[00:00] Last message repeated 1 time(s). don't blame the code or yourself, jcater SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-49.wasp.net.au) left irc: No route to host Action: jcater prods dneighbo yea, I am just stooopid ouch you see my two goodies on documenting common? ? how's my XSLT coming? :) gnuenterprise.org/docs/tools/common.dia UML sigh you gonna make me install dia? http://gnuenterprise.org/docs/tools/ api docs why is there always a proxy object involved? um to proxy the requests there may or may not be a proxy object with oo-aware transports (i.e., corba) you don't need one? ? you just asked me why is there always one and I said there doesn't always have to be one Action: jcater is confused maybe it's the benadryl or the tequila or the heavily glazed donuts you didn't finish your statement I was making a statement? Action: jcater is studying the dia of common [00:06:34] there may or may not be a proxy object [00:06:39] with oo-aware transports [00:06:42] (i.e., corba) trying to figure out what I'm looking at chillywilly: because in corba's case, I think it'd handle the proxying for us or at least the concept of proxying BUT I didn't get far into corba so that may not be a fair statement Action: jcater hasn't fully grokked corba wow... there's a lot of stuff in that common.dia corba provides client stubs what would you do with being connection to a unix domain socket and a tcp/ip socket at the same time? why would someone want that and/or what is that useful for? um Action: jcater isn't sure what you're looking at AsyncSocketServer TODO: This should probably allow you to connect # TODO: to both a Unix-style socket file and to a # TODO: TCP/IP socket simultaneously. yeah a socket file is faster, iirc but you have to be on the same machine yea i think btw, recalling the Async stuff that's a matter of 2 lines of code so it's not a big deal providing either option what do the params look like for tcp/ip and domain socket? what's the diff in that dictionary { 'socket' : 'x.x.x.x',.... for tcp/ip? what does asynchat do for you? Action: chillywilly asks too many friggin questions chillywilly: I haven't been in there for at least 5 months I don't think the params are defined for those for tcp/ip connections? ok but I think it's like {host: "blah", port: "1111"} etc ah yea where's the python lib reference? the online one SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-10.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. I can't find the damn thing http://www.python.org/doc/2.0/lib/lib.html thanks I always use the 2.0 version so I don't get myself into trouble :) hmmm, ansychat module is not in the python lib? no it's part of medusa which we may bring into our cvs tree (if licensing permits) oh the same medusa that nautilus uses? or did use Action: jcater isn't familiar w/nautilus but it's the same medusa that Zope and Webware used It's also part of the Python Library as of Python-1.5.2, see asyncore.py and asynchat.py] I see asyncore in the lib ref but no asynchat yeah that confused me too jcater: i forgot; are you a dcl user? ssssh... don't tell my parents dtm: yeah jcater: have you ever used domains? i'm wondering what is separated by a domain i wonder if it separates user accounts dtm: no we're a small operation (3 coders using it) so I don't even know what a domain is conceptually sorry I see this trick all the time: if __name__ == '__main__': wtf does it mean? that section of code will only execute if you directly run that script from the command line e.g., in my FormatMasks I have some of those so I can do python DateMask.py and have test code in that if statement that tests stuff for me but when the module is imported by a gnue tool that if statement doesn't return true so the test code doesn't execute did that make sense? yea it's the main module right? that test is yeah e.g., in my DateMask.py file if I do python DateMask.py then __name__ = '__main__' basically it's a nice way to add text code for your module if I do import DateMask then DateMask.__name__ = 'DateMask' test that's typically what we use if for although that's not the only logical use e.g. GFClient.py has it iirc so when you run GFClient it creates all the instances, etc chillywilly: can you do be a favor and shave for me? KTHXBYE ^_^_^_^ but later on, GNUe Navigator can import GFClient Action: dtm donut wanna shave and GNUe Nav can handle setting up the environment but MOST cases it's used for test code must sleep jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "nite" dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. hi psu, ra3vat, bye psu, ra3vat well that was short & sweet ;-) Action: ajmitch is going off to LUG meeting :) such a nice polite young man, that ajmitch *cough* say hi from us ;-) hello all :) gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) left #gnuenterprise. ajmitch: yeah say hi psu: btw yeah he's a nice guy. he's on my "people to not kill" list. Action: psu submits urgent application to join the list - you never know... anyway, work time psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." psu: rofl ;saljfslkjdf maybe we shouldn't tell psu just yet that there is no "people to kill" list ;) make him think a couple things through first ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-10.