[00:00] Last message repeated 1 time(s). DB001: [DBdriver:62] Postgresql database driver initializing DB006: [GObjects:92] GFBlock: Init Phase 1 DB006: [GObjects:92] GFEntry: Init Phase 1 DB007: [GDataSource:167] Field value implicitly referenced DB006: [GObjects:92] GFEntry: Init Phase 1 DB007: [GDataSource:167] Field something implicitly referenced DB006: [GObjects:92] GFLabel: Init Phase 1 [00:01] Last message repeated 1 time(s). DB006: [GObjects:92] GFDataSource: Init Phase 2 DB006: [GObjects:92] GFForm: Init Phase 3 DB005: [DBdriver:330] WHERE ((1 = 0)) DB005: [DBdriver:420] SELECT count(*) FROM somedumbtable WHERE ((1 = 0)) DB007: [DBdriver:396] Implicit Fields: {'value': '', 'something': ''} DB005: [DBdriver:330] WHERE ((1 = 0)) DB005: [DBdriver:413] SELECT value,something FROM somedumbtable WHERE ((1 = 0)) DB005: [DBdriver:142] Field names set to ['value', 'something'] DB005: [DBdriver:146] ResultSet created DB007: [GDataObjects:392] Inserting a blank record DB005: [GDataObjects:478] Master record changed; Notifying Detail Objects DB003: [GFEvent:100] Unknown Event: updateENTRY [00:01] Last message repeated 1 time(s). DB010: [GFTrigger:83] No triggers to fire [00:01] Last message repeated 1 time(s). DB006: [GObjects:92] GFDataSource: Init Phase 3 hmmm don't flood! sssh you I think it might be that trigger thing that is the problem I dunno chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Philosophers and plow men, each must know his part, to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. wb hmmm Action: chillywilly runs weird Action: chillywilly is trying irssi brb chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: Client Quit chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: ajmitch tries to design a simple DB schema Action: chillywilly needs to change the channel window fonts chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: Client Quit chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. got to design some schema where a site has a certain number of machines, and each machine has some data history, how best to model? since each machine has some data that does not change (name, serial number, etc), but some data that is entered every week or 4 weeks Action: ajmitch is a simpleton, this should be easy I would suggest readin a socument on data modeling and some things on normalization er, document you're no help I have some links if you want Action: chillywilly is no db design guru Action: ajmitch goes back to forms make a table with those fields you want it so that you can add rows eaily, but you don't want it so you have to add new columns easily chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left #gnuenterprise. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. bah, I don't like that client Action: dneighbo is away: slumbering midget, liable to eat non moving red objects now sleeping lol ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. hi ra3vat hello ajmitch hey hey Action: chillywilly will sleep now g'night chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) left irc: "Philosophers and plow men each must know his part to sow a new mentality closer to the heart..." solibre (~solibre@AMontpellier-202-1-5-160.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. Yurik (~yrashk@gw.telcos.net.ua) joined #gnuenterprise. Tader (~thomas@stan.xs4all.nl) left irc: "Client Exiting" ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-3-ip83.albany.thebiz.net) joined #gnuenterprise. alexey_ (~Alexey@techkran.vladimir.ru) left irc: "[x]chat" ToyMan (~stuq@c5300-3-ip83.albany.thebiz.net) left irc: "Client Exiting" solibre (~solibre@AMontpellier-202-1-5-160.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) dneighbo (~dneighbo@cpe-24-221-112-50.az.sprintbbd.net) left #gnuenterprise ("Client Exiting"). ToyMan (~stuq@ joined #gnuenterprise. jamest (~jamest@hobbes.math.ksu.edu) joined #gnuenterprise. hi jamest StyXman (~mdione@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. hello hello siesel (jan@dial-194-8-196-239.netcologne.de) joined #gnuenterprise. hi gnue hi hi siesel hi ajmitch Action: ajmitch was just watching world cup game Action: ajmitch heads off to bed dneighbo (~dneighbo@tmp-200253.flinthills.com) joined #gnuenterprise. whoooo hoooo senegal beats france how great is that ! very good win :) ajmitch you suck, you are in like same timezone as the cup france just couldn't get any of those corner kicks in not quite, but close ;) game started at 4:25am here ah that would be a pain no kidding tomorrow i really want to see Germany vs Saudi but it has