[00:56] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Action: chillywilly is away: zzzzzzz dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5b-143.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: "later.." Action: ajmitch sees ppl talking aboot gnome2 packages they conflict with gnome1 packages :( ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. does anyone here have os/2 installation media? which version? hah haha sledge_ (~sledge@B2dc8.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. g'morning sledge_ (~sledge@B2dc8.pppool.de) left irc: Client Quit lupo_ (~lupo@pD9505446.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi there lupo_: hello hi :) while the US is asleep, Europe and Asia are already busy :) Kristof (kborrey@adsl-76815.turboline.skynet.be) joined #gnuenterprise. Hi, is there anyone awake? :o) yep :) sure :) Hi Lupo anyone of you gnue dcl access? I was wondering if there's a open source ERP/CRM/SCM package on Linux yes, ours, but it's not quite finished :/ :o) where can I find it? gnue.og lupo_: i have access gnue.org i mean ra3vat: i have sent two patches to info at gnue.org, can you see them? thanx :o) I'll have a look Kristof (kborrey@adsl-76815.turboline.skynet.be) left irc: lupo_: for most of the things that come to dcl i have email notification but have not seen yours lupo_: and i'm not on info at gnue.org hm let's hope jcater picks them up and applies them lupo_: i can ask someone later today if you want that would be nice do i need some info about who, when and what? :) no, everything in the mails :) i squashed one serious bug and one ui annoyance in designer ok oh, just found another bug in forms fixed! i love it ... :) have there been any discussions on a "live gnue meeting" any os/2 users here (past or present)? t3rmin4t0r (~gopal@ joined #gnuenterprise. i had os/2 warp for some days on my machine :) then i switched to gnu/linux *g* lupo_: do you know how to rewrite the mbr? i installed os/2 3.0 and it's still trying to boot 'grub'. t3rmin4t0r: hi hi dtm lupo_: it wont even boot to the Boot Manager Action: t3rmin4t0r just online for the portable.net weekly huddle dtm: i think that it works like on old dos, fdisk /mbr lupo_: nope hm maybe i need to literally boot a dos disk and do 'fdisk /mbr' that may work i'm reading that i can simply zero it out with 'dd' and then reinstall os/2 i guess. zero out the mbr??? yeah that may have fine results as long as you have a grub boot disk :) coz os/2 is stupid and tries to get boot info from the preexisting mbr. so if it sees any it'll use that, or else it'll write its own. i go now, bye lupo_ (~lupo@pD9505446.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" t3rmin4t0r (~gopal@ left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: gopz!~gopal@ dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Remote closed the connection dtm ([T3XACGvdd@ip25.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) got netsplit. Mr_You (rouzer@ got netsplit. Isomer (dahoose@210-86-57-204.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) got netsplit. pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. dres_ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ([T3XACGvdd@ip25.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@210-86-57-204.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by carter.openprojects.net chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jbailey (~jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is away: hitting the crack pipe Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:00:04) sledge_ (~sledge@B2a56.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. well all hi there hello what time is it in the us now? wouldn't know ;) i propose to abolish time zones il18n how complicated is a python 2.x install on an old caldera 2.4 with gcc <= 2.7.2? dunno i'm already on #python for that :) good :) the guys on #python don't like me why? I would day just install debian GNU/Linux and your life will be easier ;) s/day/say traitor! :) how is that being a traitor? using Caldera is probably more treacherous ;) they're noe exactly Free Software people and their nice per-seat licensing of GNU/Linux work stations is sickening not to mention Ransome Love is a tool i mean, "the people on #python don't like me", you said "good!", and i considered that a funny offense, so i replied "traitor! :)" no, I said good that you were getting help [08:46:46] i'm already on #python for that :) [08:50:49] good :) I wouldn't be that mean there were a few net splits in the last minutes, perhaps you didn't receive my "they don't like me" message? I really need to write that CodeRed/Sircam script for my apache logs he I did but I saw it as after what you said about getting help 08:46:46] i'm already on #python for that :) [08:50:49] good :) [08:52:37] the guys on #python don't like me [08:53:14] why? [08:53:53] I would day just install debian GNU/Linux and your life will be easier ;) see? okay, looks quite different on my screen :-/ well at any rate I don't think it is cool that they are giving you a hard time of course i way prefer debian over caldera, ransom love is an idiot who hates the gpl and concerning the offensiveness of the python dudes, i just had a misunderstanding *grrr* ok but i still have an old caldera 2.4 on my p166 and it's my only machine at home, so i can't install anything else without getting in trouble with all my data oh i've installed it two years ago, when i thought that caldera was a cool company and mr. love didn't behave like an idiot uhuh I understand I'm sorry were just Debian-biased here ;) we have installed debian on three ppc boxes and two ia32 boxes at work :) no other distribution installed at all, the suse package is just a dust-catcher so i'm biased too :) i have mandrake on my laptop, because i gave it a try and everything worked, so i didn't see a reason to install debian. :) I have Debian on mine well I have to mow the lawn ;) sorry for the personal question, but how come that you have a typically german name? :) er? oh because my grandfather was German and I am of German descent typically the American mutt ;) :) but I have lots of German in me ok, I'll bbl have fun Action: chillywilly is away: mowing the lawn I read that as 'moving the lawn' first.. moving the LAN hi jbailey :) Heya sledge. at the moment, i'm trying to install a recent python and wxgtk on my home machine, so that i can hack gnue at home :) are you on gnue dcl (info@gnue.org notifications) damnit, my sister called, have to go ttfn sledge_ (~sledge@B2a56.pppool.de) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "There's always one more imbecile than you expect" jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. derek / dneighbo : either of you here? am now All hail Derek! King of the world! yo yo yo Action: jbailey is away: Shower. Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:59:22) cutting the grass makes my legs itch better than your butt itching that is hehe ]someone is going to have to tell ajmitchie that I cannot do the GEAS thang until later as we are going to go visit my grandma and it is an hour drive hour, hour and a half Action: jbailey is back (gone 00:14:09) that was a quick shower peaking of which I need to do that speaking 14 minutes is a quick shower? quick for some people the shower time length depends on how hung over you are doesn't it? ;) or who's joining you I suppose =) I have to go soon, and the weather here is drying out my skin. lim ew er, ew freakin' keyboards yea, that's what I blame it on the freakin' keyboards I can type it's just the keyboard doesn't like me so it plays tricks on me honest 14 minutes is a quick shower. thank you at least someone agrees with me ok, now let's see how long mine takes ;) Action: chillywilly is away: shower jbailey (~jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: derek thinks we will have to back out the time he takes to wash between the upper thigh and his belly button Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5b-143.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5b-143.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: Client Quit gah 80 column mode is so small Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:31:43) derek: you're so mean chillywilly: wb thanks Yurik Action: chillywilly will be leaving soon to go visit his grandma the only grand parent I got left hmm, I am getting old Remosi (dahoose@210-86-56-169.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. hi Remosi bye Action: chillywilly is away: hitting the crack pipe 80x60 is much better Isomer (dahoose@210-86-57-204.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: derek has get to get nickr some tunes other than NIN heh I've been on a nin kick lately. erk this text spreadsheet is hard to use nickr: just use emacs emacs doesn't have a spreadsheet does it? it should though. okay, I have a few minutes to work on the packages for gnue now I was wondering what packages base depends on? or recommends|suggests gnue-common? yea Its not obvious just looking at it, so I thought I'd ask requires: python2.1, python2.1-egenix-mxdatetime um, what's the definition of "suggests" ? and "recommends" Suggests are things that it'd be nice to have but doesn't need to be useful recommends are things that are not required to use it but make it much better like recommends would be whdere you put db drivers Action: jcater thinks python2.1-mysqldb and python2.1-psycopg should be in recommends and the postgres one too? oh that is the postgres one :) will it build correctly without them installed and still support them if they are installed? yes to both okay can it build okay without egenix-mxdatetime installed? um that's a toughy it builds with only python (depending on how you define build) well build/install makes cool pyc files and puts them in the right spots but date support is provided by egenix datetime hmm Action: jcater thinks datetime will be "required" for gnue-forms but "recommended" for common as I know forms "needs" it but I guess you're right, common doesn't well it can still depend on it without having a build-depend on it. nickr: emacs has a spreadsheet and a graphing calculator and an image viewer and and and http://www.gnu.org/software/dismal/ nickr: ah DIs Mode Aint Lotus (DISMAL) Action: jcater is a debian packaging newbie derek: rofl nickr: gnue-common is a pure python play, so I don't think it "needs" anything but python to "build" in fact tehre are two spreadsheets for emacs the others is eSheet http://esheet.sourceforge.net/ Action: derek is so disappointed that nickr had so little faith in emacs :) and python-dev well I'm disappointed that there was no spreadsheet builtin hrm is there any way to prevent setup from installing etc/ into etc? ? I can't install the sample conf files into /etc if eventually there'll be a debconf wizard to set that up or something I have to put them in examples/ not at the moment I'll jupst move them manually then hrm, does it just stick all of etc/ into /etc? or a subdir? no subdirs erk nickr: maybe you need to tell us what you need to do it "properly" make notes as you go along and we'll make it a TODO if setup stuck the etc/ stuff into etc/gnue/ I could just mv that down to usr/share/doc/gnue-common/examples/ since you're using disttools it makes things really easy otherwise. as long as the prefix thing works correctly. or if it didn't install etc at all that'd be easy too pycs are platform neutral right? that's my understanding they are python-version dependent but platform independent right I'm building with 2.1, snice that is the debian default I believe. or rather the 'official' version yeah it's a good "safe" version too that's what we all do development with Good erk. it sticks everything in usr/local GRR RAWR> do you like hardcode usr/local into it? that's settable erk although everything is still relative to a base directory i.e., gnue/ yea bad. I can hack around that if this is really causing a problem btami (~btami@dial-3-202.emitel.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all hello well, it respecting prefix would be nice. --prefix rather. does it not? It doesn't appear to. hmm if it didn't fucking insist on putting everything under the gnue prefix this would be much easier for example, if it actually installed stuff in a FHS compliant manner. ok how do you want it installed and I'll see what I can do real quick well I canmove everything my main issue is that these stupid paths are being hardcoded into files somewhere yeah... that's what I was about to fix alll the python libs should go in usr/lib/python$VERSION/gnue/ all the images and stuff should go in usr/share well, the first one we fought hard to stop our setup from doing the docs and such can go wherever, I'll just move them as that's a bad no-no um? what I'd suggest is making it so if I set prefix to / it'll be FHS compliant :) if not that, I can fix the layout with mvs as long as the paths aren't hardcoded. but that presents a host of other problems I'm sure can we make it come in blue? cornflower blue, yes well, I'm trying to get around the hard coded problem but not sure what I cna do about the other as the other is great, for debian :) but we are more than debian that's where our issue comes from right makeing it fhs under the prefix would solve a host of problems with me but shouldn't really cause any for other platforms if there were like one file I could run sed over to fix the prefix path after everything is installed, that'd be great I'm thinking of having a site.cfg that the scripts need to know the location of but it would contain pointers to the other directories hrm. (i.e., images are in /usr/share/gnue/images, etc [or whatever]) if I could give its path explicitly to setup, that'd be fine, eg it'd guess based on the install path if none was provided, but I could trick it so I could say setup.py --root debian/build --prefix / --cfg-path /etc/gnue/ :) I'll see what I can do cool once this is solved, the rest is easy nickr (~panphage@e-172-IP28.empnet.