[00:47] Last message repeated 1 time(s). ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" jc-Spiderman (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port13.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port13.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. dtm ([WP8xwWLg8@ip112.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Ford_ (~re@p5085B41D.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. hey psu howsit? hangin' I have a monster of a cold but otherwise fine Action: psu sneezes excellent :) how's KC production going? a big week to summarise currently? just a tad - 71k biggest ever before was 63k pretty impressive "It is a legal requirement that pre-installed operating systems remain with a machine for the life of the machine." quoth an obscure M$ website http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/25085.html :) It's sad when not even M$ can read their own EULA "If you do X, you must also do Y" does not even begin to imply that "If you do Y, you must do X" Action: psu sneezes Action: psu is away: off to bed for a nap night psu :) sledge_ (~sledge@B97b8.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. sledge_ (~sledge@B97b8.pppool.de) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" dtm ([pR7O2YDpY@ip112.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) joined #gnuenterprise. psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: Remote closed the connection psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. wb psu (if you're awake...) can't get to sleep too much paracetamol :( & coffee ;-) good mix :) Action: psu is away: lunch - not sure chilli is wise with a cold, but I suppose it can;t make things much worse hehe chilli is the cure-all burn that cold out! i'll nose-blow to that! any trees in the house? drochaid: not in mine. Action: dtm scarfs a big pot of green apple Jell-O dtm ([pR7O2YDpY@ip112.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) left irc: "the power outage rebooted me to the wrong kernel! :/" Action: drochaid thinks that's the problem .... not enough trees in the house :( Action: psu is back wb psu ajmitch: I thought it was chicken soup that was the "universal penecillin"? nah Action: drochaid thought penicillin was the universal penicillin hey psu hi drochaid not going to Hampden Park this afternoon, then? ;-) god no!! Action: psu might have the radio on later for the match from Cardiff as long as the MW signal doesn't interere with the PC drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) In , it is target="_new" to open in a new window, isn't it? Action: psu normally doesn't like doing that, as it's anti-social, but needs must in this case psu: or _blank I find _blank is more universally handled some browsers reuse _new windows if you click another _new link yeah i dislike that oh look, _blank has just crashed my browser ;-) lol don't view my website then psu ;-P you'll be getting me to try that rm -r * "shortcut" next ;-) nah ... all you need to do is "rm -Rf /*" :) psu: when is next KC out? ;) i've e-mailed it off, hopefully when Zack wakes up ;-) ok, cool Action: ajmitch will go sleep then :) night all Actually, the _blank is fine, the browser is just throwing a hissy fit at me trying to open a .grd file nite aj Action: psu is away: bbiab Action: psu is back jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey jbailey Heya drochaid. you might want to /ignore drochaid_ ... I've been told you're the one to talk to about getting dcl running on debian testing :) Action: psu needs to get some more paracetamol Action: drochaid_ recommends kapake v old joke - why can't you get asprin in the jungle? because the parrots eat em all haven't heard it ;) drochaid_: dcl is not going into woody. drochaid_: And the ftp masters haven't really opened Debian to new packages yet. I was trying to install it from the tarball off sourceforge i'm having mainly authentication probs [I think] with the way pgsql is setup by default on deb testing I've got throught the install, and up pops the login page ... but I get a rather long error before it returns and tells me "could not verify session" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: "[x]chat" jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) got netsplit. ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port13.jetstart.win.co.nz) got netsplit. Mr_You (rouzer@ got netsplit. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) got netsplit. dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) got netsplit. Isomer (dahoose@210-86-56-169.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port13.jetstart.win.co.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@ returned to #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) returned to #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) returned to #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@210-86-56-169.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by carter.openprojects.net Nick change: drochaid_ -> drochaid jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201041.