same start time Action: dneighbo is debating if i want to record it or get up that early on a saturday i suppose i shouldnt complain too much though as some of the times are so whacked they are good :) hehe like argentina vs nigeria is at 22:25 :) which is about what time i go into watch tv anyhow not so bad Action: ajmitch is learning how to use forms & designer now :) im sorry heh fwiw we do double your salary if you actually use the product still trying to decide the best way to implement what i want lets see 0 * 2 raises you to $0/hr which is enter a few values from 3-18 gaming machines, each week and then calculate value to bank for each machine (based on previous readings), and total that for the week and then be able to print off a report for the week all to be done on windows clients, with no installed DB, and possibly no net connection ;) Action: ajmitch might just skip doing that, and hook reports into the python app which has been written for it generally i would say 'phase it' if current app has no reports then use gnue reports to start i.e. write your flatfile driver for common and make your report and start there then look at replacing app with forms or something currently there's a python app which i wrote, using wxpython printing is pretty poor in it i don't really think it needs to be replaced with forms, but would be an interesting exercise hey, don forget Argentina Nigeria this sunday! l8r siesel (jan@dial-194-8-196-239.netcologne.de) left irc: "*monkey grin*" bye Action: ajmitch thinks argentina will probably win that one StyXman: you are doing PAPO, right? ajmitch : i dont know about that those african teams seem pretty hot right now watch out for nigeria and cameroon or is cameroon not here this year yeah, that's true Action: ajmitch doesn't follow it that much in fact it think nigeria beat senegal in qualifying but senegal beat cameroon or something like that all i know is if argentina looses to nigeria it will not be a happy day in argentina heh as much as i dislike the play of argentina and their stars (mostly hatred for the maradonna years) i'm guessing it won't be a happy day in france at the moment their country is such pain, i really want them to win so they can have something to be happy for it would be nice for them to bring the cup home yes although if they make it out of the first round, i suppose that will mean delayed times for papo :) yogurt2unge (~charlie@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. hello chuck so what is papo? i haven't seen much info on it apart from on the list nono, papo will continued its steady progress. with bear, but progress at least. ariel_ (~ariel@ppp-217-133-247-83.dialup.tiscali.it) joined #gnuenterprise. hehe Hello people from the south...... ajmitch: te contaria... hmm, who is the southern-most here? can someone help me with reports? uh, we have the southest city in the world, so I suppose we are. StyXman: yes, but where in argentina are you? it's yogurt2unge. too early in the morning for him. ajmitch: cordoba. almost the bellybutton of the country. hehe Action: ajmitch is in dunedin, NZ, just below 45deg south of the equator Yes I'm 3 meters at south of StyXman hehe we're just above 35deg. about 500km to the north. ajmitch: is the souther man in the channel ah right people from Nigeria? good night everyone its late thre, eh? nigth ajmitch like 23:45? Sat Jun 1 02:13:21 NZST 2002 feow! a little later than that :) Action: ajmitch wanders away from keyboard wowo, it's saturday already! Fri May 31 11:14:01 ART 2002 in Argentina jcater (~jason@w202.z065105010.mem-tn.dsl.cnc.net) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: Yurik wanna change employment Yurik: why? StyXman: a lot of reasons :( StyXman: disagreement in technical and ideological questions and lack of money :-( ariel_ whats up with reports? ow. and you have alternatives? Action: Yurik has less than 1 cent in pocket and over than $250 of active debt :) want to loose money? try to live in our country. that is bad I've heard about Argentina's problems :) it seems that setup.py does'nt install the adapters your money becomes 1/3 in a snap of time. that was in Ukraine about ten years ago. hyper inflation salaries were measured in millions, tens of millions yeah, I still have a 1.000.000 bill. Action: Yurik remembers his parents had salary about $18 millions :) oops, not $, of coursE :))) that was coupons that time perlhead (~fheinz@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. i have also a couple of questions on forms Action: Yurik wanna be definitely out of money problems :) how do you set up a trigger to run another form? Action: Yurik is thinking what to do (first, stop spam to #gnuenterprise :) the sample in location (that calls runform() ) does'nt work. i tried: import commands getstatusoutput( ... name of the form ...) but also does'nt work. dneighbo: are you there? ariel_ : on the reports side of the fence im not sure what you mean by not installing the adapters i would rather trouble shoot as im trying to do X and get error message Y the locations sample is quite plausibly out of date in relation to new trigger support jamest would be best one to ask on the new syntax when i run grrun i get: import error it is certainly doable, but i would have to go digging to find can you paste grrun error here (last 5 or 10 lines) no modules named adapters.file.stdout (or something similar) i sibolically linked the adapters subdirectory of reports under gnue under site-packages and it worked. ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) left irc: Connection timed out ra3vat (ds@ics.elcom.ru) joined #gnuenterprise. * ImportError: No module named adapters.destination.file.stdout i have to go. i'll try to connect later from home. ariel_ (~ariel@ppp-217-133-247-83.dialup.tiscali.it) left #gnuenterprise ("Uscita dal client"). hrm I wish he'd pasted the actual errors as line numbers would've been important s/important/helpful yes agree WAY too often people cant get things to work and start the symlink game i have never understood this as almost everytime it only 'masks' the real problem i.e. it gets them over first hurdle but cause destruction later especially when its things like libfoo.so.4 required yeah and libfoo.so.1 exists or such as I can't recreate his problem :( i was busy :( me too Action: dneighbo goes to get pre releases and bang on them more ppl can be so impatient in irc :( jcater what does it take to make windows 'releases' as if we can generate somewhat easily i can probalby test here today solibre (~solibre@AMontpellier-202-1-4-95.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #gnuenterprise. jcater: i know you are knee deep so im just submitting issues via dcl let me know if you need clarification on any of them dneighbo: re windows releases nothing short of an act of god :) j/k solibre (~solibre@AMontpellier-202-1-4-95.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: "reboot" will try to do win32 crap soon no problem lets stay focused on linux submitting tons of stuff for reports i dont have cvs so cant fix here bascially the tarball is missing entire filters dir and all documentation as well as all .in files Ticket #45 shoudl spell it out no no no you can only submit praise not problems ?!?!? :) Action: dneighbo wishes i understood distutils enough to quickly fix myself and then i could submit patch instead that's easy to fix RTFM! :) of course, if dneighbo does that he'll flood distutils authors with bug reports instead of us ooooo, that's a good thing! cool! do it! [10:58] Last message repeated 2 time(s). its sad i really do submit bugs to way too many projects withing 5 minutes of downloading openoffice 1.0 i already filed 2 or 3 bugs i have an outstanding bug on mozilla that no one can seem to fix ableit they ahve closed it 4 times already only to have to reopen it after i test it :) and dont get me started on gnome applications like abiword, evolution and anything ximian touches as you see their stuff doesnt have 'bugs' it has 'features' we implemented on purpose, or dont ever want to implement it have neighbor induced features btw: gnue is has by far been the best about fixing issue (but im biased) galeon is a close second dude that's our motto "Anything to shut him up." it's part of our quality thru annoyance program j/k rofl well on the galeon thing it was funny i stopped by their IRC and said x is busted and one guy got all huffy and said submit via xyz and another guy said hey i can recreate that im fixing now and said oh y is busted too and he said damn you are right will fix that and the one guy said submit the bug and gave me a url my response was 'poor bastard, you are doomed now' i think i submitted about 20 bugs in a 2 minute period the poor boy that was doing the 'fixing' screamed 'stop please' and then smacked the guy that gave me the url and said dont do that anymore :) screamed? in IRC? damn, i'm impressed chillywilly (~danielb@mke-65-29-142-117.wi.rr.com) joined #gnuenterprise. i bet he dcc'd you an mp3 file of his pain chillywilly: hi /scream stop it! is that how it works? howdy don't you guys have jobs to do eh? they pay you to chat