[00:36] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Nick change: dres_ -> dres dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. morning all hi btami: hi reinhard (~rm@M693P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at) joined #gnuenterprise. argh every good day starts with a major fire? Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away afternoon all btami (~tamas@ip102-205.ktv.tiszanet.hu) left irc: Remote closed the connection Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. ICJ (foobar@pD9E46C6A.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Hi! ICJ_ (foobar@p50870DED.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. ICJ (foobar@pD9E46C6A.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. howdy morning jamest jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: Client Quit how goes the appserver? heikoV (~sdkl98158@D57636B1.kabel.telenet.be) joined #gnuenterprise. slowly however it seems to have attracted a lot of people sledge, siesel, ICJ... i'm sorry :) more people == more work for you :) hehe j/k guys - we love the help! ICJ_ (foobar@p50870DED.dip.t-dialin.net) left #gnuenterprise. ICJ_ (foobar@p50870DED.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: ICJ_ -> ICJ ICJ: i just fixed the appserver/doc/*/Makefile's - thanks again for your bug report yes just got the CVS commit message dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. in GObjects.py: yes? def phaseInit(self, iterations=5): for phase in range(iterations): self._phaseInit(phase) def _phaseInit(self,phase): if (len(self._inits) > phase) and self._inits[phase]: GDebug.printMesg(6,"%s: Init Phase %s" % (self._type, phase+1)) self._inits[phase]() for child in self._children: if isinstance(child, GObj): child._phaseInit(phase) # This function is called after the parsers have completely # constructed. All children should be in place and # attributes and content should be set at this point. # Return the number of phaseInit iterations your object will # need. phaseInit uses a default of 5 itererations wait why shall _buildObject return the number of phases needed? bad naming then ... the first phaseInit was hardcoded to 5 it was later adjust to allow random number of inits but this function can be used, right? it is absolutely required ähm are you Jens? # This is a convenience function for applications # NOT using GParser to load an object tree. def buildAndInitObject(self, **params): self.phaseInit(self.buildObject(**params)) shouldn't it be: self.phaseInit(self.buildObject(**params),self._buildObject()) i don't think so but I'm swamped at the moment i wish they'd pay me to GNUe instead of give me all this work to do :( ;) are you the jens that asked about phaseInit on the mail list? that I just replied to ack! ok ACK? i just noticed that person's last name is the same as reinhard's to what? well, i'll wait for the mail it's a mob! yes, it is *g* are you jens? yes I am hi hi aj Have you been here before? did you see how phase init works then? me? i've been in here a couple of times ICJ: ajmitch lives in here hehe yeah, we tried sprays and powers but them NZ'ers are tough to get rid one once you're infested Action: ajmitch only sees 3 kiwis in here tonight jamest: müller is the most widespread surname in germany/austria/swizerland ah but only one is named andrew?!?!?!? hm? all people from NZ are named andrew it's like a law or something ah jamest: only i am andrew or i've been too far out of touch in IRC lately a friend of mine goes to NZ this summer for one year as we had like 3 or 4 andrews from NZ hehe (exchange highschool student) excellent, ICJ will she have to change her name to Andrew? nah, she'll be fine so it's not a law but only a convention that is not enforced? like in Python? args the listserver is so slow Action: ajmitch shrugs :) Action: ajmitch knows quite a few andrews i'd love to see NZ i still haven't got the mail of jamest it's always so purdy in the pictures and full of andrews i just sent it nothing really new in there the _init name is due to atmospheric crack levels being too high when I coded it you said that 8 minutes ago ... and it stuck hehe has it been 8 minutes sigh gee i just got it and it's only 3 lines not worth waiting for :) ICJ: you are new appserver guru? yip Action: jamest attaches ball and chain to ICJ /msg ajmitch we just haven't told him yet :) hehe Action: ajmitch needs to dig into what has been done night all nite ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: drochaid -> migrain-person I need to dig into both what has been done and what has to be done But I think I have realized that GObj is primarily for XML input and output, for initializing and for traversing through tree structures but a reference doc would be nice anyway ;-( well, now I have to figure out that trigger support Action: derek is away: work dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) joined #gnuenterprise. Hello dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. is jcater here no dneighbo: what's up? ToyMan : still