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) SachaS_ (~sacha@dialup-196-193.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS_ -> SachaS Nick change: SachaS -> SachaS_away good morning this is a good day for coding some stuff Nick change: Ford_ -> Ford_afk Mr_You (rouzer@ left irc: Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable) alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Ford_afk -> or Nick change: or -> Ford_ alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. sledge_ (~sledge@B2e92.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi there Nick change: SachaS_away -> SachaS i saw that il18n made it into cvs but it doesn't work for me :( can someone help me? sledge_ (~sledge@B2e92.pppool.de) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" Nick change: SachaS -> SachaS_dinner alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: SachaS_dinner -> SachaS dum de dum de dum de dum ...... hello SachaS_ (~sacha@dialup-196-57.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-193.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. <^chewie> blah ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. is cvs down? jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard Hey reinhard hello all Ford_: is your last name "Prefect"? ;) reinhard: yep :) Action: Ford_ shows his towel cool I flew over your whitepaper for GEAS yesterday any comments? alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" reinhard: not yet... it's a complex thing I fell in love with the GnuE efforts as a few days before, I got a project where I have to implement a commercial ERP system with an international working enterprise I think I might use some GnuE components for the front-end development (that form-thingie) Ford_: sounds good especially because Forms is the only _100%_really_ production usable part by now IMHO of course :) on may, 15th I'll hand out my concepts ... I will follow any step you'll do in that gnuE development... maybe in 2yrs we'll even switch over to you ? (except the financial module) why not the financial module? due to law issues in germany ... i am 100% positive after finishing the financial module we will find someone who approves it in germany very quickly especially the administrative accounting part costs a lot when you want a certified approve by the financial ministry are you the one who wrote a mail regarding this issue a few days ago? didn't wrote a mail, discussed about that yesterday here in the channel ok then someone else wrote a mail so you are already two who need that :) :)) i can imagine well that some companies would pay for that there're are a bunch of hundreds I guess if we find only say 20 companies wanting to use GNUe accounting in germany and dividing the costs among them SAP sucks... this is sth every company has learned I guess it would be doable drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: that's a good model! reinhard: I'll add it up to my concept :) cool :) btw that's how free software works imho yes sponsoring is important Action: drochaid wonders if jamest is observing the chan Ford_: where exactly are you from? reinhard: I live in Giessen, Germany. It's about 80kms north from Frankfurt/Main will you be in Karlsruhe? Linuxtag when is it ? 6.6. - 9.6.2002 drochaid: when I can reinhard: I'll ask my CEO whether this is possible or not.. are you there as well ? is there a gnuE-exhibition ? I don't think there will be much GNUe there but sledge and myself will be at the FSF Europe booth probably Action: reinhard is from Austria, btw I don't like exhibitions anyway... they're only good to see the trends reflected... but usually I know the trends prior such an event... so why go there I like Linuxtag and F.SDEM and the like because you can meet interesting people there not because of the news you see there To meet vendors is the interesting part of course not even vendors but only on prior invitation Nick change: SachaS_ -> SachaS it was very interesting for me for example at F.SDEM to meet Georg Greve, Werner Koch (GnuPG author), Marcus Brinkmann (Hurd Hacker) and of course SachaS :) :) maybe Linuxtag differs from usual "IT-Daya s" thanks reinhard. it was a pleasuer for me to meet you :) anybody know if woody is already released? woody release delayed. what's woody (allan) ? Ford_: debian GNU/Linux distribution version 3.0 Ford_: alias is woody SachaS: you know new date? I see reinhard: www.debianplanet.org is my resource. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2002/debian-devel-announce-200204/msg00020.html is the mail. thanks psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. psu: finally i meet you congratulations on your 6 months of kc and 1000 thanks for doing this great thing thanks reinhard i just wanted to say that :) of course, I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to ;-) I guess the motivations are Action: dneighbo thinks we shoudl go ahead and let psu believe we dont have ways of forcing him...(evil grin) a) fun - even if most of the fun bits of the log never make it into KC as they are off-topic ;-) b) I have seriously learned a lot about various "techie" things like appservers, RPC, etc etc which will come in useful both generally and in my "real" job hmm... did we ever resolve that problem that some europeans couldn't see website as now "some europeans" seems to include me... Nick change: SachaS -> SachaS_away i had someone send jamest traceroutes best we can tell gnuenterprise.org www.gnuenterprise.org hmm trying to ping www. and ash. both resolve to but I get no packets back jamest: oops, I forgot to check in to see if you responded ... I just wanted to make sure you know OOo v1.0 has been launched, if you can find a server still accepting connections psu: ICMP is blocked by our firewall ah Action: psu is not quite sure what that means, but it sounds not good it means you can't ping it but you also can't DoS it :) it's a tradeoff but the ip address that it's resolving to is the important thing Action: psu remebers the urban legend about geeks going up to golfers wearing Ping baseball caps and shouting "ACK!" sigh :) drochaid: I've got the win32, linux binaries already and solaris is at 82% la nickr: no, that's only *half* a tellytubby, try again (nint - tinky is also wrong) btw, Kernel Cousins has several links to your DocStore proposals so if you are getting unexpected visitors in the log, probly my fault ahh that explains it jamest: I guess you knew then :) what server did you connect to? I've tried them all 2 or 3 times already :-/ www.planetmirror.com but since I'm a super swell guy what do you need? win32 or linux? www.math.ksu.edu/~jamest/OOo_1.0.0_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz :-D www.math.ksu.edu/~jamest/OOo_1.0.0_Win32Intel_install.zip i have tested neither of them yet though so for all I know the d/ls are corrupt gnugo (~Gnu@ joined #gnuenterprise. I'm wondering if getting a corrupt download is better than getting frustrated just trying to find a server that will let me collect it ;-) gnugo (~Gnu@ left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). i guess they work bobacus (~rja29@pc2-camc5-0-cust37.cam.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. gnugo? isnt that a program yea psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Ford_ (~re@pD9E2C132.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: "REBOOT" dpm hrm I'm paranoid, someone I don't know is surfing my archive well apparently they know you nickr: does that person in the car over the road have a video cam trained on you? that lamp even *looks* like a mic jamest/jcater has any work been done sicne 3/7 on master detail?> um I can't remember what I had for dinner last night much less whether m/d has changed in the last 2 months ok maybe a question is better if i have a master with fields [DeptNum] and [DeptName] and say detail that has fields [DeptNum] and [WorkingTitle] where DeptNum is the key in a form i show deptnum and deptname of the master as normal and working title as a grid what would expect to happen if i hit f8 then put a dept num in the masterdeptnum field and then a title in teh workingtitle detail field and hit f9? Action: dneighbo is used to not beign able to 'query' detail, but i recalled we could now, so figured i would give it a whirl i figured if i put a dept num in master and title in detail i would get only that title for that dept (or that masters children) HOWEVER what it did was query just the entire detail table (regardless of master) is that what is 'expected' ? I do know query by detail is not supported or is this a bug? we haven't implemented it yet if its a bug has it been fixed jcater: then we broke it as it used to give you an ERROR if you querired by ddetail not an error but a message saying 'thats not supported' if its not supported we need to reinstate the message imho that error must be before the DataObject rewrite but I agree, I suppose probably so, we gonna see a patch tomorrow? jcater: the reason being if we dont give message people will complain its broken :) easier to put message saying its not supported Action: dneighbo is REALLY suprised as prequery and this error message were two things jamest added orginally from his users complaints both hav ebeen broken since rewrite and he hasnt said anything :) i started to redo prequery as WE REALLY need it and it should be default behavior (imho) as its a major user stumbling block EVERY user that comes inhere with a new install asks how come i cant see my data :) but you told me to hold off on it you wanted to talk to jamest um prequery is in there i think i