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. here's a good one for you ... MDK 8.2 doesn't install php with apache when you request a *full* install is anyone likely to mind if i write up and install guide for dcl on MDK 8.2 ? What's an mdk 8.2? Ford_ (~weopq@ joined #gnuenterprise. Hello jbailey: mandrake v8.2 hey Ford_ drochaid: Ah, okay. YAY I've got a dcl!!! :-) :-) :-) shame I absolutely hate coffee ... can I change the name please? :) Is there a GnuForms developer around ? not I Action: chillywilly points at jamest hey chillywilly hey and it's GNUe Forms dude chillywilly: I beg you pardon ... gnu'E' Forms of course :P no no no Ford_ .. GNUe Forms ... not gnuE Forms ;) :PPP :) heh took the workds out of my mouth or characters off my keyboard as I can't type now ;) it's all your fault drochaid that forms lib is ready for 2-tier applications right ? yep it always is chillywilly, I accept full responsibility hehe is there a documentation on what kind of triggers would be able to configure ? there's a forms technical reference I read that and user's guide User's Guide... hmm there should be more up to date docs coming shortly with the next release hey jamest when it the release planned? Action: chillywilly waits... Action: drochaid waits as well... s/it/is okay... now printing the developers guide some of these guys are just too busy to reply ;) the complete source code is C++ ? for forms? all our current tools are written in python current being == cvs ;) Everything in Python? phew... you're relieved? even the GEAS ? And that Corba stuff ? geas is being rewritten in python the old GEAS is in C and that was the only thing that was written in C but now we have the start of the new geas call "appserver" in cvs which is Python why python ? it's simple to understand it's fairly powerfull the_grunf (~grunf@ joined #gnuenterprise. hey and it integrates w/ C if we need the performance anyone free 4 a question here ? we can try and answer but if the question is about thai currys .. you'd be better off in #openbeos :) i'm using mandrake 8.2, and there's no way i can install wxGTK...it says i need libpng.so.2 drochaid: anything against curry ? ;) not at all .. we were discussing it there extensively a couple of days ago ;) cul8er Ford_ (~weopq@ left irc: "Doh!" so does that mean that libpng.so.2 is not availabe humm...looks good...but i've just finished lunch now and it can't be installed ? gimmie a mo and I'll check if it's in the default lists james: well yes i've libpng.so.3 odd you bet i'd have thought that wxGTK would have used it :( so, i've tried to compile and install wxGTK Action: jamest would be tempted to ln -s libpng.so.3 libpng.so.2 :) and see what happens :) i tried that as well... :) but seems like configure is smarter than i ah does mandrake use rpms? yep and mdk is very weird at times as i was saying....i've compiled and installed wxGTK....no probs...but wxPython complains about the same libpng.so.2 and it doesn't even compile but it doesn't have rpms for wxPython :( chillywilly: release == real soon now yes it uses rpms, i've downloaded all the dependencies and i'm stuck in this prob hmmm drochaid: at times ? always, i think heh could be I just rebuilt a server soley for use with postgresql, apache and php ... and it didn't install or configure php!! php is working here... I've got it working now, it's just their usual install screwups I still can't believe they configure pgsql to only accept local connections by default at least they use pg_ctl instead of postmaster now i'd like to be able to configure and install gnue to see if i can contribute to something...i've been working as a developer for some years now for a portuguese company that develops software for stock market and some guys in there are developing for psions and palms so maybe i could help...if i could install this thing... man i don't see where in wxPtyhon it references libpng :( my source is old though one thing you could try in setup.py change the CORE_ONLY = 1 i have to do this on solaris to get wxpython to build some new data: rpm -ihv wxPython- erro: dependências falhadas: wxGTK = 2.3.2 é necessário pelo wxPython- libwx_gtk-2.3.so.1 é necessário pelo wxPython- libwx_gtk_gl-2.3.so.1 é necessário pelo wxPython- that's the new problem....but i've just make & make install the wxGTK src dist doesn't rpm dependency checking only look for installed RPM packages Action: jamest doesn't use a rpm based distro anymore dunno....does it ? IIRC you can tell rpm to ignore dependencies during install i think I used to have to do this when mixing source and rpm installs humm....let me see jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). it installed...i've never used --nodeps before cause i had a previous "not to good" experience with suse 6.2 and --nodeps rpm instalations python setup.py install Checking for available UI drivers.... Pyncurses(Currently not working).... No Curses(Currently not working).... OK wxPython.... No No valid UI drivers are installed on this machine: wxPython - www.wxpython.org pyncurses - pyncurses.sourceforge.net python curses - Read python install docs on how to activate nope damn it says wxPython not available do you have a DISPLAY var set? grunf as the checking tries to open an connection to your xserver this burns me all the time on remote installs :) yup....i'm running X now... and my firewall accepts everything local grrrrrr (if it's going through tcp) that's frustrating um hmmm not that I know if it'll help but in common/scripts/ there is a gnue-diag.sh it is it was created to scan installs and find issues but it's fairly old not sure if it still works properly grunf....it says i have wxPython installed !!!!! but there's something not found: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/pygresql: *NOT found* /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/psycopg: *NOT found* /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/pyPgSQL: *NOT found* /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/MySQLdb: *NOT found* and something else.... i have egenix-mx-base-2.0.3-py2.1_1 