wanting to get you converted Action: dneighbo needs to dust off win4lin and get it installed yes, time for some progress :) havn't checked in on gnue for some time... how close are you to a working production system ? honestly from what i remember of what you ahve in access we could probably replace that today without a ton of problem reports can produce something now :) cool dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." jesses ([ycLGWbQL9@dyn-81.blackbox-3.netaxs.com) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1" Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. migrain-person (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) l8r all reinhard (~rm@M693P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at) left irc: "The more often you run over a dead cat, the flatter it gets" bye Arturas (~arturas@gsk.vtu.lt) left irc: "ircII/tkirc" psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. are there still obsolete docs on the website? btw: what is so cool about DCL? From the BTS systems I have seen so far (DCL, Bugtraq, Bugzilla, Debian BTS), I like Mozilla best what's cool about DCL is that it is already and will become even more integrated into GNUe Derek already has some "simple" Forms that point at DCL tables ah ic ok In future we should have a true fusion ok sorta like curry pizza 'cept more tasty ;-) and for software, will it become as sophisticated as Bugzilla? This is just me talking well, much of Bugzilla's usage is policy but I see DCL as being more general than just a bug tracking system and site-specific config like keywords It has the makings of a project management tool and time tracking/billing and whatever and target milestones so, I open a bug work and the time will be accounted to the bug? what tools do you use for editing Python? is Emacsens Python mode OK? I find the emacs python mode ntice daminal (~david@2.specoinc.enterconnect.net) joined #gnuenterprise. OK is TM-Python part of that mode? or is it something seperate? I don't know. hold boat bugzilla imho is somethign different than DCL it is hardcore bug tracking and thats it nto to mention its HORRIBLY difficult to use to do that one thing I notice about DCL is that it has a lot of counter-intuitive organizational issues DCL is coming form the other perspective it is more a project management/help desk tool than a bug tracker im trying to add some more 'bugtracking' features to it as i think free software projects need both management/helpdesk/bug tracking nickr: i think i know what you mean but im not sure currently its weakness is how it handles contacts and hierarchies much of which is painful in lack of RBAC we have started to make the contact portion more robust tackling some organizaitonal hierarchy issues in the process i think once those are in place that RBAC can be implemented fairly quickly well my main issue is the naming of 'accounts' & 'users' and 'products' and 'projects' and how they relate we use it more than anything because it has a gracious maintainer who shares our vision its bizarre to me and it made sense to collaborate but I'm using it cause it was easier to install than Bugzilla and uses postgres :) nickr: generally i like term 'client/customer' better than account yea I wouldn't have been confgused if that terminology were used product/projects is a pain in many cases i ahve altered the terms :) As I see it, a project is ongoing, a verb and a product is a particular state of a project and i have it on the list of things to make configureable for example i dont call them work orders at my office we call them Service Requests so my system reflects that :) hehe but that is the beauty of free software :) yep sledge_ (~sledge@B2986.pppool.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi dudes hmmm he calls us the pimple on a horses ass and wants us to say what? Action: nickr blinks Action: dneighbo forgets im the only one that lives in teh wild west I live in the west now me too until 1/3 of your population wears boots and a cowboy hat daily you dont live in the west :) I believe that here qualifies then what about leather pants and right-wing mindset? does that count as west, too? nick: to your message from 5 mins ago: why is Bugzilla hard to install? actually you are in bend gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) joined #gnuenterprise. so its quite possible :) did somone call for cowboy boots!? sledge_ i think AZ might stil be only place you can legally carry a concealed firearm :) :) cept in public parks -- fascists. but it's not like anyone can, derek, we got some discussion on firearms in germany lately - we had a school shooting with 19 dead you have to get a license for it 8) gontran your from here, what does dude mean gontran: license == 8 hour class Action: sledge_ thought that dude means guy dneighbo yeah. 8 hours. dneighbo 'dude' in what context? actually i think they bumped i to 2 6 hour classes or something original meaning of dude ah. cowboy nope edumacate then dude was what the cowboys called someone from out