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection did I scare him away? nickr (~panphage@e-172-IP28.empnet.net) joined #gnuenterprise. oif bobacus (~rja29@pc2-camc5-0-cust37.cam.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. derek: and I'm listening to Lo-Fidelity Allstars now too. jcater: can i ask you to close ticket #19 ? sure was it resolved? i have to say sorry i was wrong in the wxModern/wxDEFAULt font issue wxDEFAULT realy not a fixed width font er really but there is a brand new ticket #29 for you :) yeah, I saw :) haven't had a chance to look at it yet is that the jump to record bug? using interbase? yes i'v tried it with pygresql too and it doesn't work there either? yes :( ok, that's good to know harald sended me an email he find this with mysql before but was not sere this is a GNUe or mysql driver bug er sure i think GNUe :) and there is another issue, maybe related to this thi is the old _loadNextRecord() problem er this i found the same workaround in meny DBdriver.py i know the reason in interbase driver the fetchmany() doesn't match exectly with Python-DB-API-2.0 spec it says: says: An Error (or subclass) exception is raised if the previous call to executeXXX() did not produce any result set or no call was issued yet but in kinterbasdb fetchmany calls _fetch() and doesn'n knows that _fetch() reached none before. psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. lo dres_ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Remote closed the connection dres_ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. interbase gives back only 1 record from a cursor at a time Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" maybe the same problem exist in mysql, and some of postgresql python drivers yeah we wrote all these drivers based on a Python DB-SIG standard we quickly found out that they all behave differently against the "standard" which is why we see these quirks so while it's easy to say "yeah, it's gnue's problem" (which is partially is) we are the first app AFAIK to actually use all these "standardized" database drivers side-by-side but as soon as I get a chance to test I'll see if I can find out the issues with those two drivers i think there would be a better workarond to implement a last record attribute in the class and manage that and we can catch the real database errors, not to pass them psu (peter@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("switching logins"). psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: psu is away: gone for a chinese takaway (thus neatly side-stepping the "don't discuss p*zz*"rule) mmm chineise food time to supper by btami (~btami@dial-3-202.emitel.hu) left irc: mmmm pizza mmm damnit, I spent all my cash on sticky tape and porno mags err quarters for laundry. btami (~btami@dial-1-49.emitel.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" btami (~btami@dial-1-49.emitel.hu) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. afternoon greetings hi Action: psu is back which version of PyGreSQL to use? 3.2? I believe we are fairly version-neutral ok as i've never seen it discussed as an issue thx as opposed to, say, the frequent "which version of python did you say?" will 2.1.1 be OK? gontran: definitely Action: gontran wipes forehead btami (~btami@dial-3-91.emitel.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. hi all again btami: howdy banco de gaia: drunk as a monk is an excellent track i'v just sended a new patch to jcater@gnue.org yes just got it have you sent in a copyright assignment? Action: jcater forgets i'v agreed it to jamest before but i never get a paper or got :) I'll have to assume you've tested these patches... because I don't have interbase to test against :) of corse er course nickr: you here? i think i am the only interbase user around here:) yep btami: I think we've had another interbase user come in lately oh nickr: do you have a build/install script or something that calls our setup.py? btami: so they'll be happy to see your patch :) jcater: how do you mean? I'm just trying to get an idea of how you are doing this ah I've added a --cfg-path /path/to/an/etc/dir to common's setup.py from a makefile I call python2.1 setup.py build and then later on call install --root ./debian/build --prefix '/' ah ok cool in between the build and install parts a site_config.cfg file is created you can append to this file common_etc = /etc/gnue common_images = /usr/share/gnue/images ...etc and the setup.py install (with a --cfg-path setting) will copy this file and the tools will respect it (as long as they are also passed the --cfg-path setting) this doesn't have the setup.py install files into proper places but it gives you a way to make the tools respect any moves you do the first one will have to wait until we have a decent install tool :( hrm okay actually, let me change one thing dres__ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. dres_ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jcater: what do you think about a new lastrecord atrrib in the GDataObject ResultSet class ? maybe it would be a better workaround then owerriding the _loadNextRecord in many drivers hmm lemme think about that for a minute I forget why we didn't do that initially but we had a reason but my darn old memory is failing me _loadNextRecord is calls fetchmany() and fetchmany is not implemented correctly in many drivers nickr: I changed that to "setup.py --cfg-file /etc/gnue/site.cfg" that would have to be passed to all the tools' setup.py's too, not just common I should refer to the final path of the config file? but common is the one that makes the file yeah, filename included does it matter that that file won't exist until the package is installed? no shouldn't Good, just makisg sure :) jcater: then _loadNextRecord would be called only when lastrecord=0 in first/last/next/prev/set record ok I can't see any problem with that at first I was afraid of a performance hit but that could be a performance gain dres__ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Connection reset by peer gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) left #gnuenterprise. jcater: can i make a DCL wo for you about this? :) um sure or try to implement it myself? I'll try to get to it tomorrow if I can ok bigbrother: what's the weather going to be like tonight? sigh I need to retrain him to be more useful :) well, now he's broken his chillywilly-slapping habit... rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: Client Quit neilt (~neilt@66-61-51-107.wo4.cox.