installed, but it says "mxDateTime: **Not Installed**" :( so why is this gnue-diag saying i have wxPython installed and setup.py doesn't... i just did some searching on groups.google.com it seems that libpng2 and libpng3 are seperate packages and wxPython is linked to one or the other depending upon release are there seperate libpng rpms avail? the gnue-diag looks to see if the file exists via a shell command lots of them the setup.py actually trys to import it i've been on rpmfind.net, searched for libpng, and there are lots of them... what's the version u have on ur system ? ii libpng2 1.0.12-3 PNG library - runtime ii libpng2-dev 1.0.12-3 PNG library - development ii libpng3 1.2.1-1.1 PNG library - runtime I'm running debian also try this open python then try this command from wxPython.wx import * this way you can see the error wx is hitting Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/__init__.py", line 20, in ? import wxc ImportError: libwx_gtk-2.3.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory sigh hold on.... i have to run for a minute bbia3m when i do a make install it normally installs thingslibs in /usr/local/lib any dcl happy peeps care to join me in #dcl so I don't get in the way asking questions here? dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: you know anything about installing on mandrake? um yes and no whats up the_grunf is having troubles installing on it and my rpm skilz are rusty err...sorry i was in another window... dneighbo, nice to meet u...my problem is this when i try to install wxGTK and it says i've no libpng.so.2 installed...i've compiled and installed wxGTK, but wxPython says i have no wxGTK installed so i installed wxPython with --nodeps, but still setup.py says i have no wxPython installed chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. is your wxGTK in /usr/local/lib if so you might need to rerun ldconfig to have it pick it up first its bad to mix and match either compile everything or compile nothing imho i already done that....so now i'm uninstalling everything and try to find that libpng.so.2 to install everything again from scratch you going to use rpms or source Action: dneighbo has installed both ways and gotten it to work source install is suprisingly easy though i would almost bet that all the dependencies are actually on your mandrake disks in rpm format if you have even a relatively new mandrake distribution he's running 8.2 i would say probably everything you need is on your disks then well at least wxPython is now installing without complain about anything ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: "Client Exiting" grunf...still not working... what isnt working setup.py says i've got no wxPython, but i've got a clue hold up i think this is probably a python problem you have python 1.5.2 still on this machine? if so when you installed wxPython it probably installed for python 1.5.2 and now the operation you are performing is probably looking for it in python 2.x and so rightfully its saying it does not exist i think so....because i've dowloaded and installed wxPython for Python 2.1 or something alike.... what version should i download for python 2.2 ? if i go to wxpython.org...there's some problem that the files come with 8Kb and rpm cannot install them what version of python do you have? type python and paste for me the top of the out put 2.2 Python 2.2 (#1, Feb 24 2002, 16:21:58) [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Mandrake Linux 8.2 2.96-0.76mdk)] on linux-i386 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. ah yes you definitely need wxPython2.2 give me a second python --version works too or possibly python -V yep, but where can i find it ? rpmfind shows me a lot of versions...wich one should i download oops, only -V works http://www.rpmfind.net//linux/RPM/cooker/contrib/RPMS/wxPython- that is the package you need the_grunf if you look at the bottom of that link it shows python2.2/ in the files the_grunf: any luck getting that package i got the package, installed it, but still no work what happens setup.py says that there is no wxPython and python says: >>> from wxPython.wx import * Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/__init__.py", line 20, in ? import wxc ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/wxc.so: undefined symbol: Play__6wxWavebT1 >>> which setup.py? inside forms you running cvs copy? yup dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) go to root gnue directory and instead run setup-cvs.py and run by doing python2.2 setup-cvs.py done...and now ? no errors not in setup-cvs.py cd forms/samples/intro/ from the root gnue dir and to an ls and paste here Action: dneighbo apologizes i dont have a cvs tree in front of me right now CVS/ intro.gfd PigLatinPublicDomain.txt* ok did you answer default to all the setup questions? (ie. did you install in your home dir) yup ok ~/bin/gfcvs intro.gfd and tell me what happens chillywilly: yu have any pantera? ~/bin/gfcvs intro.gfd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/paulo/GNUe/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFClient.py", line 39, in ? from gnue.forms.GFInstance import * File "/home/paulo/GNUe/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFInstance.py", line 37, in ? from gnue.forms.GFForm import * I may not be chillywilly [I think] .. but do you mean Pantera the thrash group? File "/home/paulo/GNUe/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFForm.py", line 36, in ? from GFObjects import * File "/home/paulo/GNUe/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFObjects/__init__.py", line 19, in ? exec "from gnue.forms.GFObjects.