nicer than bitchix though sure it opens new panes automatically but it's the same principle :) Remosi (dahoose@210-86-56-32.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) left irc: "Client Exiting" your inceasent smilies are annoying anyone know how beepcore.org is much different than dotGNU? you shall have to be terminated :( Isomer (dahoose@210-86-56-32.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: i had a look at pybeep. they have nice diagrams there: http://pybeep.sourceforge.net/arch.png ...but not much more... :( sigh I don;t like diagrams to me, there avoidance of work :) rofl ... whats about documentation ? ;) um documentation causes MORE work because as soon as ppl understand what you should be doing they expect you to make it do that :) good point. siesel: do you know what "problem" beep is trying to solve it looks need, but I guess I don't quite get "why" s/need/neat btw, I'm asking from the perspective of gnurpc eeeeh. something with rpc ... async? I don't know excatly. ok :) beep= BEEP, the Application Protocol Framework BEEP is a turbocharger for Internet applications that offers advanced features such as: * a standard application layer that supports dynamic, pluggable application "profiles" (protocols) * peer-to-peer, client-server, or server-to-server capabilities * multiple channels over a single authenticated session * support for arbitrary MIME payloads, including XML yeah, I got that from the home page but that's pretty vague oh, well... just curious yep. its something like "All ever wanted and never got" hrm, that was easier than i thought ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" what was? writing a command line client for my journal program in python I'm going to be X-less! why? i.e. by choice? or you have issue where you cant use X I have to ship my boxen so I'll have my laptop and I don't have teh patience to download X for it you driving? or flying? going tomorrow? no, I've got to have everything ready to ship tomarrow though I'm leaving tuesday l8r ah so you will be w/o boxes for abit siesel (jan@dial-213-168-96-17.netcologne.de) left irc: "KVIrc 2.1.2-pre2 'Monolith'" yea flying or driving (or did i ask that) but my journal is important! flying btami (~btami@dial-3-147.emitel.hu) left irc: but theres no command line jabber client :P fie when you check into that crack recovery house again :) hehe 3y3l show j00 crack! this mean your playlist is giong down? as how else will get lists of new music to try/ Action: dneighbo envisions nickr ircing for 40 hours straight then getting on to that plane and pulling a John Lithgow 'there's a man on the wing of the plane' Action: dneighbo wonders if anyhone gets that reference or not hrm that was originally a William Shatner ;) the playlist will be back and better than ever when I get there as I unify my work environment with my ongoing digital existance hrm, I like my command line submitter much better than doing it via the web just need to parse the repsonse jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is back (gone 10:43:03) wooo 10 hr day! yipee! anyone home? no no chillywilly: #@)* mahna mahna, chillywilly alive:yes here:yes home:no Action: nickr considers itp'ing cabber ? console jabber client ;) i understood considers and you lost me after that :) itp=intent to package ah sup dewds broadband rocks my socks dneighbo: reference to Ace Venture 2? chillywilly: downloading that pr0n again? ;) talli (~chatzilla@lti-4.dialup.access.net) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: now you need to get dyndns.org@#(*) I already been using that since ai had dialup chillywilly: i bet it rocks your sister's mp3 hoarding socks huh? chillywilly: oh yeah frell.dyndns.org and obfuscation.dyndns.org are mine :) chillywilly: how old is your sisteR? frell is my server and obfuscation is my laptop which one? ;) my little sister is 16 ooh ripe and tender dtm: reference to Twighlight Zone the movie nickr: :-o my other little sister is 21 chillywilly: NICKR WANTS TO KNOW IF THE LI'L ONE IS HAUT. and I am 24 s/HAUT/HAWT/ and nickr was correct that Shatner played in original episode in the 60's 'Terror at 20,000 Feet' dneighbo: hahaha uh, nickr can back the fuck off thatcs because I'm smart. chillywilly: heh and my 21 year old sister is married chillywilly: cool is she doin good? she's ok chillywilly: i.e. husband not a deadbeat, etc he's not may favorite person chillywilly: heh! let's just leave it at that chillywilly: did she used ta beat ya up, buddy? chillywilly: shall I put a team on that? nickr 21 + married is his way of saying if you want to see what she looks like you will have to go to hotnhornyhousewives.com hmmmmm j/k chillywilly dneighbo: fascinating lol dneighbo: are you interested in a DCL Steering Summit this weekend for like 1 or 2 hrs ? I knew it! dneighbo: me, you, mdean, etc um its possible dneighbo: answer: yes will mdean be around dneighbo: unknown dneighbo: i haven't contactificated him yet wouldn't mdean be a necessary participant of that? for he is remote and silent to us jcater: that is a fact i have a LAN party scheduled on Saturday from like 3pm to sunday morning dneighbo: oh cool lan parties @#(* http://goats.gnue.org/~chillywilly/photos/family.png but im just the 'house dad' for it so to speak the ugly guy is me ;) so i might be around during that time that picture is pretty recent about a year old chillywilly: damn, dude you're hurting my eyes Error en el resultado: thanks I used to look better (yea right) DAN YOU'RE LOVELY uh, no chillywilly: so who are the ones what ain't you? man you make jcater look like an underwear model littlest sister is to the right dneighbo: omg older little sister is standing up my mom is in the middle cool (obviously) tell em i said 'hi' well ya never know! j/k this picture is funny http://goats.gnue.org/~chillywilly/photos/hs_grad.png welcome to teh club though chillywilly: hey dood i did some refresher research on Jeffrey Dahmer this week. he lived about 30 mins from you huh? hotchy motchy the you be getting fat club ;) yea Dahmer lived in Milwaukee when I lived there but he lived on the east side downtown as you look about 15lbs heavier in this picture then last one i saw I ma up to 210lbs now chillywilly: did you go and say hi to him or anything? I am getting fat uh, no chillywilly: those file sizes are the REAL fat in this picture I didn't know Jefferey Dahmer man dont fight it embrace it fat is chic right jcater ? lol absolutely Action: dneighbo keeps telling him self that anyhow you see my highschool pciture? and then my family photo i get an image but i cant see you just hair :P in the hs_grad my fro grows fast apeaking of which I need another hair cut dtm: I should shrink them down some but now I have broadband so who cares ;) the world cares! eveyone should just get broadband everyone should throw their trash out the window too, so the little critters can get attracted to the highway and become ROAD KILL.!! