Isomer ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater ( left irc: "Client Exiting" dtm ([ joined #gnuenterprise. night all chillywilly ( left irc: "Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi reinhard morning btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. morning all hi Harald1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi hello Harald1 Remosi ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Isomer ( joined #gnuenterprise. josejavier_work ( joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1 ( left irc: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) josejavier_work ( left #gnuenterprise ("Aplicación Saliendo"). Harald1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. btami ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Harald1 ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) reinhard ( left irc: "No problem is so interesting that you can't just walk away from it" Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard ( joined #gnuenterprise. Harald1 ( joined #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. HI! Does forms works with a "number" entry against an "int4" field in a postgres database? if i try to add a new record, with, say value 1, it tries to do an atoi(1.0) and raises an exception jamest ( joined #gnuenterprise. ar7 oops wrong window dsmith ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) alexey_ ( left irc: "[x]chat" dsmith ( joined #gnuenterprise. siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi gnue ^chewie ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello reinhard. hey siesel sorry, Yesterday evening I 'd no time. no problem Action: siesel got a daughter. yesterday drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. ? "Mia" born at 3 o'clock tonight. congrats! thx. siesel: congratulations! :) btw. you remember the point we talked about yesterday? Action: siesel is a very happy father. yes i remember (i think) btw saw your ROADMAP and agree mostly StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. I thought of adding some more definitions to the whitepaper. like introspection ( i.e. passthru of table definitions in case of v.0.1) hint: gfcvs cannot open files with spaces in its name. mdione@tempest:~$ gfcvs src/trash\ \&\ toys/table_against_table-test.gfd Error: Unable to open file [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'src/trash' :( what do you like to change? i think there are a few points to add like you said introspection or support of more than one database or security concept which are all features that will appear in some version i think introspection should be implemented when the GClassDef/GObjDef Stubs are added. that means before v 0.0.2 yes agree Gezza ( joined #gnuenterprise. if we decide to put class definitions in the database then introspection will be easy anyway I think we have to put very very basic introspection support into v 0.0.1 just to make the dbadapter work. does forms need that? I've added an "0.0.4 has very basic security support". hmmmm The driver seems to need it. But it should work without too. i wouldn't put security so early ok, i'll change it into "0.0.4 has very basic security support (=login and password check)" ok :) we could do a list like hi 0.0.1 ... 0.0.2 .. until 0.1.0 then add siesel: congrats :) Later (unsorted): ------------ * ... [09:11] Last message repeated 1 time(s). etc. hi ajmitch. thanks. it looks strange to me to have 0.2 through 0.4 undefined and then 0.5 again defined :) jcater ( joined #gnuenterprise. hi jcater hi jcater: hi I just added "0.5" to say that there will be a important milestone. (=0.5) which is the point where appserver supports transactions. i.e. appserver is getting usable in large enviroments, like 0.1 means usable for a small application. hi jcater. ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. siesel: ah DB000: File "/home/mdione/src/work/fvl/gnue/src/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 717, in __init__ DB000: self.trueValues = ('Y','y','T','t','1','x','X', trueValue) i don't usually see 0.5 as a special version (other than 0.4 or 0.6) but now i understand what you are after :) I grep'ed all the sources. no reference ti trueValue. could it be a misspelling? So which from which version number do you think should appserver itself support transactions? 0.6 ? 0.8 ? i'm not sold about version numbers what we could do is just list the post-0.1 features unsorted and decide about the order to implement them later after talking to jamest and jcater about appserver and what they want to see and maybe after getting experiences with 0.1 and seeing what is missing most urgently uh, I changed it to 'self.trueValue', as I see that 3 lines before that member is loaded from the config files. could it be the right fix (tm)? if we see that we need transactions very bad then maybe 0.2 will support transactions if we see it's not a big problem then maybe 0.8 ok. I aggree. "Planung ist die Ersetzung des Zufalls durch Irrtum" ;) (sorry don't know the proper translation to english) But I would like to have a "Version 1.0 must have" in the roadmap. just to see what feature is really really needed. ah, feature punting :) yeah "Das Missverstaendnis ist der Ausgangspunkt fuer einen Dialog" i would say in the "other planned features (unsorted)" we have a line so you're gonna have a list of milestones & features to be done by each milestone? -------- end pre 1.0, start post 1.0 ------- or like that I would do it not quite like that. I don't want to decide which feature is post and which is pre 1.0. I just want to have a "minimum requirements" for release 1.0 list. ok agree This could be archieved also by adding a "(required for 1.0)" after the feature in the list. i let you post a ROADMAP and tell you later where i disagree hehe j/k ;) so are these targets