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o neilt' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. MOO how now, brooklyn cow? jcater: i'v just made a workorder jcater: but responsible is Eh! I'm mooan' ova hea james :) rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. g'night btami (~btami@dial-3-91.emitel.hu) left irc: rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: Client Quit psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("bed.invoke('psu');"). jbailey (~jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. sledge_ (~sledge@B2e14.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi there jcater? :) hey no fair playing w/o me sledge_: wassup? i received your mails i understand the toolbar issue; please discuss that point. i'm highly annoyed by the current designer UI. personally it is not OK imho to get rid of the toolbar sledge_: what issues do you ahve with it? i do think its ok to make an option in gnue.conf I don't necessarily like it either to not display it so everyone is happy jcater: my users live by it but I want a complete UI plan before we do anything like that though they dont particularly like the icons ;0 jbailey (~jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" derek: so do I :) pizza nickr: jerk derek, don't worry I'm harming myslef more than you, I assure you I've given nickr more tools to do packaging so he has no excuse now :) rock my problem with the toolbar is that it provides a second functionally identical way of achieving something (in that case, changing certain values) which confuses users; it might be "practical" for the people who are used to it - but that's also true for e.g. sendmail.cf no offense but that makes little sense its a matter of preference its nice to have more than one way to do something as long as all the way s do the same thning i have NO problem making it optional BUT to remove it will have 50% of the people asking why we dont have a toolbar for that fact if we go to single way of doing something throw menus in the trash too as they would be confusing menus are confusing no - it's bad to have more than one identical way. it's confusing. it's misleading. you will have 50% of the current users asking why there is no longer a toolbar, but please consider future users. seriously, I don't understand why they are so widely adopted. I'm still thoroughly confused for random access stuff there should be buttons, for workflow there should be wizards well let me put it this way, i think there should be a toolbar as by this argument, let's do away with designer and create a command line script you all can take it out, but it will keep coming back until my cvs access goes away as everything can be done via command line at which point it will go in a separate cvs i think OPTIONAL is the right answer as it give EVERYONE what they want if you dont like the tool bar simply remove it via an option hell if enough people are anti toolbar you could even make that the default concerning "optional", there was a good argumentation against that (havoc pennington on gnome 2) i don't think that making a bad UI element optional is as bad as keeping it s/don't/do/; i guess i am curiuos as to why its 'bad' as am I because hackers dont like it doesnt make it bad I'm going for ease of use when i give someone a piece of software and thats the FIRST thing they use not to win a UI design award that tells me something let me say this all the 'geeks' think the START button is lame but oddly to get no geeks to use gnome/kde guess what there are 'program' menus you will have a real hard time convincing me toolbars are horrid and evil they may not be your favorite but that doesnt make them bad i think we are not talking of the same toolbar plus if i used havocs logic i wouldnt be supporting MySQL as a database its a horrid piece of shit and i could argue friends dont let friends use MySQL but we give people the option :) i do not refer to the toolbar which includes the little icons!!! sledge_: ah what is the 'tool bar' then? sorry, because it's misleadingly called "ToolBar" in the source code :( ToolBar in Designer is that thing which is beneath the actual form layout, letting you change name, x, y, w, h ah dood, you have me worked up over nothing :) i fully agree with that one :) i don't think that tool bars in the common sense of the word are bad I still want to make it OPTIONAL as I rely on that tahts fine I HATE having to have a Property Editor up just to change common attributes i dont think its horrid Action: sledge_ makes a notice: better communication I DETEST it jcater: it wouldnt be bad if you made say F11 or F12 toggle between the form and the property editor as then you can have one on top and one on bottom jcater: but a good drag&drop (think: delphi) would render that ToolBar useless and is way more intuitive and not use mouse to get back and forth sledge_: you can do some of that now sledge_: sure sledge_: note, dont say delphi tell him its an old oracle feature :) but I still don't like it you will get farther not to pull rank or anything but I use that bar :) would you use that bar if the d&d was as good as delphi's? you have to use the mouse in both cases, so the ToolBar doesn't give you the advantage of "quick editing"! I am not familiar w/delphi's drag and drop may i explain the delphi d&d? :) sure but I will repeat what I said earlier I have no intention of making major UI changes prior to a release and without a cohesive plan Our UI was certainly hacked together and it needs to be revamped ACK but I don't want to hack away hacks rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) could we continue with "constructive mode" err ok I thought we were being delphi d&d is quite simple moving an object: immediate response of the UI, which means that the element is moved the same moment you move the mouse resizing an object: The object has 4 corners that, when dragged, resize the object. again: immediate response. that's all. sure that takes care of those two things which I'd like to note, we currently have those too well, the current state is not very satisfying when it comes to immediate response, but i will take a deeper look into that issue anyway. well, that's more related to wx than us :( i know, wx has some disadvantages ... yep but the advantages we gain currently