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT, DAN?! can you tell some of those pictures were in my wallet getting all beat up? ;) yeah hey at least my kid is cute ;) yes he is I have that ;) you got some good pictures there hmm, how can I shrink them will the gimp let me up the compression ratio or should I convert to jpg? this is caroline's family http://goats.gnue.org/~chillywilly/photos/my_other_family.png chillywilly: you will convert to jpeg chillywilly: perhaps even with a 10% blur first why a blur? because jpeg likes continuous colors and a 10% blur doesn't make a visible diff and people iwll go "my, what tiny file sizes you have, dan!" upping the compression to 9 doesn't do much plus, the 10% blur will help ppl look at your pics without cringing -rw-r--r-- 1 danielb danielb 339274 Apr 25 17:28 caroline-small.png -rw-r--r-- 1 danielb danielb 418158 Apr 7 2001 caroline.png thanks jcater, but at least I have the balls to put them up there jcater: yeah, shadddap! :) where are your pics at? hang on jcater: let's see em!! i gots mine somewhere Action: chillywilly envisions jcater scanning pictures in as we speak we'll be able to see the timestamp you know ;) Action: jcater is at work, dufus what is your problem eh? if you don't have something nice to day then keep it to your damn self s/day/say Action: chillywilly is away: dinner hi all ajmitch: werd greeting & salutations to you, dtm dneighbo: so are we talking about < 3pm saturday? or on saturday night or on sunday or what dtm: i got a hold of dyfet, btw cool well, why does everything go quiet just when i arrive, eh? :) well, you are down under maybe you should stand on your head and then you can read our dialog :) sure Action: ajmitch turns monitor upside down Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:19:16) Action: ajmitch does renice 19 -u anth hi chillywilly hi Action: ajmitch just to seize back some cpu time to listen to music well, you gonna talk to me or not?? Action: drochaid installs seticlient on ajmitch machine and sets it to "reallynotnice" mode :) Action: ajmitch smacks drochaid around a bit with a large lead-lined trout oi, lead is bad for the environment use aluminium instead and for skulls but lead is heavier depends how much aluminium you use :) and how fast it's going when it hits drochaid... indeed you would need less lead though wouldn't you? lead has a higher density does it not? yep it's soft too but that would also make it harder for ajmitch to throw it halfway around the world to hit me just shutup and take your lead like a man and wouldn't it be irritating to throw it all that way, and then for it to fall 6 feet short? sheesh Action: drochaid totters off to make a turkey, lettuce and parmesan roll ok chillywilly: back in the right channel Action: drochaid returns :) who is the Asif guy and what is he working on? i have no idea, he seems to be doing something for enterprise-based stuff o he wants to go a step further and make the app server support various environments? s/o/so i was thinking that for a DotGNU-GEAS object loader, we could wrap some of pnet/SEE in a shared lib & python code, to make stuff accessible yeah hmmm o course that stuff would still be secondary to what we want to do :) but it's doable cause the way I was thinking we were going to do methods in other langs and that would the extent of it but that proposition is intersting... ajmitch: I see what you mean with the loader thing hmmm Action: jcater fears another case of over-complicating things jcater: I'm not sure I will worry much about this or even have a separate object loader that only talks via gnurpc? jcater: this'll be bloat we add later to a sleek, clean core :) lol it'll be optional ok yea sounds cool, then I don;t think we want to be tied to hard to dotgnu I'd just hate to see us get diverted before we have our base stuff :) yea...I really don't want to think too mich abotu dotgnu right now with a decent structure they can work on that stuff while we get the base working right :) sorry to say it's a good idea to focus primarily on GNUe well, we should keep things in mind for reusability, but I don't want to freakin' make it the focus dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dotgnu intergration probably will happen after they start getting something going dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. exactly and after we have something too and tlak it cheap ;) er, talk blah [18:14] Last message repeated 1 time(s). :P i just wanted to keep these nice people in mind :) sure but we have some other fidh to fry at the immediate moment er, fish so shall we get down to funky bidness tomorrow? not to say it is bad tomorrow is your saturday I bet talk w/lots of typos is even cheaper and sort out what GNUe needs from an appserver? not mine ;) yeah, but what you do on friday nights? only pressing thing on my schedule is the season finale of Farscape ;) hehe chillywilly: that's what video-in cards are for jcater: yea, well... err, vcrs yeah, that's what I meant Action: ajmitch points chillywilly to davedina who? what? when? where? WHY? dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "be bac later" how? thomasvs's mutation ah gst based mutation? i think so, yeah jamest_ (~jamest@fh-dialup-201022.