going to be set in DCL? would be a nice way of keeping track of things ;) the new ROADMAP is in cvs. ooh fancy Action: ajmitch does cvs up siesel ( left irc: "" siesel ( joined #gnuenterprise. wb siesel ltns Action: siesel hate broken irc clients there is no one faster killing irc clients hehe btw. what do do to get an dcl account, and how should we manage that list? alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. pester derek until he gives you an account? siesel: thanks for ROADMAP looks good however i fear after talking to others a few more lines will get the (required for 1.0) remark :) especially once jcater & others get to it i guess it's really my turn now to implement data writing the 'customers' ;) siesel: how is the status with the python-xmlrpc library replacement? possibly we should add an (required for 0.4) and an (required for 0.6) just to make everybody lucky ;) siesel: lol ajmitch: done. did i understand correctly that we need xmlrpc to connect forms with appserver? what is? reinhard: i hope not - it shoudl be able to run without xmlrpc for single-server installs well, when forms & appserver are on same box ajmitch: But there are still some things to fix. like a garbage collection etc. siesel: right reinhard: as I understand it : appserver needs GNURPC to run. but there is only XMLRPC working now. ah ok what other rpc transports could we do? then it would be great to have a version of gnurpc available with geas 0.0.1 SOAP, Corba, piro... gnurpc is in common, right? that doesn't have to be installed from source on usual distributions (= debian) hmm, make appserver dependant on gnue-common yep. gnurpc = and drivers from common/commdrivers ajmitch: it is anyway reinhard: then we have nothing to worry about :) for data access, too ariel_ ( left #gnuenterprise ("Uscita dal client"). so there needs to be a driver written so forms can talk to appserver? there's an old geas DBDriver how's it going, goys? ajmitch: siesel has done (parts of) that driver GNURPC has two working xmlrpc drivers now: one supports the python-xmlrpc in debian. jcater: you sure you want to ask that? ;) morning jcater siesel: finished that? cool!! ok, that's good to know, reinhard :) if you want to know if it works, just start appserver by calling gacvs and choose option 3 from the gtestcvs program so what can i do after exams? :) it= GNURPC dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman ( left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo!!! Action: ajmitch bows down reinhard: I wasn't ignoring you this weekend wife and I are buying a new house so I'm having to deal with all that packing AND finishing all those house projects I started over the years :)_ Gezza ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) jcater: no problem dneighbo: have you already seen the new whitepaper and our roadmap? Action: reinhard is away: dinner Action: jamest has also been busy with real life it's looking bad most this week and weekend reinhard: havent looked but have followed most of discussion and figure its not high on my list as i disagree with direction and implementation Action: dneighbo runs off to work dneighbo ( left irc: "Client Exiting" Action: reinhard is back (gone 00:15:05) alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: "Client Exiting" I'm a non-dairy creamer addict. nickr!! hey non-dairy creamer? you mean tipex?? non-dairy creamer? you mean, donut filling? jcater: I think you're entering the realms of what should only be discussed in #sexwithdonuts, wouldn't you agree? bbl siesel ( left irc: "FaMiLy TiMe" StyXman ( joined #gnuenterprise. suppose I have 2 tables, A and B, with the following particularity: table B is for relating one element from A to several elements *also* in A I wrote a form that has a master view on table A, a slave view on table B, and a slave view on table A, being slave of the previous slave. but the from doesn't work as I spect. the view on table B shows all the record, but the second view on table A just shows the A's recods related to the actual B's record. Action: drochaid is away: food time I need it to show all the records that are related to B's records. hint: the relation type between B an tha second A is one-to-one. Action: Yurik is away: beer alexey_ (~alexey@ joined #gnuenterprise. StyXman: not sure if i understood your data model why don't you make table A and table B into one table dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. and let table A have a column that points to the "parent"? jcater: were you able to look at m/d reports last night? has anybody here taken my pen? alexey_ (~alexey@ left irc: Remote closed the connection StyXman: what are you wanting it to do ? Action: drochaid is back (gone 00:34:04) jcater: can you do compound queries in reports? like thisfield = foo and thatfield = true Action: dneighbo tried a few variations of teh tag and didnt get crashes but didnt seem to work lekma ( joined #gnuenterprise. reinhard: we have things in A that can be composed of more things in A. B tells how much of A things comopose an A thing. A things are products. some products can be composed of other products. reinhard: why? because is the exception and not the rule. if I put the qty and parent, I'll be wasting too much space. lekma ( left #gnuenterprise. StyXman: ah now i understand i think your layout might be slightly flawed for concept of master/detail do you have a sample schema or sample form? it might be easier than discussing A vs B vs A StyXman ? also you work with chipca right? i think he submitted some ERD stuff but it was .toz or something, what format is that? dneighbo: sorry, working in another desktop... dneighbo: yes, I work with chip, yogur2 and aprono. dneighbo: zot. it's very simple. it's text. table field [12:16] Last message repeated 1 time(s). field -> Table (that was foreign key) then