667 owrks dneighbo: you need an in-house GNU/Linux support guy ;) that's insane i knew i had head in arse gimme a shell gontran: this is only for development crap internal and why im whining about setting it up whine im itching to get real work done andd instead fighting being a sysadmin :) chillywilly: thats me dneighbo: even though you hate it, please explain why 667 worked and 776 didnot yummy: alabama, now i need some lemonade Action: gontran yells skinnard heh skinnard! where! ? sigh skinnard has left the channel heh its skynard you must not be real fan caught me oh i have way too much thought we were talking X files redn.. gontran: no one here denies that fact :) do we, dneighbo Action: gontran raises eyebrows skynard, alabama, molly hatchet, etc nope born and inbred american Action: dneighbo really is literally a redneck right now this redneck needs sleep jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "nite" gontran: the meeting wasnt tonight was it? dneighbo: shite was it? dont know i never member riandouglas (~Rian@notharvard.successes.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: I'm holding out for my last stamisticsh next tuesday my lease is up at the end of the month ? where you going to go yup, road trippin round amerika fer a month or two then figure out where to move while/and wait for job offers from overseas and canada Action: gontran be stoppin at motels updated cvs :) bumber s/ed/in/ so we wont see ya like ya see me now :) i meant in irc and such it'll be sporadic until i get settled put some damn close on will ya! clothes even was actually excited someone local was going to be doing some gnue work so in the next month I'm gonna just hang out and soak it up like a sponge i hate to disapoint some day I am going to move out to the desert dude it's hot ho t h ot t [00:07] Last message repeated 1 time(s). hot good because WI si fucking cold Action: gontran notices the nick s/si/is c o [00:07] Last message repeated 2 time(s). si senor muy frio o [00:07] Last message repeated 1 time(s). k l [00:07] Last message repeated 1 time(s). d dneighbo: can i make an appointment this month to buy you a drink and discuss your perspective on the gnue vision?> ok. forget it. :) he's just afk as usual probably beating his meat gontran: i'll discuss the gnue vision with ya buy me some OJ pretty cold in WI huh chillywilly? dtm: cool live in AZ? gontran: gnue envisions, like, a buncha software? running on computers? and they make things go. gontran: whoops i put the vision before the drinks dtm: I'll dring to tha now i hold no card up my sleeve so as to coerce the OJ from you the genie's outta the bottle! although i take my juice in jugs these days gontran: i live in San Ramon, CA gontran: although i know there's lots of linux related action in AZ Ah, lovely San Ramon dtm: not after I leave or at least there was, via ebizmart gontran: heheh! there'll still be macos10 action then heh, didn't want to put an 'X' before the 'action' huh? via twinforces.net and i believe Chevell, the guy who runs macosx.org HEH Nick change: gontran -> gontran_justin so will gnue run on mac osX? Nick change: gontran_justin -> gontran sure! why not? wow, so multiplatform we actually do have a macos10 user in here other than myself, i think it'll run on ppc linux too if i have anything to say about it ah really, you use. I've touched it once really liked it i hope you didn't touch it *there* there's only ONE button! :-I :-o SUCH TALK! IN A PUBLIC IRC CHANNEL! logged even fuckin' a Action: dtm covers chillywilly's eyes so he wont hear it yes to osX dtm will notice politics strangely absent ;| you dont need to buy me a drink to discuss gnue gontran: er? dneighbo: yah dude we can go to lunch or something (works better for me than after hours) dneighbo: but he needs to buy _me_ a drink in order to discuss gnue vision with you! right, we'll do lunch phm style i take it with high pulp KTHXBYE ^_^_^_^ If i go to san ramon on my r0adtrip I'll look youup. I need mass amounts of alcohol to remain conscious gontran: which roadtrip chillywilly: alcohol has no consciousness, silly dtm: mine chillywilly: so i'm afraid your endeavor is futile dtm: lookin for a good place to live maybe gontran: oh? ok dtm: read what I said again gontran: well if you're not too rowdy, you can come over *I* need it to remian conscious I do have a state of consciousness do I not? chillywilly: yes and it wont remain conscious! dtm: cook s/k/l/ gontran: ok gontran: North CA is pretty and near perfect but its WAY too expensive heard that dtm: stop smoking so much damn crack and interpolate my speech correctly honestly CA isn't even on the r0ute i can attest from working up there and considering the move gontran: and so i guess you're just gonna tkae a roadtrip up the west coast in order to find a new home? gontran: so l333t earthquakes and spensives chillywilly: sorry? dneighbo: ah if you think phx is too hot youwould probably love colorado jsut admiring your l33t h4xorn3ss yep everything with a sticker price higher than the national average is EXPENSIVE!!! heh, yeah. my mom is livin in denver as really its not as cold as they make it out to be figured r0ute and all a few days yes very cold but not like WI :) chillywilly; oh that, the o is just so clost to the chillywilly's in a funk dtm: it was WAY more than the average :) dtm: what? looking at Hollister (nearly 1.5 hours or more from downtown San Jose) dneighbo: well it's too bad they dont pay WAY MORE than the average then! I am just giving ppl a hard time it is my job and same house lot you get here for 140,000 was 425,000 there look at this shit i'm doing for the guy who colos my box: http://test.cwireptech.com/ and im only 1hr out side work dtm: no kidding dneighbo: and it's too bad only the fabulous affluent live here! it was nice to say making over 100k but when my salary nearly doubled my 'living standard' actually went down jeez Action: dtm takes in and admires the richness of dneighbo's stereotypical angst ahhh! such texture! such flavor! my standard of living might go in the tank, but only if i go overseas. Action: gontran nudges chillywill -- he used 'angst' who cares, we don't need all the bs the corporate PR/propaganda machines want you to buy ;) does that include a lease on a place to live? :) yes fuck leases fuck them up their stupid asses right, caves and snow booong yeah i hate it when i drive down to the local Long's Drugs for my $0.99 movie rentals and i see how this doggone astronomical cost of living and these billionaire homeowners made them replace all menial workers with robots!!! i ask the thing if they got Star Wars on DVD and it says "I AM NOT PROGRAMMED TO RESPOND IN THAT AREA" Action: chillywilly needs to watch Jay and Silent Bob again chillywilly: "corporate PR/propaganda machines want you to buy"?!??! NOW THASSAA ANGST-RIDDEN MEAT-A BALL-A!!! that shitull rot yer mind son Action: dtm kisses his fingertips snort dtm: the major cost of living there is housing im not single gontran: plz, who said it wasn't already