[00:49] Last message repeated 1 time(s). Just wondering about this error:- [nic@thunder:~/devel/gnue/gnue/reports/client] ~/bin/grdcvs /usr/bin/python2.1: can't open file '/home/nic/devel/gnue/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/reports/GRServe.py' I assume GRServe should be GRServer If I change that I get: [nic@thunder:~/devel/gnue/gnue/reports/client] ~/bin/grdcvs Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/nic/devel/gnue/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/reports/GRServer.py", line 100, in ? GRServer().run() File "/home/nic/devel/gnue/gnue/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/reports/GRServer.py", line 60, in __init__ GServerApp.__init__(self,defaults=ConfigOptions) TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'defaults' SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-203.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Yurik[Zzzz] -> Yurik Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB0981.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-203.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB0981.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) siesel (jan@dial-195-14-235-69.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi guys. hi siesel Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB0981.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. hi harald. hi siesel cw,ajmitch: do you know the the short name for the "object server" in neilt's drawing? (like Methods Adapter -> GEMA) lemme look at the drawing, etc is it GEOR? no. GEOR = Object Reposity (holds and provides the definition of objects.) see gnue/docbook/Proposals/geasarch/neilt-arch-explanation.txt doesn't say tho GNUe Object Access Translator (GOAT)? thanks. I already forgot that there is that file... GOAT is from reinhard's whitepaper I think there isn't the term "Object Server" in reinhards whitepaper. there isn't it says that GOAT is the main part of GEAS This is the main part of the Application Server. GOAT uses GEDI and GEMA to fulfill requests directed at business objects, after it has checked the validity of the request against GEOR. i.e. GOAT is similar to the Object Server? Btw. neilt want's a "object server" who has MVC (modell view controller) capabilities. I don't know exactly if this is compatible with standart transaction and locking schemes. (like the ones in an ODBMS) i wouldn't know I think there is the need to make more agreements about the kind of "application server" we want to implement. Everytime beginning with a new component for my "_featuretest" approach, I'm quite unsure if someone agrees with my thoughts. reinhard (~rm@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard morning reinhard. siesel: morning?? hello all :)= hello all :) yesterday I've been in town till 3 o'clock. -> 13 Uhr = morning ;) heheh reinhard: a question about GOAT as defined in your whitepaper: does real "objects" will exists in any stage of the appserver or does GOAT just simulates objects out of a combination of data stored in sql DB tables and methods provided by GEMA? hmmm depends on what you call "real existance" in the field of software :) my plan was to not have python objects although it seems as it could be easy so it'd be cool to have but primarly we will have objects that are accessed through the defined api (via geasInstance) But if you create geasInstance for each table row. why not directly creates an real python object which inherites geasInstance? another question: if you speak of an " defined api" do you mean functions like "get("attribut1")" instead of "getAttribut1()" ? yes to that "defined api" re why not create a real python object that is what i said if it's easy then we will do it however other languages are not as flexible as python in creating new classes dynamically ok, its ~quite~ easy. and eventually we will have other language bindings than python for geas so the geasInstance way will still exist in any case and anyway the dynamic class will be on client side imho i.e. the geasInstance will go through the rpc module and be converted to a e.g. customer object at _client_ side would you agree there? its quite similar, the only difference is that "geasInstance" stores class information at "user space" and a real python object has stored his class informations in "system space". -> no big difference. I think this is the basic way we should support it, because it possibly could make the programming of the database adapter easier and it will work with every programming language. But there should be an option to have direct access on the objects. (which is really easy to implement in python) Action: Yurik is back direct access = you can write something like (" Serv=geas.Connect(); Addr=Serv.getObject("AddressExample"); Addr.printAllAddresses() ..... " something like this) siesel: yes that looks good and sane however do you agree that this would be client-side (RPC wise) ? hmmm. I think that the trigger code wants to use this feature too, so it would be better to implement it "server-side" hmmmm hmmmmmmmm An other possibilty is to write the code once and use it for triggers at the server side and for "getAttribut1" Access at client side better i guess we won't get objects of dynamic classes through gnuRPC family time Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away ok. if you are back and have time please have a look at gnue/appserver/src/_featuretest l8r siesel (jan@dial-195-14-235-69.netcologne.de) left irc: " * Blackened *" did anybody ever try to get docbook running under windows? is it normal that openjade gives you thousands of "DTDDECL catalog entries are not supported"? drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch_ (~me@wlg1-port3.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port29.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: ajmitch_!