table field ... and so on. there are some thing marked as :thing:. ignore them. hmmm is it merely schema? dneighbo: yes, with little things to draw it properly (:things:) if so we have an xml format you could use that then creates sql create scripts for most of our supported databases and creates pretty html documentation for them chip developed a zot -> dotty translator. dotty rocks. we get a very nice ERD. is an example of the html output if you click on a table name it expands i am looking to make it so you can from a dia ERD document push a button and it generates our xml data definition which then makes the purdy documentation schema as well the scripts to actually create tables xml? at the beggining was just to remember what we said about the tables. then it become the actual ERD. next time, maybe. and we wanted to get a nice drawing we can print a put on the wall for later consults. im excited that you guys are using gnue and hope we can help you move forward we too. we hope to help you as much you help us. or maybe more. if you can give jamest or i more detail about what you are trying to do (re: a to b to a) we might be able to help uh, how? can I send you a gfd? you can post it to web or email it me no dcc? ok, web will be. just a sec. ok looking now give me a few ack hmmm what is a whiphit? dneighbo: it's just a quantity. uh, don't take much time looking at form component's names. they're just names (fun ones, I think, but names) i misread i thought whiphits was FIELD name not ENTRY name :) i see qty now the trick is that one thing in whipBlock has one thing on slaveBlock. im still not understanding why you would want this relationship uh, may be I'll cal chip to join us. Chipaca ( joined #gnuenterprise. yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. well i might understand it, but trying to get teh logic behind it more hello, salchicha! again, a product can be composed of several other products. Action: Chipaca 's brain is somewhat shorted from his exam aprono ( joined #gnuenterprise. i assume that is what product structure is wow, the whole gang... dneighbo: you're trying to understand the zot? no the form oh yeap. tells how much products we need to make another product. i guess im thinking that if you defined tables differently you wouldnt need product twice in this form xeroz ( joined #gnuenterprise. but i want to make sure im not missing some logic :) we can't use two fields. a product can be a component of several other products. StyXman : im not sure the value of productstructure and a (composed) product can have several (kinds of) products composing it. value? er sorry of the last product display the table looks ok but not sure what you are getting at on the form Action: Chipaca slows down to have some lunch I don't know how to do it. Action: StyXman loves gnoquis. gnocchis you mean umm not sure about the cch por'ai. im thinking if you make product structure the master and product slave you wont need product twice whatever, this is delicious you can use 'lookup' to get the name of the product from product_structure.product dneighbo: the problem is: ... dneighbo: uh? and in the list of products you would see the perishable item what happens in other situations where we have one table with two masters? well, actually, this is one of them. Heh. i'm not saying that there is not an issue with forms that might need to be addressed Action: StyXman weight lookup solution... you know the saying a man can not serve two masters :) :)) you're only saying that because you don't live in Argentina uh, my problem is not perishable, the problem are the names that should appear at the right. :))) Can GNUe client run as standalone and use dbase files on shared folder as backend? i.e. the name always shows up in the first textbox only appears the name of the product related to the row of whip that is being slelcted. we need the name of *every* qty that appears at the left, as in: qty 10 name blah qty 20 name bluh ... and so on. we actually get: qty 10 name blah qty 20 xeroz yes and no you would just need to make a driver for dbasefiles and when I move the 'cursor' to the qty 20, then I get: qty 10 name bluh qty 20 i think someone was toying with using gadfly (or whatever zope's local db is) that is because of how you are doing thigns make product structure the master ditch one of the products and turn it into a lookup and i think it would fix you problem perhaps thoguh i cant look at it live righ tnow dicht one and turn it into a lookup? I miss the meaning of 'ditch' and don't know about lookups... ditch: tirar largar, mandar al carajo cortar (una novia) got it? eso. skip the spanish lessons. leave it, dont use (ditch) :) *how* do I do lookups? um you can do in designer i have to go upstairs for a bit i can explain when i get back uh, I don't like designer yet... ack. width="20" rows="1" style="dropdown" foreign_key="" foreign_key_description="description"/> is an example of a lookup its taking the phone_type field and using the phone type table to infer the description this woudl be like using your product_structure tables 'product' field and using the product datasource to determine the 'name' again with out fully understanding the system and what you are wanting to do i hate to make recommendations dneighbo: the system? you maen gnue? but this might be away to work through it until jamest or jcater can look at the actual datasource code no i mean the ERP or application you are writing must run up stairs to finance will be back and that would work for just one such fields. sippose we have several... say, not just names, but also price and the likes. Action: StyXman awaits you just here. (right here. need to enforce my english.) i guess im not seeing why you want single fields a grid and then another grid for UI design purposes what im saying would make it two grids