of town i.e. a 'dude' ranch was for them there out of towners ICJ: because its not copying the tree to a web accessable location, chaniging two files, and running a script BUT the term dude came as a 'joke' dude was what the cowboys called the pimples on a horses arse so it was an 'inside' joke to the out of towners heh. wow. i never would've guessed. if you look in the dictionary it says 1883 orgin unknown ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" thanks. now i'm well educated on that term. Main Entry: 1dude Pronunciation: 'd?d also 'dy?d Function: noun Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1883 1 : a man extremely fastidious in dress and manner : DANDY 2 : a city dweller unfamiliar with life on the range; especially : an Easterner in the West great party chat :) dandy party? something to celebrate? fascinating. :) What can't one learn in #gnuenterprise!? So call me a bit of a prick. The hardliner corral cheif who absolutely hated having to deal with those city slickers who came in. Dudes, we called 'em. Don't let no surfer tell you otherwise. It means "Pimple on a Horse's Ass". These guys came in all shapes and sizes and usually were men. I always held a concrete and solid belief that these jerks saw some John Wayne movie or a spaghetti western and decided that that was a primer on ho no it's doing apt-get install bugzilla i hope this makes it into GNUe KC :) ;-) hehe sledge_ god no :) it would be DANDY gnue/docbook/GNUe-DUDE-Howto.sgml Quick question - is current cvs useable? now i could just be full of it daminal: quite but i once called a real cowboy a dude and he got rather upset daminal: at least, it works for me telling me was not a pimple on a horses rear dneighbo: was he a _real_ cowboy or self-proclaimed? :) hmm -- I'm getting errors from DateMask.py monthNames = [ _('January'), NameError: name '_' is not defined daminal: what tool do you start gfclient script or GFCLient.py um lives on a cattle ranch like 10th generation so i would say real mom, i'll to a cvs update right now daminal : i18n what country are you in what is your locale set to 10th generation cowboy -- hmm USA, english language windows NT hm, that i18n stuff is not yet well tested on win32, maybe gontran i forget generation things are different and i said like 10th being feticious a bit dneighbo heh, i figured. an interesting factoid... :) i guess i shoudl say for last 100+ years :) his family has been in the ranching business i dont know what that translates into generations :) dneighbo: got cvs access? i found a syntax error, preventing gfdesigner from starting! sledge_ yeah i do dont you? nope, i'm a dude. *g* opps sorry i was thinking siesel :) i feel honoured :) i have it but i cant really easily commit things from here well actually i guess with ssh i can do anything :) what is the issue Yeah, designer doesn't work for me either. forms/src/uidrivers/wx/UIdriver.py, line 211 fileMenu.Append( 102, _("Clear Form (F11))",_('Clear Form')) is of course wrong has to be fileMenu.Append( 102, _("Clear Form (F11))"),_('Clear Form')) (missing ")") anyone know what Datei-Auswahl translates to in english? gnue.common.GConfig module has no attribute 'get' i love linux, ssh to my router to a workstation at home to make patches to software rofl its just great gontran: that's file selection sledge_ thx :) trueValue = GConfig.get("checkboxTrue","Y") dneighbo: can you verify and fix this? it's annoying :) my copy of cvs is correct so doing an update GObjects.py: def _buildObject(self): return len(self._inits) why is that called _buildObject? it is used both for building and for returning that value? what about: Index: GObjects.py =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/gnue/gnue/common/src/GObjects.py,v retrieving revision 1.36 diff -c -r1.36 GObjects.py *** GObjects.py 3 May 2002 23:07:18 -0000 1.36 --- GObjects.py 10 May 2002 20:31:51 -0000 *************** *** 83,89 **** # # phaseInit # ! def phaseInit(self, iterations=5): for phase in range(iterations): self._phaseInit(phase) --- 83,91 ---- # # phaseInit # ! def phaseInit(self, iterations=None): ! if (iterations==None): ! iterations=len(self._inits) sledge i cant test code here for phase in range(iterations): self._phaseInit(phase) stop fileMenu.Append( 102, _("Clear Form (F11))",_('Clear Form')) is what is there now dneighbo: cvs seems to be okay now for some reason (deleted the file and did a fresh update) fileMenu.Append( 102, _("Clear Form (F11)",_('Clear Form')) ok found another bug, but can't trace it - i'll send a bug report - info@gnue.org right? um submit via dcl you can do so by emaling product-support@gnuenterprise.org chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. i.e. designer-support@gnuenterprise.org forms-support@gnuenterprise.org etc and that way it goes into our helpdesk :) and you will get quicker turn time blah okay sup my niggies? http://www.gnuenterprise.org/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=26 is a list of valid support email addresses psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) okay StyXman (~mdione@modem26-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: sledge_ seems to repeat himself hi argentina :) hi peop. we want do add widgets to a form in *runtime*. is that possible? dunno psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) joined #gnuenterprise. :| theoretically, it should be possible but jamest and jcater are the experts on that topic so i can't answer qualifiedly aja. just mimicing code from Incubator.py? ah, ok. um what I would typically do would be to just put the widget on there hidden then make visible via a trigger BUT while the start of this is in there it's not complete nono, I will be adding wigets as necesary. if I need 10, I add 10. if I nedd a thousand, so be it. jamest: what are the files occupied with that task? and: could setup-cvs.py be used with parameters? I intalled everythin in non-default places. sledge_: most the UI system, but I'm almost positive that after this release most the efforts will go into UI system for the following release gontran has already started work in that direction :) good :) StyXman: not sure I follow psu (psu@manorcon.demon.co.uk) left #gnuenterprise. daminal: how old's your CVS? GConfig.get shoudl all be gone now unless I screwed up Action: gontran perks up ears all line like gConfig("varName","default") are also errors they should only be gConfig("varName") Action: gontran goes back to gnawing on curses and the default value _should_ be set in that apps *Config.py file Action: jamest cracks the whip - "Faster gontran!" Action: gontran bares teeth Action: gontran sees jamest's shin Action: gontran goes back to gnawing on curses gontran : good luck getting through the ankle chains i use to bolt him to the floor :) jamest: i think i ahve need for manipulating widgets on teh fly as well :( Action: gontran looks around for metal dentures ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" though i can could solve my issues via, hide/show i think jamest: well, we need to do an invoice form. in the header, there'll be the client and below all the items selled to that client. as there's no grid or such thing, we thought of adding new widgets as they were needed (i.e., as the already there ones where full). StyXman: um, right, that's what i've always missed: a grid (or something comparable) otherwise one would have to do everything through listboxes *shudder* StyXman there is a grid we're planning to add a grid just in the wxwindow uidriver. but just if we have time. StyXman no need forms does what you need today :) dneighbo: yes? where? data-aware? yes yes yes :) say you have five columns (read five entries) designer just shows data entries. simply add rows="" I saaaaaaaid whassup gs to the tag g's even where "" is number of rows to display aha? mira tu... :) Action: chillywilly jumps up and down foaming at the mouth aw fagit joo chillywilly: forgot to take the pill? i hate it when he behaves like that ... dneighbo: and that will show several rows? will it be editable? sledge_: uh? yes just a second i will explain chillywilly: stop drinking coffee. :) ack StyXman: rows="" on blocks and entry widgets I just find it rude that when you say hi yo everyone they just ignore you whoops but what would I expect fform this sorry lot Action: jamest need to read all (hi chillywilly) logs before typing oh sorry hi chillywilly :) lo hey, I don't expect more. I mean, they're doing (important?) things instead saying 'hello'. as along as they're working, that's ok. it's unacceptable don't try ti justify it s/ti/to :P ok espeically dneighbo, he just babbles on and on without even listening to anything anyone types, he's a bad mamma jamma ;) StyXman : the way it works is you put row on the widget or the box (either one) and it will repeat that widget for that many rows and its just like a grid Nick change: chillywilly -> dneighbo2 blah if you have say a table with 100 rows blah [16:18] Last message repeated 2 time(s). and you do row="5" how to add new items to such a list? Nick change: dneighbo2 -> chillywilly it will show 5 in the widgets but if you navigate through the rows it will show all 100 (5 at a time) just a like a normal grid would great. (tell chilly stop doing that... "stop doing that!"). can I assosiate each column to one db field? everything is editable, savable etc yip so say you have table 'invoice' and table 'invoice_items' StyXman: it's friday so I can act any way I want yes, that's my ecuse you could make a block for invoice_items and put rows="20" in teh block excuse even then in the ui for that block you put or whatever and those become the columns that repeat 20 times StyXman: look at forms/samples/zipcode/zipcode.gfd for example tied to the db fields item_name, item_qty, item_price has it a scrollbar, then? it's poor mans grid no scrollbar :( the scrollbar exists but we know we need one it just needs work the base for its there just no events tied to it yet to move the focus :( ioufkwjbefiuy)(*YPOU*Y^(ypijuG S08c7tge[fijgvefp97 dneighbo: but how can you