on irc? ;) it works like Action: dneighbo runs screaming, 'stop it please' chillywilly: yes, they do! they just may not know that heheh Action: chillywilly is off today aren't you off every day? just a little? jamest: I think he meant, no work today ah ok not anymore than you goat boy er, wait at least I am not "on" something...see there's the difference my friend atmospheric crack has warped your perceptions Action: chillywilly puts some cash into his paypal account perlhead (~fheinz@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) left irc: "Client Exiting" paypal account? Action: jcater steers clear of paypal way clear lilo needs cash dude to pay his rent as he's out of work and trying to keep OPN going http://somegeek.org what's wrong with paypal? Action: chillywilly would like to know I'll explain after lunch Action: jcater is away: lunch ok in the meantime I am sending him some money despite paypal's evilness Action: Yurik is away: preparing to depart. home, sweet home. beer, sweet beer Chipaca (~john@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. paypal suck why? because it is non-free software? no well yes but no http://www.paypalsucks.com/ be enlightened my brethren :) basically the biggest knock i have heard is they can 'hold' you money for ANY reason and FORCE you to divulge a CRAP LOAD of personal information including bank account numbers etc before releasing you money if they ever release you the money read some of the horror stories hmmm, sounds shitty jcater: when you return i think version numbers on preleases are wrong our *release* has number epsilon... dneighbo: paypal plays with your version numbers? *horror* scary. hmmm something is funny here, i dont think things installed properly dneighbo: FUCH!! that was good timing for the paypalsucks site dood ... I was thinking about using them for my business!!! bah, I don;t think thos are all legtimate claims there's good arguments on each side look at the forums chillywilly i didnt say one way or another but the fact is they have the POWER to screw you and frankly for me that is enough to avoid them after some time in finance if they do say a $1,000,000 in transactions a day and they hold all funds minimum 5 days everyone who you pay electronically or that has access to your bank account has the potential to screw you if they take that money to the 'market' do you understand the profits they can pull in my employer has the potential to screw me because I have dorect deposit not to mention if they invest bad they can lose your money and they are not a BANK so they CAN invest that money legally chillywilly : NOT true chillywilly: but only to a certain level, and if you deal with a company registered as a bank of finacial services business, you have built in protection your employer is under LEGAL obligation to pay you in timely manner under US law the likes of paypal and nochex aren't, so they are not answerable in the same way if they dont you can take legal action if they paid but the BANK dropped the ball the BANK is under LEGAL obligation (via federal regulation) to make good on that payment and has federal insurance (FDIC) to back it Paypal is under no reall severe legal obligation and even FORCES you to sign i wont sue you agreement to use the service so say you sell me a laptop for $2500 and send it via usmail i send a paytment for 2500 to paypal and paypal sits on that money for two weeks and i never get the laptop (its lost in mail) and so i say you are a fraud and paypal credits me back my money and then lo behold next day laptop arrives in teh mail you are screwed you are out a laptop is there an alternative to paypal? yes real banks heh i believe wells fargo and bank one over similar payment services note im not a fan of banks (and their fees) adn im sure that they will COST you more than paypal to use but is it worth say an extra 1% on all transactions to prevent being totally screwed? they are saying on that site that paypal costs more http://www.paypalsucks.com/options.shtml is a list of options alternatives? i still think if you are doing a BUSINESS and not personal transactions nut up and get a merchant account you will do SO much better allowing credit cards as well as ePayments I don;t know dick about that I just wanted to help lilo out so that was personal how do you get a merchant account? several ways generally through a bank :) http://www.paybyweb.com/mainsite/cc_referrer00151.asp?asrc=nopaypal seems interesting as it lets you take eChecks as well which are pretty sweet used to be checks were ripe for fraud but now you can