wait. I *have* two grids. but if you have to look up a ton of stuff i think your schema is wrong you have two grids PLUS a non grid I never thought of lookups. xeroz ( left irc: i.e. nothing should be in your product structure table that is in your product table as that would be wrong :) but i assume you made the first thing because you wanted to see the name as an integer isnt really descriptive :) but a lookup turns that integer into a descriptions uh? an integer? which one? ah, you mean the id? so you form might look like Product Name Qty my form should say, among another things: ------------ ------ [13:30] Last message repeated 3 time(s). Product Name Perishable ------------ ------ [13:30] Last message repeated 2 time(s). yes, but with a product name above, the one of the product I'm "building" ------------ ------ [13:30] Last message repeated 1 time(s). where the first one is a list of products forget perishable, is just a test. and the second one is a list of product that make up that product nono, should be like: composed_product_name: --------- composition: qty product ---- --------- [13:31] Last message repeated 3 time(s). or the like. thats fine *but* qty caomes from ProductStructure and the names from Product s/caomes/cames/ aprono ( left irc: "Client Exiting" right i still think what i said will work ok i see difference you can do that easily too i just dont get why you are doing the second grid and using product twice aprono ( joined #gnuenterprise. composed_product_name: --------- composition: qty product ---- --------- [13:34] Last message repeated 3 time(s). is a no brainer to do its the second grid that is causing you problems because I need it. leave it there. we may find similar cases involving three tables *why*? seems like bad UI design to me but who i am to judge submit a bug to later we can discuse abou=t UI design... a bug! wow... explaining the product and some one can look into it well personally i dont think its a bug persay e.g., me. I dinid't know it was a flaw. i think the design might not be right and thats why its not supported but i dont think persay we should force our design principles on others so it probably should be classified as bug and fixed i can try to look at it at home in a few days hmmmm, I don't think you get the problem, but I tell you, this can happen. to verify but dont have the time here :( StyXman i think i get the problem you have two datasources going against the same table yes and forms is probably only managning a SINGLE cursor for that table *that's* the problem? so its getting confused nononon, it's not a cursor problem. i could be wrong but i believe thats what it is forms doesnt like having two datasources pointing to same table as i believe i ran into a similar problem before (just a sec) (I have *three* datatsources) correct and two of them point to same table i would just submit the bug as jason is moving and jamest is well tied up by rabid users somewhere :) and i have limited time to test as moving files around here is a hassle :( the gfd is a good start any way you can do a pg_dump on the tables and post as well Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable) you'll stay here a lttle? so i can see exact issues i can try Yurik ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. ICJ ( joined #gnuenterprise. see!mdione/snapshot1.png s/!/~/ Yurik ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) that's whst's shown if I have the focus on the 10.0, because that's the name of the product , etc, etc./ see that's whst's shown if I have the focus on the 20.0. see that's what we need. i only see snapshot3.png ok, snapshot 1 shows just 'thing #2' and ss2 shows just 'thing #3' we need *both* looks is all yu need i only see snapshot3.png there now. can you take a look? it would be easier if i had table dump i still think the right answer is to use a lookup just a sec. though that might have similar issue you want a table dump, or a schema dump? or is the zot enough? pg_dump w/ schema and data woudl be best but if just schema that would probably work as well please check this (it might be enough) nope im lazy i dont have time to create the table definitions and load iwth data damn. me too. at least not today but you have to already have if you are testing just do a pg_dump (assuming you are using postgres) did you look at it? it's very much like a description *sigh* ok i see the tables see see bingo StyXman wins the prize :) may I dcc you a .ps ? im behind like 10 layers of firewall so web or email are only real options :( StyXman: up /home/john/src/cvs/PAPO/zot/ to your web please :) or would yuo rather a jpeg? Chipaca: don't make me work more than I already do :) that's the data I'm using. you see, 'thing #1' is made of 10 'thing #2's and 20 'thing #3' that's what I wnad to show. s/wnad/what/ want, want. bbl Chipaca ( left #gnuenterprise. yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" yogurt2unge ( joined #gnuenterprise. they're abandoning the ship. cowards! uh, I guess i've been talking to chilliwilly too much :) i forgot i dont have postgres on this workstation so took me a minute to install the defaults changed a bit i need to get rid of ident auth so i can test for you :) Chipaca_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Nick change: Chipaca_ -> Chipaca vanda| ( joined #gnuenterprise. vanda| ( left #gnuenterprise. Action: StyXman waits Action: StyXman waits reading e-mail :) DB000: File "/home/dneighbo/downloads/gnue-cvs-2002-05-16/.cvsdevelbase/gnue/forms/", line 717, in __init__ DB000: self.trueValues = ('Y','y','T','t','1','x','X', trueValue) DB000: NameError: global name 'trueValue' is not defined dneighbo@wright:~/downloads$ hahaha isnt that the error you get? dneighbo: yes; I changes that line and the following one to 'self.trueValue' and 'self.falseValue' i just commented