then get to the next / previous n items? up and down arrows up/down arrow chillywilly: nice perl code or F keys sledge_: lol it's just like navigating records as that's what each row is it is rather usable its just not 'pretty' as native grid aha - that's not great, but useful where be dtm at? sledge_ it works zipcode will give good simple example of it Action: chillywilly trout whips dtm into submission and forces him to eat beets dneighbo "it works" does not mean "the average idi^H^H^Huser can understand it immediately" The GNU Hurd - Because UNIX has been obsolete for so many years now :P chillywilly: please, stop. I'll give you.... my dirty socking to play with, yes? StyXman: go away be gentle and code something who says I am tno foing that right now? not doing even I am multi-tasking chillywilly hey, it's friday. I can behave any way I want. sounds familiar? sledge_ agree, read past logs i complain my users complain about lack of scrollbar :) StyXman: go ahead there's always /ignore learn it use it love it chillywilly: ah, ok. dneighbo: i told everyone, but nobody believed me. now you have it :) chillywilly: 2f43ad35befa60cfa1c76d957d92e05e gack keep you bits to yourself http://www.fcpa.fujitsu.com/news/press-releases/press-releases/pa-05-08-2002.html chillywilly: just in case you guy don't recognise it: it's the md5sum of "chillywilly" :) 330gig in a 2.5 inch drive holy laptops batman sledge_: sorry I don't do md5sums in my head dneighbo: hehe chillywilly: you should. it's useful remembering names of spanish girlfriends heh :) what is the status of jforms? heikoV: AFAIK "unmaintained" what is status of phpforms? gontran: AFAIK "i didn't get it to work" it gets almost daily beating sledge_ beating code is unlawful according to the 4th geneva convention sledge_ this is america we only sign the crap, we dont obey it that's if we define it as 'code' i see :) :) I thought america was not part of the geneva convention? daminal (~david@2.specoinc.enterconnect.net) left #gnuenterprise. let's say this code is a terrorist, then everything is okay you breathed on me! terrorist! that's bioogical warfare no! it's you! IIIIIIII'mmmm meeeeellltiiiiiinnngggg biological even i haven't even farted Action: sledge_ lights a cigarette because jcater isn't here and thus nobody complains I need some mountain dew I think Chipaca (~john@ joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly: you need *rest*. in a assylum. Action: gontran bums a cigarette from sledge_ StyXman: in a coder gulag :) rofl i think i like argentinian humor gontran you smoke/ gulag hah i hope you like lucky striek dneighbo: we need it. if not, we were all crying. dneighbo strictly amateurly :) filters: for women Action: Chipaca notes StyXman rolles around in his chair StyXman you all go through presidents as fast as our presidents go through women dneighbo: :))) GWB has multiple women? dneighbo: we feel worse than the president's ex-women i thought the treaties entered into with the approval of Congress shall be the supreme law of the land? s/women/personalities/ three packages filterless cigarettes a day are a good way to get around military service in Germany ;) yikes. can I paste? is there a formal gnue diff option format or prefferred? gontran: jcater accepted my last parameter-less diff Action: gontran nods can I? gfdes denies to load. seen different options, was just curious StyXman: only the last (important) lines, please Emacs always uses -c ah XEmacs File "/home/mdione/src/work/fvl/gnue/src/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/uidrivers/wx/UIdriver.py", line 212 EVT_MENU(self._wxapp, 102, lambda event, l=self: l.dispatchEvent(GFEvent('requestROLLBACK'))) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax gontran: -c is quite clever because it includes the filename StyXman: damn, i got the same error some minutes ago. delete the file and to a cvs update, then try again sledge_ yes. -u does too no? sledge_: ack lock me up! put me in the asylum chillywilly: when you are in a CS lab, you are already locked up before I hurt anymore wel I haven't been on one of thos efor about a year heikoV (~sdkl98158@D57636B1.kabel.telenet.be) left irc: "User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby" not that it did me any good in the first place our CS lab was like stoner central chillywilly: do you have a girlfriend? I have been with the sam girl for 6 years chillywilly: now we got the reason *duck* StyXman: okay, i've got the same error. it's a missing ")" in line 211 heh, no one talks about my sweety like that prepare to die chillywilly: thanks, i already smoke Action: chillywilly does the flying trout kick waaaaaaaa Action: sledge_ ducks and the trout hits the wall - collateral damage dneighbo: have you fixed that line in CVS or not? oh, shit. I better go away before this get worse. good night, fellas. StyXman (~mdione@modem26-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" Action: chillywilly dazed peels himself off the wall and lunch forward with the trout-o-death move lunges