%s import %s" % (module,module) File "", line 1, in ? File "/home/paulo/GNUe/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFObjects/GFEntry.py", line 32, in ? from gnue.forms import GFDisplayHandler File "/home/paulo/GNUe/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/GFDisplayHandler.py", line 35, in ? from mx.DateTime import DateTime ImportError: No module named mx.DateTime ah mxDateTime dependency lets fix that for you :) jamest: should i file bug that setup-cvs.py didnt catch that? um just a sec i'll look at it now humm....but the rpm i found on gnuenterprise.org is for python 2.1 um there can i find for python 2.2 ? setup-cvs.py doesn't seem to do dependency checking at least not for things like wxWindows or mxDateTime i understand the wxWindows not being there but I hit jcater up about mxDateTime when he shows up http://www.egenix.com/files/python/eGenix-mx-Extensions.html#Download-mxBASE # egenix-mx-base-2.0.3-py2.2_1.i386.rpm (Binary RPM, i386, Python 2.2) is the file you want jamest: piss if its not checking for wx that will probably fail still :( we will see jamest: you gnue'ing or just lurking today? gnue'n at the moment i have till approx noon i think jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. can you look at primary key incrementing for me? i catn for the life of me get it to work and its critical to all the stuff im doing going forward :( i even tried building a form from the wizard let me get the config stuff up at least to level of old stuff that had it i'm about there and just adding the single line and no dice ok i have to do some bills and get the_grunf working :) then i will look at making you sample the_grunf: how is it going? morning all welcome jcater jcater: mxDateTime isnt being checked in setup-cvs.py and hello :) setup-cvs.py doesn't do any checking Action: dneighbo will go create ticket er? Action: dneighbo stops from creating ticket as it sounds like jcater wants that to be the case well, hadn't considered it before it probably is a good idea to do it only if it's something all gnue apps depend upon dneighbo: it says something about locale translation...do u want me to paste it here ? like the python check as reports doesn't need wx to live but the db driver system dies w/o mxdatetime i almost think this should be part of the installer and the developer setup shouldn't need it course that implies we need to release yes paste here so that people aren't forced to cvs :) i think the developer setup should have it all as it INSTALLS all packages btw: i speak from gnucash disdain i wanted to compile it so that i could add a feature and spent a month doing so it would have been nice at compile time to get a list of all things it couldnt 'find' i do agree about release so that we dont have people using cvs install Unable to load locale information falling back to default English language translations. the_grunf: that's fine and nothing else that should be ok basically you haven't set an localization when you ran ~/bin/gfcvs intro.gfd or our system doesn't know your localization that is all you get? yup that is very much a work in progress you dont get a window pop up? nope you dont get any other error messages? do nope ~/bin/gfcvs -d 10 intro.gfd ~/bin/gfcvs intro.gfd Unable to load locale information falling back to default English language translations. and that's it... dneighbo: -d no longer works it's --debug-level 10 ~/bin/gfcvs --debug-leve 10 intro.gfd ~/bin/gfcvs --debug-level 10 intro.gfd Action: dneighbo glares at jcater for dorking the command line options :) Unable to load locale information falling back to default English language translations. DB001: [GBaseApp:178] Python 2.2 (#1, Feb 24 2002, 16:21:58) DB001: [GBaseApp:178] [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Mandrake Linux 8.2 2.96-0.76mdk)] DB001: [GBaseApp:179] Run Options: [('--debug-level', '10')] DB001: [GBaseApp:180] Run Arguments: ['intro.gfd'] DB001: [GConfig:77] Application style: forms DB001: [GConfig:78] Reading basic configuration DB001: [GConfig:99] Reading configuration file /root/gnue/etc/gnue.conf DB001: [GConfig:128] Configuration File: "/root/gnue/etc/gnue.conf" DB001: [GConfig:99] Reading configuration file /root/.gnue/gnue.conf DB001: [GConfig:128] Configuration File: "/root/.gnue/gnue.conf" DB001: [GConfig:99] Reading configuration file /root/gnue/etc/gnue.conf.fixed DB001: [GConfig:128] Configuration File: "/root/gnue/etc/gnue.conf.fixed" DB001: [GBaseApp:212] Connection Definition: "/root/gnue/etc/connections.conf" DB001: [GConnections:68] Conn File: "/root/gnue/etc/connections.conf" DB000: [GFClient:114] Unable to load UI driver wx DB001: [GFClient:115] /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/wxc.so: undefined symbol: Play__6wxWavebT1 DB000: [GFClient:114] Unable to load UI driver nstti DB001: [GFClient:115] No module named nstti -----> "DB001: [GFClient:115] /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/wxPython/wxc.so: undefined symbol: Play__6wxWavebT1" ????? ok sigh psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. so we still have wx problem the_grunf: you opposed to doing wxGTK and wxPython from source? psu: hows the web stuff comming? i've tried it, but wxPython could compile, so finally i installed everything from scratch (even that libpng.so.2) jamest: not too bad. This weekend is the big push to get it "finished" ie. ready for review and now..i'm stuck into this sigh i hate rpm (its the tool of satan) :) God only knows what it has done more or less