outway the disadvantages although it can be frustrating yep, the typical tradeoff problem german saying, mainly used by young people: "irgendwas ist ja immer" -> "there's always something", something referring to a problem :) Action: sledge_ lights a cigarette on having discussed that issue in a fruitful manner those things will kill you, you know i know; but first, it's my turn to kill them :) seriously, i'll stop that after my exams (quite stressing) either the cigarettes will kill him, or he will be driven crazy by this channel in a circle of crazy people, your only chance to survive is to become crazy, too :) :) jcater: constructively, if i find a way to create a convenient d&d method for designer, would you consider dropping the ToolBar? sledge_: I'm not arguing for the bar I'm arguing against any knee-jerk changes this close to a release and I would like to come up with a cohesive UI plan before making lots of changes to the UI why not try to fix the current UI, and when these changes are too "hacked", we redesign the UI? of course, respecting the release plans! (i may note that i don't know anything about gnue release plans) Mr_You (rouzer@ left irc: Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable) sledge_: within a few days sledge_: because until we have a respectable alternative it will cause more frustration to remove the bar than to leave it okay - i have a lot of other things to do the next days, so we can proceed on the point after the release and maybe derek's F10/F11 quick keys may be enough quick keys are also "habit" usage, not "intuitive" usage. UI design _is_ important. They may of course continue to exist beside an "intuitive" way. i have another point :) s/point/subject/ il18n is usage of gettext or something comparable a desireable goal for the future? bad question jcater: concerning my "forms" patch, i'll try to look for the error-producing gfd file and send you the file and the python standard trace. okay? cool sounds good last subject, have you incorporated the "trigger rename" patch? yes this morning great :) then everything is okay on my side it's nice to be so productive with you all :) i go to be now, it's 2:00am local time ttfn sledge_ (~sledge@B2e14.pppool.de) left irc: "have a nice day/night" bbl derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "um my gnue tree is bigger than your gnue tree" mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-26-67-169.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. mdean!!!! long time no see1 halo mdean! halo! halo sup guys howrabuddy? howryabuddy? ok - wa enta? good ....and with that he vanishes :P Action: mdean smacks Maniac with a Borland Turbo Pascal 7 reference set yow you could kill somebdoy with that turbovision has pointy edges neilt (~neilt@66-61-51-107.wo4.cox.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ouch! (internet latency) Action: Maniac smacks mdean with the filemaker pro 5 bible Action: Maniac spends 15 minutes and re-writes DCL in visual basic @#*!%) haha !@%%&&({) eek! filemaker Macintosh users cannot be wrong Filemaker is satan yes they can :) if satan used databases he'd use filemaker? he'd use MS SQL server filemaker is to be respected, not abused! might as well, he own's it anyway i think not, he'd use access on windows with an app writen in visual basic ajmitch: that's right, or he might even enter ERP data into Excel!!!!!! any zope fans in #gnuenterprise? dtm: excel 1? ajmitch: :-o Maniac: nah, why? cause i'm getting inta zope Maniac: you using it for some evil ritual? Maniac: i used to know some it's kinda pythonic i know, we'll make something better :P Maniac: people here are basically wanting to obviate Zope afaik Maniac: in python, no less all hail GEAS!! obviate? GEAS [20:41] Last message repeated 2 time(s). Maniac: to maneuver around it, to make irrelevant WORKING CODE [20:42] Last message repeated 2 time(s). Maniac: hHAEehehEHAERRRR Action: ajmitch falls into the zombie-like incantation dtm: ah Maniac: *EVENTUALLY* ;) zope is the basis of my new intranet project @ work eeevil i could switch to postnuke? eep somebody warm up the defibrillators for mdean use webware (just cos you can :) mmmm i'm not a fan of psp i just can't stand the "%" symbol hehe or {} which is why me and php didn't get along come to speak of it i don't like html....... and i hate $variable i hate computers! they're evil! ajmitch: exactwry! Action: Maniac goes to play Counter-strike instead of use his brain :) mdean, where aaaaarrrrreeee yoooooooou? i'm in charge of spamming #gnuenterprise with worthless posts today let me! let me! ok go ahead i think DCL should be rewritten in BF "There's no such thing as gravity... The earth sucks" BF? i think if you captured stdout you could do some stuff :) brainfuck very odd language yeah "If a man says something and there are no women around to hear, is he still wrong?" No he is merely an ass Action: Maniac notes, he's listening to Dr. Dre nickr: good point Action: nickr listens to Eazy E Action: Maniac listens to Eminem and EATS M&M's :-o >:O CLEAR Action: Maniac uses the defibulalalkajf;aor on mdean (sp) nothing! goto 300! Eminem? that shits for pussies, N W A! CLEAR! ZING! Charge to 400! ZING! no pulse..... quick! get the copy of windows XP! I don't think defribulators go 'zing' its more like 'pow' Action: dtm puts the defibrulator in the microwave to heat it up for mdean actaully in real life the just go " " shall we try the cattle prod next? no sound at all and they dont' tend to use paddles anymore hey! this defribrulator's cold! you want mdean to have an unpleasant experience or somtehing? we want to revive him they just use little electrode thingies that they tape to your chest and press a button on a panel yeah and a cold defibrulator will sure get his attention! so can you sit there giving yourself jolts? ajmitch: i spose so the old fashioned ones are still used on TV and movies for visual effect (or so i'm told) or in poor countries like NZ yea, modern ones are fairly automated Action: Maniac connects battery cables to mdean and starts the engine well how about that suit that M. Bison wore on the Street Fighter movie. that was pretty boss they look at heart rythm and try to correct it automatically nickr: see i'm not a total blathering idiot :P Maniac: are you sure? automagically even nickr: how's that document management thingy coming? Action: Maniac DCC's mdean some happy thoughts Maniac: Pretty dead in the water no demand, no assistance, no motivation i found trivial document management at http://tavi.sf.net we integrated it into phpgw lightly, anyway you can see it at http://axisgroupware.com in the demo but it's just for text and html it does revisioning and stores in sql Maniac: I've