rotten? i have 3 kids a wife and 2 100 pound rottweilers i cant move into an apartment if i were single and could do apartment / share apartment NorCal wouldd be fine and dandy yeah man nobody in SFBA makes less than 100k/yr, or a younger and older generation! in fact every single one of em's a 25 year old millionaire except me! eat the dogs well seems you didn't take RMS's advice and led an expensive life with kids, house, etc. ;) dtm: Heh oh shit Action: gontran looks at dneighbo why they have these old Safeways with their discount cards just as a prop to mine the lifestyle data from the population. nobody here needs savings at all! those things are just totally unnecessary rofl chillywilly: dude, lookout, dneighbo was bitch slappin local luggers for fun today gontran: I am shaking like a leaf chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." it was like , ooh, chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. good ol' chill0r gontran: ha! gontran: were they newbz though? I don't think so, he was using Emacs Mail client laj dhflk9987(*&(*& Action: gontran ducks (*&((jhlkjh876&^876-&^%#*&^ gontran: :-o what happened? what did the luggers do? Action: dtm lazily swings where gontran's head was immediately prior to his ducking, to fulfill the intent of the scene asked the wrong question Action: gontran nodding head up and down heh, lloking for archive... Action: chillywilly falls over on his keyboard dead hi gontran: so where do you work? what's been your involvement with gnue? just met dneighbo at a lug? Nick change: gontran -> gontran_google Action: dtm revivalizes chillywilly with a pair of electric eels attached to his ears gontran_google: and what does "gontran" mean? ajmitch: high Action: chillywilly does not respond Nick change: gontran_google -> gontran dtm: it's my name dude. :) liar PEOPLE, I NEED AN IV OF CODE RED ON THIS OPERATING TABLE, *STAT* dtm: I'm just a gnue wannabe WE'RE GONNA LOSE 'IM gontran: oh ok me too! i draw pictures of DCL while i'm in the bathtub! (i literally do though) ok..... sicko you need to get out more dtm got me three pages of notes on potential DCL plans today that way chillywilly: yep sheeeeit took my project mgmt book and my notebook in there and read away hope you don't mind dneighbo ... jkaldfdk http://lists.plug.phoenix.az.us/pipermail/plug-discuss/2002-May/024163.html plug, heheh plug this bitch i was laughim my as off yeah plug what's up? gontran: um actually i throw much larger tantrums in this channel that get broadcast to several thousand via KC, so it dont bother me instant replays? :) yeah, tantrums, hehe plug this tantrum um where is psu? he should be producing KC #27! http://plug.mybutt.net is my favorite I LIVE oooh yeah nickr: :-o BEHOLD, THE NICKR now change that damn play list already you NIN freak aaaaaaaw sheeeeeeit NIN sucks the plug yo dneighbo: I haven't been listening to that for a lon time dneighbo: don't you see how old it is? Nick change: gontran -> pfy Nick change: pfy -> gontran just my luk pfy, taken. hrm must....sleeep.... wussy good night dewds I wonder why why wyse terminal gets garbagy dneighbo: you wanna box? Action: gontran winks at chillywilly we can do dis anyway.... Action: gontran winks at chillywilly seductively cya l8r crack smokers chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." chillywilly scares me yes he scares everyone snort that's a relief I'm getting a little punchy. is there a topic? topic?! sure there is "how scary is chillywilly, really" :) tempting CHILLYWILLY IS ALL POMP AND TALK! I COULD TAKE 'IM!! Action: ajmitch slips dtm his pills antihistamines/ ? cyanide Action: dtm orders ajmitch out into the night after chillywilly for a battle to the death i thought dtm could take cw, not ajmitch. ? with my inspiration and wisdom he'll do fine. hah does chillywilly wear a hockey goaley mask? i'll just monitor from here. gontran: he could if he wanted to WI after all similarly, ajmitch could drive a garbage truck through chilly's house would you people please hush up and *let* me read my project and time management books? all i ask for is some peace and quiet around here. ahem, topic? dtm, you were so tackless as to ask me what I'm working on, allow me to turn the tables. What have you done for ... gnue ... lately? s/tack/tact/ :) well see, i was in the bathtub today... taking some notes they're..... a secret! Action: gontran licks his lips proprietary! go on lol lmao Action: dtm winds down on the lol YOU JUST WAIT you'll all get some! I've said it before, when do the starched shirts come in and clean the monkey shit off the walls? :-o Action: gontran ducks projectile shite dtm: :) HEY BUDDY THIS IS OPEN SRC *YOU* SUGGESTED IT; *YOU'RE* THE SHIT CLEANER!! ;) ok at least that's how people treat me! Action: ajmitch is worried about just how well gontran is fitting in here ah, now we're getting to it so what goes around, gets flung back somewhere's else! I'm working for microsoft gontran: do you like enterprise monkey shit or workgroup monkey shit? A SPY!?! AN INFIDEL? KILL HIM!!! A CORRUPTOR? NO TIME TO LET HIM EXPLAIN! KILL! lo ajmitch: YOU DO IT puss GO AHEAD >:-I now this is the kind of sophmoric nonsense that keeps me coming back exactamundo Action: ajmitch calms himself & welcomes gontran into the community with open arms Action: gontran blushes Action: gontran blushes, batting eyelids Action: dtm allows the gentlemen a tender moment alone Action: gontran licks his lips Action: nickr averts his eyes. Action: ajmitch runs hm hm hm the good stuff can't wait for that KC ... can the editor even find his way out of the cutting room after? dtm: It's intersting actually, in my previous employ I was working on a proprietary retail managemnt system... ok back to work! dneighbo has been defeated! from now on, i'm in charge around here! ajmitch, you get the spatulas. gontran, you get the fire hose. nickr, you try on this plutonium suit. where's psu and that freedom fighting mutant chicken clone experiment!?? hose! dont you point that thing at me! someone open the valve, it won't bend at all! gontran: management of what retail? gontran: is that a euphemism for selling babies? dtm: like any kind. women's clothes, sporting goods, heh is THAT what you do? and.... BABIES?! that isn't funny :-I i see. Action: gontran gropes behind himself looking for something Action: dtm enters fight or flight mode Action: gontran feels the slimy scales meet his grip Action: ajmitch has to step away from this depraved channel for awhile Action: dtm prepares to duck and/or run noh I'm ok. it's allright Action: dtm analyzes gontran's every move intently Action: gontran exhales dtm: man quit egging me on, I'm like a schoolgirl Action: gontran winks lol!! someone stopme alrighty then right, so we were building this system that did essentially the same thing as gnue (basicallY) and I was like this sucks. it's a lot of work and all written in C. I'm quitting and going to play with gnue. heh! and here i am sounds ok to me does anyone else buy it? so did you just find gnue on the