like windows installer hum ? :) Action: jcater is working on such we really need to retrace all your steps and systematically uninstall all you have done relating to wx* so we have clean slate as best i can tell it looks like its installed just not quite correctly i.e. its out there under python2.2 did you ever install wxwindows? Action: dneighbo would think that hte wxPython rpm would bitch if you didnt or the wxGTK then again maybe its only when you compile from source you need both (its been a while) i installed wxGTK, but not wxWindows i think if you install via rpm you dont have to get wxWindows separately only if doing source install to hose things up let me try everything again can i get you to uninstall the rpm for wxPython and try this one instead http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython- .exe ???? grr sorry :) np http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython- bad hyper links will kill you every time reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. i don't believe this....this first mirror...all i can download is a file with 8Kb....both the 2nd and 3rd, give me a yellow page with nothing inside... it is sourceforge you know :) you there i am downloading and shoving to gnuenterprise.org if you need it i probably will... uploading now ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. can u believe this shit ??????????????? oops ...sorry for my language wxPython- ---> doen't work wxPython- ---> works so i've got that window http://gnuenterprise.org/~dneighbo/ ok cool so you do ~/bin/gfcvs intro.gfd and you get a form? yup btw: when people say rpm is as good as apt and setup.py (in forms dir) runs without errors my response isnt rpm is a bad packaging system its that Debian is MUCH better about QUALITY of its packaging :) sometimes it's good... sometimes not if it works it's good i have come to fear rpm packaging unless its directly from the distribution :( the_grunf: its not rpm that is bad, its the fact that the package maintainers have no cohesiveness so, now tell me... as evidenced by what we saw here today :) is gnue only programmed in python/php ? only python at this point it was python/C but the part in C is being refactored in python i have some knowledge about php, but i'm still learning python dcl (a component) of gnue is in php but its migrating to python over time bayonne (another component) is in C++ but can be 'programmed' in python if you can do php you can do python so, where can i help ? i PROMISE i bought a book about python, and it seems interesting to me is there anyone translating the project to portuguese (that might be a start point, while i learn some usefull python) Action: dneighbo will be conceited here and say gnue is a darn good project to LEARN python on as there are lots of examples of things in the code do u recomend any book about python um if you know another language (which you seem to) i have o'reilly's programming python the_grunf: that is not a good book :( i now use mostly c++ and vb (on windows) Action: jamest has it too i suggest david m beazley's 'Python: essential reference' that's the one i found...any way i didn't (and don't) know anything about python... dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. let me see dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Client Quit the first few chapters explain how to do things in python (tutorial, lexical conventions, syntax, objects, operaters, expressions, control flow) basically its no fluff its straight up how do i do X why i wonder why i can't ever find any book's isbn on amazon.com which if you know another language is all you need :) um if you got an ISBN then you might buy it elsewhere for cheaper that's the idea, my friend you dont want to buy from amazon anyhow :) i never buy anything on the net....not by cc 0735710910 is the ISBN number i have a library here in portugal (bertrand.pt) where i can order them the books from the net and get them at home Ford_ (~re@pD9E2CB82.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. good'e feasgar math Ford_ feasgear math ? good afternoon/evening dneighbo: before learning something usefull in python....is there any help needed somewhere else (c/c++, sql, docs, translation...) ? we need help everywhere :") the place we need help right now the most is people writing applications I know a *really* good psychologist dneighbo :) they deal in goat fetishes who was it that had the pantera? no no no, she HAS a goat fetish ... not the same thing at all :) I've got a couple of Pantera albums well learning python shouldn't be so dificult (at least as i saw) Cowboys from Hell and Far Beyond Driven i have pantera no you don't, I have them, locked in the basement >:-) Action: jamest is away: family memo to self - always check filesize before choosing "HTML as one page" :-( pantera rocks Action: chillywilly is away: hitting the crack pipe jamest: is there any chance of finding libuuid without being on .deb format ? or installing a .deb package in mandrake ? yes but you dont need it i assuem you are looking at geas? yup you're right which is being refactored and is in the appserver directory therefore its obsolete ahh, ok and the new version will not need libuuid fwiw: you can get libuuid in i think the efs2prog packages for rpm ok e2fsprogs thtat is http://rpmfind.net//linux/RPM/cooker/cooker/i586/Mandrake/RPMS/e2fsprogs-1.27-1mdk.i586.html actually http://rpmfind.net//linux/RPM/cooker/cooker/i586/Mandrake/RPMS/libext2fs2-1.27-1mdk.i586.html provides: * libuuid.so.1 pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) brb the_grunf (~grunf@ left irc: "KVIrc 2.1.1 'Monolith'" ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: psu has just sneezed on his monitor Action: psu is away: getting wetwipes Action: psu is back eew Action: jcater is away: out of town if I have a file (actually SQL output) which is of format delimiter filename1 delimiter text delimiter filename2 delimiter text etc what is the quickest way of getting this file split to diff filename1, filename2 etc XML is probably do=able but overkill if I don't already have tools ? using unix command line? or python? or what? using any tool I already have... both of those qualify ;-) well, python is a simple Ford_ (~re@pD9E2CB82.