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. it's a 'home entertainment system' in software? davedina.apestaart.org you about to go to bed ajmitch? heck no!!! or you staying up some? look at the time man! oh sorry DUH I am really tired and my mind is playing tricks on me dres_ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Remote closed the connection Action: ajmitch wonders if he should keep a list of the last 10 deleted items Action: ajmitch waits for apt-get update sigh :( what? you can come over and use my cable connection anytime :) it's not the bandwidth, it's the fact that there are *still* broken packages that apt-get wants to remove I'll hook up a network outside so you can just drive up and hook up ;P ah network jack I meant just cos of stupid deps craxymike was joking around about that crazymike even he should be online later so we can play NBA Jam at full speed over Road Runner :) oh joy :P and TMNT chillywilly should be hacking! yes but I have to see caroline tonight I miss them :( :'( soon I am moving out of this hole ;) and you have to pay to get cable changed over, too? my ma will probably keep this connection ;) all I have to do is delete my email accounts and set them up with my own account no biggie soon is a relative term you know ;) I have about $600 saved big deal we need to buy some more things like a couch for one hehe I got a kitchen table and bed for scotty (he can have mine) what else we have dishes towels glasses I dunno I have a list somwhere of what we have and what we need to get before we can move out ok what about a place to move into? well that comes after we get some more stuff because then I have to save some more money for a deposit ;) or get a Real Job (tm) might as well then I have to save money for our wedding then you can get away from crazymike! ;) hehe I wub crazymike suuure It'll be hard to let him go ;) you can break off this relationship you know! this is a way out! :P you won't have to live as a man's man no longer ;) Action: ajmitch wonders why the silence ;) talking on the phone sure sure you just don't want to talk to me! Action: ajmitch wonders what psu will think of this - i guess he's used to it by now ;) linux sucks, btw the kernel? why do tou say that? er, you it's design is as old as the times yeah, a friend in the lug channel having to reboot just cos he needs minix fs support :) and proven heheh which he wouldn't have to do witht he Hurd ;) he shoudl just be able to compile the fs translator & load it as a user with the yea :) now your talking the Hurd has it's pitfalls, of course sure but it's got pretty reasonable design yea just taking a long time to be implemented :) wow, dude if I take one of those pngs and convert it to a jpg I cut it form 400K to 16k heh that blows freakin' eh why does that blow? cos jpg sucks ;) why? wtf is wrong with jpegs??? drochaid likes them they suck for a transparent image of course I do, they have their place just like most other formats but for photos they're cool anything that lets me put a 4 meg tiff on my website as only an 80kb jpeg has got to be a good thing when there is little or no perceptible quality loss at 72dpi Isomer (dahoose@210-86-56-32.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) definitely unless you don't like my photography, in which case you'll probably think that a format such as tiff which is high quality but massively oversized is preferable :) I only use Targa Truevision files targa? blast from the past there dood hey man don't be knockin my RLE haven't used that format since ..... around '94 I think heh i used it last time I raytraced prolly 3 years ago :) heh . o 0 ( bubble!! ) like I never saw that before ;) I know, they're sooooo rare :) just got a bit quiet ssssh yea, shut your yap ;) bleh anyone know of a decent open source asset tracker? open source....does not computer compute asset tracker yes we don't speak of any open source here ;) uh? only Free Software laddy oh politics joy welcome to out Brave GNU World s/out/our I Herd you the first time :) or is that hurd? Hurd heh but nice try anyway :) I'll get it right one day ... just after they rename it :) hey nickr, ajmitch what's the recursive acronym again? Hurd of interfaces representing depth Hird of unix-replacing daemons iirc yea thanks ok, so ... anyone know of a decent free software asset tracker? ;) or is it Herd of interfaces representing depth it's hurd, dammit you sure? lol HURD HIRD of Unix-Replacing DAEMONs (GNU, HIRD) HIRD HURD of Interface Representing Depth (GNU, HURD) ah yea that would only make it double recursive whatever, I am smiking good stuff tonight smoking crap I have to take the trash to the road hehe jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "home" talk to me dagnabbit nah can't be bothered that's ok, you're not called dagnabbit :) no one here by that name hmm, must be why they ain't talking to me then :-/ crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. why is crazymike here? dccing him a samba config file ;P because he's not over there? sad drochaid: crazymike is chillywilly's 'friend' I know ... and I have no idea about the context you used for 'friend' .. nope, none at all ... hey fuck you all!!! yeah, that's nice crazymike not that theres anything wrong with that whatever youse guys need to get a life i know crazymike: I don't think ajmitch was suggesting you fuck ALL of us >:) ajmitch: why are you so concerned with me all the time??? Homo-sexual tendencies, eh??? crazymike: oh i'm just sooo jealous that you take up some much of chillywilly's time ;) Action: chillywilly feels the love chillywilly: keep it to yourself you and your 'fat pipe' you're bragging about :) byt love isn't love until you give it away er,but he didn't get a son by keeping it to himself ajmitch drochaid: that's true sage words. speak english nickr sage financial controller we shall all gather around the feet of drochaid the wise riandouglas (~riandougl@ joined #gnuenterprise. does that mean I should deodorise them ajmitch? drochaid: could be a good idea plz do jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater uh oh howdy hey there doodle pip I don't speak any language aside from english :P me either well I speak Brooklynite also heheh Action: chillywilly is away: family crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: talli (~chatzilla@lti-4.dialup.access.net) joined #gnuenterprise. riandouglas (~riandougl@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) talli (~chatzilla@lti-4.dialup.access.net) left #gnuenterprise. riandouglas (~riandougl@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi riandouglas riandouglas (~riandougl@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) riandouglas (~riandougl@ joined #gnuenterprise. Howdy Folks hi riandouglas hi derek Hi ajmitch greetings riandouglas derek: did you ever test forms no :( i need to but no one is ever around when i am and vice versa :( and i dont want to start playing w/o someone around to ask questions as i ahve some specific stuff i wish to try that isnt documented :) i have to eat and put kids down then i w ill have a few hours tonight fun 'put kids down'? Action: ajmitch hopes he means put to bed :) "Um kids...you suck." 