out the boolean on the form and it works for now so? you get what happens? ok yes and it makes sense what do you think? you are saying cantidad is master to prodnam wait. I forgot the names... the way master detail works is by focus (cursor) yes, cantidad is master of sProdName so when you have the the result set for product ok yes, I realiae that... the first thing is thing#1 yeap. and its detail is productstructure WHERE id=1 so you get two rows back for that datasource aha. id 1 and 2 of productstructure and yu then say give me a detail of that and it does yes... the detail for id 1 is component 2 not compnent 2 and 3 if you move down to the 20.0 what I don't want it to do. you will notice the compenent name changes :) yes, I know. what I need is do you understand why i think this is fixiable via lookups though :) 10 thing #2 20 thing #3 give me a second and i will try to fix it for you ok... yes, I understand. I understood it when I saw it. well why didnt you explain it :) is not possible to make a select from several tables at the same time? there's a problem with boolean well, actually I always have problems to explain what I think. Action: Chipaca abstains from commenting Chipaca: you.... where is boolean defined? something is wrong; even gnuedtd gets it wrong Chipaca: try replacing 'trueValue' with 'self.trueVale'. Gilbertyoda ( joined #gnuenterprise. gnuebot: hullo and the 'same' in the next line... What is gnuenterprise about? gnuebot: info gnuebot: help Gilbertyoda: this is about the gnu enterprise project see Ahhhh nice StyXman: that doesn't explain gnuedtd, or does it? Action: Chipaca checks Chipaca: I never used it. StyXman: you've never validated the gfd you write? so reinhard how succesful is it? can anyone tell me where the gnue-forms.dtd is generated from? i mean i know it uses gnuedtd, but against what gfd? Gilbertyoda: we'll see, we are still in development Gilbertyoda ( left irc: Excess Flood Gilbertyoda ( joined #gnuenterprise. Please don't say C or c++ Action: Chipaca says 'C or C++' Gilbertyoda: python REALLY? yes you are pulling my leg! ok i have it working now my right leg ie Chipaca: no, never. always checked by 'watch and see' :) StyXman: that's because you use a lame editor :) StyXman where do you want me to put the new workign gfd :) web ok? Chipaca: take you great emacs an put it where it belongs. Action: Chipaca moans dneighbo: yes, no prob. I repeat: "can anyone tell me where the gnue-forms.dtd is generated from? i mean i know it uses gnuedtd, but against what gfd?" psu__ ( joined #gnuenterprise. Chipaca: it was trash, just in case you thought of anything else. reinhard: tell me more or are you busy? psu! ToyMan (~stuq@ left irc: "Client Exiting" Chipaca! that shoudl do what you were trying to accomplish (or i think it does) :) can you please test Gilbertyoda: what do you want to know? please ask right away maybe read the faq on the web page first :) Chipaca / StyXman also the dropdowns are better for entry in this case as they will only select valid products :) surey doing that. dneighbo: yes, it works. but I don't think is what we want. what do you do for gnuE btw? its what you described no? Gilbertyoda: i'm the one responsible for breaking code ;) *g* reinhard - I thought that was dneighbo? but you don't really do stuff in python do you? I wish you were though :( yes, but suppose I want more info, and just info, from the slave products. *we don't like it*. :-| Gilbertyoda: 99.5 % of our code is python just a sec.... Gilbertyoda: the rest of 0.5 % is shell script ;) hmmmm url per favore? well i would say suggest a patch or write one that just doesnt do dropdowns url of what? for now you coudl do dropdowns and make fields 'readonly' Gilbertyoda - the original App Server was in C well how come the python page is not blowing your trumpet par example. the current re-write is in python ah okay. the logic is but the concept is the same i think you are just hung up on the dropdown box am i correct? dneighbo: yes... we'll weight the solution. :) a) people write appservers in java, which is if anything slower if that form i gave you wasnt a dropdown it woudl be acceptable right? i.e. its a visual hangup you have b) if we get serious perf issues, we can optimise the key parts of code in C & link them in as python is a good C wrapper This was what we were going to do with the Forms client but it never proved necessary well if you hear psu talk you wouldn't think that he hasn't written a single line of code yet, would you? ;) I think what clinched us on python for the AppServer rewrite hehhe. j/k psu does absolute valuable work for this project :) reinhard: I said the first day I came here IANAP (I am not a programmer) dneighbo: yes, I guess it would do... just a sec, we're 'deliberating' :) so psu__ what are you? I actually wrote a non-hello world python prog the other day no WAY! psu__: what scares me is that you can talk like a professional senior programmer :) Gilbertyoda - general hanger-on & diarist diarist? Goodness someone got my job already! reinhard: I just repeat what Derek says - works for me ;-) lol Gilbertyoda - "Everything you never wanted to know about GNUe, and then some" okay if I ever want to do anything in GnuE how much python do i need to know? StyXman i would think if you are ADDING components to make a product you would want the name to be a combo box like this to only allow valid selectoins ie do I just memorize the python manuals and then announce my prescence? but then once selected woudl want other fields like price, etc to be auto populated as read only reinhard: dneighbo: wait more... which you could do via triggers you didn't understand my hook stuff, right? Action: psu__ bought the Boy's Bumper Book of Python Fun for Xmas psu__: there is no SUCH book! In your whitepaper, events are raised (by whatever) then automatically