actually been having some throughts of it lately nickr: you should work on Tavi! No. if it's at all relevant to your work I'm thinking of restructurling it to be more like a sort of immutable CVS of sorts well not exactly but something that more addresses my personal needs. play that funky music, white boy I should lay out plans for an organic document system too jbailey (~jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jbailey Heya ajmitch. hola jeff Action: ajmitch applies cattle prod to dtm Mr. Nick. Action: ajmitch reads Axis todo Action: nickr boogies. nickr: dont' reimplement some cvs type of thing IMO THE DCL STEERING SUMMIT IS HEREBY IN SESSION AND HAS BEEN RELOCATED TO #GNUENTERPRISE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ALL SPLITTERS SHALL BE TERMINATED. i had thoughts of using subversion (subversion.tigris.org) once it stabilizes some more as it has nice handling of binary formata formats even and has a python guru on the team OK DTM, WE SHALL DEFER TO YOUR AUTHORITY so will have nice python interfaces Action: dtm henceforth rescinds his authority Action: dtm reclaims authority just long enough to assign the porting of Doom to AxisGroupware, to ajmitch lol you can use aalib how you gonna integrate that, eh? and ggi ooh lucky me Action: chillywilly is back (gone 09:45:23) and repeated javascript refreshes ahh! chillywilly is back! Action: ajmitch whimpers uh, ok or maybe even just taking keybd input, and rendering a live video stream hehe chillywilly: HIGH so is GNUe groupware stuff gonna use some funky multimedia conferencing tools? ajmitch: eh? i guess so there's always webex for java which my company services you can't present with it, only view ugh ajmitch: Sure, use gnuef to keep track of your p0rn accounts, and bayonne to connect to them... requires macos or windows for presenting sounds yucky ajmitch: well let's see you do better! :) don't tempt him he needs to hack on geas with me ;) Maniac: its really more of a metadata versioning and indexing, with a physical store that can store anything you want. So it is SORT of like cvs/subversions, but vith a different purpose first you can start by purchasing a globally peered high speed QoS infrastructure. Action: ajmitch grabs gstreamer & whips up an app :) we could discuss basic DCL usage if you guys wanna ok since the posse's here without its leaders @*# standby bah, I don't need no stinkin' leaders ;) dunno why i'm involved, since i have no affiliations with dcl ;) apart from thinking it rocks Posses. sheeeeeit stinks ajmitch: that's affiliation enough! * those are my docs on how to get up to my level with dcl. you get the software, install it, and then see my tables you can start with my tables for the purpose of this conversation I used DCL for a while but stopped because the debian package wasn't too good at the tiem just jump right ahead nickr: It's been pulled from woody. there is not much purpose in requiring a premade package except to ask you a couple of questions and edit a text file for ya and create a db nickr: There will be a decent DCL package in unstable and testing shortly after woody releases. it's really easy although it'd be nice if it was decently packages d but only use version 200202015!! ewps 20020215 !! ok? dtm: I have it done here, waiting for woody to release. I don't want it in woody jbailey: you have what done? you made a dcl package? dtm: That would be consistant with the current conversation, yes. jbailey: uh yeah it would be consistant with one thread of it, yeah. Thanks for the vague mental micromanagement! Moving along! whoever's in the dcl discussion can look at the graphical table in http://home.smuckola.org/dcl_wishlist.html that's my impression of how dcl's static structure is organized i welcome anyone to clarify or correct that impression jbailey: where can us mortals download this package? Action: ajmitch was just reading that page before gah the column "DCL component name" lists the terms DCL actually uses can someone give me the ip address of home.smuckola.org as it won't resolve for me danielb@obfuscation:~/src/cvs/gsim/src/examples/mm1$ host home.smuckola.org home.smuckola.org A record not found, server failure Action: ajmitch wonders why he can view the page :) but it doesn't answer pings. jcater: sorry, ip25.promontory.sfo.interquest.net yeah it wont answer pings due to its firewall jbailey: this was about errr a year ago :) jbailey: I stopped using it when the upgrade fucked up my database. maybe i need to reduce the ttl on smuckola.org since i'm on dyndns nickr: Thats why I didn't stop it from getting pulled from Woody. There's no way I could get decent testing done on it where I was certain that upgrades would be seamless. i feel about 75% confident with DCL administration and about 90% confident with usage so i welcome input note that in the aforementioned doc, everything below the
still needs to be sorted. some of it's obsolete. so dont worry about it oh and i forgot to close the
    of FAQ so does everyone jive with that table? the "type of hierarchy" is my improvisation it's a little abstraction layer to help think about it it may also serve in redesigning DCL to be more flexible i would like to propose that we focus on those basic types of hierarchies.. in other words, create high level flows or whatever. and then allow the configuration of arbitrary amounts of component hierarchies in other words, to not have statically defined "domain" and "project" and "WO" concepts and to instead be more flexible for organizations who have higher levels of hierarchy, or finer grained hierarchy like a corporate conglomerate with multiple business units or for a workgroup that wants to use one DCL installation to manage their business and multiple related businesses and each of their personal lives. has the user interface been abstracted more? It seems ilke it was very ummm crosslinked everything in a DCL installation may be connected by the overall hierarchy, or by the same people participating in multiple hierarchies. nickr: explain nickr: btw i dont have all the answers and i'm not a coder but i will address and document issues nickr: abstracted from what to what? i know everything's pretty crosslinked it feels sometimes like a labyrinth of concentric circles it's not bad, especially coz there are always the high level menus available i think it's done for convenience. it's a deep app ajmitch: where are you at with things? well I mean to allow easier interaction with the database in an abstract way like so additional apps could be written as sort of frontends to it does anyone here know if DCL domains create a separate namespace for usernames? is there any ACL there, or is there one authentication base which can access all