will gladly look into patching but the prequery stuff was completely gutted (as in no longer referenced anywhere) i started to look at where it might be best put it, but didnt look right um i has to work i = is just a sec hmm does that mean i is really is is? reinhard: i = is er re : darn bitchx even tries to finish my sentences wow i guess it is borked i can't believe no one complained sigh Action: jamest hides i don't have time to dig in now but prequery on datasources does work or all my dropdowns would have broken it's not displaying though unless someone did something fancy to make prequery work only with dropdowns which I doubt no prequery pre-queries the datasource but hasn't pre-filled blocks since our DataObject rewrite jamest: i have complained for a few months :) i just thought the 'syntax' changed i didnt look at the code (as it wasnt critical to me) dneighbo: he has complained err, jamest until looking into datasource trigger stuff then jcater said where are you getting that this ever existed :) ah, well, I must be really be getting good at forgetting dneighbo's issues Action: jamest pats self on back...."keep up the good work buddy!" rofl jamest: thats why it wasnt 'critical' as it didnt break my dropdowns :) i have been meaning to make a dcl ticket (so thats my bad) i will do so for the the prequery and for the 'query detail not supported' issue ok fwiw - the query detail not supported is sporatic as I saw it broke once, tried it at home and all was fine so I let it go you mean the error message? yes oh, rock! my Intel Microscope came in today re drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. joev (~joev@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@dial-213-168-73-230.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi ! yo jan hey siesel hi joev Ford_ (~re@p5085AB2B.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: I saw your message on the log. Does the rpc code worked for you? Action: reinhard sighs silently haven't tried and as you added an non-rpc test.py i think i won't sorry still swamped with work but got a light at the end of the tunnel (yeah i know i said that several times before) :) i allways don't know if there is light on the other side, so i don't like to go into tunnels. ;) this is a reason, why I will never write a ssl-tunnel for RPC. ;) lol Action: siesel is thinking of what will come first: an app_server_cvs_test script, automaticly build by setup-cvs.py or the light at the end of reinhards tunnel. siesel: i saw you changed the field name geas_list.conditions to _conditions (and others) and added methods like setConditions is this because gnurpc only handles methods but doesn't handle fields of objects? yes. it can handle fields also (not implemented yet), but i thought of the methods are kind of requirements for an 'object' so I just added them. ok you have any strong feeling about doFoo(bar,baz) vs. do_foo (bar, baz) ? I had to programm some java ... so I write much doFoo(bla,bla) at the moment. does java require that? but i think both ways are ok. its just important to be consequent no, but the whole class library is written like that... ah gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. lo siesel: forms e.g. seems to be doFoo(bar, baz) gontran: hi :) reinhard: so what do you think? go _ing or go Ing? siesel: gnu standard is actually do_foo (bar, baz) i'm not sure what i should value higher gnu standard or consistency with forms and common plus actually i find do_foo (bar, baz) most readable it should be doFoo(bar, baz) in code camel case i think is preferred in table definitions _ is preferred hi gontran hiya workin on common.dia hmmm. I think reinhard is right, do_foo (bar, baz) is more readable, ... but it uses one byte more in the code than doFoo (bar, baz).... so the real performance freaks ;) use the last one siesel: rofl Action: siesel is a real performance freak why do that when a() is valid dneighbo: if you had a look, is that were you wanted it to go? b() c() d() :) siesel: actually we are talking 2 issues here 1 letter function names rock! doFoo() vs doFoo () (space before "(") and do_foo vs doFoo or better yet _() :P what do we need function names for? _(do_Foo)(_(bar),_(bars)) doesn't python have "goto"? yeah rofl python tells me to goto hell all the time or so it seems lol reinhard: i think funtionname () is UGLY and non cohesive siesel: anyway, at the moment we two are as inconsistent as we could be funtionName vs function_name i have no opinion on really dneighbo: functionname(one, two) is illogical imho but i think its 'the new way' to do camel case either functioname (one, two) or functionname(one,two) and i have learned the latter is much harder to read than the other i think since common, forms, reports, designer are written learned == from my own code :( rather than go and and change lets use what they do Action: dneighbo isnt certain what that is i imagine functionName(foo, bar) or functionName(foo,bar) I think I do functionName(foo, bar) out of habit but I have no clue where I picked up that habit fileHandle = openResource(processFile) nav = loadProcesses (fileHandle) fileHandle.close() dneighbo: whats about a small script to change all camel case to function_name style in forms designer...)