'just take these pills, will you?' "but finish your dinner first." I was thinking more of taking them to the Vet, but same result :-) hehe riandouglas (~riandougl@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) riandouglas (~riandougl@ joined #gnuenterprise. riandouglas (~riandougl@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) riandouglas (~riandougl@ joined #gnuenterprise. riandouglas (~riandougl@ left irc: Client Quit riandouglas (~Rian@ joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: you around? somewhat my kids are watching robin hood (disney) hypocrit daughter comes in and asks what does carnation mean :) i say its a flower, she says no really dad i say really so i hear her back up the movie and replay the part adn the vulture shoots the sheriff and he says 'what in Carnation are you doing' now being a southerner im pretty darn sure its Tarnation and its short for Entire Nation but i was curious if you knew? it's tarnation damn disney suits cant even make fun of hicks right i spose we oughta trow der arses in da crick iirc it's from "eternal damnation" i still find it funny that disney said 'carnation' sigh I'm not sure which is worse that 1) I knew the spelling or 2) I knew the history or 3) that I actually use the phrase rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dont feel bad the tarnation uses the word ;() i use it a lot too :) and my family teases and says its the 'entire nation' ;) it's a euphemism for "What in damnation!" so by your account entire nation == damnation I could buy that Action: derek is slurping cvs prepare to die or something like that (think princess bride) uh yeah holy appserver derek: they're trying to fix all the holes holy appserver? Action: ajmitch sees cvs has been fairly quiet lately yeah I beat it with a bat and it finally caved in alright ------------------------------- The Los Angeles Times is reporting that the CIA is warning of possible cyber-terrorism against U.S. and Taiwanese computer systems by the Chinese Army. Or, China could just launch a massive denial-of-service attack by sending billions of "GET HERBAL VIAGRA" e-mails from the .cn TLD." ------------------------------- hehe now China uses that unAmerican operating system saw that on slashdot! so we can only deduce they plan to hack america right? sure why else woudl they stop using M$ products isn't that everyone's aim in life? plus the CIA is shitting thier pants as for the first time they arent able to read the chinese governments email wouldn't that DOS clog up their traffic loggers that they use to spy on their people? rofl rdean: i think the US is proof that spyware wont clog lines :) er or rather DoS doesnt stop spyware :) it merely 'delays' it for a bit Action: rdean remembers reading that China has a massive gateway to control access to what their people can get to on the internet Action: derek is a conspiracist probably has loggers on it to find the dissidents i think nimbdia and code red were worms put in by microsoft as they had so many programs out there collecting information but not sending it anywhere they need a virus to help bundle it and send it all 'home' Action: chillywilly is back (gone 01:39:53) Action: rdean 's apache server still gets code red/nimbda hits well you see i think they are smart rdean: so do i :) release a virus that does bad things hackers dissect it and say it does X and thats bad so then put your 'trojan' in the fix as the hackers never 'inspect' the fix they just make sure it closes the hole Action: rdean is thinking about hacking apache to recognize those worms and send out a new response code -- "xxx - No IIS here, dumbass!" Action: derek thinks this is a common microsoft tactic and the proof is in the pudding ex: on more than one occassion m$ has submitted patches for things and in basic testing its found they dont close the hole no i can not imagine that m$ is that incompetent or open more holes the people there are smart rather im more inclined to think they ahve 'trojan' and they test that mmm, remember nt4 SP6? and a fix and they test that and at the last minute they merge them and ship yes, but they've all gone through that training class, so now they no more about security than ANYONE in the world, especially those grungy open source programmers who haven't spent as much time security checking their software (in man-years, no less) as Microsoft and these 'failed' patches are just instances where tehy forgot to include the close patch with the trojan ;) hey we arent grungy we are grubby as in 'get your grubby hands off our music' --RIAA president rdean: I want to mail them too ;) stupid IIS lusers ;P cvs [update aborted]: cannot close packages/base/phone/classes/CVS/Root: No space left on device bitch half of them prolly don't even know they're running PWS chillywilly: j00 c0u|d d05 th3m w1th j00r f4t p1p3!!! derek: me thinks you can delete just one of the "videos" and have plenty of space ajmitch: lol Action: ajmitch has eyestrain now from typing that you should be thoroughly beaten for typing that ;) oh please do Action: chillywilly wields trout hmm... juice could do them with four fat pipes? who's "juice" ? Action: riandouglas out to lunch Action: chillywilly smacks ajmitch repeatedly with a 30lb trout jcater: you know what sucked my disk? i untarred two old gnue trees so i had 3 gnue trees ah ok plz no one wants to "suck your disk" go on chillywilly is that how you kids clal it these days? rofl call whacking them got me back 163mb all your sectors are belong to us what is the trick to get a size count on a directory du -c dir/ or something any combo thereof du -sk dirname du -sk * | sort -n yea, listen to the unix gh0d to see a sorted list of space usage jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp286703.sympatico.ca) joined #gnuenterprise. jeff 32896 public_html 40068 soplayer 257888 office52 409964 cvs 463784 downloads 487584 games jamest that just rocks sheesh we see where you're priorities are s/you're/your Heya chilly. he left off 1534534 gnue-pr0n 456787 pr0n 2 pr0n dirs? ajmitch: Why not? 4335551 g0at-pics 876456787 goat-pr0n btw Action: jamest_ needs to gloat ajmitch: Notice they're filed by topic. The gnue ones are the programming team. why, jamest_? euler$ df -k . Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on nfs:/home/jamest 327999600 8115720 303222408 3% /home/jamest not bad not bad!?!?!?!? a 327GB home partition isn't bad? i guess not eh you can do better i think it rocks :) this is my new home dir server Gah. You can't install the Hurd on that! =) it will replace the 8GM home partition currently in use :) lets see those users fill this up in a year ! who am I kidding they will rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest_: install gtk-gnutella and a web browser on the machine and its full by end of july you kidding apt-get install gnucash-dev Action: jcater ducks lol heheh too true what is sick brb is that for less that $2000 I put this machine together it's got 4 120GB drives, dual atholon 1800+, 1 GB ram my home computer cost as much and it's no where near this kina spec :( now, if it was 4 160Mb SCSI drives, I'd be impressed :) sounds like you screwed yourslef then derek: how's that forms testing going? mmm, string cheese jcater: like crap :( im spending the time cleaning my disk up i am trying to get my desktop to be my main machine so i can wipe laptop and start over with debian but having friends over for lan party and will have to install games on laptop to play so have to carve some space sigh you have friends? Action: derek is going to get smart and start checking out cvs on my shared drive so can use it with laptop or desktop apt-get install kleandisk ajmitch_ (~me@wlg1-port27.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. k for kde ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port27.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jamest_: this is redhurt 6.2 oooooo chillywilly: i dont have friends they are 'church youth' and their paretns make them come :) heheh Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch damn i have a lot of source on here i havent installed an .rpm for probably 8 months how can people use a 'custom' linux w/o packaging for any length of time and not be in hell encap gentoo linux derek: Custom linuxs are okay. It's the cross between custom and packaged that's a bitch. ports-like system jamest_: encap: thats what i said take it in the ass (encap) chillywilly: ports like system = packaging bu they are all compiled so ok fine you win its still 'managed' bastards i suppose saying you build your own and you dont need no stinking packaging fuck no I use debian and only debian Woo Debian! gives the illusion in CS jerk off circles that you have a bigger penis or sometjhing I'm not going to compile it all woo, i just killed debian! chillywilly: I don't compile anything. Not even my kernel.. well I make my own kernel debs :P dd if=/c/win/command.com of=/dev/hda1 chillywilly: I haven't found anything that the stock ones didn't do for me. jbailey: i have how about preemption patch and O(1) scheduler patch ;) and those are 'soooo' necessary for a desktop ;) actually they make the desktop snappier so there how about a working ppp setup since 2.4.18 is broken with this adsl modem? apt-get downgrade testing/ppp ;) chillywilly: thats like saying i only fuel my station wagon with nitro cause i get better performance dumbass, it's the kernel ppp, not the userspace daemon no matter the cost, the risk and futiliness fuck you ajmitch: Huh. I know that I had to install userspace pppoe when they broke that, but that was fine. ajmitch: boot your backup kernel you freak derek: Nitro in the station wagon. Cool. jbailey: this is with a speedtouch usb which does userspace pppoa your 2.4.17 that left lying around for just these purposes ;) chillywilly: wtf are you on about? 2.4.18 is broken, 2.4.17 & lower are just crap ajmitch: Oh yeah, I forgot about that. jbailey: i said taht example then though man chillywilly might be running a nitro moped or something ;) ajmitch: you need to just chill 2.4.18 is broken? in what way? jamest_: only in rare cases like with these userspace adsl drivers ajmitch: it's not getting under your skin is it? ;) chillywilly: no, if you were, i'd just leave you on /ignore for a few days until i remembered about you :) crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: i use 2.4.19-pre6 anyway, last time i used a packaged kernel was with mandrake 6.0 "it" as in the modem situation but it is so nice of you to reduce me to a mere object #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o derek' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. 'it' doesn't bother me since it's not a problem with this kernel ajmitch: or you could just kick him derek: do it you little bitch when talking about ignoring you, i thought you meant 'it' as in your harassment I was trying to help but I can see you just like whining about it for no reason, even thought you have a working kernel go figure do what? nite everyone let's see you get ops then you mention kicking jamest_ (~jamest@fh-dialup-201022.flinthills.com) left #gnuenterprise. 