~me@wlg1-port3.jetstart.win.co.nz)) Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch siesel (jan@dial-195-14-226-3.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid_ (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup." Action: Yurik is back Ford_ (~Ford@pD954BE3D.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: "[x]chat" Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard siesel: you here? sup reinhard hey chilly SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-17.wasp.net.au) joined #gnuenterprise. here there everywhere chillywilly: grrr you were faster :) siesel: wanna talk about _featuretest? ok. Action: chillywilly wants to :) _featuretest is mainly missing comments, and a better link to GEDI. jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. um what _is_ featuretest actually? hi jcater who let that in here? Action: reinhard passes a donut to jcater be nice, chillywilly or they'll kick me out the sheriff is putting up a new 'letric fence for the inmates uh oh, derek's here too Action: siesel hasn't any donuts left. :) Action: derek thinks that he might able to pick up old fence and razor wire cheap at surplus why should I...I'm not the one talking crap behind people's back now am I? ;) chillywilly: let go of your grievances never, I have given in to the dark side chillywilly: best i can tell he talks equal crap in FRONT of your back, so thats hardly an argument ;) _featuretest is a trying to implement some ideas from odmg.txt and an book about object servers. ok what ideas? reinhard / siesel / others chillywilly: you've watched ep 2? no one has responded to my call to drop objects altogether and just get rpc based ajmitch: yes dbabstraction and triggers derek: because it is lame so i guess that means it wont happen? derek: it'd be nice, but would that not require another revamp to support objects? chillywilly: thats ok i can start GEAS v3 in another 6 months when GEAS v2 is still just floundering around like a used slap trout derek: i still believe that is like saying let's drop apples and only do fruit and you bitches are arguing about object fooness derek: heh f.e. namespaces, metaobjects, transactions, ... but the main idea is to make everything an object which inheriteds a geasObject. dbabstraction + triggers == basic object function IMHO reinhard: you mis understand me i am not saying dont use objects in programming im saying dont turn the relational table into objects (well im not really even suggesting that) as if you look at forms it turns them into objects but at the HIGHEST level i.e. im talking no need for a 'gcd' initially derek: where will we define what methods exist and where they are stored? derek: should this GEASv2 you mean support transactions? rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-4-64-030-076.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) joined #gnuenterprise. what debates about objects are there anyway? ODL is rather simplistic, so if we use the standard there are no debates, imho Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) left irc: "Client Exiting" morning all seems like I have been up forever or that time is just crawling by the idea of _featuretest is to have a kind of "object server" which is very very simple, but which has objects to implement the rest of the server funtionality. Because this objects are objects of the objects server they can be updated and reloaded on a running system, and the most important: they can be stored and loaded from a database. I.e. you can store session states, class definitions, normal objects with the same code. it's only about 10am feels like it should be later it's only about 3am get it right don't you have classes ajmitch? sure when the earliest one? when's supposedly at 10am you should sleep then i'll skip it so i can get this java assignment finished hehe Action: chillywilly never done that before ;) i should ask you about it - it's multithreading Java does things weird with threads like every object has a monitor this is more threading concepts than details ok we're using semaphores & crap like that k morning uhh, morning derek jcater :) SachaS (~sacha@dialup-196-17.wasp.net.au) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. bbl Nick change: reinhard -> rm-away dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-4-64-030-076.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-4-64-030-076.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-4-64-030-076.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) left irc: Client Quit btami (~btami@dial-3-197.emitel.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. hello all hi btami jcater: you here? bbl siesel (jan@dial-195-14-226-3.netcologne.de) left irc: "http://www.blackened.com/blackened/" derek (~derek@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left irc: "um my gnue tree is bigger than your gnue tree" drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) left irc: "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup." Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB0981.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) bigbrother joined #gnuenterprise. pattieja (~pattieja@www.pcxperience.com) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ joined #gnuenterprise. wb dewds drochaid (~drochaid@pc2-kirk2-0-cust175.ren.cable.ntl.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: rm-away -> reinhard Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB0981.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB0981.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB0981.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~btami@dial-3-240.emitel.hu) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: please look at DCL ticket #39 (prequery error fix) Action: chillywilly slaps reinhard around with a large trout Action: reinhard ducks ICJ (foobar@pD955234A.dip.t-dialin.