Action: chillywilly watches sledge_ as he screms in agony aaaaiiiiieeee wasssa mattta fa you eh? why you wack ym brother? s/ym/my Chipaca (~john@ left #gnuenterprise. gotta catch a bus gontran (~gontran@ip68-3-244-71.ph.ph.cox.net) left irc: "BitchX: now with wings" dneighbo: okay, i sent a patch to designer-support@gnue.org my job is done now sledge_ you told me not to fix it that you updated and all was well dneighbo: i updated again and it is broken. don't know wtf is going on, i assume it's my fault. dneighbo: want a dcc of the patch? um sledge when did you submit it? im not seeing anything in the cue from you Maniac (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: chillywilly buuuuuurrrrrrppp! dneighbo: three minutes ago. hmmm I wanna know where that freakin' dtm guy is generally its automagic did you get a response back? nope what email address did you send to? designer-support@gnue.org um can you resend to designer-support@gnuenterprise.org :) gnue.org wont make it :) Action: dneighbo needs to make an item to bug jade to setup aliases :) argh :-/ didn't know that just one moment we need to get gnue.org pointed to gnuetnerprise.org and make gnue.org server act as backup okay, support tickets #34 (a non-working form) and #35 (the bug we discussed) gnuenterprise.org is about to get another upgrade :) bigger HD and more RAM RAMming HDs okay, i got the responses. have fun with that. good night then sledge_ (~sledge@B2986.pppool.de) left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" ew he wants to ram you hd jamest your look at that you're moving up ibn the world no more are we getting goat raped but "sledged" lol win4lin rocks hard evil!@ just say no to prop. crack jamest you have to set your sights on the Free crack dude deeeeewd this evil is the key to getting rid of yet more windows machines hmm sledge left as it's getting linux on the desktops in our main office yea, I know a somewhat necessary evil...we just need more Free apps amen Free apps that don't suck GNUe - We don't suck! but where would that leave gnue? um only thing i dont like about win4lin is it doesnt avoid needing a windows license but its a good step i.e. so you can get people using linux for 90% of what they do and if you have only one or two apps that you cant yet replace it will make it a LOT easier to completely eradicate windows when the time comes :) jamest: can you look at the dcl email gateway? christian sent another attachment and they arent coming through dont know if its a rights issue or a dcl issue i'm heading out door now bye will try later 2nite if time allows otay and yes I'm hoping that win4lin will get them using more linux apps and less win apps l8r plus it's a hell of a lot more secure :) jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) left irc: "[x]chat" is someone here that was having problems with designer? if so i applied sledge_'s patch if someone can test i can not cause you is da massa ain't no bosy got shit on you body even big lunch + friday aftrernoon = sleeeeeepy Action: chillywilly had lunch today with his honey thanks chillywilly np your honey comment reminded me of last nights CSI episode which reminds me there is special episode tongiht :) heheh CSI rocks for those that dont watch it damn my connection is screaming tonight CSI? I watched it a couple times it's pretty cool I just forget when it is on CSI : Crime Scene Investigators but friday night is usually scifi night ;) its a TV show that is like a REAL life x-files ICJ (foobar@p50870DED.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Remote closed the connection i.e. its about the Las Vegas Crime Lab chillywilly its on thursdays at 8pm (AZ time) ok i think after survivor? not sure if same channel or not definitely don't watch that reality TV is lame as hell i dont watch much tv at all because it is not really reality neither do I i just know its on after survivor (day time) just the scifi channel and the cartoon network ;P cause when i see survivor on tv (wife watches) i know its time to tell her to let me know when CSI starts (so i can come out of the cave) :D id that what she calls it? s/id/is "the cave" yip lol actually i think its "your damn cave" not "the cave" haha my tv line up is a. diamondback baseball games b. CSI c. everybody loves raymond and um I like c. too d. sponge bob squarepants thats it d. r000lz ooooooooooh who lives in a pineapple under the sea spogne bob squre pants! sponge bob squarepants sponge even sponge bob squarepants I can't type Action: dneighbo loves that theme song does it remind tyou of dad? ;) i had the theme in .ogg hehe but i wiped it on accident i just like patrick star dude do you watch ed edd and eddy? not really that's a good cartoon too i have seen it before but i dont watch it really im more apt to watch rocketpower that's ok chillywilly: it is I! yaaaay! what's up guys spongebob and pb and j otter are the ones i watch with the kids sheeit niggie weeeze just chillin' um you mean chillyin pb & j is alright, but I don't choose to watch it you ever see grim and evil? oh, I like dragonball Z yip i just am not a big tv fan movies and sports only sports I watch is Packers games ;P and I'll watch the Bucks if they are playing well which they sucked this time around what about those brewers :) HEH you are funny onyl way I'd watch them is if I had tickets to the game as the new stadium rocks Miller Park ;P ratmice (bosshog@nightfall.forlorn.net) joined #gnuenterprise. micerat ICJ (foobar@p50870DED.