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) filenames = string.split("yourstring",delimiter) import string f = open("inputfile","r") for line in f.readlines(): print string.join(string.split(line,'|')) f.close() that would take a file of the format file1|file2|file3|file4 and output file1 file2 file3 file4 just to give you an example err import string f = open("inputfile","r") for line in f.readlines(): print string.join(string.split(line,'|'),'\n') f.close() that would :) thanks Action: psu gets his "Boy's Bumper Book of Python" out to follow along pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) left irc: "[x]chat" Action: drochaid gets out a shredder and passes it to psu psu: if you wanted a one-liner for a script file: echo "test1|test2|test3" | awk -F"|" '{split($0,recs); for (file in recs) print $file }' not sure what you're doing I'm really away now Nick change: jcater -> jcAway chillywilly_ (~chillywil@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly_ slaps ajmitch around a bit with a large trout heheh, mIRC is so lame Action: chillywilly_ slaps ajmitch around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps dneighbo around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps jamest around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps Isomer around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps jcAway around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps Mr_You around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps nickr around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps psu around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps rm-away around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps Yurik around a bit with a large trout Action: chillywilly_ slaps drochaid around a bit with a large trout sup lamer? muahahahahaa nothing just chillin upstairs for a bit using the winblows machine so use xchat ... screw mirc xchat runs in winders? bah, I am about to go back to my GNU/Linux abode I hope so, I've been using it for nearly a year fuck windows bit messy :-/ this isn't my machine anyway bye chillywilly_ (~chillywil@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: Client Quit cya the_grunf (~grunf@ joined #gnuenterprise. hey guys he's back! rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) joined #gnuenterprise. the_grunf: you only get one question a day :) maybe it's after midnight in his timezone ;-) good point :) Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard night all reinhard (~rm@N816P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate" GNUe KC #27 is up http://kt.zork.net/GNUe/latest.html I'll do the official gnue-announce in the morning what *is* a kernal cousin? sounds like some sort of inbreeding it's a cousin to a kernel ;-) Action: drochaid glares at psu The original mailing list summary was for the Linux kernel mailing list summary was known as "Kernel Traffic" the other summaries for other projects, such as GNUe, as cousins to the main KT summary hence "Kernel Cousins" It's a slightly odd nomeculture ahhhh thanks psu and will be changed eventually I'll stop glaring now so that GNUe KC will become "GNUe Traffic" but there are other priorities at the moment that might be a bad idea .. (including finshing the switch from perl to xslt to render the issues with the amount chillywilly hits that crack pipe, "traffic" might be taken the wrong way ;) hiall howru? still w/cold :( managed to sneeze all over monitor & over jcater @ one point yucky Action: ajmitch reads new KC drochaid: once, when we had some jt discussions with other GNU projects I managed to do a "Kissin' Cousins" ;-) hehe Action: chillywilly is back (gone 05:48:12) wb chillywilly! lol @ kissin' counsins hiya ajmitch ps, drochaid s/ps/psu that was a long crack session well scotty and I rode bikes to the park er, well we all went to pizza hut first hey chillywilly ah right then caorline went to work goooood morning ajmitch caroline then scotty and I rode bikes to the park and played and then we went home and I was watching a movie on TV and he was looking through the toy adds Action: chillywilly is sooo happy scotty is a rabid Star Wars fan ;) what more could you want in a son? I'm so proud :) lol I need to teach him python soon ;) but star wars sucks ass Action: drochaid hides heretic! :) flamebait Action: drochaid hopes he's never passed on his email adress ;) come on now we're not that mental mail bombs are lame anyway I just remember when I was his age I loved Star Wars too how old is he? I had all the action figures 4 when was star wars released initially? 