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Hi! any python experts here? I try to understand the GCommBase source and i've got a question hi ICJ hey ICJ please check out the new appserver whitepaper and tell me what you think about the "features" chapter sup guys rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-4-64-030-076.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) joined #gnuenterprise. just saw the commit message cool I understand the trigger stuff better now i am aware that it is another system than you proposed that's mainly because i didn't fully understand your text we certainly can talk about it :) er? ok another question: this time about xmlrpc: do I understand it correctly that with py-xmlrpc you generate a client instance on the client, whereas with xmlrpclib on the client you generate a server instance representing the server? siesel (jan@dial-194-8-209-6.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi GNUe. hey Jan hi cw. have you read the changes to the whitepaper? nope been busy with python odmg binding soon as I get through this last section I am going to code some stuff mmmm, homemade bread rock rocks hey siesel have _you_ read the changes? yes, I've read it. comments? its makes everything more concrete, which is good. sounds like the next sentence is going to start with "but"? but it might not DOH!!! BUT [17:01] Last message repeated 1 time(s). BUT BUUUUUTTTTT muahahhahahha I think, it's getting more and more complicated. Now you have modules, and ... btami (~btami@dial-3-240.emitel.hu) left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) I think we should do it the fast way. There is the need for a basic appserver in the next two months. But for the appserver which will be implemented in one year, i would like a more general approach. feature wise? and the long-term one would be based on what? gotta sleep sorry i think too slow. night. siesel: i would be curious what you would change for appserver feature-wise let's talk tomorrow night ok. reinhard (~rm@ left irc: "Everything that is worth fighting for, is worthy fighting dirty for" lol Harald1 (Peter1234@pD9EB0981.dip.t-dialin.net) left irc: night siesel (jan@dial-194-8-209-6.netcologne.de) left irc: "http://www.blackened.com/blackened/" gnuebot: moo gnuebot: moo please gnuebot: botsnack pooey, what a stoopid bot he's just a loggin bot doesn't do anything special he just sitting there .. noting all my insults ... waiting to get me :( of course Action: drochaid tries another bot ... ajmitch: moo Action: drochaid is away: Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Action: drochaid shows ajmitch the correct response to "moo" CatBot: moo No, I'm not going to CatBot: moo No, I'm not going to CatBot: moo please OK - just for you - moo moo moooooo, moooooo moo moooooo, moo moo moo moo, moo moooooo - happy now? CatBot: botsnack ukha, it's for you, you eat a botsnack yay is that a "yay, he's left finally!!" ? ;) more a 'yay, i don't really care what you paste' drochaid: you are weird that'll do ajmitch chillywilly: i can't really respond to that and remain diplomatic diplomacy is dead Action: chillywilly is eating weird snacks while hacking good for you, chillywilly hickory smoke beef jerkey, reeses pieces, and drinking code red mountain dew ;) am i allowed to be undiplomatic as well? of course you are please say yes oh good that goes for the whole stinking channel chillywilly: that crap makes your breath stink, can you breath on drochaid for me? if I had ops I would add it to the topic, but alas the channels god mock and curse my name ok Action: chillywilly breathes on drochaid uh oh, i think crazy lex is about to join who? he's weirder than dtm, drochaid, and yourself put together cool, I must meet him where do you know him from? the restaurant at the end of the universe ah ;) Action: chillywilly has beem reading RMS 's book too lex (~lex@host-148-244-140-29.block.alestra.net.mx) joined #gnuenterprise. he keeps eating his split ends fucking weird aaaaaw sheeeeeit yup, lex is that whaddup my nigga ah there we go... heyas chillywilly wassup lex .mx == mexico? yah chillywilly: told ya he was crazy yea, you would have to be crazy to live there ;) ah .... dont get me started.... ;P my buddy is form there and the way he got into the states was to bribe his way from chillywilly: lex has a long association with dtm which buddy is this? that can't be healthy Juan Alcaraz Indeed it isnt.... a senior design team guy lex: so what can we do you for? from college hmmm, he's from #phpgroupware so he has to be ceritfiable ;) worse - he's an axisgw hacker well.... i was wondering if someone could gimme a hand with a couple of things..... ive been working with the phpgw and axisgw teams on a couple of things....the latest is that ive just realized that phggw really slows down when switching from mysql..... that figures ;) chillywilly: he means that pgsql is crap oh, plz watch your mouth ajmitch that kind of talk will not be tolerated here too bad you don't have ops mysql is just a relational file system, it's not really a databse so HAH database even ajmitch: lOl No.... i mean that i think pgsql's optimizations are not properly used in phgpw....this is because they have a whole scheme for pre-creating the databases that, in itself, is more database independant the problem is that this results, for example, in pgsql not using foreign keys where it should and stuff lex: i like to stir the pot a little.... :) so phpgw is too tuned for mysql? ajmitch: me2.....but im allways w=in the companionship of #debian[ppc] grumpy bastards, they have a long standing reputation for intolerance a certain person we know? ajmitch: im pretty shure you can think of a name lex: i think i can think of a name to think of looks like the masta deke ain't here you need to tell dtm to freakin' get off of MacOS X and install debian ;) where is he anyway? Action: chillywilly searches for dtm dtm! ooooh dddddtttttmmmm! chillywilly: oh ive tried....ive been on a titanium on debianppc for a full year now hes in axisgroupware.....we snatched him from you ...:P dtm ([mCEi2wmfW@ip35.promontory.sfo.interquest.net) joined #gnuenterprise. yooooooooou raaaaaaaaaang? speak of the devil... he just went to see aotc.....he doesnt seem happy as he should....and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DTM aaaaaaw sheeeeit HAPPY BARFDAY EVERBUDDEE YAAAY aotc was one of the coolest movies i've ever seen, and a life impacting experience i can identify fully with anakin dtm: you will not attempt to crush the rebelion in the future will you ? not agree with what he did though :/ it has begun.... you saw episode II? Action: chillywilly say it on the 16th of course i saw it lex: hmmmmm NO THX PLZ with scotty and caroline chillywilly: hi how ya dewen Action: ajmitch saw it on the 16th chillywilly: what did scotty think (!()#* I just bought him a light saber from target ;P poor kid his mind will be warped now hey he wanted it never heh! Star Wars rules! it's not the Star Wars that warps minds oh, yea I know he's a part of me so it is genetic he cannot escape it dtm: im making my local cvs server fo phpgw's changes.... im thinking i start with a plain vanilla phpgw, strip all CVS directories, import to cvs, then copy my actual new tree and commit....what do you think? esands (~nic@mdr1-port73.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) esands (~nic@mdr1-port47.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port3.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port6.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. Isomer (dahoose@port-62-159.jet.net.nz) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Isomer (dahoose@port-62-155.jet.net.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. rdean (~rdean@chcgil2-ar2-4-64-030-076.chcgil2.dsl-verizon.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" ajmitch_ (~me@wlg1-port14.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port6.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: ajmitch_!~me@wlg1-port14.jetstart.win.co.nz)) Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch esands_ (~nic@mdr1-port43.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. esands (~nic@mdr1-port47.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) Action: ajmitch wonders if esands_ is having similar connection problems he's using the same dsl serive as you eh? service dtm: is cvs now mime smart enough to know what an image is? chillywilly: do you know/ ? what do you mean by that? yea, I don't get it do you mean storing an image as a binary? yeah.....does it do that automatically just by cvs checkin? if you have it setup right no, you should pass it the proper flags to store binary so it doesn't try to expand keywords er, but ajmitch is right you can set it up to do that chillywilly: no, you can setup cvs to match certain files as binary yes yes sigh....this not good..... ajmitch okay...mhm....lets checj one ajmitch is da cvs repository masta ;) see CVSROOT/cvswrappers # For example: *.gif -k 'b' *.png -k 'b' ahh....very nice...let us see damn....it wasnt this way..... ajmitch: the fact that i cvs co'd a gif and opened well in gimp is no waranty that its fine is it? ajmitch: i shouldnt edit the file directly should i? doesn't really matter Koool...:)...tx ajmitch! Action: ajmitch wonders hwy this upload is going at 100KB/sec Server configuration missing --allow-root in inetd.conf ....gadr....i get this at cvs login ah that fun check your config ;) aha.....mhm...okay Action: ajmitch has this cvspserver stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/cvs-pserver check out /etc/cvs-pserver.conf ajmitch: thats just the thing ...i dont have a cvs-pserver.conf you running debian?? yes....and therein lies the problem doesnt it no cvs-pserver.conf is a debian conffile dpkg-reconfigure cvs i know....and no, it doesnt create it in woody lex: we are very debian-biased here ;) Action: ajmitch hopes that this speed will stay constant :) im very debian-biased.....wait, can anything else be called an operating system? :) Action: ajmitch ponders that ajmitch: yeah dsl retrain upor something. new ip time, irc doesn't like that. Another friend mentioned he was just getting brief 2mb/s d/l Nick change: esands_ -> esands i'm getting ~80KB/sec upload to hungary which is good since i still have 630MB to upload ;) yes, I guess the rate limited has broken itself temp. for youself woohoo! ;) downloads are still slow might be a wellingtonn thing as my friend is in wellington as well could be - i'm in dunedin tho well off the same DSLAM although first hop is welly which is where the rate limiter is ahh k would normally take ~12hours to upload this mess might get it done in a bit less now That That's what a 24/7 connection is for though. 8) a very constant 78-3-78.9 KB/sec, according to wget yeah, but i'm on the 4th of 4 cds :) Anyway back to pushing some paper around. Got so stuff to do... bye jcater (~jason@HubA-mcr-24-165-193-24.midsouth.rr.com) left irc: "Client Exiting" Isomer (dahoose@port-62-155.jet.net.nz) left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Isomer (dahoose@port-62-159.jet.net.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. ajmitch_ (~me@wlg1-port2.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. esands_ (~nic@mdr1-port30.jetstart.win.co.nz) joined #gnuenterprise. esands (~nic@mdr1-port43.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ajmitch (~me@wlg1-port14.jetstart.win.co.nz) left irc: Killed (NickServ (Ghost: ajmitch_!~me@wlg1-port2.jetstart.win.co.nz)) Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch BUYALL BYA ISLEEP lex (~lex@host-148-244-140-29.block.alestra.net.mx) left #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~Alexey@ns.techkran.vladimir.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: esands_ -> esands --- Mon May 20 2002