appropriately named methods are called in my proposal events are also thrown Gilbertyoda - well, there should be s/thrown/raised As I was saying, I think what clinched us on python for the AppServer so psu__ do you ever plan on learning python? and then the listeners registered for the event are called was that we had AppServer accessing d/b in C and the Forms client accesing d/b using a python library we wrote basically the same and the Forms client was faster by a lot yes ICJ just a little bit more dynamic i.e. good python better than bad C well, not bad C just sub-optimal C but I did not have the override mechanism in mind psu__: lol but python is a moving target ... which version are you using now? that another module can define a method for an existing one Gilbertyoda - we are standard on version 2 that's it ISTR some issues with 2.1 ICJ: you think the system described in the whitepaper will do the job well enough? but 2.0 & 2,2 are friendly Main problem is that most of the standard distros(esp Debian) are still stuck on 1.5.3 it is imho easier to understand and to handle than a system where hook methods have to be registered and if we have the choice between two methods that do the job well enough i choose the one that is easier to understand I will probably end up learning python when it becomes no longer necessary but i value your opinion very much why is that easier to understand ? i understood it ;) well, the registration would take place automatically i.e. by the time we have the Designer working with AppServer to allow you to graphically create triggers psu but upgrading is not a big problema is it? w/o knowing any python at all you know seriously in the definition (XML) there would be something like no Gilbertyoda - Not really. Biggest problem usually is people have stuff that depends on 1.5.3 as well well it is up to python to find a migratory path! we need the mechanism of one module extending classes of the other module anyway so you have to make sure you get the python 2.x executable to run GNUe not 1.5 reinhard what can I do? I want to do something. wait this looks like an XML affair! We actually have a shell script somewhere that tells you what pythons you have and what to do about it ;-) I have stackless python and python both 2.* Gilbertyoda: cvs co gnue; while !(gnue.understood()) { } Gilbertyoda: the best place to start with is download CVS and play with it then find out what you don't like and then change it ;) um :) not ;) as this is serious oh :( but I don't wanna watch you guys have all the python fun! lol I am in search of a python project atm and this looks like fun. the Python Tutorial is quite short esp because it is not only geek heaven, it is Business heaven! Gilbertyoda: seriously gnue is a _very_ big project and you have to pick your favourite part out of it reinhard: I understand completement. okay do I need to know XML? Action: Gilbertyoda hopes not. Gilbertyoda: i don't know XML and i still pretend to work for this project good. :D uh, ok. we think that's right. now, moving to the next issue. are there tiny portions of this project that can be demoed to impress some small businesses? Chipaca: that's C. reinhard: when will you check in? it would be: now import os os.system 'cv co gnue' Gilbertyoda - if you know HTML, you know XML No I dun think so. XML is one ugly mother After all, IANAP and *I* understand XML, at least enuf to write it while not gnue.undertood(): () but not enough to understand what you've written? Eventually, most of the XML will be auto generated already we have Designer set up to produce the XML for Forms definitions so is postgresql playing a part in any of this? yes it's our prefered db backend and intend to use it for Report Definitions, App Server definitions, Navigator menu definitions... oh, and world peace and harmony between the nations (quick python reference for you there) okay I am gonna wake up from my dream now... the clock looks a bit fuzzy and I can't turn off the lights. psu__ I concur! Python shall bring world peace! we work with shed loads of d/bs free and non-free reminds me of Günter Grass - Die Rättin SAP-DB is now GPL and hence FSF preferred the nuclear defence programs "Make peace" and "Peoples' Peace" are you kidding psu? but we are a broad church Gilbertyoda - kidding about what? SAP have been very helpful making debs and the like host not found. StyXman should i still be waiting? dneighbo: coffee? oops - try w/o the hyphen Chipaca rofl well he told me to wait i have email and such Rawk ONNN avoid as it's a pr0n site - cybersquatters or is it the other way around? so thats what is also! a cybersquatter. I thought they were dead. Action: psu__ hopes Gilbertyoda doesn't find out the hard way pun inintended so when are these things gonna be implemented? what things? ie when are the companies going to start lining up to hire geeks in droves again? um what does that have to do with gnue? who is gnue for? I thought it was for companies! when is gnue going to be ready enough to start pitching is what I am asking. Gilbertyoda: everybody! yiu want it? you get it! yes indeed, but is the cake ready to eat? no that didn't come out quite right. Is the cake ready to be eaten? Gilbertyoda: as most free software projects we have no fixed and planned release dates it is for companies but what does that have to with high tide economy? ah okay. it will be sooner if we have more people that help :) you can eat the cake today dneighbo: you missed the point or I miscommunicated my point. Gilbertyoda : thats possible reinhard how much python do I need to know to help? none uh, ac'a hay gente que se come la galletita? none? si, muy galletita psu ( joined #gnuenterprise. gah Action: psu hates flakey dial-up opposed to 'stable' dial-up Gilbertyoda: you can also help by finding bugs, testing, making proposals on how