configured DCL domains? nickr: hmmmmm nickr: any particular kinds of apps? nickr: btw, that's a question for mdean and i doubt that the answer is affirmative nickr: although he may have plans I'm just big on abstraction. ;) nickr: in what way? you like it, but dont want to implement it yourself? or what hehe sounds like you want a lot of it No, I think it allows more flexibility whoops i misstated that "you like it" sentence :) never mind carry on disregard that sentence ;> and you can see the delineation of the layers, it allows you to identify where the problems are and such "Heh Action: dtm calls to ajmitch for it to be stricken from the court i thought for some crazy reason that you said "i'm just not big on abstraction" and i was trying to make sense of that. i'm rather tireD! :) i've been shopping for dog clothes no excuses :-o you shall be thrown into the dungeon shopping for dog clothes would wear one out i prefer the lion den, please too bad, you don't get to choose nickr: yes.... CUTENESS QUOTIENT.... SKYROCKETING... COMMENTS FROM PASSERSBY...INUNDATING....... CAN'T ..BREAK..FREEE. OF .. THE CUTENESS ZONE i think i should watch a horror movie sometime :/ who the fuxk uses the word inundating? chillywilly: that would be me! fuxk? typo Is that a fucked up version of fuck? yeah well there's no typo with me! that's right! i said "inundating"!! yea, very fucked Action: chillywilly slaps dtm silly with an inundating trout Action: dtm is inundated I use that word also Although I don't spell it right usually of course you would you are phucked yea Action: chillywilly read about steambufs I have a huge vocoobulery but I don't spel so gut. Action: ajmitch is here nickr: well if you'd like to document your UI abstraction ideas, that would be peachy Action: jcater inundates everyone with absurd, unspoken inundations Action: nickr inudates jcater with a conflagration :) ajmitch: what do you think of the aforementioned table unhh what doeSANYBODY THINK OF THE TABLE Action: jcater wets himself to stop the conflagration from spreading UNLEASH YOUR FURY UPON THE TABLE looks good ajmitch: does it make sense? yeah, in a twisted sorta way it actually does! ajmitch: have you used dcl at all only a little :( it's been 48 mins and we've gotten just about nowhere in this discussion although i do appreciate what we've done. i know, i blame the lack of dcl gurus instead, you're lumped with the likes of me actually if you guys wanna wrap it up, at least take a look at my table ESPECIALLY IF YOU'VE ACTUALLY USED DCL BEFORE, and gimme your input on it ajmitch: indeed, the bums! ajmitch: maybe they're doing something like raising a family or something sad I use it but am happy with it ajmitch: derek is probably victimized further by his x11 server except for a few peculiarities jcater: ok then look at my table and tell me what you think but, it's a weekend jcater: do you think that's the proper way to view dcl's structure and to map it to a generic org? btami has already made me work today w/patches and sledge_ has made me think it looks ok to me I do agree w/the defaulting that's one of the oddities of dcl imho in that, stuff that seems like it should default doesn't jcater: what do you think about the idea of redesigning DCL to not be static around its organization? and to instead just have types of hierarchies which are arbitrarily configurable?: do you dig? I'm not personally interested in the PHPgw stuff as it's ireelevant to me... so I can't comment on those static in what ways oh, I see your comments yeah, that'd be nice jcater: do you think that'd be relevant or is it just ranting from a non-coder and non-dcl-architect (that being me) well SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-213.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: all i know is that dcl doesn't scale organizationally knee-jerk reaction says that it sounds great not even in my own life, because i wanna scale horizontally jcater: yeah but not sure how much recoding that'd take mmhmm jcater: and i would suggest that its current static structure should be the 'default' config for my proposed dynamic structure It'd be really, really cool if DCL could have sort of dynamic organizing like that see, i want one dcl installation to serve multiple businesses, plus the personal lives of the individuals so this would require that each person has their own products, departments, etc phpgw has at least a concept of that, in terms of their "global category" so maybe dcl could implement it literally as a "global category" from phpgwapi or maybe that would require more fully porting dcl atop phpgwapi, rather that its current state of nestling within or next to it but then, phpgwapi is a moving target do you guys have any other thoughts on my document? dcl_wishlist.html such as the stopgap use of 'security levels' to supplant the lack of ACLs and btw is anyone here interested in general groupware? well mdean is the GNUe Groupware masta, afaik do you guys wanna talk about the concepts of improving upon phpgw, having phpgw integrated with or cooperating with gnue, or reimplementing gruopware altogether uniquely on gnue? chillywilly: seems like it and as far as security goes we would be better off for an infrastructure for all of GNUe and he's most capable well we annouced it on the main site a while back ;) RBAC looks nice chillywilly: what's this about security? Role Based Access Control ah it's what SE Linux uses huh. well, it long pre-dated SE Linux and we wanted to use it long before SE Linux was even announced yea, but it sounds cool when mentioning it ;) ok well i've committed the time i preallocated to the DCL Steering Summit it was a resounding success :} (i.e. two prescheduled people did show up, and DCL was discussed at all) and i have to shampoo the couch and some carpet funny at this hour? you're a freak dtm I'm caulking and cleaning carpets :) maybe you guys can empathize with me here for a second .. it's *tremendously* valuable for me as a NON-CODER to have any of you people validate my ideas, or at least to look at em and to not discount them why wouldn't you do this in the morning so it can dry all day? we're closing on our new house in 7 weeks... so I'm in a rush to make mine rentable ah ok you're going to rent it? i want the real honest truth, and mdean has totally rewritten a lot of my preconceptions in the past, but in the case that i'm actually right, it does help a LOT when you guys validate it chillywilly: well the cats did a major major projectile vomit on it today on the couch soooo..... i think we should probably address that first eew dtm: please go clean it makes me sick just thinking abou tit well from what I can see you want it to be more generic and extensible which is a good goal and only emphasizes the need for a framework like the one we are building ;) jcater: whats a matta? notta real man? tit make you sick? jcater: ok! I like tits big ones Action: nickr enjoys tits of most shapes and sizes even conflagrating ones? jcater: The hotter the babe, the better? how true lol Wow, we're slow tonight. ;) yea I'm playing scrabble "Playing solitaire 'till dawn, with a deck of 51" hah sounds like a microcosm of my life. if it were occuring in area 51 as well. tee Action: nickr rocks out to Prodigy. hrm, I want to play Parasite Eve 2 dotgnu-sage (~blootbot@wlg1-port27.