2 + 2 is? Action: chillywilly thwaps derek before it is too late huh? what you think i would say crazymike kicked from #gnuenterprise by derek: derek kick you like i just did crazymike ;) hey that was shitty he was sleeping ;) yes you would because you're a fucking cock smoker i only like grande's guess you're out ;) muahahahahaha chillywilly: would you settle down please? ajmitch: maybe you shouldn't be so damned nasty then callign people dumbass and all then they wouldn't get riled up i'm sorry, ok? "cock smoker"? What does that mean? whatever derek: you wouldn't know a grande if it slapped you upside the head prolly not ok have newest cvs derek: but I am sure you would enjoy it if it did not as much as i enjoyed your sister last night heh, yea she just fkies over to AZ ever so often flies you fucking twit thats right it was your mom, i get so confused at times ;) MILF! MILF! MILF! G'night all! derek: why do you have to drag everyone else in this you can't be a man and go toe to toe jbailey (~jbailey@HSE-Toronto-ppp286703.sympatico.ca) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: derek was gonna say whats the matter, cat got your tongue typical but i forgot its been years since you have been that close to pussy yea, that makes sense Action: derek misses good old momma and sister bagging, this brings back fond high school memories i have a whole bevy of your momma's who cares? that shit is old school yo momma so ugly she hung her head out the car window to yell at someone and she got arrested for mooning oh gawd don;t even say it or another classic yo momma so ugly, she had to get the baby drunk, just to breast feed it your mom is so old she farts dust i like that one yo momma so old, i told her to act her age and she died lol derek: I bow to the master of talking shit. I can't remember any more of them all we did in highschool was talk smack i could do yo momma all night (pun intended) that is weak and I have heard all of those derek: naw, mostly the come backs, etc up there rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. another great one is... yo momma is good, but not the best yo momma so stanky, she slows down 'speed stick' man, I just made the best gridcosm tile ever yo momma so old, she still uses a 486 rofl i like it i like it for all you kiddies out there yo momma so old, she still uses punchcards a 486 was the predecessor to the Pentium really??!?!?!?!?! wow, thanks mr. computer guy np I don't know how to even turn this thing on better than your mom, every one gets a turn on that thing ;) chillywilly: sarcasm should be denoted by ... (don't even thingk about it) derek: haw haw like I didn't see that shit coming hehe yo momma so nasty, she gets slashdotted twice a week another one to date: yo momma so skanky even Leisure Suit Larry wouldn't do her hey, he had his limits rofl crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. yo momma is so skinny she can hoola hoop with a cherio aaaaaaw sheeeit, it's all coming back now Action: rdean doesn't think chillywilly truly gets the concept yo momma so old she still runs DOS err, the humor factor didn't come out as intended on that one rdean: I said it a bit wrong so sue me you guys are just biased rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater: hmm cvs still might be busted or my form is dorked or both derek: what in tarnation are you doin'!!!! herding cats apparently ;) herding gnus Action: chillywilly is going to become a gnu hurder ;) yeah right shutup you wouldn't last a day out there on the savannah rofl how would you know? give me a minute jcater you haven't seen me in action you know how hot it gets? Action: ajmitch is thankful there :) yea oenguins would melt out there penguins fine then I'll just go back to my igloo yeah, you can overclock better in an igloo it's easier to keep your beer cold in an igloo crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: wimp he's going to bed like a little girl and I will still beat him to the park and ride ;) yeah, sure jcater things dont seem to work let me test one more thing I have been the fist one there all week ajmitch how would you possibly know he's going to bed like a little girl? cause I know mike and he wimps out like that it's early! and even though I don't get as much sleep who do you think goes out into the field and busts their ass all day ;) mike? no *sigh* blckPerson.autofillBySequence('ntryPK','seq_dcl_contact') is a valid trigger for a block tag correct? i.e. PRE-COMMIT or has it been altered ajmitch: yea, it's not even that late jcater? derek: is it not firing? let me run with debug on its not 'working' btw, where in tarnation is the forms api defined? no errors, but its not loading the key in the detail tables whether its my form or the forms engine is yet to be told we have an api? like if I gots me a widgit and I wants to do sumpin wit it how do I no whats to do wif it looks like there's a little interest in geas doc/techref.* there's no functions defined int here afaict object methods or whatever wtf you be talkin 'bout, fewl? he just called autofillBydequence() right? er, autofillBySequence() is that documented in there? I could swear I didn't see it DB001: [GFForm:440] Saving blckPerson DB001: [GFBlock:250] processing commit on block blckPerson DB005: [GDataObjects:652] Preparing to post datasource dtsrcperson DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreInsert DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreCommit DB005: [GDataObjects:677] Posting datasource dtsrcperson DB005: [DBdriver:50] _postChanges: statement=INSERT INTO dcl_contact (last_name, first_name) VALUES ('Flinstone','Fred') maybe I am just one crack DB005: [GDataObjects:652] Preparing to post datasource dtsrcphone DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreInsert DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreCommit s/one/on DB005: [GDataObjects:677] Posting datasource dtsrcphone DB005: [DBdriver:50] _postChanges: statement=INSERT INTO dcl_contact_phone (cont act_id,phone_type_id,phone_number) VALUES (NULL,'7','33432342') it definitely is passing null's chillywilly: that's recent and it appears PreCommit and PreInsert have issues (im not calling preinsert) to my knowledge we verify docs before a release hmm er? which means? chillywilly: the docs actually are good they just get a final update before each release I read the whole forms ref a while ago as you cant tell by my bug bitching righ tnow autoFill still isnt release reasdy :) though jamest swears it works for him fwiw well whatever, that wasn't me point that should be in a Pre-Insert trigger chillywilly: then