? Action: dneighbo know he does functionname(foo, bar) as its the most readable, whether its illogical or no :) is an excerpt from GNClient.py reinhard: what?!?!? you were expecting consistency> ? :) jcater: no not me i think all this is bs we can argue forever on it its the classic my penis is longer than yours debate i will say i havent seen any function_name only functionName in current code so thtat should be the standard whether its name ( or name( i think we can agree on camel case because this is important to agree imho f () vs f() isn't _that_ important or name(value, value) name(value,value) i say who gives a shit because it's not "exported" outside the code even its is different in the smae code a space difference isnt going to be so vile that people will die the important part is the name as that is what will be 'referenced' dneighbo: yes that's what i wanted to say reinhard then we agree :) ok Action: reinhard is going to change his code then reinhard but we reserve the right to say field_name is preferred over fieldName in database schemas :) sure iAmHappyWithEverythingYouWant rOFL howeverIDontThinkThisIsBetter youWillGetUsedToIt youHadBetterAnywayCauseIWouldCurlUpAndDieIfIEverHadToChangeTheWayIDoAnything :) sigh my users they found issues in forms how dare they for chilly: JAVA DEVELOPER CONNECTION PROGRAM (JDC): If you could start again, would you make everything an object rather than the current int, boolean, byte, etc, viz-a-viz object disconnect? JAMES GOSLING: No, actually I tend to go the other way, which is to say, a way to make classes behave more like primitives, so that they can be optimized and become extremely efficient, and maybe have a way to do autoboxing so that they sort of go back and forth between being objects. There are a lot of subtle problems around autoboxing that always make me nervous, and the big one being questions around identity. hmmmm, nothing about making it suck less? Action: jamest runs well after i pasted that i started thinking do i want to admit to agreeing with teh maker of that evil called java :) siesel: i have committed the this_one to thisOne change l8r everyone can you please test whether the rpc sample still works? l8r jamest jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "[x]chat" ok. one moment Action: siesel is wondering about a very slow connection to cvs at subversions.gnu.org anyway i've updated the api doc on ash, too cool. GEAS.grpc and INSTALL changed too. rpc demo is working again. thanks night all reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "There's always one more imbecile than you expect" night allright kids: get your semi-beautified common.dia at http://www.gontran.net/pub/gnue/common.dia Nick change: gontran -> gontran_food cool. I want to have a poster of it. hey jcater: there is even an bakery on it ;) rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (firewall-u@cherry7.comerica.com) left irc: "later.." siesel what is GEAS.grpc? i.e. what is a .grpc file? a description of an RPC connection. (in XML) hmmm im just nervous that specs are being made w/o any formal review i assume a .grpc is something custom to gnue? yep. is it a replacemetn to a gcd? or is it merely a connection? dneighbo: it's more like an IDL if its a connection type of thing where does it really belong what should we name it etc etc it is closely connected to gcds, because some parts are similar. these are not describing objects though right? are they like the old geas' base idl where you really only have like one it defines what methods we want exposed, so each "Server" app will have a grpc file yeah, like the old geas.idl files only generalized this grpc is something I was toying with and will be different for each provider? Action: jcater wasn't really ready for gnurpc to go prime time yet dneighbo: no or is this a way to make it so one definite works for all providers geas would have ONE grpc file and gfrom that we can generate corba stubs etc chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. at least, that's the intention ok and it would make the approriate idl or such substitution yes talking about gnurpc? yes i just want to make sure proper communication is being had before committing code as up front something .grpc seems like an odd extension .grc mayb (gnu rpc connection) that's my fault :( but I was afraid gr? would be confused/conflict with reports stuff none of this is set in stone now that we have some examples im not opposed to greater than 3 car extensions it's probably time to formalize this stuff this is not DOS ;) and start discussions but if its a connection file of sorts Action: chillywilly wishes he could wrap his head around said code dneighbo: one