use a check almost like an ATM card i.e. it posts the check immediately yea unlike the take a check and then hope they dont move money out of account before it posts chillywilly: if you're using it as a merchant account ... worldpay accept both credit and debit cards but they ain't cheap btw: at one time last year was workign with some folks to do merchant stuff for GNUe i.e. to support it in GNUe it was not free software but they were willing to give us the software for free and set us up for testing and such then like a month later they were basically swallowed by red hat and i stopped pursuing it why would you stop if redhat got them? um htey got busy and we got busy and they werent as eager to help us anymore or so it seemed http://www.mainstreetsoftworks.com/ was the group mainly our biggest issue is they didnt support python and since it wasnt open source we couldnt write support and give back to them if they are in SF i will try to meet with them to revamp the issue as its somethign we need to address ToyMan are you here? how are you handling this in your ecommerce stuff? so the whole point of getting your own merchant account is so you can be in control right? well you have more options and more 'rights' seems there's lots of fees for paybyweb example if you only accept paypal you wont get my business and lots of others you accept visa/mastercard thats a whole other story there are a LOT more visa/mastercard holders than paypal holders lilo (lilo@staff.opn) joined #gnuenterprise. Action: lilo looks in Action: lilo just wanted to apologize for being stuck with paypal I haven't had any problems with them personally, though I know some people have I just can't afford anything else I have a small egold account, but I haven't been able to use it much it seems inconvenient for people i think its billpoint that does eBay and i think that was or is wellsfargo lilo yeah merchant stuff is expensive dneigbo: and I'm not really a merchant and why paypal is so popular despite is issues aprono (~aprono@modem117-adsl.capfed2.sinectis.com.ar) joined #gnuenterprise. and to switch to someone else is painful dneighbo: I did one round of fundraising for OPN, we got what we needed and sent it to the lawyer that's moving massively slowly, though the nonprofit has been registered as they dont have the market share of paypal so then the users get irrated and now I'm looking for some help, because my back is kind of to the wall but between the two points I haven't used the paypal account at all change it to freeprojects.net it's just a name 8) only allow projects with free software license the nonprofit is not called openprojects :) if someone ask for me, well, I'm out to lunc. bbl. and approach the FSF for a grant oic dneighbo :) and use their non profit services i.e. they are a WELL established 501c3 well, the nonprofit is already set up, we just need to finish the 501(c)3 application and you could set up a 'fund' through them and it's not actually going to be just about software what I have in mind is supporting and nurturing communities that do things *like* what the free software and open source communities do obviously, the best developed community doing that atm is the free software community, so we'll want to support it but the focus is going to be broader somewhat different niche than FSF the example I give is, suppose some group of people decides to design hydroponic equipment for the third world, that can be built cheaply in place so they're all about designing it and providing the designs around the world, getting them where they are needed and they don't especially want to make money at it, which is good, because when you try to make money at a project like that it usually doesn't get done 8) so they're just doing it communities like that would be what we are going to want to support community wireless projects would be another example and clearly free software would be a preeminent example atm 8) so the focus of the nonprofit is going to be a bit broader cool not on a single licensing regime or type of creative output, but very much not on things that are (or have become) pay-for-play currently where is the expenditure coming into play? at the moment, I'm looking for funds to try not to be out on the street in the next few months, while I finish things up and look for a few initial grants 8) and probably the first thing the nonprofit will do is pay me a salary to work on it full time not the world's biggest salary but something so I am not out on the street I figure to spend some effort on fund raising for the first year