to improve things, writing documentation... Action: dneighbo just cant stop laughing ah ok. reinhard ... where are you guys getting your experience from? There has to be a basis for all of this no? different wait lemme think ... volunteers? cu?l es galletita we have hackers with zero business knowledge as well as non-programmer accountants that's the good thing actually the mix of different knowledges dneighbo: uh? stuck with spanish? Yurik_ ( left irc: No route to host Yurik_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. any _everybody_ so far has been able to contribut something that wasn't there before what is galletita? dneighbo: cookie. ah then yes si, muy la galletita :) okay ... what== qu'e lemme see I study economics and I can do a little more than hello world in python. which== cu'al like que pasa ariel_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. (study spanish in... #gnue!) Gilbertyoda: that's a good combination :) what happens, yes. i live in northern mexico er arizona :) h. Gilbertyoda: may i ask where you are from? :))) some place in the sticks of Ohio. near toledo? hehe. :D BG can someone help me with forms? i think we are trying to get someone to the conference up there ariel_ we can only help people that are ready to be helped :) j/k you have a conference here? just when I am almost about to move to FL? whats up dneighbo: tell me more about the conf. Gilbertyoda : there is an open source conference i think in toledo toledo is 25 minutes away. how is the Debian packaging status? though it might be canceled due to economy sucking ICJ ask ajmitch nickr or jbailey ICJ: i would guess no release == no debian package :) oh the economy sucketh not. just too many unemployed professionals unwilling to do unskilled work. did you never made a "number" entry against an "int4" field of a postgres database? because afaik debian only packages released versions for Mozilla, there are packages for the trunk ... anyway, time for bed daily snapshots psu ( left #gnuenterprise. um psu good idea have to get up early tomorrow night all Gilbertyoda: i really hope to see you again :) reinhard ( left irc: "Don't contradict a woman -- wait until she does herself" I think I found my OS project :D um i havent tried the number vs int4 probably wont work as i think int4 is like 5 but number woudl be 5.0 or such that's it if you dont define a type you can enter what you like and then postgres will be ok ifyou put in valid ints you just lose 'validation' so to speack but you could do that in a trigger also there might be types other than number when you commit you get: pg_atoi:error in 1.0 can't parse .0 Gilbertyoda ( left irc: Remote closed the connection like type integer, but i havent needed so i havent investicated ariel_ yip that would be problematioc Gilbertyoda ( joined #gnuenterprise. btw are there other projects of this sort? ie enterprise sort? workaraund is changing all int4 or similar fields to numeric. but if i wont to use a large legacy DB? ? have you tried other types in yoru form? i assume now you have or such have you tried type="integer" ? psu__ ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) is integer legal? (not in doc - techref) i'm trying... not sure somethings are 'undocumented' in designer it lists text, date, number Action: dneighbo must run again sigh... i tried, after the login splash, CRASH! who is working on the finance package? finance? si si I just saw it there! wow. its my first day here and I am all agog. :D another *big* quiestion. what is the big question? dneighbo: do you remember the form? Gilbertyoda: nevermind. it's related to a long talk before you entered the channel. ah neba mind. Action: ariel_ is away: Sono occupato ok, for whoever can answer. I have a form. There lies a entry, with, say, 5 rows. can I enlarge or shrink the # of rows, from the form? ICJ ( left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) slpedersen ( joined #gnuenterprise. from the form? you mean runtime? if you ahve 5 rows you can make it say 10 or 20 or any number at design time but at run time you can not did that answer your question? btami ( joined #gnuenterprise. hello all hi dneighbo: why not? dneighbo: let me rephrase that: is there a design decision behind that, or is it just "not at this time"? chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: yes, that answers. wtong answer, tho. Chipaca: keep asking. I gotta go. see you later. StyXman ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?" "not at this time" there are plans to use real grids which would give you some resizing capabilities but really i dont see much value in being able to 'add' more rows let me retract that, if you resize the form then i see value but resizing columns would be nice remember gnue is designed to be highly portable to many platforms and be extremely quick to write applications which means generally you will lose some of the 'pretty' fluff microsoft has taught you to love dneighbo: I was wondering if there was a way to get ctrees, but we thought nah they mustn't have done that because of the html, but then I saw the dhtml (your dcl_dict i think it was), and I said hey! that's how you do it with html! so where are the ctrees? some of that will develop over time, but its not highest priority currently trees are same principle do a tree on a palm pilot, or curses or with a telephone we are not opposed to such items, but because they cause other issues they are not super high on the todo list but we would be willing to do or support as much as possible others efforts to do such things i hope that makes sense to you methinks the curses point is rather moot seing as designer picks up its widget lists from wxwindows Chipaca: we made a decision that for now designer would be dependent on wx but applications should not sledge_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. as