web coz you're a hip FSF-lovin cat? well, after I was bitch slapped at plug by derek... I took notice oh that was the little love tap that started it all? what did he do? so you said "i'd like to get treated like this... EVERY night after work!" no i'm kidding. there was talk, and then a demo dtm: you got it. of what well, i didnt' actually SEE the demo, but people said it ruled so demo of what of gnue? yeah i guess heh they said it ruled? geeks! dtm: so those pills kickin in yet? well i dunno. i guess it *could* be good. i dunno; haven't seen it. heh. gontran: well i sorta save em all up, stuffin em under my tongue when ajmitch turns away you could sell those in nogales so i get a minor contact effect from that and then we save up the good stuff Action: gontran shakes his head OIC NOGALES SI SI SEN~OR LOLO.LOLOLZ ^_^_^__^ don't waste it. ok look, i'm trying to work ! dtm: i snubbeth thee YO ME GUSTAMOS DE LOS DRUGOS EN EL DE MEXICOS, POR FAVOR LOLOLZ ^_^_^ dude I'm mexican. you're a butcher of my fine colonial language MY SORRU@! MY AM KOREA@!..... MY SORRU.... LOLOLOLZ ^_^ oh yeah? so how did you like the openjade joke? gontran: oh you're mexican? i just met a fine feller from mexico in #phpgroupware, named lex he's from Baja California, MX dtm: oh figure I know him? racist i know nothing of this "openjade" :) HAHHA read it in KC YEAH MEXICO'S SUCH A SMALL COUNTRY riiight i dont even know what KC is! unless you're talkin KC, MO, barbecue capital of the world. Action: gontran looks around which is the hometown of the venerable mdean (author of DCL) and my former part time stomping grounds I was stuck eatin kfc in kc airport one time but it was very nicd you badass. i wish i was there. got pictures? yeah sure. one time i drove across kansas taking pictures of all the Taco Bels Action: gontran looks around ... further so if you were intending to produce a photojournal of "your people", you could've used that! but alas it's gone1 one time i went looking for strippers in tulsa my stupid friend took the camera or osmething but they were ugly he was some redneck in training i think coz you know, i'm from KS and all dtm: ah right. my own impersonal family album them's "my peoples" gontran: yeah it was cool coz some have way different prices and slightly different menus! or was that McDonald's oh ok, so you and dneighbo are related. now i get it! mainly in the airports hahahah dtm buddy, you're wearing me out want some pills? i was intending for that Taco Bell photojournal to be arranged and sent to Pantera -- also a Mexican word, and a band from Texas, and big fans of Taco Bell hence they too share a common bond to your heritage although i think the link to Taco Bell has something to do with constantly smoking weed i'm not sure coz i dont do that Action: gontran blinks I like taco bell yeah i used to like the $0.99 burrito and a cup of water when i was a starving high shcool student looking for jobs Action: gontran blinks dtm: whada you do? now i've gone Eastern -- i go for Ramen these days! 20 workds or less gontran: but how many sentences? periods are free ok uhhhhhhh wait dont includ ethe "uhhh" or this sentence. 14 to go i run two businesses, one of which i own. http://ambcomm.com and http://f-c-c.com :-o *whew* you can't count the web site contents! cool those dont count and i'm in startup mode with those hmm. you own them both? the IT ocnsulting business basically is on the shelf but i'm my own IT dept for ambcomm.com no i just own FCC so my intenral IT development for ambcomm.com ironically could serve as FCC ah, cool. Get a lot of outsourcing? whichever pays the billz dewd i'm still building em up they've both had clients that's the hard part they're pretty new and i'm doing it all myself Action: gontran looks for violin :) yeh so i need to read these books on project mgmt and time mgmt to formalize myself so you're your own phm nice you'd better be good! i can't listen to much amateur violin work unless it's family reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. or you could schedule a concert so i have time to prepare brb reinhard: hi hi dtm and all w00t, why is tex bad for docs? anyone have an opinion on twisted python (twistedmatrix.com) bad license and all? gontran: if its not GPL compatable its bad as it means it can not be used in 70% of our community Action: gontran nods i.e. 70% of the community is GPL anything not compatiable INSTANTLY bows out of being reused Action: gontran nods somemore they seem commited to "open-source" with a bsd style implication but they demand assignemtn of copyright to project leader for "flexibility in changing the license" Action: gontran shakes his hed btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. what they're doing looks interesting unfortunately morning all morning :) lousy twistedmatrix Action: gontran starts dusting himself off thanks for thelaughs gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) left #gnuenterprise. flexibility in changing the license? that sounds comical! derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. riandouglas (~Rian@notharvard.successes.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard (~rm@ left irc: "There's always one more imbecile than you expect" reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. good morning Ford_:hello Nick change: reinhard -> Arthur hey Ford_ Nick change: Arthur -> reinhard Ford_ (~re@pD954BB78.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" smoke (~smoke@huurders.geodelft.nl) left irc: Remote closed the connection reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Everything that is worth fighting for, is worthy fighting dirty for" dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5b-143.clvhoh.adelphia.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (dsmith@oh-strongsville5b-143.clvhoh.adelphia.net) left irc: "later.." jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201015.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman (~mdione@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi, peop. hi I'm trying to run gdesigner under my user only but no lick s/lick/luck/ what's the error? NameError: global name '_' is not defined it says it can't fint the messages for gettext, I think... :( you running latest cvs? (that's what I guess from the warnings before the bt) jamest: yeap. but I don't/can't install it in /usr/local. I'm not root here... no need this is a localization error :( my cvs copy here is trashed at the moment so I can't even test that :( let me see if I can get my copy running again real quick and I *hate* how my personalizations to files like setup.cfg is written over with setupcfg..in jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ooooo jcater : do you have functional cvs and a few minutes to test something yes and maybe my cvs is broken at the moment StyXman says that designer will not run but I can't test it um what's the problem it opens for me is it a specific action that's causing it to crash? gimme just two secs, I'll try another thing NameError: global name '_' is not defined ah I bet he has a locale setting whereas I don't so mine is falling back to the dummy _ jcater: nope. it's that every path is hardcoded. everythun points to /usr/local eh? oh lemme look and I don't have rights there... you running cvs copy, I presume? yeap is setup.cfg used for anything?!? not for cvs install jcater: :( ok, I'll try to point to where it should. if I have some spare time, I'll try to fix local instalatiopn. wait did you run ./setup-cvs.py or the individual ./setup.py scripts in each tool? should I run './setup.py devel' with sdist or build? er, I run setup-cvs.py, but it doesn't install designer. ? it should install a gfdes sigh I do see a bug in setup-cvs.py i didn't do it! Action: jamest runs :))) so, do I wait? or can you point me to it? Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello :) hihi hello ************************************** Anyone running CVS copy of tools: Please update your CVS checkout, do a rm -f ~/gnue/translations, and then rerun setup-cvs.py ************************************** err, my commit failed hang on ok, now it's committed jcater: I just used ~/src/work/fvl/gnue/live as your base directory? must it be ~/gnue? no but adapt that statement to your local setup :) ok, I'lll try now. ah, ok :) StyXman: btw, this may not solve your problem but then again it may :) :) the readme doesn't say anything about designer... but 'Creating designer/client/gfdes' came out the script.. crossing fingers.. jcater: what has changed in /translations? 'Unable to load locale information falling back to dummy _()' but it loaded.. Arturas: I changed the way the symlink was created I didn't actually change anything in there but the way it was each time you ran ./setup-cvs.py, it would create another level of "translations" i.e., after 4 runs you'd have translations/translations/translations/translations/ with Baa B-baa Baa I mean 'this is darn great!' :) jcater: my mistake, sorry Arturas: i did change the way the stuff loaded you shouldn't need to import GImport anymore _() should just always work :) what's _() used for? when you have string in English is the translator function? it shows, that this string has translations yes using gettext... yes ok, U get it. s/U/I/ jamest: now _() doesn't work at all :\ huh? it works for me! :) what's the error? ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest: copied errors to private huh? dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest: i'm chatting with you via private chat or how is that thing called :) um bb;l derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "um my gnue tree is bigger than your gnue tree" jamest: (ok, for now i'm saying monologue there ;) you are not privately with me lucky day for me Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: Excess Flood Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch_ (~me@wlg1-port15.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. dotgnu-sage (~blootbot@wlg1-port27.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port27.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater: sorry for flood, misclicked mouse ajmitch_ (~me@wlg1-port15.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ajmitch__ (~me@wlg1-port13.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. morning hi helos it's me or BUGS is rather outdated? StyXman: both :) :)) sledge_ (~sledge@B9694.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi there ok, I can ask about designer, right? i dunno does it mean more work for us? from Desugner.py, I realize that it can handle several instances. I think an instance is like the representation and handler of a form? i believe so 'believe'?!? i don't know the designer code well StyXman: yes but it can handle multiple forms open well, technically, it's an instance of a designer object as for how the handlers work I don't knwo StyXman: yes, from what i've seen with FormsInstances being the only currently implemented type but we'll also have report instances, biz rules instances, etc damnit gotta go bye sledge_ (~sledge@B9694.pppool.de) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" ok, I see jcater: you are designer developer? I try not to admit that in public (are you...? I need to practise more my english... :( :)) ok, supposse you're not. you'll be hearing a lot from me (mostly just questions) in the following days... sorry to infrom that :) uh, what does * mean to python? as in 'return c(self, *args, **parms)' (Designer.py:298) variable number of args and parms passsed to the function c if c is called c(1,2,3,4,5) then args gets them all as (IIRC) a list if you have a list, l, set to ['test','bob','jane'], then c(*l) is the same as c('test','bob','jane') err, what jamest said the parms are filled with a dict is c is called like c(foo=1,bar=2,jcater=3,donut=4) with keys foo,bar,jcater,donut and values 1,2,3,4 respectively uf! I got a flashback to C... brrr! well, at least we don't have any asm { } :))) ok, that's all for today. be nice. StyXman (~mdione@ left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: Remote closed the connection whats the status of the DCL packages? jeff is sitting on them :) we need them in cvs so someone can finish if he cant nickr: i want to get you moving on docustore if you are still interested Okay I layed out a good schema for it on the plane i am seeing a need for us internally to have a way to manage our documentation it is out of hand right now so why not eat our own doggie food I nede the DCL packages blah theres this huge project management vacuum here ok its EASY to install w/o packages Action: nickr is restructuring the intranet services. if you need right away I don't need it right away it'd be cool if you could use an NT domain to authentciate to DCL :) um you might be able to soon remember mdeans setup is all windows ahh if it used PAM, it'd be possible too I think theres a PAM NT domain auth thingy alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. mmmm Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. sometimes i just love the way X dies because of sound.... :) I'we never had that occur. i just had :) :) X shouldn't care about sounds in the slightest the taskbar got affected and kde became unstable, so i overloaded X not waiting for the end alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" who said kde was the devil? I'm pretty sure I've called it much worse. dneighbo: so what is GNUe looking for from a docustore? <^chewie> hmm well what i was thinking (at first) was i need a nice web interface (or forms interface) to our documentation so it can be stored 'physically' all over the server (if so desired) but have a unified way to get at it Action: dneighbo was really thinking of trying to make it like a library in a sense i.e. categorized, searchable etc etc and then i started thinking hey wait some of this stuff is the same thing a lawyer or doctor or xxx might need to get at their 'documents' maybe i should be thinking about document management here yea in my current