or two, and take care of OPN a bit better so basically you are looking for seed money currently just having an employer that will *let* me have the time to take care of OPN will help a lot not operating costs per say well, our sponsors provide the servers we couldn't afford them thats what i mean but sponsors rarely want to provide salaries they like to give you spare bandwidth and server space stbain (~GunAndGiz@ip68-10-44-170.rn.hr.cox.net) left irc: "Ni!!!!!!!!!!" rightfully so (it much harder to justify) yeah they all have shareholders and investors Action: chillywilly is going to go get some lunch bbiab Action: chillywilly is away: lunch one of the reasons I had no thought of making this a for-profit though, is that it's hard to justify this stuff to investors sounds like you have really one of three choices (as we face this with gnue as well) a. get outside investment (this is evil, plus its hard to do) (paypal contributions wont hold long) (yeah, all I am trying to do with the paypal is survive for a bit) b. get an employer that has a shared interest, i.e. they pay you to work on things that benefit OPN lilo! what are you guys talkin' about? :) Action: eMeow-v2_ wakes u[ (the problem there is that employers change goals and motivations on a dime) hiya Chipaca! up, that is. c. get normal job and slave like pig after hours chasing the dream, until you get to place where a or b can be real lilo: the guy in $ trouble is you? the problem of course is that doing it (c) means having no life eMeow: I've been looking for some help to not be out on the street in a month or two....it's gotten kind of bad....so we ended up discussing funding here) yah, that's me it taking forever and basically it sucks yeah, dneighbo I don't want to spend the rest of my limited lifespan slaving, I want to *do* useful stuff 8) lilo: heh, sucks. I can't even use paypal Action: lilo is one of those strange Save the World guys 8) eMeow: well, the thought is appreciated a lot lilo: I'm sorry I can't help you out in that department; you really deserve it lilo the key is like that of an artist Chipaca: I *really* appreciate the vote of confidence you need to find a benefactor whom believes in your causes and funds you that of course is much easier said than done :) dres_ (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) left irc: Remote closed the connection dneighbo: I believe in the causes, but I don't think I qualify as a benefactor :) well if everyone would just give some money now lilo might be able to pay his rent at least ;) Action: jcater is back (gone 01:18:07) chillywilly: what dneighbo said re paypal and he posted the website I was gonna post :) ok, Ia m going to go to lunch for real now yea btw, I wasn't saying don't help lilo because he uses paypal I see the points now I was saying be leary of paypal my problem is i practice benevolence pretty steadfastly yes over 15% of my income goes to non profit organizations besides paypal has $150 of my money in limbo for over 2 years and I can't get it resolved my problem is, dont take this wrong lilo, is i have a hard time paying someones rent if it were going to server hardware or such to me that is different because there's no legal watchdog over them dneighbo: what would jesus do? but im in position where i would love to see people paid to work on gnue dneighbo: well, I can certainly see your point of view dneighbo: we all have projects that are important to us but those working on it are employed (ofr the most part) and sacrifice their free time to try to bring it to reality i guess my point is its hard for me to give when i think (c) above is a viable option thats not to say the work is not appreciated dneighbo: as far as I am concerned, the only people who should help me out are people who (1) have used the network and want to reward my efforts, (2) have some money, and (3) don't have something they consider a higher priority to spend it on in any way shape or form and i was seriously debating giving not falling within one of those three groups, particularly the last one, is perfectly understandable right now the economy is not all that great for a number of us I can certainly understand that people have other priorities uh, we all have to eat, for one thing 8) so please don't sweat it *seriously* the thing that makes it hard (and hard for me to give to many free software things) is lack of a plan oh, I have some plans....but yeah, they are a bit informal otoh, talk to me about them and I'll talk your ear off 8) i.e. making a donation will help for this month rent but one cant make that