note.. this is ONLY used by the tool developers, not sys admins or users i.e., it's essentially code not sure if that matters or not but just an observation :) many protocolls (like xmlrpc f.e.) won't even need an .grpc file, but its good to have one to control access on the server side jcater: not saying we need to change it simply asking questions :) Renegade (~garetht@ joined #gnuenterprise. .grpc was not intuitive t me :) all of 2 minutes went into the naming of the file well its ounds like there will only be one of them so it probably has no bearing and it would be easy to create one: Add an lokal socket implementation, which allows any kind of RPC methods, and which writes a communication protocoll into a GRPC file. with this tool it is possible to change your application, or write a new application, then use the special protokoll one time and voila get a GRPC file for normal protocolls my concern was if we were to have lots of these it woudl be worth renaming ok well, honestly, I foresee GNUe having a total of maybe 3 of these files one for geas, one for integrator, one for report server one for each server? cool same thought i had well depending on how we do other stuff (Authenticaion Server, Workflow Server, etc) I suppose there could be more than 3 but you get the point i.e., these are NOT a replacement for GCD ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" although, since the topic has been brought up we do need to discuss at some point how GCDs are gonna look but, I digress xml in all honesty, we probably will do away with the GRPC files and just have them be Python data structures but because I was in the test stage, it was easier to have this in an external file so the various "approaches" I was testing could use the same interface definition dude, is it spelled protocol ;) wtf? Action: jcater is looking back who mispelled it? siesel: oh and he commited updated docs with the same misspellings that had already scrolled off my screen :) yeah Action: chillywilly was reading RPC-absatrction.txt that's why I said it we need our own dictionary of mispellings number one: sorry. I'm no native speaker. (for jamest) it's incoming, not incomming :) oh and also glaced donuts instead of glazed number two: (for chillywilly) it's relational, not oo Action: jcater ducks s/f.e./e.g. rofl hey anyone know if there is a mime type for dia? look in common/src/GMimeTypes.py :) jcater: it won't be good to make a python data structure out of .grpc files. a) having many differenet clients accessing one (GEAS, ..) server it is better to have the definition of the PROTOCOL at just one place and in a code many programming languages understands (xml) so that i can make my browser autolaunch .dia files? siesel: true my only concern was the additional startup time but it may not be worth that b) different other reasons dneighbo: application/x-dia-diagram ? dood where did you find that? i looked all over google gnomecc :) An application makes a call to GComm.bind() with a list of requested interfaces and the location of its.... what's the ends of this sentence? it sorta just stops I'm suprised no one has done a really comprehensive emacs-style keymap for visual stupido bound socket? chillywilly: grpc definition file, iirc chillywilly: didn't you know grpc is nothing but a guessing game :) wtf?!?!? my gs can't find the Courier font Action: jcater smacks gs around a bit there's some deaign there I just can't find it ;) but I am stooopid gontran_food unfortunately that doest work bobacus (~rja29@pc2-camc5-0-cust37.cam.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "[x]chat" Nick change: gontran_food -> gontran dneighbo: hmm. using galeon or mozilla? is a .grpc file in any special xml format? just something we put together oh dneighbo: doh. galeon doesn't work for me either. whaddya want? convenience?! do we have a DTD for gfd files? there's sort of one in gnue/forms/doc/ gnue-forms.dtd what do you mean with "a sort of" I dunno if it is official or anything like that or up to date it's not up to date we have a utility gnue-dtd that automatically creates a tools dtd from it's GParser definition there is a hint at the end of it: "This DTD was created by gnuedtd" HOWEVER I ran into an infinite loop w/it and haven't looked at it since I discovered this that's something I want to do but haven't had time and it's been a low priority as the forms techref documents the format pretty well hey I don't understand the bindings param in GComm.bind() # bindings A dictionary containing binding definitions. The dictionary # is of the form: {server:handler} where: # 1) service: Name of the service being bound/exposed # 2) handler: Method that when called returns a class # instance i.e. {'DonutPlace',getDonutPlaceObj} what does this mean in english? where can i find it? emacs xml mode needs an dtd to work better ;) chillywilly: basically, the exposed method 'DonutPlace' calls the physical method 'getDonutPlaceObj' yes you saw it right. its