we dont see a huge value in having a full fledge IDE for palm or the telephone :) we do see value in having applications run there :) ok, but if we made the decision that a palm device, or curses, or telephone were out of the question for other reasons, we could hack in ctrees, right? hi all yes thats the point :) we plan on putting layers in ctrees aren't really trees :) so that we can have 'non standard' items like a cTree say and 'official applications' would not use it not unless we came up with a curses way of looking at ctrees :) and we would disclaim that we cant guarantee that these 'extensions' will be up to date with newest version etc but we wouldnt be unfriendly to someone wanting to write an extension in fact we woudl like that peopel do that you can almost think of it like python modules and if a module gets proper support maybe it becomes a part of jcater and jamest are best to discuss this with to see if cTree and grids are things they wish to include or have as 'external' items and such okay, I will be back. this project RAWKS Gilbertyoda ( left #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) yogurt2unge ( left irc: "Client Exiting" slpedersen ( left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo: is it possible that there are more and more people on irc? :) Harald1 ( left irc: sure i hope this is a good sign :) wish me luck, i go to present gnue dcl in 5 minutes to the 'big boys' hey, have fun. perhaps you can get some funding :) dneighbo: good luck dewd dneighbo: focus. someone of you on the linuxtag trade show? Ford ( left irc: Connection timed out Chipaca ( left irc: "ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?" sledge_ ( left irc: "using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/981227-pre0.9" btami ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) aprono ( left irc: "Client Exiting" jamest ( left irc: "[x]chat" ^chewie ( left #gnuenterprise. dsmith ( left irc: Remote closed the connection drochaid ( joined #gnuenterprise. Ford ( joined #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( left irc: Remote closed the connection chillywilly ( joined #gnuenterprise. well presentation went really well, but its rather possible we have already lost due to the purchase of support magic :( well on a good note EVERYONE there seemed to like it and most wanted to switch now which is highly promising even if we lose anyone know how to prevent i.e. from caching files from teh server side? yea, that's cool i thought there was a header you could send or something dude my online banking account blows does it charge extra for that? no, but I can't set up the bill pay thing I emailed them a while ago heard nothing fuckers Ford ( left #gnuenterprise. Ford ( joined #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( left irc: "bye bye" GilbertBSD ( joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik_ ( left irc: Read error: 113 (No route to host) Yurik_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. drochaid ( left irc: "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup." dneighbo ( joined #gnuenterprise. ratmice ( left #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( got netsplit. Yurik_ ( got netsplit. Ford ( got netsplit. mdean ( got netsplit. nickr ( got netsplit. chillywilly ( got netsplit. jcater ( got netsplit. ra3vat ( got netsplit. GilbertBSD ( got netsplit. ariel_ ( got netsplit. dtm ([ got netsplit. User_ ( got netsplit. pattieja ( got netsplit. esands_ ( got netsplit. scipient ( got netsplit. Mr_You (rouzer@ got netsplit. gnuebot ( got netsplit. gnuebot ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dneighbo ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Yurik_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. GilbertBSD ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Ford ( returned to #gnuenterprise. chillywilly ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ariel_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. jcater ( returned to #gnuenterprise. dtm ([ returned to #gnuenterprise. User_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. mdean ( returned to #gnuenterprise. scipient ( returned to #gnuenterprise. pattieja ( returned to #gnuenterprise. nickr ( returned to #gnuenterprise. ra3vat ( returned to #gnuenterprise. esands_ ( returned to #gnuenterprise. Mr_You (rouzer@ returned to #gnuenterprise. #gnuenterprise: mode change '+o gnuebot' by GilbertBSD ( left irc: "xchat exiting.." ratmice ( joined #gnuenterprise. could we make DevelopersGuide-Forms.lyx some other format? lyx depends on xforms which is non-free hehehe, let's revive the docs flamewar! come on chillywilly! ;) dsmith (~dsmith@ joined #gnuenterprise. why? ih nevermind s/ih/oh ratmice: I have complained before, but got ugly ;) ratmice: if you read in the KCs, this has been brought up before hmm i do, havent seen that. the freedom fighters lost against the evil proprietary-luvin' strongmen ;) a while back though Action: ajmitch ducks away from jcater's sight it's just like installing lyx once installed some crappy old cygwin1.dll on a boxen before it annoyed me. Action: chillywilly waits for a TRULY free ly x one with a Gnome gui or even kde if it has to come to that ;) anyways most everything but the schema navigator semes to bring up the spiffy login i know... connect to i just cant figure out how to associate shit to entry boxes and such. probably a combo box in the property editor fields? Nick change: User_ -> Maniac dsmith (~dsmith@ left irc: "later.." alexey_ ( joined #gnuenterprise. is accessing previously entered data in the scope of usage for the forms client? or will it be just for new data? like history? yeah I think that feature has been talked about but that's probably as far as it goes ;) Action: ariel_ is back (gone 08:07:14) --- Wed May 22 2002