a regular thing but again, priorities are essential if i knew that x was hapening in a month we have 7,000 users and growing, and some possibility of corporate sponsors and others and you just needed to ride it through it would be different does that make sense? so when we get to formal fundraising we'll probably be in a *bit* better shape atm I just want to survive, and I'm just asking people who appreciate my work and feel they can, to chip in so if all those 7000 were to give what they should give to OPN as we all pratically live here then lilo would be fine i can understand that regardless, I'll keep working on this as long as I am able to well if half gave 1 dollar thats 3500 i imagine that could cover rent at least? and the last thing I expect is for everybody to be able to help me out yeah, it would cover rent and more but paypal would eat fees like crazy :) I'd get 70% of that which would actually do the trick atm I'm just trying to decide whether we can afford to keep our health insurance what if you asked every 'registered' channel (how many are there?) ok, bye bye good luck lio lilo we love you thanks chilly :) appreciated :) if they could please contribut 10 dollars dneighbo: the thing is, I'm limited in what I can reasonably do how many channels are there? dneigbo: I can't really quite push that much lot of channels, maybe a few hundred active, reasonably large ones but I'm happy to just wander around and let whoever is willing to help out for now at the moment I just want to survive to do some useful work :) a lot of people are in my situation, though, so I don't expect them to be able to help we all do what we can where we can and there are a *lot* of people doing useful work here you know how to make debian packages? yah I did some of that at transvirtual hmmm maybe i could donate 50 - 100 bucks if you could throw together some GNUe debian packages :) hmmm, the problem is, if I do that, it's kind of pay-for-work why? I give you a gift of some work, you give me a gift of some money nope i give you a gift the IRS gives me the gift of an audit 8) not that there's anything to audit this year 8) and you are good free software contributor and contribute to GNUe :) although i think perhaps others are doing debs already why don't I see if I can do some packaging for you but don't pay me, I think that would make me nervous dres (~dres@mail.lewismoss.org) joined #gnuenterprise. btami (~btami@ joined #gnuenterprise. hi all ^chewie (~chewie@flemingi.dsl.visi.com) joined #gnuenterprise. <^chewie> 'lo jcater: im having issues with preleases on this box they seem to be installing ok but i had a workign version here before and it seems to be reporting version 0.1.1 and the toolbar has new icons but not all of them so im not sure i have correct version i deleted all gfclient gfdesigner files and reran setup and it created new ones but they have same behavior last night all was well, BUT i had never installed GNUe production on that machine before any ideas um make sure there's not a /usr/python*/site-packages/gnue directory in previous testing cycles, we had issues w/that dneighbo/jcater: may i ask a little bugfix in interbase driver? wassat? in DBdriver.py line #208 the fix is: 'name':lower(d[SIG2api.DESCRIPTION_NAME]), jcater: wright:/home/dneighbo# cd /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/g gdkpixbufmodule.la gtk.py gtkhtml.py gdkpixbufmodule.so gtk.pyc gtkhtml.pyc gnome gtk.pyo gtkhtml.pyo wright:/home/dneighbo# cd /usr/lib/python2.1/site-packages/g and no /usr/python2.1/ dir there is /usr/lib/python2.1/gnue/ though i forget lower before nix that btami: give me a sec dneighbo@wright:~$ which gfclient /usr/local/bin/gfclient btami: ok, committed thanks import os #import os.path import sys ####### # The following variable were set when GNUe was installed import os, sys sys.path.append('/usr/local/gnue/lib/python') INST_GNUE_CONNECTIONS='/usr/local/gnue/etc/connections.conf' os.environ['INSTALL_LIB']='/usr/local/gnue/lib/python' os.environ['INSTALL_PREFIX']='/usr/local/gnue' ####### if not os.environ.has_key('GNUE_CONNECTIONS'): if os.path.isfile(INST_GNUE_CONNECTIONS): os.environ['GNUE_CONNECTIONS'] = INST_GNUE_CONNECTIONS from gnue.forms.GFClient import * if __name__ == '__main__': GFClient().run() is the contents basically of /usr/local/bin/gfclient ok hmm did you delete the /usr/lib/python2.1/gnue directory? does that mean i should delete dneighbo@wright:/usr/lib/python2.1/gnue$ and how hmm got pulled away....anyway, I'm not sure whether I would really be helpful doing that packaging, it sounds like