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Okay, I'm here. (courtesy of ajmitch) ok this bot is full of crap - fill it some more dotgnu-sage: object rumour has it, object is a physical (tangible and visible) entity, or in object oriented programming an object is a unique instance of a data type defined according to the template provided by it class. each object has its own values for its attributes belonging to its class and can respond to the methods defined by its class high whew couch has been steamed yp dtm dotgnu-sage: spam No idea, nickr dotgnu-sage: assclown nickr: I don't know dotgnu-sage: php Bugger all, I dunno, nickr sheesh what good is it? teach it it is young and can be molded via your will s/via/to dotgnu-sage: assclown is See fudgepacker. or something nickr: okay Ah, nice. dotgnu-sage: assclown rumour has it, assclown is See fudgepacker. dotgnu-sage: fudgepacker chillywilly: Parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about Now I can save all my knowledge for future generations dotgnu-sage: objective-c nickr: Parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about dotgnu-sage: gnue I guess gnue is GNU Enterprise - see http://www.gnuenterprise.org hey! that worked hee dotgnu-sage: factoid GNUe dneighbo: factinfo gnue woops ajmitch: I don't know hehe oops not enough letters for my completion damnit dneighbo: you suck i need to put it on a decent box dotgnu-sage: factinfo gnue 16:34.37 FORK(2864) MEM: increased by 632 kB. (total: 58764 kB) the box only has 32MB ram so it's thrashing about a little]= gnue -- created by ajmitch <~me@wlg1-port27.jetstart.win.co.nz> 7m 55s ago; it has been requested once, last by nickr, 1m 46s ago. dotgnu-sage: get a real box dotgnu-sage: DCL chillywilly: gimme some cash then chillywilly: Parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about Action: dotgnu-sage duct-tapes ajmitch to the floor and drools on him, courtesy of chillywilly I haven't a clue, nickr dotgnu-sage: dotgnu dotgnu-sage: bot snack nickr: I don't know, could you explain it? :) ajmitch: I thought you entered a factoid for dotgnu? nope my bad it was.. 22:33:52] dotgnu-sage: pnet [22:33:53] hmm... pnet is a suite of free software tools to build and execute .NET applications, including a C# compiler, assembler, disassembler, and runtime engine. cut & paste from the webpage dotgnu-sage: man-bot love is unnatural, kinky, and illegal in 49 states okay, nickr dotgnu-sage: man-bot love I heard man-bot love is unnatural, kinky, and illegal in 49 states infobots are fun to abuse i know dotgnu-sage: suck it I don't know, chillywilly dotgnu-sage: suck it chillywilly: Parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about dotgnu-sage: suck-it whip it out bitch! nah hah dotgnu-sage: suck-it it has been said that suck-it is get outta here dotgnu-sage: forget man-bot love i forgot man-bot love, nickr heh dotgnu-sage: forget suck-it i didn't have anything called 'suck-it', chillywilly dotgnu-sage: homo chillywilly: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? dotgnu-sage: homo is the definition of you okay, nickr chillywilly: now try ;) dotgnu-sage: what are these papers for is I have a whiping problem. I put these little squares on my brown eye and bam! No shits stains in the undies! chillywilly: what are you talking about? dotgnu-sage: bah chillywilly: I give up, what is it? dotgnu-sage: homo rumour has it, homo is see nickr hah good luck, chillywilly ;) nickr is a jug of milk! and rectangles! err nickr: Exactly right! =) why doesn't it like multiple words? I must be fucking that up I should learn the secrets of infobots dotgnu-sage: hurd I don't know, nickr mike (~mike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey mike dotgnu-sage: the hurd nickr: Parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about howdy ajmitch dotgnu-sage: chillywilly [chillywilly] a hot & horny lesbian warrior princess from the amazon aw sheeeeit Nick change: mike -> crazymike :) infobots are fun dotgnu-sage: ajmitch it has been said that ajmitch is a butthole surfer sup chillywilly sup how you be, nigga??? I be tired me too ajmitch: how do you get it to do the [foo] blah type response or whatevel? we drove to my grandma's house to visit well...I gotsta run...later yo it just does so bye I am at Jason's house and his dialup runs this SLOW yea, that figures uh just does so? hrm talk to ya later exit lol crazymike (~mike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: Client Quit well, chillywilly well, ajmitch dotgnu-sage: geas I don't know, ajmitch dotgnu-sage: GEAS is the Gnu Enterprise Application Server nickr: okay snoogans dotgnu-sage: geas is the GNU Enterprise Appliction Server and the middleware for the GNUe project, it serves as a means for managing and deploying multi-tier business applications. ...but geas is already something else... dotgnu-sage: no, GEAS is the GNU Enterprise Appliction Server and the middleware for the GNUe project, it serves as a means for managing and deploying multi-tier business applications. chillywilly: okay hehe dotgnu-sage: geas geas is probably the GNU Enterprise Appliction Server and the middleware for the GNUe project, it serves as a means for managing and deploying multi-tier business applications. dotgnu-sage: nickr nickr: Parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about dotgnu-sage: nickr is the coolest frood in the world! nickr: okay dotgnu-sage: nickr somebody said nickr was whacked jbailey (~jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" yea yea fuckers. fuck you, you fucking fucked up fuck hey, watch it :P fuck... dotgnu-sage: fuck Parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, chillywilly dotgnu-sage: fuck somebody said fuck was mount; fsck; unmount dotgnu-sage: fuck Action: dotgnu-sage mount; fsck; unmount dotgnu-sage: fuck chillywilly: I don't know dotgnu-sage: sex Bugger all, I dunno, chillywilly dotgnu-sage: sex Action: dotgnu-sage mount; fsck; unmount dotgnu-sage: sex Action: dotgnu-sage touch; mount; fsck; unmount; sleep dotgnu-sage: unixsex Action: dotgnu-sage touch; mount; fsck; unmount; sleep --- Sun Apr 28 2002