what was your point, eh? me point was I thought the methods of forms objects wasn't docuented though last week i gave him a form and he couldnt get it to work so he was cause when I read it I didn't remember seeing it chillywilly: there arent methods really like that there are events(triggers) pre-insert etc and i JUST updated the docs on those like two weeks ago but you manipulated the "block" object right? the other ones are 'oddities' and called a method on it right? jcater: you want me to chagn ethat to pre-insert and try again other widgtes have other methods right? yes widgets err, derek: yes are those documented...yes...no...maybe so chillywilly: they were just added so, no, they're probably not in there yet but, yes, will be before the release I thought that's what we just said the widgtes never had methods before? chillywilly: triggers were not "supported" prior to this next release I didn't pick that up from what you said and most of the trigger code has been recently added hmmm they never worked until when? we had "triggers" of some fashion or another the last few releases what good is a form without triggers? but they were "proof of concept" I thought we always had them with this release, we are laying down what a valid trigger is and jamest reworked them a bit this time chillywilly: well, in the past, we were directly accessing Form's internals via the triggers which we certainly didn't want form designers doing :) ah, so you are telling me that api is changing? I'm saying there was no api until this release no more monkeying with forms widget methods wellt he examples use(d) objects like block.doSomething() I thought they did anyway when I looked at some examples 001: [GFBlock:250] processing commit on block blckPerson DB005: [GDataObjects:652] Preparing to post datasource dtsrcperson DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreInsert DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreCommit DB005: [GDataObjects:677] Posting datasource dtsrcperson DB005: [DBdriver:50] _postChanges: statement=INSERT INTO dcl_contact (last_name,first_name) VALUES ('Neighbors','Derek') DB005: [GDataObjects:652] Preparing to post datasource dtsrcemail DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreInsert DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreCommit DB005: [GDataObjects:677] Posting datasource dtsrcemail DB005: [DBdriver:50] _postChanges: statement=INSERT INTO dcl_contact_email (contact_id,email_addr,email_type_id) VALUES (NULL,'yomama@industrialmeats.com','3') DB005: [GDataObjects:652] Preparing to post datasource dtsrcaddress DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreInsert DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreCommit DB005: [GDataObjects:677] Posting datasource dtsrcaddress DB005: [DBdriver:50] _postChanges: statement=INSERT INTO dcl_contact_addr (contact_id,country,addr_type_id,add1,add2,zip,state,city) VALUES (NULL,'USa','2','96 West Betsy Lane','Gilbert AZ 85233','23423','AZ','Memphis') DB005: [GDataObjects:652] Preparing to post datasource dtsrcphone DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreInsert DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreCommit DB005: [GDataObjects:677] Posting datasource dtsrcphone DB005: [DBdriver:50] _postChanges: statement=INSERT INTO dcl_contact_phone (contact_id,phone_type_id,phone_number) VALUES (NULL,'7','911') DB005: [DBdriver:289] DB-SIG database driver: commit() oops didnt mean to paste that much sifg jcater: still no dice sigh blckPerson.autofillBySequence('ntryPK','seq_dcl_contact') wish jamest was here is the trigger my typo disease is contagious muwahahahaha certainly its something dumb in my form let me try using the wizard with simple form DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreInsert DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreCommit that's what's concerning me I wonder if jamest changed something I don't know about err,accidentally of course :) block1.three.__properties__.readonly = True block1.three = "5" this is a no no? that's cool but is recent so you are still going to argue with me that there's no api for the widgets? argh!!!! no what I said was i was just asking if this stuff was documented there was no api until this upcoming release and we finish updating the docs prior to the release at least, no "supported" api do you think I care it is "supported" I just want to know how to manipulate a block or whatever ; ) ok, anwyay I'll stop harassing you now :) I am just tired and my brain's not working ok thanks for being the patient and understanding person that you are jcater ;) why does gnuebot run w/operator status? DB001: [GFBlock:250] processing commit on block blkDcl_contact DB005: [GDataObjects:652] Preparing to post datasource dtsdcl_contact DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreInsert DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreCommit DB005: [GDataObjects:677] Posting datasource dtsdcl_contact DB005: [DBdriver:50] _postChanges: statement=INSERT INTO dcl_contact (last_name,first_name) VALUES ('Neighbors','Derek') DB005: [GDataObjects:652] Preparing to post datasource dtsdcl_contact_email DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreInsert DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: PreCommit I'll just wait until it's all hashed out good now DB005: [GDataObjects:677] Posting datasource dtsdcl_contact_email DB005: [DBdriver:50] _postChanges: statement=INSERT INTO dcl_contact_email (contact_id,email_addr) VALUES (NULL,'derek@gnue.org') same thing on simple form derek: add a "print" to that trigger to see if it's not getting called or whether the autoFill part isn't working jcater: he runs with status as under old opn it was only way we could keep channel and get our ops print form.Page_1.block2.alter.allowedValues()...I take that's no where to be found either? jcater ok Action: chillywilly will dig through code DB000: self.this = apply(controlsc.new_wxTextCtrl,_args,_kwargs) DB000: TypeError: new_wxTextCtrl() argument 3 must be string, not int odd Radek (~radek@ilja.moraviapress.cz) got netsplit. Radek (~radek@ilja.moraviapress.cz) returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater: how do you do prints in triggers? Radek (~radek@ilja.moraviapress.cz) got netsplit. print "blah" Radek (~radek@ilja.moraviapress.cz) returned to #gnuenterprise. ah i did print("blah") wtf DB000: widgetWidth, widgetHeight, interface, spacer,initialize) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/uidrivers/wx/UIdriver.py", line 773, in _createWidget DB000: newWidget = wxTextCtrl(container, -1, value, defaultPoint, defaultSize, styles) DB000: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.1/site-packages/wxPython/controls.py", line 774, in __init__ DB000: self.this = apply(controlsc.new_wxTextCtrl,_args,_kwargs) DB000: TypeError: new_wxTextCtrl() argument 3 must be string, not int i keep getting this sigh i cant run forms at all now Action: derek thinks its possessed heh sigh wtf brb jcater: this thing is JACKEd that's a pretty jacked way of typing jacked you guys are punding on forms to ready for another release right? pounding yeah groovy and designer and reports and common drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey does each form instance get a serial number because there can be many instances running at the same time? that's the plan "plan" so how does forms handle concurrency right now? single instances :) like if 2 dudes were running the same form and modifying the same info oh then we would have the database lock the record being modified ok or geas as the case may be yea, geas should support an object locking mechanism like in the "Object" interface and if the db driver is too crap to provide proper locking? pessimistic locking yea i was thinking about that ;) what, lock all accesses to the db? not all of them can do row locking, i guess yea, some of them blow some only manage table locking what does the other guy see who doesn't lock the db? he gets readonly values? ajmitch: if someone chooses to use a crappy database well, then, that's their decision hehe no, I'm serious is there a flatfile driver yet? bah there's reasons there are "crappy" and "good" databases ajmitch: no for those that really don't need any mroe fetures? but it's needed yeah SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-32.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. I'd like to get one whipped up by the next-next release shouldn't you emulate that behvior if the db does not support it? (i.e., obviously not this one :) chillywilly: how on earth would you do that? when are you hoping to release next? db abstraction of course ;P chillywilly: sure, if they are on the same machine running under the same session do your own locking ajmitch: soon ? we'd planned on this week but things happened well what does it look like if some dude lock the record I am modifying? locks I am just curious how much simulataneous access stuff have you guys tested? simultaneous chillywilly: um do you get a phantom read? do you step on each others toes? what happes? it's in the works heh the databse wouldn't let you it'd be a standard database error that gfclient would display hmmmm something like "Unable to reserve record for update" would popup on your screen Action: chillywilly is trying to remember back to his php and postgres hacking days ah yes would it reread then? because someone else has it locked or how would that work man I need to play with some of this stuff more It's been too long you can read the record if it's locked (or should be able to) well in the psssimistic locking thing it goes like... forms will (when we finish it) try to lock the record on the first keystroke you make that would modify it if it can't lock then it wouldn't let you modify the record and issue a warning - readers do not conflict with other readers, but writers conflict with both readers and writers "This record is being modified by another user" ah, ok makes sense that would work pretty cool then now theoretically shouldn't a db abstraction layer support all features and provide emulation for those that don't support things or do you go with the common denominator? where do you draw the line? currently if the pick some crummy db they are SOL right ;)? ah well too much "theory" ;) Action: chillywilly is babbling on and on yep :) :) it's good to think about such things isn't it? sure I really need to take that old project and convert it in order to learn the rest of the tools ;) oh dude I forgot to log into my internet banking account and? er? I am just making a statement I just got it set up and they mailed me my inf o oh, i thought you might be making a statement for a purpose and i was waiting for it well it's going to be nice to be able to see all my transaction in real-time ;) chillywilly: for the most part, it's a common denominator but all dbms' should support a minimum of features if not, then they should be renamed to a "relational file system" and not a "relational database" MySQL dres__ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. :) mysql does not do record locking does it? um they've gotten better w/4.0 but I'm not sure what kind of locking they have there dres_ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ok back um what should i do about my 'issue'? file bug? wait for jamest? send you a tar file of the sample? go to bed? i cant seem to add a print statement if do then forms breaks cool I can transactions that caroline did today er, see jcater: if i add the print "here" to this blkDcl_contact.autofillBySequence('contact_id','seq_dcl_contact') print "here" i get DB000: widgetWidth, widgetHeight, interface, spacer, initialize) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/uidrivers/wx/UIdriver.py", line 603, in createWidget DB000: widgetWidth, widgetHeight, interface, spacer,initialize) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/uidrivers/wx/UIdriver.py", line 773, in _createWidget DB000: newWidget = wxTextCtrl(container, -1, value, defaultPoint, defaultSize, styles) DB000: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.1/site-packages/wxPython/controls.py", line 774, in __init__ DB000: self.this = apply(controlsc.new_wxTextCtrl,_args,_kwargs) DB000: TypeError: new_wxTextCtrl() argument 3 must be string, not int dneighbo@latitude:~/cvs/fsfoffice/contacts$ grrrrrrrrrrrrr --- Fri Apr 26 2002