you might have what you need? what is in that directory? I'm going to keep trying to hang in here and get stuff done with OPN and the nonprofit dneighbo@wright:/usr/lib/python2.1/gnue$ ls __init__.py __init__.pyc common designer forms dneighbo@wright:/usr/lib/python2.1/gnue$ lilo cool and I appreciate the kind words and the advice Action: lilo waves and wanders off dneighbo: yeah, please nix that directory lilo (lilo@staff.opn) left #gnuenterprise. don't know where it came from or why it's there dneighbo: you are talkin about a prew, next buttons icons are old in the toolbar ? (must be remnants of a possessed install) um that fixed it jcater: truth be known i like just copying directory hierarchies at random to different spots on my machine to see if i can get known working applications to fail btami : actaully all the icons were correct (i.e. new look) just it wsa missing some that were added like first/last ah yummy all fixed form 1 passed form 2 passed form 3 passed darn this is too much on the roll, time to break out the heavy artillery forms Action: jcater hides ok what gives gauntlet_3_die_bitch_die.gfd even passed will appserver be released now too ? yes i think so it is nothing more than a 'good faith' release though i.e. it does things and works as advertised for the features given but is not overtly useful just yet ok jcater need to you to look at something on win32 the grpc/GEAS.grpc is not copyed into the shared dir with setup.py install oh btami does firebird support what used to be deemed i think 'local interbase' jcater : http://gnuenterprise.org/~dneighbo/service_request.png notice the extreme font difference on Description: at bottom of form compared to other entry fields doesn't IIRC i dont recall this happening before i'v got an error with appserver script on win32 :) appserver-support@gnuenterprise.org fire away :) :) dneighbo: that's always happened w/me Action: jcater thinks it's a wx issue when using a multi-lined text area it seems to ignore our font setting ok just verifying its not a 'new' issue so its like combo boxes untamed wx bugs :) wrt fonts and size yeah :( shame all wx folks are foriegn or i could meet with them in SF or somethign see if we could get things solved am I supposed to be packaging up appserver for this release too? um if you can great if not it will afll on appserver team my impression was siesel had pretty much run tests and should just be a ./setup.py sdist or whatever and then put in prerelease dir and we push bugs to appserver-support@gnuenterprise.org :) hmm they call the executable script 'appserver' I'm not sure if that's a good name to be distributing I mean /usr/local/bin/appserver is a little bit, um, conflicting, maybe :) nope bad bab bad geas or gappserver oooo it's a GNUe project right? CRappserver ? sigh roflmao you are thinking fo the Chillywilly Retro Appserver if only it was easier to name forms in an honest manner like that well, reports is 'grits' (GNUe Reporting and Information Transformation System) so forms can be guido guido? 'GNUe User Interface to Data Objects what it busts your system at the knees :) exactly :) BAM Action: dneighbo had that happen once Action: dneighbo glares in jamest direction and we need our GNUe Universal Transaction Server (guts) guido, guts, and grits all working side-by-side nothing like having all your resources consumed by X to piont your machine cries mercy i said honestly I think we should nickname this release the 'otadi' release i can't think of something simple that implies screwed up, unstable, undocumented, mess of code that almost does what we wanted otadi = "Omg, They Actually Downloaded It!" works for me i still think lethargic sloth is a good code release name too guido eats grits, they fill its guts GNUe Integrator Really Lame Idiots Edition if we are gonna be honest its for GIRLIES well instead of guts, have 'Enterprise Advanced Transaction Server' so, guido eats grits would be enough um guido eats girlie grits girlie guido eats grits just call every part 'YERMOM' or "Girlie Guts" Guido eats Grits we could call the meta package GNUe Soprano's sigh how do you build the damn docbook docs in appserver into something useful ?!?!?!? and what should the appserver command line be called? geas? gaserve? gappserver? btw, I was seriously asking all these docbook studs here how do I generate PDF or Text versions of the docs in appserver? I need to add that to the sdist of setup.py hello again. ok, this is the last time I ask. if you tell me something I don't like, I'll what I want :) what I'm gonna do with mtb and mm? um