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. so um forms/src/uidrivers/wx/UIdriver.py line 211 ("Clear Form (F11))", shouldnt that ("Clear Form (F11)"), i do not understand this trigger stuff ... btw, eep is a cool font ;P hi ello ajmitch I mean neep not 'eep' Maniac (~User@h24-82-132-209.wp.shawcable.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) brb chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. llll cool Action: chillywilly enjoys neep everywhere now :) brb chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: Client Quit chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: ajmitch wonders what crack chillywilly is on I like this font hrrm , xchat still is using the old font when the channel name goes red no it's not I lied hrrrm fun with fonts! Action: ajmitch ignores chillywilly's ramblings Action: chillywilly cries jkhkjhkjh abcdefggijklmnopqrstuvwyz ;P ratmice: when did you grab cvs? please do a cvs update -Pd and tell me if you still have the designer problem chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. *sigh* jamest (~jamest@fh-dialup-201009.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. sup g'muney sheeeeit i've got a few min for bugs i know some were talked about uh oh anyone? or do I have to read logs? rtfl ;P j/k ummm, there was this patch that what's his nuts sent to derek that's all I know about ok Action: chillywilly is away: dinner dcl baby read dcl :) for bugs i closed one of them :) actually teh things that is odd is dcl not picking up attachments its not the gateway as it is putting htem out in /var/tmp/dcl/tmp/ or wherever it could be a arights issue though the rights appear ok it just doesnt seem to be creating the attachment in the ticket ok i'll have to look at later this weekend or tonight so if any tickets you get have patches that you cant see you can get them from the /var/tmp/ dir :) as I just fixed art's about box issue and have to run thats what i did :) ah ok good to know :) dneighbo: a few hours ago can you update it and check it should be fixed k Action: dneighbo has to run dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) left irc: "going home" yes indeed ratmice (bosshog@nightfall.forlorn.net) left irc: "likewise" ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip200.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: dtm -> dtmf Nick change: dtmf -> dtm Nick change: dtm -> dnm Nick change: dnm -> dtmf Nick change: dtmf -> dtm ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-4-ip200.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" mdean (~mdean@mkc-65-26-67-169.kc.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. hey mdean hey! long time no see, how are you? ok - trying to commit some hours to dcl this weekend (finally) how be you? i be fine :) just playing with packaging at the moment, and python stuff cool someday I'll grow up and do some Python ;-) hehe heh Action: dtm gets the GNUe crowd in a chant... I LIKE MIKE I LIKE MIKE I LIKE MIKE MDEAN! MDEAN! MDEAN! mexican wave time!! HAHA Action: ajmitch watches the ladies swoon at mdean's feet Action: mdean sees no ladies - maybe some more liquor would help... where've you guys been hiding the ladies of gnue?! what's goin on around here? ah... but no thanks, i dont want any chemically dependant ladies. THANK YOU VERY MUCH Action: dtm remains eternally vigilant mdean: i was expeshully worried when you didn't respond to my invitation to the DCL Steering Summit mdean: i wondered again if you'd been kill't who showed up? dtm & i? big meetin'! ajmitch: that's who "showed up" and we assimilated some gnue stragglers yeah, that's right, we agreed to change DCL to VB garnered general approval of DCL in general, and of some of my future ideas which of course will be engineered by mdean, heh! yeah - must be time for me to start on Double Double Cherry Vanilla Latte then... mdean: WOW mmmm, coffee mdean: that sounds great tasty I have one right in front of me ;-) mdean: wooooow mdean: so that's your engineering "sample"? mdean: you should upload one to the rest of the team! it's tasty well i bet i've never heard of such a thing made by the coffee wench :-o cooofffeeeee weeeeeench :-P~~~~ bbl davi (davi@80-25-136-215.uc.nombres.ttd.es) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) joined #gnuenterprise. bak rdean: hey there rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" davi (davi@80-25-136-215.uc.nombres.ttd.es) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (rdean@chcgil2-ar2-052-050.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" --- Sat May 11 2002