plan Action: dneighbo wasnt even getting into versioning and such just a front end to find whats there it allows youto store a notional docgument as a URL/md5 sum or thhe actual data as right now someone says where can get mroe information on X I don't havwe my clipboard here and i have to grep and grok and groan to try to remember where all the files are that might be relevant tonight I'll do a dia of the schema I havwe in mind on the metadatabase side so even a database that does meta data and just stores a url would be a huge win :) the metadatabase and actual storage thing are pretty independent and so is the libarary which is a layer on top of metadatabase I'll start laying out the metadatabase componant when I get the chance its actually kind of neat you recall before that I had a fixed sort of versiniong relationship? I changed that so there are 'relationship objects' which define various classes of relationships between documents eg version-of, derivative-of, etc each would be well defined so you could track the genaelogy of a particular document these rel/ationships could also provide heuristics for inheriting metadata reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "The more often you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets" Action: jamest is away: sucking up paint fumes, er i mean painting reinhard (~reinhard@ joined #gnuenterprise. gontran__ (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) fex sledge_ (~sledge@B96e8.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. your tongue's sweet air, more tuneable than a lark to shepard's ear dneighbo: you here? jcater: may i throw a quick question? can I duck? sure does the pygresql dbdriver work and is it compatible with the python-pygresql package in debian? (sorry that's *two* quick questions) um as far as I know it does ok however, I think jamest was noticing some issues w/pygresql and Postgres 7.2+ but I can't confirm or deny that just seemed to me as most of you use pypgsql which otoh isn't in debian I use psycopg or pypgsql (at least not in woody) psycopg is in there and that's what the debian ppl usually use we use pypgsql on Win32 as that's the only pre-compiled win32 lib we can find ok found python-psycopg thanks bye :) Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: "ircII/tkirc" anyone know how to convert ogg to wav? sox? Nick change: gontran__ -> gontran jcater: command line? oooo does mp3burn accept ogg files? I just read somewhere it does im here btw i use pyscopg on gnu/linx pygresql on windows only cause i cant get anything else to work on windows :) hmm, didn't see pyscopg mentioned in the readmes :) jcater: packages.debian.org/testing/sound/mp3burn.html -> it does sledge_: cool, thx btw, some guy at school claimed that there would be lower cpu usage if you decode mp3s just by tuning to lower volume *g* um s/if you decode/when decoding/ this is a dumb question but how do I know which device my cdr uses? cdrecord -scanbus Cdrecord 1.10 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg Schilling Linux sg driver version: 3.1.22 Using libscg version 'schily-0.5' scsibus0: 0,0,0 0) 'HP ' 'CD-Writer+ 9100 ' '1.0c' Removable CD-ROM so what would my /dev be for cdrecord? do you have multiple cdrs/cdwriters? nope just a single IDE one kreatecd works just fine ls -la /dev/cdrom :-) but I don't know what device it is actually using /dev/cdrom is default, and it is usually a link to the real device, created by the distribution during installation or upgrade yeah but that's just the cdrom device found it... /dev/sg0 is what it wants damn, yeah, of course, i forgot that cdwriters are supported through scsi emulation ... the pygresql driver may have some issues with our prefetching of records hmm i think i have a problem with my postgres setup "psql gnue" works "psql -h localhost gnue" gives me psql: FATAL 1: IDENT authentication failed for user "rm" also postgresql 7.2.1 and pypgsql don't seem to get along with text field items you need to modify your pg_hba.conf file thanks now i've got gnuef working with a database on this machine guess it's only a matter of understanding the code to see how common db access works i think I started to doc that based upon jcater's .txt files I'll see about checking it in this afternoon incomplete btw, what's the current status with documentation with regard to the doc tools (sgml?) jamest: thanks sledge_: you sure you want to ask that? ;) can i un-ask that question? :) i worked that openjade like a 5 year old slave-child, and couldn't get any docs out sigh Action: jamest has mental issues thanks to openjade and jade that's ok though, cause I really should be reading code instead :) just use plain text files and let some stoopid typesetting guy figure it out for the dead tree versions *eg* go to #docbook they will help i'd rather continue fixing up the config system for the 0.3.0 installer's use yeah or staple my nads to a tree would hurt less both seem less painful than my last openjade experience i see. Action: gontran scratches at scabs on hands why do you scratch at scabs on hands? Action: sledge_ switches to emacs doctor mode, hoping to cure you from the openjade personality disorder :) Nick change: gontran -> gontran_aw Action: dneighbo read that as scratches at scabs on nads and im thinking (jamest was only using a figure of speech) no need to try at home rofl fwiw - gnue.conf is now optional in forms :) well...when I finish up and commit jamest: your coding? Action: jcater looks outside no, don't see a blue moon Action: jcater looks down no, hell hasn't freezed (that I can tell) oink oink Action: jcater looks up no pigs flying well ill be damned pigs a flying Action: jcater peeks thru monitor no, dneighbo's not coding hmm Action: dneighbo thinks the are flying north for the summer what gives? roflmao actually i was up until about 2 am coding last night Action: dneighbo is so shameful i build a mass email tool for a client spam? Action: dneighbo had one before that was for a one time or local mailer but this is so they can do on demand in higher volumes sledge_ not really spam but kind of spam they only mail people that are registered to their site (they are a job placement company) aha, fine so basically they email job openings to people sledge_ : well im ashamed as i think its wrong the right thing woudl be to make that a 'registration' option to receive email or not and only send if they agree i have no problem with it being the default optoin but ah well its not a general 'spammer' tool so i dont feel too guilty :) jamest will you be around this weekend? i hav elots of 'issues' hanging out and jcater defers to your blackbelt primary key skilz dneighbo: we've told you over and over there's nothing jamest can do about the red fetish jamest: i'm looking forward to the common doc reinhard didnt you it? i posted uml of it and full API i'm slowly heading towards a state where it would help me dneighbo: no kidding? no kidding where? um .. uml? where? http://gnuenterprise.org/docs/tools/ is the API