german. ;) at least, if my memory serves me correctly nice jcater 's right so GComm.bind allows exposure of any physical method to rpc? via any name? that's the idea, at least if you don't mind me asking, does that mean it's not working? :) I think it's working with XML-RPC now thanks to siesel siesel: so you are the new gnurpc masta ;) ? with corba, soap, et al to follow ah I want to add irc just for fun Action: jcater wants to troutslap chillywilly ..just for fun and to learn how it works heh thanks dude that felt great gimme more no. jcater is still the master. I just try to figure out the deep thoughts of his mind..... ... funny, after working at gnurpc I'm allways thinking about donuts... ;) rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl.gtei.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" jcater: now there are two xmlrpc implementations: xmlrpc (gpl'd, but no https) and pw_xmlrpc (xmlrpc from pythonware) cool yeah, I noticed your commit dtd is of limited use to us, i found it kind of odd to make a dtd for something that was in 'flux' siesel: how long did it take to crack into such a scary place as jcater's mind? ;) btw: siesel i had a working emacs mode for forms at one time took existing xml mode and hacked a little into it and aloha here as well Renegade and inserted dtd for forms and was on my way lol heylo cool I never claimed to pay attention .. just to be here ;) seriously the visual designer is WAY more productive but i digress the way i made the dtd was found a web site where you hadn it an xml file and it creates a dtd for it hi all Hi, Al. i fed it my most complex form and got a decent dtd back cool. i would like to know where this gnue-dtd, jcater spoke of, can be found. siesel: I will now bug you with gnurpc questions ;) Action: siesel ducks gnue/forms/doc/gnue-forms.dtd do ppl purposely ignore me when I say stuff isn't working? :) yes Renegade (~garetht@ left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jcater: i like not working code. it's in common/scripts iirc and it's a COMPLETE mess ... one of my first python programs aha 'gnuedtd' iirc you just run "gnuedtd forms" for a forms dtd or "gnuedtd reports" for a reports dtd hmmm gnuedtd p0rn didnt get me what i expected chillywilly: HIGH dneighbo: sigh... I've been saying it's borked but no one listens :) ello dtm now i know, that its your first python programm: it has 389 lines of code and just 7 comments ;) yeah, well I've tried to cut back on comments 7 was just overkill :p gontran what wm you using? windowmaker? lol dneighbo: noser, blaahckbocks with wm dockapps :) jcater: i expected 'borking' with gnuedtd pr0n, but sadly didnt get it ah i forget black box has the slit you should try fluxbox sigh slit Action: dneighbo is a recent fluxbox convert re fluxbox, I read that they ripped off gpl code from bbkeys and re licsensed ... though i have trouble getting things in the slit (pun intended) gontran ? how can they RELICENSE code if they are not copyright holders dneighbo: ya really. d00d i know dneighbo: I read that, believed it and haven't touched it though I was excited about it if you mean used gpl code in their code their code must be GPL compatiable I know, it seems obvious, but I believe they were in violation until a rewrite or something -- don't have all the details atm i.e. one can take gpl code and use in non gpl application as long as its a gpl compatiable license hmm what is the license? Action: dneighbo is a little nervous Action: gontran hits google # object object (hehe) it was in debian so i thought it was ok lol Action: dneighbo goes to ask vrms it's on kuro5hin hmm it seems free chillywilly: you familiar w/Mike's Hard Lemonade? jcater: he has tea now too mike that is chillywilly: if so, then consider that most of grpc was written with mike's help jcater: yes :P more detail http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2002/3/20/21028/6270 thanks mike dneighbo: implication is it's been 'fixed' mike's hard tea? or is it twisted tea? twisted ? www.twistedmatrix.com interesting I am tlaking about what dneighbo said talking still free so im in the clear but i might have to go to blackbox on licensing principle does blackbox support workspaces? sure. it's the pricipul of the thing afterall. why not Gnome? not enough memory? um workspaces? like yeah I think. chillywilly yeah p233mhz 64mb RAM oh yes, absolutesly but honestly after playing for awhile gnome adn kde seem like over kill :) i.e. even on a big machine maybe, but I likes me eye candy ;) I found that kde was not the answer to all of my personal problems, so I left it. i will still run gnome on my bigger hardware Action: dneighbo thinks jcater should leave kde/gnome and go blackbox or such it suits his personality better dneighbo: I have all my users on KDE (as it's easy for them to adjust to) and I just like to be using the same thing I make them use (so when issues arise, I can better resolve them) I may try it at home too s/too/although