1970 somethin' 1980 are you sure? I thought it was in the 70s http://us.imdb.com/Title?0080684 so did I until I checked I couldn't see it when I was 4 .. I feel deprived now :( well I saw the first one on cable with my grandfather couple years after balls ... that's the wrong one it linked me to the next 2 I saw in the theatre 1977 that sounds more likely yea, that's when I was born ;) hmm ... I could have watched it when I was 2 what the dates on the other movies? episode V was 1980 I am curious as to how long it took to make another one yea and VI was 1983 so every 3 years pretty much what they're doing now but the graphics were better back then ;) heheh all I know is I had a lot of Star Wars figures I had none one time I lost Luke Skywalker in the park and this kid down the blovk found it but he wouldn't give it back I didn't know anything about star wars until I was about 12 it was the black one like from return of the jedi he was wearing that black outfit I meant /topic GNUe Creating the Digital Future, as long as it contains Star Wars :-) :) Action: chillywilly requests the the topic nazis turn topic lock off heh or give more people ops ;) LOL - IMDB already has a listing for episode 3 due in 2005 :) brb well I should definately have ops, because although I'm sod all benefit to the project or chan ... I ran a number of chans very successfully on another network :) yeah, well i'm no benefit either, does that mean i shoudl have ops? gah, it's Sunday already ah but did you run other chans successfully on another network as well? or learn to spell, unlike my fair self back wb psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise ("probability of amusing/cool quit msg after midnight < 0.05"). lol yes, i do :) oh well then .. you should definately gain ops here as well :) but I think I would have to challenge your postion for adding nothing to the project or chan ... I'm fairly confident I can beat by a wide margin on that point hah i've been contributing nothing for far longer than you have but the quality [or lack thereof] of my nothing is of a far greater magnitude than the pathetic nothing that you muster oh indeed. i must concede defeat then there you go then for you've entertained the channel with your language & phrases thereof now I KNOW you are fully aware of what you can kiss on behalf of that comment what do you have to do to get kicked from this chan? ;) i don't knoe personally I think GNUe should be ported from python to MS Access Action: drochaid waits ... would be fun editing that VBA now, I would have expected an auto-kick for that one jcater would love it for sure! heh I'm bored ... can we discuss photography? nope :( how about we gang up on chillywilly? chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left #gnuenterprise ("Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..."). guess not :) wimp :) I was going to ask his permission first anyway ;) yes, i'm sure I was!! chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. wb chillywilly boo! hoo? aaah! fitzix (~fitzix@ joined #gnuenterprise. uh oh, what's he doing here? ;) he wubs us vewy vewy much heh I do nothing nowhere none of the time do you think he saw the latest KC GNUe & decided to do something to us? yaaaay aaaaw sheeeit heheh fitzix: http://kt.zork.net/GNUe/latest.html Action: fitzix leaves them quaking wondering "Did he read it? Did he? What's he doing with that axe?" yo axe don't scare me do be axeing me stuff Iz got to be gittin my work done ya right axe? Action: drochaid pulls out his claymore hehe Action: ajmitch runs s/do/don't I think I am insane deriving from basc_ostream is for the insane basic_ostream yes indeedy now fitzix has run off & left us all alone with drochaid no he hasn't whatchoo talkin bout? what, is he talking to you? he's always talking to me he just never shuts up yes, with drochaid ... and his claymore >:) doesn't talk to me :'( Action: chillywilly stuff drochaid's claymore up his bum let the claymore talk to you ajmitch bring your ear closer a little ... chillywilly: you know how much that would hurt? chillywilly: all of it or just a little? since I'm 6ft and it's bigger than me [the claymore, I'm not bragging :) ] Action: fitzix chops drochaid's hand off with his axe in a surprise move - drochaid's claymore falls into a cyberabyss all the way, to the hilt heheh do not pass go drochaid: you have one with you then? do not collect $100 all the way to the hilt? feckle ... that means there's about 4 feet sticking out my head then thanks for the mental image I appreciate it A CD archive of ftp.gnu.org in one hand, a claymore in the other no problem :) that'll stop proprietary! Action: ajmitch guesses drochaid is using windows right now? :) fitzix: read the relevant parts of the KC? Action: chillywilly reads it windows, and deb linux, and mandrake linux, and beos and ipcop firewall ajmitch: I'm still reading - damn you people are busy :) yeah fitzix: but proprietory software is the best thing you can get :) Action: drochaid is still trying to get /kick'ed drochaid: not enough ops :( someone paste my comments when ops turn up please hehe just tell me if I got kicked when I return ;) fitzix: so what have you been up to? the crux of the entire KC discussion: Andrew said "i just wanted to keep these nice people in mind :)" Daniel agreed. :P haha hehe dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. who's Andrew and who's Daniel? Action: ajmitch shrugs some weridos weirdos ajmitch: A lot - working a lot and reading O'Reilly manuals when I get a chance. I worked a 60 hour work week the other week so it's really eaten into my FS time oooouch jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) joined #gnuenterprise. welcome jbailey Hello! hey jbailey yeah - that'll be rare thought though ack ajmitch: Regarding coordination - hell yeah, I'm up for it. I don't want to see you guys overweight