http://gnuenterprise.org/docs/tools/common.dia is the uml (rough) fine http://gontran.net/pub/gnue/common.dia is the cleaned up uml documentation is like sex ... ;) when its good its good when its bad its better than nothing/ yep :) dneighbo: not quite what i am looking for the documentation i mean (not sex) rofl fwict it's reformatted source, isn't it? reinhard: I'm sure we can answer questoins too if you need sooner you have lyx? iirc "sorta" I'm commiting what I have now (it's a mess still) i can type "lyx" on the command line and a window pops up committing jamest: which directory? (sorry can't read commit mail from here) gnue/common/doc ? common/doc/common-techref.lyx dneighbo: i hope to be here some this weekend but have kids let the kids do the coding :) we'd end up with Poke'forms d'oh course that's not far from where we are now I guess jamest: thanks reinhard: I'm changing the config system alot jamest: sorry maybe i'm just being dumb so if it's documented ignore it :) can you tell me in 5 sentences if i have a database and i want to read data out of it what do i have to do? (using common of course) ah crap i didn't get as far as an exmaple just a sec ok IIRC first you have to initialize a datasource ok this will require setting a few vars in a datasource instance then calling it's initialize function IIRC you'll also need to create a connection manager and tell the datasource to use it (this gives you connection pooling) where can i see the instance vars of datasource? probably the best place to look is in GDataSource.py but not at the code er class look at the bottom of the file in the xmlElements the attributes are the things that can be set from an xml file ok gotcha is this for geas2 ? no for another project i'm working at ah ok j/k sure for geas v2 :) if this is for geas2 and if we use xml files then you don't really need to worry much about this as the xml parser does the right thing use xml files for what? data transfer? defining the datasources ah jamest: geas will define the datasources dynamically i think reinhard? let me rephrase _if_ we use xml files i don't think the parsing of the file will be at the same time as the creation of the datasource object in memory why is that? well at least this is how i would think it works: client requests an object from appserver appserver checks if class name is valid (needs xml definition for that) if valid then appserver translates classname into table name then appserver creates datasource object and fetches the data would that sound sane? we have some translation between the xml definitions (= object definitions) and the database access (= table definitions) um, i don't understand the "translates classname to tablename" part sledge_: the ideas is that appserver shows an object oriented interface to the client most important translation here is namespace i.e. we will have "modules" with own namespace to avoid naming conflicts between parts of the application created by different people i understand better by now. um all tables of a module will be prefixed by the module name in the db table aha dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. i think I see where you are going you're not wanting to tie up memory with unused datasources is that correct? i get it too. is that documented / flow-charted? would be nice for those like me who are not app-server insiders but still gives good insight. yes (to jamest) hmmmm no (to sledge_) jamest: i think a final gnue install could have some 100 tables that's a realistic number that's not too bad for our datasources as they pool connections plus it will occur that we need 2 datasources pointing to the same table at the same time all you're really storing is table association why 2? for example 2 users access the same table at the same time 2 is just an example, you mean something like "n" = any natural number, right? yes of course i'm not sure that's needed well it would currently be necessary I guess dang it, youre making me think! lol actually another reason is that i want appserver to be very modular i.e. to separate the object repository (where the objects are defined) from the database access part what about queries and programming comfort? i.e. i have two tables (master/detail) and want to link them at the appserver level when i only have two table objects, how do i do sql-like joins or something similar on that? sledge_: our thinking is like myorders = a list of order objects then you can do sledge_: I'd do that in 2-tier mode...datasource definitions do master/detail now order = myorders.firstinstance() geas is different print order.customername print order.comment orderitems = order.items oneitem = orderitems.firstinstance() -- ah! now i get it ok you sure? you must be quick :) :) we have objectlists objects and every object has fields a field can be a text or a number i have thought about it before and that what you say is precisely the same -- i just didn't know how your thought about that is :) or another objectlist a tree? (in the more general sense of the word) even more a web you can have customer.orders -> returns a list of all orders of this customer and at the same time have order.customer -> returns a single object, the customer of _this_ order a "tendencially tree-oriented interlinked structure" ok lol in any case datasource are biased toward being created by the parser the appserver concept looks simple (implementation isn't, of course) not that it's required but it'll probably need some polish to make it more friendly to the developer not using a parser jamest: we won't really have a parser here i need to study geas more but most of what you require is _almost_ in common objects have custom namespaces, executable code can be attached to events etc, however most if it is based upon idea that the parser builds the initial structure of the app so we'll have to make some adjustments in common to do it differently hmmm I've started working on making common more general now i actually thought there is a pure database abstraction layer in common GConfig is first looks like data system may need to be second :) didn't think that the parser is integrated with that the parser builds everything well cs = myblonde.cupsize() ??? i take that back the parser builds an inverted tree of app objects then the GClientApp system callings a phasedInitialization system that lets each object set itself up the datasystem makes just such an assumption Objects can be created/added to a parser tree without GParser as there is no clean API to set this up outside the parse just look at designer/Incubator yes but is it clean? Action: jamest was thinking it was not um that's a loaded question :) no, it's a nasty, perverted setup j/k in my mind, it's clean ooooo just my style gnue me baby Action: jcater dcc's jamest a parser JTParser.py i feel so cheap but I kinda like it ok now after i have the datasource what is next? that should be about it you use it to create resultSets which contain recordSets getResultSet? oh no which contains your data createResultSet ? checking you should be able to call createResultSet ok if you pass it a condition tree from GConditions then that'll alter the query to match what you require sounds much like something i will try tomorrow :) a simple example of this is in forms/src/GFObjects/GFBlock.py I'm sure a more robust example would be in reports as forms just does simple AND queries at this time reinhard: i have cleaned up our discussion on geas2 internals, would you be interested in that text file, perhaps you can build it into your docs? sledge_: good that you're not _here_ i think i would kiss you now ;) reinhard: please hold back and think of your wife. *g* reinhard: what would your wife think :) reinhard: give me about 10 minutes and I'll do a quick demo file maybe that'd help? oooooo jcater: you'll get even 8 hours jcater is the datasource masta as i'll go to sleep now it's design is a reflection on the way he thinks I'll leave that to others to determine if that's a good or bad thing :) but if i have it by tomorrow it's great sledge_: thanks a lot; this will find it's way into the whitepaper soon good the bazaar always wins :) (mostly) :) Nick change: ajmitch__ -> ajmitch ajmitch: awaken? yes :( my opinion here is get input like on a bazaar and output like a cathedral :) output == release night all reinhard (~reinhard@ left irc: "Client Exiting" what is the meaning of "puffy"? ? just browsing the web and i don't know that word hmmm Action: jamest is trying to think of description can you post in context of sentence you are reading? chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Dirty laundry, puffy faces swollen ah thx chillywilly: hi ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" ello www.dictionary.com ;-) hi uh-oh, it's nighty-night here I actually setup a my.yahoo.com page.. might as well since I'm logged in with yahoomail hi Mr_You :) hi Action: sledge_ thinks that's kind of funny: irc'ing every day with guys around the globe, but not speaking with his neighbour for 3 months *g* heheh it is unnatural I think you need to get out more sledge_ I spoke to my neighbor yesterday ;) i get out, it's just my neighbor no you don't well, it may be just because of here gender s/here/her/ the more people around you, the more complicated life is Action: Mr_You rambles. "#gnuenterprise 19 GNUe Creating the Digital Future" --> 19 people, that's nearly a party, isn't it :) w0000 Action: chillywilly taps the barrel Action: sledge_ phones some chicks to come over I could use a party I could get used to parties :) seriously what gnue part are you currently hacking on, chillywilly? I don't get why GNU Common C++ is copyright OST and why Dave uses namespace ost Common C++? how is GEAS coming? geas, but I haven't finished my draft arhitecture document yet architecture there's some inital code reinhard added some to fit his API the people working on the wrapper, they don't IRC? oh, what a pity, you missed reinhard only by a couple of minutes I htink jan added support for GNURPC to geas yep, jan did nice work but I think that api will change inevitably :) or at least someone will have to take ito consideration what I am doing at some point into with ajmitch's help it may go faster ;) Action: chillywilly prods ajmitch maybe Nick change: gontran_aw -> gontran chillywilly: looking forward to it chillywilly: reading your docs :) Eraserhd (~jasonf@sdsl-64-32-150-186.dsl.lax.megapath.net) joined #gnuenterprise. well check out gnue/docbook/geasarch/outline.txt mainly working on defining the Python ODMG binding which should go into common hm, there is no gnue/docbook/geasarch/outline.txt on my cvs checkout sorry, i don't see that dir hmm sorry it is in Proposals danielb@obfuscation:~/src/cvs/gnue/docbook/Proposals/geasarch$ Action: gontran furrow, more sgml well the sgml stuff is useless right now as I have just been taking notes and putting them in the text file oh outline :) who is working on the RPC wrapper? there's some diagrams too see it Jan mainly I have been reading the RPC code chillywilly: btw, reinhard has explained some geas details, i wrote a cleaned-up text file on that and sent it to reinhard; do you want to have it too? sure chillywilly: there's like just boxes. is Jan working on another Project also? outside GNUe chillywilly@gnue.org dunno well actually siesel was working on rpc I dunno who he is in real life not sure what hsi real name is just curious about the new comers.. wonder if they'll stick around ;-) if nobody of the core team pisses us off :) s/if/as long as/ o....k.... thats the least of your problems seriously, it's quite fun to work with gnue. it's at the right take-off point. besides geas2, a forms client for the emacs operating system is important *g,d&r* :) 1868 Apr 30 Jan Ischebeck ( 17) gnue/common/src/commdrivers/_directory 1869 Apr 30 Jan Ischebeck ( 17) gnue/common/src/commdrivers/pw_xmlrpc 1870 Apr 30 Jan Ischebeck (1199) gnue/common doc/RPC-abstraction.txt doc/RPC-sta... arturas is doing i18n i18n looks quite good, though german lang support doesn't work (yet :) siesel must be Jan then or whatever that nick was i18n should wait before major production releases, because (at least from my experience) having all translations catch up with the primary language is a nasty issue i think Jan is siesel - he comes from cologne/germany well this is all in cvs and is not released at all (yet) heh this lag sucks hey Mr_You I got a cable connection now ;) sweet no more dialup fer me dewd not that bad on irc, having quake lagging is really bad ... well as soon as I get this thing working I think I will work on geas some with ajmitch as planned ;) right ajmitch? okay guys, it's 11:30, late night in europe, so bye bye and happy hacking what? hehe bye sledge_ bye nighty night sledge_ ajmitch: don't act like you don't know sledge_ (~sledge@B96e8.pppool.de) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" Eraserhd (~jasonf@sdsl-64-32-150-186.dsl.lax.megapath.net) left irc: "Connection reset by pheer" to heck witj school with ;) Ford_ (~re@p5085B41D.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Azor (~azor@ptr200-40-137-236.psi.com.uy) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. uggh Action: Mr_You & killall Mr_You ;P jamest_ (~jamest@fh-dialup-201041.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201015.flinthills.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Azor (~azor@ptr200-40-137-236.psi.com.uy) left irc: "BitchX-75p3 -- just do it." gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dajhorn (~dajhorn@CPE00a0240c8567.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: dneighbo hates to admit i have pretty much always had good luck with dell tech support jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) left irc: "homebound" jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. siesel (jan@dial-213-168-89-252.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) hi ! -:- SignOff jcater: #gnuenterprise ("homebound") -:- jcater [~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com] has joined #gnuenterprise -:- gontran [~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #gnuenterprise -:- siesel [jan@dial-213-168-89-252.netcologne.de] has joined #gnuenterprise gack ? used mouse to switch windows and it stuck and highlighted the back log i smacked both keys to unstick them and happened to be in the bitchx window and it pasted it :) anyone seen spiderman yet? i heard it kicks ass if i didnt feel like utter crap i would take the wife wife and I are catching midnight showing I think dick not likely Action: dneighbo is workign flex to get the 16th off (to go on field trip with daughter) and today realized that is episode 2 release date Action: dneighbo thinks will have to have daughter ditch school and go with dad :) rofl if you see reinhard before I do http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jcater/datasource-demo.py episode 2 is clearly the more important event hey dneighbo ;) and jcater err, http://www.gnuenterprise.org/~jcater/demo-datasources.py is the demo he was waiting for drochaid: howdy jcater, jamest: is information available about the status of every driver of the db abstraction layer? like x has feature x,y (i.e. introspection) and y is rather instable.... um we have common/README.datases it will need to be updated before our release hey guys, what do I need to install on deb testing to get php working with apache? but is about the best we have drochaid: episode 2 = good eductation for your daughter. You should take her with you. :) siesel: I have a daughter?? !!! :-o just php4 no one told me!!!! drochaid: you mean you didn't know!?!?!?!? you bad, bad father :-( Action: drochaid hides in shame Action: dneighbo trots on home sorry: i meant dneighbo. dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "BitchX: don't leave home without it!" hmm, got apache installed [and working] php4 was also installed, but it won't display any php pages :-/ n yeah you have to add php4 module include line in http.conf hi php4 's isntall scripts licks bag it says it's gonna enable the LoadModule, but it never does you need to edit /etc/apache/httpd.conf and uncomment oh bollocks ... you mean aptitude won't do this for me? :) # LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp4.so drochaid: it should that all jcater? ta hi ajmitch also, you need to uncomment #AddType application/x-httpd-php .php #AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps I'm not sure if libphp4 is installed ... I'll check ajmitch: wassup? not much, just sitting here eating breakfast ya freak it's dinner time didn't anyone tell you? no: its night owl time ajmitch, you're from downunder? Or do just australians call it this way? usually just australians from which town do you come? north or south island? Action: siesel been in NZ once and is still missing it... jcater: ok, they were still commented, now uncommented ... what's the apache restart command? dunedin, in the south island /etc/init.d/apache reload hey ajmitch thanks again jcater the biggest scotish town outside scotland cool. hehe :) jcater, i didn't look at the obvious places, and oversaw README.databases. but although its quite complete, i still think their are some informations missing for example, if the database adapter supports introspection. yeah I dunno much about the db abstraction, so I can't add it myself, but i think its quite important. we will add that before the next release which, for the record, we are targeting at next weekend from memory, though introspection is well tested for all the postgresql and oracle drivers and has been used (but not sure to what extent) for mysql? mysql, db2, firebird/interbase Gaelle (~re@p5085B41D.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. um I know it exists for (but not well tested with) SAP-DB um?? I think that's about it but that was from memory so don't hold me to it I just thought how to gather so much information from many different people. Action: jcater is away: home depot Ford_ (~re@p5085B41D.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: "[x]chat" Nick change: Gaelle -> Ford_ Action: jcater is back (gone 01:51:47) wb jcater why, thank you, sir drochaid how can i split an url into transport, host and port? in python? yep. as easy and fast as possible. i don't want to use regexp if possible. transport, host, port = string.split(yourstring,':',2) ? split on ':' and drop // ? THX eeh but how can i cut off the // from the transport? if host[:2] == '//': host = host[2:] string.split(string.replace(yourstring,'//',''),':',2) btw Action: ajmitch luvs python you'll have to watch the transport, host, port setting transport, host, port, path = \ string.split(string.replace(yourstring,'//',''),':',3) if you're missing 2nd : it'll probably error out how does one prepend an item to a list, btw? a=[1]+a ? in php i allway used regular expressions, but normally this is overkill um here's an idea file:/usr/local/doc/python-2.0.1/lib/module-urlparse.html thx Isomer damn, that's local anywho you can import urlparse Example: urlparse('http://www.cwi.nl:80/%7Eguido/Python.html') yields the tuple ('http', 'www.cwi.nl:80', '/%7Eguido/Python.html', '', '', '') foo = [1,2,3] foo.insert(0,5) print foo dajhorn (~dajhorn@CPE00a0240c8567.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left #gnuenterprise. [5, 1, 2, 3] but the + would probably be less painfull performance wise yeah l8r jamest_ (~jamest@fh-dialup-201041.flinthills.com) left irc: "[x]chat" wheeeee night all night jcater, i want to enable the appserver tests per setup-cvs.py, because its to complicated to run them standalone. (you have to set INSTALL_PREFIX (for I18) and PYTHON_LIBRARY_PATH). what do you think? um on my system, I copied gfcvs to gcvs and changed the last line from /usr/bin/python2.1 /home/jason/cvs/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFClient.py $* to /usr/bin/python2.1 $* this lets me run any test script using GNUe's environment I was thinking about having this gcvs automatically created by setup-cvs.py what do you think about that instead? ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip157.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. instead of typing python mytestfile.py you could just do gcvs mytestfile.py I thought about putting new commands into setup-cvs.py something like gappserv or gappserv-test ... oh, for appserver sure, that makes sense Action: jcater was thinking you were talking about DonutFactory, et al for donut-factory it would be great to add a gcvstest which show a list of demos, then you can choose one by pressing a number I must run what do you think, whats a good shortcut for the appserver? gascvs gacvs ascvs gaservs ok cu gacvs ? that would probably be fine ok. you can find it in cvs very soon. Nick change: jcater -> jc-Spiderman rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" siesel (jan@dial-213-168-89-252.netcologne.de) left irc: Remote closed the connection ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip157.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" --- Sat May 4 2002