your project. Of course not... but, if we can coordinate, then that'd be great yeah, cool good KC yep, covers a lot of stuff i'd otherwise not know about yea, it even helps us IRC lifers actually I think I understand what the proxy object is about nwo reading jcater's response again in the KC ;) s/nwo/now too bad psu left oh well....you rock psu! yeah drochaid: ajmitch == Andrew, chillywilly == Daniel ahhhh!!! /whois is your friend ta chillywilly yeah, but then I'd have to whois everyone sometimes plus i don't have andrew in my whois details heh ajmitch: just to confirm ... is your real name Andrew, or me? ;) ajmitch: that's why I said sometimes ;) Action: ajmitch is andrew j. mitchell, k? ;) Nick change: ajmitch -> andrewm bleh aaah! mommy! make it go away! andrew mk ? :o muahahah Action: chillywilly convulses you write shit songs dood ;) Action: andrewm gets cattle prod out Action: drochaid pushes the claymore back down through his head and removes from his rectum, ready to defend against said cattle prod Nick change: andrewm -> ajmitch plz don't ever take that nick here again pleeeeeeaaase please tell me the J. stands for Julien? :) it does not wheeeee Action: chillywilly thought of a bad thing for J. bad chillywilly that's not nice ok, I'm better now Action: drochaid wonders what his own whois says ... Action: drochaid checks well, it almost shows my full name in fact ... if you take ajmitchs first name, ignore the middle and use the first letter of his surname .... you get the same as ignoring my first, taking my middle and the first letter of my surname ah crap sawfish died & screwed up use windows dood :) yea dn if you take my first name reverse it then rot13 encode it combine it with ajmitch's mother's sister's maiden name....uuh wtf was I talking about? no, i'm not that depraved lol chillywilly alright, got a usable desktop back crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey notquitesanemike chillywilly?!?!?! howdy greetings crazymike waz up ajmitch nothing how int he hell are ya with ajmitch being down under ... almost everything is up ;) sigh hey... is ajmitch a homo??? :) I wouldn't know now is when /ignore comes in useful who lets idiots like this in here? which idiot? me or crazymike? crazymike hey ajmitch...be nice just checking :) :) Action: chillywilly is away: dinner please can we talk about photography? I miss my #photo chan on NixHelp crazymike (~crazymike@mke-65-31-133-230.wi.rr.com) left irc: I'm guessing that was a no from crazymike Action: chillywilly is back (gone 00:11:58) drochaid: create your own photo channel here on OPN yeah i'm sure lots of people will join really? would it not need to have something to do with free software? Action: chillywilly goes back to hacking gnu common c++ fitzix (~fitzix@ left irc: "Client Exiting" mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-26-67-169.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey mdean hey sup? not much, haven't seen you round much, you been a little busy? ja - tween life and work life & work come second to irc, no? ;) heh - didn't know that :-P Remosi (dahoose@210-86-56-157.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Remosi (dahoose@210-86-56-157.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Isomer (dahoose@210-86-56-169.jetstart.xtra.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Remosi (dahoose@port-62-164.jet.net.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly is away: bowling hey jbailey didnt see you sneak in dneighbo: It was only 5 hours ago =) i was napping then so makes sense :) jbailey: where do we sit on dcl debians? can we check into cvs what you have to date? dneighbo: It's not designed to be used upstream. Did you want that? I had developped it as a wrapper so that it knows what to do with an upstream tarball. That allows me to refer back to /etc for system config stuff. im not sure i understand all that :) jbailey: you are close to debian is there hope of ever having openoffice debs? Weren't they just announced? Ah, my misread. But this is the list to follow: http://lists.debian.org/debian-openoffice/2002/debian-openoffice-200205/threads.html Action: dneighbo wonders if its worth waiting for the debs for now i suppose it is as i am not doing office stuff on this pc drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) got netsplit. Remosi (dahoose@port-62-164.jet.net.nz) got netsplit. mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-26-67-169.kc.rr.com) got netsplit. jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) got netsplit. the_grunf (~grunf@ got netsplit. jcAway (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) got netsplit. Mr_You (rouzer@ got netsplit. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) got netsplit. ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port13.jetstart.win.co.nz) got netsplit. gnuebot (eggdrop@mail.libertydistribution.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. Remosi (dahoose@port-62-164.jet.net.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-26-67-169.kc.rr.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. the_grunf (~grunf@ returned to #gnuenterprise. jcAway (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) returned to #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@ returned to #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port13.jetstart.win.co.nz) returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by carter.openprojects.net jbailey (jbailey@CPE014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) got lost in the net-split. --- Sun May 5 2002